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Q&A with New York Times executive editor Dean Baquet on the details behind the company's Twitter policy, as he encourages staffers to tweet less and report more — “Tweet less, tweet more thoughtfully, and devote more time to reporting,” says executive editor Dean Baquet.
Jay Rosen / @jayrosen_nyu: This the heart of Baquet's reasoning: Twitter's influence on Times journalists has become too great.
Nick Bryant / @nickbryantny: “Tweet less, tweet more thoughtfully, and devote more time to reporting.” Good advice from Dean Baquet at the New York Times.
Sarah Reese Jones / @politicussarah: “BAQUET: Well, I would say one thing: It eats up too much time. I mean, there are journalists, at NYT and elsewhere, who tweet many, many, many, many, many times a day. Some people tweet about the minutiae of their lives. To me, that's time not spent actually reporting”
Judd Legum / @juddlegum: .@jbenton has an interview with @deanbaquet that's worth reading. Two things stuck out to me.
Amanda Zamora / @amzam: Fixed it for ya. “We can rely too much on [other journalists] as a reporting or feedback tool ... We can be overly focused on how [other journalists] will react to our work, to the detriment of our mission, [actual audience] and independence.”
Kate Conger / @kateconger: The need to be On Here for a journalism career and the unhealthy aspects of the platform are always in tension, but it's been especially fraught for me while covering Twitter the company. Personally, I feel relief at being encouraged to step back.
@mikeisaac: this is a more thoughtful interview than any of the frantic headlines yesterday gave “the memo” credit for (i think using twitter less is a good thing, something i had already been doing for months, and i'm one of the people who need it for my beat!)
Monica Byrne / @monicabyrne13: How much of media is driven by elites' fear of being disinvited to each other's dinner parties instead of, you know, serving the public
Hamilton Nolan / @hamiltonnolan: This is one of the more insane statements I've ever seen from the editor of a newspaper that HAS A MEDIA REPORTING DESK
Peter Kafka / @pkafka: “Go find some stuff out. Go do some reporting,” is both good advice and also kinda wild advice for the executive editor of the New York Times to deliver to his staff.
Ben White / @morningmoneyben: All well and good. And good for the NYT. But many of us received — and in large part enacted — these suggested changes years ago.
Roger McNamee / @moonalice: It is a good thing that @NYT has become a puzzle company, because the ecosystem of news in the internet era continues to puzzle Times leadership.
Sarah Reese Jones / @politicussarah: people fleeing social media: “In recent years, our journalists have faced an alarming increase in online threats and abuse. Many involve blitzes of racist and misogynist attacks that target women journalists and journalists of color — and, at times, even their families.”
@niemanlab: “I mean, there are journalists, at The New York Times and elsewhere, who tweet many, many, many, many, many times a day. Some people tweet about the minutiae of their lives. To me, that's time not spent actually reporting.”
Dan Froomkin / @froomkin: From @deanbaquet. Shot. Chaser.
Laura Hazard Owen / @laurahazardowen: do NOT tweet about this, but @jbenton spoke with Dean Baquet about the @nytimes' new Twitter policies. “I started to feel that Twitter's influence in journalism, period, and in our journalism was too great.”

The New York Times' policy is right: Twitter offers feedback on journalists' value but can instill self-censorship and is where anecdotes are mistaken for data — Today, New York Times honcho Dean Baquet ordered a company-wide “reset” in how his staff should think about Twitter.
@jdickerson, @alex_zee, @kendrawrites, @rachelsklar, @eliotwb, @markberman, @annehelen, @hhavrilesky, @niketa, @kendrawrites, @nickstatt, Supercreator, @anoushasakoui, and @taylorlorenz
John Dickerson / @jdickerson: “Journalism's Twitter Problem Is the Journalists” by @Choire via @intelligencer sent me back to look at @PeterHamby nine years earlier ...
Alex Zielinski / @alex_zee: “Reporters confuse their Twitter audience for the actual world.” I feel this has become an even bigger problem during the pandemic, as reporters are less out in the world chatting with sources & interacting with the communities they write about/for.
@kendrawrites: Also @Choire is hitting on a point here but I think it's even deeper. Some newsrooms will make you feel like a garbage reporter who should be grateful for being in the publication at all even as your stories are helping to create legislative change or other social actions.
Rachel Sklar / @rachelsklar: “At the Times in particular they are often starved for information and kept in eternal suspense about their status in the organization.” 👀
Eliot Brown / @eliotwb: “Reporters confuse their Twitter audience for the actual world.”
Mark Berman / @markberman: lmao this is the most accurate headline you will see all month
Anne Helen Petersen / @annehelen: “the joyless, scold-y White Twitter” truer words, etc etc
Heather Havrilesky / @hhavrilesky: Wow @choire defects from the @nytimes then serves up the strong tea. Also yikes.
@niketa: Have SO many thoughts abt this piece by @Choire as the person who managed the partnership b/w NYT & Twitter for 6️⃣ years. In short, all reporters should still keep Tweeting & using Twitter to connect w/ sources & their audience in the year of 2022.
@kendrawrites: Dying to know who this is (my DM's are open)
Nick Statt / @nickstatt: It is true. Media twitter, and twitter in general, is just so deeply exhausting and embarrassing.
