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Anemic salaries and rising tuition make debt loads from some journalism programs burdensome; USC alums have median earnings of $42K and median loans of $67K — Students take on debt for master's degrees in hope of news jobs even as opportunities diminish — News reporting has lost thousands …
@jadenamos, @wesleylowery, @brizzyc, @sewellchan, @cprattmedia, @jenseniorny, @davpjor, @mattdpearce, @sopandeb, @dylanmatt, @cailincrowe, @jessicataylor, @tuckwoodstock, @akesslerdc, @mmcandycheng, @mugger1955, @prestoncooper93, @fox10ellen, @byrhondal, @dannygroner, @lawrencehurley, @karenkho, @lawrencehurley, @monicawright, @daviduberti, @gutavsaraiva, @melissakorn, @sydbrownstone, @mcwm, @byadamrhodes, @radrivas, @jhweissmann, @dnvolz, @allisonmcneely, @nichcarlson, @jgrantaddison, @tednesi, @kendrawrites, @mattdrange, @jessicataylor, @davpjor, @gregotto, @dangillmor, @emmasarappo, @jdale_shoemaker, @markham, @alexjamesfitz, @kendrawrites, @mattzeitlin, @emilyrpeck, @kendrawrites, @tabithalipkin, @fitz_ly, @genepark, @zachdespart, @rkelchen, @aria_gerson, @jeremymbarr, @ryanchittum, @blatchfordtr, @wsj, @sjdemas, @karstenbondy, @jeffjarvis, @justingraywsb, @sopandeb, @juliebosman, @wesleylowery, @jdale_shoemaker, @kathrynwolfe, @raju, @thetrudz, @jdale_shoemaker, @albaneselaura and The Mozilla Blog
Wesley / @wesleylowery: these are truly insane amounts of money to pay for a journalism degree
Carrie Brown / @brizzyc: Lol yeah you know, journalism grad school is my whole damn job and even I am just kind of like, do or do not and just chill tf out, we've had this debate 20 million times
Sewell Chan / @sewellchan: This is a big problem the journalism community needs to reckon with. (Great reporting by @melissakorn and @anthonydb.)
Chastity / @cprattmedia: After doing a blockbuster story on how elite college grad degrees often don't pay off, @melissakorn with this story that hits closer to home: Journalism grad schools cost a lot to get into an industry that's cutting jobs and pay. In today's @WSJ
Jennifer Senior / @jenseniorny: ...and exposes a not particularly well-kept secret (and problem): It's a profession that's hard to join without a cushion of family money beneath your feet.
David Jordan / @davpjor: Even though I enjoyed my time at Northwestern and think it prepared me for journalism I have told anyone considering it that you should not go if you will graduate with any debt
Sopan Deb / @sopandeb: Once again with feeling: Pursuing a career in journalism is like getting a MFA or going after any other creative field. You can make a living, but it's a huge risk and you will likely go through lots of financial hardship along the way.
Dylan Matthews / @dylanmatt: If you're a journalist, teaching in a journalism master's program is pretty clearly immoral
Cailin / @cailincrowe: Whoof. Graduating from the @MedillSchool for my master's was both the best and worst thing I ever did for this very reason... I just hope I can retire without student debt.
Jessica Taylor / @jessicataylor: Also, work on your student publications and pursue internships. But campus media is key. I've had students tell me they want to be a journalist but they don't work on their school paper. Why?! Big red flag. Report and find the news where you are.
Montucky Woodsnacks / @tuckwoodstock: fwiw I thought about going to j-school but literally none of the journalists I was working with had journalism degrees. So I .... didn't do that and I highly recommend also not doing that.
Aaron Kessler / @akesslerdc: Columbia Business School's MBA program is $77K annual tuition. Those students head to Wall St and executive-track roles at companies. $70K tuition for a journalism master's degree where you head to an entry level newsroom job or internship? It's unsustainable.
Russ Smith / @mugger1955: Why anyone would get a graduate degree in journalism is beyond me. It was nuts in '77, it's far crazier today. via @WSJ
Preston Cooper / @prestoncooper93: WSJ team continuing to crush it on the graduate student debt beat:
Ellen McNamara / @fox10ellen: Insane. For students wanting to get into broadcast news, don't get a masters. Get a job in a small market after undergrad and work your tail off. That's the best education you can get.
Byrhonda Lyons / @byrhondal: THIS! And although @ucbsoj was affordable in a sense, they had no career services team. NO ONE in the whole building. Hopefully, that has changed by now. Journalism Schools Leave Graduates With Hefty Student Loans - WSJ
Danny Groner / @dannygroner: “Smaller papers just don't have the ability to pay really high salaries,” he said, adding that it is a moment of crisis. “The industry's still trying to figure out what it is going to be in the digital world, how it is going to go beyond survival.”
