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SEC filing: Elon Musk notified Twitter he wants to terminate the merger agreement, claiming that Twitter didn't provide the relevant business info he requested — Billionaire Elon Musk wants to end his deal to buy Twitter, according to a letter sent by a lawyer on his behalf to the company's chief legal officer Friday.
@btaylor, Bloomberg, U.S. Securities …, Wall Street Journal, New York Times, Axios, The Verge, New York Times, NBC News, Washington Post, @matt_levine, @richsignorelli, @verambergen, Variety, Los Angeles Times, The Guardian, Ars Technica, IGN, @anildash, Washington Post, @rodimusprime, Fortune, @wolfejosh, @jayrosen_nyu, The Week, @brianstelter, T Dog Media, @parkermolloy,, Wired, @repmtg, @troutgirl, @alexeheath, @abdallah_fayyad, @tomnamako, @sparrowmedia, @davidfaber, HW News English, @sifill_, Vincos Newsletter, @kevinmarks, @davewiner, @om, Us Weekly, @goangelo, @goangelo, @goangelo, @goangelo, @caseyjohnston, @jeffjarvis, @goldman, @scalzi, @dancow, @oneunderscore__, @codybrown, @codybrown, @gtconway3d, @iwriteok, @evacide, @bdsams, @karaswisher, @mgsiegler, @oneunderscore__, @tomwarren, @loudmouthjulia, @sherman4949, @mikeisaac, @davidgura, @jamesrbuk, @loudmouthjulia, @dsquareddigest, @joshuatopolsky, @laurelwamsley, @laurelwamsley, @lookner, @loudmouthjulia, @dcwaladesi, @therichwoods, @muellershewrote, @antheabutler, @mollyjongfast, @mikeisaac, Insider, @kalmantibs, @karaswisher, @atrupar, Politico, Ad Age, Associated Press, NBC New York, The Hollywood Reporter, Boing Boing, Bloomberg, The Hill and CBS News, more at Techmeme »
Bret Taylor / @btaylor: The Twitter Board is committed to closing the transaction on the price and terms agreed upon with Mr. Musk and plans to pursue legal action to enforce the merger agreement. We are confident we will prevail in the Delaware Court of Chancery.
U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission: Skadden, Arps, Slate, Meagher & Flom llp 525 UNIVERSITY AVENUE PALO ALTO, CALIFORNIA 94301 ______ TEL …
T.C. Sottek / The Verge: Elon Musk proves he's the wrong man to save the world
Matt Levine / @matt_levine: the reason that elon musk can't get out of the deal over the bots thing is not that he “waived due diligence.” it's that he SIGNED A BINDING AGREEMENT TO BUY TWITTER, and that agreement does not have any outs for “i think there are too many bots.”
Richard Signorelli / @richsignorelli: @btaylor @paraga As a shareholder, I am hoping that @elonmusk just pays a hefty penalty to get out of the deal. As someone who uses @twitter, I don't want him owning the company.
Vera Bergengruen / @verambergen: “I guess it feels like we won,” one employee told NBC News. “But it feels like the end of the movie, where the characters are bloodied and bedraggled with a Michael Bay explosion behind them.”
Todd Spangler / Variety: Elon Musk Terminates Deal to Buy Twitter, Company Vows to Sue Him
Michael Hiltzik / Los Angeles Times: Elon Musk is walking away from his Twitter deal, just as you knew he would
Jon Brodkin / Ars Technica: Musk ends bid to buy Twitter [Updated]
@anildash: One of the very weirdest things is the chairman of twitter having to say “we're firmly committed to seeing things through with a lying asshole who did all of this on a lark and who lacks both the desire and the ability to run the company”.
Rod / @rodimusprime: What's funny is Twitter comes off looking the worst for ever trying to deal with Elon Musk. They bent over backwards and violated every moral standard they claimed to have.
Sonali Basak / Fortune: Musk dodges Twitter questions in hot Sun Valley speech, focusing instead on mankind's future on Mars
Josh Wolfe / @wolfejosh: entire thing was clever ruse to SELL + LIQUIDATE $8.5 BILLION of TESLA STOCK (w/plausible excuse for doing it) 80% odds Elon pays $1B breakup fee + walks away with $7.5B liquidated 20% spends $100M fighting litigation honestly think he can “land rockets” but can't fix ‘bots’?
Jay Rosen / @jayrosen_nyu: There are certain situations where the likelihood of manipulation is so great that you're better off ignoring the reporting until something definitive happens.
Grayson Quay / The Week: Elon Musk tries to back out of Twitter deal
Brian Stelter / @brianstelter: “The next time Elon Musk announces that he is going to buy a public company — and he will do it again! — I will know not to believe him. I will definitely know not to write about it.”
Parker Molloy / @parkermolloy: It's kind of remarkable that Musk made an offer to buy the company, the company agreed, and he's then spent every waking moment since then trying to weasel his way out of the deal.