Michael Jones / Supercreator: Justice Ketanji Brown Jackson, now and forever
Anousha / @anoushasakoui: This is such a good read! Ive dialed back my twitter usage A LOT, although the instant gratification of engagement is hard to kick. via @intelligencer

Memo: NYT's Dean Baquet tells staff Twitter presence is “purely optional”, to “meaningfully reduce” time on the site, and attacking colleagues is “not allowed”
@sarahellison, @asymmetricinfo, @angelmendoza___, @perlberg, @taylorlorenz, @delia_cai, @jeffjarvis, @taylorlorenz, @taylorlorenz, @espiers, The Daily Beast, @karlbode, @juddlegum, Newslit Daily, @sopandeb, Columbia Journalism Review, @jeffjarvis, What's New in Publishing, @genepark, @wagatwe, @benjaminwittes, @taylorlorenz, @loudmouthjulia, @loudmouthjulia, @bigblackjacobin, @becketadams, @thrasherxy, @dkthomp, @hollyotterbein, @soledadobrien, @froomkin, @froomkin, @rottenindenmark, @christinapushaw, @nedryun, @taylorlorenz, @alexstamos, @noahpinion, @kantrowitz, @blackamazon, @jonahdispatch, @samoburja, @andizeisler, @moorehn, @meredithshiner, @swin24, @nikkimcr, @taylorlorenz, @jayrosen_nyu, @katewillett, @mattdpearce, @edzitron, @tomwatson, @tomgara, @fmanjoo, @alexmassie, @danigaravelli1, @danigaravelli1, @fmanjoo, @alexmassie, @barry, @sopandeb, @enbrown, @dangillmor, @tcarmody, @noturtlesoup17, @page88, @rcdimezzo, @soledadobrien, @karlbode, @ashleyfeinberg, @asymmetricinfo, @jill_jorgensen, @froomkin, @digiphile, @alistairmbarr, @maxwelltani, @jeffjarvis, @alexeheath, @lindseyboylan, @taylorlorenz, @thesarahkelly, @johnhatch237, @aud_bowler, @rottenindenmark, @msignorile, @aaronhuertas, @daveleeft, @rschooley, @lpolgreen, @asymmetricinfo, @tomgara, @taylorlorenz, @rachelsklar, @thejewishdream, @kamilumin, @tianathefirst, @perlberg, @maxkennerly, @dwaynefuhlhage, @joshschwerin, @tomgara, @julianrouth, @noahshachtman, @bgrueskin, @ellencarmichael, @michaelsocolow, @taylorlorenz, @jordanonrecord, @mattgertz, Mediaite, New York Post, The Kitchen Pundit and The Wrap, more at Techmeme »
Sarah Ellison / @sarahellison: Dean Baquet just announced a major shift in policy for NYT reporters on Twitter. Per an internal memo: “A Reset in our approach to Twitter,” he writes: that “maintaining a presence on Twitter and social media isn ow purely optional for Times journalists.”
Megan McArdle / @asymmetricinfo: Apparently the New York Times issued a new social media policy today. Unfortunately, it doesn't do what every major newsroom ought to, which is tell employees they have to get the hell off Twitter: ...
Angel / @angelmendoza___: we're cancelling each other over newsroom social media policy takes today. post your cancellable newsroom social media policy take.
Steven Perlberg / @perlberg: New York Times executive editor Dean Baquet has issued a Twitter “reset” for the newsroom, urging reporters to “meaningfully reduce” their twitter time and reminding them that tweets and subtweets attacking or undermining their colleagues are not allowed ...
Taylor Lorenz / @taylorlorenz: The NYT announced a new policy on Twitter today and it's very disappointing and contradictory to see. This is not how a newsroom should approach the internet or social media. It only deepens the NYT's vulnerability to bad faith attacks. Let me break it down
Delia Cai / @delia_cai: if the nyt wanted an actually effective twitter policy it would just be “every time you tweet you will be assigned to expand on that as a story” boom problem solved no one will ever twet again
Jeff Jarvis / @jeffjarvis: I wrote my response to The Times regarding social media three years ago. The paper is turning its back on the people too long not heard or represented in its pages. This is an abuse of its power.
Taylor Lorenz / @taylorlorenz: Social media is the real world, especially for the last 2 yrs I would hope newsrooms would recognize that. When ur obsessively focused on policing employee speech & expression 24/7 that makes it harder for ppl to do their jobs, it makes staff more vulnerable to bad faith attacks
Taylor Lorenz / @taylorlorenz: Newsroom social media policies need to recognize that social media isn't just some place u log on to promote ur stories, it is where we live, socialize, date, connect, vent, cope, & more. Policies like this are regressive and not consistent w/ how younger ppl use the internet.
Elizabeth Spiers / @espiers: If twitter isn't the public editor anymore, I think they should probably hire one.
Lachlan Cartwright / The Daily Beast: New York Times to Staff: Maybe Chill Out on Twitter a Bit
Karl Bode / @karlbode: so much of these old school NYT and WAPO editors don't actually hate Twitter. They hate public interaction, and they definitely hate reporters gaining increased independence and agency over their own careers, brands, and work
Judd Legum / @juddlegum: I just want to point out that the @nytimes urging their reporters to get off Twitter is in the @nytimes ECONOMIC interests. Twitter is one way journalists can gain ownership and control over their audience. It makes it a lot easier for people to leave. ...
Jose Montes de Oca / Newslit Daily: 👩🏿⚖ ️ Ketanji Brown Jackson Confirmed as First Black Woman on U.S. Supreme Court
Sopan Deb / @sopandeb: Twitter is a cesspool. It brings out the worst in us. At the same time, it's provided an alternate way for people to have voices who are otherwise ignored in newsrooms and otherwise.
Jon Allsop / Columbia Journalism Review: When it comes to how journalists use it, there's no such thing as ‘Twitter’
Jeff Jarvis / @jeffjarvis: This is such an important factor: It's not just that journalists who turn away from Twitter turn away from voices they ignore, it's that they turn away from accountability.
