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Over 80 fact-checking organizations tell YouTube CEO Susan Wojcicki that the company's misinformation policies are “proving insufficient” and propose solutions — Ms. Susan Wojcicki, — It's been almost two years since the COVID-19 pandemic started.
TechCrunch, Full Fact, CNN, The Guardian, CNET, @crackedscience, @caulfieldtim, @sabivm, @lanceulanoff, @factcheckdotorg, @rasmus_kleis, @thipmedia, @justinhendrix, @fabiochiusi, Dubawa, @politifact, @minhtngo,, @cnn, Newschecker, Tubefilter, Fact Check Ghana, @factspacewa, @henkvaness, @factcheckni, PesaCheck, FactCrescendo, Beyond Search, @asharock, @glennkesslerwp, @blackamazon, @ctardaguila, @lexnfx, @masatokj, @baybarsorsek, Media Voices, The Indian Express and Al Jazeera, more at Techmeme »
Taylor Hatmaker / TechCrunch: Fact-checkers write open letter urging YouTube to get serious about COVID misinformation
Full Fact: 80 fact checkers publish open letter to YouTube demanding effective action against disinformation
Clare Duffy / CNN: More than 80 fact-checking organizations call out YouTube's ‘insufficient’ response to misinformation
Jonathan Jarry / @crackedscience: Proud to have signed this. @Spotify, you need “a clear and public policy to moderate misinformation on your platform.” That starts with Joe Rogan.
Timothy Caulfield / @caulfieldtim: So needed! An Open Letter to @Spotify: A call from the global scientific and medical communities to implement a #misinformation policy / ... 🙏🏽 Yep, this starts with #JoeRogan - the great enabler of harmful health bunk. #GoTeam #GoScience
Sabina Vohra-Miller / @sabivm: Signed this letter, along with 270 of my colleagues, calling on @Spotify to immediately establish a clear public policy on limiting the spread of misinfo on its platform. Starting, of course, with Joe Rogan. Read here: ... Letter: / ...
Lance Ulanoff / @lanceulanoff: How did they not release this as a YouTube video?
@factcheckdotorg: More than 80 fact-checking sites, including us, signed an open letter to YouTube urging the video sharing platform to increase its efforts aimed at reducing the dissemination of disinformation and misinformation on YouTube. #YouTubeOpenLetter
Rasmus Kleis Nielsen / @rasmus_kleis: “We see that YouTube is one of the major conduits of online disinformation and misinformation worldwide. This is a significant concern among our global fact-checking community.”
@thipmedia: Over last many months @ThipMedia have debunked hundreds of #medical #misinformation published on @YouTube. We call upon @SusanWojcicki to take strong measures to #FactCheck what is being published on YT #YoutubeOpenLetter @YouTube @YouTubeIndia
Justin Hendrix / @justinhendrix: “What we do not see is much effort by YT to implement policies that address the problem. On the contrary, YT is allowing its platform to be weaponized by unscrupulous actors to manipulate and exploit others, and to organize and fundraise themselves.”
Fabio Chiusi / @fabiochiusi: “As an international network of fact-checking organizations, we monitor how lies spread online — and every day, we see that YouTube is one of the major conduits of online disinformation and misinformation worldwide”
Lois Ugbede / Dubawa: Fact-checkers accuse YouTube of aiding false information spread, propose four-point solution
@politifact: Fact-checkers urge YouTube to take effective action against disinformation and misinformation, and to elaborate a roadmap of policy and product interventions to improve the information ecosystem- and to do so with @factchecknet.
Minh Ngo / @minhtngo: “Our experience as fact-checkers together with academic evidence tells us that surfacing fact-checked information is more effective than deleting content.” Why Maldita is asking YouTube to take effective measures to fight disinformation - along with more than 80 other fact-checking organizations around the world
@cnn: A group of more than 80 fact-checking organizations from around the world has called YouTube “one of the major conduits of online disinformation and misinformation worldwide” and wants the platform to do more to address the problem.
James Hale / Tubefilter: YouTube Is A “Major Conduit Of Online Disinformation,” 80+ Fact-Checking Orgs Say In Letter To Susan Wojcicki
Kwaku / Fact Check Ghana: Fact-checkers call upon YouTube CEO to take four steps against rampant disinformation
@factspacewa: 🔎We are proposing some solutions that would make a great deal of difference in reducing the dissemination of disinformation and misinformation on @YouTube. #YouTubeOpenLetter More here:
@henkvaness: An open letter to YouTube's CEO from the world's fact-checkers @factchecknet : stop unscrupulous actors to manipulate and exploit others.
@factcheckni: Over 80 fact checking organisations have written an open letter to @YouTube CEO @SusanWojcicki appealing for them to take action against the spread of misinformation and disinformation on the platform #YoutubeOpenLetter
Stephen E. Arnold / Beyond Search: Some Want YouTube to Check Facts: A Fantastical Idea
Aaron Sharockman / @asharock: “YouTube is allowing its platform to be weaponized by unscrupulous actors to manipulate and exploit others, and to organize and fundraise themselves. Current measures are proving insufficient.” Proud to be a part of this effort.
Glenn Kessler / @glennkesslerwp: The @washingtonpost Fact Checker is among more than 80 fact-checking organizations urging @YouTube today to combat misinformation on its site: “YouTube is allowing its platform to be weaponized by unscrupulous actors” #YouTubeOpenLetter @factchecknet
@blackamazon: And targeted populations said this since 2012. While media reporters ( including Swisher and Lorenz) mocked folks for “ not being inside enough” to know how it works
@ctardaguila: It's a big day for fact-checkers. Can you take a look at our #YoutubeOpenLetter, @rasmus_kleis, @BostonJoan, @donie, @CraigSilverman, @craignewmark, @cward1e and friends who care about fighting #disinformation? Here is the English version of the document:
Alexei Oreskovic / @lexnfx: A coalition of of 80 fact-checking orgs has sent an open letter to YouTube CEO Susan Wojcicki urging specific steps to fix what they call a “major conduits of online disinformation and misinformation worldwide.”
