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Sarah Palin loses defamation suit against the NYT as jury finds there was insufficient evidence to prove the newspaper defamed her — The verdict came a day after the judge said that he planned to dismiss the case, ruling that Ms. Palin's legal team had failed to prove that the newspaper defamed her.
@davidfolkenflik, CNN, BuzzFeed News, Wall Street Journal, Washington Post, Axios, Reuters, Law & Crime, @davidfolkenflik, Associated Press, Deadline, Forbes, @nicdawes, @kimberlyeatkins, @eshap, Columbia Journalism Review, Fox News, @nickochsnerwbtv, Mediaite, TVNewsCheck, @monacharen, @popehat, @rdiffering, @green_footballs, Insider, CNBC, @popehat, @adriennelaw, @davmicrot, @whignewtons, @popehat, NPR, @theonion, @ericboehlert, New York Post, @popehat, @jimrutenberg, @cliffordlevy, HuffPost, The Hill, Persuasion Rules and Rolling Stone
David Folkenflik / @davidfolkenflik: News: JURY FINDS NEW YORK TIMES NOT LIABLE IN PALIN V NYT & JAMES BENNET Unanimous verdict of all nine jurors polled.
Sonia Moghe / CNN: Jury finds that Sarah Palin failed to prove her defamation case against the New York Times
Deanna Paul / Wall Street Journal: Jury Rejects Sarah Palin's Defamation Claims Against the New York Times
Adam Klasfeld / Law & Crime: A Day After a Judge Ruled No Reasonable Jury Could Find the New York Times Defamed Sarah Palin, the Actual Jury Agrees
David Folkenflik / @davidfolkenflik: Rakoff informs jurors for the first time that he earlier decided to dismiss Palin's suit once they reached a verdict, because she hadn't made a sufficient case: “You decided the facts, I decided the law; it turns out they were both in agreement, in this case.”
Ted Johnson / Deadline: Jury Finds New York Times “Not Liable” In Sarah Palin Libel Case; Judge Had Already Planned To Dismiss Claim
Alison Durkee / Forbes: New York Times Didn't Defame Sarah Palin, Jury Finds—Agreeing With Judge's Ruling
Nicholas Dawes / @nicdawes: Sighs of relief all around at this outcome, but we are still in a precarious place, as anyone who pays the skyrocketing premiums on media liability insurance will tell you.
Kimberly Atkins Stohr / @kimberlyeatkins: That the jury reached the same conclusion as the judge will be important in Palin's likely appeal.
Evan Shapiro / @eshap: Virus-ridden has-been is informed by federal jurist that she is, in fact, legally, full of shit. Or @SarahPalinUSA gets the legal equivalent of #byefelicia.
Caleb Pershan / Columbia Journalism Review: The New York Times wins case against Sarah Palin. Twice.
Nick Ochsner / @nickochsnerwbtv: I'm glad the NYT is notching a day of critical First Amendment wins. But do you know how expensive all this litigating is? Most newsrooms do not have these resources, so imagine the stories that get silenced at small outlets every time they face a threat like this
Aidan McLaughlin / Mediaite: BREAKING: Jury Finds New York Times Not Liable in Sarah Palin Defamation Suit
@popehat: The Palin verdict is not surprising. It was always a very uphill fight legally, and the evidence of actual malice* was very weak. It was a genuine blunder by the Times, though, correctly criticized. *based on what actual malice really means, not what you feel it means
@rdiffering: @Popehat Agreed. I think you have two votes who would take it and overrule Sullivan. I think we're safe—for now. But the fact that I have to engage in that kind of analysis is terrifying in its own way.
Charles Johnson / @green_footballs: Sorry, Sarah. No unspecified payday for you, and the only one owned is yourself. Eventually these wingnut celebrities will learn how difficult it is to win a defamation suit in the US.
Jacob Shamsian / Insider: A jury found the New York Times not liable in the defamation case brought by Sarah Palin
@popehat: @RDiffering Right. As recently as five years ago I would have said the idea is sheer nonsense.
@adriennelaw: Palin will appeal, hoping that SCOTUS will lower the legal standard for defaming a public figure. Funny thing: if SCOTUS were to lower the bar, Fox News would suffer. It needs the high legal standard, so it can continue to play fast and loose with facts.
David Rothschild / @davmicrot: Fox News intentionally slanders multiple people *every day*; right-wing media rooting for Palin to smash media protections against being sued for liable, I guess to stick it to @nytimes, seemed a bit short-sighted.
Sarah Isgur / @whignewtons: Which is why Judge should have waited on directed verdict motion. Now Palin team can try to find a juror who heard about it before deliberations ended.
David Folkenflik / NPR: Sarah Palin loses defamation case against ‘The New York Times’
@theonion: Judge Dismisses ‘New York Times’ Libel Suit Brought By Cannibal Terrorist Sarah Palin
Eric Boehlert / @ericboehlert: case always seemed painfully thin again, who paid her legal bills since she never stood a chance?
Ben Feuerherd / New York Post: Jury finds New York Times did not defame Sarah Palin
@popehat: Also: though there's been talk about using this case as a vehicle to overturn NYT v. Sullivan's “actual malice” standard, the case is a poor vehicle for it, and I'm skeptical that there's enough votes on SCOTUS to take it on that basis.
@jimrutenberg: What you saw in this case: After publishing an inarguably bad error, editors, deeply upset about the mistake, move to fix copy, print correction. An imperfect endeavor like all human efforts-but there was a clear commitment to getting it right no joy in having it wrong, no malice
Cliff Levy / @cliffordlevy: “Public figures should not be permitted to use libel suits to punish or intimidate news organizations.” — The New York Times's statement after a jury ruled against Sarah Palin in her libel suit against The Times.
Dominick Mastrangelo / The Hill: New York Times found not liable in Palin defamation case
Carlos Alvarenga / Persuasion Rules: Persuasion in the news: Palin suit vs. NY Times is over (for now)

Judge says he intends to dismiss Palin's case after jury returns a verdict, saying she hadn't met the legal standard showing that NYT acted with “actual malice” — Palin's suit was the first libel case against the Times to go to trial in nearly two decades.
@davidfolkenflik, Politico, @erikwemple, @erikwemple, @erikwemple, @erikwemple, @davidfolkenflik, @erikwemple, @sonjarwest, @davidfolkenflik, Axios, @reuterslegal, @slate, Slate, Poynter, @zigmanfreud, Wall Street Journal, The Week, @alahav, @alahav, @alahav, @arusbridger, @erikwemple, @mmasnick, @jfruh, @badfoxgraphics, @karaswisher, @jonathanturley, @ericboehlert, @jonathanwpeters, @klasfeldreports, @davidfolkenflik, @rickhasen, @bgrueskin, @eriqgardner, @danprimack, @carigervin, @renato_mariotti, @jacksonrichman, @danfagin, @klasfeldreports, @jekranzberg, @normative, @anthony, @tomrtweets and @owillis
Josh Gerstein / Politico: Judge throws out Palin libel case against New York Times
@erikwemple: Rakoff says straight up: He is issuing an order dismissing the Palin complaint against the New York Times.
