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A Twitter feud between the NYT's Maggie Haberman and WaPo's Taylor Lorenz shows why tenured lifers object to “building a brand” and why others must rely on it — Trick question. You already are one, whether you want to be or not.
@taylorlorenz, New York Magazine, @maggienyt, @maggienyt, @taylorlorenz, @taylorlorenz, @pt, @pt, @paleofuture, @soledadobrien, @taylorlorenz, @jewelwickershow, @taylorlorenz, @beebrookshire, @gregjaffe, @maggienyt, @erinbiba, shaken & stirred, @scottmstedman, @alex, @pbump, @levinejonathan, @stphnfwlr, @taylorlorenz, @joshconstine, @karenkho, @onesarahjones, @worqas, @dangillmor, @espiers, @shortformernie, @shortformernie, @shawkward, @michaelbierut, @espiers, @zengerle, @britnidlc, @laurencaguirre, @emilygould, @billwerde, @jayrosen_nyu, @bdeskin, @kerrymflynn, @biblioracle, @espiers and Politico
Taylor Lorenz / @taylorlorenz: Last thing I'll say on this, but this Politico story about my comments on branding and outside projects is everything that's wrong w/ how media coverage of these things plays out
Shawn McCreesh / New York Magazine: Taylor Lorenz Introduces Her Brand to the Washington Post
Maggie Haberman / @maggienyt: Taylor, if you want to keep this going we can. But I think if you think you and I go about journalism similarly, that's surprising to me.
Maggie Haberman / @maggienyt: @MarkMazzettiNYT ... Is there something going on in the world other than the desire of some folks to get more attention?
Taylor Lorenz / @taylorlorenz: Maggie, the attention economy is my entire beat, it's what I cover, and you're certainly an expert at leveraging it yourself. I hope you can recognize why more workers at the NYT and elsewhere are seeking more ownership of their work, opportunities for career growth and fair pay.
Taylor Lorenz / @taylorlorenz: I can't believe in 2022 people are still debating if I'm a real journalist b/c I use social media
@pt: @JoshuaOgundu She is a tech journalist that lost her shit and started attacking tech people publicly. I think a lot of the blowback now is former colleagues who couldn't publicly talk about how embarrassed they were when she was at NYT and peers who were horrified.
@pt: @JoshuaOgundu I think the issue is she's a clout-chaser who's incredibly unprofessional, but does some interesting writing. Seems fair game for people to find her clout-chasing a bit gouche. She will of course play the victim.
Matt Novak / @paleofuture: When both your parents are blue on Wikipedia and you share their last name you don't get to ridicule the idea of a “personal brand.”
Soledad O'Brien / @soledadobrien: I'm always impressed by the mean girl tone of some of the correspondents at the @nyt. “Listen girly, we are totally different!!”
Taylor Lorenz / @taylorlorenz: The fact that Politico ends by linking to Free Beacon article (a website that has continually implied I am a child predator) that smears and misrepresents my tech reporting and compares me to Putin(!!) is outrageous.
Jewel Wicker / @jewelwickershow: This is so unnecessarily condescending. And that's the only thing I can say on here about this without cussing, because it's actually pretty infuriating.
Taylor Lorenz / @taylorlorenz: Anyone who has followed my work or paid the slightest attention to the platform-driven digital media ecosystem that's upending our entire industry would not find my comments to @perlberg shocking or worthy of a multi day media cycle.
Bethany Brookshire / @beebrookshire: If you were following the Lorenz/Haberman spat, @espiers here making super important points: People making delicate vomit-face emoji over the word “brand” are displaying their “class” in journalism.
Greg Jaffe / @gregjaffe: @JaxAlemany @MarkMazzettiNYT Equally cringey is the phrase “influencer journalist.”
Maggie Haberman / @maggienyt: I've been doing this for 26 years and have worked with and I believe everyone should have opportunities and the industry isn't always equitable. Ask yourself if you're describing my comments here as being broadly applicable or if they're really about one person. @TaylorLorenz
Erin Biba / @erinbiba: @maggieNYT ... Maybe ask yourself why you're so dismissive of the lived experience of people who don't have nearly as much money, clout, and power as you. Or just ignore that opportunity and be rude and snarky, I guess.
Gwenda Bond / shaken & stirred: Going Off Brand... There was a journalism twitter kerfuffle this weekend that you might …
Scott Stedman / @scottmstedman: This is just a dinosaur industry scared of their little club being broken up. Taylor is right. The dinosaurs are wrong.
@alex: 1. @TaylorLorenz is good and 2. the brand/reputation pt in this ESpiers essay is correct
Philip Bump / @pbump: “Even the elites, the tenured people, promote themselves; they just affect the appearance of having not done so, and often rely on others to perform promotional functions they think are beneath them.”
Jon Levine / @levinejonathan: The issue isn't really “having a brand,” but rather one that is not completely repellent.
Stephen Fowler / @stphnfwlr: This is a really good piece from @espiers that resonates with me on a lot of levels. A good deal is journalism inside baseball but I think it's also a good lens to view a lot of generational conflict we're seeing in work/politics/social life right now.
Taylor Lorenz / @taylorlorenz: The piece's takeaway is: “Lorenz will have to get used to the pushback in her own industry.” No, legacy media types will have to get w/ the times or *they* will have to get used to pushback from the growing voices of ppl who want a more equal and fair system for all workers
Josh Constine / @joshconstine: Your work DOES NOT speak for itself. Journalists, creators, investors, whoever — be proud of what you do. Talk about it. Build an audience that follows you. @TaylorLorenz & @espiers are right. Those who already have power & reach don't want to share it
Karen K. Ho / @karenkho: The only thing missing from this very excellent analysis about branding and reputation management is how especially important it is for journalists of color.
Waqas / @worqas: Sooner or later you will realize that you, as a journalist, are fungible if you do not have a brand. It is a matter of survival in an industry that can no longer provide you with the luxury of job or financial security.