@masatokj: Can't agree more, especially the fourth point. YouTube (and also Wikipedia to a certain degree) in many Asian languages are full of total nonsense and unruly.
@baybarsorsek: Over 80 fact-checking organizations operating across more than 60 countries signed an open letter to @YouTube CEO @SusanWojcicki Wednesday, calling on the company to take stronger measures to fight misinformation on the platform. #YouTubeOpenLetter
Chris Sutcliffe / Media Voices: Video still an area of active investment for publishers, but it's now substance over style

Over 260 health professionals tell Spotify to implement a misinformation policy, after a Joe Rogan Experience episode featured a discredited scientist — More than 260 doctors, nurses, scientists, health professionals and others have signed an open letter calling on the streaming media platform Spotify to …
An Open Letter to Spotify: An Open Letter to Spotify: A call from the global scientific and medical communities to implement a misinformation policy
Mediaite: Hundreds of Doctors Demand Spotify Implement a Covid-19 ‘Misinformation Policy’ Due to Joe Rogan's Podcast
Allana Akhtar / Insider: Joe Rogan interviewed a doctor who's been kicked off Twitter for misinformation. Doctors and scientists say it's time for Spotify to better police its podcasts.
Anand Swaminathan / @emswami: Misinformation is killing people every day. Proud to be a small part of this effort calling on @Spotify to take responsibility for COVID misinformation + lies perpetrated on their platform / ...
Kimberly Ricci / UPROXX: Fed-Up Doctors Have Had Enough Of Joe Rogan's Covid Misinformation And Are Asking Spotify To Step In
Kristen Watt RPh / @pharmacistmama: Proud to be a signatory on this letter to @Spotify calling for accountability on misinformation spread by @joerogan Do. Better. / ...
Taylor Nichols / @tnicholsmd: “By allowing the propagation of false and societally harmful assertions, Spotify is enabling its hosted media to damage public trust in scientific research and sow doubt in the credibility of data-driven guidance offered by medical professionals.” / ...
@blackamazon: ... this isn't how you go for Rohan or Spotify ... they LIKE annoying Dr's
Justin Hendrix / @justinhendrix: The nearly 300 signatories to the letter include @EricTopol, @johnbrownstein, @DrKrogsgaard, @NP_Rudqvist, @drroshnirao, @DrSamiraJeimy and many more.
@slpng_giants: .@Spotify is paying Joe Rogan $100 million to endanger public health.
EJ Dickson / Rolling Stone: ‘A Menace to Public Health’: Doctors Are Demanding Spotify Pull Down Joe Rogan Covid Lies
Craig Silverman / @craigsilverman: Today: -Scientists and medical professionals sent a letter to Spotify asking it to create a misinformation policy: / ... -80+ fact-checking orgs sent a letter to the CEO of YouTube asking her to do more to combat misinfo on the site:

Laura McGann and Mark Bauman launch Grid, which will examine the day's biggest news stories from different viewpoints, with $10M in funding and 20 journalists — The latest media start-up, with millions in funding and a team of more than 20 journalists, aims to bring clarity to weighty issues.
@gridnews, Grid News, Axios, @jayrosen_nyu, @chrisgeidner, @rmc031, @sarafischer, @stiles, @kaysteiger, @alex_leedsmatts, @zoetillman, @jason_paladino, @tomnagorski, @benjaminopowers, @benjaminopowers, @natsfert, @nytmedia, @alex, @jackienpadilla, @davelevitan, @mattzeitlin, @robpegoraro, @evolambert, @bystevereilly, @mattzeitlin, @nytimesbusiness, @colinjones, @lkmcgann, @jackienpadilla, @kaysteiger, @sydneykashiwagi, @justinrood, @webjournalist, @hollandtaylor, @katie_robertson, @kailaphilo, @olivia_reingold, @espiers, @twiceanya and @suzannesamin
@gridnews: Welcome to Grid. We're dedicated to reporting on how the most important trends, challenges and opportunities of the day connect to one another - and require connected solutions. Follow us for journalism that brings clarity to the world around us
Laura McGann / Grid News: Welcome to Grid — Where news connects. — Dear Reader, — Thank you for checking out Grid.
Sara Fischer / Axios: D.C. journalists launch media startup called “Grid”
Jay Rosen / @jayrosen_nyu: A new start-up called Grid says it wants to (this is my characterization) go to war with incrementalism in news reporting of serious subjects, because incrementalism is a terrible UX and a bad way to understand the world.
Chris Geidner / @chrisgeidner: Some personal news ... I have joined the team at @gridnews to bring my legal reporting to a new, collaborative newsroom! I am the deputy editor for legal affairs, and I'm already back at it! (It's been tough keeping quiet!) We launch today!
Rachel Cohen / @rmc031: this looks great, good news for policy+politics journalism
Sara Fischer / @sarafischer: NEW: In July I spoke with @lkmcgann and @MarkBaumanDC about raising $10m for their new media startup. Today, they launched @gridnews Here's what the plan is for their new biz:
Matt Stiles / @stiles: Hi friends. I have a new gig! I'm excited to join a group of ambitious and collaborative journalists at @gridnews, including my investigative/data team colleagues @JustinRood, @alex_leedsmatts, @jason_paladino & @BySteveReilly. Check us out.
Kay Steiger / @kaysteiger: And read more about us and how we came together in a little local paper called the @nytimes:
Alex Leeds Matthews / @alex_leedsmatts: I'm terrible at keeping secrets, so I'm thrilled to finally share what I've been working on lately! @gridnews is a collaborative newsroom, where I'm getting to work with 20+ super talented reporters, connecting news events across our beats.
Zoe Tillman / @zoetillman: Chris is a brilliant reporter and writer (and a wonderful person!), this is fantastic news! Everything about him deserves an exclamation point!