Lawrence Hurley / @lawrencehurley: You have to question the ethics of universities charging big bucks and churning out graduates for jobs that don't exist
White Guy Confidence / @karenkho: if you are suggesting “work in local news” as an alternate way to learn how to do journalism instead of going to grad school, please remember that many small town news outlets can be especially difficult places to work for non-white journalists
Lawrence Hurley / @lawrencehurley: This is what I did when I moved to the US at 25 w/out a journalism degree and with a couple of years experience on local papers in the UK
Monica Wright / @monicawright: @SopanDeb Back in my newspaper days, I read somewhere that a newsroom was as stressful as an ER, only with a third of the resources and the salary. That was when we were called “new media.” It was the beginning of the end of the 90s heydays.
David Uberti / @daviduberti: This is true, but also an amazing way to shrug off the $70k price tag at a school that generally teaches the NYT style of journalism and is literally housed in Pulitzer Hall
Augusta Saraiva / @gutavsaraiva: “At Northwestern, students who recently earned a master's degree in journalism and took out federal loans borrowed a median $54,900. That is the biggest gap of any university” NU is among the wealthiest universities in the US, with an $11.1b endowment
Melissa Korn / @melissakorn: NEW w/ @anthonydb: A master's in journalism is no sure path to a decent job in a shrinking industry. @WSJ analysis shows some prestigious programs leave grads deep in debt, and with earnings far below what'll sustain regular loan payments 1/5
Sydney Brownstone / @sydbrownstone: More than one of my undergrad journalism professors repeatedly told us: Do NOT go to J-school. Do not.
Mike Murphy / @mcwm: the only things I remember from my classes at NU were that pyramids are inverted, apps are the future of journalism, and Vine is gonna be huge
Adam M. Rhodes / @byadamrhodes: I went to Medill to refocus my career on social justice issues, and I am so thankful for the opportunities and what it's done for my career. But it came with a HEFTY price tag. Thankful to the WSJ for letting me tell my story:
Christian Rivas / @radrivas: Community college is the way to. I paid a total of $300 for my journalism education and it was worth every cent.
Jordan Weissmann / @jhweissmann: You know, I don't think you can blame the grad school for this set of decisions.
Dustin Volz / @dnvolz: For everyone saying j-school was a waste of time/money, I got a great education from @Cronkite_ASU. I graduated with a master's and $0 in debt thanks to generous scholarships and a tuition that is comparatively very affordable. There are alternatives to massive debt loads.
Allison McNeely / @allisonmcneely: I picked my MJ program (Carleton University in Ottawa) because my tuition was 100% covered through scholarships and TAing. I took on debt for living expenses, but paid it off. I simply cannot IMAGINE paying $100k.
Nicholas Carlson / @nichcarlson: Work at a trade publication instead of going to grad school for journalism. Work with whomever will hire you, even if you've never heard of them and no one you know reads them. You'll learn a lot more about journalism and skip the debt.
Grant Addison / @jgrantaddison: Almost like these programs are intentionally scammy
Ted Nesi / @tednesi: Nine times out of 10, I advise my students not to go for a journalism master's. Go find a $25K local newspaper gig and learn on the job.
@kendrawrites: Journalism is a profession with its own practices, edicts and you can absolutely learn that in 12 months. But that quote makes plain that Medill's dean doesn't understand that in addition to knowing HOW to do journalism that journalists need to know OTHER things.
Matt Drange / @mattdrange: I owe more today ($78K) than when I graduated from @columbiajourn in 2012. Since then I've made $25,706 in payments - $933.98 went to principal. Here's the thing: I've had a bunch of great gigs the past decade. For many, this is what “success” looks like.
Jessica Taylor / @jessicataylor: The best decision I ever made was to *not* go to journalism grad school at Northwestern as I had planned. You don't have to have a journalism degree to be a journalist. My political science degree and liberal arts school more than prepared me.
David Jordan / @davpjor: I was able to do that through scholarships and my Americorps education grant but it was dismaying how many professors seemed to assume, even in 2016/17, that students would be able to work for free for extended periods.
Greg Otto / @gregotto: I cannot express how grand of a waste of money this is. The only reason you spend this money is for the privilege of putting it on your resume
Dan Gillmor / @dangillmor: Wall Street Journal, correctly noting the crazy-high cost of some grad-level journalism degrees, ignores career trajectories involving anything but the traditional, shrinking path. Story misses growing non-traditional demand for people with these skills.
Emma Sarappo / @emmasarappo: this debt load is unconscionable. especially considering how hard Medill woos graduate students (fancy lecturers, fancy buildings downtown). I have an undergrad degree from Medill; I walked away with the median debt and the same low salaries mentioned
J. Dale Shoemaker / @jdale_shoemaker: if anything, a history degree should be required to do journalism. not enough of us seem to know the history of all the complex things we write about.
