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The New York Times temporarily removes its journalists from Russia in response to the law that effectively renders independent reporting in the country illegal — Other news organizations, like the BBC and Bloomberg, have suspended their operations in Russia in response to a new law that effectively criminalizes independent reporting.
@cliffordlevy, @dylanbyers, New York Magazine, Nieman Lab, Variety, Mediaite, Poynter, Washington Post, @sbg1, @cliffordlevy, @oliverdarcy, @stevenleemyers, @vabvox, @abarnardnyt, @waschukcanua, @mschwirtz, @ichbinilya, @izatabaro, @nytimesbusiness, @maxboot, @ewong, @grynbaum, @cliffordlevy, @kasparov63, @alexey__kovalev, @cliffordlevy, Freedom of the Press …, The Hill, The Wrap, and @sulliview

The BBC resumes reporting in Russia, having “considered the implications of the new legislation alongside the urgent need to report from inside” the country
Discussion:, @mattbarbet, @louisecstewart1, CNN, @peterbale, @jonathancmunro, @breandanmcc, Radio Free Europe/Radio …, The Wrap, The Guardian, Variety and

Researchers say Gannett gave ad buyers incorrect information about where ads appeared for nine months; Gannett says it regrets the error, which it fixed March 4 — Publisher misrepresented where billions of ads were placed, researchers say, and Gannett corrected the issue in recent days
Discussion:, @braedon, MediaPost, @seangriffey, @braedon, @apantazi, @braedon, @acfou, @braedon, @merenewman, @andreabitely, @jeffjarvis, @braedon, @braedon, @braedon, @braedon, @thezedwards, @braedon and @braedon

Apple announces Friday Night Baseball on Apple TV+, comprising two exclusive Major League Baseball games every week — Apple has snared rights to a Friday-night package of Major League Baseball games, extending Silicon Valley's reach into the world of sports.
MediaPost, Apple, @ourand_sbj, @tbtimes_rays, @showthescore, @pkafka, @xpangler, @travis_sawchik, @pkafka, SPY, Sports Business Journal, Associated Press, The Streamable, Sportico, TechCrunch, Barrett Media, 9to5Mac, Deadline, Media Play News, The Wrap, Hollywood Reporter, The Athletic, WORLD SCREEN, Awful Announcing, Adweek, Front Office Sports and AppleInsider, more at Techmeme »

Russian forces in Ukraine separately shot at two Danish journalists on February 26, a UK Sky News team on February 28, and a Swiss journalist on March 6 — Within just a few days, a UK Sky News crew, as well as a Swiss independent journalist, were attacked by Russian forces in Ukraine.

Discovery pulls 15 channels in Russia, operated as part of a joint venture with the country's leading TV company National Media Group — Discovery has pulled some 15 channels off the air in Russia, following similar moves by CNN and the BBC.

Google's Jigsaw releases the code for its open-source Harassment Manager, which helps journalists and other public figures manage abusive comments on Twitter — Starting with Thomson Reuters Foundation reporters in June — Google's Jigsaw unit is releasing the code for an open source anti-harassment tool called Harassment Manager.
Jigsaw, @julieslalonde, @jaredcohen, @jigsaw, CNET, @annemariebridy, Engadget and Fast Company

Jakub Parusinski, CFO of The Kyiv Independent, describes challenges in supporting Ukrainian-based journalists and the country's independent, ethical newsrooms — On the eleventh day of President Vladimir Putin's deadly invasion of Ukraine, the Tow Center spoke with Jakub Parusinski …
@__gabbymiller and American Press Institute

A judge rules Smartmatic's defamation suit against Fox News, Lou Dobbs, and Maria Bartiromo over 2020 election allegations can proceed; Fox says it will appeal — A New York judge rejected Fox News' efforts to dismiss a $2.7 billion lawsuit filed by Smartmatic, which sued over the network's amplification …
New York Times, Reuters, @erikwemple, @highbrow_nobrow, @erikwemple, @eriqgardner, Variety and TVNewser

[Thread] The New Yorker Archive Editor Erin Overbey details the raises the magazine has given her and the pay discrepancy between her and her male predecessor — I've been following the pay discourse on this site for a while & think it's important for the movement toward salary transparency (particularly vis a vis gender & race) to continue to grow, so here's my account.. #internationalwomensday 1/
@letahong, @souris, @samuelaadams, @chloe_hilliard, @moonalice, @susanmcp1, @ltcpeterlerner, @mkonnikova, @carolinelangst, @juliebarer, @amwhisnant, @tomphilpott, @daliahsinger, @dankois, @guygavrielkay, @juliancastro, @bananapeele, @fidmart85, @cciccone, @gothamgirlblue, @dianaberrent, @espiers, @nandelabra, @hexpositive and @arghavan_salles

Trinity Broadcasting Network, which calls itself the world's largest Christian TV broadcaster, is launching Centerpoint, a news show with Fox News alums — Trinity Broadcasting Network (TBN), which calls itself the world's largest Christian television broadcaster, is launching a news show called “Centerpoint” with Fox News alums.

Instagram will down-rank Russian state media posts, label the posts to discourage sharing, and hide follower details for private Ukraine and Russia accounts — Instagram is joining Facebook in its attempt to bury Russian state media in its app. The app will now down-rank posts …
ZDNet, TechCrunch, The Verge, Bloomberg and NPR, more at Techmeme »

A look at the changed tenor of sports media's coverage of the MLB lockout, due to a retreat from “both-sides” journalism, greater data on owners, and more — Opening Day was on the line late last month when negotiators for Major League Baseball's owners and players spent …