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In a memo, Chris Licht says CNN added a “Breaking News” guideline to its stylebook to address the banner's overuse: “its impact has become lost on the audience” — CNN's new boss Chris Licht says that beginning today, CNN has added a “Breaking News” guideline to its stylebook …
@benmullin, The Daily Beast, Deadline, Variety, @heathernauert, @stengel, Hollywood Reporter, @derekahunter, Newser, @aparanjape, @tomsherwood, @ewerickson, @egavactip, CNBC, @bencjacobs, @rsg, @jonostrower, @ashtonpittman, @adamdavidson, @marlownyc, @dandarling, @matt4va, @jayrosen_nyu, @davidlarter, @ktoropin, @jayrosen_nyu, @sirajahashmi, @davidclinchnews, @stevekopack, @chrisvanderveen, @cheromcha, @rebeccabuck, @pdavis_llc, @joshschwerin, @scottnover, @bubbaprog, @jayrosen_nyu, @bmccandless, @felixsalmon, @benfischersbj, @benmullin, @benmullin, TVNewser, Substack, New York Post, Mediaite and The Wrap
Ben Mullin / @benmullin: Scoop — Chris Licht has emailed employees saying CNN overuses its “breaking news” banner, announces new “guns in America” beat, sets town hall meeting for June 16, says Marcus Mabry will be interim leader for Meredith Artley.
Justin Baragona / The Daily Beast: CNN's New Boss: Enough With the Constant ‘Breaking News’ Banners
Ted Johnson / Deadline: New CNN Boss Chris Licht Wants To Cut Back On Use Of “Breaking News” Chyron, Announces Creation Of “Guns In America” Beat
Brian Steinberg / Variety: CNN's New Chief Says ‘Breaking News’ Banner Is Overused
@heathernauert: Banners have been over the top & overused for years - glad Chris is pulling back. Hope other news orgs do the same. @CNN #newsalert #breakingnews 🚨🔔💥#cnn
Richard Stengel / @stengel: I hate to tell folks, but news never actually “breaks.” “News” is the packaging of information by people in the media. A “breaking news” banner is a way to activate your dopamine reward system, not a way of getting you more information. ...
Alex Weprin / Hollywood Reporter: CNN Chief Reveals Hiring Plans Underway, Updates “Breaking News” Banner Guidelines
Derek Hunter / @derekahunter: They should keep the “breaking” part and get rid of “news.” At least that would be accurate.
Jenn Gidman / Newser: CNN Makes a Shift on ‘Breaking News’
Amit Paranjape / @aparanjape: About time! :) ... Hope all Indian news channels think along similar lines... though quite unlikely. CNN cutting back on over-hyping everything as “breaking news”
Tom Sherwood / @tomsherwood: Now this really is “breaking news.” The overuse of the faux headline by CNN undermined its credibility. Good to see this change. Hope others follow. @politicshour @wcp
Erick Erickson / @ewerickson: This is a good thing
Mark Pitcavage / @egavactip: I have lamented CNN's “breaking news” fixation previously, so this is welcome, but more welcome is the detail in the article that CNN is creating a “Guns in America” unit to explore gun violence issues. ...
Alex Sherman / CNBC: New CNN boss has a message for staffers: Cool it with the ‘Breaking News’ banner
Ben Jacobs / @bencjacobs: Need a detailed piece on how they reached this decision, a ticker ticktock
Bobby Goodlatte / @rsg: Breaking News: less breaking news
Jon Ostrower / @jonostrower: Way overdue, seeing at it's been there - unceasingly - since September 11, 2001.
Ashton Pittman / @ashtonpittman: This remains one of the most ridiculous chyrons I've ever seen on cable news.
Adam Davidson / @adamdavidson: Next: get rid of “exclusive” for every interview. Like, obviously, that person isn't simultaneously on other networks.
Marlow Stern / @marlownyc: am glad cnn is *finally* doing this because the network hasn't been the same since malaysia airlines flight 370 broke their brains ...
Daniel Darling / @dandarling: Glad to see these changes at CNN:
@matt4va: Good for @CNN. This needs to be looked at at both @MSNBC & @FoxNews. We need to restore a sense of urgency with breaking news so that it makes sure to attract the attention of viewers.
Jay Rosen / @jayrosen_nyu: Now that BREAKING NEWS has been reined in, my pick for next to go: is-less-ness, brilliantly satirized by Michael Kinsley 21 years ago. Recent example: “The United States now poised to send billions of additional dollars in new aid to Ukraine...” Hear it?
David B. Larter / @davidlarter: In the grand scheme this is a small change when compared with the absolute monstrosity they cable news has morphed into over these past 20 years. But it was one of the first signs of a troubling drift toward leading the target instead of covering it. ...
@ktoropin: @RebeccaBuck I can recall at least 3 JZ town halls where he said he wanted his show teams to do it less...
Jay Rosen / @jayrosen_nyu: “Zaslav and mentor and investor John Malone have been public about their push to bring CNN back towards hard news coverage, and away from progressive commentary.” Okay. Is tracking use of the Big Lie and its poisons hard news? Or progressive commentary?