Jason Paladino / @jason_paladino: New website just dropped! I joined the investigative team @gridnews with @BySteveReilly, @alex_leedsmatts, @stiles and led by @JustinRood. We'll be working across the newsroom with a growing team of 20+ brilliant reporters to bring you ambitious, collaborative journalism. 👇
Tom Nagorski / @tomnagorski: Great team - great commitment to depth, content and expertise. Proud to be a part of @gridnews
Benjamin Powers / @benjaminopowers: Interested in learning more about Grid? Feel free to check out this story on us in NYT:
Benjamin Powers / @benjaminopowers: Extremely excited to introduce the TL to Grid, where our reporters are collaborating on stories that go beyond headlines and are sitauted in the larger context they deserve.
Natalie Fertig / @natsfert: Every time a news site launches with the goal of giving people “a fuller picture” I applaud the sentiment but honestly wonder if the journalists launching the site spend any time with people outside the DC-NY-SF bubble. [thread]
@nytmedia: Grid, the latest media start-up, with millions in funding, went live early Wednesday. “We're writing for anyone who wants or needs greater clarity on the most important stories of the day,” Mark Bauman, who started the company, said.
Jackie Padilla / @jackienpadilla: Follow my new home @gridnews. Behind it are brilliant people working hard for it to become ‘a one-stop media shop for detailed renderings of the biggest stories of the day and why they matter.’ A sweet @nytimes profile for more info here 👇🏽
Dave Levitan / @davelevitan: Let's GOOOOOOOOO!!!! I am the climate reporter for this extremely cool new thing. It's gonna be great.
Matthew Zeitlin / @mattzeitlin: new website dropped
Rob Pegoraro / @robpegoraro: How to save journalism: Launch yet another high-minded explanatory journalism site pitched to the comfortable class, lock in a big funding round, get buzz, hire well, reveal that the site's actually 100 local-news sites under a trenchcoat.
Jonathan Lambert / @evolambert: We're live! 🥳 I'm thrilled to be a part of @gridnews' collaborative team working to bring clarity to complex and interconnected issues. I've only been here a couple weeks, but I can already tell we're building something great. Check us out!
Steve Reilly / @bystevereilly: We're live! I'm thrilled to share the launch of @gridnews, a new digital news outlet where I'll be working as a reporter on the investigative team. Please take a moment to visit and check out the important stories we've been working on.
Matthew Zeitlin / @mattzeitlin: read about my new place of work in the newspaper
@nytimesbusiness: Grid, the latest media start-up, with millions in funding, went live early Wednesday. “We're writing for anyone who wants or needs greater clarity on the most important stories of the day,” Mark Bauman, who started the company, said.
Colin Jones / @colinjones: Hey there. Here's something I just helped launch. Hope you like it. I think it's pretty awesome.
Laura McGann / @lkmcgann: Check out! We're a new digital publication dedicated to covering the most important issues of our day. We believe stories are interconnected and we've built a collaborate newsroom to create interconnected journalism.
Jackie Padilla / @jackienpadilla: Ain't no party like a newsroom launch party. ✨THRILLED to be the video producer for this team ✨
Kay Steiger / @kaysteiger: Launch day! We are so excited to bring you interconnected journalism, offering the full picture on the biggest stories of the day. It has been so fun working with a newsroom of talented journalists and now we get to show the world. Many thanks to @lkmcgann and @MarkBaumanDC!
@sydneykashiwagi: Really excited to announce the launch of @gridnews! It's a new digital media outlet I'm working at with a really talented team
Justin Rood / @justinrood: Please meet @Gridnews, my new home! I'm the outlet's investigations editor.
Robert Hernandez / @webjournalist: I wish any new news organization luck, but with all due respect, the entire executive team, senior and deputy leadership is white, except for one, and majority male. Preaching “interconnected” journalism is noble but difficult to do when leadership doesn't reflect that reality.
@hollandtaylor: Congrats, @chrisgeidner for another milestone... I do enjoy your work and following your career! Will jump on @GridNews ~ it sounds like a smartly imagined internet publication...
Katie Robertson / @katie_robertson: New: Grid — a new DC-based news startup from Laura McGann and Mark Bauman — launches today
Kaila Philo / @kailaphilo: Good morning! This is where I work: a new digital outlet called @gridnews. Tap in to check it out!
Olivia Reingold / @olivia_reingold: It me — I've been launching an audio department here. And today...@gridnews is live!
Elizabeth Spiers / @espiers: New news site dropped. The more, the merrier, IMO, and glad to see people investing in media. Press release refers to @mattyglesias as “veteran Internet content creator”, though, which makes it sound like he has a TikTok.

A look at NPR's staffing issues, including pay gaps and a structure separating podcasts and news, after four hosts, three of them women of color, left in a year — In the wake of a trio of departures, news stories and private messages shared among NPR staffers reflected the concern that Black …
@davidfolkenflik, Current, @ninatotenberg, @mathprofcarrie, @ggreenwald, @edmundlee, @ellemoxley, @deggans, @julito77, @anastasiat, @michellemanafy, @jbenton, @_aswesterman, @vikkie, @rachelnpr, @davidgross_man, @tuphlos, @davidfolkenflik, @davidfolkenflik, @alanmontecillo, @emilykwong1234, @avatans, @manoushz, @madhulikasikka, @nkulw, @lpolgreen, @elisewho, @erikwemple, @edmundlee, @elenaiswriting, @npr, @adlerben, @maggie_a_lee, @bgrueskin, @jayrosen_nyu, @jackspeer1, @martinpatience, @stphnfwlr, @cjkmedia, @gabrieljr, and New York Times
David Folkenflik / @davidfolkenflik: When star hosts @lourdesgnavarro @noelking and @AudieCornish departed NPR in three consecutive months, it sparked tough questions on race. The full story is complex. My story, for NPR NEWS
Nina Totenberg / @ninatotenberg: Speaking as one of the most “veteran” NPR journalists, I regret that we have lost some of our best & brightest of late, but the story behind the story is pretty complex, more complex even than this excellent piece explains.