Gene Park / @genepark: Shoutout to our former managing editor Emilio, who told me, “Gene I don't understand 90% of the shit you tweet about but it seems to be working. Keep it up.”
Wagatwe Wanjuki / @wagatwe: Newsroom social media policies are arbitrarily enforced and mainly exist to push out staff management doesn't like
Benjamin Wittes / @benjaminwittes: This is unlikely to be effective
Taylor Lorenz / @taylorlorenz: For the majority of my career I ran social strategy for newsrooms. I wrote social media guidelines for large media cos. A good social policy is about *supporting* your staff, protecting them against bad faith attacks, and recognizing that we all live as full humans online now
Julia Alexander / @loudmouthjulia: “Media has a Twitter problem and Twitter has a media problem” isn't new. Twitter, like every app, creates ecosystems. This ecosystem is full of power users fighting for validation, promotions, & sources. But you can't tell people, who exist in a very public career, to ignore it.
Julia Alexander / @loudmouthjulia: Caught up with the Discourse™️, and: -Twitter is a really fun app when you have >5,000 subscribers. -Twitter is a little panic inducing when you have <10,000 subscribers -Twitter is unusable at <20,000 subscribers -This app is increasingly bad and increasingly prevalent.
Edward Ongweso Jr / @bigblackjacobin: newsrooms arbitrarily enforce their social media policies—when they exist—so you might as well shitpost to your heart's content until they yell at you. might as well be unhinged on main cause it doesn't actually matter and the people who do think it does are almost always ghouls
Becket Adams / @becketadams: says quite a bit about the NYT's workplace culture that the top brass has to remind staffers not to shit on one another in public.
Dr. Thrasher / @thrasherxy: Last month the NYT ed board wrung its hangs abt “implications of chilled speech for democracy.” Baquet saying “Masthead editors, department heads & our Standards department will pay close attention to how all Times journalists use social media” creates “chilled speech,” no?
Derek Thompson / @dkthomp: I think Twitter is much better than most ppl say (including its own power users) and also that its influence in journalism is too great
Holly Otterbein / @hollyotterbein: Please lord let this be a trend: “First, maintaining a presence on Twitter and other social media is now purely optional for Times journalists.” ...
Soledad O'Brien / @soledadobrien: Lol. Sign of a healthy workplace!
Dan Froomkin / @froomkin: This could well be @deanbaquet's last substantive memo to staff as executive editor. Way to go out with a nasty little whimper.
Dan Froomkin / @froomkin: “Tweets or subtweets that attack, criticize or undermine the work of your colleagues are not allowed,” is horrible policy. Let people disagree. Learn. Get better. But for @deanbaquet it's: Shut up. And don't listen to the hippies.
Michael Hobbes / @rottenindenmark: super insightful thread
Christina Pushaw / @christinapushaw: In case you were wondering, the Times has confirmed that their journalists have the approximate emotional maturity of 7th graders.
Taylor Lorenz / @taylorlorenz: The masthead editors are more obsessed w/ twitter than the majority of the newsroom, stalking down employees every reply. Saying they're going to police that even *more* is counterproductive, damaging to journalists, especially those who need to use the internet for reporting
Alex Stamos / @alexstamos: The continued decline in trust in the media is partially driven by journalists' use of Twitter, specifically when their online personas demonstrate strong antipathy to a person/organization/cause and then they are allowed to write the definitive “neutral” first draft of history.
Noah Smith / @noahpinion: Megan McArdle is correct. I am very glad to see people increasingly realizing that Twitter itself is one of the biggest problems with American public discourse. Been saying this for years!
Alex Kantrowitz / @kantrowitz: I am instructing all Big Technology reporters to delete their Twitter accounts and migrate to Tumblr effective immediately. ...
@blackamazon: Years of. Silencing POC journalists, unfair application, creating unequal tiers, losing journalist after journalist Now a white one complains and it happens Just as they see it's about to throttle more marginalized feedback It be disgusting if it wasn't predictable
Jonah Goldberg / @jonahdispatch: Megan coming on @jonahremnant today. We'll discuss.
@samoburja: Very interesting. This retreat shows how politically important the website has been this entire time. Too late however. Journalists are addicted to the site.
Andi Zeisler / @andizeisler: “We eliminated the Public Editor position because we wanted to rely on Twitter as a reporting and feedback tool, but it turns out we don't like either the reporting or the feedback”🤔
Heidi N. Moore / @moorehn: Related to this: Dean Baquet does not handle his own iPhone. His assistant handles it for him. We really cannot have editors who have very little digital aptitude making rules for digital. They have no context, no practice, and a lot of contempt for digital communication.
Meredith Shiner / @meredithshiner: Also when Dean Baquet eliminated @nytimes public editor, he said criticism on twitter rendered the job useless. Now he's saying “we can rely too much on twitter as a feedback tool.” Will he be restoring the public editor position?
Asawin Suebsaeng / @swin24: I see what you're doing here
Nikki Mccann Ramírez / @nikkimcr: We did it friends, we public edited the NYT off twitter
Taylor Lorenz / @taylorlorenz: Newsroom leaders also need to recognize that social media is more than twitter and try to understand how entangled the internet is w/ young ppl's lives. They really do not seem to understand this. Wait until they learn about TikTok, or Twitch, or any myriad of other platforms
Jay Rosen / @jayrosen_nyu: When the Times ended its public editor position, part of the rationale was that vigorous criticism on social media could take its place. Now the editors are suggesting a Twitter withdrawal might be a better idea. And there will be more policing of the staff's presence there.
Matt Pearce / @mattdpearce: If editors want to promote newsroom harmony, they should ban Slack.
