Top News:

Sources: a consortium of PE firms, including Elliott Management, is in advanced talks to buy TV-ratings company Nielsen for about $15B including debt — Deal could value Nielsen at around $15 billion including debt — A consortium of private-equity firms including Elliott Management Corp …
Jolie Lash / The Wrap: Private Equity Firms in Talks to Buy Nielsen Holdings for $15 Billion (Report)
Dade Hayes / Deadline: Nielsen Shares Spike On Report It Will Be Bought For $15B By Group Including Elliott Management - Update
Joe Mandese / MediaPost: Nielsen Shares Surge On Private Equity Takeover News
Adam Eckert / Benzinga: Why Nielsen Holdings Shares Are Surging
Denny Jacob / Dow Jones Newswires: Nielsen Holdings stock rockets after WSJ report of potential buyout
Maria Deutscher / SiliconANGLE: Report: Nielsen could be acquired for $15B by private equity group
Brian Steinberg / Variety: Nielsen Shares Surge on Report Company Could Be Sold to Private Equity Group
Adam Jacobson / Radio & Television Business Report: WSJ: ‘Advanced Talks’ To Buy Nielsen Are In Progress
Jon Lafayette / Next TV: Nielsen Stock Jumps on Word of $15 Billion Elliott Buyout
Cara Lombardo / @cararlombardo: $NLSN shares up over 40% on this:

Leaked Kremlin memo to state-friendly media outlets says “it is essential” to feature Tucker Carlson in their coverage of the Ukraine war “as much as possible” — On March 3, as Russian military forces bombed Ukrainian cities as part of Vladimir Putin's illegal invasion …
The Guardian, Mediaite, New Republic, @jameswest2010, Letters from an American, Today's Edition Newsletter, The Status Kuo, LGBTQ Nation, @dandrezner, Morning Shots, Cartas de una estadounidense, Raw Story, @datadrivenmd, @glennkesslerwp, @clarajeffery, Substack, @mollyjongfast, Mic, The Full Belmonte, PRESS RUN, Hollywood Life, The Hill, @davidcorndc, @jrubinblogger, @normornstein, @juliadavisnews, @emilyrnunn, @annieroosie, @samseaborn, @davidcorndc, The Wrap, Rolling Stone, UPROXX, Media Matters for America, Insider, Newsweek and New York Times
Martin Pengelly / The Guardian: Kremlin memos urged Russian media to use Tucker Carlson clips - report
Michael Luciano / Mediaite: Dick Durbin Blasts Tucker Carlson on Senate Floor: ‘Should Be Ashamed of Himself’ for ‘Making Excuses on Fox for Vladimir Putin’
Michael Tomasky / New Republic: Tucker Carlson Has a Crazy New Conspiracy Theory About U.S. Bioweapons in Ukraine
James West / @jameswest2010: Big scoop from @DavidCornDC & @MotherJones this morning. He got his hands on, and confirmed, a secret Kremlin war memo instructing journalists to feature Fox News's Tucker Carlson in their propaganda/coverage of the war in Ukraine. Lots more here: ...
Heather Cox Richardson / Letters from an American: Russian president Vladimir Putin has asked China for help in his war against Ukraine, according to U.S. officials.
Robert B. Hubbell / Today's Edition Newsletter: Making hard choices with no good options.
Jay Kuo / The Status Kuo: The Russian Mouthpieces Among Us
Bil Browning / LGBTQ Nation: Russia & China are broadcasting Tucker Carlson's show as anti-American propaganda
Daniel W. Drezner / @dandrezner: Greenwald is gonna be so pissed he didn't get mentioned in this memo. ...
Charlie Sykes / Morning Shots: Biden's Dangerous Message to Putin
Heather Cox Richardson / Cartas de una estadounidense: Marzo 13, 2022 — El presidente ruso, Vladimir Putin, ha pedido ayuda a China en su guerra …
Tom Boggioni / Raw Story: The GOP's ‘Putin wing’ is doing Russia's ‘misinformation’ dirty work for them: conservative
@datadrivenmd: This thread of threads drills home the point that Tucker Carlson is a multinational pro-Putin propaganda machine. Another must read from Julia Davis 👀⤵️
Glenn Kessler / @glennkesslerwp: Nuland's comment was clarified by DNI Avril Haines in Senate testimony the very next day. And these labs have been known about since 2005. And been the subject of Russia propaganda from the start —> ...
Clara Jeffery / @clarajeffery: .@DavidCornDC got a Kremlin memo telling Russian state media that Tucker Carlson's broadcasts were “essential” to its propaganda and to use clips in their broadcasts. No other Western journalist work was so praised. ...
Dave Pell / Substack: I'll Say It To Your Face — Over the weekend, I was at the Tucson Book Festival …
Molly Jong-Fast / @mollyjongfast: Pro tip: you never want the Kremlin shopping your work
Rafi Schwartz / Mic: The Kremlin thinks Tucker Carlson is “essential” TV
Laura Belmonte / The Full Belmonte: The Full Belmonte, 3/14/2022 — “A Russian airstrike on a Ukrainian military training center close …
Eric Boehlert / PRESS RUN: Covid Nation — press shrugs as Biden restores “normalcy”
James Crowley / Hollywood Life: Ana Navarro Accuses Tucker Carlson Of ‘Shilling For Putin’, Sharing Russian Propaganda
Dominick Mastrangelo / The Hill: Panel on ‘The View’ calls for DOJ to probe Tucker Carlson over Putin rhetoric
David Corn / @davidcorndc: Kremlin disinfo memo: “It is essential to use as much as possible...broadcasts of the popular Fox News host Tucker Carlson, who sharply criticizes the actions of the United States [and] NATO, their negative role in unleashing the conflict in Ukraine.” ...
@jrubinblogger: Analysis | How the right embraced Russian disinformation about ‘U.S. bioweapons labs’ in Ukraine.. horrifying was willing, useful idiots they are ...
Norman Ornstein / @normornstein: The new Tokyo Rose.
Julia Davis / @juliadavisnews: Leaked Kremlin Memo to Russian Media: It Is “Essential” to Feature Tucker Carlson. The Russian government has pressed outlets to highlight the Fox host's Putin-helping broadcasts. #TuckyoRose ...