Dr. Diaz Eaton / @mathprofcarrie: Oof. I know they tried to be fair and spin positive at the same time. Here are some flags/take-homes for me: 1) 75K/yr co-host pay discrepancy between co-hosts (white man vs WOC)
Glenn Greenwald / @ggreenwald: NPR — inarguably Ground Zero for woke ideology in major media — is so inhospitable to its journalists of color that they are leaving in droves, according to this report from NPR's own media reporter @davidfolkenflik:
Edmund Lee / @edmundlee: This sentence embodies the without fear or favor ethos that should underpin all reporting: “Interviews with 11 people with direct knowledge of recent developments, including NPR hosts and executives, suggest NPR indeed struggles to retain high-profile journalists of color.”
Elle Moxley / @ellemoxley: “Things like pay and host pay operated under cover of darkness. You would get your deal based on your relationship with management,"@samsanders said of @npr. This is even true at member stations w/ public salaries. Some managers fight for raises. Others won't.
@deggans: NPR's David Folkenflik did a great job with this incisive piece on the debate about recent departures of anchors of color from NPR. Though the issues for lesser known POC at NPR are a little different, this piece gets at a lot of the big questions.
Julio Ricardo Varela / @julito77: “Colleagues say Garcia-Navarro bristled at the network's suggestions that she dial back expression of her interests as a Cuban-American or in social justice matters.”
Anastasia Tsioulcas / @anastasiat: Lots to chew over in this excellent report by @davidfolkenflik about our own organization.
Michelle Manafy / @michellemanafy: This is nuanced and an extremely worthwhile read: NPR hosts' departures fuel questions over race. The full story is complex by @davidfolkenflik @NPR
Joshua Benton / @jbenton: (This year's NPR 990 check prompted by this very good @davidfolkenflik story — which mentioned that Scott Simon made $75K more Michel Martin in 2019, but didn't note that their salaries were $424,362 and $349,171)
Ashley Westerman / @_aswesterman: I'm glad these powerhouse WOCs have brought light to an issue that plagues a workplace I so dearly love... but @NPR is also losing droves of POCs who aren't as in the spotlight. Show producers, digital editors, etc. What is the network doing about them?
Victoria M. Walker / @vikkie: “Much of the commentary reflects a belief that NPR has proven incapable of doing the right thing when race is a factor and is willfully or carelessly driving away its future stars, even as it aspires to attract more Black and Latino listeners.”
Rachel Martin / @rachelnpr: The truth - as it so often is - is not as reductive as the public narrative.
David Grossman / @davidgross_man: this is good, tough reporting. can you imagine substack or rumble hiring a journalist with the express purpose of reporting objectively on the service
Robin Bradford / @tuphlos: (This was a long, but very interesting, article for npr junkies. Like me) NPR hosts' departures fuel questions over race. The full story is complex
David Folkenflik / @davidfolkenflik: UPDATE: @TonyaMosley is leaving NPR's Here and Now “This is a moment where we need to have deep reflection on who we are and what value we have,” Mosley told me. My updated story on NPR, race, and the departure of prominent hosts. (It's complicated.)
David Folkenflik / @davidfolkenflik: Greenwald gonna Greenwald
Alan Montecillo / @alanmontecillo: “She will be a special correspondent for the show through the end of her contract, which lapses in August. Mosley, who is Black, is pursuing her own podcast, called Truth Be Told, for which she had acquired the rights from public radio station KQED.”
Emily Kwong / @emilykwong1234: NPR has work to do. And NPR journalists are incredibly talented. Seeing this generation I grew up with depart is hard. I'm grateful for those women who sat in the host seat before me. I miss listening to @RadioMirage on @NPRCodeSwitch too.
@avatans: So NPR' India bureau isn't an anomaly after all. They can't find a POC Indian to head this bureau. Instead,we get woke Hinduphobe in Lauren Frayed.
Manoush Zomorodi / @manoushz: Interesting insight on a place I'm relatively new to! Wish there'd been mention that @RadioMirage of @NPRCodeSwitch also recently left.
Madhulika Sikka / @madhulikasikka: Over the years @davidfolkenflik has probably reported more on his own organization than other media reporters have had to. And he does it well. NPR hosts' departures fuel questions over race. The full story is complex
@nkulw: Podcasting, bigger biz on NPR than NPR: “While NPR's news magazines define the network for tens of millions of listeners, NPR now derives more sponsorship revenue from podcasts than those news shows.”
Lydia Polgreen / @lpolgreen: Interesting reporting here from @davidfolkenflik on a perfect storm at NPR: Sometimes people want to do something new & an institution can't deliver. And some of the most in demand talent happen to be from underrepresented backgrounds.
Elise Hu / @elisewho: Big departure, and so soon! Tonya is an inspiration and a coach/friend/mentor to so many journos, in all of the places she's graced. We love you @TonyaMosley
@erikwemple: This @davidfolkenflik piece is a fine, fine example of a news org reporting on itself the way it reports on anyone else — fairly and critically.
Edmund Lee / @edmundlee: Never easy, but kudos to @davidfolkenflik for his unsparing report on his own organization. This is how media reporting should work:
Elena / @elenaiswriting: This quote by Sam Sanders really seems like the key and I'm wondering why this wasn't a bigger focus to unpack in the story. “For a very long time, the way things worked at NPR was kind of arbitrary, based on how much you knew and who you knew.”
@npr: The departure of 3 female hosts of color at NPR — Lulu Garcia-Navarro, Audie Cornish and Noel King — has sparked tough questions about race. The inside story involves pay equity conversations, fraught contract talks and stymied project pitches.
Ben Adler / @adlerben: A definitive, deeply reported look at the wide range of factors that contributed to @npr's recent host departures — from the best media journalist in the business, @davidfolkenflik:
Maggie Lee / @maggie_a_lee: “According to NPR's 2019 tax records, for example, Simon's* annual base pay was $75,000 more than that of Martin. He [Simon] is white; she [Martin] is Black. Both host two hours of programming each weekend.” npr wonders why it cant keep Black/brown/female talent
Bill Grueskin / @bgrueskin: This news/podcast schism at NPR feels a lot like the print/online divide that mainstream news orgs were coping with a decade or more ago. Via @davidfolkenflik's excellent analysis of NPR's diversity/personnel issues.