Siraj Hashmi / @sirajahashmi: you could say “breaking news” (•_•) ( •_•)>⌐■- ■ (⌐■_■) broke news
David Clinch / @davidclinchnews: Easy to make fun of this but it has always been an issue within CNN and other news networks about how to handle the balance between “hype” and “urgency” as important stories are developing. The concept of “Live Journalism” is becoming very important so updates have full context.
Steve Kopack / @stevekopack: CNN head Chris Licht, announcing “breaking news” guidelines to dial back on constant use of the term/graphic: “It has become such a fixture on every channel and network that its impact has become lost on the audience.”
Chris Vanderveen / @chrisvanderveen: Ah nertz. Just when I was starting to get used to being alarmed at all hours of the day.
Kyle Cheromcha / @cheromcha: in 2015 CNN selected a group of millennial employees and asked us to give presentations to execs (incl. Jeff Zucker) about how to bring in younger viewers. i told them the breaking news thing was murdering CNN's credibility and was roundly ignored. funny how times change.
Rebecca Buck / @rebeccabuck: This has been attempted before 🙃
Phil Davis / @pdavis_llc: Would love to see a wider adoption of this across all of TV news and their social media accounts
Josh Schwerin / @joshschwerin: Should really have used “Breaking” rather than “Scoop” here
Scott Nover / @scottnover: God bless Chris Licht
Timothy Burke / @bubbaprog: A lot of the things CNN has billed as “breaking news” are things that were entirely expected/scheduled or are not really breaking any news at all.
Jay Rosen / @jayrosen_nyu: “CNN's new boss Chris Licht says that beginning today, CNN has added a ‘Breaking News’ guideline to its stylebook, to ADDRESS OVERUSE OF THE BREAKING NEWS BANNER across its network and cable news writ-large.” [CAPS mine]
Bill McCandless / @bmccandless: The ratings on the extremes, not the middle. Good luck.🤞
Ben Fischer / @benfischersbj: It's not the same as a toxic partisan propaganda agenda, but CNN's “everything is a huge crisis at all times” agenda has been damaging in its own way.
Ben Mullin / @benmullin: Breaking news: CNN's new boss thinks its breaking news banner is overused.
Ben Mullin / @benmullin: I think this is the the first specific, concrete editorial decision about what goes on CNN's air that Chris Licht has announced since he took over in May.
A.J. Katz / TVNewser: CNN's Chris Licht Announces Gun Violence in America Beat; Guideline for Using ‘Breaking News’ Banner
Alexandra Steigrad / New York Post: CNN's new boss orders network to dial back labeling everything ‘breaking news’

Creators who focused on the Johnny Depp vs. Amber Heard trial made thousands of dollars through platform incentives, influencing public opinion in the process — Influencers discovered there's money and clout to be made in covering breaking news — When the verdict came …
New York Magazine, @hshaban, National Review, Newsweek, @walldo, @ejdickson, Sinners News, @jdelreal, @jdelreal, Fredagslänkar, @mccormickprof, Insider, @thatumbrella, @mccormickprof, New York Post, Mashable, @oliverdarcy, @jdelreal, @mhbergen, @jdelreal, @jdelreal, @ggreenwald, Forbes, @jdelreal, @oliverdarcy, @ggreenwald, Fox News, @damintoell, @jdelreal, @mccormickprof, @jdelreal, @ggreenwald, @taylorlorenz, The Wrap, @ma_franks, @elite_gz, @josephfcox, @dangillmor, @carnage4life, Substack, @the_moviebob, Fox News, Mediaite, @taylorlorenz, @taylorlorenz, @shallowbrigade, @xpatriciah, @katzonearth, @taylorlorenz, @thenamesq, Constant Commoner, @clancynewyork, @brosandprose, @nprinskeep, @hshaban, @hshaban, @drsarteschi, @thatumbrella, @glynnmacn, @glynnmacn, @hoeglaw, @noupside, @taylorlorenz, @taylorlorenz, @taylorlorenz, @summer_delaney, @taylorlorenz, @taylorlorenz, The Forward, Vox and CNN
Choire Sicha / New York Magazine: The Mainstream Media Lost the Depp-Heard Trial
Hamza Shaban / @hshaban: Another way to read this column was to collapse all the ways breaking news clout chasers differ from journalists and to think of the new, dark media environment as just an exaggerated, mutant version of the old one: traffic chasers, set free from ethics of fairness and accuracy
Caroline Downey / National Review: Youtubers Claim WaPo's Taylor Lorenz Lied about Requesting Comment for Hit Piece
Dr. David R. Spiegel / Newsweek: ‘I Testified in the Heard vs. Depp Trial. The Backlash Has Been Horrific’
Brandon Wall / @walldo: This is a very good assessment from @TaylorLorenz of how the Depp/Heard verdict played out across the internet, how influencers and otherwise unrelated accounts recognized the potent viral opportunities for aggressively posting about it ...
Ej Dickson / @ejdickson: Creators pretending to be journalists while simultaneously ignoring journalistic ethics and smearing journalists at every turn is very very funny to me
Jose A. Del Real / @jdelreal: ...corrections are part of the promise reporters make to their audiences — if we get something wrong, we tell you, and as soon as we know. A robust correction policy also reflects an institution's commitment to getting it right.
Jose A. Del Real / @jdelreal: With so many bad faith actors constantly attacking journalists for easy clout, errors in process are not just mortifying, but can feel like the “FINISH HIM” sequence in Mortal Combat. Everything on twitter these days is all out war. It turns out, that's not good for truth.
