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Facebook releases a previously shelved Q1 content transparency report, acknowledging the widespread reach of content casting doubt on COVID vaccines — The social-media platform's Saturday evening acknowledgment comes after a lengthy internal debate over whether to share data.
@lizzadwoskin, @amyklobuchar, @benedictevans, @karaswisher, @donie, The Signal, @pilhofer, @pilhofer, Facebook, Gizmodo, @kamalanation, @rmac18, @dellcam, @benedictevans, @benedictevans, @kevincollier, @davmicrot, @amy_siskind, @tomwarren, @vickerysec, @clearing_fog, @gregbensinger, @ahmedbaba_, @zhugeex, @binajv, @carnage4life, @danrather, @mollyjongfast,, Reclaim The Net and @pilhofer, more at Techmeme »
Elizabeth Dwoskin / @lizzadwoskin: BREAKING: Facebook acknowledges - after a long transparency struggle - that a factual post that cast doubt on covid vaccines was the MOST POPULAR on its platform from Jan-March. The company just published the report that NYT said was shelved. ...
Amy Klobuchar / @amyklobuchar: Platforms like Facebook must take more responsibility for letting deadly medical misinformation like this spread. ...
Benedict Evans / @benedictevans: NY Times: FB shelved Q1 ‘most viewed’ report because of things like this. Six inches further down the page, it mentioned that article was in the Chicago Tribune, hardly a fake news outlet. Somehow missing entirely: the NYT itself ran the same story with the same headline
Kara Swisher / @karaswisher: Sigh. The new release of the January through March data by Facebook came one day after the New York Times first reported that it had been withheld by senior executives: Facebook says post that cast doubt on covid-19 vaccine was most popular on the platform ...
Donie O'Sullivan / @donie: 🚨 🚨 🚨 Facebook says post that cast doubt on covid-19 vaccine was most popular on the platform from January through March ...
Aron Pilhofer / @pilhofer: Ooof, the Post clip job of the Times piece yesterday is worse than I could possibly have imagined. ... It's time for a little media literacy lesson folks. (Thread.)
Aron Pilhofer / @pilhofer: So if you are scoring at home... Yesterday, The New York Times took Facebook to pieces for, yes, hiding this report but also publishing misinformation that originated from a legitimate news site, and remains there today. Now, that misinformation is a “factual post.”
Kamala Nation / @kamalanation: Well, @POTUS once again is right. #Facebook is killing people.
Ryan Mac🙃 / @rmac18: My dude thinks this a huge gotcha but: -we didn't call the story itself “misinfo”. It had a suggestive headline. -we wrote that it was in the Trib and the NYT (with a diff headline) -suggestive headlines/stories can trend on FB when ppl add misinfo comments when sharing a link
Dell Cameron / @dellcam: Facebook admits a site pushing covid-19 misinformation was among the top 20 pages it sent users to in Q1 of this year. “[O]ne of the most popular pages on the network....promoted the violent QAnon conspiracy theories and misleading claims of voter fraud...”
Benedict Evans / @benedictevans: Shot: Reference: ... Chaser:
Benedict Evans / @benedictevans: If you want to know why people in tech wonder about the NYT - it's things like this. Maybe FB did bury the report because it made them look bad. But the key example of ‘something bad was spreading on FB’ is a story your own paper ran as well, and you didn't mention that.
Kevin Collier / @kevincollier: And we have to wonder how long Facebook would have sat on this travesty were it not for @daveyalba and @RMac18's reporting.
David Rothschild / @davmicrot: (1) Note that this insidious anti-vaccine article that was most popular url on @Facebook for Q1:2021 was published by a mainstream media publisher @chicagotribune: as long as mainstream media publishes disinformation, hard for Facebook to address ...
@amy_siskind: Facebook admitted this evening that a post that cast doubt on covid-19 vaccine was most popular on the platform from January through March. ...
Tom Warren / @tomwarren: nothing quite like a Saturday night Facebook news dump
Chris Vickery / @vickerysec: From January 2021 to March 2021 the highest ranking Facebook post was anti-vaccine madness. Think about that. Nothing was more popular on Facebook than *anti-vaccine* sentiment for at least the first 3 months of 2021. Fk Facebook.
ClearingTheFog / @clearing_fog: The NYT found out that Facebook had been withholding a report about which content was popular in Q1. FB released it. Turns out, one of the most popular pages on Facebook was run by Epoch Times👆, one of the nastiest propaganda outlets in the country. ...
@gregbensinger: What's important to understand is that they published the report they initially buried in the interest of transparency
Ahmed Baba / @ahmedbaba_: Facebook made this even worse by trying to cover it up.
Daniel Ahmad / @zhugeex: 54m people in the US, or nearly 1/5 of the US population saw that one article on vaccines, which was debunked. The fact they didn't release this info earlier, because it would make them look bad, and they know it had a detrimental impact, says a lot.
Bina Venkataraman / @binajv: Raises as many questions as it answers — not just about misinformation, algorithms, and social media but about mob mentality. ...
Dare Obasanjo / @carnage4life: The misinformation discourse is the worst commentary on big tech since it often devolves into mainstream media complaining that stories identical to what you'd find in NYT/CNN/Fox News (in this case doctor dies after COVID vaccine) are popular on Facebook.
Dan Rather / @danrather: And people almost undoubtedly died as a result... ...