Jay Rosen / @jayrosen_nyu: There has been some turmoil at NPR. Several high profile journalists of color have left. @davidfolkenflik reports on it here. The part in blue caught my eye.
Jack Speer / @jackspeer1: Sometimes we need to report on ourselves @npr in terms of not just what we do right, but the things we need to work on. NPR hosts' departures fuel questions over race. The full story is complex.
Martin Patience / @martinpatience: “While NPR's news magazines define the network for tens of millions of listeners, NPR now derives more sponsorship revenue from podcasts than those news shows. And the audiences for the podcasts are markedly younger and more diverse.”
Stephen Fowler / @stphnfwlr: *exhales sharply* *eyeball emoji* sheesh, read this.
Catherine Komp / @cjkmedia: Appreciate David's coverage & hope member stations can also publicly examine how we can do better. These departures aren't just about losing extremely talented hosts & journalists, but public media leaders who also should have been valued for their work as innovators and mentors.
Gabe Rosenberg / @gabrieljr: There is so much fascinating info in @davidfolkenflik 's piece about @NPR host departures — from hiring stats to stories about rejected podcast pitches — that I am again grateful that he's able to do this kind of independent reporting. This year's NEA Creative Writing Fellows; “The Point” launches its “Criticism in Public” interview series
John Koblin / New York Times: Audie Cornish, the former NPR host, heads to CNN+.

The Texas Tribune CEO and co-founder Evan Smith says he will step down by the end of 2022, after 13 years, and stay on as an adviser into 2023 — Evan Smith, a longtime force in Texas journalism, said on Wednesday that he would step down as the chief executive of The Texas Tribune …
@nytmedia, Life Its Ownself, @mailbackwards, @mailbackwards, @lawrence_wright, @cecilerichards, @ec_schneider, @mailbackwards, @ralstonreports, @andylanger, @jeffjarvis, @erinmdouglas23, @peterhotez, @iamamnanawaz, @gob, @mikehalltexas, @maggienyt, @sarabethberman, @peterlattman, @jpgarnham, @bretteats, @sewellchan, @jessicashortall, @pamelacolloff, @stephenharrigan, @vgescobar, @ckrewson, @jakesherman, @alexi, @eramshaw, @miyashay and UPI
@nytmedia: Mr. Smith, 55, said he would leave by year's end and stay on as an adviser into 2023. He has no firm plans for what he will do next, he said, adding, “I don't think I'm done wanting to make the world better through journalism.”
DeeceX / Life Its Ownself: Developments Worth Noting
Liam Andrew / @mailbackwards: What I now realize I believed in was his vision of it. So do so many others now. I am so proud and so glad that I made this leap, and I'm eager to keep leaping forward.
Liam Andrew / @mailbackwards: When I interviewed at the Trib as a backend developer, seven years ago, Evan asked why I'd move all the way to Texas for this. I said “it's a nonprofit, I believe in this.” He half-shrugged, and without him saying it, I got his point: “nonprofit” doesn't necessarily mean “better”
Lawrence Wright / @lawrence_wright: @evanasmith's energy, imagination, and leadership forged a new, sustainable model for journalism. He got Texans engaged in politics. We have a lot to thank him for.
Cecile Richards / @cecilerichards: .@evanasmith built the @TexasTribune from the ground up. He has brought such integrity to the media landscape of Texas and beyond. So proud of him, and grateful.
Elena Schneider / @ec_schneider: .@evanasmith changed journalism. & I'm exceedingly lucky he also changed my life in journalism. At 21, he made me believe I could carve out a path. He built a newsroom full of mentors — a rarity. I'm so proud to be a @TexasTribune alum.
Liam Andrew / @mailbackwards: I don't know when I last made a thread, but if anyone deserves it, it's @evanasmith on this bittersweet day
Jon Ralston / @ralstonreports: End of an era: @evanasmith stepping down as @TexasTribune CEO: Evan is a mensch who helped me when I needed it most in starting @TheNVIndy. He has been a valued counselor and mentor in nonprofit journalism, a pioneer and visionary. Wish him the best.
Andy Langer / @andylanger: No question, @evansmith has provided me with more opportunities, connected me with more work and been a better advocate for me than any one person in my career. That large chunks of 2+ generations of TX journalist can say the same is already his legacy.
Jeff Jarvis / @jeffjarvis: Years ago, I tried desperately to convince Mr. Smith, a Jersey boy, not a Texan, to return to his roots and start the Jersey Tribune. I will suggest it again in warmer months. Congratulations, @evanasmith, on your tremendous accomplishments down there.
Erin Douglas / @erinmdouglas23: “The Tribune has helped show the way for a new crop of regional nonprofit news outlets,” the NYT's @katie_robertson writes. Thank you to @evanasmith for founding and leading it for the last 13 years.
Prof Peter Hotez MD PhD / @peterhotez: Mr @evanasmith leader of @TexasTribune one of the great Texans and my friend and colleague, someone who knows how this state works (or sometimes doesn't work) better than just about anyone. Look forward to hearing about his next chapter
Amna / @iamamnanawaz: “I don't think I'm done wanting to make the world better through journalism.” Thank you, @evanasmith , for pushing all of us to do better through this work.
Glenn O. Brown / @gob: Congrats, @evanasmith & @TexasTribune team. We all owe you a debt of gratitude—the whole news business & anyone impacted by TX politics/policy (that's everyone). Excited for you—and the killer org you built to carry the mission forward.
Michael Hall / @mikehalltexas: Wow. I learned half of what I know about being a Texas journalist from a nice Jewish boy from New York. Nobody's funnier, smarter, or more passionate about journalism than @evanasmith. Congratulations, my friend, you changed the world.
Maggie Haberman / @maggienyt: Oh no. Evan Smith, the leader of The Texas Tribune, says he will step down.
Sarabeth Berman / @sarabethberman: It would be hard to overstate the impact @evanasmith has had on local news in this country. He proved a new model is possible. Hats off to a giant on an incredible run! Thank you for leadership and your friendship
Peter Lattman / @peterlattman: Evan Smith stepping down as CEO of The Texas Tribune. Just an awesome run for a true pioneer and one of the great talents in journalism.
