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Q&A with newsletter writers Charlie Warzel, Casey Lewis, and Nick Quah on moving back to legacy outlets, losing independence, handling refunds, and more — As burnout and new opportunities beckon, newsletter writers navigate the awkward matter of quitting—and issuing refunds.
@jaycodon, @lindaholmes, @delia_cai, @kantrowitz, @joshsternberg, @byrnehobart, @brosandprose, @davidsirota, @chaykak, @jackmarshall and Mediaite
@jaycodon: This paragraph has me laughing. Who could have predicted media companies had certain departments for a reason? But here we are:
@lindaholmes: The precision with which newslettering is following the path of blogging is neither good nor bad, but it's kind of funny.
Delia Cai / @delia_cai: got a good gang together w/ @cwarzel @caseymlewis @nwquah to discuss perhaps the most crucial newslettering question lately..........AKA, how does one get off the ride?? (spoiler: hope you saved some of those sub earnings...)
Alex Kantrowitz / @kantrowitz: Any journalist who decided to go independent but didn't think they'd have to learn how to run a business... probably should've thought harder about the decision
Josh Sternberg / @joshsternberg: Newsletter writers realizing that the media business is difficult; that they were sold a fool's game at best.
Byrne Hobart / @byrnehobart: Good piece on why accounting is important: if you're living off of annual subscriptions, you are *borrowing from your customers* and will have to pay them back in either work or money.
@brosandprose: This is an interesting look at the realities of the reader-supported model (like a Substack newsletter). How do you quit?
David Sirota / @davidsirota: A media of individual writers trying to become media celebs isnt sustainable for writers or subscribers. We at @DailyPoster think the future is reader-supported media OUTLETS — teams of journalists working together for a purpose larger than any one person.
Kyle Chayka / @chaykak: a newsletter writer “must become a writer and a one-person P.R./circulation/audience-development strategist all at once. (Turns out, media companies had those things for a reason?)”
Jack Marshall / @jackmarshall: there's sometimes arrogance/ignorance from journalists around other functions within media companies. (and i've been as guilty as anybody at points.) journalists may not understand or respect what sales, operations, “product” etc do, but it doesn't mean they don't benefit from it

Substack says it has reached 1M paying subscribers, up from 250,000 last December — Many top journalists have left legacy media to go it alone on publishing platform — Newsletter start-up Substack has reached 1m paying subscribers, underlining the growing power of à la carte journalism …
Substack: One million strong — We believe that great writing is valuable and what you read matters …
Olivia Craighead / Gawker: Substack's One Million Newsletters Have One Million Paid Subscribers Total
Sarah Scire / Nieman Lab: Substack celebrates one million paid subscriptions
Mariam Ahmed / Talking Biz News: Substack hits 1 million subscribers
Rasmus Kleis Nielsen / @rasmus_kleis: Winner takes most market, reminder no. ∞ “Top 10 writers on Substack together make more than $20m in revenue a year, far in excess of typical newsroom salaries. Most writers on Substack, however, offer their newsletters for free.”
Sara Fischer / Axios: Substack says it has more than 1 million paid subscribers
Anna Nicolaou / @annaknicolaou: the top 10 writers on substack together make $20m a year. (The fine print: most make nothing)
Hamish McKenzie / @hamishmckenzie: Fun fact: A little over four years ago, there were zero paid subscriptions to substacks. Today, there are 1 million.
Li Jin / @ljin18: it's easy to forget this now but just a couple years ago, paid newsletters were thought to be too niche and the overall TAM too small to support a large company. then @SubstackInc showed them wrong.
Pomp / @apompliano: Substack is a very special company. It is great to see them reaching the 1 million subscriber mark. Hopefully just the first million on the way to many more. Congratulations @cjgbest and @hamishmckenzie :)
Substack / @substackinc: Four years ago, it was far from accepted that people would pay for newsletters en masse. Today, we can announce that there are more than 1 million paid subscriptions to publications on Substack.
Dare Obasanjo / @carnage4life: Substack now has 1M paying users, up from 250K this time last year and the top ten writers earn $20M/year in revenue. Journalists should consider if fighting Substack with FUD is the right approach versus moving there to create a brand and beat the rush.
Seth Weintraub / @llsethj: Substack at 1M subs. Seems low, what's that like $5M/month-ish. $4.5M to creators and $500,000 gross earnings?
Andrew / @andrewchen: It's still early days for Substack - but incredible momentum so far!