Molly Jong-Fast / @mollyjongfast: In Facebooks defense, disinformation is the brand Facebook says post that cast doubt on coronavirus vaccine among the most popular on the platform this year
Didi Rankovic / Reclaim The Net: Biden administration demands Facebook hands over data on “misinformation” and vaccine skeptics
Aron Pilhofer / @pilhofer: This piece perfectly encapsulates the disconnect between what journalists believe about Facebook, and the (likely) reality of Facebook. Belief: FB is nothing but a cesspool of misinformation and right-wing conspiracies. Reality: FB is mostly just weird. ...

Internal emails: Facebook shelved content transparency report in Q1 fearing outcry, as most-viewed link was news article implying doctor died from COVID vaccine — The company praised itself this week for being “the most transparent platform on the internet.”
@daveyalba, @donie, @karlbode, @daveyalba, @jgreenblattadl, The Verge, @anthony, Reclaim The Net, @daveyalba, NPR, Insider, @briansolis, @nytimes, @kateconger, @kevinroose, @brendannyhan, @zilevandamme, @rvawonk, @jesselehrich, @rebekahktromble, @brandyzadrozny, @qwongsj, @nicolegoodkind, @martinsfp, @profcarroll, @cademetz, @samred, @jason_kint, @jason_kint, @martyswant, @shannonpareil, @joshsternberg, @hshaban, @dmccabe, @can, @kurtwagner8, @chetfaliszek, @rmac18, @ceciliakang, Raw Story, Pixel Envy and The Verge, more at Techmeme »
Davey Alba / @daveyalba: NEW w/ @rmac18: Facebook released its first-ever quarterly report on Widely Viewed Content this week. But an earlier report from Q1 existed and was shelved, bc execs were scared it would make the company look bad.
Donie O'Sullivan / @donie: Hard to take anything Facebook says in good faith. Facebook didn't release a transparency report in Q1 because it showed top link was an “article with a headline suggesting that the coronavirus vaccine was at fault for the death of a Florida doctor.”
Karl Bode / @karlbode: Facebook comms is now using that harpers disinfo story (which downplayed disinfo and facebook's role in spreading it) to justify being terrible
Davey Alba / @daveyalba: I was at the beach earlier today 😌 hence the delay in looking at this carefully. But this is indeed exactly the report that we wrote about on Friday. Our story:
Jonathan Greenblatt / @jgreenblattadl: .@Facebook again is evading accountability for disinformation spread by its algorithms. We've learned the company hid a report that showed the most popular article included misleading content that the COVID vaccine was unsafe.
Kim Lyons / The Verge: Facebook releases shelved content transparency report after criticism it wasn't being transparent
Anthony DeRosa / @anthony: Facebook held back an earlier version of a report they released this week regarding “most viewed posts” fearing public outcry regarding some controversial posts. Facebook released the report on Saturday after the publication of this story.
Cindy Harper / Reclaim The Net: Facebook suppressed report showing vaccinated doctor death was most viewed story in Q1
Davey Alba / @daveyalba: We've updated our story.
Kelsey Vlamis / Insider: Facebook said an article that suggested the COVID-19 vaccine could be deadly was the most popular link on the site from January to March
Brian Solis / @briansolis: This week, it was reported that @Facebook shelved its content transparency report in Q1 fearing public criticism, as the most-viewed link suggested a doctor died due to a COVID-19 vaccine. Source: 6 of 12
@nytimes: Executives at Facebook debated whether it would look bad to release a report showing that the most-viewed link on the site contained misleading information about the Covid vaccine. The company decided to shelve it.
Kevin Roose / @kevinroose: That report Facebook put out about the most-viewed content in Q2? @daveyalba and @RMac18 report that there was a Q1 version that wasn't released. It showed that the most-viewed link was about a doctor dying from the Covid-19 vaccine.
Brendan Nyhan / @brendannyhan: This kind of selective pseudo-transparency is bad and will hurt Facebook in the long run
Phumzile Van Damme / @zilevandamme: Mark Zuckerberg is always going Zuckerberg. A read.
Caroline Orr Bueno, Ph.D / @rvawonk: Facebook shelved an earlier report on the most-viewed posts on the platform because they feared it would make them look bad. Why? Well... The most viewed link on FB was a news story (falsely) suggesting that the COVID vaccine had killed a Florida doctor.
Jesse Lehrich / @jesselehrich: so Facebook was gonna roll out their new ‘widely viewed content’ report last quarter... ...but the top post was a headline implying the vaccine killed a healthy doctor viewed 54 million times so they shelved it. #transparency
Dr. Rebekah Tromble / @rebekahktromble: On Wednesday I talked about how weird it was that the Facebook report excluded so much relevant data when reaching its conclusions. I was suspicious but willing to believe that those exclusions could be justified. I'm MUCH less willing to believe that now.
Brandy Zadrozny / @brandyzadrozny: Facebook shelved an embarrassing Reach Report that showed Covid misinfo does reach loads of users and waited until the data showed a rosier picture. It does not care about transparency. Killer work from @daveyalba and @RMac18
Queenie Wong / @qwongsj: Really makes you wonder what other Facebook data doesn't get publicized...
Nicole Goodkind / @nicolegoodkind: Can't see these stories without thinking of @Bernstein's brilliant essay!
Martin Sfp Bryant / @martinsfp: Facebook always goes for the PR solution (tell a better story) rather than just fixing the problem.