@markham: The conversation here is not ‘studying journalism is a financial risk’. The conversation is ‘pursuing higher education in America is a financial risk’ 5yrs in Irish university Law undergrad, 2X postgrad (incl. journalism MA) Total tuition costs under €15k. Cc @profgalloway
Alex Fitzpatrick / @alexjamesfitz: not to do this particular discourse again, but I've long thought the only journalism master's that makes any financial sense is @newmarkjschool
@kendrawrites: This quote in this story reaaaallllyyyyyy bothers me
Matthew Zeitlin / @mattzeitlin: think very very seriously and clearly about why you want to be a journalist, if you literally can't imagine doing something else, by all means do it, but if those desires can be satisfied some other way, think about entering another line of work
Emily Peck / @emilyrpeck: I just don't think it makes sense for someone to spend tens of thousands on a journalism master's — unless they have a trust fund or some kind of inherited wealth. Am I missing something? via @WSJ @melissakorn
@kendrawrites: And it touches on this gross aspect of journalism where there's this idea that if you are smart you can learn anything and “learning a beat” often means learning how to report a thing (i.e. how it's always been done) vs actually learning the underlying thing
Tabitha Lipkin / @tabithalipkin: From graduation until I was 27, I only was able to get freelance or part time jobs. I worked 80-90 hour weeks with 2-3 jobs at a time to survive (in San Diego). I didn't have any money in my savings account until I was 30.
Cara Fitzpatrick / @fitz_ly: This is one of the reasons that the national papers' love for Ivy League credentials is harmful. (Among all the other reasons.)
Gene Park / @genepark: shoutout to the San Gabriel Valley editor who told me “stop going to school you idiot, you won't learn anything”
Zach Despart / @zachdespart: Everyone has a path that's right for them. For me, I'm glad I didn't get a grad degree in journalism. Unconscionably expensive. But I also recognize there are often higher barriers to enter journalism for women & people of color.
Robert Kelchen / @rkelchen: It's great to see program-level College Scorecard data getting so much usage to highlight (very) early-career student outcomes.
Aria Gerson / @aria_gerson: you don't need a graduate journalism degree to get a journalism job! you don't even need an *undergraduate* journalism degree, just internship and practical experience. I have a bachelor's in political science
Ryan Chittum / @ryanchittum: “'We don't have a lot of control over the state of the industry,' said John Haskins, who oversees admissions and career services as dean of student life at Columbia's journalism school” what a scam
Taylor Blatchford / @blatchfordtr: I'm off work today and am not interested in participating in the j-school discourse... but I'm just going to leave this chart here from the article and note that you don't have to go to Northwestern or Columbia to get a journalism job!
@wsj: Many journalism students leave even the most prestigious private master's programs with earnings too low to let them make progress paying off their debt, according to a WSJ analysis
Susan J. Demas / @sjdemas: My unpopular opinion is journalism is a trade, so get a degree in something that teaches you how to think and write.
Karsten / @karstenbondy: @MMCandyCheng @nichcarlson Working for a TV network WAS my grad school. Going to college taught me how to learn. Working taught me skills, even when I didn't know I was learning them.
Justin Gray / @justingraywsb: my first reporting job after graduating from Columbia paid $18,000 a year. The only way I ever got out from under my grad school debt was by moving back to WV for my 2nd reporting job, to live with my parents & funnel every dime that would have gone to rent & food to loans.
Sopan Deb / @sopandeb: J Schools are generally, from my experience, not honest about job prospects post school. It should be talked about like we do acting! Yes! You can be Denzel or Meryl. Or a character actor getting regular work. But it's extremely difficult and the industry isn't a meritocracy.
Julie Bosman / @juliebosman: Early-career earnings for those with master's degrees in journalism from Northwestern are about $1,500 lower than for its undergraduate students, data show.
Wesley / @wesleylowery: for years I've wanted to go back for a masters (reasoning that I would actually enjoy the reading and whatnot now, in a way I didn't appreciate in undergrad) but it's so clear everytime I look that these programs are cash grab scams
J. Dale Shoemaker / @jdale_shoemaker: once again i'll beat the drum: it genuinely shouldn't take more than a 6 month certificate after high school to work in journalism. and like that's the max. if you can learn to call people, write down exactly what they say, find public records and write coherently you're good.
Kathryn A. Wolfe / @kathrynwolfe: Secret I can now reveal: A masters degree in journalism is about as good as a few undergrad newspaper internships. Get clips! Show me your hustle and news chops, not your MA.
Raju Narisetti / @raju: The more problematic issue is the number of non-US students who sign up for these journalism master's degrees in hope of US newsroom jobs, even as those roles are negligible, relative to those available for American journalism graduates via @WSJ
J. Dale Shoemaker / @jdale_shoemaker: are there a bazillion other useful tricks and skills you can use to become a truly incredible reporter? sure, but you learn those as you go! like, c'mon. 17 y/o's can cover a city council meeting and interview concerned residents.
