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Alden Global Capital offers to acquire Lee Enterprises for about $140M or $24/share, a ~30% premium on its stock's November 19 closing price — The hedge fund has developed a reputation for slashing staff in newsrooms and other departments and selling off real estate at outlets it owns.
New York Times, Business Wire, @seandkennedy, Nieman Lab, CNN, Washington Post, @annaknicolaou, @mckaycoppins, @marcatracy, @dw_grant, Associated Press, @sarafischer, Wall Street Journal, Pink's Bottom Line on Media …, @kimberlyforiowa, @saragregory, @maxkennerly, Charlottesville Community …, @itsren, @ben_baby, @gagemiskimen, @joshuadarr, @robcurley, @poynter, @dmregister, @jeremylittau, @ofirahy, @davidfolkenflik, @edmundlee, @ashleyinnrv, @meghin_, @aishas, @washingtonpost, @markstenberg3, @ellengerst, @johncasperjr, @cnn, @jimfriedlich, @katereports, @jessieopie, @sarahfenske, @existentialfish, @tripgabriel, @nelsonforwi, @markreardonkftk, @nancylcoleman, @bystevereilly, Editor and Publisher, @dlboardman, @katereports, @davidfolkenflik, @rczullo, @jayrosen_nyu, @charlesornstein, @sabrinaamorenoo, @bwjones, Press Gazette, @poynter, @aliaconleyowh, @zdroberts, @shahlafarzan, @rickhasen, @tedgenoways, @buffaloguild, @andrewgraham88, @brennanmgilmore, @lylemuller, @raleighreporter and MediaPost
Katie Robertson / New York Times: Alden Global Capital makes an offer for Lee Enterprises, a big newspaper chain.
Sean Kennedy / @seandkennedy: Lee owns most of the major newspapers in Virginia. Alden already owns The Pilot and the Daily Press. If Alden acquires Lee, every major newspaper in Virginia would be owned by one company.
Joshua Benton / Nieman Lab: The vulture is hungry again: Alden Global Capital wants to buy a few hundred more newspapers
Anna Nicolaou / @annaknicolaou: “vulture” hedge fund Alden continues to take over more of the newspaper industry. Today with a deal to buy Lee Enterprises, publisher of dozens of daily newspapers. here is Alden's explanation:
McKay Coppins / @mckaycoppins: Alden Capital just announced an offer to buy Lee Enterprises, which operates local newspapers in Buffalo, Omaha, St. Louis, and many other cities. What will happen to those papers if Alden takes over? Look to their record. My recent cover story: ...
Marc Tracy / @marcatracy: Part of Alden's letter announcing bid to buy Lee Enterprises, newspaper chain (St. Louis, Omaha, Buffalo, more) in which already a minority shareholder. Last big indpt chain out there.
David Grant / @dw_grant: $140 million offer for ~$800M of revenue. Offer looks like ~1x earnings for 90 papers. Given Lee has already found $100M in “synergies” this year, if Alden can get another $100M out and keep most of the revenue this will be profitable in a year.
Sara Fischer / @sarafischer: Alden Global Capital announces an offer to acquire Lee Enterprises for $24/share, a ~30% premium to its stock's Nov. 19 closing price
Adriano Marchese / Wall Street Journal: Alden Global Looks to Buy Newspaper Publisher Lee Enterprises
Kimberly Graham / @kimberlyforiowa: Lee owns a number of papers in Iowa. It is critical now more than ever to support local, independent journalists.
Sara Gregory / @saragregory: Three men paved the way for this: Frank Batten Jr., Warren Buffett and Patrick Soon-Shiong.
Max Kennerly / @maxkennerly: The hedge fund gets a special just-for-private-equity tax break to do stuff like this, the “carried interest” loophole. Closing the loophole is an easy political winner that would raise billions in revenue, but a handful of “centrist” Dems in Congress blocked the fix.
Sean Tubbs / Charlottesville Community Engagement: November 22, 2021: Albemarle PC briefed on capital budget process; Another new owner for the Daily Progress?
Ren LaForme / @itsren: Alden Global Capital, the hedge fund with a reputation for buying and slashing newspapers, has its eyes set on Lee Enterprises, which owns @stltoday, @TheBuffaloNews, @OWHnews and others.
Ben Baby / @ben_baby: A friendly reminder that Alden Global Capital hurts America as much as any corporation in the world.
Gage Miskimen / @gagemiskimen: Something has to change in this industry. News like this adds to the stress and uncertainty a lot of local reporters constantly face. It's frustrating to see young reporters already burning out for reasons that have nothing to do with the actual work of reporting and writing.
Joshua P. Darr / @joshuadarr: Government has subsidized local newspapers throughout American history. If they don't act, there's only one direction this is going.
Rob Curley / @robcurley: If these vultures buy Lee, it will have a direct (and very negative) effect on journalism in the Pacific Northwest. Some of my favorite journalists on the planet work at Alden-owned newspapers, and both them and their communities deserve so much better.
@poynter: After acquiring Tribune Publishing this summer, Alden Capital has set its sights on newspaper chain Lee Enterprises.
@dmregister: Lee Enterprises, based in Davenport, owns 10 newspapers in Iowa. ...
Jeremy Littau / @jeremylittau: I don't know the law enough to know when this becomes antitrust, but it definitely isn't good for consumers.
Ofirah Yheskel / @ofirahy: this is not good news
David Folkenflik / @davidfolkenflik: Oh boy. Q: Was the (high-interest) lifeline from Buffett enough for Lee?
Edmund Lee / @edmundlee: $LEE acquired Buffet's news company last year for $140 million. Alden's offer today effectively values the entire rest of LEE at $1 million, so arguably a bargain for Alden:
Ashley Spinks Dugan / @ashleyinnrv: I was going to tweet a sardonic and resigned “lmao” but this is actually not funny at all for the intrepid reporters who will face greater loss of resources and job insecurity due to this acquisition, nor for the communities they serve.
Meghin Moore / @meghin_: If you value local journalism, this should be on your radar. Every major newspaper in Virginia should NOT be owned by one single company, especially one that's pure evil.
Aisha Sultan / @aishas: A timely read about Alden Capital's track record. The hedge fund plans to buyout Lee Enterprises, which operates the St. Louis Post-Dispatch.
@washingtonpost: In a letter to Lee's board of directors on Monday, Alden Global Capital offered $24 a share to purchase the chain, which owns at least 90 publications across 26 states, including the St. Louis Post-Dispatch and the Buffalo News. ...
Mark Stenberg / @markstenberg3: Just in: Alden Global Capital, the infamous “vulture fund” that acquired Tribune Publishing in May, has just announced an offer to acquire the newspaper chain Lee Enterprises. Alden is the second-biggest newspaper chain in the country. Lee currently operates in 77 markets.