@erikwemple: Judge Rakoff has ruled in favor of the New York Times in Sarah Palin's defamation suit. The jury will continue its deliberations in the case, but Rakoff has determined pursuant to the Times' Rule 50 motion that there's not enough evidence to support Palin's claim.
@erikwemple: “So, for example, if I were to dismiss the case as a matter of law for failure to prove an essential element and the jury were to decide the contrary,” he said, “then on appeal, the court of appeals wouldn't have to send it back for a new trial. They could reinstate the verdict.”
@erikwemple: A lot of people are asking why Judge Rakoff would decide this case while the jury is still deliberating. Very good questions. Here's what he said:
David Folkenflik / @davidfolkenflik: What a dramatic moment. In an elaborate tour of his thinking, Judge Rakoff laid out for the world why he didn't want to pre-empt the jury - but says Palin failed to make actual malice case agst NYT or Bennet notes Bennet asked writer of original draft to give it another look
@erikwemple: “The more I thought about it over the weekend, the more I thought that [waiting] was unfair to both sides,” he said. “We've had very full argument on this. I know where I'm coming out and I ought to therefore apprise the parties of that.”
Sonja West / @sonjarwest: This case has always been an uphill battle for Palin, & the judge's decision is clearly right on the law. But the mere fact that it got this far—and even some of Rakoff's rhetoric about NYT in his ruling—feel like concerning signs that something has shifted for the press.
David Folkenflik / @davidfolkenflik: As Judge Rakoff noted in remarks preceding announcement - he was not ruling on whether she had convinced him she had won the case but whether she had produced enough evidence to *make* her case, meeting tough actual malice standard about defamation of public figure
Sara Fischer / Axios: Appeals could keep Palin v. NYT going for months
@reuterslegal: A surprising and unusual ruling against Sarah Palin in her defamation case has narrowed the former Alaska governor's route to victory but the high-profile suit is far from over, legal experts said
@slate: Sarah Palin lost. But someone in the courthouse was watching—and learning.
Seth Stevenson / Slate: The Most Chilling Thing I Heard at the Sarah Palin-NYT Trial Came Before the Verdict
Tom Jones / Poynter: Sarah Palin's case against The New York Times is thrown out — but what happens now?
John Ziegler / @zigmanfreud: This ruling is not consistent with the evidence (unless you presume the @nytimes is full of imbeciles). Its also nonsensical because there's 0 reason to announce it before the jury comes back & naive to think they won't find out (though that could actually help Palin's appeal).
Deanna Paul / Wall Street Journal: Judge to Toss Sarah Palin's Defamation Allegations Against New York Times
Catherine Garcia / The Week: Judge says he will dismiss Sarah Palin's libel case against The New York Times
Alexandra Lahav / @alahav: It is the best practice for a judge to let the jury deliberate. If the jury agrees with his assessment, great, no need for a motion. If the jury disagrees, he may still enter a judgment for the defendant but this way the jury's verdict is preserved. That way if he's wrong...
Alexandra Lahav / @alahav: Hi All, here's how judgments as a matter of law work. Useful if you are reporting or thinking about Palin v. NYT.
Alexandra Lahav / @alahav: The jury's time spent listening to testimony is not wasted. Instead, the jury's determination can be reinstated on appeal.
@arusbridger: Sarah Palin v. New York Times: Judge to dismiss former governor's libel claim in rare case. The standard of ‘actual malice’ not met, says the judge ...
@erikwemple: “On the other hand,” said Rakoff, “this is the kind of case that will inevitably go up on appeal and the court of appeals will greatly benefit from knowing how the jury decided.”
Mike Masnick / @mmasnick: As it should be. Still quite incredible the case even went to trial in the first place. Was a SLAPP suit from the jump.
Josh Fruhlinger / @jfruh: wait ...... are they telling the jury this? i for one would be fairly upset if i had a spent a bunch of time deliberating as part of a jury and then we came out and found out the judge had already dsimissed the suit
Bad Fox Graphics / @badfoxgraphics: Sarah Palin's publicity stunt is over...until she appeals.
Kara Swisher / @karaswisher: Well obvi
Jonathan Turley / @jonathanturley: The judge has indicated that he will dismiss the Palin case regardless of what the jury decides. ... That is a rather odd approach but it holds out the chance that the jury would make his ruling moot if they ruled against her... ...
Eric Boehlert / @ericboehlert: wonder who paid her legal fees
Jonathan Peters / @jonathanwpeters: 6/6 And as my colleague points out, there may be reason to be concerned about some of the judge's rhetoric about the NYT/press even in ruling for the paper:
Adam Klasfeld / @klasfeldreports: As we approach the end of deliberations today, Judge Rakoff asks the parties what sort of admonition he should give jurors to avoid news coverage. “Too much of this is kind of inviting ‘Why does he keep telling us not to look at the media?’” Rakoff quips.
David Folkenflik / @davidfolkenflik: My initial write-up of the pending dismissal of Palin v. NYT and James Bennet, an extraordinary turn for the Times. Jury's verdict may determine nature of Palin's appeal, but won't (currently) stand.
Rick Hasen / @rickhasen: Seems unusual that the judge after this ruling is still allowing the jury to deliberate and reach a verdict (which would not count) to provide additional data for the case when it goes up on appeal. Have others seen this before?
Bill Grueskin / @bgrueskin: This case was originally filed on June 27, 2017. It's entirely possible that by the time the appeals are exhausted, it'll take nearly a decade to resolve. The Times (and/or its insurer) is paying a fortune to defend itself on this case. We don't know who's funding Palin's attys
Eriq Gardner / @eriqgardner: In a sane world, this would be the moment that NYT and Palin settle. The paper would agree not to seek legal fees in exchange for Palin forgoing a (hopeless) appeal.
Cari Wade Gervin / @carigervin: It never should have gotten this far and worried about “verdict” and appeals but this is still so good
Renato Mariotti / @renato_mariotti: It is very difficult for a plaintiff to establish “actual malice” in a defamation case, so it's not surprising that Sarah Palin failed to do so here. This high bar is meant to ensure that lawsuits don't limit or silence media companies like the New York Times.
Jackson Richman / @jacksonrichman: The bar for malice is very high. This is the correct decision.
Dan Fagin / @danfagin: The right move by Judge Rakoff. A learning moment for us in the media. We need to do better. And Ms. Palin, you can leave now.
Adam Klasfeld / @klasfeldreports: “In Surprise Ruling, Judge Throws Out Sarah Palin's Defamation Suit Against the New York Times—with the Jury Still Deliberating” He'll let the jury reach a verdict for purposes of the Second Circuit appeal—then toss it out. DEVELOPING via @lawcrimenews
Josh Kranzberg / @jekranzberg: Once again, everyone is going to get exactly what they want out of this trial. The NYT will win, and rightfully so. Palin will say it's rigged and appeal and hope it can make its way to the Supreme Court.
Julian Sanchez / @normative: Unsurprising. The surprising thing was that it made it to trial at all.
Anthony DeRosa / @anthony: A federal judge rejected Sarah Palin's allegations that she was defamed by the New York Times, ruling that the former Republican vice-presidential candidate's claims presented at trial were insufficient to prove her case.