Dan Gillmor / @dangillmor: “Do Journalists Need to Be Brands? Trick question. You already are one, whether you want to be or not.” @espiers gives useful context the NYT-insider fight (that only media people care about).
Elizabeth Spiers / @espiers: Friend link, if you're not a member:
Ernie Smith / @shortformernie: @espiers You can tell, based on reactions to this whole debate, who took the traditional path into journalism and who didn't. Most people didn't because the dynamics have changed, which is why the criticism seems to mostly be coming from people with roles at large newspapers.
Ernie Smith / @shortformernie: @espiers Which is why having folks like Taylor on the inside of these institutions is useful because they force the introduction of additional views.
@shawkward: @espiers It's shocking that @maggieNYT doesn't recognize her own privilege, I mean it's DEI 101. Also your piece reads to me like common sense (yet it's clearly not, based on the evidence at hand) but it's still/also a very compelling read. Big fan :)
Michael Bierut / @michaelbierut: @espiers True for not just journalists, but novelists, architects, songwriters, playwrights, and graphic designers
Elizabeth Spiers / @espiers: And I literally said none of this. For someone people, even pointing out that Maggie did not incidentally land at the Times is Maggie-bashing.
Jason Zengerle / @zengerle: There are different paths to success in journalism (many of them equally legit and admirable) but the notion that Maggie Haberman was handed anything, or doesn't understand harassment, or spends more time tending to her brand than doing reporting is just stupid.
Britni de la Cretaz / @britnidlc: “Freelancers understand [the necessity of having a brand] intuitively because they can't survive without it.”
Lauren Aguirre / @laurencaguirre: To me, having a brand is also about trust. I trust that Taylor Lorenz will cover interesting corners of internet culture, and because of that, I follow her work no matter where she goes. Not everyone can (or even needs) to create a huge platform, but reputation goes a long way.
Emily Gould / @emilygould: this is a necessary read for writers and journalists at any stage in their careers, but maybe most of all established mid-career journalists who mistake what's become a career survival skill for “attention-seeking”
Bill Werde / @billwerde: Journalists 100% should build their own platforms/brands. Corporate media will use & discard them if they have no leverage. Brands must be built with integrity. But there is no world where a journo (or anyone) is better off just hoping a company is loyal/recognizes their value.
Jay Rosen / @jayrosen_nyu: Do journalists need to be brands? Should they think of themselves that way? Before you start the eye-rolling read this by my colleague at NYU Journalism, @espiers, who has a clear POV about it.
Blake Eskin / @bdeskin: Sharp analysis by @espiers of this weekend's NYT SmackDown main event
Kerry Flynn / @kerrymflynn: “This does not mean shouting ME ME ME on the Internet all the time; it means talking about your work regularly, being present where your audience lives, saying yes to opportunities, and being fluent in different media” - @espiers 👏
John Warner / @biblioracle: This is very sound analysis and good advice to young journalists and writers from @espiers vis a vis the journalists as brands kerfuffle. The “tenured” class can turn their noses up as much as they want. The rest of us have to live in reality.
Elizabeth Spiers / @espiers: I wrote about why journalists need to be brands (whether they want to, or not):
Rachael Bade / Politico: POLITICO Playbook: Zelenskyy gets (some) results

The Atlantic's article on Saudi's MBS shows what's wrong with access journalism and profiling brutal men, including repeating his absurd Jamal Khashoggi denials — In 2018, as Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman embarked on a cross-country, getting-to-know-you tour of the United States …
The Atlantic, @nycsouthpaw, @jeffreygoldberg, @karenattiah, @maysoonzayid, @qdepim, The Week, Reason, @willmenaker, @byyourlogic, @prashantrao, @froomkin, @espiers, @keanebhatt, @annielinskey, @madawidr, @kenklippenstein, @ericboehlert, @aalodah, @davidakaye, @byyourlogic, @gcaw, @kenklippenstein, @mehdirhasan, @peterbakernyt, The Guardian, @mckaycoppins, @waltshaub, @karenattiah, @lindseyboylan, @asadabukhalil, @nickconfessore, Eunomia, @athertonkd, @gcaw, @lalehkhalili, @gcaw, @tribelaw and Breitbart
Graeme Wood / The Atlantic: Of Course Journalists Should Interview Autocrats
Southpaw / @nycsouthpaw: The Atlantic gets Saudi Crown Prince MBS's “If I Did It” interview on the Khashoggi murder. ...
Jeffrey Goldberg / @jeffreygoldberg: MBS has told people close to him that the murder of Khashoggi was the “worst thing ever to happen to me.” He told @gcaw and me that the murder “hurt me a lot. It hurt me and it hurt Saudi Arabia, from a feelings perspective.” Read @gcaw's story here: ...
Karen Attiah / @karenattiah: Last week, @TheAtlantic published a 12,000 word piece on MBS and Saudi Arabia, claiming that it wanted to find out if he was a reformer, a killer or — both. All we found out is that D.C. media elites are willing to both-sides murder, repression +war. ...
@maysoonzayid: Self aggrandizing silliness I have yet to see a single journalist successfully interview one of these assholes they always end up amplifying the glory and downplaying horror because they get entranced by all the shit that's how they get access
Quentin de Pimodan / @qdepim: “Most sickeningly, the Atlantic gave MBS a platform”. Coming from the Post's Global Opinions, the plea that an interview becomes a platform, when the same pages offered a column to Mohammed Ali al-Houthi with no interviewer's challenge is a bit rich... ...
Eugene Volokh / Reason: “Of Course Journalists Should Interview Autocrats”
@byyourlogic: ... interesting but stops just short in a lot of places. and it's malpractice to write so much about Saudi Arabia with barely a thought about Yemen
Prashant Rao / @prashantrao: “@TheAtlantic ... expects its readers to understand, without being told, that someone who dwells on his own indignities as the result of a murder, rather than on the suffering of the victim, might not be the perfect steward of absolute power.” ...