Ellen Gerst / @ellengerst: Lee owns the @CSTribune, which leads coverage across Wyoming and was already slashed to a skeleton crew by the time I showed up a year ago.
John Casper Jr / @johncasperjr: I would say that there is no way the Lee Enterprises newspapers in Wisconsin and Winona have any additional ways to cut staff ... but I've been saying that since 2015.
@cnn: Alden Global Capital, a hedge fund known for gutting local newsrooms, is seeking to buy Lee Enterprises, a publicly traded company with a chain of daily newspapers and other publications that serves 77 markets.
Jim Friedlich / @jimfriedlich: Sadly, Alden is likely to win this one as well. They've offered a 30% premium for Lee Enterprises & it's hard to see who is willing to top them. It's easier to bid most aggressively when the business plan is to cut newsrooms most egregiously.
Kate Martin / @katereports: My deepest sympathies for journalists at Lee Enterprises. If anyone needs help with resume feedback or whatnot please PM me. My DMs are open.
Jessie Opoien / @jessieopie: Lee has a big footprint in Wisconsin and Iowa. Give @mckaycoppins' story a read.
Sarah Fenske / @sarahfenske: This is really, really bad news for anyone who cares about journalism in St. Louis (which ought to be everyone in St. Louis)
John Whitehouse / @existentialfish: This is gonna be real bad
Trip Gabriel / @tripgabriel: Alden's record is for slashing newsroom jobs, at a time when thousands of local papers have closed & disinformation pervades talk radio and social media. Lee owns 90 papers including The Buffalo News, The Richmond Times-Dispatch and The Omaha World-Herald.
Tom Nelson / @nelsonforwi: Vulture capital is trying to take over a newspaper chain that holds many Wisconsin Newspapers. Alden Global cares nothing about our local communities, just profit. DOJ should examine this deal closely.
Mark Reardon / @markreardonkftk: The good news is that this paper hasn't really done journalism outside of sports in a long, not really a big deal at all.
Nancy Coleman / @nancylcoleman: now seeking: a very nice billionaire to buy (save) the St. Louis Post-Dispatch perks include: an invitation to my home for thanksgiving, the opportunity to rescue vital coverage for an entire metropolitan area, fresh baked goods from my mom
Steve Reilly / @bystevereilly: Company whose history shows substantial commitment to strip-mining local newspapers for profit says that hostile takeover bid is “a reaffirmation of our substantial commitment to the newspaper industry”
David Boardman / @dlboardman: This is horrendous news for local journalism and for our democracy. Lee Newspapers is far from the paragon of the profession, but it shines journalistically next to the vulture capitalists of Alden.
Kate Martin / @katereports: Lee Enterprises owns eight newspapers in these North Carolina cities: Concord Greensboro Hickory Marion Morganton Mooresville Statesville Winston-Salem I am so sorry for these communities.
David Folkenflik / @davidfolkenflik: This is how deep cuts can accelerate — with further consolidation
Robert Zullo / @rczullo: The grim reaper of the newspaper business comes for the company that owns most of Virginia's newspapers.
Jay Rosen / @jayrosen_nyu: The secretive hedge fund that is gutting newsrooms announced today that it would try to buy more newsrooms to gut— the assets of Lee Enterprises, including 75 local newspapers. ...
Charles Ornstein / @charlesornstein: Geez. Alden, a hedge fund, wants to become an even bigger local news behemoth. What could go wrong? Well, read @mckaycoppins piece. A lot, it turns out.
Sabrina Moreno / @sabrinaamorenoo: After acquiring Tribune, Alden stripped the Virginian-Pilot down so much that the Richmond Times-Dispatch became the largest paper in Virginia. Now it's coming for not only RTD, but @roanoketimes, @DailyProgress and much more
Bryan William Jones / @bwjones: Anyone who cares about local newspapers/media (this should be EVERYONE), needs to read this account of how private capital acquisition of newspapers destroys them, and ultimately warps societies understanding of the world around them.
William Turvill / Press Gazette: Hedge fund Alden bids $140m for Lee Enterprises to expand its US local newspaper empire
@poynter: Alden Capital, a hedge fund with a reputation for slashing staff in newsrooms, has announced a bid to acquire Lee Enterprises, a publicly traded chain of 75 daily newspapers and several hundred other outlets.
Alia Conley / @aliaconleyowh: Today's announcement that Alden wants to buy Lee Enterprises, which owns the Omaha World-Herald and the majority of Nebraska newspapers, is just another blow to local, legitimate, ethical news sources. #SaveLocalNews ...
Zach D Roberts / @zdroberts: Someone needs to stop this. @AOC, @RepJerryNadler, @BernieSanders - we cannot have one hedge fund going from paper to paper like a vulture taking them all down.
Shahla Farzan / @shahlafarzan: Lee Enterprises owns 50 daily newspapers, including the St. Louis Post Dispatch, a critical news source in our community. This article from @TheAtlantic summarizes really well how Alden Global Capacity destroys #newsrooms from the inside out:
Rick Hasen / @rickhasen: This would be a better use of Bezos's $100 million contribution. Save local journalism (and make the part of a WaPo newspaper network). Don't let hedge funds further kill off vital local newspapers, which support American democracy.
Ted Genoways / @tedgenoways: I would just like to thank the Oracle of Omaha one more time for the key role he played in destroying the newspaper industry in his home state and across America. Why would cheap, widely-available, accurate information be important in times like these?
Buffalo Newspaper Guild / @buffaloguild: The Buffalo Newspaper Guild urges @LeeEntNews to reject whatever offer Alden Capital makes to purchase Lee Enterprises, the parent company of @TheBuffaloNews. Alden says it “supports its employees in their important work serving local communities.” It clearly does not. (1/2)
Andrew Graham / @andrewgraham88: When you see Lee reporters hoping to stay under their current ownership you know that Alden is truly very terrible. Alden's slash and burn could particularly strike home in Montana and Wyoming (already a news desert), where the biggest newspapers are Lee.
Brennan Gilmore / @brennanmgilmore: This should be illegal.
Lyle Muller / @lylemuller: Want to support Iowa-owned newspaper? Try employee-owned @gazettedotcom and other Folience papers and @TelegraphHerald and other Woodward papers; locally owned @SLTimes @TimesCitizen

Fox News contributors Jonah Goldberg and Stephen Hayes resign from the network in protest of Tucker Carlson's streaming special on the January 6 Capitol mob — Jonah Goldberg and Stephen Hayes, stars of a brand of conservatism that has fallen out of fashion, decide they've had enough.