David Carroll / @profcarroll: Facebook shamelessly prefers to act as the arbiter of truth about itself.
Cade Metz / @cademetz: “You can't trust a report that is curated by a company and designed to combat a press narrative rather than real meaningful transparency.” @daveyalba and @RMac18 on what Facebook did not want you to see:
Sam Machkovech / @samred: One reason we keep hearing these stories is that people who work for Facebook hate Facebook and are doing something about it. Related: my contact info is in my bio.
Jason Kint / @jason_kint: Another masterpiece from the Department of Integrity at Facebook. They literally delayed being more transparent for a quarter because they didn't like what the public would see.
Jason Kint / @jason_kint: In the words of the Federal Trade Commission yesterday, the company cannot be trusted as its own “representations have proven meaningless on multiple occasions.”
Marty Swant / @martyswant: A reminder that data shared by any given company doesn't always show the full picture.
Shannon Bond / @shannonpareil: You'll be shocked to hear that in Q1, the most-viewed link on Facebook in the US “was a news article with a headline suggesting that the coronavirus vaccine was at fault for the death of a Florida doctor.” Great reporting from @daveyalba & @RMac18
Josh Sternberg / @joshsternberg: How many self-owns can Facebook do? But outside of the otherwise strong reporting, I'm curious about the decision to quote a former vp of product marketing who left last year after working at the company since 2009. Boland knows things...
Hamza Shaban / @hshaban: NYT: Facebook chose not to publish a first-quarter report about the most viewed posts in the US because executives thought that it would look bad for the company. The top link was an article suggesting that the covid vaccine led to the death of a doctor
David McCabe / @dmccabe: Facebook released a report this week that it said showed the most-viewed posts on the platform in the U.S. were innocuous links. But there was a similar report for Q1 of this year that Facebook never released. Here's what it found... via @daveyalba @RMac18
Can Duruk / @can: excited for the metaverse where every piece of what you think of reality is nothing but a lie constructed by Zuck and co but yeah VR
Kurt Wagner / @kurtwagner8: What looks bad: FB admitting a widely viewed story added to vaccine hesitancy What looks REALLY bad: FB getting caught trying to hide that a widely viewed story added to vaccine hesitancy
Chet Faliszek / @chetfaliszek: Imagine that... now time for them to stall, quote some stat that doesn't show the scale, and then promise to improve. They've been doing this for 17 years.
Ryan Mac / @rmac18: On Weds, Facebook released a transparency report detailing the platform's most popular content in Q2. We found that FB actually had an earlier Q1 report it shelved because it showed a conspiracy theory peddling news page was among its most popular.
Cecilia Kang / @ceciliakang: This story is what you call a burner 🔥🔥 Facebook hid an earlier report w/ very damning data on how a post with Covid vaccine misinformation was viewed by tens of millions of people via @daveyalba @RMac18
Bob Brigham / Raw Story: Facebook shelved damning report showing how the platform spread vaccine misinformation: report
Nick Heer / Pixel Envy: Facebook Shelved an Earlier ‘Widely Viewed Content’ Report Because It Looked Bad
Jay Peters / The Verge: Facebook suppressed report that made it look bad

Anguished reactions by some in elite US media about Afghanistan come from people who deeply bought into the war and are suddenly forced to confront its reality — I wrote at the beginning of the week that the lightning collapse of the Afghan Army and the Afghan state, far from making …
Mediaite, HuffPost, @joyannreid, @kimdozier, @whitney_munro, @jjcarafano, @joshtpm, @walshfreedom, @ilpomodoro2, @cszabla, @tiernanbrady, @mvespa1, Chicago Sun-Times, @paulrieckhoff, @alexbward, @davilaangelsd1 and @joshtpm
Josh Feldman / Mediaite: Matthew Dowd Defends Biden on Afghanistan Withdrawal, Says Media Coverage ‘Way Over the Top’
Daniel Marans / HuffPost: Biden, Allies Frustrated With Media's Hawkish Coverage Of Afghanistan Withdrawal
Joy-Ann / @joyannreid: Very smart piece by @joshtpm on the ways in which many in the elite media are processing the end of our 20 year folly in Afghanistan. ...
Kim Dozier / @kimdozier: Are you saying that accurately reporting on the chaos we are hearing about on the ground, and the regional fallout of a Taliban war mongering? @ChrisMurphyCT Just trying to make sure I understand...
Whitney Munro / @whitney_munro: Wait you're blaming the media .... Instead of the “leaders” that facilitated this humanitarian and moral disaster? Wow.
James Jay Carafano / @jjcarafano: You have to read Huffington Post if you have not laughed out today
Josh Marshall / @joshtpm: @jeffjarvis mentioned these two in this piece yesterday. Truly the most cheap, frivolous and self-regarding duo in this whole bonefire of denial. they typify the dirty hands and moral tourism of dc prestige media on this question. ...
@ilpomodoro2: Understanding the press is upset at the cancellation/unsatisfying ending of The Troops Show after 19 seasons, the problems didn't start in May. The issue was and always has been we gifted a govt that stood for 11 whole days.
Csz / @cszabla: good at capturing why elite journos can't let go of afghanistan: sociological buy-in from being close to the pentagon +occupied countries' cosmopolitan elites +the notion it's nuanced to critique details but still fundamentally support liberal imperialism ...