Isaac Saul / @ike_saul: This is awesome. Over the last year, many of the most meaningful and memorable pieces I've read have been on @SubstackInc. On top of helping me launch my own newsletter it is clearly serving a huge need in the market:
Glenn Greenwald / @ggreenwald: In case you've been wondering why there is a never-ending tidal wave of identical articles from liberal corporate media outlets attempting to malign and disparage Substack using the same script over and over:
Bill Bishop / @niubi: One million strong, by @SubstackInc “The top 10 publications collectively bring in more than $20 million a year”
Alex Morris / @tsoh_investing: “We are in the very earliest days of this shift, but we are happy with the progress so far. Today, we can announce that there are more than 1 million paid subscriptions to publications on Substack.”
Lindsey Ellefson / The Wrap: Substack Reaches 1 Million Paid Subscriptions

The FTC recently announced plans to crack down on companies, including news publishers, using “dark patterns that trick or trap consumers into subscriptions” — Most U.S. news organizations won't let readers cancel online. The Federal Trade Commission wants that to change.
@sarahscire, @chrismsutcliffe, @jaspar, @a_picazo, @caro, @davelucas, @jbenton, @ndiakopoulos, @faduda, @hotlinejosh, @andygawt, @darlin and @_cingraham
Sarah Scire / @sarahscire: it should be “at least as easy” to cancel a subscription as it was to sign up. the @FTC has called one of the news industry's favorite retention tactics — “click to subscribe, call to cancel” illegal — and warned companies it's ramping up enforcement.
Chris Sutcliffe / @chrismsutcliffe: This has always been a gross tactic, one that damages the long-term relationship between news publisher and subscriber. Short-sightedness from our industry
@jaspar: Visa and MasterCard have new rules about this too for merchants. Subscriptions that begin with a free trial MUST be cancellable online.
Alheli Picazo / @a_picazo: I'd love to see this changed in Canada. If/when someone wants to cancel their subscription, they don't need to be interrogated about their reasons, nor should they have to wait on hold for an indeterminate amount of time to do what can easily be accomplished with a click.
Saber Tooth Caro / @caro: It's about freaking time. This is an egregious abuse of customers/subscribers.
Dave Lucas / @davelucas: The end of “click to subscribe, call to cancel”? @SarahScire reports of the news industry's favorite retention tactics is illegal, according to the @FTC via @NiemanLab
Joshua Benton / @jbenton: Apple Unpay
Nick Diakopoulos / @ndiakopoulos: Glad the news industry will need to knock off this extremely obnoxious practice.
@faduda: Irish newsmedia please note. A large part of reluctance to subscribe to new products is the pain of cancelling in the past. Do better.
Josh Kraushaar / @hotlinejosh: The Times of London allows you to subscribe online but requires you to call international long distance to cancel.
Andrew Gawthorpe / @andygawt: To cancel my Substack you have to write a 2,000 word essay on why you hate me, takeup is remarkably high

Survey: 69% of US Twitter users get news on the site, of which 70% use it for live news, up from 59% in 2015; 67% have at least some trust in news on Twitter — Seven-in-ten U.S. adult Twitter news consumers have followed breaking news there — Pew Research Center conducted this study …
Tom Jones / Poynter: Is everyone on Twitter? Not even close.
Miranda van Tilburg / @drvantilburg: Twitter users are more trusting of news on the site than users of other social media. I love the sharing of medical news! ...
@pewresearch: High-volume tweeters are about twice as likely as others to say they have personally experienced harassing or abusive behavior on Twitter (24% vs. 11%) but are less likely to view the overall tone of discussion on the site as a major problem (27% vs. 42%). ...
@pewresearch: Twitter news consumers have generally positive opinions of the accuracy and amount of news they see on the site. Although 7% say they have a great deal of trust in the accuracy of information on Twitter, 60% say they have some trust in it. ...
@pewresearch: 74% of Twitter news consumers who identify with or lean toward the Democratic Party have at least some trust in the accuracy of news and information they find on Twitter. Fewer Republican Twitter news consumers say the same (52%). ...
@pewresearch: 57% of Americans who get news on Twitter say using Twitter has increased their understanding of current events, compared with 23% of other Twitter users. ...
Rob Pegoraro / PCMag: We Read Twitter for Entertainment, Trust It for News (Unless We Vote Republican)
@pewresearch: Republican Twitter users are roughly twice as likely as Democrats to say the site is bad for American democracy (60% vs. 28%). Conversely, 47% of Democrats who use the site say it is good for American democracy - just 17% of Republican users say the same. ...
@pewjournalism: Twitter news consumers are nearly twice as likely as other users to say the site is good for American democracy (43% vs. 23%). ...
@pewjournalism: Many Americans rely on Twitter for breaking news. 70% of Twitter news consumers say they have used Twitter to follow live news events, up from 59% who said this in 2015 ...