Ed Zitron / @edzitron: I think the policy is great. Social media and the internet have never meaningfully effected my life, other than meeting my wife and hiring my staff and running my business, there really is no way you can reasonably say you need it
Tom Gara / @tomgara: Build some sort of robot Ben Smith who just sort of patrols the newsroom like a Roomba, pouncing on reporters who tweet about things and telling them they should report it out
@fmanjoo: I ... agree. but I think a lot of newsrooms would have to all jump at once
@alexmassie: @DaniGaravelli1 That may be true on both counts (certainly the latter) but, tbf, MM is responding to the NYT's new preferences for its own staff.
Dani Garavelli / @danigaravelli1: @alexmassie Doesn't it over-estimate the number of staffers, ie far more of us are freelance these days? Also correctly highlights Twitter's limitations when it comes to promoting work but underestimates it as a means of building contacts imo.
Dani Garavelli / @danigaravelli1: @alexmassie Yes that's fair but then she says: “Let me tell you why Twitter is bad for journalism” which takes it way beyond the NYT.
Farhad Manjoo / @fmanjoo: my bosses say I don't have to be here any longer so bye forever
@alexmassie: Unfortunately most of this thread is true. (Though Twitter has uses for freelancers that it may not have for staffers)
Barry Petchesky / @barry: Do these people know you can just use Twitter for, like, following capybara accounts and tweeting about subway delays
Sopan Deb / @sopandeb: There are good points in this thread, for sure. But I think it's easy to say this when you're established in your career and don't have the institutional barriers that non-white newsroom employees do.
Elizabeth Nolan Brown / @enbrown: Twitter helps if you can stick to promoting your work, tweets that are an extension of your work, harmless subjects (babies, cats, sunrises, sloths, etc), & reporting from events
Dan Gillmor / @dangillmor: “Stop me before I tweet again,” a Washington Post columnist implores her employer.
Tim Carmody / @tcarmody: Circling the wagons
@noturtlesoup17: lmao good luck building up that disinformation beat like y'all were talking about doing.
Virginia Heffernan / @page88: Flashback to 2007 when NYT exec editor Bill Keller was sorely disappointed in me for being on Twitter w/this anon handle—I thought it was a strip club then—when I shd be be proud NYT rep, aiming to match wits w/the best of them. Sad the paper is reduced to this defensive crouch.
RC Di / @rcdimezzo: The battle for good information is won or lost online. Restricting journalists from using + growing + engaging their online platforms does little to help win the fight against mis- and disinformation.
Soledad O'Brien / @soledadobrien: Thread worth reading:
Karl Bode / @karlbode: you can prop up authoritarianism with terrible he/said she said coverage that validates and amplifies right wing propaganda, or downplay Covid with a newsletter widely regarded in the medical field as journalistic malpractice, but don't you dare share human opinions on twitter
Ashley Feinberg / @ashleyfeinberg: dean finally read @MikeIsaac's tweets 😞
Megan McArdle / @asymmetricinfo: Yes, I understand the irony of a journalist on Twitter saying that journalists should get off Twitter. It's a collective action problem; I can't solve it myself. So let me list all the ways that Twitter is bad for journalism.
Jillian Jorgensen / @jill_jorgensen: I know people are dunking on this... but lately I have been spending less time on Twitter, and have been more thoughtful about my interactions here, and I think it's for the better in terms of both my reporting and my life in general.
Dan Froomkin / @froomkin: .@jeffjarvis absolutely right. In journalism, really great work is just the beginning of a conversation. @deanbaquet want it to be the end of the conversation.
Alex Howard / @digiphile: Lorenz is spot on. This is *not* what I recommended the @NYTimes to do in 2014: It's unsurprising @DeanBaquet hasn't tweeted this policy: he hasn't tweeted anything in many years, sending a clear message to the newsroom. It leaked: ...
Max Tani / @maxwelltani: twitter is a great place to share your work, have a few laughs, make some friends and alienate a few people you probably wouldn't get along with anyway. chill!
Jeff Jarvis / @jeffjarvis: Hey @hblodget, if I may suggest, if you take this story out from behind the paywall every damned journalist in the world will be reading and commenting on it: ...
Alex Heath / @alexeheath: “First, maintaining a presence on Twitter and other social media is now purely optional for Times journalists.” Wait, it was mandatory before? ...
Lindsey Boylan / @lindseyboylan: They don't get it at all. Couldn't be more out of touch.
Taylor Lorenz / @taylorlorenz: Right before I left I got reprimanded by NYT for saying “doxxing is bad” on social media because it was “expressing an opinion” and expressing opinions is banned in the social media policy (I argued it's a fact, they disagreed). This is how ineffective policies like this play out
@thesarahkelly: “We encourage everyone to meaningfully reduce your time on Twitter, but our highest-paid editors will still be watching your feeds like hall monitors”
John Hatch / @johnhatch237: This esp. affects journalists, but it's a problem at a lot of businesses run by older people who think social media is this separate thing you do. “I am logging onto the Facebooks for 15 min. of online banter!” That's not how any of this works, but policies remain antiquated.
Audrey Bowler / @aud_bowler: people sent hate mail to my home after a right-wing site wrote up my tweets from 2018 about the movie The Mummy. not sure training programs could have prevented that!
Michael Hobbes / @rottenindenmark: The editorial board straightforwardly claimed that holding your tongue due to fear of retaliation was a threat to liberal democracy. Today the paper is threatening to retaliate against journalists who “criticize” or “undermine” (???) their colleagues.
Michelangelo Signorile / @msignorile: This should say except for our star reporters — because this has basically been the NYT policy, but none of them of followed it.