Kirsten Robertson / Elon Musk 'could be trying to drive Twitter's price down' by pulling out of deal
Boone Ashworth / Wired: Leaks Give a Peek at Upcoming Apple and Samsung Watches
Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene / @repmtg: Discovery process should be interesting seeing how many fake accounts Twitter has and how many of them are the nasty troll accounts constantly in my comments. Funny how Twitter protects fake accounts, but permanently bans conservatives.
Joyce Park / @troutgirl: A high-profile Silicon Valley lawsuit often involves contacting DOZENS of law firms to find one or two that can act for you. That sound you heard last week wasn't fireworks, it was associates having their summer breaks canceled :D
Alex Heath / @alexeheath: Twitter just sent this in an internal memo to employees re: Elon Musk wanting out of the deal and the company planning to sue: “Given that this is an ongoing legal matter, you should refrain from Tweeting, Slacking, or sharing any commentary about the merger agreement.”
Abdallah Fayyad / @abdallah_fayyad: To be clear, this business genius is set to lose $1 billion, can and probably will be sued for more, for absolutely no reason other than his own fragile ego.
Tom Namako / @tomnamako: “I guess it feels like we won,” one employee who spoke on condition of anonymity told NBC News. @rjwile @oneunderscore__: via @nbcnews
@sparrowmedia: Letter from Musk's attorney to @vijaya terminating the merger. I hope twitter collects a full $1Bn penalty form Musk for attempting to troll twitter's value like this.
David Faber / @davidfaber: Looks like I will be talking a lot about Delaware law starting on Monday's @SquawkStreet
Sherrilyn Ifill / @sifill_: Will this ultimately benefit the health of the platform? Do you regard yr fiduciary duty as including more than maximizing profits for shareholders? Do you believe that Mr. Musk has demonstrated the steady, reliable,mature thinking & behavior that a company w/this reach deserves?
Vincenzo Cosenza / Vincos Newsletter: 🎨 Creare immagini da un testo con l'Intelligenza Artificiale
Kevin Marks / @kevinmarks: @Techmeme I'm enjoying the irony of the founder of Friendfeed being the one to force Musk to buy Twitter
Dave Winer / @davewiner: @Techmeme Twitter tanking would be far worse than Google pulling the plug on Google Reader in 2013. The whole world is in a way built around Twitter, and it works pretty well.
@om: Elon or not @paraga isn't the right CEO for @Twitter I said it earlier and will say it again. The media supplicants won't raise the question that is as important as not buying billionaire BS as gospel.
Miranda Siwak / Us Weekly: Elon Musk Backs Out of $44 Billion Deal to Purchase Twitter After Initially Putting Plans on Hold
Angelo Carusone / @goangelo: 2/ First, this is significant from a disinfo and extremism perspective. Musk had every intention of using Twitter for express political and ideological purposes. That is prevented now. More here: ...
Angelo Carusone / @goangelo: 6/ The bot stuff is a bit of a distraction. He needs an excuse and will use this. It's not a good excuse, but at least it is something. It also exposes him as a horrible fiduciary. He expressly didn't do any due dilligence on a $ 44 billion deal. I mean come on.
Angelo Carusone / @goangelo: 9/ Now, this is far from over obviously. Musk will try and avoid paying his contractually obligated fine. Twitter's CEO should probably be fired and I wouldn't be surprised if Twitter shareholders sue. Twitter's board really messed this up and hurt the company a lot.
Angelo Carusone / @goangelo: 10/ All of this was preventable too. Musk's original offer was a house of cards. It relied on massively leveraging his assets with little else to back it up if the value of Tesla went down. Musk is volatile too. They absolutely knew better, but endorsed the deal any way.
Casey Johnston / @caseyjohnston: when i say bookmark this i don't fuckin miss
Jeff Jarvis / @jeffjarvis: I hope for a very big settlement and Musk disappearing
Jason Goldman / @goldman: There's never been a more fraught time to work at the company (which is saying something.) Probably gets lost in a lot of the other storylines but they were really just left out with no assurances possible.
John Scalzi / @scalzi: Somewhere, probably in their mothers' basements, the CEOs of Gab and Parler are mopping their brows in relief.
Dan Nguyen / @dancow: no matter how the deal went, Twitter was doomed. How could anyone working there over the past few months still feel pride or excitement after how their CEO treated them
Ben Collins / @oneunderscore__: Now we play the fun buyout negotiation game. Remember: It doesn't have to be only $1 billion.
@codybrown: can only image what it's like to work there now and what it will be like to work there when/if this lawsuit drags out
George Conway / @gtconway3d: Having litigated busted-deal cases there, I suspect this won't go well for Elon.
Robert Evans / @iwriteok: i wish elon and twitter many merry years of fighting each other in court
Eva / @evacide: That sound you hear is thousands of Muskrat fanboys frantically Googling “Court of Chancery.”