Jacob Shamsian / Insider: Johnny Depp v. Amber Heard was livestreamed for the world to see. Was that a good idea?
@thatumbrella: The Washington Post LIED and DID NOT contact me before including me in their story on Johnny Depp, despite reporting they did so. I noted this on Twitter today at 8:31p. At 9:44p they decided to contact me, AFTER I noted this publicly. (
Dana Kennedy / New York Post: Washington Post issues two corrections to Taylor Lorenz article that had already been stealth-edited
Oliver Darcy / @oliverdarcy: WaPo has added a correction to a Taylor Lorenz story after two people said they were not contacted for comment as the initial version of the article stated. The correx says “previous versions” of the story “omitted or inaccurately described” the attempts to to ask for comment.
Jose A. Del Real / @jdelreal: Corrections feel like a dagger through the heart to a good reporter. Even minor ones hurt, hurt, hurt. I'm talking sleepless nights over an incorrect age, a misspelled name, a misquoted word. A correction means something went wrong prior to publication, that we fell short. But...
Mark Bergen / @mhbergen: “A lot of major content creators probably don't even care about it that much — they just care about the views that it gets.” Good @TaylorLorenz on the content cash in. ...
Jose A. Del Real / @jdelreal: And yet there are new friction points which threaten that contract, which we journalists need to be mindful of, to protect against, and to approach with humility.
Jose A. Del Real / @jdelreal: Do I like seeing chunky corrections on stories in WaPo, a publication I deeply love and believe in and put my sweat into? Absolutely not. And yet such a thing means that someone somewhere in the process chose transparency. That's a good thing. I'd rather that to the alternative.
Glenn Greenwald / @ggreenwald: Go read the lengthy, multi-pronged Washington Post “corrections” of the Taylor Lorenz story. They don't describe reckless errors the way she's displayed on so many other occasions. They describe outright fraud: deliberate, self-interested lying. ...
Dani Di Placido / Forbes: Johnny Depp Stans Turn Their Attention To Amber Heard's Role In ‘Aquaman 2’
Jose A. Del Real / @jdelreal: But we need to rise above. Corrections are part of our commitment to truth — a part of the promise we make, not an aberration from it. They are part of our vocational obligation, ego be damned. We need to be proactive about them when necessary, and transparent. 7/7
Oliver Darcy / @oliverdarcy: WaPo has added a correction to a Taylor Lorenz story after two people said they were not contacted for comment as the initial version of the article stated. The correx says “previous versions” of the story “omitted or inaccurately described” the attempts to to ask for comment.
Glenn Greenwald / @ggreenwald: Again and again and again:
Joseph Wulfsohn / Fox News: YouTuber says WaPo correction on Taylor Lorenz story claiming contact on Instagram before publication is false
@damintoell: Both people mentioned in the same paragraph allege that Taylor Lorenz lied about ever attempting to contact them for comment.
Jose A. Del Real / @jdelreal: I see that twitter is talking about corrections tonight. Seems like a good moment to break this process down for non-journalists in particular. 1/
Jose A. Del Real / @jdelreal: That's no small deal. It's what sets newspaper reporters apart from non-news media and internet content creators.
Glenn Greenwald / @ggreenwald: How many times does the same NYT/WPost reporter have to be caught lying before her frightened colleagues cease defending her or remain silent? Again, media employees love lamenting that they lost the trust of the public, but *never* look in the mirror to ask why this happened.
Taylor Lorenz / @taylorlorenz: I think it's a mistake for ppl to read this and think creators are just after $$, they're after *audience* + attn, and that's what the platforms reward them w/. Money comes out of that, sure, but online following is a springboard, followers are more valuable than raw dollars
Sharon Knolle / The Wrap: Washington Post Amends Taylor Lorenz Column After YouTubers Claim She Never Contacted Them
Dr. Mary Anne Franks / @ma_franks: One of the most grotesque features of this trial debacle is the damage done by juvenile “content creators” who pivoted to memes and videos mocking and attacking Heard for no reason other than “Johnny content performed a lot better'” ...
Jaime Brooks / @elite_gz: reminds me a lot of what music started to look like after algorithms took over discovery
Joseph Cox / @josephfcox: Influencers: you can't trust ‘the media’, they're driven by clicks (I don't have access to the tool that measures readership, and have never, and will never, look) Also influencers: pivoting to news with engagement being their only tangible metric 🤡
Dan Gillmor / @dangillmor: We need a better expressions than “content creators” and “influencers” to describe the phenomenon laid out in this @TaylorLorenz piece on the often-sleazy infopreneurs who latch onto widely followed news and feed a metastasizing civic sickness. ...
@carnage4life: Gamergate was to Twitter what the Depp-Heard trial is to TikTok. It's a new chapter in online misinformation and harassment campaigns. ...