@pewjournalism: 🚨 NEW 🚨 Overall, 23% of Americans use Twitter, and 69% of U.S. Twitter users say they get news on the site. ...
Noah Rothman / @noahcrothman: “Although they produce the vast majority of content, highly active tweeters produce relatively few original tweets and receive little engagement from the broader Twitter audience." ...

Inside Felicia Sonmez's lawsuit against the Washington Post that alleges discrimination and cruel, baffling persecution of Sonmez by the paper's highest editors — Why was a reporter punished for speaking up about sexual assault? — In February 2020, the leadership of the Washington Post was in the midst of an internal crisis.
@cliomiso, @alex_shephard, @wesleylowery, @josiensor, @ericmgarcia, @caitlinrcruz, @jayrosen_nyu, @grace_segers, @gabemschneider, @brooklynmarie, @meghanbkelly, @jenzerb, @ericmgarcia, @lainnafader, @lmlauramarsh, @gwbstr, @theleoji, @terawhunter, @neenareports, @blairdayton16, @jayrosen_nyu, @drewmagary, @blackamazon, @emmarosefoxs, @nymag, @halbritz, @dylanmatt, @damemagazine, @samadlerbell, @evilgalprods, @letahong, @emilyrnunn, @mattnegrin, @jayrosen_nyu, @feliciasonmez, @ami_marisol, @feliciasonmez and @laraeparker
Clio / @cliomiso: i dug into Felicia Sonmez's lawsuit against the Washington Post, which details a level of persecution from management that is as cruel as it is baffling. for @NYMag
Alex Shephard / @alex_shephard: This outstanding @cliomiso piece about Felicia Somnez, Marty Baron, and The Washington Post is also one of the best things I've read about how an obsessive focus on “objectivity” actually impacts reporting
Wesley / @wesleylowery: As I've noted previously: None of these is about the objectivity of someone's journalism, they're each about broadcasting the *appearance of objectivity* to a theoretical reader (typically imagined as white and moderate to conservative)
Josie Ensor / @josiensor: This story is so chilling. @feliciasonmez was barred by WaPo from reporting on sexual assault because speaking up about her own experience had made her an “activist” who had “taken sides”. She sued them.
Eric Michael Garcia / @ericmgarcia: Ok, I just started reading @cliomiso's piece and even though I was at The Post when she was suspended, I am pissed off all over again for @feliciasonmez. I don't care who you are. Nobody should treat a survivor of sexual assault the way she was treated.
Caitlin Cruz / @caitlinrcruz: So many good tidbits in @cliomiso's story on the Washington Post but this was excellent to see: “Over the past two years, membership in the Post Guild has shot up, from 35 percent to nearly 60 percent.”
Jay Rosen / @jayrosen_nyu: True: “There is a tension between a more experienced editorial guard that lives and breathes by the institution and a new, digitally fluent cohort that very much has its own ideas about the relationship between social justice and journalistic integrity.”
Grace Segers / @grace_segers: Really good piece by @cliomiso that highlights how journalism is still such a male-dominated industry defined by the old guard, and how brave Felicia Sonmez is for continuing to work (and do really good work) for a paper that has mistreated her for years.
Gabe Schneider / @gabemschneider: The casual cruelty of The Post's management is still shocking, even if you've already read some version of this before.
Brooke Binkowski / @brooklynmarie: When I am going after both-sidesism, this is what I'm trying to tear down so that we can build better journalism in its places. This is a perfect example of the embarrassments that buying in to the cult of “objectivity” makes of spineless editors
Meghan B. Kelly / @meghanbkelly: The way that Washington Post editors treated Felicia Sonmez is bizarre and incredibly cruel.
Jennifer Barnett / @jenzerb: This regarding @feliciasonmez case against the @washingtonpost speaks volumes: “Montgomery and Wallsten allegedly asked Sonmez why she did not go to the police...while Montgomery told Sonmez “she was always taught that a woman should ‘just say no’ if a man tries to assault her”
Eric Michael Garcia / @ericmgarcia: Well, played, Felicia. But as I frequently say, I am so fucking proud to know @feliciasonmez. She has been and continues to be one of my closest friends from my time at the Post and she has more guts than most journalists in DC
Lainna Fader / @lainnafader: @feliciasonmez Is there a bigger red flag than this? My jaw is on the floor (by the way always always take notes and look into laws governing recording in your state)
Laura Marsh / @lmlauramarsh: Screaming while reading @cliomiso's piece on what happened here
Graham Webster / @gwbstr: WaPo really needs to get a grip. So many layers of nasty personal behavior, all under the umbrella of a confused at best and manifestly harmful set of ideas on impartiality. Amazed as always that @feliciasonmez plows ahead despite it all.