Dan Froomkin / @froomkin: This is a pathetic non response to all the well founded critiques. “The Saudi transcript wasn't completely accurate” is weak tea. ...
Elizabeth Spiers / @espiers: This is why access journalism needs to die:
Keane Bhatt / @keanebhatt: Read @KarenAttiah dismantle the latest effort by the U.S. media to resuscitate the public image of Saudi dictator MBS despite his assassination of Khashoggi and prosecution of the war in Yemen that has left hundreds of thousands dead: ...
Annie Linskey / @annielinskey: Key paragraph in this searing @KarenAttiah piece on what's wrong with putting Khashoggi's killer on a magazine cover. ...
Madawi Al-Rasheed / @madawidr: A critical assessment of The Atlantic's elevation of MBS regarded as an insult to journalism - The Washington Post by @KarenAttiah ...
Ken Klippenstein / @kenklippenstein: Saudi ruler MBS bizarrely insists Khashoggi wasn't important enough for him to want dead and even if he was, he would've used more competent assassins: “Khashoggi would not even be among the top 1,000 people on the's got to be professional” ...
Eric Boehlert / @ericboehlert: if you have to explain yr interview two days after the interview is published, it was a failure; ...
@aalodah: “Influential figures such as the jailed cleric @salman_alodah — who arguably held much more influence throughout the entire Middle East with his progressive reformist views before MBS came on the scene — are given just a passing mention.” @KarenAttiah #سلمان_ العود ة
David Kaye / @davidakaye: 1000s of words about #MBS & not a single line about @AgnesCallamard's detailed investigation into the murder of Jamal Khashoggi or MBS' use of Israeli spyware. but heck, he's “charming, warm, informal, and intelligent”, & in his own view, himself a victim.
@byyourlogic: I hate the “giving a platform” shit. and I've seen more glowing interviews of people just as bad as MBS (he just happened to have killed a journalist people knew). it's more that this was totally boring. we didn't learn a single new thing, no new insights, just a waste
Graeme Wood / @gcaw: I am delighted to respond to this preposterous thread, and the even sillier WaPo column by the same author. Her column is here: ...
Ken Klippenstein / @kenklippenstein: Just amazing ...
Mehdi Hasan / @mehdirhasan: “the crown prince... met twice in recent months with me and the editor in chief of this magazine, Jeffrey Goldberg,” writes Wood. This may explain why MBS was missing from Anne Applebaum's Atlantic cover story on dangerous autocrats a few months ago. ...
Peter Baker / @peterbakernyt: What happened when Saudi propagandists reimagined the @gcaw @JeffreyGoldberg interview with MBS to try to clean it up. ...
Joan E Greve / The Guardian: Biden criticized over report of planned Saudi trip to discuss global oil supply
McKay Coppins / @mckaycoppins: Fascinating look at how Saudi propagandists responded to @gcaw's profile of MBS: “A writer cannot stop an autocrat from running his work through the propaganda machine. But that doesn't mean autocrats should never be written about or asked questions” ...
Walter Shaub / @waltshaub: If you were subjected to the Atlantic's 12,000-word, soul-numbing MBSapalooza, read @KarenAttiah's concise response ("the path to the resurgence of brutal, global authoritarianism is paved in no small part by the worst aspects of access journalism"): ...
Karen Attiah / @karenattiah: My latest: “When history looks back at this period, this Atlantic piece will shine as an example of how the path to the resurgence of brutal, global authoritarianism is paved in no small part by the worst aspects of access journalism.” ...
Lindsey Boylan / @lindseyboylan: “[The piece is] a case study in everything that is wrong with access journalism and the immoral fixation on powerful, brutal men.” @KarenAttiah is right on 🎯, as always. ...
@asadabukhalil: Of course, journalists should interview autocrats but not fawn over them or grovel to them or ingratiate themselves to them. Big difference. Of Course Journalists Should Interview Autocrats - The Atlantic ...
Nick Confessore / @nickconfessore: The Atlantic's @gcaw on letting facts speak for themselves. ...
Daniel Larison / Eunomia: The Rehabbing of Mr. Bonesaw — Karen Attiah is understandably disgusted by the cover story …
Kelsey D. Atherton / @athertonkd: It's neat that, as the danger of personalist rule by autocrats has never been more apparent, The Atlantic is giving a flattering profile to a Saudi leader who claims he didn't order the death of a Saudi journalist but if he had it would have been cleaner ...
Graeme Wood / @gcaw: It concludes by comparing MBS to Bashar al-Assad and Saddam Hussein: ...
Laleh Khalili / @lalehkhalili: As Attiah points out, Graeme Wood, the author of the Atlantic MbS hagiography, had also written a puff piece on the posh white supremacist Richard Spencer. And the other author was a prison guard in a desert detention centre in Israel, guardian Palestinian detainees.
Graeme Wood / @gcaw: The charge of “whitewashing” is ludicrous, as the piece itself demonstrates. ... It opens thusly:

In response to Russia's new media law, independent outlets are closing and journalists are fleeing the country: “They decided to destroy the industry entirely” — Ivan Kolpakov, editor in chief of Meduza, one of Russia's most popular independent media outlets …
Vanity Fair, Columbia Journalism Review, Rolling Stone, Quartz, @peterwsinger, @rsf_inter, @ancalerts, @julibriskman, @allenholub, MediaNama, @sarahellison, Poynter, @davidmaxwell161, @arunpudur, @amyargetsinger, @documentaryprof, @smith_jeffreyt, @elaheizadi, @sulliview, @washingtonpost, CNN, Radio Free Europe/Radio …, @elbeardsley, Reporters Without Borders and @donie
Charlotte Klein / Vanity Fair: Thousands Arrested in Russia as Protesters Defy Putin's Latest Crackdown on Free Speech
Anna Nemtsova / Rolling Stone: ‘We Have to Run’: Inside the Exodus of Moscow
Scott Nover / Quartz: The Russian internet is a casualty of war
Peter W. Singer / @peterwsinger: Putin is rapidly trying to turn Russia into a version of China's great Firewall...interesting contrast to much of Russian culture identity self-view as Western (pushed by elite since Peter the Great)
@rsf_inter: 🇷🇺 Putin has delivered the final blow to Russia's independent media by adopting a law that makes publishing “false” information about the Russian armed forces punishable by up to 15 years in prison. RSF calls for the immediate repeal of this draconian law!