Dave Pell / Substack: What Defund Were You Thinking? — In the 90s, I was teaching English at a poorly performing high school …
@the_moviebob: It sounds crass to point it out, but **everyone** pretty much got a preview of how this worked via the way alternative-reality “Who Asked For This!?"/"Woke Movie BOMBS!" - themed around films that provably earned BILLIONS - YouTube content became a whole industry over last decade
Joseph Wulfsohn / Fox News: YouTubers say WaPo's Taylor Lorenz falsely claimed she reached out for comment in story about Depp-Heard trial
Zachary Leeman / Mediaite: Two YouTubers Accuse Taylor Lorenz of Falsely Claiming She Reached Out For Comment on Depp-Heard Story
Taylor Lorenz / @taylorlorenz: I talked to dozens of content creators of all sizes this morning, in many genres, and nearly all of them said the same thing: the trial helped them recognize the power of breaking news to capture audiences, and the plan to cover more news going forward ...
Taylor Lorenz / @taylorlorenz: Whether many in traditional media and politics want to admit it or not, it's a YouTuber's world right now and we're just living in it. I wrote about how this trial was proof of content creator's growing influence over the news cycle ...
Kim O'Connor / @shallowbrigade: This story, which describes TikTok influencers as direct competition for legacy news outlets AND a growing economy that's especially vulnerable to propaganda, is so disturbing. Whew ...
Patricia Hernandez / @xpatriciah: It's wild that content creators in this admit Depp stuff does better and Heard stuff hurts them, but with a blase attitude that betrays the facts are immaterial to how they pick who the content is favorable to. &STILL the narrative is everyone else is lying to you
Jonathan M. Katz / @katzonearth: On one hand it sucks that the future of journalism is being a craven, publicity-obsessed Insta/TikToker with no ethics who gets willingly rolled by craven celebrity lawyers. On the other hand that's Nancy Grace with a smart phone.
Taylor Lorenz / @taylorlorenz: “Creators aren't beholden to any editorial standards or journalistic norms... In fact, they're incentivized to break them, to fit the narrative and make money,” @kattenbarge, a reporter at NBC News covering the trial tweeted ...
@thenamesq: We're gonna continue doing it ourselves because people trust us more than you.
Eileen Clancy / @clancynewyork: Everything Taylor writes scares me a little. Maybe because she sees so clearly. Unpaywalled link: [ ...]
Ella Dawson / @brosandprose: “Last month, Adam Waldman, who represented Depp against Heard's abuse allegations in 2016, testified that he “slid” into big influencers' DMs to provide information about the case and promote the notion that Depp was innocent.” @TaylorLorenz ...
Steve Inskeep / @nprinskeep: “Creators aren't beholden to any editorial standards or journalistic norms... In fact, they're incentivized to break them, to fit the narrative and make money.” ...
Hamza Shaban / @hshaban: When creators claim that their engagement sags and that they lose followers when they did “pro-Heard” takes, it's worth examining why algorithmic sorting steers audiences that way
Hamza Shaban / @hshaban: As an exercise replace these words with “journalist” or “news outlet” and it's easier to see how issues around editorial judgment, financial incentives, fairness, amplification & distortion are still ongoing challenges in legacy media and that creators are extending/evolving them
@drsarteschi: Holy smokes: “ThatUmbrellaGuy, an anonymous YouTuber whose entire channel is dedicated to pro-Depp content, earned up to $80,000 last month, according to an estimate by social analytics firm Social Blade”
@thatumbrella: I have a rule. NEVER speak to the mainstream media. A lot of YouTubers don't seem to get that the media isn't your pal. They're relics struggling to maintain supremacy at any cost, and that includes destroying you with your words.
Glynnis MacNicol / @glynnmacn: Content produced by social media influencers skewed heavily pro-Depp, with economic bias playing a big role. “Johnny content performed a lot better,” said Rowan Winch, a 17-year-old content creator." ...
Glynnis MacNicol / @glynnmacn: “As traditional news outlets prioritized stories such as the leaked Supreme Court draft opinion on abortion, the war in Ukraine, and mass shootings in Buffalo and Texas, it left an opening for online coverage to set the tone with the Depp-Heard trial.”
Renee DiResta / @noupside: Influencers have been “the media” for some time now, particularly in the political sphere, despite protestations that they are somehow outside it. Old differentiation lines like institutional affiliation have been blurry for a while (bloggers, now Substackers, etc)
Taylor Lorenz / @taylorlorenz: Good thoughts from @joefederer on the consequences of this new emergent landscape ...
Taylor Lorenz / @taylorlorenz: As more people turn to online creators for information and more creators embrace their role as newscasters, misinformation is flourishing. The trial provided a playbook for anyone looking to leverage the creator economy for their own gain. ...
Taylor Lorenz / @taylorlorenz: “You can be a kid in high school, but if u hop on [news] early, it can basically change ur life. You can use those views & likes and shares that you get from it, to monetize and build your account and make more money from it, meet more people and network.” ...
Summer Delaney / @summer_delaney: “In this new landscape, every big news event becomes an opportunity to amass followers, money and clout. And the Depp-Heard trial showed how the creator-driven news ecosystem can influence public opinion based on platform incentives.” Great piece by @TaylorLorenz
Taylor Lorenz / @taylorlorenz: Nearly every large breaking news event in the past year has birthed a new crop of online influencers, and with each event more creators realize the value of incorporating more news coverage into their channels ...
Taylor Lorenz / @taylorlorenz: In this new media landscape, every big news event becomes an opportunity to amass followers, money and clout. And the Depp-Heard trial showed how the creator-driven news ecosystem can influence public opinion based on platform incentives ...