Leo Ji / @theleoji: ugh. once again, the headline does such a disservice to an excellent story; Felicia Sonmez isn't in a war against the Post, she's just stuck to her principles and fighting back against an institution that has been incredibly unfair
Tera Hunter / @terawhunter: Felicia Somnez was punished for speaking up about her own sexual assault. She was told that she had acted like an “activist” and had “taken a side on the issue,” which barred her from reporting on stories related to sex assault. It goes downhill from there
Neena Satija / @neenareports: “We're constantly demanding and shaming governments and companies for not being transparent. And here we are, the least transparent about our own internal issues — it's stunning that management doesn't seem to recognize the hypocrisy in that.”
Blair Dayton / @blairdayton16: This line resonated: “...nearly everyone I spoke to said they could easily imagine those editors saying those things.” @feliciasonmez, one thing I learned from therapy is how crucial is it to hear you're not alone. Eliminating self-doubt assists healing.
Jay Rosen / @jayrosen_nyu: “The fear of running afoul of the objectivity standard has consistently led the Post to some odd places.”— @cliomiso Yes. “Odd” is where you wash up when you move a reporter off a story because of what might be said by the people who want to destroy you.
Drew Magary / @drewmagary: “'Ginsberg told Ms. Sonmez that he believed the details of Christine Blasey Ford's accusations were ‘too similar’ to the assault Ms. Sonmez experienced in Beijing,' the lawsuit reads.” -from @cliomiso
Emma Rose Fox / @emmarosefoxs: some context: at a recode event, marty baron told @karaswisher that when covering the then-trump administration, “we're not at war; we're at work.” now, felicia is reclaiming her discriminator's quote. ✊
@nymag: @cliomiso According to a lawsuit Sonmez filed in July of this year against former executive editor Marty Baron and his inner circle, she was told that, by speaking up about her alleged assault, she had acted like an “activist” and had “taken a side on the issue”
Haley Britzky / @halbritz: Basically every paragraph in this story about Felicia Sonmez's lawsuit against top Washington Post editors is infuriating but these in particular really got me
Dylan Matthews / @dylanmatt: Very cool stuff from the Post leadership
Dame / @damemagazine: “Many in the newsroom already felt that the Post's social-media policy was applied unevenly, disproportionately punishing women and reporters of color.”
Sam Adler-Bell / @samadlerbell: Really impressive feat of reporting by @cliomiso on a crucial story.
Mere Smith / @evilgalprods: this is how men cooperate to de-career women who dare to ask for more
@letahong: The lawsuit 'reveals an internal culture that appears to be at odds with the paper's motto, “Democracy Dies in Darkness,” in which there is such a deep institutional discomfort with acknowledging the realities of sexual assault that they are relentlessly smothered.'
Emily Nunn / @emilyrnunn: This story is so obscene that it's tragic, and I'm not surprised by any of it. The people who disappoint me the most are the women in powerful positions at the Post who stood by and watched.
@mattnegrin: At the very least this story should bury the absurd dogma that high-level @washingtonpost editors are woodwardian clerics following a stone-inscribed doctrine to uncover and report the truth. They are fundamentally biased against women journalists who speak up
Jay Rosen / @jayrosen_nyu: Ex-reporter @_cingraham: “Management effectively let the policy be dictated by the worst elements of the far right. A surefire way to get a Post reporter in trouble at work was to get a critical mass of conservatives mad at that reporter on Twitter.”
Felicia Sonmez / @feliciasonmez: (This tweet was about the headline, but please read @cliomiso's meticulously-reported, incredibly well-done piece in its entirety: )
@ami_marisol: Wow this is some egregious behavior by the editors of the @washingtonpost. Good for @feliciasonmez to fight this fight on her own behalf and behalf of other women who could be in the same position.

Myanmar releases US journalist Danny Fenster from prison, three days after sentencing him to 11 years for incitement and breaches of terrorism laws — Fenster freed three days after he was sentenced to 11 years in jail — The American journalist Danny Fenster has been released from prison in Myanmar …
Associated Press, New York Times, @alkapdc, @repteddeutch, @kylieatwood, @kenroth, @frontiermm, @zoyaphan, Techdirt, @anthony, @peterbakernyt, @senatorcardin, @ndburma, @local4news, @ilyseh, @joelcpj, @jrezaian, @digiphile, Al Jazeera, Kyodo News+, CNN, Insider, BBC and Reuters
Richard C. Paddock / New York Times: U.S. Journalist Danny Fenster Is Freed From Myanmar Prison
Alex Kaplan / @alkapdc: The QAnon community lauded Myanmar's military regime imprisoning this American journalist, wishing it would happen to journalists in the U.S. The praise for this action comes after the QAnon community praised Myanmar's military coup earlier this year.