NPR, @benyt, Washington Post, The Dispatch, Los Angeles Times, @jeremymbarr, @jayrosen_nyu, @jonathanchait, @brianstelter, @nytdavidbrooks, CNN, @liz_cheney, @billkristol, @ndrew_lawrence, @erickfernandez, @jeremymbarr, @owillis, Press Watch, @mittromney, @ggreenwald, @heerjeet, @billkristol, Vanity Fair, @deggans, @ninaburleigh, @mattnegrin, @paulwaldman1, @nprinskeep, @brianstelter, @jayrosen_nyu, The Week, @theplumlinegs, @davidcorndc, Insider, @eugene_scott, @adamkinzinger, Mediaite, Newser, UPROXX, TVNewser, @davidfolkenflik, @davidfolkenflik, @gerrycallahan, @maxblumenthal, @jkirchick, @pftompkins, @davidafrench, The Guardian, @anneapplebaum, @jaredlholt, @elivalley, @jonahdispatch, @brianjameswalsh, @jerrydunleavy, The Racket News, Campaign Update, @zigmanfreud, @bryvkin, @jmartnyt, @itguy1959, @oliviatroye, @drgjackbrown, @pkafka, @peter_wehner, @dangillmor, @julieroginsky, @davidgura, @rpsagainsttrump, @ericboehlert, @owillis, @frankconniff, @cam_joseph, @walshfreedom, @davidafrench, @rachaelbl, @samstein, @jonkarl, @yesnicksearcy, TheBlaze, @nedryun, @arthurschwartz, @dandrezner, @froomkin, @blackamazon, @marceelias, @jrubinblogger, @jrubinblogger, @writerjms, @thehowie, @bradmossesq, @urbanachievr, @urbanachievr, @tripper_grebe, @curtmills, @nedryun, @shermichael_, The Wrap, Deadline, The Hill and Rolling Stone
David Folkenflik / NPR: 2 Fox News commentators resign over Tucker Carlson series on the Jan. 6 siege
Ben Smith / @benyt: New: Two Fox News Contributors Quit in Protest of Tucker Carlson's Jan. 6 Special
Greg Sargent / Washington Post: As two Fox contributors quit over Tucker Carlson, an alarming truth is revealed
Jonah Goldberg / Los Angeles Times: I left Fox News after 12 years. Tucker Carlson's ‘Patriot Purge’ was the final straw
Jeremy Barr / @jeremymbarr: Asked about the resignation of Jonah Goldberg and Stephen Hayes, a Fox News executive said that the network did not plan to re-sign them as contributors when their contract came up next year: ...
Jay Rosen / @jayrosen_nyu: “Senior journalists and producers at Fox typically receive a salary premium for the opprobrium that comes with working at the company.”
Jonathan Chait / @jonathanchait: You've heard of being paid with prestige? Working at Fox News is the opposite of that.
Brian Stelter / @brianstelter: Two longtime Fox commentators, @JonahDispatch and @stephenfhayes, say “they've had enough.” They tell @benNYT that they have resigned from Fox. The final straw: Tucker Carlson's “Patriot Purge”
David Brooks / @nytdavidbrooks: Steve and Jonah have been two of the bravest journalists during this whole mess. They've taken positions that carry real costs. Think about supporting @thedispatch.
Brian Stelter / CNN: Jonah Goldberg and Stephen Hayes resign from Fox News, protesting ‘irresponsible’ voices like Tucker Carlson
Liz Cheney / @liz_cheney: Thank you @stephenfhayes and @JonahDispatch for standing up for truth and calling out dangerous lies.
Bill Kristol / @billkristol: Kudos to @stephenfhayes and @JonahDispatch for standing up to Fox, yelling Stop, at a time when few other conservatives are inclined to do so, or to have much patience with those who so urge it.
Andrew Lawrence / @ndrew_lawrence: “this is not what i signed up for when i took a job at the racism factory”
Erick Fernandez / @erickfernandez: Chris Wallace and Bret Baier have always provided cover and “legitimacy” to fascist propaganda and rightwing disinformation. They're fully aware of that and been fully aware of that.
Jeremy Barr / @jeremymbarr: Ralph Peters, who quit Fox News in 2018, praised Goldberg and Hayes but said they “will not be missed by the core Fox audience, nor will their departure trigger any soul-searching within the moral and ethical black hole of the Fox hierarchy.” ...
Oliver Willis / @owillis: There aren't journalists at Fox News and mainstream media media writers love pretending there are
Dan Froomkin / Press Watch: More media figures need to publicly renounce Fox's propaganda and disinformation channel
Mitt Romney / @mittromney: Admirable—and difficult—decision by two people of character and conscience.
Glenn Greenwald / @ggreenwald: Two of the most vocal and unhinged advocates of the first War on Terror - @JonahDispatch and @stephenfhayes - just quit Fox News (where nobody knew they worked) in protest over Tucker Carlson warning of the dangers of the new War on Terror and questioning FBI involvement in 1/6.
Jeet Heer / @heerjeet: Wasn't Tucker Carlson also a vocal and unhinged advocate for War on Terror (even calling Iraqis as “primitive monkeys")? For that matter wasn't Greenwald also a less vocal but also unhinged advocate for the same cause? No heroes in this snake pit.
Bill Kristol / @billkristol: “We should appreciate the decision by Hayes and Goldberg to quit Fox News. If anything, we need more public displays of alarm about this clear and present danger. It isn't going away.” ...
Charlotte Klein / Vanity Fair: Tucker Carlson's January 6 Propaganda Is Hitting a Nerve Inside Fox
Eric Deggans At Npr / @deggans: Tucker Carlson's series on Jan. 6 Capitol riot was so riddled w/misinformation, 2 conservative commentators - who have tolerated a lot there - quit. Two other anchors aired segments pushing back, tho not mentioning Carlson. Profiles in courage, I guess.
Nina Burleigh / @ninaburleigh: Interesting .... A step too far even for Jonah
@mattnegrin: You can bet $6,000,000,000,000 that these billowing sacks of wagyu-grade bad faith will land on @chucktodd's panel of “journalists” this Sunday to be awarded the Meet the Press Medal of Freedom and 15 minutes to express dismay that Kamala Harris is putting CRT in vegetables
Paul Waldman / @paulwaldman1: It has come to my attention that the organization I have been working for, Americans For Poisoning Everyone's Ice Cream, may have been making a negative contribution to people's enjoyment of ice cream, and I am available for interviews to explain my resignation.
Steve Inskeep / @nprinskeep: “If a person with such a platform shares such misinformation loud enough and long enough, there are Americans who will believe—and act upon—it.”
Brian Stelter / @brianstelter: “It is fitting that two Fox News contributors have severed their ties with the network over Tucker Carlson's glorification of Jan. 6 at exactly the moment when more than 150 scholars are sounding a loud, clanging alarm about the future of our democracy...” ...
Jay Rosen / @jayrosen_nyu: They joined Fox as contributors in 2009. “We believed, sincerely, that the country needed Fox News.” Now they're quitting because “the voices of the responsible are being drowned out by the irresponsible.”