Emily Nunn / @emilyrnunn: Get your elderly parents an @hbo subscription or @tcm. Time to tell them the truth about @FoxNews
Annie-Blue / @annieroosie: Seriously, what more does anyone need to know about @TuckerCarlson than this?
Sam Seaborn / @samseaborn: Intentionally or not, Tucker Carlson is a Russian asset.
David Corn / @davidcorndc: EXCLUSIVE: Kremlin memos obtained by @MotherJones show Putin's government pushing Russian media to use #TuckerCarlson “as much as possible” in its #Ukraine war coverage. They include the talking point that the US is engaged in “biogenocide” against Russia. ...
Andi Ortiz / The Wrap: ‘The View’ Host Joy Behar Suggests Tucker Carlson Should Just ‘Move to Moscow’ (Video)
Matthewprigge / UPROXX: The Kremlin Is Ordering State TV To Air Plenty Of Tucker Carlson Nonsense As Propaganda
Casey Wexler / Media Matters for America: Report: Kremlin memo tells Russian media to feature Fox host Tucker Carlson
Joshua Zitser / Insider: Leaked Kremlin war memo instructs Russian state media to feature Fox News host Tucker Carlson ‘as much as possible,’ says Mother Jones report
Patricia McKnight / Newsweek: How Russia Is Using Tucker Carlson in its Propaganda

Discovery's CFO says HBO Max and Discovery+ will be bundled early in the Discovery and WarnerMedia merger and will eventually be combined into one service — The streamers will be bundled early on as part of the merged media giant, before both services become a single direct-to-consumer platform.
Variety, Reuters, Adweek, Protocol, SlashFilm, TechCrunch, @mgsiegler, Broadband TV News, @loudmouthjulia, @walthickey, @alsboringtweets, Deadline, @nickandmore, @sepinwall, Engadget, @henrytcasey, Tom's Guide, Android Police, @alirichthem, CNET, @chrismessina, Decider, Cord Cutters News, Media Play News, @yaronweitzman, @sherman4949, The Streamable, @bradybrendan1, @legsfrank, The Wrap and Axios, more at Techmeme »
Jennifer Maas / Variety: HBO Max and Discovery Plus Will Be Combined Into One Platform
Dawn Chmielewski / Reuters: Discovery to combine its Discovery+ with WarnerMedia's HBO Max
Mollie Cahillane / Adweek: Discovery+ and HBO Max Will Combine Into One Streamer Following Pending Merger
Chris Dziadul / Broadband TV News: Discovery+ to be combined with HBO Max
Julia Alexander / @loudmouthjulia: Inevitable! Zaslav has all but admitted this in interviews over last several weeks If you combine WarnerMedia and Discovery's demand share, they're effectively tied with Disney, the largest corporate owner of all demand share. And it'll happen in an instant once the merge occurs
Walter Hickey / @walthickey: yes, because haphazardly cramming together Warner Bros library with whatever grab bag of stuff gained in a merger is historically always a success
Al Hughes Dukes / @alsboringtweets: I do not like this idea. I love the Discovery+ streaming app. This just means they are going to combine them and make it more expensive.
@nickandmore: After the WarnerMedia and Discovery merger, HBO Max and Discovery+ will combine into one streaming service. Don't expect it to happen right away, but “within months” is the goal.
Alan Sepinwall / @sepinwall: So, basically the cable bundle, where you pay more for a bunch of content you may not care about, just to get access to the stuff you actually want.
Igor Bonifacic / Engadget: Discovery will combine HBO Max and Discovery Plus following TimeWarner merger
Henry T. Casey / @henrytcasey: This is a big “ugh” for me. Would much rather have a bundle, as I have zero interest in paying more for HBO Max when I don't ever plan on touching Discovery Plus.
@alirichthem: as someone who hates the constant consolidation of this industry but loves guy's grocery games and only has hbo this is a very complicated time for me
Eli Blumenthal / CNET: HBO Max and Discovery Plus Will Combine After WarnerMedia's Merger With Discovery
Jess Barnes / Cord Cutters News: HBO Max and Discovery+ Will Be Combined With WarnerMedia Discovery Merger
Erik Gruenwedel / Media Play News: Discovery CFO: Streaming Services HBO Max, Discovery+ Will Be Combined
Yaron Weitzman / @yaronweitzman: We're basically recreating the cable bundle
Alex Sherman / @sherman4949: Have to wonder if CNN+ is inevitably combined too.
Lauren Forristal / The Streamable: HBO Max and Discovery+ Will Be Bundled, Then Merged Into a Single App
Brendan Brady / @bradybrendan1: In the months to come, Discovery's Marketing/Product/Business Affairs teams will have to: • Clearly message a Discovery+/HBO Max bundle • Employ a single sign-in option for both services • Keep MVPD partners happy (re: legacy HBO) ...
Allegra Frank / @legsfrank: ah yes i forgot that “male-skewing” content like euphoria and mare of easttown is “premium” while “female-skewing” content just ... exists i guess?
Sara Fischer / Axios: HBO Max and Discovery+ to combine after merger

A woman interrupted an evening broadcast on Russian state TV network Channel One with an anti-war sign; some say she is Channel One editor Marina Ovsyannikova — She rushed into the Channel One Studio with a sign proclaiming, “Don't believe propaganda. They're lying to you."
@maryilyushina, @kevinrothrock, Washington Post, New York Times, @juliadavisnews, @maxseddon, The Guardian, @maxseddon, @maxseddon, Financial Times, @juliaioffe, Fox News, UPROXX,, Rolling Stone, @benwessel, @nycsouthpaw, @leonidragozin, @nathanjrobinson, @davidallengreen, @manmademoon, @kevinrothrock, @juliaioffe, @eilishhart, @profkeithdevlin, @rachelabramsny, @valerieinnyt, @david_hewson, @gsoh31, @amonck and Deadline
Mary Ilyushina / @maryilyushina: Diversion during Channel One main state TV evening show tonight - a woman with No to War poster yells stop the war. Channel One already “probing the incident regarding the outsider's presence during live broadcast.”