Juan Pablo Garnham / @jpgarnham: What can I say, but repeat my admiration for everyone at the @TexasTribune and, of course, @evanasmith. Keep supporting high-quality journalism and become a member. Long live nonprofit journalism!
Brett Anderson / @bretteats: One of the most talented people in journalism is a free agent.
Sewell Chan / @sewellchan: THREAD: A boss I love, @evanasmith, is retiring as CEO of @TexasTribune by year's end. He told me of his intent when we discussed my coming here. I came anyway—b/c the mission is so urgent, the journalists here so dedicated, Texas so important.
Jessica Shortall / @jessicashortall: Here's to a paper that dreamed big and changed journalism for the better, that holds power to account, and that gives voice to some damn fine journalists. Best of luck in whatever's next, @evanasmith.
Pamela Colloff / @pamelacolloff: It's impossible to overstate the role @evanasmith has played in nonprofit journalism, and in transforming the news landscape in Texas, and in cultivating the careers of countless reporters. I owe so much to him. Grateful to have been along for the ride.
Stephen Harrigan / @stephenharrigan: Whatever @evanasmith does next, it's going to the best version of that that anybody has ever done.
Veronica Escobar / @vgescobar: He built the @TexasTribune from the ground up, informed and inspired students and was committed to telling diverse stories. Thank you for your work @evanasmith (& willingness to always listen). Best wishes on whatever is next for you!
Chris Krewson / @ckrewson: The @TexasTribune has been a model for more digital native local news efforts than I can remember. This is a big, big deal.
Jake Sherman / @jakesherman: a few words about @evanasmith, who is stepping down as the CEO as the Texas Tribune Evan is, quite simply, one of the finest people I've met in this business. He reads everything. Understands journalism. and is unfailingly kind.
Alexi McCammond / @alexi: Evan is one of the smartest and kindest in the biz. So so lucky that our paths crossed and forever grateful for the year he invited me to participate in the Texas Tribune Festival ✨ truly a gem of a human
Emily Ramshaw / @eramshaw: I'm not writing his obit because he's not going anywhere yet, but suffice to say @evanasmith has changed the course of nonprofit journalism — and of my life. @TexasTribune won't be the same without him, but it's absolutely primed to succeed without him.

Variety promotes Michelle Sobrino-Stearns, its President and Group Publisher, to the newly created post of CEO, effective immediately — She will retain the duties of Group Publisher. — As CEO of Variety, Sobrino-Stearns will oversee both the editorial and business units of the venerable entertainment news brand.
MediaPost, @danielletbd, @marcmalkin, @ewagmeister, @raminsetoodeh, PMC, @byclaytondavis and @byclaytondavis
Tony Silber / MediaPost: Michelle Sobrino-Stearns Promoted To CEO, ‘Variety’
Danielle Turchiano / @danielletbd: Michelle is the best, this is great news for Variety.
Marc Malkin / @marcmalkin: YES! YES! YES! Michelle Sobrino-Stearns Promoted to Chief Executive Officer of Variety via @variety
Elizabeth Wagmeister / @ewagmeister: It's an awesome thing when your company is being led by an awesome woman. Major congrats to Michelle (and to all of us at @Variety!) — she is a true leader I so admire.
Ramin Setoodeh / @raminsetoodeh: A HUGE congratulations to our publisher Michelle Sobrino-Stearns who is now the CEO of @Variety!

Sources: DirecTV and Dish Network have restarted merger talks, as executives think regulatory concerns over their combined market power have waned — DirecTV and Dish Network are in fresh talks to merge after years of on-again, off-again wrangling and multiple clampdowns from federal antitrust officials, The Post has learned.
@jeff_foust, MediaPost, The Streamable, Light Reading, @karlbode,, Awful Announcing, @nickdaschel and Media Play News
Jeff Foust / @jeff_foust: Another sign of the waning power of direct-to-home satellite TV.
Karlene Lukovitz / MediaPost: DirecTV, Dish Resume Merger Talks: Could 2022 Finally Be The Year?
Steve Anderson / The Streamable: Dish Network, DirecTV Back for Merger Talks...Again
Jeff Baumgartner / Light Reading: Dish and DirecTV are talking turkey, again - report
Mike Farrell / Does a Dish, DirecTV Merger Make Sense?
Jay Rigdon / Awful Announcing: DirecTV and Dish Network again talking merger; can they beat antitrust issues?
Nick Daschel / @nickdaschel: DISH and DirecTV are engaging in merger talks again. Maybe there's still hope for what's left of the Pac-12 Network.
Erik Gruenwedel / Media Play News: Report: Dish, DirecTV Merger Getting Second Wind

Decrying cancel culture, the BBC's director of editorial policy, David Jordan, says the broadcaster will “represent all points of view”, including flat earthers — David Jordan told House of Lords that ‘all points of view’ should be represented by broadcaster
@jimwaterson, @mathewi, @laurakbuzz, @mariannaspring, @carlevecrime, @birdyword, @jonlis1, @ggatehouse, @imbadatlife, @laurakbuzz, @roseschmits, @ianbetteridge, @dgurdasani1, @ericabuist, @peterjukes, @david_k_clark, @dijdowell, @peterjukes, @iandunt, @adambienkov, @ggatehouse, @frances_coppola, @stworg, @ggatehouse, @kixes, @robmanuel, @martinsfp, @evolvepolitics, @transactivismuk, @2si_2vess, @dereklowe, @laurakbuzz, @tomcoates, @brokenbottleboy, @tanita_tikaram, @mhairihunter, @yvonnezlam, VICE, Daily Express, New Statesman, The Times, Insider and Press Gazette
Jim Waterson / @jimwaterson: BBC impartiality: “Flat-earthers are not going to get as much space as people who believe the Earth is round, but very occasionally it might be appropriate to interview a flat-earther. If a lot of people believed in flat Earth we'd need to address it more” ...