Laura Albanese / @albaneselaura: It's my prevailing belief that journalism is essentially a trade, and a masters degree does very little for it. Trades are meant to be practiced and real life experience at an outlet, no matter how small, is far more useful. (Though I understand why others may disagree)

Apollo Management names Tinder CEO Jim Lanzone as CEO of Yahoo, formerly Verizon Media; Lanzone launched CBS All Access at CBS — Mr. Lanzone will join Yahoo as CEO later this month — Apollo Global Management Inc. is naming Tinder Chief Executive Jim Lanzone the new CEO of Yahoo …
@benmullin, Variety, Business Wire, New York Post, TechCrunch, @panzer, @ryanlawler, @digitalshields, @reckless, @thufirhawat, @jyarow, @alex, @richlightshed, @film_girl, @jeremarketer, @wsj, CNBC, The Wrap and Axios, more at Techmeme »
Ben Mullin / @benmullin: SCOOP: Yahoo's new CEO will be Jim Lanzone, CEO of Tinder. His long-term plans include spinning out verticals like Yahoo Finance and Yahoo Sports or taking the entire company public
Lydia Moynihan / New York Post: It's a new Yahoo — again: Apollo Group taps Tinder CEO as whiplashed employees hold their breath
Ingrid Lunden / TechCrunch: Jim Lanzone breaks up with Tinder, swipes right to take the CEO job at Yahoo, Renate Nyborg takes Tinder CEO role
Ryan Lawler / @ryanlawler: Actually excited for this
Mike Shields / @digitalshields: This is kinda weird - a Yahoo CEO who is a normal person who actually understands media biz and tech
Nilay Patel / @reckless: All of those mergers and lost jobs just so the new CEO can say his plan is to spin things off, will anyone ever learn
Fouad / @thufirhawat: Phenomenal news! @jlanzone is the only exec who has ever turned around a struggling, scaled digital media property before - the @Yahoo renaissance begins today!
Jay Yarow / @jyarow: Boom, there ya go. The siren song of Yahoo snags another. Maybe this time will be different!
Rich Greenfield / @richlightshed: The future of @Yahoo will be tied to sports betting — thnx @LJMoynihan @nypost 👇 “They have a large group of passionate sports fans and it would make a great on ramp to sports betting — that would be the most obvious thing for them to do.”
Christina Warren / @film_girl: Lots of easy jokes here but @jlanzone is a real one and if anyone can do well with the New Yahoo, it is him. He's a very good leader.
Jeremy Goldman / @jeremarketer: In related news, you will soon be able to swipe on all Yahoo content
@wsj: Tinder CEO Jim Lanzone, a 23-year veteran of the digital-media industry, will take the top job at Yahoo this month
Tony Maglio / The Wrap: Former CBS Interactive Chief Jim Lanzone Leaves Tinder to Become CEO of Yahoo
Sara Fischer / Axios: Yahoo names ex-CBS, Tinder exec Jim Lanzone as CEO

Sources: Nickelodeon chief Brian Robbins is expected to take over as chairman and CEO of ViacomCBS' Paramount Pictures, succeeding Jim Gianopulos — Mr. Robbins, head of Nickelodeon, will replace Jim Gianopulos, as ViacomCBS aims to beef up original content on Paramount+
The Hollywood Reporter: Jim Gianopulos to Exit Paramount Pictures, Brian Robbins to Take Over as Chairman and CEO
Gregg Kilday / @gkilday: A sad day for Paramount, which appears to be throwing in the towel as a theatrical studio, and losing an industry leader in Jim Gianopulos...
Ben Fritz / @benfritz: So now CEO of Paramount, once one of the most coveted and powerful positions in Hollywood, joins CEO of Warner Bros. as no longer being someone's full-time job.
Kim Masters / @kimmasters: This was Shari's call and while I'm not sure she had much choice, her father-who built a theater empire-would have some words to say about it. He liked Blockbuster, too.
Arron James / @arronj10jkd: Kevin Smith: “in Hollywood, you kind of fail upwards”
@alansoclof: $VIAC A few thoughts on this shake up: 1. It is important to recognize how integral Gianopulos was for the turnaround of Paramount Pictures. Bakish has mentioned on numerous occasions how Gianopulus was a big reason why. On behalf of VIAC bulls, thank you Jim!
@isladeperr0s: the director of NORBIT, THE SHAGGY DOG and MEET DAVE is now the head of paramount pictures
Lesley Goldberg / @snoodit: Pretty rapid rise for Brian Robbins at ViacomCBS, who has reinvigorated key Nickelodeon franchises and shown a willingness to prioritize streaming over linear ... Here's more on his strategy in my exclusive interview w/ him from July: ...
Matthew Belloni / @mattbelloni: Jim G focused on franchise films for theaters. Looks like Paramount is about to become a small-ball streaming supplier...
Mike Calia / @michael_calia: The director of Norbit is going to be running Paramount Pictures.
Rob / @r0bwatson: Watching these idiot corporations dismantle their storied movie studios in favor of streaming platforms that approximate the user experience of watching the previous night's Desperate Housewives on ABC dot com in 2006 is unspeakably depressing. ...
Julia Alexander / @loudmouthjulia: Paramount focusing less on theatrical tentpoles isn't bad considering Paramount hasn't been a Major 3 player in some time. Paramount focusing on cheaper streaming-first productions is good — but not Paramount+ specifically. Could be a great content supplier for Netflix/Amazon.
Joe Flint / @jbflint: The move also comes as ViacomCBS's Ms. Redstone takes a greater role in the day-to-day operations of the media giant. Ms. Redstone was instrumental in this latest elevation, people familiar with the situation said. via @WSJ
Geoff Weiss / Tubefilter: Digital Media Guru Brian Robbins Likely To Be Named Chairman, CEO Of Paramount Pictures

Countless tributes and TV specials marking 9/11's 20th anniversary only renew our dread and exhaustion, leaving open the question of who these specials are for — For anyone old enough to remember it, the insistence that we Never Forget has haunted us ever since.