Damon Linker / The Week: Fox News was toxic long before Tucker Carlson's Jan. 6 movie
Greg Sargent / @theplumlinegs: Over 150 scholars just warned of a “clear and present threat to the future of electoral democracy.” “Violence is the alternative to politics in democracies,” Lee Drutman tells me. “We've seen that road traveled into a ditch in numerous democracies.” ...
David Corn / @davidcorndc: Somebody is all in on Tucker Carlson's fascistic demagoguery.
Jake Lahut / Insider: We watched Tucker Carlson's Jan. 6 documentary so you don't have to. Here's why its whitewash of the Capitol insurrection makes no sense.
Eugene Scott / @eugene_scott: I will forever be fascinated by different people's last straws ...
Adam Kinzinger / @adamkinzinger: This.... Leading by example. Nice job @JonahDispatch and @stephenfhayes Two Fox News Contributors Quit in Protest of Tucker Carlson's Jan. 6 Special
Colby Hall / Mediaite: Jonah Goldberg and Stephen Hayes Both Called Out Mollie Hemingway's Pro-Trump Propaganda Before Leaving Fox News
Kimberly Ricci / UPROXX: Two Longtime Fox News Contributors Quit In Protest Of Tucker Carlson's Batsh*t Series (Which Falsely Claims That The MAGA Riot Was A ‘False Flag’ Operation)
A.J. Katz / TVNewser: Conservative Commentators Stephen Hayes and Jonah Goldberg Leave Fox News Over ‘Outrageous’ Tucker Carlson Fox Nation Special
David Folkenflik / @davidfolkenflik: Two longtime Fox News commentators have resigned in protest of what they say are unhinged pro-Trump conspiracy theories embraced on by dominant opinion shows My interviews with @stephenfhayes and @JonahDispatch - more to come on NPR's @MorningEdition
David Folkenflik / @davidfolkenflik: Despite false claims and incendiary rhetoric on Fox about the elections and Covid, many journalists inside Fox News concluded Carlson's “Patriot Purge” was dangerous and different. Bret Baier and Chris Wallace objected to Fox News CEO Suzanne Scott & news chief Jay Wallace MORE
Gerry Callahan / @gerrycallahan: I watch a lot of Fox. I honestly did not know either of these two still worked for the network. What were they on, the Chris Wallace show no one watches?
Max Blumenthal / @maxblumenthal: Hard to tell if these neocon Iraq war cheerleaders quit Fox bc the doc pushes a right-wing persecution narrative, or bc it references Bush's torture program, Bush lying about WMDs, the FBI manufacturing terror plots against innocent Muslim Americans and even Operation Northwoods
James Kirchick / @jkirchick: .@stephenfhayes and @JonahDispatch are honorable men and this is the tough, but honorable, thing to do
@pftompkins: These poor guys, imagine getting hired and then your FIRST DAY on the job you see something terrible that compels you to quit, I am assuming
David French / @davidafrench: I'm proud to work with @JonahDispatch and @stephenfhayes. They made a hard, good call. Jonah: “Whether it's ‘Patriot Purge’ or anti-vax stuff, I don't want it in my name, and I want to call it out and criticize it.”
Martin Pengelly / The Guardian: Two quit Fox News over Tucker Carlson's Capitol attack series
Anne Applebaum / @anneapplebaum: A rare resignation on principle
Jared Holt / @jaredlholt: This is a principled line in the sand we don't see too often these days, which is great. But it is also interesting to me to see who draws these lines and where.
Eli Valley / @elivalley: Weird how they kept cashing those checks through years of fascist disinfo and stochastic terrorism
Jonah Goldberg / @jonahdispatch: I just finished driving about 875 miles. The last 200 in some pretty stressful conditions. Lots of folks sending me support and/or hate. I'm not going to publicly respond to any of it tonight beyond posting this — and saying “thanks” to the friendlies.
Brian Walsh / @brianjameswalsh: “Patriot Purge creates an alternative history of January 6, contradicted not just by common sense, not just by the testimony and on-the-record statements of many participants, but by the reporting of the news division of Fox News itself.”
Jerry Christmas / @jerrydunleavy: A serious question I have is whether this stand will also apply to MSNBC & CNN, or just to Fox, and why.
Steve Berman / The Racket News: Jonah Goldberg goes full John Galt.
David Blackmon / Campaign Update: Monday's Absurdity: Christmas Comes Early as Fake Conservatives Quit Fox News
John Ziegler / @zigmanfreud: Translation: Two Fox News Contributors Were No Longer Getting Booked Regularly, So They Contrived a Face-Saving, Woke-Friendly, Exit Strategy that the @nytimes Would Find Conveniently Newsworthy
Boris Ryvkin / @bryvkin: Haha. Tucker remains in the ascendant after this desperate and pathetic move.
Jonathan Martin / @jmartnyt: Fox makes its choice, con't
It Guy / @itguy1959: Meanwhile there was good news today. Two of the most irrelevant trucon pundits in history left @FoxNews in protest. I can almost hear Tucker's signature laugh in the comment below.
@oliviatroye: The Tucker Carlson conspiracy touting special on Kyle Rittenhouse will indeed lead to the promotion of more violence. Thank you Jonah Goldberg & Stephen Hayes for taking a stand for the truth against an ongoing dangerous enterprise.
Peter Kafka / @pkafka: Fox insiders and outsiders who bemoan its fate in the Trump era are endorsing its pre-Trump existence. When it was run by Roger Ailes.
Peter Wehner / @peter_wehner: A principled stand by principled men. I wish there had been more of their kind during the last few years. In any event, Steve and Jonah did the right thing and have (further) shown the world what Fox News stands for the days.
Dan Gillmor / @dangillmor: These resignations, while welcome, are somewhat hollow gestures. Fox “News” has been relentlessly injecting poison into our civic bloodstream for years, and Carlson's vile show only slightly upped the toxicity. These men bolstered an evil enterprise. Surely they knew that.
Julie Roginsky / @julieroginsky: Lots to unpack here but quite interesting to me is Tucker taking shots publicly at the two contributors on the way out, even FNC officially has no comment. Never would have been allowed back in the day. Who's in charge of the network, exactly?
David Gura / @davidgura: “The voices of the responsible are being drowned out by the irresponsible,” @JonahDispatch and @stephenfhayes write. “With the release of ‘Patriot Purge,’ we felt we could no longer ‘do right as we see it’ and remain at Fox News. So we resigned.”
@rpsagainsttrump: Why we are leaving Fox News. “In reality, it is a collection of incoherent conspiracy-mongering, riddled with factual inaccuracies, half-truths, deceptive imagery, and damning omissions.”