Interviews with 30+ people about CNN tumult reveal a new claim of sexual assault against Chris Cuomo while at ABC and details about Jeff Zucker's power collapse — The network's top-rated host and its president both were forced out, following ethical lapses, an office romance and a letter from a lawyer for “Jane Doe.”
@brianstelter, @jodikantor, @moorehn, Washington Post, Insider, Fox News, @dylanbyers, Mediaite, The Wrap, HuffPost, Los Angeles Times, Next TV, The Hill, @rachbarnhart, @thatrebecca, The Indian Express, @runasand, The Sun, @wajahatali, @rachbarnhart, @nytimesbusiness, @sarasidnercnn, @davecatanese, Deadline, @benyt, @cablekent, @grynbaum, @jodikantor, @moiradonegan, @benyt, @palewire, @tvmojoe, @dylanbyers, @sdkstl, @jessicalessin, @kerrymflynn, @jodikantor, @soledadobrien, @lfung, @justinbaragona, @kimzetter, @danielchaitin7, @jeffjarvis, @joshsternberg, @mattbelloni, @rolandsmartin, @jodikantor, @digitalshields, @davidfolkenflik, @dylanbyers, @jodikantor, @kennymack1971, @jamisonfoser, @jodikantor, @scotsfyre, @jessicavalenti, @flitteronfraud, @justinbaragona, @dylanbyers, @keitholbermann, @emilysteel, @jodikantor and @emilysteel
Brian Stelter / @brianstelter: Brand new memo from Jason Kilar: “The investigation found violations of Company policies, including CNN's News Standards and Practices, by Jeff Zucker, Allison Gollust, and Chris Cuomo.”
Jodi Kantor / @jodikantor: NEW: How a secret two-part allegation against Chris Cuomo helped upend CNN. (Thread.)
Heidi N. Moore / @moorehn: RIP Jeff Zucker's career, no one survives this lineup of deadly smart bylines
Jeremy Barr / Washington Post: Jeff Zucker deputy Allison Gollust resigns as CNN completes Chris Cuomo investigation
Erin Snodgrass / Insider: Chris Cuomo accuser alleges the former CNN anchor tried to keep her quiet by arranging a positive segment about her employer: report
Joseph Wulfsohn / Fox News: Chris Cuomo accused of sexual assault in bombshell report about CNN turmoil
Dylan Byers / @dylanbyers: #BREAK: In email to staff, Allison Gollust says “WarnerMedia's statement tonight is an attempt to retaliate against me and change the media narrative in the wake of their disastrous handling of the last two weeks.” Full statement in next tweet.
Michael Luciano / Mediaite: Chris Cuomo Accused of Arranging Puff Piece to ‘Silence’ Woman Who Alleged Sexual Misconduct: NYT
Jeremy Bailey / The Wrap: Chris Cuomo Accused of Dangling Favorable Coverage on CNN to Divert Inquiry Into Sexual Assault Claim
Stephen Battaglio / Los Angeles Times: Former CNN chief Jeff Zucker's partner Allison Gollust resigns from the network
Dominick Mastrangelo / The Hill: CNN internal investigation finds ‘violations of Company policies’ by Zucker, Cuomo
Rachel Barnhart / @rachbarnhart: CNN thing is a disaster. All of the pundits uncomfortable with the Cuomo brothers gig ended up being right. Pure entertainment, full of conflicts, & not journalism. The act ended up doing terrible harm to CNN's reputation while Cuomo's pandemic policies went unchecked.
Rebecca Keegan / @thatrebecca: A Hamptons Clambake. When you read stories like this it seems like New York has—max—40, maybe 45 people in it.
Runa Sandvik / @runasand: @ReservoirOfHope ... Came here to say the same thing.
Caitlin Hornik / The Sun: Jeff Zucker's ‘exec lover Allison Gollust resigns from CNN’ after president stepped down when secret romance was exposed
Wajahat Ali / @wajahatali: The rot at the top.
Rachel Barnhart / @rachbarnhart: Way down in story. Apparently worried woman could come forward, C. Cuomo reached out to her out of blue years later at height #MeToo to offer a positive segment on her company, which happened. #ROC
@nytimesbusiness: Jeff Zucker, the CNN chief, faced trouble beyond an office romance, including ties to the Cuomos, a testy relationship with a new boss and falling ratings.
Sara Sidner / @sarasidnercnn: If we report on others we must also report on ourselves.
Dave Catanese / @davecatanese: This, to me, is the weirdest detail in the CNN saga. Playing with damn fire.
Deadline: CNN Marketing Boss Allison Gollust Exits After WarnerMedia Probe; She Blasts Company For “Attempt To Retaliate Against Me” — Update
Ben Smith / @benyt: Proud to have my last Times contributor line on this revelatory story about allegations against Chris Cuomo at CNN. This was the missing piece of the public narrative
Kent Gibbons / @cablekent: Hmm — “Mr. Cuomo proposed arranging a CNN segment about the company where she worked doing public relations. The woman tried to avoid any contact with Mr. Cuomo, but CNN ultimately broadcast a segment anyway.” Jeff Zucker's Downfall at CNN ... The NY Times
Michael M. Grynbaum / @grynbaum: Our NYT deep-dive into the ousters of Chris Cuomo and Jeff Zucker at CNN, updated with the latest news that WarnerMedia has uncovered journalistic lapses by Zucker and Allison Gollust.
Jodi Kantor / @jodikantor: Debra Katz, her lawyer, she never wanted to come forward publicly, doesn't want to become “a pawn in an internecine war” and won't be saying anything further. She “deserves and requests privacy,” Katz said.
Moira Donegan / @moiradonegan: When Jeff Zucker left CNN, purportedly over his failure to disclose a consensual relationship with a subordinate, commentators both in & outside the network blamed a post-MeToo culture of puritanical censoriousness. This reporting suggests that his departure was more complicated.
Ben Smith / @benyt: One more time because I think people aren't reading this closely ... this is by far the most serious allegation made against anyone in the whole CNN saga, because it's the one that alleges the reporting was corrupted.
Ben Welsh / @palewire: Love it or hate it, the @nytimes is out here putting in work.
@tvmojoe: Very compelling tick tock about the Zucker situation at CNN. I am a bit perplexed at how his disastrous run as head of NBC is given a total pass (FYI: He didn't develop Fear Factor, and only picked it up as a settlement with Endemol over another show.)
Dylan Byers / @dylanbyers: New CNN news: + Allison Gollust has resigned from CNN, as expected. + Jason Kilar says Jeff Zucker, Allison Gollust and Chris Cuomo all violated company policies, but doesn't specify the offenses.
Staci D Kramer / @sdkstl: Memo stresses that Gollust resigned today following the conclusion of the five-month investigation into issues associated with the Cuomo brothers.
Jessica Lessin / @jessicalessin: An excellent story from a squad of excellent @nytimes reporters with the kind of comments from the principals' spokespeople that only the media industry could drum up.