Kevin Rothrock / @kevinrothrock: Marina Ovsyannikova, the woman who ran onto a live state TV news broadcast, even recorded a message beforehand. In it, she says her father is Ukrainian. She calls for anti-war protests, says she's ashamed about working for Kremlin propaganda, and she denounces the war absolutely.
Anton Troianovski / New York Times: A protester storms a live broadcast on Russia's most-watched news show, yelling ‘Stop the war!’
Julia Davis / @juliadavisnews: Marina recorded this video before interrupting Channel One's live broadcast. I translated it for you (thread): “What is currently happening in Ukraine is a crime. Russia is a country-aggressor.” /1
Max Seddon / @maxseddon: The anti-war protester who crashed the news broadcast is Marina Ovsyannikova, an editor at Channel One, says @pchikov, whose legal defense foundation is going to defend her against charges of “discrediting the Russian armed forces.” She's already at the police station.
Max Seddon / @maxseddon: A woman burst onto Russia's main live evening newscast today with a sign that says: “Stop the war Don't believe propaganda They're lying to you” And chanting: “Stop the war! No to war!”
Max Seddon / @maxseddon: To give you an idea of how sweeping the wartime censorship laws are in Russia: Novaya Gazeta, Nobel laureate Dmitry Muratov's paper, published a picture of Ovsyannikova's protest that looks like this
Julia Ioffe / @juliaioffe: This woman worked for Channel 1. “Unfortunately, for the last few years, I worked for Channel 1, producing Kremlin propaganda, and I am very ashamed of it now. I am ashamed that I allowed lies on TV screens. Ashamed that I allowed the zombification of Russian people.”
Joseph Wulfsohn / Fox News: Woman disrupts Russian TV newscast to protest Ukraine invasion, urges viewers 'Don't believe the propaganda!'
Kimberly Ricci / UPROXX: A Russian State TV Editor Bravely Interrupted Her Own Station's Broadcast To Protest: 'Stop The War! They're Lying To You'
Sean Seddon / Russian TV worker storms broadcast with sign saying 'they're lying to you'
Jon Blistein / Rolling Stone: Russian Journalist Interrupts State TV Broadcast With Bold Anti-War Protest
Ben Wessel / @benwessel: I remember working with Russian climate activists in 2008 who were afraid of criticizing their government in a semi-public meeting at a youth hostel in Poland. The bravery it takes to do this on TV on Russian soil is astounding.
@nycsouthpaw: Novaya Gazeta struggling to report on a war protest that interrupted a state television broadcast bc of Russia's harsh new criminal law (twitter's translation): “...a girl appeared with a poster, the content of which we are forbidden to transfer...”
Leonid Ragozin / @leonidragozin: It's Russia's Channel One news broadcast from the well-guarded Ostankino studio. The woman shouts “Stop the War”. Her sign also says: “Don't believe the propaganda. They are lying to you here”.
Nathan J Robinson / @nathanjrobinson: This is an inspiring act of defiance, and heroic considering the likely consequences she faces for doing it. Evil triumphs when the good do nothing, and stopping authoritarianism and mass murder depends on the courage of people like this woman.
@davidallengreen: ‘The blank sheet of paper that could’ One day the story must be told of how this sheet of paper ended up as this sheet of paper
Duncan Jones / @manmademoon: The translation shows just how brave this woman who made the video is. Absolutely scorching truth to power.
Kevin Rothrock / @kevinrothrock: And now for another twist: Marina Ovsyannikova's husband (apparently named Igor Ovsyannikov) reportedly works for Russia Today. When journalists tried to contact him just now, he responded, “Do svidaniya.”
Eilish Hart / @eilishhart: “The next 10 generations won't wash away the stain of this fratricidal war. We Russians are thinking and intelligent people. It's in our power alone to stop all this madness. Go protest. Don't be afraid of anything. They can't lock us all away.”
Keith Devlin / @profkeithdevlin: Thread. Her family may never see her again, and she knew it
Rachel C. Abrams / @rachelabramsny: A woman ran onto Russian TV with a sign that said “No War” and “Don't believe in propaganda, they are lying to you here.” My Russian friend who sent this to me says he's read reports that she was an editor and has been arrested (have not independently confirmed)
Valerie Hopkins / @valerieinnyt: The woman's name is Marina Ovsyannikova, and she's an editor at the TV channel, with 2 kids. She's at the police, per @pchikov, detained on charges of “discrediting the Russian armed forces.” The video is viral, but one friend wrote me privately, “I hope she survives this.”
David Hewson / @david_hewson: Such courage. Wonder what will happen to her now.

Time Magazine confirms that Brent Renaud was on an assignment in Ukraine for a Time Studios project focused on the global refugee crisis when he was killed — From TIME Editor in Chief and CEO Edward Felsenthal and President and COO of TIME and TIME Studios Ian Orefice:
Nieman Lab, New York Times, @nytimespr, Columbia Journalism Review, Washington Post, @cliffordlevy, Committee to Protect …, New York Post, @elaheizadi, Poynter, Arkansas Online, Bloomberg, @amybwang, @jon_allsop, @amlwhere, @verambergen, @jbenton, @marketwatch, @sommervilletv, @runasand, @yahooent, @brianstelter, @time, @freedomofpress, @lrozen, @merovingians, @robertmmahoney, @jpmarthoz, @cronkite_asu, @mitchellreports, @w7voa, @cjr, @joycelaunews, @brianstelter, @emilyrauhala, @biz_ukraine_mag, @mitchellreports, Next TV, CBS News, CNN, Variety, NPR, TheBlaze, Associated Press and Дет …
Joshua Benton / Nieman Lab: Celebrating the life and work of Brent Renaud, the filmmaker and Nieman Fellow killed in Ukraine
Michael Schwirtz / New York Times: Brent Renaud, an American journalist, is killed in Ukraine.
@nytimespr: Response from a New York Times spokesperson in regard to the death of Brent Renaud in Ukraine.
Jon Allsop / Columbia Journalism Review: Brent Renaud, Yevhenii Sakun, and the grave dangers on the ground in Ukraine
Cliff Levy / @cliffordlevy: .@time says the journalist and filmmaker Brent Renaud, who was killed in Ukraine today, was there on assignment “working on a TIME Studios project focused on the global refugee crisis.” “Our hearts are with all of Brent's loved ones.”