Eric Boehlert / @ericboehlert: 🤣🤣🤣 <Their departures also mark the end of a lingering hope among some at Fox News — strange as this is for outsiders to understand — that the channel would at some point return to a pre-Trump reality >
Oliver Willis / @owillis: Lol they were fine with the last 25 years of Fox News racism, misogyny and lying but this was a bridge too far? Yeah. Okay.
Frank Conniff / @frankconniff: Just as admirable as the officers who quit the Nazi party in late 1945.
Cameron Joseph / @cam_joseph: Heck, five years ago it would've been shocking
Joe Walsh / @walshfreedom: Thank you @stephenfhayes. Thank you @JonahDispatch.
David French / @davidafrench: Here's @JonahDispatch and @stephenfhayes in their own words.
Rachael Larimore / @rachaelbl: News from the bosses:
Sam Stein / @samstein: Ten years ago it would have been utterly unfathomable to see @JonahDispatch and @stephenfhayes leave Fox News in protest of the network's coverage. But here we are
Jonathan Karl / @jonkarl: .@stephenfhayes and @JonahDispatch are two of the smartest conservative writers and thinkers in America. Both are (or were) longtime Fox News contributors. Tonight they resigned. Here's why.
@yesnicksearcy: They are leaving because they suck. We didn't need an article about it.
Carlos Garcia / TheBlaze: Jonah Goldberg and Stephen Hayes resign from Fox News over ‘irresponsible’ voices like Tucker Carlson
Arthur Schwartz / @arthurschwartz: “Carlson called Mr. Hayes's and Mr. Goldberg's resignations ‘great news’ in a telephone interview on Sunday. ‘Our viewers will be grateful.’” Two Fox News Contributors Quit in Protest of Tucker Carlson's Jan. 6 Special
Daniel W. Drezner / @dandrezner: “Resignations like Mr. Hayes's and Mr. Goldberg's remain rare at Fox. Cable contributor jobs are lucrative — often six figures or more — and open doors to book deals and speaking engagements." ...
Dan Froomkin / @froomkin: We should ALL quit Fox Noise. And reality-based journalists should work to wean America off it.
Marc E. Elias / @marceelias: Hey Siri, define “the very least they could do.”
Jennifer ‘pro-voting’ Rubin / @jrubinblogger: what were they still doing there??
Jennifer ‘pro-voting’ Rubin / @jrubinblogger: Mr. Goldberg said that he and Mr. Hayes stayed on at Fox News as long they did because of a sense from conversations at Fox that, after Mr. Trump's defeat, the network would try to recover some of its independence and, as he put it, “right the ship.” ... WUT??
Jordan Michael Smith / @writerjms: To put this in perspective, one of these guys wrote a ridiculous book concocting an absurd Saddam Hussein/bin Laden connection. The other guy wrote a ridiculous book concocting an absurd liberal/Nazi connection. THESE guys thinks Fox is off the rails.
@thehowie: A few more principled men and women and we wouldn't have to worry about the country's demise.
Bradley P. Moss / @bradmossesq: Thank you to @JonahDispatch and @stephenfhayes for knowing when to hold and knowing when to fold. Fox has gone too far, and it's increasingly difficult to see how to bring it back from the brink.
Christian Vanderbrouk / @urbanachievr: Tucker Carlson's ‘Patriot Purge’ Special Leads Two Fox News Contributors to Quit - The New York Times. Good for @JonahDispatch and @stephenfhayes.
Christian Vanderbrouk / @urbanachievr: This also highlights Paul Ryan's failure as a Fox Corp board member. If your operation is too toxic for mainstream conservatives like Goldberg and Hayes, you're no longer doing any good; you're window dressing.
Tripp Grebe / @tripper_grebe: I'm damn proud to have worked for Steve Hayes and Jonah Goldberg. Think about supporting @thedispatch.
@curtmills: “Mr. Carlson called Mr. Hayes's and Mr. Goldberg's resignations ‘great news’ in a telephone interview on Sunday. ‘Our viewers will be grateful.’”
Ned Ryun / @nedryun: Fox just got better. I mean I'm sure Bret Baier will be sad half his regular guests are leaving. . .
Shermichael Singleton / @shermichael_: Both men are brilliant writers and intellectuals of a brand of conservatism that's no longer mainstream but perhaps even more important today than before.
Rosemary Rossi / The Wrap: 2 Longtime Fox News Contributors Resign Over Tucker Carlson's Capitol Riot Special
Ted Johnson / Deadline: Two Fox News Contributors Quit, Citing Tucker Carlson's January 6 Series: “The Voices Of The Responsible Are Being Drowned Out By The Irresponsible”
Dominick Mastrangelo / The Hill: Two Fox News contributors quit over Tucker Carlson's Jan. 6 documentary

Gizmodo plans to publish the Facebook Papers in batches, redacting sensitive information with help from NYU, UMass Amherst, Columbia, Marquette, and the ACLU — Independent experts from NYU, UMass Amherst, Columbia, Marquette, and the ACLU are partnering with Gizmodo to responsibly publish this historic leak.
@swodinsky, @oliverdarcy, @silvermanjacob, @dellcam, @keithschacht, @andrewcouts, @lauraedelson2, @film_girl, @emilybell, @andrewcouts, Observer and, more at Techmeme »
Shoshana Wodinsky / @swodinsky: so........ our fb papers project is getting expanded a bit. and by “a bit” i mean “it's now inarguably the biggest project of my entire reporting career” i can't believe we're actually pulling this off
Oliver Darcy / @oliverdarcy: “Facebook is often portrayed as a bulwark against, if not the victim of, the very crimes it begrudging facilities: In headlines, it is constantly battling misinformation, taking action against extremism..." ...
Jacob Silverman / @silvermanjacob: Good to see @swodinsky, @dellcam, and crew making this happen. Let the docs flow!
Dell Cameron / @dellcam: We're publishing the Facebook Papers. For privacy's sake & to ensure we aren't teaching extremists and spies how to game the measures that help detect harassment & propaganda, we created a security & ethics advisory board & will work with local experts
Keith Schacht / @keithschacht: Why is it okay for a FB employee to steal a huge set of confidential docs, give them to reporters, and this is considered reporting? The employee should be prosecuted and the reporters should be accomplices. Instead, they are gleeful. Other companies should be outraged.
Andrew Couts / @andrewcouts: ICYMI: We're making the Facebook Papers public. Thanks to all who voiced support for this undertaking. It's a lot of work, much of it done after hours, for a relatively small newsroom like ours, but your kind words keep us going. Stay tuned for much more
Laura Edelson / @lauraedelson2: We, along with researchers from several institutions, are advising Gizmodo on how to publish the FB Papers safely. We think this is the most responsible way to move the public conversation forward about Facebook's research into harms on its platforms.
Christina Warren / @film_girl: So proud of my pals at Gizmodo and all their brilliant partners for their work on this. This is excellent! Viva Gizmodo!