Rep. Ted Deutch / @repteddeutch: Having a loved one detained or held hostage abroad is one of the most unimaginable, heartbreaking experiences any family can go through. I'm grateful that Danny Fenster will soon be able to reunite with his family & loved ones after unjust imprisonment in Myanmar.
Kylie Atwood / @kylieatwood: US journalist Danny Fenster is now free from prison in Myanmar, after frmr New Mexico gov Richardson conducted negotiations w/ the leader of Myanmar's military junta. Fenster, 37yr & from Detriot, was arrested in May when trying to visit family in the US
Kenneth Roth / @kenroth: While we celebrate American journalist Danny Fenster's release from prison by the Myanmar junta, let's not forget that he “is one of more than 120 journalists who have been arrested since the coup. About four dozen remain in prison.”
Frontier Myanmar / @frontiermm: Statement on the release of Danny Fenster Frontier Myanmar's Managing Editor Danny Fenster has been released from prison in Myanmar today and is on a flight out of the country. 1/5
Zoya Phan / @zoyaphan: Great news! Danny Fenster, a journalist imprisoned by the Burmese regime, has been released. So happy for Danny, his family and colleagues at @FrontierMM. There are still over 7,000 political prisoners in Burma. Free all political prisoners!
Tim Cushing / Techdirt: [UPDATED]: Myanmar's Military Junta Sentences American Journalist To Eleven Years In Prison
Anthony DeRosa / @anthony: U.S. journalist Danny Fenster was released following a trip to Myanmar by Bill Richardson, the former governor of New Mexico who has been involved in the freeing of hostages before
Peter Baker / @peterbakernyt: Bill Richardson secures the release of Danny Fenster, the American journalist imprisoned in Myanmar and sentenced to 11 years behind bars. @RCPaddock
Senator Ben Cardin / @senatorcardin: Glad to see the release of Danny Fester, a US journalist who was unjustly imprisoned in Burma for 6 months, & hope to see him reunited with his family soon. I also hope to see all those unjustly imprisoned in Burma released & reunited with their families.
@ndburma: US journalist, Danny Fenster, who spent nearly 6 months in jail was freed days after being sentenced to 11 years of hard labor. The detainment of Danny, and other journalists, HRDs & innocent civilians is unacceptable. Remaining detainees must be released!
@local4news: The family of Huntington Woods journalist Danny Fenster is celebrating his freedom. ...
Ilyse Hogue / @ilyseh: It's so great to see US journalist Danny Fenster released from prison in Myanmar. I have been following his family's pleas and can only imagine the relief they must be feeling. Appreciating when good things happen right now.
Joel Simon / @joelcpj: Happy and relieved that @DannyFenster is finally free! In awe of the Fenster family, particularly @BryanFenster who stood so tirelessly by his side. And grateful to @GovRichardson and all those who worked for Danny's release. #BringDannyHome
Jason Rezaian / @jrezaian: Danny Fenster should not have spent a single day in prison, but I'm very happy and relieved he is finally free after 176 days. The efforts of his family and the hostage recovery community succeeded to #BringDannyHome. Reporting here from @ShibaniMahtani ...
Alex Howard / @digiphile: Thanks to @GovRichardson & @StateDept: @DannyFenster was released by Myanmar The most important thing @POTUS @VP can do on #PressFreedom is lead by example — a federal shield law, ending abuse of CFAA & Espionage Act, curbing spyware — but this mattered.
Joseph Stepansky / Al Jazeera: US journalist Danny Fenster on way home after Myanmar release

IATSE members vote to ratify a three-year agreement with a 54-hour weekend rest period, 3% annual raise, and more, ending the threat of a strike — The membership of the International Alliance of Theatrical Stage Employees has voted to ratify a new three-year agreement …
IATSE, The Wrap, Observer, @iatse, @variety, @awolfeful, @mizteefranklin, @robhatchmiller, @sadmichelada, @carriecnh12, @matthewacherry, @the_punctuator, @adequateemily, @cadlymack, @meanzjest, @jamieson, Wall Street Journal, @jillianclare, @thehousered, @variety, @note0157h7, @jbflint, @variety_cynthia, @acunaandrew, @kateaurthur, @hesherman, @jessdrawz, Gizmodo, SlashFilm, @childbearer, Forbes, dot.LA and Adweek
Jeremy Fuster / The Wrap: What Razor-Thin IATSE Contract Vote Reveals About Discontent With Hollywood's Status Quo
@iatse: BREAKING: IATSE Members Ratify Contracts with Producers, Studios and Streaming Services Aggregated for both the Hollywood Basic and the Area Standards, the popular vote was 50.3% yes and 49.7% no, with 72% turnout.