Brad Sams / @bdsams: Pay the breakup fee or ban his account - an Elon trolly game
Kara Swisher / @karaswisher: Now comes the many lawsuits. Do you imagine for a second if the market had not tanked that this would be happening? : Elon Musk said he is seeking to terminate his deal to buy Twitter, citing “material breach of multiple provisions” of the agreement
M.G. Siegler / @mgsiegler: I am terminating the deal. Pray I do not terminate it any further.
Ben Collins / @oneunderscore__: New from me and @rjwile: ‘I guess it feels like we won’: Elon Musk says he is backing out of deal to buy Twitter Including this incredible quote from a Twitter employee:
Tom Warren / @tomwarren: and this is why nobody should be reporting it as “Elon Musk ends Twitter deal.” Musk is TRYING to back out of the deal, but Twitter plans to try and enforce the merger agreement. The battle begins
Julia Alexander / @loudmouthjulia: Excited for an entire trial about how signatures on official documents work.
Alex Sherman / @sherman4949: This is the most important tweet of the Twitter saga. Bret Taylor is Twitter's chairman. Elon Musk saying he's not buying Twitter doesn't end this.
Rat King / @mikeisaac: this is kind of interesting: saying that ceo agrawal's actions of pushing out product and revenue heads as well as other layoffs are also in breach of contract (feels reaching but dunno)
David Gura / @davidgura: “Elon Musk may have changed his mind about paying $44 billion for Twitter,” @shannonpareil writes. “But it's not so easy to walk away.”
James Ball / @jamesrbuk: Every such headline really, please, must include “attempts to” rather than saying it's something he can just do unilaterally.
Julia Alexander / @loudmouthjulia: Finance people: what does this mean for the banks? Assuming Twitter sues.
Dan Davies / @dsquareddigest: I am not a lawyer, but this looks like a rare old pile of desperate shite to me.
Joshua Topolsky / @joshuatopolsky: In uncharacteristic move, Elon Musk pulls out
Laurel Wamsley / @laurelwamsley: And Twitter can sue Musk to try to force him to complete the deal. This whole drama has felt unnecessary from the start
Laurel Wamsley / @laurelwamsley: But of course it's more complicated than that to get out of it: Musk could be on the hook for $1 billion for terminating the deal.
Steve Lookner / @lookner: This guy looooooves making big promises and not keeping them
Julia Alexander / @loudmouthjulia: I am once again declaring that I would love to see the texts between Elon and Jack during this whole thing.
Rohit Sharma / @dcwaladesi: Here's the Link to the Letter sent by his Attorney. It says, “Mr. Musk is terminating the Merger Agreement because Twitter is in material breach of multiple provisions of that Agreement..” #Twitter #ElonMusk #TwitterDeal .@elonmusk
@muellershewrote: Was never gonna happen. Bye, eLoN! That'll be a billion dollars please!
Molly Jong-Fast / @mollyjongfast: Elon could probably still afford truth social thou
Rat King / @mikeisaac: and here's Elon officially trying to back out of the deal
Tibor M. Kalman / @kalmantibs: Can't happen a moment too soon. What a gigantic, self-centered prick. I start frowning the moment I see or hear his name. It's giving me forehead wrinkles. Just be gone, Musk. Ride your rocket off into the dystopian sky. Thanks. 😐🚀👏🏻
Kara Swisher / @karaswisher: Um, this is sourced entirely from the Musk side and taking its word on bots as if it were anything but a feint. But he signed a binding contract and no hand waving negotiation tricks is going to change that: Elon Musk's deal to buy Twitter is in peril ...
Aaron Rupar / @atrupar: Good. I'm eager to go back to ignoring this guy. ...
Alex Weprin / The Hollywood Reporter: Elon Musk Tells Twitter He Is “Terminating” His Acquisition of the Company
Jason Weisberger / Boing Boing: Musk attempts to slip out of his agreement to buy Twitter
Jim Silver / Bloomberg: Elon Musk Terminates Twitter Merger Agreement
Caroline Vakil / The Hill: Musk terminates agreement to buy Twitter

Sources: WWE's Vince McMahon agreed to pay $12M+ over the past 16 years to four women formerly affiliated with WWE, over sexual misconduct and infidelity claims — The longtime chief of World Wrestling Entertainment Inc. secured nondisclosure agreements to keep secret allegations of sexual misconduct and infidelity
Associated Press, BROADWAY, WON/F4W, @benfritz, @carlbeijer, @justinbaragona, @wsj, @wsj, @wsj, The Sun, TVLine, The Week, Defector, CNBC, Mediaite,, Forbes, Sports Illustrated, Deadline, Insider, The Comeback, POST Wrestling, New York Post,, The Wrap and Bloomberg
Garrett Gonzales / WON/F4W: Wrestling Observer Radio: WSJ story on Vince McMahon
Ben Fritz / @benfritz: WWE chairman Vince McMahon not looking like the most ethical leader of a public company.
Carl Beijer / @carlbeijer: It's exactly as bad as everyone predicted
Justin Baragona / @justinbaragona: Lots of similarities to Roger Ailes here...