Emily Bell / @emilybell: Such a great project - pleased that @TowCenter is part of it via the considerable skills of @acookiecrumbles . Also @swodinsky and team are so commendable for getting this together
Andrew Couts / @andrewcouts: Today, @Gizmodo is announcing our plan to make the Facebook Papers public in partnership with @LauraEdelson2 and Damon McCoy w/ NYU, @EthanZ w/ UMass Amherst, @michaelzimmer w/ Marquette, @acookiecrumbles w/ Columbia, and Daniel Khan Gilmour w/ ACLU 1/4
Isabella Simonetti / Observer: Gizmodo Is Partnering With Panel of Experts To Make the Facebook Papers Publicly Accessible
John Eggerton / Gizmodo to Publish Facebook's Leaked Internal Research

Sources: NBCUniversal, which owns one-third of Hulu, is considering removing most of its content from Hulu early next year and making it exclusive to Peacock — NBCUniversal unit has a window allowing it to remove shows that appear on the Disney-controlled streaming service
@jbflint, @great_katzby, @carnage4life, @modestproposal1, @tvgrimreaper, @mmmmurf, @asharma, @skinnypunch, @alchemistmuffin, @pkafka, @stevekovach and Reuters
Joe Flint / @jbflint: Comcast's NBCUniversal debating whether to remove its content from Hulu and put it on its Peacock platform w/@Lilliannnn via @WSJ
Brandon Katz / @great_katzby: The short answer: Yes The long answer: Obviously, yes
Dare Obasanjo / @carnage4life: When a studio builds a streaming service, content goes from a revenue source to a cost center (customer acquisition costs via exclusives). I expect most studio offerings to eventually flame out as they can't stomach the costs versus Netflix & Disney.
Modest Proposal / @modestproposal1: Hulu remains a clusterfuck. Comcast potentially pulling tons of content, despite owning 1/3 of it. Disney and Comcast in arbitration about strategy and valuation. Disney treating Hulu like a stepchild. President of Hulu leaving to run Comcast owned Peacock
TV Grim Reaper / @tvgrimreaper: ::Rupert Murdoch laughs maniacally::
Mike Murphy / @mmmmurf: “NBCUniversal content counts for only a small percentage of Hulu's total viewership, but roughly 80% of NBC's digital audience is from Hulu, one of the people familiar with the matter said.” via @WSJ
Amol Sharma / @asharma: There are multilayered tensions between Comcast and Disney over Hulu, their shared streaming child. Underneath it all is a dance over valuation — and the prospect of a big payday for Comcast when Disney is required to buy its stake.
@skinnypunch: And this is why Hulu and Disney+ merging is inevitable regardless of live TV or lost ad revenue, because every other studio is gonna take their content back soon and Disney don't even have full rights to the Fox library. They won't have enough content to sustain 2 services.
Kento Ito / @alchemistmuffin: And rumor is, next year, NBCUniversal will sell that remaining one-third and pulling out of Hulu completely, moving everything they have to Peacock.
Peter Kafka / @pkafka: The fact that NBCU is debating whether its best stuff should be on Peacock tells you most of what you need to know about Peacock.
Steve Kovach / @stevekovach: This was always an option once NBCU got rid of its stake in Hulu, giving Disney full control.
Deborah Sophia / Reuters: Comcast considers moving some content to Peacock from Hulu - WSJ

Jessica Lessin says The Information has 225,000 “active users”, including paid subscribers and newsletter readers, as it launches a weekend lifestyle edition — Website aimed at Silicon Valley proves value of subscription model for journalism — The Information …
@aservais1, @clockwerks, @pressgazette, @annaknicolaou, @markdistef, @jakesherman, @rafat, @mohamed and Talking Biz News
Alain Servais / @aservais1: Bring me consistency & quality and I'll happily pay old days!-The Information,a tech news publication aimed at Silicon Valley insiders,has reached 225,000 active users,underlining rise of specialist subscriptions as a business model for journalism
Trei Brundrett / @clockwerks: this is a really strange piece that mixes pretty much everything up about media models - sometimes in the same paragraphs (b2b vs consumer subs; subs vs advertising; paying customers vs email subscribers vs active users)
@pressgazette: Technology news website The Information now has 225,000 paying subscribers AND free newsletter subscribers, founder @Jessicalessin tells the FT. Site is said to be profitable and has 49 employees.
Anna Nicolaou / @annaknicolaou: new: @theinformation has reached 225,000 users (paid subscribers + newsletter readers) over the summer @Jessicalessin was considering starting a new publication about Hollywood. Instead, she's launched a weekend lifestyle edition. details here:
Mark Di Stefano / @markdistef: “About 75 per cent of readers are under the age of 45.”
Jake Sherman / @jakesherman: great for @Jessicalessin and @theinformation — one of my favorite pubs. Jessica has been a huge help for us in thinking through @PunchbowlNews Growth of The Information is good news for media business
@rafat: Good TheInformation profile in FT, though as a reporter on the story, I wouldn't necessarily have blended paid and free subscribers together. Also the story conflates “active users” and “subscribers” which isn't necessarily the same thing.
Mohamed Nanabhay / @mohamed: This says something about the understanding many journos have about the economics of the industry they work in....
Mariam Ahmed / Talking Biz News: The Information hits 225,000 active users

Two former Netflix employees at the center of protests over Chappelle's special, one who just resigned, withdraw their NLRB charge against the company — Two former Netflix employees who raised concerns about transphobic remarks in Dave Chappelle's latest special “The Closer” …
Discussion:, Associated Press, HuffPost, The Week, Reuters, Gizmodo, The Daily Beast, @latimes, Hollywood Reporter, NBC News and Newsweek
Terra Field / My Resignation from Netflix — (Note: This is a copy of my resignation letter that was delivered …
Brendan Morrow / The Week: Netflix employee at the center of Dave Chappelle uproar resigns
Brianna Provenzano / Gizmodo: Netflix Employee Who Organized Dave Chappelle Protests Has Resigned
AJ McDougall / The Daily Beast: Trans Employee Who Condemned Dave Chappelle's Special Resigns From Netflix
@latimes: Two former Netflix employees who raised concerns about transphobic remarks in Dave Chappelle's latest special “The Closer” withdrew an accusation they lodged with the NLRB alleging the streamer tried to stop them from speaking up about working conditions.
Kirsten Chuba / Hollywood Reporter: Terra Field, Netflix Employee Who Criticized Chappelle Special, Resigns
Zoe Schiffer / NBC News: Netflix employee at center of Dave Chappelle protest resigns

Nielsen says it will overhaul its commercial ratings in 2022, with plans to measure the audiences for individual ads — Nielsen has a new proposal for TV networks that have been threatening for months to find other means of measuring their audiences: Stick with the yardstick you already use.