Kerry Flynn / @kerrymflynn: “We have the highest standards of journalistic integrity at CNN, and those rules must apply to everyone equally.” - @jasonkilar 🔥
Jodi Kantor / @jodikantor: Thank you so much for reading this story, reported with @emilysteel, @grynbaum, @JamesStewartNYT and @koblin, and edited by @davidenrich
Soledad O'Brien / @soledadobrien: Interesting thread and story.
Lisa Fung / @lfung: Well, what little sympathy I may have had for any of the involved parties is out the window now
Justin Baragona / @justinbaragona: !!!! “When she arrived, there was no food. Instead, Mr. Cuomo badgered her for sex, and after she declined, he assaulted her, she said. She ran out of the room.”
Kim Zetter / @kimzetter: Detailed backstory on the firing of Chris Cuomo and resignation of Jeff Zucker. New info: woman who accused Cuomo of sexual assault in 2011 says he contacted her during height of MeToo movement a few yrs ago to suggest CNN do flattering report on company where she worked.
Daniel Chaitin / @danielchaitin7: “After Mr. Zucker underwent heart surgery in 2018, he and Mr. Cuomo spent hours talking during long walks in Central Park. Mr. Zucker soon signed off on a multiyear contract that paid Mr. Cuomo more than $6 million annually.”
Josh Sternberg / @joshsternberg: Great narrative journalism here, filling in key details that were missing in previous reporting. And woof this phrasing.
Matthew Belloni / @mattbelloni: Among the (many!) questions raised by this memo, Jason Kilar says the investigation “concluded this weekend,” but he explicitly told CNN staff on Feb. 2 that “the investigation is complete.”...
@rolandsmartin: A whole bunch of @CNN's anchors, including you @brianstelter, look silly for the vehement defense of Jeff Zucker. Kilar tried to tell y'all to chill, but nah, y'all saw him as your savior. Well, what say you now?
Jodi Kantor / @jodikantor: Which is a key point: it's now clear that both Cuomo brothers, governor and anchor, face sexual misconduct violations from women who were far more junior in the workplace.
Mike Shields / @digitalshields: This is CNN
David Folkenflik / @davidfolkenflik: This fresh story from NYT contains allegation Chris Cuomo commissioned segment on CNN about firm of woman who alleged he sexually harassed her years earlier in attempt to preempt complaints
Dylan Byers / @dylanbyers:
Jodi Kantor / @jodikantor: Our story lays out the evidence for this claim, including messages between Cuomo and the woman, including from before the CNN segment, and friends and colleagues who say she told them parts (not all) of the story.
Jamison Foser / @jamisonfoser: Over the years CNN has hired Pay Buchanan, Tucker Carlson, Lou Dobbs, Jeff Lord, Kayleigh McEnany, and Cory Lewandowski. It has “news standards and practices”?
Jodi Kantor / @jodikantor: Late last year, after he was suspended, CNN got a lawyer's letter on behalf of a Jane Doe, accusing Cuomo of assaulting her years earlier- and then using his position at CNN to discourage her from coming forward.
Stacey / @scotsfyre: The fact they think anyone outside their offices knows or cares who any of these people are is just more evidence of how out of touch they are. Explains a lot really.
Jessica Valenti / @jessicavalenti: I'm so tired of men
Emily Flitter / @flitteronfraud: Chris Cuomo allegedly invited a young woman to lunch in his office, where he propositioned & assaulted her, according to her account in this amazing work by @emilysteel @jodikantor @grynbaum @JamesStewartNYT @koblin
Justin Baragona / @justinbaragona: Allison Gollust out at CNN right as the New York Times publishes its deep-dive into the whole Zucker-Cuomo situation.
Dylan Byers / @dylanbyers: + Meanwhile, a new @NYTimes timeline of the Zucker saga includes one new detail, via @jodikantor: Chris Cuomo reached out to a woman he allegedly sexually harassed at ABC News and proposed arranging a positive CNN segment about her company.
Keith Olbermann / @keitholbermann: Over 14 years at NBC I told my colleagues that the only thing Jeff Zucker was a leader in was arrogance and condescension. They told me I was wrong. I wasn't. @nytimes with the details of a series of ethical, journalistic, and management trainwrecks
Emily Steel / @emilysteel: Reported this story with @jodikantor, @grynbaum, @JamesStewartNYT and @koblin. Editing from the great @davidenrich
Jodi Kantor / @jodikantor: Chris Cuomo denied this allegation through his rep (but would not elaborate on the denial... is he saying that none of this happened? That it was consensual?) He also points out that CNN did not investigate before firing him.

WarnerMedia CEO Jason Kilar says CNN CMO Allison Gollust has resigned after a company probe found violations of policies by her, Jeff Zucker, and Chris Cuomo — Allison Gollust and former CNN boss Jeff Zucker have said they failed to disclose a consensual romantic relationship to the company
CNN, Variety, TVNewser, Mediaite, Insider, The Wrap, Hollywood Life, @wsj, New York Post, Fox News, @benmullin, The Daily Beast, Hollywood Reporter and Bloomberg
Brian Stelter / CNN: Top CNN exec resigns as WarnerMedia chief accuses her and former network boss Zucker of standards violations
Brian Steinberg / Variety: Allison Gollust Resigns From CNN Following WarnerMedia Probe of Cuomo, Zucker
A.J. Katz / TVNewser: CNN Chief Marketing and Comms Officer Allison Gollust Resigns Following WarnerMedia Investigation
Michael Luciano / Mediaite: CNN Executive and Jeff Zucker Girlfriend Allison Gollust Resigns After Investigation Reveals ‘Violations’
Erin Snodgrass / Insider: CNN executive vice president implicated in Jeff Zucker scandal resigns following months-long investigation into company conduct
Antoinette Siu / The Wrap: Allison Gollust Resigns From CNN After WarnerMedia Investigation
Terry Zeller / Hollywood Life: Katie Couric Insists Many Ignored ‘Inappropriate Behavior’ At CNN After Jeff Zucker Resigns
@wsj: In a statement, former CNN Chief Marketing Officer Allison Gollust said that WarnerMedia's memo about her resignation was an “attempt to retaliate against me and change the media narrative in the events of their disastrous handling of the last two weeks.”
Kenneth Garger / New York Post: Allison Gollust, CNN exec in affair with Zucker, resigns after probe finds ‘issues associated’ with Cuomo brothers
Ben Mullin / @benmullin: Jason Kilar says WarnerMedia combed through more than 100,000 emails and texts for its investigation and interviewed more than 40 people. “I realize this news is troubling, disappointing, and frankly, painful to read.”

Facebook rebrands News Feed to just Feed after more than 15 years — The ‘News Feed’ is now just the ‘Feed’ — Meta is changing the name of Facebook's News Feed, the primary part of the service that users scroll through to see what their friends and family have shared.
@facebookapp: Starting today, our News Feed will now be known as “Feed.” Happy scrolling!
Amanda Silberling / TechCrunch: Facebook renamed its ‘news feed’ to just ‘feed’
Alex Kantrowitz / @kantrowitz: Facebook has backed off showing news links after realizing the engagement wasn't worth the scandal (and societal damage). People will laugh, but Feed > News Feed.