@variety: The opponents argued that negotiators should have capitalized on the threat of a strike, and argued that negotiators should be forced back to the bargaining table.
April Wolfe / @awolfeful: Holy wow. The actual vote tally is NO on the IATSE contract.
@mizteefranklin: Again. IDK too much, but, I'm surprised this passed. Y'all deserved more than what seems like the bare minimum
Rob Hatch-Miller / @robhatchmiller: The people in charge of IATSE should go. Their deal with the studios was so bad that the majority of their actual voting members actually voted it down, and it only passed on a technicality.
@sadmichelada: if they would have made a bigger deal about this vote like they did the strike authorization these numbers would be very different.
Carolyn Hinds / @carriecnh12: I knew this would happen. The way their voting system is set up it was gonna be an unbalanced outcome. It sucks because that agreement does not benefit the workers, it puts them back in the same position, and in some instances an even worse one than before. They deserve better.
Matthew A. Cherry / @matthewacherry: More people voted no and it's still going to be ratified. Yet another electoral college fail.
Allyson Rudolph / @the_punctuator: Seeing things pass without popular support reminds me of this Howard Zinn quote: “Voting is easy and marginally useful, but it is a poor substitute for democracy, which requires direct action by concerned citizens.” Fingers crossed for some hearty direct action here.
@adequateemily: Honestly union leadership really screwed the workers here by wanting to settle quick, it's pathetic. They held all the leverage and yet settled on an awful deal and tried to spin it to their members as a win. This is a pathetic excuse of a collective bargaining strike.
Carina Adly Mackenzie / @cadlymack: Big yikes
@meanzjest: Hopefully our @IATSE leaders hear us loud and clear.. Next time, we start negotiations much more aggressively. The producers have no problem anchoring ridiculous asks. 950 hours my ASS. Many people don't even make the 400 per 6mo now We want what is rightfully ours.
Dave Jamieson / @jamieson: BREAKING: Both of the IATSE contracts have been ratified, per the union. But when it comes to the basic agreement (i.e., the big Hollywood one) it only passed because of the electoral college-style voting system. Popular vote was 49.6% yes to 50.4% no.
Erich Schwartzel / Wall Street Journal: Hollywood Production Workers Approve Labor Deals in Narrow Vote
@jillianclare: Every member of IATSE I know voted no on this contract - this is so sad.
C.M. Lewis / @thehousered: Extremely narrow margin, but I'd imagine it's going to cause some serious unhappiness.
@variety: Instead, the new agreement will go into effect, and the membership will have to wait until the next round of bargaining in 2024. The wage increases will be retroactive to Aug. 1.
@note0157h7: This is why you don't use the representative republic model for your arm of labor protection.
Joe Flint / @jbflint: Hollywood studios have avoided a shutdown as a union representing behind-the-scenes workers approved a labor deal via @WSJ
Cynthia Littleton / @variety_cynthia: By a slim margin indeed...This vote tally is a flashing neon light to the industry that there is a TON of work to be done on working conditions. #IATSE
Andrew / @acunaandrew: Regardless of what the actual contract is the fact that it's this tight after weeks of contention and weeks after a NEAR UNANIMOUS vote to strike does not sit right with me.
Kate Aurthur / @kateaurthur: Very close vote, but...IATSE Members Vote to Ratify Contract, Ending Strike Threat via @GeneMaddaus
Howard Sherman / @hesherman: Film and TV production will continue uninterrupted with ratification of new IATSE agreement, though the vote was rather close.
Jess Marfisi / @jessdrawz: here are the IATSE contract ratification results for the basic and ASA agreements (they both passed). I have a lot of complicated feelings about this, but I don't think they belong on Twitter. Solidarity.
James Whitbrook / Gizmodo: Hollywood's IATSE Votes to Ratify Its New Contract, But Controversy Remains
Adam / @childbearer: horrible sellout deal. like slapping a band aid on a gaping wound. extremely disappointing.
Alison Durkee / Forbes: Hollywood Strike Averted: Crew Members Approve Union Contract

US judge finds Alex Jones liable by default in Sandy Hook defamation lawsuits after he refused to turn over documents ordered by the courts — A Connecticut judge's ruling combines with decisions in Texas to grant a clean sweep for families of shooting victims in their cases against the Infowars host.