Tiernan Brady / @tiernanbrady: Trying to run someone else's country never works. Afghanistan reminds us but the voices in the media are ignoring that this is the real lesson and that withdrawal was inevitable & the correct decision. Found this thoughtful by @joshtpm article worth a read ...
Matt Vespa / @mvespa1: Lol ... how dare they cover how Joe Biden screwed up our exit which led to taliban fighters beating up Americans trying to flee Kabul. How dare they!!! 🤡🤡🤡
Laura Washington / Chicago Sun-Times: 'You can't get those lives back," said my brother, who served in Afghanistan. ‘You have to stop the bleeding’
Paul Rieckhoff / @paulrieckhoff: Very few Dem electeds are sticking their heads up to defend the Biden debacle. And most Dem post-9/11 combat vets (like @sethmoulton & @JasonCrowCO) have been appropriately critical. Looks like @ChrisMurphyCT has decided to try to run lead on the partisan Dem defense. Bad move.
Alex Ward / @alexbward: “what we are seeing today was baked into the US mission in Afghanistan all along. It is ugly...the fact that it was always baked in, & no one was ready to grab that kryptonite or make that reckoning, is precisely why we have been there for almost 20 years.” ...
Angel / @davilaangelsd1: The Afghan people are suffering. They HAVE, been suffering for 20 years. However I find the media outrage hypocritical how all the sudden they care for the plight of a people ravaged by American war mongers. It's the drama vacuum left by 4 years of Trump. Perspective.

A look at the bureaucratic obstacles facing Afghans who worked with US media outlets, including changing US admissions eligibility requirements — On Wednesday night, the New York Times announced that it had evacuated a group of Afghan colleagues and their immediate families …
@theresaboyle, @spj_tweets, Reuters, Washington Post, NPR, Love and Borders, @espiegler, @azmatzahra, @themattdimitri, @alicesperi, @terukuwayama, @alicesperi, @theintercept, @alicesperi and @alicesperi
Theresa Boyle / @theresaboyle: The Coalition for Women in Journalism said they had been inundated with requests for help from female journalists in Afghanistan since the Taliban returned to power. @CFWIJ
@spj_tweets: “Journalists are targeted around the world, especially in times of upheaval. But the issue is a sensitive one in Afghanistan, where an open media, free speech and women's rights are widely seen as hard-fought gains after two decades of war.”
Paul Farhi / Washington Post: Journalists face danger on Kabul streets and a new question: How to cover Afghanistan now?
@espiegler: @Acyn Related: “Western journalism and US journalism especially has had a problem in which people too often are very exploitative of locals they hire.” Maybe journalists should be doing amore self-reflection & less finger-pointing about danger Afghans are in.
Azmat Khan / @azmatzahra: 🚨 @alicesperi dug into one of the most neglected aspects of support for Afghans who worked for U.S. media: Many Afghans worked on a contractual or freelance basis, sometimes with U.S. freelancers. What happens to them? Important story in @theintercept
Matthew Dimitri / @themattdimitri: “For some American media companies, [it] means all their Afghan staff are excluded from the P-2 program, including photographers and journalists whose bylines have appeared for years in American publications.”
Alice Speri / @alicesperi: “Nobody really had a contingency plan.” An American journalist helping an Afghan colleague who has been trying to leave Afghanistan for half a decade, fearing for his safety. He received little support from his US employer until this month.
Teru Kuwayama / @terukuwayama: “The current situation underscores what has long been true, she noted: The industry needs to rethink its relationship to the local journalists it relies on and recognize the imbalance of power at play.”
Alice Speri / @alicesperi: Getting Afghan colleagues to safety has been a frustrating process riddled with red tape and confusion over a rapidly changing set of eligibility criteria, as well as logistical challenges like getting to and through the airport. My latest.
@theintercept: As they continue to report through the crisis, many Afghan journalists are stuck, fearing reprisals against them and their families from the Taliban, who have long viewed the media as a legitimate target and who have threatened and killed journalists.

Behind the work to get journalists, relatives, and others tied to NYT, WSJ, and WaPo out of Afghanistan, with aid from diplomatic contacts, military, and Qatar
Mediaite, Washington Post, @peterbakernyt, @kaitlancollins, Wall Street Journal, Vanity Fair, @susancrabtree, @davidclinchnews, @betsylfisher, CNN, @dnvolz, @brianstelter, @brettmmurphy, @amykinla, @cnnnewsroom, @farnazfassihi, @dabeard, @nppa, @cengizyar, @jamesestrin, @leahmcelrath, @shivaroor, @tomperriello, Columbia Journalism Review, @jkbjournalist, @davidenrich, @nicdawes, @laraseligman, @kyleworton, @saeedshah, @dzalcman, @suilee, @lisafleisher, @flossobama, @rasmus_kleis, @alexplitsas, @sonofhas, @jessesingal, @meghann_mt, @rmslim, @seanspicer, @dionnesearcey, @ericaeve, @chriscasquejo, @kevinmdraper, @danlamothe, @sarahkaplan48, @craigmwhitlock, @giacomonyt, @tomgara, @paulszoldra, @alanblinder, @anniekarni, @carolynryan, @grynbaum and @benyt
Katherine Huggins / Mediaite: Fox News, CNN, Other News Outlets Have Collectively Evacuated Hundreds of Afghan Journalists and Staff
Susannah George / Washington Post: The treacherous journey into Kabul airport to escape Taliban-controlled Afghanistan
Peter Baker / @peterbakernyt: “I will never forget how they beat my small daughter. They will never change. My country is gone forever.” Inside the escape of @washingtonpost reporters from Kabul by @sgreports ...