Kari Paul / The Guardian: ‘Live in the future’: Zuckerberg unveils company overhaul amid shift to metaverse
Karissa Bell / Engadget: Facebook renames its News Feed to just ‘Feed’
@slpng_giants: Technically, you can't call Ben Shapiro and Dan Bongino “news”, so instead of changing their algorithm, they'll just remove the word “news”. Makes sense.
Rachel Metz / @rachelmetz: i do think that there's something to it, calling it simply “Feed”. think about what that word means.
Kaz Weida / @kazweida: I speak Zuckerberg so let me translate: “We've removed all pretense that the stuff you'll find on our news feed is actually news. Enjoy your daily dose of conspiracy theories!”
@asteris: It was never a news feed, it was always a media items and narratives feed. (Even Twitter's feed can't be said to be a news feed, and it's significantly more news-centered.)
Boz / @boztank: Fun fact: when we first launched this product I fought hard to call it just “feed” but was overruled. Fifteen years later, I am vindicated!
Judd Legum / @juddlegum: Facebook's News Feed has a bunch of far-right propaganda masquerading as news. So they've renamed it “Feed” Problem solved!
Seth Masket / @smotus: That's not cynical at all.
Samuel Wade / @samuel_wade: Is this in response to regulatory standards, like how “beef burgers” in the UK must comprise at least 62% actual beef?
Steven Johnson / @stevenbjohnson: Facebook finally catching up to @stefaniesyman and me, 27 years later. (See this if you don't get the reference:
Hank Green / @hankgreen: It feels intentional at this point...

Staff memo: ViacomCBS renames itself as Paramount; shares will trade on Nasdaq starting Thursday as PARAA, PARA, and PARAP — Bob Bakish and Shari Redstone announced the news in a memo to staff ahead of the company's presentation to investors. — The “ViacomCBS” name is being retired.
Next TV, Variety, Variety, Wall Street Journal, Next TV, Awful Announcing, Deadline, @benmullin, @joshsternberg and The Wrap
Jon Lafayette / Next TV: ViacomCBS Changing Company Name to Paramount
Cynthia Littleton / Variety: Goodbye Viacom and CBS: ViacomCBS Changes Corporate Name to Paramount
Cynthia Littleton / Variety: As ViacomCBS Becomes Paramount, an Energized Company Solidifies Its Streaming Playbook
Jon Lafayette / Next TV: ViacomCBS Says DTC Business Lost $1 Billion During 2021
Andrew Bucholtz / Awful Announcing: ViacomCBS is changing its name to Paramount Global, already the name of a packaging company
Patrick Hipes / Deadline: ViacomCBS Investor Day: All The Film & TV News We Learned About Paramount+
Ben Mullin / @benmullin: Filed under: Sentences I didn't think I'd write today
Josh Sternberg / @joshsternberg: ViacomCBS is renaming itself to Paramount, a name synonymous w/antitrust; SCOTUS ruled in 1948 studios had unfair control over production, exhibition and distribution of content. 3 yrs ago, DOJ “sunsetted” the decree, saying it was unlikely to happen again ...
Katie Campione / The Wrap: ViacomCBS Changes Name to Paramount

ViacomCBS reports Q4 revenue of $8B, up 16% YoY; global streaming revenue rose 48% YoY, and global streaming customers rose 9.4M for a total of 56M subscribers — ViacomCBS missed Wall Street forecasts for earnings per share in the fourth quarter, but added a record 9.4 million streaming subscribers and smashed revenue projections.
Tony Maglio / The Wrap: ViacomCBS Whiffs on Q4 Earnings Despite Reaching $1.3 Billion in Streaming Revenue
Jennifer Maas / Variety: Paramount Plus, Showtime Top 56 Million Subscribers Combined at End of 2021
J. Clara Chan / Hollywood Reporter: Paramount+ Hits 32.8M Subscribers As ViacomCBS Streaming Ad Revenue Rises

Right-wing media make wildly erroneous claims about spying on Trump and then they and Trump shame other outlets for not covering the furor they created — The latest alarmist claims about spying on Trump appeared to be flawed, but the explanation is byzantine — underlining the challenge …
@adamdavidson, Mediaite, Mediaite, @charlie_savage, @theplumlinegs, Washington Post, Emerald Robinson's …, @pbump, NBC News, CNN, National Review, Wall Street Journal, Fox News, @atrupar, @atrupar, @jimrutenberg, @mattgertz, Cybersect, @nytmike, The Daily Beast, @rebeccaballhaus, @jeremylittau, Insider, @justinbaragona, New York Magazine, @davidcorndc, @kimmasters, @joshtpm, @tripgabriel, @5dollarfeminist, Law & Crime, @jonathanchait, @lolgop, @elisestefanik, Media Matters for America, Vanity Fair, @jayrosen_nyu, @seanhannity, @zaleskiluke, @pbump, Pro Deo et Libertate, @froomkin, The Wrap and The Week
Adam Davidson / @adamdavidson: I can't stop thinking about the Hillary's-email-vs-Trump-doc- destruction issue in journalism. I think it's a real teaching moment for the media. Or, at least, it could be but hasn't been. I created @planetmoney specifically to address a similar issue. 1/
Colby Hall / Mediaite: The Loudest Voices: How Can Real Journalism Possibly Compete With Fox News Lies and Double Standards?
Kipp Jones / Mediaite: ‘I Happen to Have It in My Bedroom’: Rudy Giuliani Claims He Has Evidence Proving Hillary Spied on Trump
Charlie Savage / @charlie_savage: The latest alarmist claims about purported spying on Trump (spurred by inaccurate coverage by right-wing outlets on a Durham filing) are flawed, but the explanation is byzantine — underlining the challenge for journalists in deciding what merits coverage.
Greg Sargent / @theplumlinegs: Crucial point from NYT: Right wing disinformation poses a dilemma for the media: It's often such BS that there's no real reason to cover it. But then the right screams “bias” to cow them into covering it anyway: Reupping this on the deeper problem here:
Emerald Robinson / Emerald Robinson's The Right Way: What Is Durham Really Doing? — Once again, we see the conservative pundit class go bananas …
Philip Bump / @pbump: The right is consumed with the idea that new evidence has emerged to prove that Trump was spied on in 2016. The reality is something more complicated and less easily summarized in a sound bite. ...
Tom Winter / NBC News: Tech exec used access to White House computers to look for dirt on Trump, says special counsel
CNN: Special counsel Durham alleges Clinton campaign lawyer used data to raise suspicions about Trump
David Harsanyi / National Review: The Media's Blackout on Durham Revelations
Wall Street Journal: Trump Really Was Spied On — Durham says techies linked to the Clinton campaign had access …
Aaron Rupar / @atrupar: The number of euphemisms in this story for “lie” is pretty astounding. We have “narrative is off track,” “alarmist claims” that are “flawed,” “mostly wrong,” “misleading presentation,” “inaccurately declared,” “skewed,” and more. Fox News is lying!
Aaron Rupar / @atrupar: It's a solid article otherwise but let's not pretend that Fox News is accidentally presenting information in an inaccurate way. They are flagrantly lying. They know exactly what they are doing and have no shame. And Times readers who don't watch Fox should be told this clearly.