Mathew Ingram / @mathewi: Flat earthers are welcome on BBC news, says the broadcaster's director of editorial policy, who warns against “cancel culture” ...
Laura Kate Dale / @laurakbuzz: The BBC will not listen to criticism. They will give any view air time so long as it's popular. It is incredibly clear that the BBC will not stop platforming anti-trans views, as long as it sees them as popular. ...
Marianna Spring / @mariannaspring: My entire job as the BBC's first specialist disinformation and social media reporter is to investigate the human cost of online conspiracies and abuse. That means interrogating conspiracy influencers and trolls - to hold them accountable - and understand. That's crucial.
Carl Eve / @carlevecrime: So, BBC's director of editorial policy reckons flat-earthers' theories should be given “due weight” as people who are, well, not completely bonkers..? I think we've found where the BBC's problems lie... ...
Mike Bird / @birdyword: For an organisation that places a very high value on its own importance and continued survival the BBC is also amazingly good at undermining itself
Jonathan Lis / @jonlis1: It also completely fails to understand the BBC's mission. The corporation is not there to reflect ‘all points of view and give them due weight’. It is to educate and inform people about what is actually happening.
Gabriel Gatehouse / @ggatehouse: I know David Jordan. I can state with certainty that he does not believe that *objective* reality is decided by how many people believe something. But if enough people believe something it can become a *political* reality, as is happening in the US right now
Laura Kate Dale / @laurakbuzz: OFCOM's guidelines do not give the BBC blanket right to spread misinformation such as the earth being flat, or publish hate perpetuating views just because some people believe them. This is the BBC giving a huge middle finger.
Kiln Girl Rose / @roseschmits: Go on them BBC, publish an antivax story if you're so dedicated to hearing both sides, I dare you
Ian Betteridge / @ianbetteridge: The BBC's mission is to “provide duly accurate and impartial news, current affairs and factual programming”. Providing air time to flat earthers, anti-scientific nonsense and bigotry is the opposite of that. David Jordan should resign.
Deepti Gurdasani / @dgurdasani1: of course it doesn't say that it's a feedback loop- the BBC interviewing flat earthers and giving them an equal platform to non-flat earthers itself makes people believe in flat earth narratives more. And so it goes...
Erica Buist / @ericabuist: Giving “due weight” to something provably false isn't balance, it's a waste of time, a child-level misunderstanding of the point of reporting, and a misdirection of oxygen.
Peter Jukes / @peterjukes: “Holocaust-deniers are not going to get as much space as people who believe the Holocaust happened, but vert occasionally it might be appropriate to interview a Holocaust-denier. And if a lot of people stopped believing in the the Holocaust...” David Jordan should be sacked
David Clark / @david_k_clark: We see here the slippery slope of populism the BBC launched itself on around a decade ago. Truth isn't democratic. Something that is plainly false doesn't deserve to be treated as a valid opinion in proportion to the number of people who believe it. This attitude explains a lot.
Douglas / @dijdowell: The problem with this quote, and it's pretty fundamental, is that it doesn't distinguish between ‘empirically untrue’ and ‘politically contested’. The BBC does have to provide appropriate coverage for a full range of political views. But not for unambiguous, fantastical nonsense.
Peter Jukes / @peterjukes: This explains so much. And David Jordan is an idiot
Ian Dunt / @iandunt: This is the BBC's director of editorial policy. It suggests a catastrophic breakdown in basic editorial judgement, grounded in a failure to recognise the notion of objective truth. ...
Gabriel Gatehouse / @ggatehouse: A lot of attention on this quote. Fwiw, having just done a whole series on QAnon and the belief that the 2020 US presidential election was stolen, I think this is the right approach. If 25% of Brits thought the earth was flat, it would be weird if the BBC didn't interrogate that
Furious Cassandra / @frances_coppola: If a lot of people believed in flat Earth, the BBC would certainly have to address it more - by increasing the prominence of scientists and educators debunking this nonsense.
Stephan Lewandowsky / @stworg: This epitomizes the post-truth world & its enablers. Flat-earth loons on their own would never go far without assistance from intellectually-bankrupt enablers. Very concerning (but sadly not surprising) to hear this from BBC @UlliEcker @Sander_vdLinden @JasonReifler @philipplenz6
Gabriel Gatehouse / @ggatehouse: That doesn't mean the BBC should lend credence to the idea that the earth is flat. But it should be asking why people believe it, and what that tells us about our world.
@kixes: Just no. Impartiality doesn't mean you give validating space to baseless and wild conspiracy theories. ...
Rob Manuel / @robmanuel: People are being very negative about this, but I think it's a great opportunity to believe stupid things and the BBC is forced to give you airtime. I personally want a six part series on my belief that dogs are boys and cats are girls. What about you?
Martin Sfp Bryant / @martinsfp: Lots of people annoyed by the BBC ‘flat earthers’ quote doing the rounds, but I read that isolated quote in this way 👇 (although I can see why people are cynical given how there are plenty of credible viewpoints that rarely get represented)
@evolvepolitics: 🚨 | NEW: BBC Director of Editorial Policy, David Jordan, says the BBC should platform flat-earth conspiracy theorists: “[...] very occasionally it might be appropriate to interview a flat-earther. And if a lot of people believed in flat Earth we'd need to address it more.”
Trans Activism UK / @transactivismuk: The BBC believes that platforming dangerous bigotry is impartiality. The BBC believes that giving someone a moment to say “actually this minority group are rapists” means they are unbiased. The BBC is wrong and deeply flawed. #CancelYourLicence ...
@2si_2vess: This is such tiresome and dishonest bollocks because we know the BBC always say this and then tightly control the views represented which typically range from liberal to far right with business heavily overrepresented vs workers and unions ...
Derek Lowe / @dereklowe: This makes me glad that I have never had to take the massive implant of Both Sides that is apparently required for many journalists.
Laura Kate Dale / @laurakbuzz: Today, @BBCNews staff Tim Davies and David Jordan stated that they have to give air time to all views, from transphobia to flat earthers, because of impartiality, based on percieved popularity and not accuracy. Well, the @Ofcom guidelines on Due Impartiality disagree.