@ancalerts: TikTok, the Chinese-owned video app, said it would suspend live-streaming and the uploading of videos to its platform in Russia as it reviews the implications of a new media law signed on Friday by President Vladimir Putin. #UkraineCrisis
Juli Briskman / @julibriskman: It's not lost on me that Putin and his cronies are using the term “Fake News” as they crack down on independent journalism, truth telling & arrest protesters. ...
Allen Holub / @allenholub: One of the things about the internet is that whoever owns the wires controls the information. Radio waves are much harder to control. Maybe we need to smuggle shortwave radios into Russia en-masse. Ofc, owning one will be a crime, but they can be made very small and easy to hide.
Mitaksh / MediaNama: Russia enacts ‘fake news’ law with one eye on curbing independent reportage of Ukraine invasion
Sarah Ellison / @sarahellison: Putin's new law makes it a crime to call his invasion of Ukraine an “invasion.” Punishable by up to 15 years in prison. “They can use it against journalists, and why wouldn't they? They decided to destroy the industry entirely.” W/ @ElaheIzadi ...
Tom Jones / Poynter: The grim consequences of Russia's media blackout
David Maxwell / @davidmaxwell161: Not unexpected. I do fear for all journalists of any type and nationality in Russia. A country that cannot survive with a free press should not be allowed to participate in the international rules based order.
Arun / @arunpudur: The minute #Putin signed law prouncing 15 year jail term for spreading #FakeNews by Media. Six #Nato propaganda media shutdown operations in #Russia ABC News 🇺🇸 BBC 🇬🇧 Bloomberg 🇺🇸 CBC 🇨🇦 CBS News 🇺🇸 CNN 🇺🇸
Amy Argetsinger / @amyargetsinger: Putin's new law makes it a crime to call his invasion of Ukraine an “invasion.” Russian journalists are taking that as their cue to flee. “They can use it against journalists, and why wouldn't they? They decided to destroy the industry entirely.” ...
Larry Foley / @documentaryprof: If you don't like the American Free Press, consider the alternative. In Russia, if you report the truth, but go against official government propaganda, you can go to jail—for 15 years. ...
Jeffrey Smith / @smith_jeffreyt: “Potemkin journalism, behind which are the tightly controlled major entities of state-owned media. When global political difficulties arise, the facade is torn down and truth banned.” ... @ElaheIzadi @sarahellison
@elaheizadi: While several Western news organizations say they have temporarily curtailed their activities in Russia while they assess the impact of Putin's new policy, it is Russia's homegrown media that is bearing the brunt. ...
Margaret Sullivan / @sulliview: The damage grows
@washingtonpost: Ivan Kolpakov, editor in chief of Meduza, one of Russia's most popular independent media outlets, had been expecting the government to block the public's access to his website every day since the war with Ukraine began. On Friday it finally happened. ...
Oliver Darcy / CNN: CNN, BBC, and others suspend broadcasting from Russia after Putin signs law limiting press
Radio Free Europe/Radio Liberty: Putin Signs ‘Harsh’ Law Allowing Long Prison Terms For ‘False News’ About Army
Eleanor Beardsley / @elbeardsley: In last day Russia shut down BBC's Russian service, US-funded Radio Liberty, and independent Russian news service Meduza. This week Kremlin's information regulatory body blocked Russian media Dozdh TV, Echo of Moscow Radio, The New Times, VOA/RFE's Current Time, for spreading
Natalia Kolesnikova / Reporters Without Borders: War in Ukraine: Putin delivers the final blow to Russia's independent media

RFE/RL suspends its operations in Russia after local tax authorities started bankruptcy proceedings against its bureau on March 4, and police added pressure
Washington Post, CNN, The Wrap, Radio World, @rferl, Poynter, Public Sphere, @rferlpress, @kenroth, @jaynordlinger, @peterbakernyt, @simonmarksfsn, @rvawonk, @abramowitz, @poppy_northcutt, @jsrailton, ГОЛ … and Мед …
Kelsey Ables / Washington Post: Some international news outlets circumvent Russia's censorship by pointing readers to VPNs, the encrypted Tor browser, and in the BBC's case, shortwave radio
Brian Stelter / CNN: Despite Russia's restrictions on the press, ‘time is on the side of liberty,’ Radio Free Europe CEO says
Rosemary Rossi / The Wrap: Radio Free Europe/Radio Liberty Suspend Russian Operations: ‘Assault on the Truth’
@rferl: Despite the suspension of RFE/RL operations in Russia, CEO Jamie Fly said the broadcaster will keep expanding its reporting for Russian audiences and “will use every platform possible to reach them at a time when they need our journalism more than ever.”
Luke Johnson / Public Sphere: Totalitarianism Returns to Russia
@rferlpress: .@jamiemfly: “It is with the deepest regret that I announce the suspension of our physical operations in Moscow. This is not a decision @RFERL has taken of its own accord, but one that has been forced upon us by the Putin regime's assault on the truth.” ...
Kenneth Roth / @kenroth: In a sign of how Putin's rule is returning Russia to the Soviet era, Radio Free Europe/Radio Liberty @RFERL, under pressure from the Kremlin, is closing its Moscow bureau after a presence in Moscow since 1991. ...
Jay Nordlinger / @jaynordlinger: This is big. Can Russians get any news beyond state propaganda? Let's hope. ...