Brian Steinberg / @bristei: Nielsen plans to overhaul its system for measuring viewership of commercials, a significant change to a gauge that has been the bedrock for TV advertising deals since 2007....
Brian Steinberg / @bristei: MORE: Nielsen says the change, which will allow it to track viewership of individual ads, will take place in 2022, but not in time for the TV industry's annual “upfront” sales market
Brian Steinberg / @bristei: MORE: Nielsen unveils the proposed innovation as TV networks have begun to seek alliances with rival measurement vendors to tabulate viewership across linear TV and new streaming hubs, charging Nielsen hasn't moved quickly enough to measure the activity
Junghoon Han / Junghoon's Direct Media for Audience: [MT]비행기 가 이륙한 뒤 비행기를 고치는 방법/스 …
Kendra Clark / The Drum: Under pressure, Nielsen revamps commercial ratings system
Brian Steinberg / @bristei: Nielsen has a new proposal for TV networks that have been threatening for months to find other means of measuring their audiences: Stick with the yardstick you already use..... via @variety
Rick Porter / Hollywood Reporter: Nielsen to Roll Out Individual Ad Ratings
Karlene Lukovitz / MediaPost: Nielsen To Measure Audiences For Individual Linear TV Ads, Replacing C3
Colin Mann / Advanced Television: Nielsen plans more accurate metrics
Dade Hayes / Deadline: Nielsen Plans 2022 Rollout Of New Commercial Metrics, Upgrading Longtime ‘C3’ Ratings Standard

Spotify removes shuffle play as the default option on albums for premium users, so tracks play in the order artists intended, after Adele requests the change — Adele has persuaded Spotify to take the shuffle button off all album pages so tracks play in the artist's own order.
@spotify, @adele, @popcrave, @fuckedup, @colinmeloy, @reynlord, @mrsfridaynext, ScreenRant, @bleepblooptwts, New York Post, Engadget, @drewholcomb, @missmargoprice, XDA Developers, @evan_greer, @kulipeter, Complete Music Update, iMore, @snazzyq, @joshuatopolsky, @lesliemac, @tlums, @maxmeatsix, @llstenlng_party, @ericrennerbrown, @rolandi_teeji, @mrjohnmacleod, @eddierobson, @banquetrecords, @minnniemou, @freeyourmindkid, @yoda, @tianamajor9, @bdsams, @s_m_i, @drewberinger, @rac, @taraslone, @gregbradyto, @roureynolds, Gizmodo, NPR, The Verge and, more at Techmeme »
@adele: This was the only request I had in our ever changing industry! We don't create albums with so much care and thought into our track listing for no reason. Our art tells a story and our stories should be listened to as we intended. Thank you Spotify for listening 🍷♥️
Pop Crave / @popcrave: Following the release of ‘30’ by @Adele, Spotify removed the shuffle button as the default option when playing albums. Now, listeners have to listen to every album's tracklist in order.
@fuckedup: when our entire industry is upended by thieves and our sense of incremental progress is one of the best selling artists of all time begging them to take down a fucking button
Colin Meloy / @colinmeloy: Omg she's a hero
Craig Reynolds / @reynlord: make it one long song next time, coward
Margaret H. Willison / @mrsfridaynext: ADELE, I LOVE YOU. Can you make TV providers turn off motion smoothly as their default setting next?
Casper Moon / @bleepblooptwts: imo if you listen to albums on shuffle you're not actually listening to the album. the flow of a track listing is such an important part of the listening experience and without it you're just listening to a randomised playlist of songs
Hannah Sparks / New York Post: Adele orders Spotify to remove option to ‘shuffle’ track list on ‘30’
Drew Holcomb / @drewholcomb: I can't even begin to tell you how much respect I have for @Adele and this push for respecting the “album”. We artists work so hard on telling a complete story... the songs all work together. Three cheers for the 🐐!
Margo Price / @missmargoprice: yes @Adele! this is brilliant! now please help get us paid 🥺
Evan Greer / @evan_greer: imagine this being your biggest complaint with Spotify
Peter / @kulipeter: let's remove only getting $0.003 per stream while we're at it
Joshua Topolsky / @joshuatopolsky: CD players in the 90s had shuffle buttons and also you can lift the needle whenever you want on a record. Adele could push for higher earnings for artists or help smaller performers break through or whatever but this is her big power move with Spotify lmao
Leslie Mac / @lesliemac: This is so interesting. One of Spotify's “pay us” pain points is that they shuffle everything if you don't pay for the service. Adele got them to remove that selling point for all albums, not just her own. Incredible use of power and privilege.
Taylor Lumley / @tlums: Pay artists fairly, you monopolistic pieces of shit.
Max Helyer / @maxmeatsix: Amen to this, couldn't of said it better myself. When will the big artists help everyone out and make it fair again #BrokenRecord
@llstenlng_party: Long live the album format @Adele asked for the shuffle option to be removed from albums, retaining the original running order. @Spotify replied “anything for you” - if so, maybe ask them to pay artists fairly. #BrokenRecord
Eric Renner Brown / @ericrennerbrown: Tell them to fairly pay artists next
@rolandi_teeji: Impeccable! Coz I really wonder how people listen to albums on shuffle. It's such a horrific way to listen to music. An album is like a plot. The artiste has reasons for arranging the songs in that chronology. Shuffling defeats that essence. You shouldn't shuffle albums.
Eddie Robson / @eddierobson: “all album pages”... for premium users. The free version still only plays albums on shuffle. (Also, bit weird they're heralding this as an amazing new feature when it's actually just doing the obvious)
Banquet Records / @banquetrecords: we've had shuffle disabled on our LPs for years.
Min / @minnniemou: of all the things she could've had spotify do... like pay their artists properly ...?
Drew Olanoff / @yoda: I dig this. Super easy to create a playlist and do whatever you want.
Stacy-Marie Ishmael / @s_m_i: The album generation rejoices 💫
Drew Beringer / @drewberinger: probably should have asked for Spotify to pay artists fairly instead
@rac: there's a special place in hell for people that listen to albums on shuffle lol
Tara Slone / @taraslone: I love this. Artists and bands take painstaking care to craft the arc of their albums. Much of that listening experience has been diminished by digital formats. Long live the album!
Greg Brady / @gregbradyto: If you're playing an album, the shuffle feature should never, ever be used. You want to skip a track, fine, but don't be a maniac & do this. “Appetite For Destruction” shouldn't start with “It's So Easy”. “Purple Rain” shouldn't start with, ummm, “Purple Rain”.