Brian Welk / The Wrap: How 9/11 Changed Hollywood - And Is ‘Still Grappling’ With the Terror Attacks 20 Years Later
Kerry Flynn / CNN: September 11 affected the entire nation. Here's how local newspapers are covering the 20th anniversary
Publishers Weekly: Remembering 9/11 — In September of 2001, PW's offices were located on West 17th Street …
Rachel King / @rachelking: “For me and so many others, there's just not much to gain from reliving 9/11 through TV beyond déjà vu of the stupefied ache we never want to remember, but can never truly forget.”
Skele-kate / @thebouncingbird: @carolineframke I'm going to do my best to stay offline. I've always been extremely uninterested in the hellscape of public opinion on this day. I'm just glad the orange goblin won't be presiding over it.
Caroline Darya Framke / @carolineframke: Wrote about our national nightmare of watching 9/11 unfold on live television, the onslaught of 20th anniversary #content out now, and why I can't bring myself to watch any of it
Inkoo Kang / Washington Post: What more is there to say about 9/11 on its 20th anniversary? TV specials grapple with that very issue.
Caroline Darya Framke / @carolineframke: Now it's time to mute everything 9/11-related because frankly, no thank you! No need to tell me to Never Forget, I definitely never will, have a lovely weekend goodbye
@variety: “If recollecting Sept. 11 brings you clarity, knowledge, or even some kind of peace, I wouldn't dare begrudge you that — even as I question who, exactly, all these specials are even for,” writes @carolineframke.
Matthew Keys / @matthewkeyslive: ABC News Live, NBC News Now, NBC LX, CNN, BBC World, MSNBC, CBSN, Fox News and Newsy are planning to carry 9/11 commemoration coverage tomorrow morning. Nexstar's NewsNation providing counter-programming, will air “Flight 93.” CNBC carrying paid advertisements.
Chandler O'Leary / @anagrampress: I cannot pretend anymore that all this 9/11 remembrance is a good-faith act. In America, the reality is that talk, and human life, are cheap.
Chandler O'Leary / @anagrampress: This sums it up for me. I wasn't there on the ground, but I didn't just watch it unfold on TV, either—I had a closer brush with the events than the average American, as well as a very important personal anniversary from then, now forever linked to it.
Chelsea Tatham Zukowski / @chelseatatham: As someone who was 10 on 9/11 watching people jump from collapsing skyscrapers, this hits: “For me and so many others, there's just not much to gain from reliving 9/11 through TV beyond déjà vu of the stupefied ache we never want to remember, but can never truly forget.”
Gideon Yago / @gideonyago: Read Joseph O'Neill's ‘Neverland’. Listen to Bobby Short sing Noel Coward. Recite Kenneth Koch's ‘To My Twenties’ drunkenly with your friends. Stare at a blue sky. Play with a child. Feel for the chill of fall in the air. Anything else but.
Sharon Waxman / @sharonwaxman: Fascinating ground level accounts of how 9/11 Changed Hollywood - 20 people share their innermost thoughts. H/t @brianwelk
Dunstan Prial / Columbia Journalism Review: 8:46am to 11:02am, September 11, 2001
Madhu Krishnamurthy / Daily Herald: How 9/11 changed Muslim, immigrant communities forever

Sources: Amazon is the front-runner for Sunday Ticket rights, for which the NFL is expected to ask $2B-$2.5B/year; DirecTV's contract ends after 2022-23 season — - Amazon has a serious interest in “Sunday Ticket” and is in talks with the NFL about the package, sources say.
@sherman4949, @pkafka,, @dan_sostek, @sherman4949, @sullycnbc, Awful Announcing, Decider, @wbmason, @learlocks, The Streamable, Cord Cutters News, ProFootballTalk and Bloomberg
Alex Sherman / @sherman4949: Talks for Sunday Ticket are progressing. DirecTV has the package for this year and next year. Amazon wants the rights, which could unlock out of market games to a new audience who haven't been able to get them without becoming DirecTV customers.
Peter Kafka / @pkafka: NFL has been dangling this to the tech guys since 2013. Makes sense that Amazon could be the one that bites.
Daniel Frankel / Amazon Reportedly the Frontrunner to Poach ‘NFL Sunday Ticket’ From DirecTV
Dan Sostek / @dan_sostek: Bezos making watching out-of-market NFL games even remotely affordable/user-friendly would be much more impressive than making it to space
Alex Sherman / @sherman4949: How can you meaningfully extend a business when you can't do significant M&A? You can buy sports rights:
Brian Sullivan / @sullycnbc: Good news for any fan of out of market teams without a satellite dish. After nearly 30 years Amazon may pluck this from DIRECTV
Abby Monteil / Decider: NFL Sunday Ticket May Head to Amazon: Report
Wbmason.Eth / @wbmason: @sherman4949 Not in the least bit surprised that they are the lead. Seismic shifts in the future of sports broadcast coming.
@learlocks: PLEASEEEEEE I can't even get it where I live cause I have spectrum etc.