Peter Baker / @peterbakernyt: Radio Free Europe/Radio Liberty, which played such a role in transmitting independent information behind the Iron Curtain during the Cold War, suspends operations in Russia after Kremlin attacks. ...
Simon Marks / @simonmarksfsn: Big moment this one. RFE/RL is an indispensable organization on both sides of the old iron curtain. Long tradition of operating from afar in the height of the Cold War. And so, it begins again.
Caroline Orr Bueno, Ph.D / @rvawonk: This is a big development: Radio Free Europe/Radio Liberty (RFE/RL), which has maintained a physical presence in Russia since 1991, is ceasing operations in Russia due to the Kremlin's escalating attacks on the press. ...
Mike Abramowitz / @abramowitz: Another casualty of the Putin invasion, has been the assault on any institution that tries to tell the truth about what's going on. Deeply admire @RFERL and it's intrepid chief @jamiemfly ...
Poppy Northcutt / @poppy_northcutt: RFE/RL Suspends Operations In Russia Following Kremlin Attacks. The company plans to report about developments in Russia from outside of Russia. ...
John Scott-Railton / @jsrailton: NEW: under #Kremlin pressure, blocking & harassment, Radio Free Europe just suspended operations in #Russia. Set against backdrop of grotesque new law that threatens journalists with 15 year prison sentence for not towing official line on #Ukraine. ...

A Washington Post reporter says the newspaper will remove bylines and datelines from stories produced by its journalists in Russia to ensure its staff's safety
Nieman Lab, Radio World, @amlwhere, American Press Institute, @rferlpress, ZDNet, @jordannovet, @bdentonphoto, @swheaton, Ineptocracy Chronicles, @jonathancmunro, @bob_boblaw, @mitchellreports, @katrinanation, @lailaalarian, @robpegoraro, @kyleworton, @minhtngo, @qizhai, @johnnedhyman, @jagarzaramos, @mkarolian, @vabvox, @jsrailton, @azbriananderson, @brettkelman, @alexey__kovalev, @rcallimachi, Bloomberg, Reuters and @bbcpress
Joshua Benton / Nieman Lab: “An information dark age”: Russia's new “fake news” law has outlawed most independent journalism there
James Careless / Radio World: BBC World Service Revives Shortwave to Russia, Ukraine
Ann Marie Lipinski / @amlwhere: We've seen this before, but still shocking to watch the lights go out on a country's free press.
American Press Institute: Need to Know: March 7, 2022 — OFF THE TOP — You might have heard: Russian radio station Ekho Moskvy …
RFE / @rferlpress: .@washingtonpost: “In Russia, RFE/RL has set up multiple mechanisms to evade censorship. Its mobile app has censorship-circumvention tools built into it, and has made mirror websites that reproduce whatever is on the official homepage.” #RFERLwithRussia ...
Aimee Chanthadavong / ZDNet: Netflix, TikTok, MasterCard, Visa, and DXC end services in Russia
Bryan Denton / @bdentonphoto: NYT does this all the time without announcing it.
Sarah Wheaton / @swheaton: Really admire the determination to keep reporting in face of Putin's efforts to outlaw journalism. So proud of you, @washingtonpost
Ronald Joseph Whipple / Ineptocracy Chronicles: Putin Signs Law Targeting Journalists: CNN, Bloomberg, BBC Stop Operations In Russia
Jonathan Munro / @jonathancmunro: It's with a heavy heart that we have had to suspend @BBCNews operations in Russia until we assess impact of new laws which outlaw independent journalism. Thoughts with colleagues in Moscow whose voices cannot be silenced for long.
@bob_boblaw: They took Britney Griner, they definitely gonna go after foreign journalists.
Andrea Mitchell / @mitchellreports: This is an unprecedented step to protect them from Russia's new law forbidding factual reporting in their invasion under threat of 15 year prison terms
Katrina vandenHeuvel / @katrinanation: Yes, never seen anything like this-
Laila Al-Arian / @lailaalarian: Awful. I remember Aljazeera having to do this during the Egyptian revolution in 2011
Rob Pegoraro / @robpegoraro: Respect to the foreign correspondents of the Washington Post.
Kyle Orton / @kyleworton: This precaution wasn't even necessary in Soviet times
Minh Ngo / @minhtngo: Attacks on journalists are attacks on democracy itself. This is chilling but not surprising.
Keith Zhai / @qizhai: A rather common practice for Chinese nationals writing about China.
John Hyman / @johnnedhyman: @farhip @washingtonpost Wow. With every report and every byline, I have found myself worrying about everyone on the ground letting us know what is happening.
Javier Garza Ramos / @jagarzaramos: @farhip ... Standard procedure for some newspapers in Mexico publishing stories about drug cartel violence. Welcome to our world.
@mkarolian: @Incilin ... Presumably to prevent Russian security services from being able to tie stories to exact locations. I'm guessing the stories overall will not feature nearly as many identifying details.
Victoria Brownworth / @vabvox: I have been a reporter in three countries for over 30 years and I have never seen anything like this. Sending solidarity to all the brave journalists currently under threat.
John Scott-Railton / @jsrailton: If he could, #Putin would silence the entire world's journalists & truth tellers.
Brian Anderson / @azbriananderson: I won't second-guess internal decisions to keep reporters safe. But at the very least I hope @washingtonpost will still disclose the names of US/EU-based editors on each piece. It's an important public record and a measure of accountability for readers.
Brett Kelman / @brettkelman: Reporters putting bylines on stories, used to hold them accountable for their work, is a basic hallmark of journalism. While it may be the responsible choice to remove them in this circumstance, know that WaPo does not take such a step lightly.
Alexey Kovalyov / @alexey__kovalev: As I just told @ayman, this is unprecedented, not even in the Soviet times did Western news bureaus have to evacuate their staff from Moscow and remove bylines from their dispatches.