@wsj: The deals include a $7.5 million pact with a former wrestler who alleged that McMahon coerced her into giving him oral sex and then demoted her and ultimately declined to renew her contract after she resisted further sexual encounters, people familiar say
@wsj: In another deal, a WWE contractor presented the company with unsolicited nude photos of McMahon she reported receiving from him and alleged that he had sexually harassed her on the job, people familiar say. McMahon agreed to pay her roughly $1 million.
@wsj: In another agreement, a former manager who had worked 10 years for McMahon before he allegedly initiated a sexual relationship with her was paid $1 million to keep quiet about it, people familiar say.
Iman Palm / The Sun: Inside Vince McMahon's biggest WWE scandals after ‘he paid $12million in hush money over sexual misconduct allegations’
Keisha Hatchett / TVLine: WWE CEO Vince McMahon Reportedly Agreed to Pay $12 Million to Cover Up Sexual Misconduct and Infidelity
Brendan Morrow / The Week: WWE's Vince McMahon reportedly paid over $12 million to suppress sexual misconduct allegations
Ian Krietzberg / CNBC: WWE's Vince McMahon paid more than $12 million to settle sexual misconduct allegations, report says
Zachary Leeman / Mediaite: WWE's Vince McMahon Paid $12 Million in Hush Money to Women Reveals Report
Alfred Konuwa / Forbes: Vince McMahon Investigation Gets Worse As Alleged Hush Money Balloons To $12 Million
Madison Williams / Sports Illustrated: Report: McMahon Agreed to Pay $12 Million to Hush Sexual Misconduct Claims
Travis Clark / Insider: WWE's Vince McMahon reportedly paid $12 million over 16 years to allegedly silence women from speaking about misconduct claims
Andrew Bucholtz / The Comeback: Vince McMahon reportedly paid $7.5 million to former WWE wrestler who accused him of coerced oral sex
Wai Ting / POST Wrestling: REPORT: Vince McMahon agreed to pay over $12 million in cover-ups involving four women
Anthony Nash / Report: Vince McMahon Paid Over $12 Million in Hush Money to Multiple Women

Rappler says Maria Ressa has lost her appeal against a conviction for cyber libel but the news website says it would “avail of all legal remedies available” — Peace prize winner and veteran journalist faces lengthy jail sentence — Philippines' Nobel peace prize winner …
Discussion: Hold the Line Coalition Demands Immediate Decriminalization of Libel in the Philippines as Maria Ressa Faces Extended Jail Sentence
Lian Buan / RAPPLER: CA affirms Maria Ressa's cyber libel conviction, adds 8 months to possible jail sentence
@icfj: The rejection of @mariaressa's appeal against a criminal cyber libel conviction & the extension of the maximum jail sentence she faces is “bitterly disappointing and it sends a disturbing signal about the direction of justice under the new administration”
Loreben Tuquero / RAPPLER: Nobel committee ‘gravely concerned’ after CA affirms Ressa's cyber libel conviction
@icfj: Nobel Laureate @mariaressa faces a possible extended jail sentence after the rejection of her appeal against her conviction in a spurious criminal cyber libel case in the Philippines. @rapplerdotcom also recently lost an appeal against a shutdown order
Davey Alba / @daveyalba: Dystopia in my home country—the Philippine Court of Appeals does not just reject the appeal of @mariaressa, Nobel Peace Prize winner, affirming the earlier cyber libel conviction. It adds eight months to the possible jail sentence too.
Timothy Snyder / @timothydsnyder: Maria Ressa, a bright light of investigative journalism, faces drastic censorship in her native Philippines. Everyone who cares about freedom of speech should support her. ...
@penamerica: The Hold The Line Coalition condemns the Philippine Court of Appeals decision to uphold the conviction of Nobel Laureate @MariaRessa & former @rapplerdotcom researcher Rey Santos Jr. on trumped-up cyber libel charges.
@iwmf: We are appalled that the Philippine Court of Appeals has upheld the cyber libel case against journalist and Nobel Peace Prize winner @mariaressa. We continue to #HoldTheLine and fight for Ressa and Rappler's right to report freely.
@article19org: In the latest aggression against @MariaRessa, the Philippine Court of Appeals has rejected the Nobel Peace Prize winner's appeal. #PressFreedom is a human right. We stand with Ressa amidst the crackdown on critical media in the country. #HoldTheLine ...
Jim Roberts / @nycjim: Philippines' Nobel laureate Maria Ressa loses appeal against cyber libel conviction. *Ressa's publication, Rappler, assails the court ruling, saying it “weakens the ability of journalists to hold power to account.” ...
Rasmus Kleis Nielsen / @rasmus_kleis: Terrible news as political attack on free media in 🇵🇭 continues. “What is ultimately at stake is our democracy whose strength rests on a media that is not threatened by the state nor intimidated by forces out to silence critical voices” @rapplerdotcom says ...
Rebecca Vincent / @rebecca_vincent: Alarming development in the Philippines, where @mariaressa's appeal against her ludicrous 2020 cyber libel conviction has been rejected. She faces a possible 6 years + 8 months in prison. At @RSF_inter and the #HoldtheLine coalition, we stand with Maria!