Kaitlan Collins / @kaitlancollins: “Within an hour, all 13 of us were waiting on the tarmac as Marines on foot established a security perimeter. They knelt down, pointing their rifles away from the aircraft, an attempt to prevent people from rushing the planes...” Quite a read: ...
Alexandra Bruell / Wall Street Journal: Three News Organizations Complete Kabul Evacuation Following Dangerous Encounters
Charlotte Klein / Vanity Fair: Pentagon Gets U.S. Commercial Airlines to Help With Afghanistan Evacuation
Susan Crabtree Hennebury / @susancrabtree: Such deep respect for Thomas Gibbons-Neff who could have left but stayed behind to help others get out of the airport in Kabul. @Tmgneff are a hero! USMC vet turned journalist. Semper fi. #Afghanistan
David Clinch / @davidclinchnews: Reminds me of the weeks/months/years before 9/11 when we would try to push coverage of Afghanistan to producers at CNN but got very little interest outside of CNNI.
Betsy Fisher / @betsylfisher: I'm so glad for these employees of the @nytimes, @washingtonpost, and @WSJ — but this story just emphasizes how broken efforts are at HKIA. It took major news outlets with extraordinary connections and a reporter inside HKIA days to evacuate their teams.
Alexis Benveniste / CNN: Western news outlets are working to evacuate local journalists from Afghanistan
Dustin Volz / @dnvolz: “I appear calm, but that doesn't mean I am calm,” Ward, 41, said. “I don't panic because you can't panic in those situations. If you are someone who panics, then you probably should be doing a different job, because it will get you into more trouble.”
Brian Stelter / @brianstelter: “With fewer people left to report directly from Afghanistan, American news orgs are relying, in part, on contacts with local residents and on social media posts from inside the country,” @farhip reports ...
Brett Murphy / @brettmmurphy: Most of what we know happening on the ground in Kabul right now is because of @yamphoto and a small handful of other journalists. This is what the job is right now
Amy Kaufman / @amykinla: Our incredible photographer @yamphoto is in Kabul, literally risking his life to document the news. We're all thinking of you, Marcus.
@cnnnewsroom: “It's a desperate situation, and it's a mess.” No US flights have evacuated people who have been on the airfield for at least 8 hours, CNN's Clarissa Ward reports from Kabul's airport.
Farnaz Fassihi / @farnazfassihi: The fall of Kabul through a photographer's eyes: Kiana Hayeri chronicles the Afghan city's tension, her evacuation, and the guilt she feels for leaving people behind. @kianahayeri ... via @NatGeo
David Beard / @dabeard: “When I got home, a phone call came from the @nytimes — ‘You have 15 minutes to pack. Get to the airport now.’ I got my hard drives and a few pieces of clothing. I forgot to take socks, that's how quickly I packed.” - @kianahayeri ... @NatGeo
@nppa: “What has been the hardest part? The guilt, the enormous amount of guilt that I feel.” ...
Cengiz / @cengizyar: “The guilt, the enormous amount of guilt that I feel. I have a passport that means I can get out and these people cannot.” @kianahayeri ...
@jamesestrin: .@kianahayeri speaks about leaving Kabul, those she had to leave behind and the future of her local colleagues who left with her. With breathtaking photos, as always. ... via @NatGeo
@leahmcelrath: There are a number of journalists working in Afghanistan whose accounts I currently check every morning to see if they're still alive. Marcus Yam aka @yamphoto is one of them. This anecdote shows why. If you don't follow him, you should consider doing so.
Shiv Aroor / @shivaroor: The taker of the above photo, LA Times journalist @YamPhoto was punched on the side of the head by a Taliban man when he was taking the picture. The man continued to beat Yam & another photographer and demand they erase the photos
Tom Perriello / @tomperriello: While pundits focus on blame, real heroes haven't slept in a week, fighting to save as many Afghans as possible. Soldiers, diplomats, WH staffers, & aid workers showing what #Solidarity looks like.
Jon Allsop / Columbia Journalism Review: The journalists leaving Afghanistan, and those who haven't made it out
Julie K. Brown / @jkbjournalist: What a story. Amazing and dangerous work by a group of courageous journalists.
David Enrich / @davidenrich: Wow.
Nicholas Dawes / @nicdawes: Two very interesting details in this story: Qatar played a key role in getting Times staffers out of Kabul, and Al Jazeera is increasing its presence on the ground in Afghanistan to ensure ongoing coverage.
Lara Seligman / @laraseligman: “One Times correspondent, a former U.S. Marine, who had been evacuated earlier but returned on a military plane to assist his Afghan colleagues, stayed inside the airport to help coordinate the escape.” I would have expected no less from @Tmgneff
Kyle Orton / @kyleworton: The New York Times, The Wall Street Journal and The Washington Post banded together to help Afghans—cooks, gardeners, translators, drivers, journalists—who had been working with them, mobilising the emir of Qatar and the Pentagon, among others.
Saeed Shah / @saeedshah: News organizations are continuing to remove staff from Afghanistan, including the New York Times, which said 65 colleagues and their families have left via @WSJ
Daniella Zalcman / @dzalcman: I'm very glad that this happened + that everyone I know is up to their eyeballs in fundraising and AFG logistics and charter flights, but do we have to report on media outlets doing the BARE MORAL MINIMUM in this situation?