Aaron Huertas / @aaronhuertas: I would just stop publishing bad opinion essays where the evidence and reasoning fall apart with the most basic scrutiny, but this is certainly another approach.
Dave Lee / @daveleeft: I can't be the only one who thinks the NYT's Twitter memo is perfectly reasonable.
Schooley / @rschooley: I always feel like the NYT blaming criticism on “Twitter” is such a cop out when I'm sure the feedback that gets under their skin isn't from deranged MAGA accounts but from some of their most informed and engaged readers, and often other journalists.
Lydia Polgreen / @lpolgreen: Spending less time on here, taking what happens on here less seriously and not being an ass on here: all excellent ideas!
Megan McArdle / @asymmetricinfo: 2) Nonetheless, Twitter *feels* like it is producing a lot of attention to your work. So journalists tell themselves that they have to spend all day on Twitter to promote their work, even though this doesn't, you know, actually result in anyone reading the work
Tom Gara / @tomgara: This is a huge misread of what Twitter does. It's a miniscule driver of traffic, obviously. But it plays a massive role in how a significant share of people with cultural & political power understand the world
Taylor Lorenz / @taylorlorenz: Anyway, you can read @perlberg's whole story here. I hope all newsrooms can evolve and start to understand the internet. The legacy news industry is so important and NYT journalists do excellent work, they deserve to be supported ...
Rachel Sklar / @rachelsklar: Old enough to remember when the NYT got rid of the Public Editor position because Twitter was totally going to take its place
Rafi Schwartz / @thejewishdream: I'm sure Bari is already hard at work writing 9,000 words about how this is cancel culture run amok
Kai / @kamilumin: undermining your colleagues is only for the opinion section
Tiana Lowe / @tianathefirst: Do not publicly trash the people paying for your rent and healthcare, period, if you want to collect that paycheck with dignity. That's not a journalism rule — it's a basic workplace ethic. That journalists feel entitled to smear the brands that made them famous is embarrassing.
Steven Perlberg / @perlberg: A New York Times spokesperson added that this is “absolutely not a ban.” A Twitter spokesperson declined to comment, sadly ...
Max Kennerly / @maxkennerly: @felixsalmon @sarahellison My understanding is that NYT wanted everyone to have a presence on social media of some sort, though their actual policies were more about what people shouldn't post rather than a requirement they post / interact / etc.
@dwaynefuhlhage: @sarahellison @NPRinskeep Does this mean the NYT is going to hire a public editor?
Josh Schwerin / @joshschwerin: Didn't the NYT designate twitter feedback as their defacto public editor?
Tom Gara / @tomgara: I just want to make clear to all NYT staffers who are reconsidering their approach to Twitter: I'm also here to support you and encourage you to continue posting vigorously
Julian Routh / @julianrouth: Been thinking about this more and more lately. What's more dangerous than it being an echo chamber for a particular ideological perspective is that it's an echo chamber for journalists to talk to journalists about journalism, all day, no breaks.
Noah Shachtman / @noahshachtman: Rolling Stone editor Noah Shachtman has issued a cocaine “reset” for the newsroom, urging reporters to “meaningfully reduce” their cocaine time and reminding them that key bumps and lines attacking or undermining their colleagues are not allowed
Bill Grueskin / @bgrueskin: It's troubling that the NYT's executive editor has to tell staff not to publicly attack/undermine their colleagues, but that's where we are.
Ellen Carmichael / @ellencarmichael: I agree it's good for reporters and generally all professionals working in public-facing jobs to “meaningfully reduce” their Twitter time.
Michael Socolow / @michaelsocolow: They eliminated the Public Editor, saying Twitter & social media would perform the same function of providing dynamic feedback & critique. Now they're saying the feedback & critique from social media isn't necessarily helpful or useful. Accepting criticism isn't easy for @nytimes
Taylor Lorenz / @taylorlorenz: These two things are in direct contradiction w/ each other. The issue w/ NYT is that they consistently buy into bad faith attacks online and punish their journalists when they're subject to gamergate style smear campaigns.
Jordan Fischer / @jordanonrecord: This is a cop out. Times journalists have said for years the newsroom doesn't have their backs when it comes to online harassment. Instead of addressing that, now the Times can wash its hands and say, “Being on Twitter was your choice.”
Matthew Gertz / @mattgertz: 1) Eliminate Times public editor, saying that Twitter feedback can do the job instead 2) Decide that Twitter feedback is bad and that Times journalists don't need to use it
Alex Griffing / Mediaite: Taylor Lorenz Eviscerates the NY Times' New ‘Regressive’ Twitter Policy: ‘Policing Employee Speech & Expression’
Joe Cunningham / The Kitchen Pundit: The New York Times Had To Tell Employees Not to Subweet Their Colleagues

A look at AT&T's disastrous merger with WarnerMedia, an attempt to compete with big tech companies that cost tens of billions of dollars and thousands of jobs — The company had finally closed its $85 billion acquisition of Time Warner, after a protracted fight with the Department of Justice …
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Tim Carvell / @timcarvell: Imagine making a deal so bad that Gerald Levin gets to judge you. (Source: )
Julia Alexander / @loudmouthjulia: “It seems silly now to think of AT&T like Facebook.” Good @Variety piece on AT&T/Time Warner, Xandr (remember Xandr?), competing against Google and Facebook, and how a few ill-advised decisions ultimately led to thousands of employees losing their jobs.
Todd Spangler / @xpangler: One observer called AT&T's acquisition of Time Warner “a nesting doll of ridiculousness.”