@rapplerdotcom: ‘It is a good opportunity for the Supreme Court to take a second look at the constitutionality of cyber libel and the continuing criminalization of libel,’ says Rappler. #HoldTheLine #CourageON #DefendPressFreedom
@rapplerdotcom: The CA ruling was signed by Associate Justices Roberto Quiroz, Ramon Bato, and Germano Francisco Legaspi. It is a different set of justices than the ones who handled the appeal earlier on and who had previously granted Ressa's travel authorities. READ:

The NFL's Roger Goodell confirms that streaming service NFL+ will launch this season and says the league will pick a Sunday Ticket streaming partner by the fall — It could arrive in time for next season — The NFL is working on its own direct-to-consumer streaming service, NFL commissioner Roger Goodell told CNBC in an interview.
CNBC, @sherman4949, Variety, @cnbc, Awful Announcing, @sportstvratings, @tvgrimreaper, @mediumbuying, @xpangler, New York Post, Engadget, TechCrunch, 9to5Mac, Sports Illustrated, The Streamable, Deadline, ProFootballTalk and Next TV
Alex Sherman / @sherman4949: The NFL will end our long national nightmare and choose a new Sunday Ticket provider by the fall, Commissioner Roger Goodell says in an exclusive CNBC interview with my colleague @JBoorstin from Sun Valley:
Brian Steinberg / Variety: NFL Commissioner Sees Sunday Ticket Rights Going to Streamer
@cnbc: “I clearly believe we'll be moving to a streaming service. I think that's best for the consumers at this stage,” says NFL Commissioner Roger Goodell. He joins @JBoorstin to discuss the ongoing bids for NFL media rights and more.
Jay Rigdon / Awful Announcing: Roger Goodell: Sunday Ticket's streaming destination will be announced this fall
@sportstvratings: “Contractual language with CBS and Fox would prevent any streaming service from charging fans significantly less than the current $300 cost for Sunday Ticket, CNBC reported.”
@tvgrimreaper: Expect the ongoing multichannel bundle subscriber declines to accelerate around this transition, as DirecTV subscribers drop their subscriptions and some don't sign up for another bundle.
@mediumbuying: NFL Commissioner Sees Sunday Ticket Rights Going to Streamer — Sunday Ticket is the only unsecured piece of the NFL rights portfolio Disney, Apple or Amazon could be interested in the rights
Todd Spangler / @xpangler: Amazon & Apple said to be in the mix —> NFL Commissioner Sees Sunday Ticket Rights Going to Streamer via @variety
Thomas Barrabi / New York Post: NFL to pick ‘Sunday Ticket’ partner by this fall, Roger Goodell says
Kris Holt / Engadget: NFL commissioner says the league's own streaming service will launch ahead of the 2022 season
Lauren Forristal / TechCrunch: Streaming service NFL+ confirmed, NFL will choose a streamer for its Sunday Ticket this fall
Allison McDaniel / 9to5Mac: Fate of Apple and Sunday Ticket to be determined by fall, says NFL commissioner
Matt Tamanini / The Streamable: NFL Commissioner Believes Sunday Ticket Will Be Streaming in 2023; NFL+ to Launch Before 2022 Season
Dade Hayes / Deadline: NFL Sunday Ticket Is “Moving To A Streaming Service” From DirecTV, Commissioner Roger Goodell Confirms; Deal Expected By This Fall
Mike Florio / ProFootballTalk: Roger Goodell: Sunday Ticket is heading for a streaming service, with decision coming later this year
Daniel Frankel / Next TV: Goodell Makes It Official: ‘NFL Sunday Ticket’ Is Leaving DirecTV

Arizona makes it illegal for people within 8 feet of law enforcement activity to record police, except for those involved; Gannett and others opposed the bill — People will no longer be allowed to take close-range recordings of Arizona police under a new bill signed into law by Gov. Doug Ducey on Wednesday.
New York Times, Washington Post, @bfishbfish, @joshuaerlich, @katiehobbs, @scottmccloud, @mehdirhasan, @mikerezendes, @lovebscott, @donnaimamtx, @mattyglesias, @drewharwell, @freedomofpress, @mizzcreme, @mrglenn, @katiephang, @azcentral, @n1n2w3, Insider, Reason, @adi_max07, @justinlawguy, @karmaonesixone and The Hill
Lindsey Bever / Washington Post: New Arizona law criminalizes filming police from less than 8 feet away
Rebecca Fishbein / @bfishbfish: Can't wait to see what our favorite Supreme Court does with this one!
Joshua Erlich / @joshuaerlich: so what this really does-because it's obviously unconstitutional (even with this court)-is that it guarantees qualified immunity to cops who attack people who are recording
Katie Hobbs / @katiehobbs: This law eliminates transparency, which will only lead to less trust between our communities and law enforcement. This is not the answer.
@scottmccloud: We'll, that's an indefensibly evil law no matter how you slice it.