@jimrutenberg: How to create a false narrative in three easy steps: @charlie_savage on what the Durham filing does and doesn't say (hint: not what they say it does)
Matthew Gertz / @mattgertz: The answer to the right's “why isn't the media talking about the Durham bombshell” question appears to be “they were reporting out the story, which is much less they were claiming.”
Robert Graham / Cybersect: Fact-check: Hillary didn't pay techies to infiltrate Trump Tower or the White House
Michael S. Schmidt / @nytmike: In the past few days Trump and right wing media made a big deal about a development in the Durham investigation they claimed media was ignoring. So @charlie_savage did the reporting and now shows how the facts completely unravel their narrative.
Justin Baragona / The Daily Beast: Fox News Goes Hog-Wild With Exaggerations About the Durham Probe
Rebecca Ballhaus / @rebeccaballhaus: “The cybersecurity researchers were investigating malware in the White House, not spying on the Trump campaign, and to our knowledge all of the data they used was nonprivate DNS data from before Trump took office.”
Jeremy Littau / @jeremylittau: Third paragraph. Zero in on the heart of the problem. Cover something dense in a time of headline scanning and casual news use and you risk create confusion around a fake controversy. Or get accused of bias if you don't cover it. Pick your poison.
Sonam Sheth / Insider: Trump's latest claims that the Clinton campaign spied on him exaggerate special counsel John Durham's allegations into a grossly misleading conspiracy theory
Justin Baragona / @justinbaragona: It should be pointed out that the Durham filing itself doesn't say that the Clinton campaign tried to “infiltrate” Trump's servers. That instead comes Fox News' interview with Kash Patel on the filing — and is only noted at the very bottom of the piece.
Jonathan Chait / New York Magazine: John Durham and the Right's Media Paranoia
David Corn / @davidcorndc: Great explanation from @charlie_savage of the Trump cult's latest fake news re Durham's investigation. Once again, the Trump-Russia denialists, including Trump, are trying to gaslight the public.
Kim Masters / @kimmasters: Part of their game is the time suck of debunking their made-up claims. Then they make up something else.
Josh Marshall / @joshtpm: this is a good explainer. one part an example of how the press generally is doing better at this and one part the sheer level of corruption and politicization of John Durham's operation. Not a legal operation but a political and propaganda op set up by Trump and Barr.
Trip Gabriel / @tripgabriel: The right-wing furor over the latest Durham motion appeared to be built on a narrative that is ‘mostly wrong or old news.’ Via @charlie_savage
Liz Dye / @5dollarfeminist: What really happened in the most recent Durham attempt to launder his conspiracy theories through a query about “potential conflicts of interest” from @emptywheel
Aaron Keller / Law & Crime: The Words ‘Infiltrate’ and ‘Spy’ Appear Exactly Zero Times in John Durham's Recent Court Filing. Here's What It Actually Says — and What It Doesn't.
Jonathan Chait / @jonathanchait: Aaaand here's @charlie_savage's report on Durham's filing, which (surprise!) debunks the claims Fox News was immediately running with
@lolgop: The press isn't covering the right's made-up lies because they're made-up lies as is their “outrage” at their made-up lies not being covered. The press hasn't learned to ignore the right's froth but at least it appears they are getting bored by it.
Elise Stefanik / @elisestefanik: Biggest criminal political corruption story of our lifetime and NOT A PEEP from the mainstream edit. They absolutely are complicit.
Bess Levin / Vanity Fair: You'll Never Believe It but Hillary Clinton Did Not, in Fact, Spy On Trump's White House
Jay Rosen / @jayrosen_nyu: I draw your attention to the part in blue. Flooding the zone with shit, as Bannon put it, works in part by wasting everyone's time. This is from “Court Filing Started a Furor in Right-Wing Outlets, but Their Narrative Is Off Track,” by @charlie_savage.
Sean Hannity / @seanhannity: WORSE THAN WATERGATE: A filing by Special Counsel Durham alleges that the Clinton campaign paid to infiltrate Trump Tower & White House servers as part of the Russia hoax! TONIGHT on “Hannity,” we'll give you the details. PLUS, @EricTrump, @PaulManafort & more will react!
Luke Zaleski / @zaleskiluke: The TRUTH is trump's a failed businessman who took office in 2016 with russian interference, lied about it, acted like a putin asset, lost re-election, contested it as asked to by russia in 2016, incited insurrection—and he's now ruling the GOP in exile, just as putin would want.
Philip Bump / @pbump: Why is Trump now claiming that someone did a Watergate to him? Because of how John Durham is trying to leverage Alfa Bank and how Trump allies are trying to leverage Durham. ...
Catherine Salgado / Pro Deo et Libertate: Clinton Campaign, FBI Spied on Trump - While He Was President
Dan Froomkin / @froomkin: See @emptywheel: “John Durham has raised a potential conflict as a way to air his conspiracy theories so he can jack up the frothy right.”

US intelligence officials accuse right-wing financial news site Zero Hedge of publishing articles created by Moscow-controlled media; Zero Hedge denies doing so — WASHINGTON (AP) — U.S. intelligence officials on Tuesday accused a conservative financial news website with a significant American readership …
@ap, @markamesexiled, Caitlin's Newsletter, @themarketswork, @seth_hettena, Miburo, Fox News, @leahmcelrath, @aaronjmate, The Times of Israel, @rothschildmd, @kylegriffin1, @davetroy, @selectedwisdom, @aliabunimah, @keirgiles, @harikunzru, @tedlieu, @msentropy, @madrid_mike, @mmasnick, @jenmercieca, @jeffstone500, @kevincollier, Radio Free Europe/Radio …, @mollyjongfast, @gerberkawasaki, @mollymckew, @brooklynmarie, @harikunzru, @udarnik, @jrhuntx, @lizwahl and The Indian Express
@ap: U.S. intelligence officials allege a conservative financial website with a significant U.S. readership is amplifying Kremlin propaganda. Officials said Zero Hedge, with 1.2 million Twitter followers, published articles created by Moscow-controlled media.
Mark Ames / @markamesexiled: Funny how all this hysteria & Russiagate treason-baiting ramped up just as Biden's legislative agenda, “the most progressive presidency in history,” collapsed in utter defeat, thanks to fellow Democrats. They've got nothing left but zombie Russiagating.
Caitlin Johnstone / Caitlin's Newsletter: “Russian Propaganda” Means Disputing US Propaganda
Jeff Carlson / @themarketswork: Here we go again... “The officials briefed The Associated Press on the condition of anonymity to discuss sensitive intelligence sources.” If this was official, there would be an official statement. Our “Intelligence Agencies” are out of control. Time for a complete redo.
Seth Hettena / @seth_hettena: US intelligence officials tell The Associated Press something I reported two years ago: The popular financial site ZeroHedge spreads Kremlin propaganda.
Leah McElrath / @leahmcelrath: I'm sorry but...what? Many of us on here have known this for a decade or longer.
@aaronjmate: Always great to see our intelligence officials sharing their media criticism, good thing that there are no other ramifications:
Agencies / The Times of Israel: Putin says Russia not interested in war, raising hopes for diplomatic breakthrough
Mike Rothschild / @rothschildmd: Zero Hedge has been a firehose of conspiracy theories, economic collapse paranoia, and foreign propaganda for well over a decade. How anyone still takes it seriously is beyond comprehension.