Laura E. Adkins / The Forward: The way we fell for Johnny Depp spells trouble for Evan Rachel Wood
Constance Grady / Vox: Johnny Depp's legal victory makes it clear the Me Too backlash has arrived
Brian Stelter / CNN: Depp and Heard: A ‘digital-age witch trial’ or a just verdict?

Barry Sussman, the Washington Post editor who directly oversaw the Watergate investigation by reporters Bob Woodward and Carl Bernstein, dies at 87 — Barry Sussman, the Washington Post editor who directly oversaw the Watergate investigation by reporters Bob Woodward and Carl Bernstein …
Dan Froomkin / Press Watch: Barry Sussman, the unsung hero of Watergate, was a champion of watchdog journalism
Richard Sandomir / New York Times: Barry Sussman, Washington Post Watergate Editor, Dies at 87
Richard M. Nixon / @dick_nixon: Yes, well.
Jeff Stein / @spytalker: I'm just catching up to this horrible news: Barry Sussman, Washington Post editor who oversaw Watergate reporting, dies at 87. I felt honored by his friendship and we had planned to run a series of his Watergate reminiscences at SpyTalk. So very sad. ...
Dan O'Sullivan / @osullyville: Watergate should be better understood less as a high point for journalism than the most effective exploitation of a journalist by a source in history
Kim Zetter / @kimzetter: Wow indeed. His contribution should have been included in story. “Woodward and Bernstein...described Sussman as ‘Talmudic’ in his mastery of the most arcane details of the Watergate affair and ‘Socratic’ in his ability to elicit leads from them through his insightful questioning”
Joshua Benton / @jbenton: R.I.P. Barry Sussman, who aside from all his journalistic exploits (Watergate!) was also a great colleague at @niemanfdn when he ran Nieman Watchdog ...
Ted Nesi / @tednesi: “In truth, journalism is a far more collective enterprise, with crucial roles played by people whose names do not appear below headlines in the space known in newspaper jargon as the byline.” Very true! Same in TV - editors, producers, and so many others ...
Dan Froomkin / @froomkin: Please read Barry Sussman's final column for, a fantastic project that he helmed for 8 years. He cared so much about journalism. ...
Dan Froomkin / @froomkin: Barry Sussman was one of the all-time great editors, the overlooked hero of Watergate, and unlike so many others, he never lost his passion for holding the powerful accountable. RIP. ...
Karen Heller / @kheller: Journalism is a collective enterprise, with crucial roles played by those whose names do not appear in bylines. One such person, perhaps the chief example in @washingtonpost unraveling of Watergate, was editor Barry Sussman. Terrific @EmilyLangerWP tribute ...
@freedomofpress: RIP Barry Sussman, Washington Post editor who oversaw the paper's legendary Watergate reporting. ...
Jim Brunner / @jim_brunner: Asked about Woodward and Bernstein decades later, Sussman replied: “I don't have anything good to say about either one of them.” 😲
Laura J. Nelson / @laura_nelson: Wonderful obit that touches on how essential, and unsung, a good editor can be: ...
Lionel Barber / @lionelbarber: Brilliant tribute to Barry Sussman, Washington Post editor who oversaw Watergate reporting - a much needed reminder of the importance of sound editing alongside intrepid reporting. Barry was generous with his wisdom when I was Stern Fellow in 1985 ...
Amy Fiscus / @amyfiscus: Wow. Woodward and Bernstein's editor stopped talking to them when they cut him out of writing All the President's Men, said it was “wrong often on detail” and decades later, “I don't have anything good to say about either one of them.” !!! ...
Leon Neyfakh / @leoncrawl: if i'm not mistaken, barry sussman was the first person we interviewed for slow burn. talking to him and reading his excellent book “the great cover-up” made me confident there were plenty of rocks to turn over in what struck me, at first, as a pretty tired story
Paul Schwartzman / @paulschwartzman: “Before anyone else at The Post, Mr. Sussman saw Watergate as a larger story, saw that individual events were part of a larger pattern, the result of hidden decisions from somewhere in the top of government which sent smaller men to run dirty errands.” ...
Max Boot / @maxboot: A lovely tribute to the unsung hero of the Post's Watergate coverage. Editors seldom get the credit they deserve but are indispensable to all good writing. ...
Varun Sood / @varunstweets: ‘Newspapering is imagined as a solitary undertaking, the work of shabbily dressed reporters hunched over their keyboards with telephones. Actually, journalism is far more collective, with roles played by people whose names do not get the byline’ ...
David Beard / @dabeard: “Watergate was a puzzle and he was a collector of the pieces.” #RIP editor Barry Sussman, who paired Woodward and Bernstein, was their lead editor, and bolstered their stories on deadline. Strangely, he was omitted from the movie “All The President's Men.” ...

Clubhouse eliminated “a handful of roles” as part of a broader restructuring; leaving staff include the heads of news partnerships, community, and international — Clubhouse, the social audio app that became a big hit during the early days of the pandemic, laid off multiple employees this week …
Engadget, @carnage4life, @ashleyrcarman, @eringriffith, @kimcrayton1, @eringriffith, @caseynewton, @parismartineau, @s_m_i, @ellenhuet, @aarthir, @anuatluru, @ninaberries and Protocol
Igor Bonifacic / Engadget: Clubhouse lays off some employees amid strategic shift
@carnage4life: I saw a number of Clubhouse employees talking about leaving the company earlier this week but didn't realize it's because they just had layoffs. This is another company that was fooled by COVID into thinking a transient usage spike was a long term trend.