Michael Rezendes / @mikerezendes: To date, citizen videos have featured the best evidence of police misconduct.
B. Scott / @lovebscott: Say What Now? Arizona Bill Will Make Recording Police Officers Within 8 Feet Illegal [Video]
Donna Imam / @donnaimamtx: This Arizona law means that clear audio won't be captured and video could be low quality. High quality AV is essential to proving any violations of your rights.
Matthew Yglesias / @mattyglesias: Really outrageous attack on free speech
Drew Harwell / @drewharwell: I can think of other ways to cut down on recorded instances of police misconduct
@freedomofpress: The right to record police is fundamental to the First Amendment. This new Arizona law is blatantly unconstitutional.
@mizzcreme: Of course Ducey would want this. As many cases Az has against its police department and Az being one of the top for police involved only makes sense POLITICALLY!
Mike Glenn / @mrglenn: Recordings within 8 feet of police will be illegal in Arizona under new law via @usatoday How long until this thing is ruled unconstitutional? (Which it plainly is)
Katie S. Phang / @katiephang: The absurdity of this law 🤦🏻♀ ️
@azcentral: It is now illegal for anyone within 8 feet of law enforcement to record police activity. Violators could face a misdemeanor, but only after being verbally warned and continuing to record anyway.
Nicholas Wallace / @n1n2w3: Right-wing censorship culture is out of control.
Natalie Musumeci / Insider: New Arizona law that bans recording police within 8 feet will neuter the public's ‘most effective tool against police wrongdoing,’ activists say
C.J. Ciaramella / Reason: New Arizona Law Will Make it Illegal to Film Within Eight Feet of Police
Adriana G Maximiliano / @adi_max07: “Bystander videos of police have become increasingly common and, at times, expose police misconduct. It was instrumental in the case against former Minneapolis police Officer Derek Chauvin, who was filmed killing George Floyd and ultimately convicted for his murder.”
Justin / @justinlawguy: The fun part of this law is that no Republican judge will be so craven as to declare it constitutional, they'll just make sure nobody has standing for injunctive relief, and declare qualified immunity for anyone hurt by the law.
@karmaonesixone: Freedoms of the press is in the constitution. NOT freedom of the 🐷. They're going to start arresting journalists with this law. Not to mention the harm to the members of the general public.
Jared Gans / The Hill: Arizona to outlaw recording police within 8 feet

Tucker Carlson dodged Ben Smith's questions with ease in an interview during Semafor's pre-launch event by deflecting, lying, and attacking the questioner — Semafor founder Ben Smith's much-ballyhooed Thursday interview with Fox News host Tucker Carlson was, predictably, a total shitshow.
Nieman Lab, Micah Sifry, @dangillmor, @melissagira, @emmacarew, @jamesfallows, @alexanderrusso, @abdallah_fayyad, @annamerlan, @jamesfallows, Washington Post, @mlsif, @silvermanjacob, @silvermanjacob, @arthurschwartz, @amyspitalnick, @karlbode, @anildash, @emmacarew, @jeffjarvis, @ylichterman, @vwpickard, @emilybell, @lainnafader, @luisassardo, Vanity Fair, @jeremylittau, @nberlat, @mlcalderone, @mlcalderone, @mlcalderone, @mickeleh, @stanhope_v, @ourobororoboruo, @hanaatameez, @semaforben, @wesleylowery, @wesleylowery, @wesleylowery, @jamesfallows, @mlsif, @mjkea, @vwpickard, @stevemullis, @jakelahut, @jeffjarvis, @jamespmanley, @wesleylowery, @mattgertz, @froomkin, The Daily Beast, Press Gazette, Gawker, Mediaite and The Hill
Sarah Scire / Nieman Lab: News startup Semafor invited Tucker Carlson to talk about “the future of journalism.” Things did not go well.
Dan Gillmor / @dangillmor: Post-mortem on the ill-advised platform that @semaforben and @knightfdn gave to the Murdoch family's poison-spewing Fox “News” propagandist:
Melissa Gira Grant / @melissagira: The job of the press right now: “not calling Goebbels for comment to see if he'll talk to us on background...” ...
Emma Carew Grovum / @emmacarew: Smith “used one to ask if Carlson was considering running for U.S. president and another to ask if Carlson felt he'd been “discriminated against as a white Protestant” during his career. Sounds like uh, “hard questions” were not asked.
James Fallows / @jamesfallows: @nandoodles FWIW the whole thing is archived here, starting around time 1:26.30 Ooooff.
Alexander / @alexanderrusso: This is how I feel about folks trying to interview Randi Weingarten. ...
Abdallah Fayyad / @abdallah_fayyad: Per @SarahScire, “Why was Carlson invited?...If Semafor and Knight's stated reasons for inviting him— to have a conversation about the future of news and get answers to ‘hard questions’—were the actual benchmark, Carlson's presence was a miserable failure." ...
