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Shealah Craighead, Trump's chief White House photographer, planned to publish a book but was preempted by Trump, who published his own with no photo credits — The former chief White House photographer made plans to publish a book of Trump photos. The former president had other plans.
@ericliptonnyt, @rafaelshimunov, New York Magazine, Mediaite, Vanity Fair, The Guardian, @mollyjongfast, @ichotiner, @likaluca, @notabigjerk, @clevertitletk, @kairyssdal, @davidjoachim, @davidfrum, @seungminkim, @ktumulty, The Wrap, @maggienyt, @jonathanweisman, @nytimes, @maggienyt, @thisisinsider, @jdawsey1, @oliverdarcy and Insider

Report: Amazon Prime Video will air 21 NY Yankees games, starting April 22 against Cleveland, available only in the NY region; the games won't be on linear TV — With Major League Baseball signing deals with streaming services left and right, and regional sports networks working towards …
New York Post, SPY, CNET, @andrewwm_, @andrewmarchand, @wfan660, @bkglueguys, @rydunleavy, Yahoo Sports and @mauromiddays

Google plans to add “highly cited” Search labels for original reporting and press releases, coming “soon” in the US on mobile and “in the coming weeks” globally — And new notices will help searchers check the validity of information
The Keyword, The Register, @mattnavarra, Android Police, BGR, @marie_haynes, @lilyraynyc, @searchliaison, @mantzarlis, @benhkaiser, CNET and Engadget, more at Techmeme »

Some Russian oligarchs are using the UK's data privacy law, intended to prevent ads from tracking consumers, to sue journalists who cover them, even in the US — Those laws, which were intended to prevent ads from tracking consumers too closely around the Internet, are now being used …
@ericlevai, @blakestuerman, @scottmstedman, @liambyrnemp, @scottmstedman, @scottmstedman, @armstrongjp and @cbridge_chief

Meta confirms a now-fixed Facebook bug led to a “massive ranking failure” that increased views of harmful content up to 30% over the past six months — A group of Facebook engineers identified a “massive ranking failure” that exposed as much as half of all News Feed views to …
@alexeheath, @jeff4llen, @cwarzel, @rmac18, @reckless, @dellcam, @ivanthek, @grady_booch, @yoda, Engadget, @karissabe, @brianmfloyd, @matthewarein, @cpoliticditto, @chillmage, @edbott, @jeff4llen, @shannonpareil, @amyspitalnick, Insider, @green_footballs, @rashadrobinson, @karissabe, @redpainter1, @sarahjeong, @moonalice, @janelytv, @jeff4llen, Protocol, @justinhendrix, @fpwellman and @caseynewton, more at Techmeme »

Journalists and media outlets in the US tend to be war hawks as they rely on military sources, not on civil society voices, and think war is morally clear-cut — The United States' most reputable media outlets have a long history of tilting toward military action.
@maxabrahms, @jon_allsop, @fixmedianow, @quincyinst, CBS News, @foreignpolicy and The Nation

The Daily Wire plans to invest “a minimum of $100M” over three years in kids entertainment, to challenge Disney and its stance on Florida's “Don't Say Gay” bill — The Daily Wire is planning a significant push into kids entertainment, with what it says will be …
Washington Post, @taraemcg, Variety, Mediaite, The Wrap, @socofthesacred, Newser, @chriscpandolfo, @dcseifert, @realdailywire, @reckless, New York Post, @jhweissmann, @benshapiro and The Daily Wire

A look at the legacy of the Eyewitness and Action News local news formats, which originated in Philadelphia and reinforced community of color stereotypes — A MORE PERFECT UNION is a special project from The Philadelphia Inquirer examining the roots of systemic racism through institutions founded in Philadelphia.
@davidjoachim, @inkyamy, @alexanderrusso, @billy_penn and @will_bunch

Lawmakers pull a bill proposing to cap Georgia's film and TV tax credits at $900M and make them nontransferable; the state passed out $1.2B of credits in 2021 — The changes, if signed into law, would have capped the amount Georgia hands out in film and TV tax credits at $900 million and make them nontransferable.
SlashFilm, Variety, @alrokerent and @anoushasakoui

The New York Times announces a team dedicated to personalizing its home screen based on location and reading history and testing new content packages — A group of editors joins the Home team to work with Product leaders on a path to providing a more valuable reader experience.
@dkiesow, @klcpegher and @thebrianpark

Hulu's deal with Epix ended on March 23; the 2015 agreement let Hulu offer hundreds of movies from Paramount, MGM, Lionsgate, and several other studios — One of the biggest contributors to Hulu's film library is no longer part of the service. — The Streamable has confirmed that Hulu's deal …

WWE is making its first foray into scripted TV with two shows, one for Netflix and the other for NBCUniversal, and partnering with Blumhouse to develop a series — Spanish-language comedy ‘Contras Las Cuerdas’ to debut on Netflix, while wrestling-mogul family drama ‘Pinned’ is in development for NBCU
The Wrap, Variety, Too Much TV Newsletter, @wsj, @plaverty24 and Awful Announcing