Rukmini Callimachi / @rcallimachi: An unprecedented move by The Washington Post:
Reto Gregori / Bloomberg: Bloomberg News suspends newsgathering in Russia and EIC John Micklethwait says the new law “seems designed to turn any independent reporter into a criminal”

The Kyiv Independent EIC Olga Rudenko and other Ukrainian journalists describe covering Russia's invasion, making mistakes, embracing activism, and more — Simply doing the job exposes journalists to grave danger. Cameraman Yehvenii Sakun was killed in a March 1 missile attack on a Kyiv television tower.
Naina Bajekal / @naina_bajekal: .@LisaAbend interviewed three brilliant Ukrainian journalists who are working to keep their country informed during this war: @olya_rudenko of @KyivIndependent, @olgatokariuk and @NikaMelkozerova of @NewVoiceUkraine

A look at the media outlets in Ukraine, Moldova, Armenia, and Georgia, four post-Soviet states that struggle to fund self-sustaining independent journalism — As Ukrainians defend their country against the Russian invasion, journalists there and in other post-Soviet states guard their fragile press freedoms
Ann Marie Lipinski / @amlwhere: Journalism in the “midway media” countries: the Russian invasion is an urgent reminder of the vital work journalists there do “and how precarious press freedoms are in the face of aggression from Putin and other authoritarian leaders around the world.”

Fox News hosts Tucker Carlson and Laura Ingraham pushed pro-Putin messages during Russia's invasion of Ukraine, some clips of which aired on Russian state TV — The former presidential adviser and Russia expert Fiona Hill made headlines last week when she stated bluntly in a Politico interview …
@liz_cheney, @mollyjongfast, @sulliview, Public Notice, PRESS RUN, @jeremylittau, @markpoloncarz, @blackamazon, @ericdchenoweth, @ggreenwald, @scottadamssays and Mediaite
Liz Cheney / @liz_cheney: Douglas MacGregor, nominated by Trump as ambassador to Germany; appointed by Trump as sr advisor to the Secretary of Defense, says Russian forces have been “too gentle” and “I don't see anything heroic” about Zelensky. This is the Putin wing of the GOP.
Molly Jong-Fast / @mollyjongfast: Must read @Sulliview on Russian propaganda and Fox News propaganda ...
Margaret Sullivan / @sulliview: How Putin's full-scale information war got a key assist from Donald Trump, Tucker Carlson and others in right-wing media. My column. (Read for free; no paywall here) ...
Aaron Rupar / Public Notice: Tucker Carlson is on Russia's side
Eric Boehlert / PRESS RUN: Putin outlaws journalism — Trump's dream comes true
Jeremy Littau / @jeremylittau: This by @Sulliview is important. The press freedom environments in the U.S. and Russia provide a good comparison to understand tactics at play. Putin controls his own press. Here in the U.S. he needs enablers to spread propaganda and shape public opinion—and he has had them.
Mark Poloncarz / @markpoloncarz: Excellent piece from Margaret Sullivan. Though they are now trying to blame others for the invasion of Ukraine, what we are witnessing today is partially the result of years of “apologetic rhetoric on behalf of Russia” by our former president and right wing media.
@blackamazon: Not a single solitary mention of the use of racial animus , even when discussing Carlson . We don't want to get better . And we don't want to win Which is wild because when the story looked like it could be reported without (certain) Black people it was everywhere
Eric Chenoweth / @ericdchenoweth: A third straightforward piece by @Sulliview reporting (and again, reminding) how Trump and Trump's media foghorns aided Putin's information war. We should not forget; nor should the news divisions of our media. 3/3 ...
Glenn Greenwald / @ggreenwald: A Washington Post columnist accusing broad swaths of the media of quasi-treason — being Putin assets — tops of her thread with a favorable nod to Liz Cheney, who accuses a life-long US military officer of being part of the “Putin wing.” Perfect encapsulation of the climate:

Axios is spending $30M on expansion in 2022 through Axios Local, which had ~$5M in 2021 revenue and has 700K subscribers; HQ, which had $3M+ in revenue; and Pro — The news organization that prides itself on short-format writing has big plans to expand in local news, paid newsletters and even the emails sent by your bosses.
Mic Wright / @brokenbottleboy: You see if you put things in lists there's no opinion at work. Bullet points strip out bias.
Bill Grueskin / @bgrueskin: @jayrosen_nyu This also struck me. Two reporters. Maybe that's just a floor and it'll grow significantly.
Kerry Flynn / @kerrymflynn: Dig deeper into what we're up to at Axios Pro and the company's other growth plans with this @katie_robertson story:
Jessica Lessin / @jessicalessin: A good piece on one of my favorite “ruthlessly capitalistic” news companies. Go @axios!
Oliver Darcy / @oliverdarcy: “VandeHei said he expected more than $100 million in revenue this year, up from $86 million in 2021.”
Ted Williams / @ted_williams: Very fun. @axios has a clear POV on the future. Investing $30M this year into creating (1) local pubs, (2) paid industry verticals, and (3) comms software.
Corey Pein / @coreypein: VandeHei claims Axios is “clinical” news, “devoid of opinion and needless noise.” LOL. They've also got a sideline teaching corporate America how to write emails in bullet point form for ~$10,000 a year. Sounds sustainable.
Charlie Warzel / @cwarzel: i uh did not know that axios was teaching businesses to write snappier emails and making...good money doing it?!
Jim VandeHei / @jimvandehei: 🚨—> Best line: “Yes, but: Can Axios actually scale the bullet?”
Mike Allen / @mikeallen: ⚡ BEHIND THE CURTAIN w/ @nytimes @katie_robertson: “This year, Axios is pouring $30 million into expanding its footprint, said @JimVandeHei , the chief executive. It is spreading into cities (Axios Local), industries (Axios Pro) and workplaces (Axios HQ)”
Ben Conarck / @conarck: Maybe I don't get it, but there is a disconnect between how Axios's newsletters are described as “local coverage” when the business model is so heavily dependent on aggregation. Like WaPo Morning Mix, this feeds off newspapers and actual local coverage.