Anna Merlan / @annamerlan: I can't help but notice only one of the people who appeared at this launch did their interview from inside a literal closet. Who's really scared, I wonder
James Fallows / @jamesfallows: A good piece by @Mlsif ... Recall that the logo of @knightfdn, one of the nation's leading journalism foundations, was on screen during this entire conversation TL;DR This was a *foreseeable* no-win situation. Carlson *lives* for these put-down contests
Micah Sifry / @mlsif: Huge admiration for @wesleylowery who is going hard after Carlson and @semaforben for their problematic relationship (ie, “I'm not calling up Goebbels on background, Lowery just said). #semafornews
Jacob Silverman / @silvermanjacob: Carlson added, “Now, I don't say everything that I think. There are a lot of truths and I don't tell them all. I leave some out, I shape things, and when I get pissed I do tend to overstate.”
Jacob Silverman / @silvermanjacob: “None of Ben's questions landed. Carlson spoke over him constantly, laughed at him, and essentially dominated the conversation.” ...
Arthur Schwartz / @arthurschwartz: “Before Ben Smith interviewed Tucker Carlson, the Semafor co-founder jokingly pleaded with the Fox News host not to “steamroll” him. Spoiler alert: He did.” Tucker Carlson ‘Steamrolls’ Ben Smith During Awkward Semafor Rollout Interview ...
Amy Spitalnick / @amyspitalnick: Seems like the Semafor launch event with Tucker Carlson went.... exactly how all of us said it would. White supremacists should not be appeased, legitimized, or platformed. There are not two sides. Yet media continues to fail at the most basic of responsibilities here.
Karl Bode / @karlbode: not a second of this interview addressed actual erosion of trust in US news, but at least tucker had fun spreading authoritarian gibberish and @semafor got a whole bunch of attention for the launch of their new media venture
Emma Carew Grovum / @emmacarew: “if Semafor and @knightfdn's stated reasons for inviting him — to have a conversation about the future of news and get answers to “hard questions” — were the actual benchmark, Carlson's presence was a miserable failure.”
Jeff Jarvis / @jeffjarvis: “This is why you are considered a propagandist and not a journalist.” That is what @semaforben *should* have said to Tucker. Instead, it's what Tucker said to Ben. They always project. @semafor knows that. Anyone with a brain does. But they invited him anyway. #semafornews
Joseph Lichterman / @ylichterman: I do think it's important for journalists to hold people to account and even cover people who have reprehensible ideas, but it's impossible to do so with the necessary context and fact checking in a live event setting
Victor Pickard / @vwpickard: As bad as feared — Tucker was given the opportunity to perform as just a regular, principled guy who has honest, sincere, Christian beliefs, courageously speaking out against liberal oppression. Mostly softball questions easily deflected. The mainstreaming of fascism continues.
Emily Bell / @emilybell: Have been riveted today by the most dramatic political story in the UK for 40+ years. Only just catching up with this ...on this occasion the US feels like the even more insular island
Caleb Ecarma / Vanity Fair: Tucker Carlson, Promoter of Racist “Replacement” Theory, Insists He's Not a Racist
Jeremy Littau / @jeremylittau: (from the story) “We don't like to be shutting down people's ability to be heard,” Knight's VP of journalism, Jim Brady, said earlier this week. — How can the industry still be so bad at this? Howwwwww? Not platforming him in no way violates his ability to be heard.
Noah Berlatsky / @nberlat: it is possible to make Carlson look like a fool. the guy who said he was a millionaire shill for billionaires did. It's just not something that traditional wishy washy centrist journalists are really prepared for or able to do.
Michael Calderone / @mlcalderone: Fine to ask Carlson what he believes, but far more important what he does on his show nightly. Similarly, I've suggested asking what Kevin McCarthy “believes” about 2020 matters little. What he did is try to overturn democracy
Michael Calderone / @mlcalderone: Tucker Carlson, promoter of racist “replacement” theory, insists he's not racist
Michael Calderone / @mlcalderone: Notable that first question for Carlson at today's Semafor event was about whether he believes white people are superior to other races—which he unsurprisingly said no. Have seen before in the media this question about what Carlson really believes:
Michael Markman / @mickeleh: @mediagazer ... And we're surprised? Tucker is adept at what he does. Surely, Ben Smith knew what would happen. @semaforben is adept at what he does, too. It was all a stunt. @semafor paid for clicks with reputation. The Al Capone's Vault of media launches.
V. Stanhope / @stanhope_v: “Journalists,if they choose, can learn a valuable lesson from Smith's plight: THERE IS NO NEWS VALUE IN INTERVIEWING CARLSON. If they try to inform their audiences abt the Fox host by talking to him, they will fail, bc he is RELENTLESSLY DISHONEST & extremely good @ what he does”
Frankie Huang / @ourobororoboruo: A good lesson: there are other ways to document subjects being candid about their views besides conducting an interview, especially someone as manipulative and savvy as Tucker Carlson. ...