Hartford Courant, Law & Crime, Associated Press, @brianstelter, Gizmodo, New York Post, Media Matters for America, @nytliz, @kylegriffin1, @lindyli, @frankconniff, @richardmarx, @shannonrwatts, @robertpicardo, @aaronblake, Deadline, Al Jazeera, The Daily Beast, The Guardian, UPI, The Week, Forbes, CNN, The Wrap, VICE, Insider, Mediaite, The Hill, New York Magazine and Barrett Media
Zach Murdock / Hartford Courant: Connecticut judge orders Infowars' Alex Jones to pay damages to families of Sandy Hook shooting victims in defamation lawsuits
Jerry Lambe / Law & Crime: Judge Rips Alex Jones' ‘Callous Disregard’ in Finding Him Liable by Default in Sandy Hook Defamation Cases
Brian Stelter / @brianstelter: “Juries in both states will next decide how much Mr. Jones should pay the families in damages, atop court costs. Those trials are scheduled for next year in both states.”
Tom McKay / Gizmodo: Alex Jones Loses Sandy Hook Defamation Lawsuits for Refusing to Do the Bare Minimum
Timothy Johnson / Media Matters for America: Alex Jones reacts to Sandy Hook families' legal victories by claiming parents are using him to get their kids in the news
Elizabeth Williamson / @nytliz: “People who believed [Jones's] false claims accosted the families on the street and at events honoring their slain loved ones, abused them online, contacted them at their homes and threatened their lives.”
Kyle Griffin / @kylegriffin1: Breaking: Right-wing conspiracy theorist Alex Jones has been found guilty by default in all of the Sandy Hook defamation suits — granting the families of 10 Sandy Hook shooting victims four sweeping victories.
Lindy Li / @lindyli: This victory is significant But bear in mind that there remains an Alex Jones in Congress: Marjorie Taylor Greene, who also called the massacre a “false flag” event
Frank Conniff / @frankconniff: Come on, Joe Rogan thought that harassing families who've suffered the worst tragedy a human can possibly suffer was such a funny bit, he invited Alex Jones to come laugh it up on his show. And this is the thanks Jones gets? Cancel Culture is out of control.
Richard Marx / @richardmarx: Seems to me people with platforms who publicly elevated this degenerate and disgusting disinformation might also be open to lawsuits, too.
Shannon Watts / @shannonrwatts: A Connecticut judge's ruling against the Infowars host combines with decisions in THTREE DECISIONS grant a clean sweep for the families of 10 shooting victims.
Robert Picardo / @robertpicardo: Here's a change, considering recent history: bad things happening to bad people. Alex Jones profited off the misery of Sandy Hook victims . Now he must pay for reckless, pandering perfidy.
Aaron Blake / @aaronblake: Sandy Hook families are now 4 for 4 in suing Alex Jones for defamation. “Juries in [two] states will next decide how much Mr. Jones should pay the families in damages.”
Tom Tapp / Deadline: ‘Infowars’ Host Alex Jones Ordered To Pay Damages To 8 Sandy Hook Victims' Families In Defamation Suits
Zoe Richards / The Daily Beast: Alex Jones Loses Sandy Hook Families' Lawsuits Over Conspiracy Theories
Megan Hadley / UPI: Sandy Hook families win defamation suits against Alex Jones
Brendan Morrow / The Week: Alex Jones found liable in Sandy Hook defamation lawsuits
Carlie Porterfield / Forbes: Conspiracy Theorist Alex Jones Loses Fourth—And Last—Defamation Lawsuit From Sandy Hook Parents
Sarah Jorgensen / CNN: Sandy Hook families win legal victory against Alex Jones in defamation case
Lindsey Ellefson / The Wrap: InfoWars' Alex Jones Guilty by Default in Sandy Hook Defamation Suits
Insider: Alex Jones found guilty in all 4 defamation cases the Sandy Hook families brought against him
Leia Idliby / Mediaite: BREAKING: Alex Jones Found Guilty By Default in Sandy Hook Defamation Lawsuit
Dominick Mastrangelo / The Hill: Alex Jones found guilty in latest Sandy Hook defamation case

Snap signs a licensing deal with Sony Music, following its deals with UMG, WMG, and others, and will add its Sounds on Snap feature to AR Lenses — Snap has struck a licensing deal with Sony Music Entertainment — which means the music of all three major labels/ publishers and many indies …
Snap Newsroom, The Verge, Digital Music News, Billboard, Adweek, 9to5Mac, TechCrunch and Music Business Worldwide
Emma Roth / The Verge: Snap's deal with Sony Music means it now partners with all three major music labels
Dylan Smith / Digital Music News: Snap Inks Sony Music Licensing Deal Following Warner, Universal, and Merlin Agreements
Chris Eggertsen / Billboard: Matt Young Named President of UMG's Bravado Merch Company
David Cohen / Adweek: Snap Adds Sony Music Entertainment Artists to Library of Licensed Music for Sounds
Filipe Espósito / 9to5Mac: Snapchat signs deal with Sony Music to bring even more songs to its platform

Sources: CBS Studio Center sells for $1.8B, $500M more than projected three months ago, a sign of rising demand for limited studio space in LA — Hackman Capital and Square Mile have winning bid for complex where classic television shows such as ‘Seinfeld’ were shot
Tony Maglio / The Wrap: CBS Studio Center to Sell for $1.8 Billion
Etan Vlessing / Hollywood Reporter: ViacomCBS Nears CBS Studio City Lot Sale (Report)

A look at the Dotdash and Meredith merger, as some question whether People magazine, with an average print circulation of around 3M, fits in Dotdash's portfolio — Still a hit in print, the weekly chronicle of celebs and ordinary people who make news is set to become the property of a company specializing in informational websites.