Kyle Griffin / @kylegriffin1: U.S. intelligence officials have accused a conservative financial news website with a significant American readership of amplifying Kremlin propaganda. The officials said Zero Hedge published articles created by Moscow-controlled media.
Dave Troy / @davetroy: Like wut... is this 2016? Zerohedge has been RT's mirror forever, and a major vector of ‘libertarian’ radicalization for mostly-male ‘rationalists’ for years. All laying the groundwork for Russia's current financial attack on the US. Tyler Durden, my ass.
Clint Watts / @selectedwisdom: “In an email, the website said there “is no relationship between Strategic Cultural Foundation (or the SVR) and Zero Hedge, and furthermore this is the first time we hear someone allege that the Foundation is linked to Russian propaganda.” Uh right 🤨
Ali Abunimah / @aliabunimah: So @joebiden's spooks are smearing random websites as Russian agents if they challenge White House warmongering and lies. A direct government attack on free speech.
Keir Giles / @keirgiles: Genuinely surprised to see @zerohedge described as a “financial news website”. It had just never occurred to me to think of it as anything other than a disinformation outlet.
Hari Kunzru / @harikunzru: They managed to do the whole piece without telling us who Tyler Durden is?
Ted Lieu / @tedlieu: This Zero Hedge story shows, again, that the country that continues to be a menace to America and the free world is . . . Russia.
@msentropy: US “intelligence” just figured out Zero Hedge is fishy, eh That's adorable
Mike Madrid / @madrid_mike: Russia has been investing for years in building the capacity to move their messages in the U.S. media ecosystem. They're cashing in on those investments now.
Mike Masnick / @mmasnick: Yeah, generally my take too. I mean, it's been kind of an open secret for years that ZH has no problem pushing ridiculous Russian propaganda, but having anonymous “U.S. intelligence officials” denouncing a news org (even a sketchy one) this way... seems generally problematic
Jennifer Mercieca / @jenmercieca: Zero Hedge accused of narrative laundering Russian propaganda. I really like the way this AP article explains the infowar moves.
Jeff Stone / @jeffstone500: US intelligence says @zerohedge is publishing articles created by Kremlin-controlled media. This fits with a Russian strategy to post articles on self-publishing sites, then distribute them via wider blogs and promote on social media.
Kevin Collier / @kevincollier: I am shocked and outraged at allegations that the guy behind ZeroHedge, a Russian hacking truther who has identified himself only as “Tyler Durden” for like a decade, might not be a pillar of journalistic integrity.
Todd Prince / Radio Free Europe/Radio Liberty: Eyeing Ukraine, Putin Huddles In A Tight, Hawkish Circle
Molly Jong-Fast / @mollyjongfast: Shocked, I tell you.
Ross Gerber / @gerberkawasaki: It's is about time the Russian misinformation site is called out. Amazing @Twitter allows it. #RussiaUkraineCrisis #Zerohedge
Molly McKew / @mollymckew: A little late to this party, eh? But great, call it what it is.
Brooke Binkowski / @brooklynmarie: And again, had you listened to me (or seen their bullshit “articles” in there about me) you would have already known this
Hari Kunzru / @harikunzru: I used to read Zerohedge years ago. It was always conspiratorial, but there was a sharp shift in tone at one point - I wondered if the owners had sold the account. Would love to read a proper account of who / where / when
John / @udarnik: It has *always* been obvious that Zero Hedge was a front for a Russian Troll Farm.
Jonathan Hunt / @jrhuntx: No fan of Zero Hedge or Russian propaganda but an inherent risk of the “pluralistic and independent media” US government touts elsewhere is domestic actors will at times align with foreign governments. This is where my free speech absolutism kicks in.

P.J. O'Rourke, a former editor-in-chief of National Lampoon, author, satirist, and libertarian-leaning commentator, dies at 74 from complications of lung cancer — P.J. O'Rourke, an influential baby boomer satirist and commentator who defied the counterculture's leftward politics, died Tuesday morning.
New York Times, @petersagal, Associated Press, @waitwait, The Hill, @jeffduntemann, @rcbl, The Sun, @dreamweasel, National Review, @mrharrycole, @jessbravin, @fakedansavage, @rachelabramsny, @cpautoscribe, @edbott, @billkristol, @humanprogress, @dereklowe, @jasonbedrick, @frankconniff, Deadline, @jsnover, @robpegoraro, @drewfromtv, The Week, @iancobain, New York Post, @joenbc, @jposhaughnessy, @billkristol, @thejewishdream, @michaeldweiss, Los Angeles Times, @georgesstpaul1, Rolling Stone and @burgessct
Neil Genzlinger / New York Times: P.J. O'Rourke, Conservative Political Satirist, Dies at 74
Peter Sagal / @petersagal: P.J. O'Rourke, a journalist, humorist, and libertarian commentator, dies at 74
Jade-Walker / Associated Press: Political Satirist And 'Wait Wait... Don't Tell Me!' Panelist P.J. O'Rourke Dead At 74
@waitwait: We're heartbroken, but no one would've enjoyed this hour of confusion more than PJ. He was as kind as he was funny, and we'll miss him more than we can say.
Jeff Duntemann / @jeffduntemann: Humorist P. J. O'Rourke died this morning, of lung cancer. I have a lot of his books, and most of them fall somewhere between huge fun and hilarious. Eternal rest grant unto him, O Lord, and let perpetual light shine upon him. #PJORourke #humor
Rob Long / @rcbl: A hero and an inspiration. A brilliantly funny, sneaky smart writer and the ideal drinking companion. He did the impossible: he made you laugh at the bad news. Except for today. P. J. O'Rourke. Irreplaceable.
Josie Rhodes Cook / The Sun: PJ O'Rourke cause of death news - Satirist and author dead at 74 as tributes flow to writer once married to Amy Lumet
@dreamweasel: I often disagreed with his political views, but found his writing hilarious. I particularly enjoyed his “Bachelor Home Companion” and his Rolling Stone travelogues in the '80s. Rest in Peace, P.J.
David Harsanyi / National Review: R.I.P., P. J. O'Rourke
Harry Cole / @mrharrycole: Gutted. And ugh at 50 word intro. P.J. O'Rourke, Conservative Political Satirist, Dies at 74 - The New York Times
Jess Bravin / @jessbravin: The Sunday Newspaper Parody, which Mr. O'Rourke edited with John Hughes, remains a touchstone of American journalism.
Rachel C. Abrams / @rachelabramsny: “Democrats are the party that says government will make you smarter, taller, richer and remove the crab grass on your lawn...Republicans are the party that says government doesn't work and then get elected and prove it” Loved him on Wait Wait Don't Tell Me
Chris Paukert / @cpautoscribe: Aw, man. Rest in peace, P.J. Met him via David E. and handled a little bit of his work while at @WindingRoadMag back in the day. Always enjoyed his @CARandDRIVER work and have a couple of aged, well-worn compendiums on my shelf, too.