Ashley Carman / @ashleyrcarman: late friday SCOOP: clubhouse laid people off this week as it's shifting strategy, presumably to get into growth mode
Erin Griffith / @eringriffith: ...maybe not for long. Layoffs today from two different pandemic darlings - Clubhouse and Superhuman: ...
@kimcrayton1: “...and prominent content creators have left the platform.” Let's be very clear...BLACK FOLX left the platform When you bank your success on a user that you allowed to become a target of harm, you have nothing when they leave Black folx made Clubhouse & got nothing in return
Erin Griffith / @eringriffith: so far the “sky is falling” warnings in startup-land have felt disproportionally louder than the actual news of the sky falling (layoffs / cutting / shutdowns) I kept hearing that it was too soon for a massive pandemic-style wave of bad news...
Casey Newton / @caseynewton: Looks like the company is jettisoning programming and partnerships in favor of “live chilling,” which means half of the @ShaanVP prophesy is now complete
@parismartineau: it must be a pretty bleak time to work for one of those post-pandemic clubhouse clones
Stacy-Marie Ishmael / @s_m_i: Today in this song again: app gets popular cause [you know which demographic] is doing cool things with it raises $$$ lays people off and moves on from the cool
Ellen Huet / @ellenhuet: who here still uses clubhouse regularly and can explain what the vibe is like these days??? i've peeked occasionally but often leave more confused than when i entered, and per @ashleyrcarman there are more strategic changes coming
Aarthi Ramamurthy / @aarthir: Career update! After over a year, I've decided to leave Clubhouse - I'm so grateful for the opportunity to lead international product efforts and scale Clubhouse across the 🌎 and learn from the best coworkers in the industry.
@anuatluru: After 2 yrs, I'm officially taking my leave from @Clubhouse! 💛 It's been a wild ride building zero to one, serving as our first Head of Community, and going from a team of 3 to 100+! 💫 Next, I'm excited to explore new ideas again as a founder, investor, & community builder!👷🏽 ♀️
Nina Gregory / @ninaberries: ... and that's a wrap @Clubhouse! It's been fun to experiment with news and social audio I'm excited for my next chapter. Stay tuned....
Sarah Roach / Protocol: Clubhouse is losing talent and steam

Russia's foreign ministry summons the heads of US media outlets in Moscow to notify them of tough measures in response to US restrictions against Russian media — Russia's Foreign Ministry said it was summoning the heads of U.S. media outlets in Moscow to a meeting this Monday to notify …

Library groups, booksellers, and others warn that a Virginia Congressional candidate's effort to get two books declared obscene threatens the freedom to read — Library groups this week joined with booksellers, publishers, and public advocacy groups in sounding the alarm over a lawsuit …
News and Press Center, Virginian-Pilot, @citylightsbooks, @mylesjackman, @jzfriedman, @jzfriedman, @ftrf, @jzfriedman, @hildakw and @penamerica
Shawnda Hines / News and Press Center: Library, author, bookseller groups condemn legal action attempting to censor books in Virginia
Kelsey Kendall / Virginian-Pilot: ‘Obscenity’ is narrowly defined by the law. Ruling in Virginia Beach ‘would be a rarity.’
@citylightsbooks: 2022 on Allen Ginsberg's birthday and politicians are still using obscenity charges against books with literary merit to get them banned. Indeed, a book has not been declared ‘obscene’ by a court in more than 50 years. ...
Myles Jackman / @mylesjackman: “According to the Virginia Mercury, “the little-utilized state law allows ‘any citizen’ to ask a court to weigh in on books alleged to be obscene” Meaning complaints could be filed across the state over thousands of “obscene” books. D.H. Laurence, much? ...
@jzfriedman: First Amendment.... Neither of the books challenged in these cases comes remotely close to meeting the Supreme Court's long-established criterion for a finding of obscenity".
@jzfriedman: ICYMI. Joint statement this week on obscenity case in VA against ‘Gender Queer’ and ‘A Court Of Mist & Fury.’ From @PENamerica @ncacensorship @ACLU @OIF @ALALibrary @CBLDF @ABAbook @ACLUva @AmericanPublish @AuthorsGuild @FTRF @ncte @VAASL @VirginiaLibrary ...
@ftrf: This legal action would halt distribution of two well-received books in Virginia. #UniteAgainstBookBans that prohibit the sale of books. This cannot be tolerated under the #FirstAmendment. #FreePeopleReadFreely
@jzfriedman: “This legal action could profoundly limit the availability of books in the Commonwealth of Virginia. No book has been banned for obscenity in the United States in more than 50 years. Prohibiting the sale of books is a form of censorship that cannot be tolerated under the

A look back at a failed FBI plan to ambush a source for reporter James Risen in 2014, as the source claimed to have documents about massive spying by the NSA — FBI agent Grayden Ridd had a confidential message for his informant. An FBI team had been given the green light by the Justice Department …
Mark Fallon / @glynco: R/T @theintercept “The FBI's attempt to catch my source underscores the obsession over leaks to the press that has gripped the U.S. national security community in recent years, under both Republican and Democratic administrations.” (1/2)
James Risen / @jamesrisen1: It took me a long time to decide to write about this weird experience. For a long time, I was trying to figure out what happened. I'm still not sure I understand everything about it.