Scott Nover / @scottnover: How exactly do bullet points restore trust in media?
Molly Jong-Fast / @mollyjongfast: •counterpoint •no
Jordan Zaslav / @jz: Fantastic speaking with and getting to know @katie_robertson as part of this story. Read for exclusive look at how Axios has moved from a “newsletter company” to $100M a year diversified technology and media business. The best is yet to come 🏃♂️
Russell Contreras / @russcontreras: .@Axios featured in the NY Times. We are expanding to some local markets. Don't sleep on us
Danielle Decker Jones / @djtweets: This year @Axios is pouring $30M into expansion and expects $100M in revenue. @JimVandeHei, on why it matters: “America is screwed if we don't restore fast a common connection, a common truth and a common reality.” Read this story.
@thepressboxpod: Axios is publishing local newsletters in 14 cities and “plans to expand to 11 more by summer” by @katie_robertson
Jay Rosen / @jayrosen_nyu: “Axios Wants Us to Read Everything in Bullet Points.” I admit I never thought about verification this way before: it's not only essential that journalists verify what they're reporting, but users of the product have to be able to verify what they're told.

A study finds that participants who were told a reporter identified as a “storyteller” were more likely to say that the news story and the reporter were biased — A survey in the U.S. found the public associates “storytellers” with liars and making things up.
Jay Rosen / @jayrosen_nyu: The popularity of that self-description in journalism has always mystified me.
Casey Newton / @caseynewton: @jayrosen_nyu also feels like ‘storyteller’ has been completely co-opted by PR people and marketers over the past few years
UC Journalism / @journalismuc: @BCalfano @JeffBlevinsPhD & @AlexisStraka featured in @Harvard's @NiemanLab “Sounds like a well-trained liar”: Journalists lose some credibility by calling themselves “storytellers” @spia_uc @UC_ArtSci
Josh Sternberg / @joshsternberg: Now let's replicate this study by finding out the differences between “journalist” and “talent”; “journalism” and “content.”
Jessica Lussenhop / @lussenpop: HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA omg guys don't call yourself a ~~*~*~*SToRytELLeR**~*~~* via @NiemanLab
Agnel Philip / @agnel88_philip: I've always recoiled when the storyteller moniker is used. I understand why folks in our industry have an infatuation with it, but as the piece states, the phrase has a much different connotation to non-journalists
Stephanie M. Lee / @stephaniemlee: to be honest, if I see “storyteller” in your bio, I automatically think you're a former journalist-turned-public relations executive
Laura Hazard Owen / @laurahazardowen: you know how some people viscerally hate the word “moist,” well i hate when journalists/startups call themselves “storytellers” and i am so thrilled to be proven correct, by science
Jay Rosen / @jayrosen_nyu: Researchers found: “Participants who were told the reporter identified as a ‘storyteller’ were more likely to agree that the news story was biased; that the news site sensationalized the story... and that the reporter himself was biased.”
Alex Sujong Laughlin / @alexlaughs: YES. For no good reason, I loathe the word “storyteller” and I find it a red flag when people use it.

Netflix says it is suspending its service in Russia, which operates through an agreement with the country's National Media Group and has roughly 1M subscribers — Netflix has suspended its service in Russia to protest the country's full-scale invasion of Ukraine.
@lucas_shaw, The Daily Beast, Bloomberg, Reuters, Breitbart, New York Post, Input, Digital TV Europe, TechCrunch, Broadband TV News, MediaPost, MediaPost, Music Ally, SlashFilm, Media Play News, Transistori, @brianstelter, @kevinrothrock, Light Reading, The Hill, The Verge, Engadget, Hollywood Reporter, Mediaite, Insider and TV Tonight, more at Techmeme »
AJ McDougall / The Daily Beast: Netflix Cuts Off Service to Russia After Facing Pressure Over Ukraine Invasion
Lucas Shaw / Bloomberg: Netflix Is Shutting All Services in Russia
Alexandra Steigrad / New York Post: Netflix suspends service in Russia over invasion of Ukraine
Andrew Paul / Input: Netflix and TikTok suspend services to Russia
Jonathan Easton / Digital TV Europe: Netflix shuts down Russian operation
Aisha Malik / TechCrunch: Netflix, PayPal, Adobe and others join tech companies suspending business in Russia
Chris Dziadul / Broadband TV News: Netflix suspends service in Russia
Karlene Lukovitz / MediaPost: TikTok, Netflix Join Major News Networks In Russian Withdrawal
Stuart Dredge / Music Ally: TikTok and Netflix pull back from Russia after new laws
Sandy Schaefer / SlashFilm: That's It, Russia, No Netflix For You
Erik Gruenwedel / Media Play News: Netflix Suspends Service in Russia Due to Escalating Ukraine Conflict
Brian Stelter / @brianstelter: “Given the circumstances on the ground, we have decided to suspend our service in Russia,” Netflix says.
Kevin Rothrock / @kevinrothrock: Last week, Netflix said it would refuse to comply with a Russian law requiring it to carry Kremlin propaganda. Now it says it's shutting down its service in Russia altogether.
Jeff Baumgartner / Light Reading: Netflix pulls plug in Russia
Joseph Choi / The Hill: Netflix latest tech company to halt services in Russia
Emma Roth / The Verge: Netflix shuts down its services in Russia
Igor Bonifacic / Engadget: Netflix stops streaming in Russia
Trilby Beresford / Hollywood Reporter: Netflix Suspends Service in Russia Amid Ongoing Invasion of Ukraine
Sarah Rumpf / Mediaite: American Express, Netflix, TikTok Join Growing List of Companies Suspending Business Operations in Russia
Bethany Biron / Insider: Netflix is the latest major tech company to pull service in Russia in response to the country's invasion of Ukraine
David Knox / TV Tonight: Netflix suspends service in Russia

Gizmodo Media Group Union announces a deal with G/O Media that raises salary minimums, severance, and parental leave, maintains health care coverage, and more — After four days of picketing in the first open-ended strike by a digital media shop, G/O Media management has acknowledged the strength and demands of our members.