June Cross / Committee to Protect Journalists: Brent Renaud brought heart and compassion to his filmmaking
Patrick Reilly / New York Post: Zelensky mourns ‘brave’ US journalist Brent Renaud in touching letter to his family
@elaheizadi: Zelensky's letter to the family of slain American journalist Brent Renaud: “The people of Ukraine, who are fighting against the Russian regime to defend their Homeland and democracy in the world, are mourning with you.”
Tom Jones / Poynter: Fox News journalist injured in Ukraine
Bill Bowden / Arkansas Online: Little Rock filmmaker Brent Renaud first American journalist killed in Ukraine war
Amy B Wang / @amybwang: .@TIME confirms U.S. journalist Brent Renaud was working on a Time Studios project when he was killed in Ukraine:
Jon Allsop / @jon_allsop: For @CJR, I wrote about the killing of the US filmmaker Brent Renaud in Ukraine, the Ukrainian journalists who have died at work or fighting for their country, many others' near misses, and the increasingly omnipresent sense of danger for the war press.
Ann Marie Lipinski / @amlwhere: Journalist Brent Renaud, killed in Ukraine, created a breathtaking portfolio of documentaries with his brother Craig. @jbenton revisits the work, and reminds us of what Brent gave us and what we've lost.
Vera Bergengruen / @verambergen: Zelensky's letter to the family of American journalist Brent Renaud, killed yesterday in Ukraine: “The people of Ukraine, who are fighting against the Russian regime to defend their Homeland and democracy in the world, are mourning with you.
Joshua Benton / @jbenton: New by me, on Brent Renaud —> “We're bombarded these days with judgment and analysis of everything. What we're trying to do is give the audience a look into cultures or worlds that they don't have access to, and give some empathy to that story.”
@marketwatch: “We are horrified that journalists and filmmakers—noncombatants— have been killed and injured in Ukraine by Kremlin forces,” the U.S. State Department said. ...
Quentin Sommerville / @sommervilletv: “We are devastated by the loss of Brent Renaud.”
Runa Sandvik / @runasand: Brent Renaud was killed in Ukraine while working on a @TIME Studios project. He was wearing an outdated @nytimes press badge. Makes me wonder how many journalists are currently covering this war without much needed protection, support, and tools.
@yahooent: Tributes pour in for Brent Renaud, U.S. journalist killed in Ukraine
Brian Stelter / @brianstelter: Some new info from @TIME in the wake of Brent Renaud's death in Ukraine today: “In recent weeks, Brent was in the region working on a TIME Studios project focused on the global refugee crisis,” the outlet says
@freedomofpress: Brent Renaud was the first US journalist to die in Ukraine since Russia invaded, but not the first journalist. Two weeks ago, camera operator Yevhenii Sakun was killed when Russian forces shelled a TV tower in Kyiv.
Laura Rozen / @lrozen: Time says they are devastated about the Russian killing of American journalist Brent Renaud in Ukraine, and that in recent weeks, Brent was in the region working on a TIME Studios project focused on the global refugee crisis.
@merovingians: Irpin is the site of some of the fiercest fighting in the country and Ryan Grim is garbage.
Robert Mahoney / @robertmmahoney: US Journalist Brent Renaud who was killed in Ukraine was on assignment for Time
jean-paul Marthoz / @jpmarthoz: Brent Renaud, Yevhenii Sakun, and the grave dangers on the ground in Ukraine @Jon_Allsop. The form of the war -blurred frontlines, indiscriminate shelling, irregular forces, Russian army's perception of reporters as enemies - are increasing the risks @CJR
@cronkite_asu: Our thoughts are with the families of journalist Brett Renaud, who passed away covering the conflict in Ukraine, and the Cronkite School's former adjunct professor @arrejuan who was injured in the same attack.
Andrea Mitchell / @mitchellreports: On the journalist killed on the ground in Ukraine, @peterbakernyt: “The sad thing here is, he's the first foreign journalist to die in this conflict. But if history teaches us anything, he will not be the last.” #AMRstaff
Steve Herman / @w7voa: “In recent weeks, Brent was in the region working on a TIME Studios project focused on the global refugee crisis,” according to @TIME.
@cjr: New from @Jon_Allsop: “As more people die—Ukrainian and foreign; journalists and not; targets and collateral casualties—the danger intensifies, and the distinctions get fuzzier.”
Joyce Lau / @joycelaunews: 1/ Let's take a minute from our #Ukraine doomscrolling to pay tribute to the journalists risking their lives for the images we see every day. Here's @TIME's statement on filmmaker #BrentRenaud, who died while covering the war & refugee crisis.
Brian Stelter / @brianstelter: “Our hearts are with all of Brent's loved ones,” @TIME says. “It is essential that journalists are able to safely cover this ongoing invasion and humanitarian crisis in Ukraine.”
Emily Rauhala / @emilyrauhala: “Brent was in the region working on a TIME Studios project focused on the global refugee crisis. Our hearts are with all of Brent's loved ones. It is essential that journalists are able to safely cover this ongoing invasion and humanitarian crisis...”