Brian Steinberg / @bristei: My colleagues @GeneMaddaus and @BrentALang weave together a cautionary tale of corporate hubris, romantic intrigue and technological overstepping in examining what will likely be judged by history as AT&T's horrendous tenure in command of WarnerMedia

Discovery takes control of HBO, CNN, and Warner Bros., forming Warner Bros. Discovery led by CEO David Zaslav and set to begin publicly trading on Monday — New York (CNN Business)Discovery's merger with WarnerMedia took effect on Friday afternoon, creating a streaming media giant led by CEO David Zaslav.
Variety, Variety, Ad Age, Deadline, NewscastStudio, @donie, Adweek, Variety, @brianstelter, @oliverdarcy and @lamarrwilson
Jennifer Maas / Variety: What Warner Bros. Discovery Looks Like on Day 1
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Brian Stelter / @brianstelter: The newly formed company, Warner Bros. Discovery, will begin publicly trading on Monday. Zaslav will hold a town hall event for employees on Thursday.

Interview with Jason Kilar, who spent almost two years as WarnerMedia's CEO, on paid subscriptions vs. free ad-supported services, measuring audiences, and more — This story first ran in Buffering, Vulture's newsletter about the streaming industry. Head to and subscribe today!
Todd Spangler / Variety: HBO Max Is Rolling Out an Updated Apple TV App That Promises Better Stability, New Features
@tinch: “There are some industries that change every week. I wouldn't say that exhibition is that. Now, there are exceptions. Alamo Drafthouse, for example, is a fantastic example of a new entry in that industry, that has brought breakthrough change.” 💯
AJ Christian / @mediadataequity: Good interview with former head of HBO Max in which he predicts consolidation to 3 streaming mega-channels (Netflix, Disney-Hulu, Discovery-HBO). 3 dominant channels....Sound familiar? We're hurtling back to the broadcast era & studio system 😩

Source: JB Perrette will run Discovery's streaming businesses and Kathleen Finch will oversee its cable networks, except HBO, CNN, and Magnolia, post-merger
LostRemote, Discovery, Inc., Bloomberg, The Wrap, Engadget, MediaPost, Beet.TV, @sarafischer, @xpangler, Ad Age, @lucas_shaw, @crazyantguy1970, @xpangler, @pkafka, The Streamable, Adweek and TVNewser
Jessica Lerner / LostRemote: JB Perrette Will Head Up All Streaming For Warner Bros. Discovery After Merger
Diane Haithman / The Wrap: Discovery Closes $43 Billion Merger With WarnerMedia to Form Warner Bros. Discovery
Robert Williams / Beet.TV: Breaking News: Discovery Names Jon Steinlauf as Chief U.S. Ad Sales Officer for Warner Bros. Discovery
Sara Fischer / @sarafischer: 1/4 NEW: @Discovery names new leadership team: - Adria Alpert Romm, chief ppl officer - Casey Bloys continues as chief content officer of HBO/HBO Max. - Bruce Campbell new role of chief revenue and strategy officer - Channing Dungey continues Chairman of Warner Bros. TV group
Todd Spangler / @xpangler: btw, JB Perrette (who's now overseeing HBO Max) helped launch Hulu when he was at NBC. Other early Hulu execs that went to WarnerMedia — Jason Kilar, Andy Forssell & Richard Tom — are exiting with the Warner Bros. Discovery merger
Lucas Shaw / @lucas_shaw: Discovery is going to announce the post-merger leadership team with WarnerMedia this week, likely today. A little taste:
Dustin M. Bergmann / @crazyantguy1970: It's great that Zaslav sought out advice from Daly & Iger, but I still have a strong feeling that this is going to be a situation similar to what's happening at Disney with Chapek. A disaster waiting to happen...
Todd Spangler / @xpangler: Discovery insiders repeatedly stress that Team Zaslav still hasn't really gotten under the hood of the soon-to-be former WarnerMedia, @Variety_Cynthia reports
Peter Kafka / @pkafka: JB Perrette, who helped build Hulu back when he was at NBCU, is Discovery/Warner's new streaming boss.
Matt Tamanini / The Streamable: Will Magnolia Network Move to HBO Max from discovery+ Following Merger?

The New York Times adds two reporters to its media desk: Ben Mullin, from The Wall Street Journal, and Jeremy Peters, from The New York Times' politics section — Ben Mullin and Jeremy Peters are joining the media desk. Read more in this note from Ellen Pollock, Pui-Wing Tam, Rich Barbieri and Joe Plambeck.
@nytimespr, @benmullin, @pkafka, @digitalshields, @dollydeighton, @puiwingtam, @haleighhoffman, @froomkin, @gbrotman and @ourand_sbj
@nytimespr: In some great news, we're thrilled to announce two stars💫💫 are joining the media reporting desk. Welcome @BenMullin and @jwpetersNYT!
Ben Mullin / @benmullin: Grateful to @WSJ for four amazing years and excited for what's next at @nytimes!
Peter Kafka / @pkafka: Lotta good nyt hires these days.
Mike Shields / @digitalshields: Killer hire by NYTimes
Katie Deighton / @dollydeighton: In all seriousness, I'm absolutely made up for my blazer-wearing pal @BenMullin who's a shining example of how you can constantly break news in the cutthroat world of media without being an arsehole
Pui-Wing Tam / @puiwingtam: Welcome @BenMullin and welcome back @jwpetersNYT to the media desk!
Haleigh Hoffman / @haleighhoffman: I can finally brag about my friend! So so proud of @BenMullin
Dan Froomkin / @froomkin: Good news! @jwpetersNYT will no longer be poisoning NYT political coverage with his deceptive hackery. See: Bad news! He'll be poisoning NYT media coverage instead. Which could be even worse.