@gmgunion, @anastasiakeeley, @karlbode, @pocgamer, @jwhitbrook, @dellcam, @thetomzone, @taylorlorenz, @adamconover, @xpatriciah, @genepark, @bobservo, Waywards, @mwwcnm, @sueonthetown and @wgaeast
Annie Shields / @anastasiakeeley: This is so awesome, congratulations @gmgunion
Karl Bode / @karlbode: congrats to the gizmodo/jezebel/kotaku folks, I'm sure there will be a huge wave of press coverage this week lauding the power of collective action in the face of greedy and incompetent media ownership, right?
James Whitbrook / @jwhitbrook: A huge congratulations to my friends in the GMG Union. Their strength and unprecedented bravery in the last week has been an inspirational example in the face of equally unprecedented cowardice. Looking forward to treating them all like the heroes they are at work tomorrow!
Taylor Lorenz / @taylorlorenz: Fantastic news!! 🔥🔥🔥
Adam Conover / @adamconover: Congratulations to the WGAE members at @gmgunion for an incredible display of writer power. The gains they won here look impressive - now the workers get to vote on them. When workers use our power, we win!
Gene Park Souls / @genepark: it's been heartening to see the labor movement in news grow, not shrink as I used to fear. I remember used to fearing for my entire future if I so much as whispered “organizing” when I worked under Gannett. This is beautiful. Congrats GMG workers.
James Anderson / Waywards: Reflections on Freelance Work
@mwwcnm: A hard fought, well deserved win. Congrats @gmgunion! What an incredible way to close out this enormous week for labor.
@sueonthetown: we won a life-changing contract against private equity bosses by using our collective might. highlights: *$7,000 raises for our lowest-paid workers (12.7%) *3% annual increases *15 weeks parental leave *12 weeks severance *Trans-inclusive healthcare ....and more

TikTok suspends livestreaming and new content uploads in Russia in response to the country's new law that would impose prison terms for spreading “fake news” — TikTok says it's suspending livestreaming in Russia amid the country's new “fake news” law that's aimed at silencing dissent …
Sarah Frier / @sarahfrier: TikTok suspends new content in Russia, to protect the safety of employees and users amid the new law that gives prison time for anyone who talks about the war in the way the government dislikes
Alex Salvi / @alexsalvinews: This is significant given ByteDance's (TikTok's parent company) ties to the CCP.
Sheera Frenkel / New York Times: TikTok suspends livestreaming and new uploads from Russia.
Radio Free Europe/Radio Liberty: Netflix, TikTok, American Express Suspend Services In Russia Over Attack On Ukraine
Rosemary Rossi / The Wrap: TikTok Suspends Livestreaming, New Content Due to Russia's ‘Fake News’ Law
Scott Nover / Quartz: TikTok suspends posting and live-streaming in Russia
Bruce Haring / Deadline: TikTok Suspends New Content And Live Streaming In Russia Because Of “Fake News” Law
Bethany Biron / Insider: TikTok suspends all livestreaming and content sharing in Russia in response to the country's new controversial ‘fake news’ law

Twitter promotes TJ Adeshola, the head of US sports partnerships, to head of global content partnerships — Twitter is elevating two veteran content execs to new roles: TJ Adeshola has been tapped as head of global content partnerships for the social network, and Sarah Rosen will oversee U.S. content partnerships.
@kirstinestewart, @laurafrofro, @msbennybonsu, @lk, @godisrivera, @alexkennedy44, @tjay, @sarahrosen, @tjay, @scottiebeam, @mplotnik and Adweek
Kirstine Stewart / @kirstinestewart: Overdue, so great to see 💪🏾💪🏽 🙏🏽
Laura Froelich / @laurafrofro: This gives me joy beyond measure! Congratulations @TJay and @sarahrosen — you are the best at what you do and I'm thrilled to see that being rewarded. Twitter, your partners and the GCP team are so lucky to have you. Love you both 💙
Benny Bonsu / @msbennybonsu: Congratulations @TJay as always, proud of you man 👑👏🏾👏 🏾
Laura King / @lk: Two of the people who literally built our GCP business from the ground up are now running it. Love you both 💜
@godisrivera: This is MAJOR!!! When I tell y'all I am so incredibly proud of and happy for both of these amazing people! So well deserved, and this made my Monday. We got our foot on the gas this year, it's up and it's stuck @TJay & @sarahrosen ! 🚀
Alex Kennedy / @alexkennedy44: This is a great day for Twitter! @TJay and @sarahrosen have delivered results for years! The creativity & innovation in their work is unmatched. Cannot wait to see what magic ✨ they deliver next. via @variety
Teju / @tjay: And HUGE congrats to @sarahrosen in her new role as Head of US Partnerships. She's such an incredible leader, ally, and advocate. Ive had front row seats watching her build our Entertainment business from scratch. She is the goods. Youre the best of the best, Sarah. LETS GET IT!
Sarah Rosen / @sarahrosen: 8 yrs ago I joined @twitter as the 1st entertainment partner manager & have had the opp to help build our content biz from the ground up. Leading the US team & expanding my role to oversee ent/news/sports & getting to partner w/my friend & colleague @TJay is truly a dream true
Teju / @tjay: 280 characters aren't enough to describe how excited I am to lead the Global Content Partnerships team @Twitter — some of the most talented, strategic and knowledgeable minds in the industry!
Scottie / @scottiebeam: TJAY HAS DONE IT AGAIN!!!! Congrats!!!!!! So proud of you 💓
Matt / @mplotnik: This is so incredibly well deserved. @TJay is the best, and Twitter made the best (and right) decision here. Congratulations @TJay. You deserve this, and you're going to crush it.
David Cohen / Adweek: Twitter Promotes T.J. Adeshola, Sarah Rosen