@biz_ukraine_mag: President Zelenskyy has sent a condolence letter to the family of Brent Renaud, the American journalist killed by Russian forces outside Kyiv yesterday
Andrea Mitchell / @mitchellreports: .@peterbakernyt: “There are these people on the ground, risking their lives to bring truth home and I just think that the Brent Renaud situation reminds us of how courageous and important that work really is.” #AMRstaff
John Eggerton / Next TV: Report: Time Inc. Video Journalist Killed in Ukraine
Victoria Albert / CBS News: Fox News correspondent Benjamin Hall injured while reporting in Ukraine
Patrick Frater / Variety: Brent Renaud, U.S. Documentary Filmmaker, Killed in Ukraine at 50

American journalist Brent Renaud was killed and another journalist was wounded by Russian forces in the town of Irpin outside the Ukraine capital on Sunday
@zelenskyyua, @janeferguson5, Foundation Posts, @cliffordlevy, Associated Press, @amlwhere, CNN, @mgongadze, New York Times, The Guardian, @pressfreedom, @repkinzinger, @asluhn, @alyssafarah, @senjeffmerkley, @ap, @sjtuohy, @kremlintrolls, @maryellenklas, @amlwhere, @ryangrim, International Press Institute, @laurie_garrett, Poynter, @louisemensch, @terrelljstarr, Axios, @susannareid100, @cliffordlevy, @ewong, @mariashriver, @jake_hanrahan, @heathergtv, @timkmak, @out5p0ken, @elizabethmaline, @coreypein, @vivian, @coreypein, @coreypein, @isik5, @revkin, @guyverhofstadt, @kdurquiza, @columbiajourn, @dawnerscott, @eshynes, @cbsnews, @nickkristof, @jaketapper, @jsrailton, @davidenrich, @rsf_inter, @reneweurope, @paulachertok, @yamphoto, @paulrieckhoff, @mcharlesworth7, @iaponomarenko, @kevinrothrock, @christogrozev, Committee to Protect …, @nicolelampert, @christopherjm, Florida Politics, The Week, CBS Los Angeles, Vanity Fair, New York Magazine, Barrett Media, The Blast, The Wrap, Al Jazeera, Fox News, Mother Jones, Hollywood Life, IndieWire, Newser, Mediaite, New York Post, The Daily Beast,, The Hill and ABC7
@zelenskyyua: I extend my heartfelt condolences to the family of Brent Renaud who lost his life while documenting the ruthlessness & evil inflicted upon 🇺🇦 people by Russia. May Brent's life & sacrifice inspire the world to stand up in fight for the forces of light against forces of darkness.
Jane Ferguson / @janeferguson5: Just left roadside spot near Irpin where body of American journalist Brent Renaud lay under a blanket. Ukranian medics could do nothing to help him by that stage. Outraged Ukranian police officer: “Tell America, tell the world, what they did to a journalist.”
Etuttle / Foundation Posts: Brent Renaud, a 2019 Nieman Fellow, has been killed on assignment in Ukraine
Cliff Levy / @cliffordlevy: .@nytimes is deeply saddened to learn of the death of an American journalist in Ukraine, Brent Renaud. Brent was a talented photographer and filmmaker, but he was not on assignment for @nytimes in Ukraine. Full statement is here.
Pamela Sampson / Associated Press: Acclaimed filmmaker Brent Renaud shot, killed in Ukraine
Ann Marie Lipinski / @amlwhere: Our Nieman Fellow Brent Renaud was gifted and kind, and his work was infused with humanity. He was killed today outside Kiev, and the world and journalism are lesser for it. We are heartsick.
@mgongadze: Brent was my classmate at Harvard @niemanfdn program. He was brave, sensitive and smart. His stories in our writing class made us cry. This is devastating.
@pressfreedom: We are shocked and saddened to learn of the death of U.S. journalist Brent Renaud in Ukraine. This kind of attack is totally unacceptable, and is a violation of international law Russian forces in Ukraine must stop all violence against journalists and other civilians at once.
Adam Kinzinger / @repkinzinger: Unbelievably sad and at the same time, so infuriating. This blood—and that of the hundreds of Ukrainians killed in this unjust war—is on the hands of Vladimir Putin and all those who support him.
Alec Luhn / @asluhn: The American journalist shot dead near Kyiv was not an @nytimes staffer, though that doesn't make it any better. Just a freelancer (a Peabody winner at that) risking his life to sell a story, with no one to worry about his security except himself
Alyssa Farah Griffin / @alyssafarah: Absolutely heartbreaking. An important reminder of the risk journalists are putting themselves at to bring us critical news from the frontlines. Stay safe. And screw Putin.🤬
Senator Jeff Merkley / @senjeffmerkley: Saddened to learn of the death of journalist Brent Renaud in Ukraine who, like other brave members of the press, reported on the frontlines despite the grave risks. Over 600 people, including at least 43 children, have been killed since Russia began its illegal invasion.
@ap: Renaud, along with his brother, Craig, won a Peabody Award for “Last Chance High,” an HBO series about a school on Chicago's West Side. The brothers' achievements include productions for HBO, NBC, Discovery, PBS, the New York Times, and Vice News.
Sean Tuohy Jr / @sjtuohy: Man, this is tough to watch. All of @UCF_Football, and so many more, are thinking/praying for both guys' families. Wow.
@kremlintrolls: Biden administration has said there will be consequences for the killing of American journalist Brent Renaud, who was shot in the head by Russian barbarians in Irpin today. #Ukraine
Mary Ellen Klas / @maryellenklas: The executioners invading Ukraine have killed a dear friend and brilliant documentary reporter, Brent Renaud, and injured another dear colleague. Very sad loss for freedom. He was courageous, and remarkable.
Ann Marie Lipinski / @amlwhere: Words you never want to type: an obituary for Nieman Fellow Brent Renaud, killed on assignment in Ukraine
Ryan Grim / @ryangrim: The description from this eye witness says Renaud was shot, and it seems only Ukrainian forces were in the area, based on news reports.
Laurie Garrett / @laurie_garrett: This is a tragic loss. And sadly, there will be more........
Louise Mensch / @louisemensch: This is so callous. Just disgusting by the New York Times. “Oh well, he wasn't working for us he was just wearing an old badge of ours”. RIP Mr. Renaud. Needlessly dead, in a needless war waged solely for the ego of Vladimir Putin.
Terrell Jermaine Starr / @terrelljstarr: NYTimes clarifying that Brent Renaud, journo killed outside of Kyiv, was not a Times reporter, but had on his ID from years ago. I'm sure he did that assuming being connected to a big news org would provide protection. So many independent journos do this.
Susanna Reid / @susannareid100: In order for us to see the horror of war, understand the suffering & flight of the people, and galvanise ourselves to help, reporters take unfathomable risks to bear witness. RIP Brent Renaud and all those who have lost their lives.
Cliff Levy / @cliffordlevy: “Tell America, tell the world, what they did to a journalist.”
Edward Wong / @ewong: Brent Renaud produced important videos for the @nytimes & worked with his brother Craig. Here's an interview w/ them after their video on child survivors of the Haiti quake won a big award. He was shot dead by Russian soldiers. A partner was injured. 1/2.