With Russian state news channels blocked in Europe and restricted globally, Kremlin propaganda is being routed through Chinese officials and state media outlets — Russian propaganda about the war in Ukraine cratered last month after Russian state news channels were blocked in Europe and restricted globally.
CNN, @lizzadwoskin, @mrbcyber, @cat_zakrzewski, @willoremus, @kgosztola, @ajamubaraka, @rachaelmyrow, @seamusblackley and @klustout
Elizabeth Dwoskin / @lizzadwoskin: NEW: I spent a long time researching how Chinese state media - 2x the audience of Russia - is Putin's most powerful infowar proxy. For me this raises big unanswered questions about how tech cos should act on state media propaganda in wartime and not. ...
Michael Ron Bowling / @mrbcyber: China is Russia's proxy in the country's disinformation wars over Ukraine & Russia is China's proxy against the US. ...
Cat Zakrzewski / @cat_zakrzewski: Important story. Social media companies took unprecedented steps to muffle Russian state media after the invasion. But Chinese state media is still boosting Russia's false narratives.
Will Oremus / @willoremus: Facebook and YouTube were widely praised for cracking down on Russian state media. Now, @lizzadwoskin reports the same Russian propaganda is being laundered through Chinese state media accounts that have no such restrictions — and over 10x the audience. ...
Kevin Gosztola / @kgosztola: In Russia and China, we say their state-funded media spreads disinformation and fake news to delude their populations. But in the US, when media outlets spread similar propaganda on behalf of government, it's information warfare, and many reporters are shocked and awed by it.
@ajamubaraka: I guess without Chinese & Kremlin propaganda many of us would not have never wondered if it wasn't absurd that the nations responsible for some of the worst ongoing war crimes & crimes against humanity would be demanding war crimes investigations.
Rachael Myrow / @rachaelmyrow: China is a powerful megaphone for Kremlin disinformation, sharing false claims about its invasion of Ukraine. “This is the time for the tech platforms to finally create rules about state media run by authoritarian governments.” ... via @lizzadwoskin

The New Jersey Hills Media Group, which includes 14 print weeklies, converts to nonprofit ownership, assumed by the Corporation for New Jersey Local Media — The nonprofit Corporation for New Jersey Local Media (CNJLM) has assumed ownership of the New Jersey Hills Media Group …

The Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences bars Will Smith from attending the Oscars for 10 years, due to his slapping of comedian Chris Rock on stage — Will Smith will not be allowed to attend the Academy Awards for the next 10 years, as a result of his slapping comedian Chris Rock …
New York Times, CNBC, CNET, Hollywood Reporter, New York Post, Insider, Fox News, @kelechnekoff, Irish Examiner, @davidpsamson, @bcdreyer, @prestonmitchum, @malyndahale, @daviddtss, @sholamos1, CBS News, @theeanxiousgay, @latimes, @mousterpiece, @jason, @miafarrow, @jasonrantz, SheKnows, @mattbelloni, @obrien, Los Angeles Times, GoldDerby, @lucas_shaw, @farrahsafiakhan, @fred_delicious, @taylorespo, @brennanator, Collider, Us Weekly, Vanity Fair, @awestruckvox, @sanasaeed, MovieWeb, IGN, @bosscatholic, The Guardian, @deathntaxesprof, Rolling Stone, ET Canada, RADAR and The FADER
Nicole Sperling / New York Times: Will Smith Barred From Attending Oscars for 10 Years After Slap
Sarah Whitten / CNBC: Will Smith banned from attending the Oscars for 10 years after slapping Chris Rock on stage
Gael Fashingbauer Cooper / CNET: Will Smith Banned From Oscars for 10 Years, Says ‘I Accept and Respect’ Decision
Keyaira Boone / Insider: Will Smith is allowed to keep the Academy Award he won despite his 10-year ban from attending the Oscars
Stephanie Nolasco / Fox News: Will Smith reacts to 10-year Oscars ban
Kelechi / @kelechnekoff: Will the Academy be around in ten years? Find out on the next episode of Dragonball Z.
David P. Samson / @davidpsamson: Not exactly a deterrent...banning movies that he appears in from being nominated in any category for ten years would end such behavior permanently.
Benjamin Dreyer / @bcdreyer: Bringing some real “second prize is two weeks in Philadelphia” energy.
@prestonmitchum: Excuse my language - or don't - but this is BULLSHIT. Unbelievably so.
Malynda Hale / @malyndahale: I'm sorry but this is extreme. Banned from the Oscars for a decade seems like a lot to me.
David Dennis Jr / @daviddtss: “His resignation and barring from future telecasts do not preclude him from being nominated or even winning future Academy Awards during that time.” Ah do this is performative BS? Copy.
@sholamos1: Will Smith banned from Academy events - OK. He resigned so might not. But 10 years is harsh & smacks of criminalising him when White male Oscar winners who've done bad & worse are not banned. The Racism & Double Standards here stinks. The ideology of Whiteness is a sickness.
@theeanxiousgay: once again reminding everyone that harvey weinstein has 81 oscars and the Academy has never once publicly criticized or otherwise punished him.
@latimes: “We also hope this can begin a time of healing and restoration for all involved and impacted,” the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences said. Read more at
Josh Spiegel / @mousterpiece: Two weeks later, the Academy continues to work as hard as possible to come off worse in this fiasco, and you gotta hand it to them for committing to this bit.
Mia Farrow / @miafarrow: He'll have to watch the Oscars from the Vanity Fair party - thats very harsh
Louisa Ballhaus / SheKnows: Will Smith Has Been Banned From the Oscars For the Next 10 Years
Matthew Belloni / @mattbelloni: @Lucas_Shaw @ScottFeinberg Yep they are courting a Polanski situation where he gets nominated anyway...and now the awards press can debate it endlessly for 8 months a year!