Bill Kristol / @billkristol: “O'Rourke announced he was going to vote for Clinton, not Trump...'I thought he was unstable,' he said, and dangerous. ‘I still do.’ As time went on, he continued in that vein, describing himself as a member of the ‘unorganized resistance’ against Trump.”
@humanprogress: P.J. O'Rourke, a brilliant writer and political satirist, had a one-word reflection on progress: “When you think of the good old days, think one word: dentistry.” From the whole HP team, rest in peace.
Derek Lowe / @dereklowe: Aargh, that looks to confirm the news. I first came across O'Rourke in the 1970s with his Nat. Lampoon stuff - a very smart and funny man, and (incidentally) a right-winger who was never taken in for a moment by Trump. He'll be missed.
Jason Bedrick / @jasonbedrick: Ugh, so sad. P.J. O'Rourke was one of the greats. May his memory be a blessing.
Frank Conniff / @frankconniff: I mean, come on! 2022 even has it in for funny conservatives. If there's another one out there he or she had better be careful. Rest In Peace, PJ O'Rourke.
Jeffrey Snover / @jsnover: RIP P.J. O'Rourke If I've said anything funny, chances are 3 out of 4 that I was quoting PJ.
Rob Pegoraro / @robpegoraro: I had the pleasure of meeting P.J. O'Rourke only once - some 28 years ago, at a bookstore in D.C. where he signed the book I'd bought for my dad and did so with the sarcastic humor that had me reading him too. Time to re-read that book...
Grayson Quay / The Week: P.J. O'Rourke, libertarian humorist, dead at 74
Ian Cobain / @iancobain: RIP PJ O'Rourke. Met him on road from Saudi to Kuwait during '91 war. The eejit I was with had crashed our car into an Iraqi tank and Patrick gave us a lift. When stopped at a Saudi roadblock, PJ demanded to know: “Where's Mossad when you really need them?" ...
Andrew Court / New York Post: P.J. O'Rourke, legendary political satirist, dead at 74
Joe Scarborough / @joenbc: “I couldn't stay a Maoist forever. I got too fat to wear bell-bottoms. And I realized that communism meant giving my golf clubs to a family in Zaire.” ~P.J. O'Rourke
Jim OShaughnessy / @jposhaughnessy: RIP, P.J. O'Rourke, a very funny and witty man “Giving money and power to government is like giving whiskey and car keys to teenage boys.” ~P. J. O'Rourke P.J. O'Rourke, Conservative Political Satirist, Dies at 74
Bill Kristol / @billkristol: “'Although this is a conservative book,' O'Rourke explained, ‘it is not informed by any very elaborate political theory. I have only one firm belief about the American political system, and that is this: God is a Republican and Santa Claus is a Democrat.’”
Rafi Schwartz / @thejewishdream: I know he was a libertarian weirdo later on, but man “How to Drive Fast on Drugs While Getting Your Wing-Wang Squeezed and Not Spill Your Drink” is a classic
Michael Weiss / @michaeldweiss: He also wrote that when he told his grandmother he was a Maoist, she replied: “As long as you're not a Democrat.”
Christie D'Zurilla / Los Angeles Times: P.J. O'Rourke, political satirist and journalist, dead at 74
@georgesstpaul1: @PhillipAdams_1 “No drug, not even alcohol, causes the fundamental ills of society. If we're looking for the source of our troubles, we shouldn't test people for drugs, we should test them for stupidity.”

Nielsen and NBCU say Super Bowl viewership rose 14% YoY to roughly 112M viewers, of which 11.2M came from streaming services — High ratings for NBC and its sister platforms follow strong viewership for the NFL's regular season and playoffs — About 112 million viewers watched …
Tim Peterson / Digiday: Future of TV Briefing: Publishers reassess revenue options for short-form shows post-YouTube Originals
Dominic Patten / Deadline: Super Bowl Total Viewership Tops 112 Million For NBC & NFL With L.A. Rams' Hometown Win - Update
@jacobfeldman4: In the last two years, Super Bowl streaming has really taken off. Could we see another near-doubling next year? (thanks to @LevAkabas for the chart)
@nbcsportspr: NBC Sports' Coverage of Biggest Day in Sports Media History Delivers Massive Audience ...
Julia Alexander / @loudmouthjulia: Impressive y/y growth in Super Bowl streaming audience. Peacock availability is crucial, but Peacock 𝘤𝘢𝘱𝘢 𝘣𝘪𝘭𝘪 𝘵𝘺 𝘢𝘯𝘥 𝘴𝘵𝘶𝘳 𝘥𝘪𝘯𝘦 𝘴𝘴 even more so to the equation. Peacock's done a stellar job with NFL games the whole season; no buffering, glitching, or collapsing
Mason Bissada / Forbes: Super Bowl TV Viewership Rebounds To 112.3 Million After Hitting 14-Year Low
@mediumbuying: Super Bowl LVI Draws About 112 Million Viewers as Rams Beat Bengals — On NBC alone, the game averaged 99.2 million viewers, an 8% increase from the previous year There were 11.2 million viewers from streaming platforms, including Peacock
Mónica Marie Zorrilla / Variety: TV Ratings: NBC's Super Bowl LVI Telecast Draws Over 100 Million Viewers
Katie Campione / The Wrap: ‘Euphoria’ Hits Series-High Viewership on Super Bowl Sunday
Frank Pallotta / CNN: Super Bowl ratings rebound in a big way for the NFL and NBC
Jason Gurwin / The Streamable: Super Bowl LVI on NBC Sets New Streaming Record With 6 Million Average Viewers, 11.2 Million with Co-Viewing
Julia Alexander / @loudmouthjulia: As targeted advertising technology for streaming entertainment betters, too, questions amongst advertisers about fractioned audience bases (and therefore theoretical smaller TAM) may disappear. Two bites of the same apple, driven by consumer behavior and better data.
Jimmy Traina / Sports Illustrated: Streaming Helps Super Bowl Generate Monster Viewership Number: TRAINA THOUGHTS
Jabari Young / CNBC: This year's Super Bowl attracted more than 112 million viewers, up 14% from last year
@aufamily: These are some crazy numbers! For context, College Football's National Championship game had between 20- 25 million viewers; most Iron Bowls over the last decade have had between 10 and 20 million viewers.

Source: FT will hit 1M digital subscribers later this month; in 2021, revenues reached £438M, up 18% YoY, and digital journalism makes up 46% of revenue — The Financial Times will soon reach 1 million digital-only subscribers, a source familiar with the numbers confirms to Axios.
Michael Fritzell / @fritz844: 1 million digital subs - amazing. But would they reach that kind of scale had it not been for the prior success of their paper version?
Sara Germano / @germanotes: see what happens when we start covering figure skating?
Sara Fischer / @sarafischer: NEW: The Financial Times approaching 1 million digital-only subscribers — For the full year of 2021, @FT total group revenues, including journalism products & professional services, reached £438 million, up 18% year-over-year — More on @axios:
Kyle Chayka / @chaykak: digital subscriptions are def working for publications that people either have to or feel like they have to read
Chris Roush / Talking Biz News: FT nearing 1 million digital-only subscribers