Maria Shriver / @mariashriver: No one is safe in a war—not babies, not parents, not the elderly, not soldiers, not journalists. Wars have no winners. It's death and destruction everywhere.
Jake Hanrahan / @jake_hanrahan: Just heard the news. This is extremely sad. RIP Brent Renaud.
Heather Gardner / @heathergtv: Thank you for your incredible service.
Tim Mak / @timkmak: The initial Ukrainian government repots were coming out while I was writing this thread, and it was a shock to read.
Elizabeth Maline / @elizabethmaline: Thinking of my professor, Juan Arredondo, who was injured while reporting in Irpin, Ukraine
@coreypein: Notably the only editor who's spoken about this had to be reminded of the contributor's relationship to the paper
Vivian Schiller / @vivian: @cliffordlevy @nytimes Cliff, Brent Renaud's ties to the Times date back to 2004 when he and his brother Craig directed the 10-part documentary series “Off to War” for the Discovery Times Channel (which NYT owned and I ran). Please know that his Times roots run deep. Such tragic news.
@coreypein: Cliff Levy, who sourced the quote at the top of this thread, is not getting off easy in his replies, either. People are wondering about this strange, cold language and the word “but.”
@coreypein: “Brent was a talented photographer and filmmaker, but he was not on assignment for @nytimes in Ukraine.” “On assignment” is a little murky. Did they buy any of his photos? Did any editor tell him they would if he got X?
@isik5: @NYTimesPR Let me fix the wording for your PR team. “Even though Brent wasn't on an assignment at NYT in Ukraine, he was a talented filmmaker and an esteemed colleague. We're deeply saddened for his loss and our thoughts go to his family and colleagues.” - Not so hard right?
Andrew Revkin / @revkin: Amid all the awful news, this loss. The price of free flows of information from conflict zones is huge.
Guy Verhofstadt / @guyverhofstadt: Journalists put their lives on the line to document Putin's war crimes. They are the best of us. Shame on the forces of evil who target the press, Ukrainian children, women. Only stronger sanctions & a ban on Russian oil & gas can stop his war machine. #StandWithUkraine
@kdurquiza: Juan Arredondo is the photo journalist @arrejuan who was with Brent Renaud in Ukraine. It seems he has also been injured. I hope he heals quickly. When I think of Putin, I see red. When will this end? Why? What will the punishment be?
@columbiajourn: It is with great sadness that we report the death of Brent Renaud, half of the #duPontColumbiaAwards winning team with his brother Craig Renaud. Multiple reports Brent was shot and killed in Irpin, Ukraine while reporting the story. A terrible loss.
Dawn Scott / @dawnerscott: One of the finest journalists I've ever known. An Arkansan- killed by Russian forces while covering war. I am heartbroken 💔
Eric Hynes / @eshynes: Heartbroken by this news. Brent was a lovely man, and such a committed filmmaker. For several years he and his brother made their hometown of Little Rock an unlikely mecca for independent film, matching together two communities he loved.
@cbsnews: “He's been shot and left behind”: U.S. journalist Juan Arredondo describes the moment he and Brent Renaud came under attack by Russian forces at a checkpoint in Irpin, Ukraine, on Sunday. Renaud was shot and killed.
Nicholas Kristof / @nickkristof: Heartbreaking to learn of the death in Ukraine of American journalist Brent Renaud. Russia's forces already had killed a Ukrainian journalist and had shot and injured two Danish and two British journalists. So much respect for all journalists bearing witness on the front lines.
Jake Tapper / @jaketapper: Kyiv region police say American journalist Brent Renaud killed by Russian forces in Irpin
John Scott-Railton / @jsrailton: Award-winning Journalist Brent Renaud was killed in Ukraine while reporting on the #Russian assault on #Kyiv. He often reported alongside his brother @RenaudBrothers. He died helping to bring the truth of #Putin's atrocities to the world. RIP
David Enrich / @davidenrich: An award-winning journalist who worked with @nytimes and other media was killed in Ukraine.
RSF / @rsf_inter: RSF is deeply troubled by reports of the death of filmmaker Brent Renaud and the wounding of a fellow journalist while reporting in a suburb of #Kyiv. We call for light be shed on the circumstances of the attack. Journalists must not be targets of war!
@reneweurope: Journalists reporting from the frontline in Ukraine are heroes. We condemn the Russian forces continued targeting of the press & their utter disregard for human life. #WeStandWithUkraine
@paulachertok: Brent Renaud, award-winning American filmmaker & journalist, killed in Ukraine reporting in Irpin, near Kyiv. Ukraine Interior Ministry said Renaud “paid with his life for attempting to expose the insidiousness, cruelty and ruthlessness of the aggressor.”
Marcus Yam / @yamphoto: Just made it safely out of Irpin. Back to cell reception. Just catching up with messages and updates. Sad to hear about this news. RIP Brent Renaud. #Ukraine
Paul Rieckhoff / @paulrieckhoff: Brent Renaud was a brilliant, courageous and kind person. He told the stories of the forgotten ones. And especially the story of American veterans: film He and his brother were two of the best filmmakers—and nicest guys—I've ever known.
Kevin Rothrock / @kevinrothrock: His wounded colleague explains what happened.
@christogrozev: Seems that a group of US journalists/film-makers were shot at a check point near Irpin. They were documenting the outflow of refugees, says Juan Arredondo @arrejuan.
Erik Crouch / Committee to Protect Journalists: US journalist Brent Renaud is killed in Ukraine, second journalist is wounded
Nicole Lampert / @nicolelampert: ‘Tell the world what they did to a journalist.’ Deliberately targeting journalists is part of Putin's repertoire. Sending love to all the brave journalists still reporting from Ukraine.
Christopher Miller / @christopherjm: Horrible news. US filmmaker & journalist Brent Renaud was killed in Irpin today, says Kyiv region police chief Andriy Nebytov. NYT confirms also but says he wasn't on assignment for them. Fighting in Irpin has raged for days. Russian shelling relentless.