Chris O'Brien / @obrien: Worth noting: His next role is playing a runaway slave, the kind of part that would normally be Oscar buzzworthy. Will be fun if he gets a nomination and wins again.
Christopher Rosen / GoldDerby: Will Smith has been banned from attending Oscars for the next decade
Lucas Shaw / @lucas_shaw: This means he can't attend. But I believe he can still be nominated? Need help @ScottFeinberg @MattBelloni
Farrah Khan / @farrahsafiakhan: It's telling who gets banned and who gets to keep coming to be celebrated.
Fred Delicious / @fred_delicious: in solidarity, i too will not be attending the academy awards for the next 10 years
@taylorespo: So when are Weinstein, Allen, and Polanski stripped of theirs and banned? (I know Polanski won't come to the States or he's arrested, but they can take it away).
Ryan O'Rourke / Collider: Will Smith Given a 10-Year Ban by the Academy of Motion Pictures
Michelle McGahan / Us Weekly: Will Smith Banned From the Oscars for 10 Years by Academy After Chris Rock Oscars Slap
Kev / @awestruckvox: They acting like the Oscars are gonna be around in 10 years
Anthony Lund / MovieWeb: The Academy Bans Will Smith From Oscars For 10 Years
Catholic Boss Nass / @bosscatholic: Remember they gave an applause to Roman Polanski.
Goldburn P. Maynard Jr / @deathntaxesprof: Will the Oscars even be around in current form in a decade? Ratings are going down every year. They really thought this was a flex? 🤷🏿♂ ️
Daniel Kreps / Rolling Stone: Will Smith Banned From the Oscars for Next 10 Years
Joshua Wilburn / RADAR: Academy Bans Will Smith For 10 Years After Infamous Chris Rock Slap
Raphael Helfand / The FADER: Will Smith receives 10-year ban from Oscars

A look at the creation of USA Today's short, free graphic novel, “An eviction crisis for Black women”, accompanying a 4,000-word subscriber-only investigation — There's been a lot of talk about the need to experiment with new forms in journalism, especially to reach younger and historically underserved audiences.
@sarahscire, @jago_kosolosky, @rominaadi, @sarahscire, @aforhj, @eyeseast, @swapnavenugopal and USA Today
Sarah Scire / @sarahscire: The goal was to “tell the story as fast as an eviction typically happens.” @RominaAdi on wanting her journalism to reach the communities she reports on, the need for reporters to be “less precious” about our work, and more.
@jago_kosolosky: “It's still like, build it and they will come. And that's not true” via @NiemanLab
Romina Ruiz-Goiriena / @rominaadi: An enormous thanks to @SarahScire from @NiemanLab who heard me ramble and captured the enormous team effort from the storytellers lab at @USATODAY for how we sought to reimagine our investigation about eviction and Black women to audiences everywhere.
Sarah Scire / @sarahscire: More details from the senior developer for storytelling at USA Today. (Thank you for the thread, @eyeseast!)
@aforhj: “The goal was to ‘tell the story as fast as an eviction typically happens.’ ‘Eviction is a civil process that was meant to be fast and cheap for landlords, not for tenants,’ @RominaAdi said.” 🎯
Chris Amico / @eyeseast: Happy to see @NiemanLab write up this graphic novel Let me say a little more about the tech behind it.

The Parcast union reaches a tentative agreement with Spotify and Parcast management, averting a strike; the deal terms are expected to be similar to Gimlet's — The agreement seemingly averts a threatened strike, but now the bargaining unit and the Writers Guild of America, East Council must approve its terms.

Sources: to diversify its revenue, Meta is exploring ideas like “creator coins” for Instagram influencers and “social tokens” to reward meaningful contributions — Meta has drawn up plans to introduce virtual coins, tokens and lending services to its apps …
@johnlegere, @only1nft, @smdiehl, @stomarova, Technicismi, ScreenRant, Kotaku, Protocol, Fast Company, New York Post, PC Gamer, U-Studio's Newsletter, Engadget, CNET, Input,, MediaPost, Insider, The Verge and CoinDesk
@only1nft: heard you are launching NFT gated contents @Meta 👀. We'll try it first for you on @solana (without selling user data) 👇👇
Stephen Diehl / @smdiehl: Oh god, here we go again. Think they would have learned their lesson from the last tire fire. 🙄
@stomarova: This is truly dystopian-scary: Meta creating ‘reputation tokens’ for ‘meaningful’ contributions to FB groups. Wow. Facebook owner Meta targets finance with ‘Zuck Bucks’ and creator coins
Owen Thomas / Protocol: Forget ‘Zuck Bucks.’ The real story is Facebook's financial identity crisis.
Moises Mendez II / Fast Company: Meta is reportedly working on new features straight out of ‘Black Mirror’
Thomas Barrabi / New York Post: Facebook parent Meta wants to introduce ‘Zuck Bucks’: report
Marcos Cabello / CNET: Meta Reportedly Working on Virtual Currency ‘Zuck Bucks’
Anugraha Sundaravelu / ‘Zuck Bucks’ could be Facebook's new in-app currency
Karlene Lukovitz / MediaPost: Meta Pursuing New Currency Options, Including ‘Zuck Bucks’
Urooba Jamal / Insider: Meta is working on virtual coins for its apps that employees have nicknamed ‘Zuck Bucks’, a report says
Jay Peters / The Verge: Meta is reportedly making ‘Zuck Bucks’
Michael Bellusci / CoinDesk: Meta Exploring Non-Blockchain-Based Virtual Currency: Report