@suilee: In awe of all my colleagues, especially @Tmgneff and @MujMash for making sure none of our Afghan staff — cooks, gardeners, translators, drivers, journalists — were left behind.
Lisa Fleisher / @lisafleisher: ~"More than 200 Afghans from all walks of life — cooks, gardeners, translators, drivers, journalists, children and suitcases and strollers in tow — gathered on the runway of the Kabul airport, seeking escape from a country whose government had collapsed.
Floss Obama / @flossobama: An interesting piece of information in here: Hillary Clinton is evacuating people from Afghanistan on private planes.
Rasmus Kleis Nielsen / @rasmus_kleis: “Reporting remotely may be better than no reporting at all, but press freedom groups are concerned [about] a Taliban crackdown ... “The local knowledge of Afghan journalists cannot be replaced"" @Joelcpj says
Alex Plitsas / @alexplitsas: Once a Marine, always a Marine You still have it, @Tmgneff
John Hasson / @sonofhas: Pretty selfless and heroic stuff from Neff here. Good on him
Jesse Singal / @jessesingal: genuinely heroic
Meghann Myers / @meghann_mt: TM is the real deal.
Sean Spicer / @seanspicer: Interesting to see how corporate beltway media used their connections in Biden admin to get their people out ahead of the line in Afghanistan How News Organizations Got Afghan Colleagues Out of Kabul @nytimes
Dionne Searcey / @dionnesearcey: Put on your list of Good People in this world reporter @Tmgneff who evacuated Kabul and flew back to help our Afghan colleagues get out safely. Lots of other good people in this story, too
@ericaeve: There are still so many Afghan journalists looking for help...wish this article was not headlined like it's over.
Chris Casquejo / @chriscasquejo: Anyone who shouts fake news doesn't have a fraction of the courage of the journalists on the ground in Afghanistan. How News Organizations Got Afghan Colleagues Out of Kabul
Kevin Draper / @kevinmdraper: I do not know Mujib or Thomas at all but they both sound like wonderful people, and I am very proud to write dumb sports blogs alongside them.
Dan Lamothe / @danlamothe: “One Times correspondent, a former U.S. Marine, who had been evacuated earlier but returned on a military plane to assist his Afghan colleagues, stayed inside the airport to help coordinate the escape.” Zero surprises on this front. But I'm a fan.
Sarah Kaplan / @sarahkaplan48: We are so lucky to have @Tmgneff as a journalist, a colleague and a human on this planet. My heart is with the journalists still in Afghanistan, and with the Afghan citizens whose stories the world won't know because journalists have had to flee.
Craig Whitlock / @craigmwhitlock: Mad respect for @Tmgneff and @MujMash for refusing to leave NYT staffers and their families behind.
Carol Giacomo / @giacomonyt: You know what you know about Afghanistan because committed journalists from Afghanistan and many other countries take the risk to tell those stories — How News Organizations Got Afghan Colleagues Out of Kabul
Tom Gara / @tomgara: During one of the various Arab spring crises someone asked a US official why Qatar was having such an outsized role, and he said “they always answer the phone”
Paul Szoldra / @paulszoldra: .@Tmgneff is an amazing reporter and... also a badass.
Alan Blinder / @alanblinder: .@Tmgneff “flew back to Kabul on a military plane and stayed in the American-occupied wing of the airport, where he advised his Afghan colleagues on how and when to make their approach.”
Annie Karni / @anniekarni: “One option emerged when Hillary Clinton, the former secretary of state, offered a few seats for Afghan employees on a charter flight her team was trying to arrange to help Afghan women at risk.”
@carolynryan: “On Thursday, a Los Angeles Times photojournalist, Marcus Yam, and a photographer for another American news outlet were beaten by a Taliban fighter who insisted they erase from their cameras any images they had taken. ” @latimes

Two female journalists at Radio Television Afghanistan say they've been barred from working and that there are no more female presenters or reporters at RTA
Voice of America, @safaidarya, @globalfreemedia, @davidfrawleyved, @spj_tweets, @hannahbloch, @sheasorensonwx and DW.COM
Darya Safai MP / @safaidarya: The Taliban are targeting journalists. They do not want the world to know what kind of monsters they are. That is why they first hunt down all journalists so that they can realise their plans in Afghanistan and then outside, in the world, at ease.
IPI / @globalfreemedia: On Tuesday, the Taliban claimed they would respect #pressfreedom. Yesterday, they murdered a family member of a Deutsche Welle journalist.
Dr David Frawley / @davidfrawleyved: For journalists defending the Taliban or wanting to give it another chance, please look at how journalists are now in acute danger in Afghanistan and must fear for their lives. ...
@spj_tweets: “'It is evident that the Taliban are already carrying out organized searches for journalists both in Kabul & in the provinces...' @dw_Limbourg added. @DeutscheWelle reported that the homes of at least 3 of its journalists have been searched by the Taliban”
Hannah Bloch / @hannahbloch: “Shabnam Khan Dawran, an anchor at RTA (Radio Television Afghanistan) said that the Taliban has not allowed her to enter her office to continue her work. ‘I wanted to return to work, but unfortunately they did not allow me to work.’”
Shea Sorenson / @sheasorensonwx: Can't imagine being told I can't come to work because I am a woman...