@roureynolds: As an artist that's always been meticulous about album track listings, I fully support this. Consideration-for-the-initial-vision- of-an-album-4eva!! @BBCNews @SpotifyUK @Adele
Jody Serrano / Gizmodo: Spotify Removes Shuffle as a Default at the Request of Adele, But Don't Hate, It's Still There

Paul Dacre is reappointed as DMG Media EIC, less than three weeks after leaving the advisory role that does not involve day-to-day editing — Former Daily Mail editor Paul Dacre is returning to his advisory editor-in-chief position at Mail publisher DMG Media, just three weeks after leaving the same role.
@andyoakes, The Guardian, @kevin_maguire, Financial Times, @direthoughts, The Independent and Politico
Kevin Maguire / @kevin_maguire: Dacre's back! The Lord moves in mysterious ways when Lord Rothermere's appointed Paul Dacre as editor-in-chief of Daily Mail parent company ...
Alistair Gray / Financial Times: Paul Dacre returns to Daily Mail
Henry Dyer / @direthoughts: Fire and rehire latest
Emily Atkinson / The Independent: Paul Dacre returns to Daily Mail as editor-in-chief less than three weeks after leaving
Annabelle Dickson / Politico: Former Daily Mail editor returns to publishing after giving up on Ofcom bid

Netflix acquires visual effects studio Scanline VFX, whose work includes Stranger Things 3; Scanline will continue to operate as a standalone VFX business — Netflix is acquiring the visual effects studio Scanline VFX, which has been behind special effects work for Netflix's recent series …
Hollywood Reporter, The Guardian, TechCrunch, Los Angeles Times, Wall Street Journal, Deadline and Variety
Carolyn Giardina / Hollywood Reporter: Netflix to Acquire Scanline VFX
Aisha Malik / TechCrunch: Netflix to acquire German visual effects studio behind ‘Stranger Things’ and more
Joe Flint / Wall Street Journal: Netflix to Buy Special-Effects Firm Behind ‘Stranger Things,’ ‘Game of Thrones’
Anthony D'Alessandro / Deadline: Netflix Acquiring Scanline VFX, Which Worked On ‘Cowboy Bebop’ & ‘Stranger Things’

Interview with The Athletic co-founder Alex Mather as sources say the NYT did not reach a deal to buy the outlet after assessing its value at under $500M — The sports-media startup has laid off staff, scrapped a documentary unit and canceled some podcasts while seeking new avenues of growth.
Sports Media Guy, @lucas_shaw, @gerryfsmith, @timothyrryder, @ajs, @lucas_shaw, @pkafka, @jmcguiremlb, @crayton_h, @ckrewson, @byalfrancisco, @aquinas82nd, @scottbrodbeck, @jblock49 and @draglikepull
Brian Moritz / Sports Media Guy: The Athletic's fundamental change
Lucas Shaw / @lucas_shaw: The Athletic raised almost $140 million as a subscription-only publication. But as it tries to sell itself, CEO @amather tells @gerryfsmith and me it now needs to sell ads too.
Gerry Smith / @gerryfsmith: The Athletic has found the limits of the paywall. Story w/ @Lucas_Shaw on a sports media startup looking for new ways to keep growing — and a potential buyer.
Tim Ryder / @timothyrryder: reminder to subscribe to @TheAppleNYM never any paywalls. only pay if you want $30 for the year and the fun *checks notes and upcoming schedule* never stops ...
Alyson Shontell / @ajs: Diversify your revenue streams 💡
Lucas Shaw / @lucas_shaw: The Athletic has expanded into both video and podcasts. It killed the videos quickly because they were too expensive. It's still funding dozens of podcasts, but they don't have big audiences relative to peers.
Peter Kafka / @pkafka: “seeking a price of $600 million to $800 million, according to two people familiar with the matter. The New York Times did not reach a deal with the startup recently after crunching the numbers and assessing the value of The Athletic at less than $500 million.”
Justin McGuire / @jmcguiremlb: The whole point of The Athletic is you pay so you don't have to deal with ads, clickbait, slideshows, etc. Ads will kill it, quick.
Crayton Harrison / @crayton_h: The Athletic made a costly and ill-fated foray into video, and it's struggled to gain traction with podcasts. While it looks for a buyer, it's trying to figure out ways to grow. Good read from @gerryfsmith @Lucas_Shaw
Chris Krewson / @ckrewson: Woof. FanDuel passed and the NYT's valuing the place at $100m les than the founders. Looks like it's peaking at 1.2M subscribers too.
Alexandra Francisco / @byalfrancisco: 1. Poach writers from local papers 2. Pay Shams 3. Realize you can't only write quirky features and need some headlines and traditional coverage too 3. Beg sportsbooks to buy you because you spent all the money 4. Sell ads just like the papers you were looking to make obsolete
Patrick Crakes / @aquinas82nd: “When everything is paywalled, you're limiting the audience you can reach every single day,” This is core problem with segmented digital content & distribution for sports events & content as reach is vital to maximizing value creation. Great story from @Lucas_Shaw & @gerryfsmith
Scott Brodbeck / @scottbrodbeck: Outside of NYT, biz pubs and some niche stuff, I think ads + membership is going to be found to be the revenue-maximizing model for most publishers
Justin Block / @jblock49: they only have enough cash for the next 8 months and everyone knows, but they're still trying to flip an unprofitable publication for half a billion dollars. brutal. this will be a grim but predictable death i will be very sad about.
@draglikepull: The thing that really strikes me is that there is surely a profitable, sustainable business in there (1M people willing to pay to read about sports is a lot!) but like with so many tech companies the goal isn't to run a business, it's to get big and sell.

Walmart will be the first to test Twitter's livestream shopping platform, with a Cyber Deals live event on November 28 — Twitter's e-commerce initiatives now include livestream shopping and Walmart will be the first retailer to test the new platform. Over the past year …
Ad Age, Twitter, Tubefilter, CNET, @kurtwagner8, Sourcing Journal, Bloomberg, @johnkoetsier and Adweek, more at Techmeme »
Erika Wheless / Ad Age: Twitter launches live shopping with Walmart
Geoff Weiss / Tubefilter: Twitter To Pilot Social Commerce Tools In First-Ever Stream With Walmart, Jason Derulo
Macy Meyer / CNET: Twitter launches new livestream shopping platform and Walmart is already involved
Kurt Wagner / @kurtwagner8: Twitter getting in on the live shopping trend - though with a single, one-off test coming this weekend with Walmart
Glenn Taylor / Sourcing Journal: Jason Derulo to Host Walmart's First-Ever Twitter Holiday Livestream
Kurt Wagner / Bloomberg: Twitter Will Test Live Shopping Feature With Walmart Just as the Holidays Arrive
John Koetsier / @johnkoetsier: Live social shopping in the U.S. This is a big deal ... super-interested if this will take off and be successful. Super-big in China, of course. >> Walmart will be the first retailer to test Twitter's new livestream shopping platform by @sarahintampa
David Cohen / Adweek: Walmart to Hold Twitter's First Shoppable Livestream Event