Latino Media Network, founded by Jess Morales Rocketto and Stephanie Valencia, raises $80M and acquires 18 radio stations from TelevisaUnivision for $60M — Latina activists and entrepreneurs Jess Morales Rocketto and Stephanie Valencia have raised $80 million to launch a new Hispanic media company called the Latino Media Network.
Inside Radio, @edokeefe, @jesslivmo, @benwessel, @bonillajl, Forbes, @mattyglesias, @julito77, @repchuygarcia, @repcardenas, @valeriejarrett, @graceparra360, @phoenikera, @aaronhuertas, @tvietor08, @mariaesalinas, @emilylhauser, @samcornale, @stephanievalenc, @pilitobar87, @amandalitman, @tatendacheryl, @just_jenna, @frederickvelez3, @sarafischer, Radio & Television … and Radio Ink
Ed O'Keefe / @edokeefe: This is GREAT to see: New #Latino media startup launches with historic $80M raise
Jess Morales Rocketto / @jesslivmo: I couldn't be happier @stephanievalenc and I are partners on this. Humbled and proud by those who joining this journey. This is new territory for me, but I am going to bring the same fearlessness, rigor, integrity, and enthusiasm I bring to everything I do.
Ben Wessel / @benwessel: Do I think we need more diverse ownership of media? Yes. Do I think @JessLivMo and @stephanievalenc are the right people to be owning media properties? Also Yes. Is this the best Friday news drop ever? Probably Yes.
Jorge Bonilla / @bonillajl: A Soros-funded radio group headed by former Obama and Clinton staffers that revives the former Univision America network (and expands it into NYC) while knocking out anti-communist stalwart Radio Mambí is a significant development. Analysis to come
Veronica Villafañe / Forbes: Female-Led Latino Media Network Launches With $60 Million Acquisition Of TelevisaUnivision Radio Stations
Matthew Yglesias / @mattyglesias: No idea what they're going to do with it but buying radio stations seems like a really smart play.
Julio Ricardo Varela / @julito77: Hello, @JessLivMo and @StephanieValenc, for this amazing accomplishment. ¡Enhorabuena!
@repchuygarcia: This is an important investment in Latino and Spanish speaking audiences. I applaud this effort to bring news to our communities at a time when Latinos are facing a massive rise in targeted disinformation. I am excited to see what @JessLivMo and @StephanieValenc will accomplish.
@repcardenas: Incredible news for our community — a new media network owned by two amazing Latinas! These initial radio stations will inspire and inform millions of Spanish-speaking homes and offers a platform to speak their truths.
Valerie Jarrett / @valeriejarrett: So thrilled to have watched @stephanievalenc over the last 15 years grow into an indefatigable force who will make our country so much fairer and better🔥🔥🔥 🔥Exclusive: New Latino media startup launches with historic $80M raise
Grace Parra Janney / @graceparra360: Thoroughly obsessed with the success of these brilliant Latina entrepreneurs and excited for their new venture! I LOVE A LATINA STARTUP
@phoenikera: This is such a BFD, & great news for our community!!!: New Latino media startup launches with historic $80M raise... 👏🏽 @stephanievalenc @ @JessLivMo!!! So proud of u!!
Aaron Huertas / @aaronhuertas: Finally. Buying up media outlets is a great way to fight for power. Glad to see some real money for this, too.
Tommy Vietor / @tvietor08: This is a great idea led by an incredible team.
Maria Elena Salinas / @mariaesalinas: Exclusive: New Latino media startup launches with historic $80M raise / So excited to be part of this project 🙌🏼
Sam Cornale / @samcornale: Wow. This is HUGE. A big congrats - and thank you - to @stephanievalenc and @JessLivMo.
Stephanie Valencia / @stephanievalenc: 🧵on some exciting news @JessLivMo and I are launching The Latino Media Network serving the Latino community by helping them make sense of the world and their place in it.
Pili Tobar / @pilitobar87: This is a BFDl! 👏🏽 Radio has ⬆️ weekly reach among Hispanic adults - 96% These stations are in some of most dense Latino areas & give us access to 1/3 of Hispanic population: LA, NY, MIA, Houston, Chicago, Dallas, San Antonio, McAllen, Fresno, Las Vegas
Amanda Litman / @amandalitman: This is a huge deal - what @JessLivMo & @stephanievalenc are building is transformative. This is exactly the kind of big creative thinking (& funding!!) we need more of. 👑👑👑
@tatendacheryl: This is a really really really big deal, desperately needed, will be transformative, and is an inspiration to other Black and Brown founders like myself who the space subtly reinforces day in and day out to shrink our dreams. AMAZING WORK @stephanievalenc + @JessLivMo
Jenna Lowenstein / @just_jenna: That's Jess “Media Mogul” Morales Rocketto to you. @JessLivMo
Frederick Velez Iii Burgos / @frederickvelez3: This is huge!! I really can't overemphasize how amazing this is. Congrats to @JessLivMo and @stephanievalenc!!