German Election / DW.COM: Relative of DW journalist killed by the Taliban

WSJ says 80 employees and their families have safely left Afghanistan
Yaroslav Trofimov / @yarotrof: After 4 days of anxiety and hope, thrilled that 76 of our Afghan colleagues and their families have made it out of Kabul and are now safe in Qatar. They are lodged in comfortable villas and well taken care of as they await the next step of this journey.
Tawnell Hobbs / @tawnell: Good news! Dozens of @WSJ colleagues and their families make it safely out of Afghanistan, as per @murraymatt and @KMPensiero
Jared Raphael Malsin / @jmalsin: Indescribable relief after 80 @WSJ colleagues and their families left Afghanistan for safety. 76 are now in Qatar.
Katie Robertson / @katie_robertson: The @WSJ says a group of 76 colleagues and their families are safely out of Afghanistan, according to a note today from publisher Almar Latour

Sources: Rachel Maddow has agreed to a new multi-year deal with MSNBC, which will include developing new projects with the network and NBCUniversal — Rachel Maddow will stay at MSNBC, according to two people familiar with the matter, after negotiating a new pact that will keep her at the cable-news outlet beyond 2022.
Wall Street Journal, The Hill, Insider, New York Times, @benmullin, TVNewser, Hollywood Reporter, TVLine and Mediaite
Benjamin Mullin / Wall Street Journal: Rachel Maddow Strikes Multi-Year Deal With MSNBC
Caroline Vakil / The Hill: Rachel Maddow extends contract with MSNBC: reports
Claire Atkinson / Insider: Source: Rachel Maddow has agreed to a new multi-year contract with MSNBC, that will include developing new projects with the network and its parent NBCUniversal
Ben Mullin / @benmullin: Rachel Maddow strikes deal to stay at MSNBC, with new partnership with NBCUniversal: Confirming @claireatki's scoop.
A.J. Katz / TVNewser: Rachel Maddow Will Remain at MSNBC
Alex Weprin / Hollywood Reporter: Rachel Maddow Signs New Deal With MSNBC
Josh Feldman / Mediaite: JUST IN: Rachel Maddow Reaches Deal to Stay at MSNBC

Interview with CNN's Clarissa Ward on reporting from Kabul as the chaos unfolded: “I appear calm, but that doesn't mean I am calm” — When CNN's Clarissa Ward approached a Taliban fighter on the streets of Kabul on Wednesday, a gunshot rang out behind her.
Ken Meyer / Mediaite: CNN's Clarissa Ward Reflects on Kabul Reporting After Evacuating: 'One of the Most Intense Stories I've Ever Covered'
@spj_tweets: “As chaos has unfolded with the Taliban's takeover, @clarissaward has been a nearly constant presence on the news network, often filming in the middle of the chaos on the streets, giving a rare look at the events on the ground in Kabul.”
@trafficbutter: “@Austynzogs: CNN's chief international correspondent Clarissa Ward @clarissaward, has left Afghanistan after spending days on the streets of Kabul providing detailed reports following the Taliban's takeover of the country.Ward tweeted a picture from inside an evacuation flight...
Mila Mimica / @milamimica1: Words to live by: “With all the stuff on Twitter, whether it's good or bad, it's all a distraction. I just don't have much time for it.”

Public radio reporters and editors discuss climate change coverage takeaways: listeners want more stories, newsroom collaboration is key, and more — Public radio newsrooms that have ramped up reporting on climate change are finding new ways to help their audiences understand the local impact …
Colorado Public Radio / @copublicradio: “Public radio is uniquely positioned to cover climate change in the way it needs to be covered, from daily news to deeply reported enterprise and investigative pieces,” said @joewertz, climate and environment editor at @CPRNews. - @currentpubmedia
Peter Bardaglio / @rebootingfuture: 5 takeaways from the expansion of public radio's #climatechange coverage - Mark Hertsgaard: “The job of the journalist is to tell the public...what the public needs to know to be responsible citizens and informed and empowered citizens” @CoveringClimate

This year's media startups are better funded than last year's, yet are similar in their emphasis on subscriptions, newsletters, and relatively small staff — Puck, Off the Record, Confidential and Charter: What they kept and what they tweaked. — A song to read by: “It's My House,” by Diana Ross

Individual journalists bear the onus for not disclosing conflicts of interest when sometimes it is newsrooms that fail to enforce their own ethics rules — Recently, the New York Times published a story profiling a welter of financial conflicts of interest in the work of former Times …
@timothywschwab, @therockyfiles, @spj_tweets, @hollykmichels, @jnaureckas, @cjr, @cgseife, @cjr, @drnancyolivieri and @cjr
Tim Schwab / @timothywschwab: So glad folks are pointing to this quote, which really makes the issue crystal clear. I tried like hell to get @leoniehaimson's voice into my original story on conflicts of interest in journalism (about the @gatesfoundation), which is here:
Rocky Kistner / @therockyfiles: Important piece: “Having a NYT columnist who is funded by Gates who regularly hypes controversial Gates-funded projects...could be compared to running columns on the environment by someone who runs an organization funded by Exxon/Mobil.” @TimothyWSchwab
@spj_tweets: “It's just the classic old thing....You just can't write about people that you take money from. Certainly not people that you're trying to go out and solicit money from. It makes it even worse,” @garyschwitzer said.