Michael King / The Streamable: Report: Amazon Emerges As Front-Runner For New NFL Sunday Ticket Home
Christopher Palmeri / Bloomberg: ESPN Chief Pitaro Touts Digital Future for Sports Broadcasts

Disney commits to debuting all remaining 2021 films exclusively in theaters, following the box office success of the theatrical-only release of “Shang-Chi” — - Disney says all remaining 2021 films to debut in cinemas first — Most are scheduled for exclusive 45-day theater showings
Variety, The Wrap, @chrispalmeri, IGN, The Hill, @thewrap, Wall Street Journal, Deadline, CNET, CNBC, SlashFilm, The Streamable, Reuters, @business, IndieWire and Washington Post
@chrispalmeri: Shang-Chi not only saved Labor Day weekend for theaters, he may help rescue the rest of the year @SimuLiu via @luxury
Celine Castronuovo / The Hill: Disney releasing remainder of 2021 films in theaters only
@thewrap: Disney will release all six of its remaining films for 2021 exclusively in theaters, including Marvel's “Eternals,” with all but one getting a 45-day theatrical window
Deadline: Disney's ‘Eternals’, ‘West Side Story’, ‘Encanto’, ‘Last Duel’ & More To Hit Theaters Ahead Of Streaming Bow
Abrar Al-Heeti / CNET: Disney to release Eternals exclusively in theaters for 45 days
Jason Gurwin / The Streamable: Disney's Remaining 2021 Slate to Skip Disney+ Premier Access, Will Debut Exclusively in Theaters For 30-45 Days
Lisa Richwine / Reuters: Disney to debut rest of 2021 films exclusively in theaters
@business: Disney will give exclusive theatrical runs to its biggest remaining 2021 releases, including “Eternals,” “Encanto” and “West Side Story,” after the successful debut of the latest Marvel movie
Tom Brueggemann / IndieWire: The ‘Shang-Chi’ Effect: ‘Eternals’ and 4 Other Disney Films Will Have Minimum 45-Day Window, ‘Encanto’ with 30
Sonny Bunch / Washington Post: Movie theaters needed a hero. Marvel delivered.

Sources: Apple intends to double its output of TV shows and movies next year to at least one a week and plans to spend $500M+ on marketing Apple TV+ this year — When Apple launched its Apple TV+ service nearly two years ago, executives throughout Hollywood and Silicon Valley snickered about the streaming video service.
Harish Jonnalagadda / @chunkynerd: Apple is getting serious about Apple TV+: “Apple intends to significantly up its output of new TV shows and movies to at least one a week, according to a person familiar with the matter.” Apple TV+ now has 40 million subs, with 20 million paid users. ...
Hartley Charlton / MacRumors: Apple Abandoned Low-Cost TV Dongle Plans, but Looking to Double New Apple TV+ Content Rate in 2022
Jessica Toonkel / @jtoonkel: A few tidbits from my Apple TV+ story: —has around 40 million subs, around half are paid —plans at least one new title a week next year —spending more than $500 million on marketing Apple, a Streaming Punchline No More? ... via @theinformation
Sahil Patel / @sizpatel: “What the hell is Apple up to?” comes up often among studios, producers and other content providers trying to do business with the company. This great deep dive by @jtoonkel breaks down what, exactly, they are doing with Apple TV+. ...
Jessica Lessin / @jessicalessin: Mythic Quest fans: Apple thought the great Jo wasn't worthy of using an Apple product! ...
Julia Alexander / @loudmouthjulia: Apple TV+ has roughly 40M subscribers. Approximately 50% are paid (20M). Curious what percentage of paid customers started on free trial plans. 20M paid subscribers globally isn't great but 20M paid for a smattering of shows is much more impressive. ...
Tren Griffin / @trengriffin: 3/ What is Apple's customer acquisition cost (CAC) for each Apple TV+ subscriber on average? Device subsidy is part of CAC. COGS of trial users is too. Paying Roku and others is also CAC. Apple TV+ had 40M subscribers at the end of 2020. 20M were paid. ...
Andrew A Rosen / The PARQOR Substack: Mic Drop #43: Marketing Apple TV+
Amir Efrati / @amir: 🍎📺If you laughed when Apple got into original video content, you probably aren't laughing as much anymore. 20M paying subs & 20M more in trials after 2 years ain't nothing to sneeze at. @jtoonkel ...
Tren Griffin / @trengriffin: “Apple intends to significantly up its output of new TV shows and movies to at least one a week.” Royalty COGS go down, but content production C0GS go up. CAC is more organic meaning higher customer quality (eg., lower churn). Everything's interconnected. ...
@kerrymflynn: Great deep dive by @jtoonkel into Apple TV+ “Execs in different parts of Apple often have no idea what their counterparts in other areas are working on, former Apple employees said... ‘Apple is Jetsons on the outside and Flintstones on the inside.’” ...