A.G. Gancarski / Florida Politics: Rick Scott denounces ‘murderous thug’ Vladimir Putin after Russians kill U.S. journalist
Charlotte Klein / Vanity Fair: American Journalist Brent Renaud Killed in Ukraine
Rosemary Rossi / The Wrap: American Journalist Brent Renaud Shot and Killed by Russian Forces in Ukraine
Hanna Panreck / Fox News: Readers, journalists take issue with NY Times' statement on former contributor killed in Ukraine: ‘Tone-deaf’
Jackie Flynn Mogensen / Mother Jones: An American Journalist Is the Latest Casualty of Russia's Ukraine Invasion
Terry Zeller / Hollywood Life: Brent Renaud: 5 Things About The American Journalist, 51, Killed In Ukraine Amid War
Christian Zilko / IndieWire: Brent Renaud, American Documentary Filmmaker and Journalist, Killed in Ukraine
John Johnson / Newser: US Journalist Brent Renaud Killed in Ukraine
Natalie Korach / Mediaite: American Journalist Brent Renaud Shot and Killed in Ukraine
Mychael Schnell / The Hill: American filmmaker killed in Ukraine

Analysis: TV shows make up 75% of Netflix viewing, the average hit disappears after two weeks or less, and Asian hits have the least overlap with other markets — Nobody in Hollywood knows for sure what works on Netflix. — The company releases statistics like “26 million people watched this show in the first 28 days.”
@lucas_shaw, @lucas_shaw, @lucas_shaw, @nreviewed, @firstadopter, @alexselbyb, The Streamable, @business, @bbgvisualdata, @lucas_shaw, @lucas_shaw and @gerryfsmith
Lucas Shaw / @lucas_shaw: A lot of that has to do with Squid Game, which basically doubled viewership of top 10 shows for a few weeks.
Lucas Shaw / @lucas_shaw: People have spent more time watching the top 10 foreign-language TV shows than the top 10 English-language shows over the last 8 months. But...
Lucas Shaw / @lucas_shaw: The average Netflix hit is in the top 10 for 2 weeks or less. Since week 1 is actually just a weekend, that means it stays in the top 10 for about 10 days.
@nreviewed: A terrific, must-read, in-depth analysis of #Netflix's self-reported stats from @Lucas_Shaw. It's full of interesting insights, here is a 🧵of some of the most important for me. (1)
Alex Selby-Boothroyd / @alexselbyb: Fascinating stats and charts in this Bloomberg piece. Non-English TV is more popular than English on Netflix, and TV shows are three times more popular than movies
Lauren Forristal / The Streamable: Netflix Analysis: TV Tops Movies, Popularity Fades Quickly
@bbgvisualdata: .@netflix releases statistics like “26 million people watched this show in the first 28 days.” That sounds impressive. But we don't know what it really means. 🍿 These are Netflix's most popular shows (according to Netflix) 🔗:
Lucas Shaw / @lucas_shaw: Big thanks to @YasufumiSaito for his help with all these charts, which you can explore — >

Interviews with former employees of RT America, some of whom say they were given free rein and blame the “US government war machine” for its shutdown — Until RT America ended abruptly, life as a journalist there was “actually so normal.” — For eight years …
@oliverdarcy, @mike_eckel, @kolga, @ccaryl, @natesilver538, Plastic Society, @ceciliakang and @qhardy
Oliver Darcy / @oliverdarcy: “Staff members were interested in holding a mirror up to dysfunction in the United States, a country where divides were only deepening. No one at RT in Moscow prodded them to do differently. Presumably that was the subject they were interested in, too.”
Mike Eckel / @mike_eckel: “A role at RT America was a rare job in an industry where if you had screwed up, were washed up or were completely new to the field, there weren't many other options.” (ouch).
Marcus Kolga / @kolga: The “journalists” and columnists/academics who work for RT, are participants in Putin's attack on western democracy and Ukraine. They should never again be allowed near a western newsroom and be placed on our sanctions lists as Putin's enablers.
Christian Caryl / @ccaryl: If you weren't discerning enough to understand what this network actually was, maybe you shouldn't have been in the information business in the first place
Nate Silver / @natesilver538: This has to be among the top 10 “To be sure...” paragraphs in New York Times history (an extremely competitive list).
Esteban del Río / Plastic Society: Social Tumult, Political Movements, War... sound familiar?

Sources: Insider's global managing editor told its departing staff to stop sending goodbye emails as many high-ranking employees left over the past few months — In early 2021, the Wall Street Journal ran a story titled: “Business Insider Did Nothing When the Pandemic Hit. It Worked."
Steve Kovach / @stevekovach: Newsrooms go through little bursts of departures like this all the time. Cyclical. I remember a similar story about a wave of Insider departures back in 2016 or so. And this email from Jess seems normal?
Christina Warren / @film_girl: Because telling people not to send goodbye emails (which I know this wasn't actually doing, but I've seen that directive before) doesn't actually improve morale.
Thomas Maxwell / @tomaxwell: lmao
James Dennin / @jamesfdennin: i think this is reasonable. it's a little indulgent to send your goodbye email to 700 people, asking people to only send them to people who actually care is sensible
Christina Warren / @film_girl: On the one hand, spamming your entire company with your goodbye message if you aren't someone who has had an integral role in the company feels excessive. On the other hand, this feels like the sort of thing managers should encourage their staff to do rather than an org-wide memo

Fox News CEO Suzanne Scott says the network's correspondent Benjamin Hall has been injured and hospitalized while reporting outside Kyiv — “We have a minimal level of details right now,” Fox News CEO Suzanne Scott wrote to staff Monday, adding that Hall had been hospitalized.
Fox News, Mediaite, @oliverdarcy, Mediaite, Insider, TVNewser, The Sun, The Sun, Deadline, @brianstelter, @w7voa and @nycsouthpaw
Jackson Richman / Mediaite: BREAKING: Fox News Reporter Benjamin Hall Wounded in Ukraine
Oliver Darcy / @oliverdarcy: Breaking: Fox says that correspondent Benjamin Hall has been hospitalized after being injured reporting in Ukraine.