Sara Fischer / @sarafischer: 🚨 This is a BIG raise for a new media firm, and it's a historic milestone for the Latino community — Founders have pulled together group of influential Latino investors and advisors, including @EvaLongoria @MariaESalinas @AlCardenasFL_DC @HenryRMunozIII

Paramount's ad-supported Pluto TV plans to launch a streaming channel in 2022, offering new and archived episodes of CBS News' 60 Minutes — CBS News' venerable “60 Minutes” is creating a time machine, of sorts. — The long-running newsmagazine will be form the bulk of a new channel at Pluto …
Steve Cavendish / @scavendish: Pluto already has the greatest free channel in Slow TV. Adding a 60 Minutes channel would be fantastic just for the old Mike Wallace and Morley Safer interviews.
Stephen Silver / The Streamable: Pluto TV Plans to Launch ‘60 Minutes’ Channel Later this Year
Brian Steinberg / @bristei: After trying to launch a digital version of 60 Minutes for Quibi, then Paramount+, the venerable newsmagzine is going for a free ad-supported channel on Pluto that will burnish its archives...

NY passes the Freelance Isn't Free Act to ensure freelancers get contracts for their work, are paid in a timely manner, and have support to recoup unpaid wages — After being introduced as a bill back in February by Democratic New York state senator Andrew Gounardes and assembly member Harry Bronson …
Gamal Hennessy / @gamalhennessy: “The law is intended to “protect contract and freelance workers from wage theft by ensuring all freelancers receive appropriate contracts for their work, are paid in a timely manner, and have state support to recoup unpaid wages.” ...

A coordinated campaign aligned with the CCP's narratives is targeting women journalists covering China at outlets including The Economist and The New York Times — The Chinese Communist Party has a problem with women of Asian descent who have public platforms, opinions and expertise on China.
@andreasharsono, @zeyiyang, @meifongwriter, @ericfish85, @muyixiao, @bethanyallenebr, @shenlulushen and @bassijustin
Andreas Harsono / @andreasharsono: New York Times reporter @muyixiao and Washington-DC-based video journalist @XinyanYu are currently the targets of some of the most malicious parts of this CCP campaign ...
@zeyiyang: Your regular reminder that trolls are paid employees and only work five days a week and take vacations
Mei Fong / @meifongwriter: 1/2 Big Brother's Trolling Me: Beijing's campaign of online harassment against female journalists & activists of Asian descent like @JiayangFan @Lingling_Wei @aliceysu @Jane_Li911 & I. ...
Eric Fish / @ericfish85: On likely state-linked, inflammatory targeting of ethnically Chinese, mostly female, journalists on Twitter. Though this is happening well beyond Twitter - a favorite tactic of independent ‘nationalist entrepreneurs’ on platforms inside the Great Firewall. ...
Muyi Xiao / @muyixiao: Appreciate @AlbertYZhang @DaniellesCave's thorough analysis on this online network targeting me and other journalists. I recall the attack started around April 17, so similar time as the one after @JiayangFan This campaign is not only on Twitter... ...
B. Allen-Ebrahimian / @bethanyallenebr: The attribution to Spamouflage was first assessed by this new report by @ASPI_org's Albert Zhang and Danielle Cave, in their new report linking Twitter harassment of Jiayang Fan, Muyi Xiao, and others to China-backed activity: ...
Shen Lu / @shenlulushen: “Most Twitter accounts in this network appropriated images of real women from other websites to use as profile images, while some accounts have used AI to generate profile pictures. These profile images are mostly of women, but in some cases of children.” ...
Justin Bassi / @bassijustin: Just out: Very important and impressive research from my @ASPI_org colleagues @DaniellesCave & @AlbertYZhang on CCP info ops targeting female asian journalists abroad. Very well covered by @axios Full report here ... @BethanyAllenEbr

A look at Tosca Musk's Passionflix, a $6/month streaming service for movie and series adaptations of romance novels and erotic fan fiction with ~$22M in funding — Tosca Musk, Elon's younger sister, is the force behind Passionflix, a streaming service dedicated to adaptations of romance novels and erotic fan fiction.
Stephanie Talmadge / Bustle: Bustle Newsletter: June 3, 2022
Maye Musk / @mayemusk: We want more romance in our lives. Thank you @nytimes @PassionFlix @ToscaMusk #RomanceBooksToMovies 💖💖
Tom Gara / @tomgara: Buried lede here: “First Look Media is the biggest Passionflix investor”
Brian Lowry / @blowryontv: Occasionally, separating “New York Times Pitchbot” parody account from “actual New York Times” is really, really difficult.
@brownangeleyes_: So well deserved. Congratulations, @ToscaMusk!!! And thank you for making us feel so welcomed when we visit sets or movie premieres. @PassionFlix is really special and makes us feel special. Proud supporter and Signature Member.
Loren Feldman / The 21 Hats Morning Report: Suppose You Fired Yourself?
Matthew Zeitlin / @mattzeitlin: honestly good for her, find your bliss
Brooks Barnes / @brooksbarnesnyt: I spent some time with Tosca Musk, sister of Elon, and wrote about her romance-oriented Passionflix streaming service. Forget Twitter. This Musk Is Into ‘Toe Curling Yumminess.’