Brianna Provenzano / Gizmodo: Apple TV+ Is Not a Huge Failure, Actually
Alexandra Steigrad / New York Post: Apple reportedly boosting new movie, TV output as streaming wars heat up
Joseph Maring / ScreenRant: Here's Why Apple Didn't Launch A Cheaper Apple TV This Year

Nielsen: Thursday's NFL kickoff game drew 26M viewers, the most-watched since 2015, with streaming contributing an average minute audience of ~1.6M, up 64% YoY — It was also the most-streamed NBC NFL game to air on linear TV as well as Peacock and NBC Sports Digital, according to preliminary Nielsen estimates.
The Streamable, NBC Sports Pressbox, The Wrap, Deadline, MediaPost, ProFootballTalk, Awful Announcing, Forbes, Los Angeles Times and The Comeback
Jason Gurwin / The Streamable: NFL Kickoff Game on Peacock, NFL Mobile, and Yahoo Saw Largest Streaming Audience of Non-Super Bowl Game on NBC
Dominic Patten / Deadline: NBC Scores Big With Buccaneers-Cowboys NFL Kickoff, Up Double Digits In Viewers From 2020
Wayne Friedman / MediaPost: NFL Kickoff 2021: Opening Game Up 19% To 24M Viewers
Charean Williams / ProFootballTalk: Cowboys-Bucs was most-watched Kickoff Game since 2015
Andrew Bucholtz / Awful Announcing: Cowboys-Buccaneers was most-watched NFL Kickoff Game since 2015, up 20 percent from last year's kickoff game
Stephen Battaglio / Los Angeles Times: TV audience for NFL kickoff highest in six years

TV trade body VAB is forming a task force to create a unified approach and standards and an interoperable ecosystem for TV measurement — VAB announces new group dedicated to forwarding video measurement — The TV trade body the VAB is assembling players in the industry to form …

SF Weekly to stop print publication indefinitely at the end of Sept. to focus resources on SF Examiner; Clint Reilly Communications bought both papers in Dec. — Well, SF Weekly is shutting down. Maybe not permanently, but certainly indefinitely. The unfortunate news came down from management on Friday.
Joshua Bote / SFGATE: Longtime publication SF Weekly shutters ‘indefinitely’ after decades in San Francisco
Benjamin Schneider / @urbenschneider: SF Weekly is a legendary San Francisco institution, and I'm so proud to have been a part of it. EIC Nick Veronin and I, the only remaining full time staffers, are going to keep doing what we do over at the @sfexaminer starting in October.
Jeremy B. White / @jeremybwhite: This sucks. Alt-weeklies are such a critical part of the media ecosystem SF Weekly is Shutting Down for an “Indefinite Hiatus”
Julia B. Chan / @juliachanb: alt weeklies were such a lifeline growing up.. losing the guardian hurt, watching one of SF's last fade away without fanfare is just enraging.
Dan Strachota / @popphilo: When I got a job as Music Editor for SF Weekly in 1998 I couldn't believe someone was going to pay me to write and edit articles about music. It was a dream come true. The weeklies used to be everything to me.
Lia Russell / @liaoffleash: Extremely grateful for this alt weekly for giving me my first bylines and letting me cover the Anchor union campaign. Gutted.
Andre / @bdayshirt: RIP to another local Bay Area media outlet. Indef hiatus doesn't sound good. Surprised it lasted this long. Where else can you get a non-corporate range of diverse voices? Even I had a column once (albeit short lived and budget cut from the @sfbg).
Alex Mullaney / @alexmullaney: Woah. SF Weekly is going on hiatus. San Francisco joins the long list of American cities without printed alt weeklies. Thanks for telling us, @BrokeAssStuart!
Clara Hogan / @claramhogan: San Francisco needs journalism that captures the city's spirit, characters, and lifestyle. San Franciscans must be willing to pay for + support this journalism.
Sarah Holder / @sarahsholder: san francisco's last alt weekly just shut down indefinitely. what a huge bummer and loss. will continue to support and read the examiner and hope they publish the kind of fun important work — and writers — the weekly consistently did
Nuala Bishari / @thebestnuala: Devastated. During the 3 years I worked here the threat of closure constantly loomed over our fierce tiny team, but we poured our hearts into creating the best alt-weekly we could. So sad for the existing staff and brilliant freelancers. What a loss.

Apple says Apple Music will use Shazam's technology to identify and compensate DJs, labels, and artists involved in making DJ mixes — Apple Music announced today that it's created a process to properly identify and compensate all of the individual creators involved in making a DJ mix.
Variety, MacRumors, @jherskowitz, Billboard, Gizmodo, 9to5Mac, Complete Music Update,, The Verge, Music Business Worldwide and Engadget
J Herskowitz / @jherskowitz: The hard part is not identifying the tracks, it's agreeing on how to split the money.