Kipp Jones / Mediaite: Jen Psaki and Pentagon Spokesman John Kirby Speak Out on Wounded Fox News Reporter
Jason Lynch / TVNewser: Fox News Correspondent Benjamin Hall ‘Injured’ While Working Outside of Kyiv
Nina Clevinger / The Sun: Who is Fox News reporter Benjamin Hall?
G. P. Rodriguez / The Sun: British Fox News journalist Benjamin Hall injured in Kyiv while reporting on Ukraine invasion, network announces on-air
Ted Johnson / Deadline: Fox News Correspondent Benjamin Hall Injured Outside Kyiv While Reporting On War In Ukraine — Update
Brian Stelter / @brianstelter: Benjamin Hall is Fox's State Department correspondent; the association of State reporters is sending him support

MPA: consumer spending for theatrical and home entertainment reached $99.7B in 2021, close to pre-pandemic levels, mostly thanks to growth in streaming services — Consumer spending in the global entertainment market — consisting of theatrical box office and home entertainment …

Los Angeles Times names Sara Yasin as a managing editor, beginning April 18; Yasin is currently managing editor of BuzzFeed News — Sara Yasin has been named a managing editor for the Los Angeles Times. Yasin will oversee the daily news operation as part of The Times leadership team beginning April 18.
Kevin Merida / @meridak: Some good news: @sarayasin is our newest @latimes managing editor. “Sara has an instinctive understanding of the internet and a reputation for being a creative, empathetic and collaborative leader.” So excited to welcome her. 🎯
Tasbeeh / @therwees: excited to welcome another woman who can't drive to los angeles!!!!!!
Craig Silverman / @craigsilverman: LA Times hit it out of the park on this one. Thrilled for @sarayasin, a wonderful person and fantastic leader.
@latimesfreshink: Los Angeles Times Names Sara Yasin Managing Editor. @sarayasin will oversee the daily news operation, reporting into @meridak, beginning April 18. More in the press release:
Mat Honan / @mat: Sara is a phenomenal human and this is, among other things, very good news for California. Excited to see what she brings to the @latimes
Laila Al-Arian / @lailaalarian: Smart decision by the @latimes to hire superstar editor, journalist and resident Hummus expert @sarayasin. brb going to subscribe
@yelmjouie: This woman is a truly phenomenal human being and the @latimes is so, so, so fortunate to have her. Mabrook Sara joon- aziz 🤗
Johana Bhuiyan / @jmbooyah: GR8, excellent move by the @latimes my Lat friends r so lucky to get to work with Sara!
Jared Malsin / @jmalsin: Congratulations to @sarayasin! Excellent job by the @latimes with this hire:
Sara Yasin / @sarayasin: I'm honestly too busy ugly crying over this lovely email @scootes wrote about my departure from @BuzzFeedNews to share what the last six and a half years have meant to me but I promise to put it into words soon ♥️🌹
Anushay Hossain / @anushayhossain: Alf mabrouk! Keep me in mind for assignments 🥰🙋🏾 ♀️
Mona Chalabi / @monachalabi: Yeh yeh yeh she's got endless intelligence and creativity but it's her heart - which is so underrated in journalism - that makes @latimes the luckiest newsroom in the US
Brandon Wall / @walldo: Sara started a little after me and we've been inseperable from Day 1. Colleague, boss, leader, but most importantly, she's been one of my best friends and closest confidants for 6.5 years I'm a better journalist and man because of her, and I am SO proud!!
Ruth Michaelson / @msrmichaelson: A gift to the LA Times and frankly the entire media industry this one. <3
@dahliabazzaz: We've never met, Sara, but from one Arab journo to another, this makes me so happy! 🥳🧿
Anne Helen Petersen / @annehelen: What a great hire, @sarayasin is just tops
Andrea May Sahouri / @andreamsahouri: A Palestinian American in newspaper leadership 🥺 this is huge
Lisa Tozzi / @lisatozzi: Sara is an absolute GEM and I am so jealous of everyone at the LA Times who gets to work with her! ✨
Ben Smith / @benyt: Great hire @latimes

Kazakh mining giant ENRC drops its libel suit against FT and journalist Tom Burgis, after a UK judge dismissed a separate claim against HarperCollins and Burgis — Kazakh mining group drop libel claim against newspaper and its reporter over book on ‘dirty money’
@tomburgis, @tomburgis, @tomburgis, @martinpatience, @denismacshane, @kevin_maguire, @lionelbarber, @davidallengreen, @tomburgis and @tomburgis
Tom Burgis / @tomburgis: It is more vital than ever to stop oligarchs using law firms to silence the press. So I'm delighted to say that the latest attempt to do that against me and the @FinancialTimes just failed 1/
Tom Burgis / @tomburgis: Tomorrow I and others who have faced these campaigns of “lawfare” will give evidence in parliament to @CommonsForeign. It is heartening that MPs see the need for change. 5/
Tom Burgis / @tomburgis: Here's my @FT investigation that the oligarchs' London company, using top UK law firm Taylor Wessing, tried to stop you reading. 2/
Martin Patience / @martinpatience: How libel lawyers in #london are making a fortune and suppressing the truth... tbh I didn't realise how much this crushes fantastic investigative work in the UK especially when compared to the US: it's staggering, actually.
Denis MacShane / @denismacshane: Excellent Pity it needed a war to happen. We bang on about oligarchs and Russian money funding Tories but without the help of our learned friends and judges suppression of truth would be impossible. When over let's protect our journalists not dictatators' money men @aidanpwhite
Kevin Maguire / @kevin_maguire: This is great news for @tomburgis, @FT, accountability, scrutiny and freedom of speech. And UK law firm Taylor Wessing has questions to answer about acting for them and how many ££££s it made.
Lionel Barber / @lionelbarber: Hoorah for the FT standing firm! High cost assault on independent public service journalism crumbles in wake of High Court libel ruling - a rare shred of good news in grim times.
@davidallengreen: The libel bullies that lost to @tomburgis have now withdrawn their illiberal and misconceived claim against the @FT
Tom Burgis / @tomburgis: The lawsuit has been withdrawn after a judge magnificently threw out a related attempt to censor Kleptopia, my book about how dirty money is conquering the world. Alexander Machkevitch and Patokh Chodiev, the oligarchs in question, appear in the book at length. 3/