Holly Michels / @hollykmichels: In local news when we talk about conflict it's “that's my landlord” or, mid-interview, “I think you're my husband's cousin.”
Jim Naureckas / @jnaureckas: It's funny how journalists respond to questions about their journalism. “We're comfortable with where we have landed on this issue,” says the @NYTimes about not disclosing Gates funding conflicts.
@cjr: “Through another lens, the Times appears to be making Brooks the fall guy for its own ethical lapses”
Charles Seife / @cgseife: If you're covering the circus for the @nytimes, the saying goes, you can't sleep with the elephants. But the Times seems not to care all that much about other forms of clowning around....
@cjr: “The Times, like many news outlets, still struggles to manage journalists who have financial relationships with the subjects of their reporting.”
Dr. Nancy Olivieri / @drnancyolivieri: “A #Gates-funded columnist regularly hyp[ing] Gates-funded projects w/out disclosure of conflict of interest is comparable to running columns on the environment by someone funded by Exxon/Mobil”: @leoniehaimson #NailedIt Great @TimothyWSchwab Ht @thackerpd

OnlyFans shares new TOS for “sexually explicit conduct”: no intercourse, masturbation, exhibition of genitals; any such content must be removed before Dec. 1 — Sex and masturbation, whether simulated or real, aren't allowed — On Thursday the video and image sharing site …
@bencompetence, @film_girl, @nmsonline, @artyfakes, @merrillbarr, @lucas_shaw, BBC, @saramorrison, Insider and Bloomberg, more at Techmeme »
@bencompetence: This is misogyny and cruelty and awful. Please don't just “laugh at OnlyFans”. Speak out against a deliberate action that will knowingly hurt people. Sex workers are people, people who deserve protection and respect. Just like anyone.
Christina Warren / @film_girl: Just like I predicted yesterday, the new OnlyFans TOS defines “nudes” as boobs. It's ironically even more restrictive than the Skinamax analogy I drew yesterday. Lol. Bye OF. You killed yourself.
Nick Stylianou / @nmsonline: NEW: For the doubters that OnlyFans was abandoning its adult creators, an update to the Terms Of Service outline exactly what is now forbidden and defines “sexually explicit conduct”:
Tabitha Lyons / @artyfakes: I too, just received the OnlyFans email with the new terms snd conditions. Yes my content is safe, but so many others will be hugely affected by this. My heart breaks 💔 ...and who knows when the terms will change again? Maybe it's time I upgrade my website?
Merrill Barr / @merrillbarr: Wait, it's retroactive too???? That's fucking insane. OnlyFans creators have until December to delete their porn
Lucas Shaw / @lucas_shaw: For all those people who questioned if the @OnlyFans policy change was real, here is a message they sent to creators today.
Noel Titheradge / BBC: OnlyFans: How it handles illegal sex videos - BBC investigation
Sara Morrison / @saramorrison: OnlyFans' new acceptable use policy basically turns the site into Playboy
Kevin Shalvey / Insider: OnlyFans publishes updated policy, which adds specific details about the explicit content that will be banned from October

How Russia's crackdown has changed outlets like Meduza, which has an audience of 10M+/month and lost 95% of advertisers after being marked a “foreign agent” — Meduza, a leading independent news site, fights back with jokes and a stunning donation campaign. But can it stand up to the Russian state?

Memo: DC-based The Hill has been sold to Nexstar Media Group for $130M — The Hill, a Beltway-based print publication that receives significant national traffic to its digital website, has sold to Nextstar for $130 million, Axios has learned. — Why it matters: The Hill's owner …
Anthony DeRosa / @anthony: The Hill, a political-news organization known for its inside-the-Beltway coverage, has been sold to Nexstar Media Group for $130 million
Sydney Bradley / Insider: The Hill is sold for $130 million to local news powerhouse Nexstar
@wsj: Nexstar Media Group on Friday said it acquired The Hill for $130 million, saying the political-news organization has 48 million average monthly users and is expected to immediately boost Nexstar's operating results
@mediapost: Nexstar Acquires ‘The Hill’ For $130 Million: The purchase combines digital products used by one-third of all viewers, Nexstar says...
Dan Froomkin / @froomkin: This is apparently the kind of behavior that makes you.... hugely attractive to buyers?
@robtvla: #BREAKING @thehill acquired by @NXSTMediaGroup which operates TV stations in 116 markets and 120 local websites, said its acquisition of The Hill would be immediately accretive to its operating results.
Dan Froomkin / @froomkin: Wow that's a lot of money for a shoddy, morally compromised clickbait factory.
Sara Fischer / @sarafischer: The Hill's numbers, per sources: — Last year the company brought in $40 million in revenue and $10 million in profit — Compare that to Politico, founded over a decade later, which has nearly $200m in revenue (including Europe)
Sara Fischer / @sarafischer: NEW: Finkelstein just told me on the phone “I kept it probably longer than I would keep the property because I just really care about it ... I'm going to miss The Hill a lot.” What's next: He says he is “Looking for the right next media property” to buy.
Sara Fischer / @sarafischer: Axios first reported talks to sell to Nexstar earlier this summer:
Alex Sherman / @sherman4949: Nexstar owns mostly local broadcast stations — not known as a major digital media player, though it does own a few small assets.
Edmund Lee / @edmundlee: $130 million to TV station group Nexstar ... looks like Jimmy finally got his exit ... (still lower than the $300mm he had been seeking few years ago)