Micah Singleton / Billboard: Apple Music Officially Launches DJ Mix Technology to ID (and Pay) Rights Holders
Brianna Provenzano / Gizmodo: Apple Music Will Use Shazam to Get Everyone Paid for DJ Mixes
Chris Cooke / Complete Music Update: Apple Music confirms it is using Shazam technology to expand its catalogue of mixes

Twitch sues two anonymous users, accusing them of “hate raids” harassing Black and LGBTQIA+ streamers with racist, homophobic, sexist, and other content — The lawsuit accuses two anonymous users of “targeting black and LGBTQIA+ streamers with racist, homophobic …
Polygon, Tubefilter, @ezekiel_iii, @seravium_, @ann_arcana, @amandafarough, @informalmajesty, @illphysics, @ambermac, @cohhcarnage, @feliciavagabond, @bigcheesekit, @iambrandontv, @genepark, @keffals, @2ndclasselitist, @ayayoshiestream, @imkattkatt, @neurotiicc4, @cypheroftyr, @kahliefadams, @carcinogensda, @zachbussey, @desertpogona, Engadget, @riana_crypto, @esportslaw, Gizmodo, PC Gamer, The Verge and USA Today, more at Techmeme »
Zeke / @ezekiel_iii: Spread the word y'all. I'm gonna be optimistic and hope there may finally be consequences for hate raiders. Don't let up, @Twitch.
SerAvium / @seravium_: Hopefully they get their real legal names so Twitch can pursue more legal action against them. I also hope Twitch uses this as a way to change up their account creation process to stop someone from making 3000+ fake account to harass streamers.
Annie / @ann_arcana: i'm sure wasting months or years on a legal wild goose chase will be a huge relief to the people who are, in the meantime, still being relentlessly harassed off the platform almost as if twitch doesn't actually care, they just want to make some token PR gesture
@amandafarough: This is a step in the right direction from Twitch. If tech can't keep up, then get em in the wallet. This isn't the first time Twitch has sued users over bots, either. More analysis on this on @VirtualEconCast this weekend.
Tony / @illphysics: “I feel hopeful. The people who are behind this need to be held accountable. They've terrorized hundreds if not thousands of people. If this were to happen in a physical location we'd expect the same. It shouldn't be any different online.” - @RekItRaven
Amber Mac / @ambermac: Terrible: “Since early August, #Twitch has been wrestling with an epidemic of harassment against marginalized streamers known as ‘hate raids’. These attacks spam streamers' chats with hateful & bigoted language, amplified dozens of times a minute by bots.”
Cohh Carnage / @cohhcarnage: Get em', Twitch!
@feliciavagabond: I'm glad Twitch has (potentially) isolated the main cause of these hate raids. I don't know much about how any of this stuff works but it feels like the main takeaway should be to find a way to make it impossible to hundreds of thousands bot accounts.
@bigcheesekit: Good Morning! Happy Friday. Taking a step forward to say this is only the beginning. Let's see if progress will be made. Twitch Sues Users Over Alleged ‘Hate Raids’ Against Streamers | WIRED
@keffals: it looks like twitch is taking the issue of hate raids seriously and i commend them for that. i was also affected, but all it did was make my community rally around me because they saw me being attacked by assholes so it wasn't that big of a deal to me
Second Class Elitist / @2ndclasselitist: *sips tea* My day's looking good, how's yours?
Cave Hag / @ayayoshiestream: I'm glad people are being held accountable One thing though: if the people responsible have to pay Twitch (as the article mentioned a previous bot-maker did), Twitch BETTER put that money into supporting the BIPOC and LGBTQIA+ creators who have been so ruthelessly attacked
imKatt / @imkattkatt: My thoughts on this: - Actions have consequences. - This should never have gotten this far/bad if Twitch had tools implemented beforehand. - Hoping this is a successful turn of events & sets an example to those who do this, just like swatting. - Get absolutely fucked, idiots.
@neurotiicc4: Ok so I like the IDEA of punishing those doing it. But what has twitch done for their creators to stop future issues?? Absolutely nothing. All this does is recover what twitch has lost from the bottom line. Once they get their money it'll be business as usual.
@cypheroftyr: I hope they are put UNDER the jail and forced to pay restitution to those of us affected by their schemes.
Kahlief Adams / @kahliefadams: I can appreciate this, there have to be repercussions for bad actors on the internet. Good job @Twitch fam.
@carcinogensda: Even if Twitch doesn't win the case, the botters would be in so much legal fee debt they wouldn't be able to recover for 20 years at least. #FAAFO
Zach Bussey / @zachbussey: Actions have consequences. Twitch is suing two users they've identified as being responsible for at least some of the hate raids. cc:
@desertpogona: Good. Get them all. Having dealt with these fucks for years I am very happy to see they are actually doing this.
Riana Pfefferkorn / @riana_crypto: Wow! Causes of action: breach of K, fraud in the inducement, CA's UCL. (*Not* CFAA.) Dfts are overseas, so Twitch likely expects a default judgment. Trying to remember if “sue your shitty horrible users” is one of the content moderation remedies in @ericgoldman's recent article.
Bryce Blum / @esportslaw: Twitch is suing two of the biggest perpetrators of the recent swath of hate raids. Complaint says they're in Netherlands and Vienna - here's to hoping this lawsuit finds more success than technical solutions, which have yet to get the job done.
Lucas Ropek / Gizmodo: Twitch Takes Its Trolls to Court
Andy Chalk / PC Gamer: Twitch sues hate raiders
Ash Parrish / The Verge: Twitch sues two alleged ‘hate raiders’