Tom Coates / @tomcoates: Yeah, I'm sorry but no. The truth is not a democracy. If half the country thinks that gravity isn't real, it isn't the job of the BBC to take that seriously. It's the job of the BBC to provide science classes that make it clear that gravity is real.
Mic Wright / @brokenbottleboy: I have nearly shaken my head off my shoulders.
Tanita Tikaram / @tanita_tikaram: BBC “Flat-earthers are not going to get as much space as people who believe the Earth is round, but very occasionally it might be appropriate to interview a flat-earther. And if a lot of people believed in flat Earth we'd need to address it more.” 😳 ...
Mhairi Hunter / @mhairihunter: This is where the BBC needs to remember it is a public service, not Fox News. The earth is not flat. That is simply a fact.
Yvonne Lam / @yvonnezlam: It seems, given the BBC's remarkable statement, that it's a good day to remind everyone of Wendy Cope's poem: ...
Ruby Lott-Lavigna / VICE: BBC Says It Would Interview Flat-Earthers To Be Impartial
Oliver Pritchard-Jones / Daily Express: BBC to give voice to flat-earthers! Fury as Beeb plans to give conspiracy loons air time
James O'Brien / New Statesman: Media impartiality is a problem when ignorance is given the same weight as expertise
Jake Kanter / The Times: BBC pledges to air views of ‘flat-earthers’

News organizations de-emphasize case counts in their COVID-19 stories as home testing grows, and debate how best to use other stats during the omicron surge — NEW YORK (AP) — For two years, coronavirus case counts and hospitalizations have been widely used barometers of the pandemic's march across the world.
Joseph Wulfsohn / Fox News: AP tells staff to ‘avoid emphasizing’ COVID case counts amid shift in covering pandemic
Clay Travis / @claytravis: This is incredible. How many articles did they write about red states using these exact story angles? They are changing the covid narrative right in front of your eyes. All because Joe Biden is now responsible for the covid numbers instead of Trump. Shameful and dishonest.
Naseem Miller / @naseemmiller: The AP has told its editors and reporters to avoid emphasizing case counts in stories about more stories focused solely on a particular country or state setting a one-day record for number of cases, because that claim has become unreliable.

Sally Buzbee tells WaPo staff that business editor Lori Montgomery was reprimanded for tweeting criticism of an SFGate column condemning Ben Roethlisberger — Business editor Lori Montgomery received verbal warning for tweeting about an article that addressed allegations of sexual assault against the quarterback
Dan Froomkin / @froomkin: “The Post is planning to revise its social-media policy as soon as it fills a vacant standards-editor position” HOW DO I APPLY?
Dan Froomkin / @froomkin: Meanwhile, you know, democracy dies. Would be nice if Buzbee did something about that.
Ben Mullin / @benmullin: New w/@alexbruell: Washington Post top editor Sally Buzbee said in a series of meetings this week that business editor Lori Montgomery has been disciplined for her Roethlisberger tweet. Her punishment? A verbal warning.

Most Gannett newspapers are ceasing home delivery of Saturday print editions in coming months, offering an e-edition instead — Most Gannett Co. newspapers, including The Tennessean, will cease home delivery of Saturday editions, in response to the ongoing dominance of digital news consumption.
Mary Shown / @maryshownsbt: Gannett announced today it will no longer print Saturday editions at 136 of its properties. That includes papers like @SBTribune, @theheraldtimes and @courierjournal. What's concerning to me is how all of these local editors have eerily similar quotes when announcing the change.
Hayleigh Colombo / Columbus Business Journal: Columbus Dispatch dropping Saturday print edition
Green Bay Press-Gazette: Saturday home delivery will end March 12. Subscribers will have access to Saturday e-Edition along with expanded digital offerings
@yelvington: @dankennedy_nu Any money saved will be sucked out of the system, not reinvested in quality journalism or new products. There is no strategy for the future.
Dan Kennedy / @dankennedy_nu: @matthewmuses More than 100 dailies and about 1,000 weeklies. The new edict is not going to affect a handful of their larger dailies.
Bill Grueskin / @bgrueskin: @dankennedy_nu @BenMullin Right, if you have to cut somewhere .... as Saturday and Monday papers tend to be pretty low in readership/ad rev.
Jack Rosenberry / @jackrosenberry: @dankennedy_nu I lived in a Gannett daily city, and actually really like the e-edition. It's basically a PDF version of the print product, and I sit and read it on a tablet the same as I'd read print. With earlier delivery and no need to go outside to retrieve it.
Dan Kennedy / @dankennedy_nu: I'd be fine getting our local Gannett weekly via digital if the website wasn't so terrible and/or if there was an e-edition somewhere on the site.
Dan Kennedy / @dankennedy_nu: I have a memo from Gannett executives announcing that they're going to replace the Saturday print edition with e-papers in 136 of their dailies. It actually refers to this as “a new Saturday experience.” BTW ... as much as I criticize Gannett, this probably isn't a bad idea.

After reports that Nexstar is the lead bidder for The CW, sources speculate The CW's programming strategy could shift toward politics and reruns — If Nexstar seals a deal for a majority stake in the WarnerMedia and ViacomCBS broadcaster, insiders speculate the programming strategy may shift toward politics and reruns.
Alex Weprin / @alexweprin: Could The CW's DC Comics-based shows move to HBO Max? A new Sunday public affairs show based on The Hill? Reading The CW tea leaves: ...
Dan McGowan / @danmcgowan: Channel 12's parent company.
Alex Weprin / @alexweprin: Lots of newsy nuggets in this story with @Snoodit, but its interesting that a new Nexstar investor presentation presents the “polarized political environment” as a “near and long-term organic growth driver” for the company. ...
Lesley Goldberg / @snoodit: What's next for The CW programming? Sources say a few pilot orders and maybe moves to HBO Max/Paramount+ for some existing originals should Nexstar take a majority stake in the network. Pedowitz's year-round scripted originals strategy will likely be history if a deal closes.