@mediaevan, @nataliesamsonpr, @annehummert, @cristymsilva, @joshsternberg, @helentobin, @marcatracy and @nytimesbusiness
Evan DeSimone / @mediaevan: People is profitable on its own. DotDash could conceivably just keep running it as is for years.
Natalie Samson / @nataliesamsonpr: People magazine is set to undergo new ownership for the second time in three years after a merger with Meredith and Dotdash. Meredith acquired People after buying Time Inc. back in 2017.
Cynthia B. Meyers / @annehummert: People Magazine's print circulation is 3 million—more than any other print magazine—in the past, was responsible for about 20% of Time Warner's revenues—impulse supermarket checkout sales were key
Cristina Silva / @cristymsilva: When the deal goes through, People will have its second new owner in three years.
Josh Sternberg / @joshsternberg: When you have a non-media-bred executive like @neilvogel running a media business, (plus an owner who is verrrrry patient) you can expect good and different things.
Helen Tobin / @helentobin: The people who make @people are the very best. I hope DotDash recognizes what a gem they're getting. (I also hope that friends and acquaintances never stop complaining to me about the SMA choice. Paul Rudd, controversial!)

The BBC's no-bias policy is being pushed to its limits as staff grapple with who gets to choose topics where impartiality matters, such as transgender rights — Analysis: from anti-racism protests to trans rights, who gets to choose topics where impartiality matters is a live issue
@michellemanafy, @pressgazette, @tarajohn, @marcusryder, @jimsterling, @jayhulmepoet, @bevjacksonauth, @leng_cath, @punapeura and @simonablake
Michelle Manafy / @michellemanafy: Who exactly gets to define what impartiality means? Which topics - such as the climate crisis - no longer require dissenting voices at the BBC? And what happens when some of your own staff believe that certain topics simply should not be up for debate? ...
@pressgazette: BBC response to complaints over its coverage “of trans activism”: “The BBC is committed to ongoing coverage of this subject, hearing a wide range of viewpoints across our output... we do not take an editorial position on the stories that we cover”
Tara John / @tarajohn: “In effect, Davies confirmed that the BBC's decisions on what topics are subject to impartiality concerns within the corporation were shaped by external debate in the public sphere.”
Marcus Ryder Mbe / @marcusryder: Whose impartiality is it anyway? Great piece by @jimwaterson looking at issues of journalistic impartiality - especially BBC's policy when it comes to protected characteristics (lgbtq+ and race). It's also always nice to be quoted ...
Commander Stephanie Sterling / @jimsterling: The BBC did this as a direct result of Stonewall supporting trans rights. They've been platforming hate groups and running unprofessional anti-trans stories. Pulling out of a diversity program is a tacit admission of prejudice as policy. They're not impartial. They hate us.
Jay Hulme / @jayhulmepoet: While the BBC is catastrophically blowing up their credit with the entire LGBT community, I'd like to remind all of you that it's BBC editorial policy that cis ppl can debate “trans issues” without any trans ppl present, but trans people cannot speak without a cis person present.
Bev Jackson / @bevjacksonauth: “Citing the 2010 Equality Act, the staff called on Davie to stop offering a platform to the LGB Alliance organisation”. The Equality Act lists sexual orientation - which it defines on the basis of sex, not gender - as a protected characteristic./1of2 ...
Cath Leng / @leng_cath: Interesting stuff about what impartiality means. ‘Who exactly gets to define that?’ I think most journalists (and audiences) would say, it's assessing the evidence, establishing the facts, then assembling and sharing a range of views around the facts. ...
Linda Hart / @punapeura: “Yet [Davie] will soon receive an open letter, signed by BBC staff in support of trans rights and seen by the Guardian, which argues the corporation is breaching its impartiality guidelines if it hosts a debate on the legitimacy of gender reassignment.” ...