@hanaatameez: “The best reporting on Carlson dissects who at Fox has made Carlson such a power at the network and the show he puts on for his millions of viewers every weeknight. Talking to Carlson is a terrible way to elicit information about him and his work.” ...
Ben Smith / @semaforben: @Mlsif @WesleyLowery I share that, but should add that you know that's he's a source (not particularly for me) because I reported it!
Wesley / @wesleylowery: @PhilipWegmann ... for the record, my remarks, in context, were not comparing *Carlson* specifically to Goebbels. These comments were from an entirely differently part of the conversation from when I mentioned Carlson
Wesley / @wesleylowery: @PhilipWegmann ... i was asked “isn't the job of journalism to build unity/community” and i said “no, the job is to write down true things” not trying to build community with nazis or get my jewish colleagues to stop tweeting about death camps so that Goebbels will return my calls
Wesley / @wesleylowery: @PhilipWegmann ... in other words, there are some people who - by our obligation to tell the truth - who will not like us or trust us. and that that is not a bad thing
James Fallows / @jamesfallows: @VWPickard @nandoodles You have someone with thousands of hours of live, on-air experience in just this kind of banter, deflection, distraction, and *performance*, versus someone from an entirely different world. Results foreseeable, and foreseen.
Micah Sifry / @mlsif: Endorsing, and adding that this is what happens when you treat news as a game.
Victor Pickard / @vwpickard: It's both absurd and terrifying — the banality of power on full display as leading media figures continue to normalize fascism.
Steve Mullis / @stevemullis: It's pretty clear this wasn't done in the name of accountability or speaking any truth to a grossly powerful promoter of white nationalism, but to cynically get some attention for your new media venture. It's the business of journalism at its worst.
Jake Lahut / @jakelahut: It took less than 5 minutes for Tucker to turn this into a version of his show, calling Ben Smith a “propagandist” and saying his efforts to get a question in are why nobody trusts the press
Jim Manley / @jamespmanley: Just embarrassing for Ben smith, and pathetic as well
Wesley / @wesleylowery: the tucker interview is actually a good example of one of the points that i made - how much, if any, of the mainstream media's trust should be about appeasing people like this (tucker, people who share his clearly not-fact based, racist beliefs)? I would say none
Matthew Gertz / @mattgertz: If you start an interview by begging the subject not to steamroll you because he's a professional TV personality and you aren't, it's probably not going to get better from there. ...
Corbin Bolies / The Daily Beast: Tucker Carlson ‘Steamrolls’ Ben Smith During Awkward Semafor Rollout Interview
Tarpley Hitt / Gawker: Semafor's Pre-Launch Event Turned Into Tucker Carlson Tonight
Alex Griffing / Mediaite: Tucker Carlson Rages After Ben Smith Confronts Him Over Mass Shooters Using His Rhetoric: ‘This is Why You Are Considered a Propagandist’
Dominick Mastrangelo / The Hill: Tucker Carlson defends his commentary on race in fiery interview

Showrunners for Netflix, Hulu, Apple TV+, Paramount+, and Prime Video discuss the lack of metrics transparency and compare their experiences with linear TV — For decades, television creators had a pretty good way of finding out if their show was a hit: They could look at the Nielsen ratings …
@vulture, @rwmead, @masasoncap, @tvmojoe, @tvaziri, @shortformernie, @alicedkc, @jocotterillbook, @wehohank_, @jasoncolavito, Engadget, @jamiesmart, @meghanlands, @great_katzby, @swordfish978 and @vulture
@vulture: A showrunner of a canceled Netflix half-hour series who described a meeting about viewership with Netflix executives:
Ryan W. Mead / @rwmead: “'You're selling yourself short. What if you could make another show that's just as meaningful but it appeals to millions of people?' I'm not selling myself fucking short. I made the thing I wanted to make and I made the thing that I told you I was making”
@masasoncap: Fascinating! My take: (1/6) 🧵 This shows why $NFLX touting massive viewership numbers doesn't mean much. Stranger Things had close to zero subscriber impact for them - nearly everyone who watched was already a sub. Big numbers sound good but tell a tiny fraction of the story
@tvmojoe: I swear the person who said this is not actually an exec in disguise. @kvanaren and I talked to showrunners about making series in the age of data (dis)enlightenment.
Todd Vaziri / @tvaziri: Vulture: 'I Don't Know How My Show Is Doing' Streamers run on data, but that doesn't mean they're sharing it with showrunners.
Ernie Smith / @shortformernie: So basically, the subplot from Barry about “Joplin” getting cancelled after 12 hours is accurate.
Alice Clarke / @alicedkc: Absolutely fascinating article for people who want to know how renewals/cancellations work in streaming. You won't know by the end of the article, but no one else does, either.
Jo Cotterill / @jocotterillbook: I found this really interesting and kind of like publishing from an author point of view - we often have very little idea how well our books are selling.
@wehohank_: would love to throw this article at everyone who called the joplin arc in #barry “exaggerated”
Jason Colavito / @jasoncolavito: I have a sneaking suspicion that the secrecy around viewership figures and the emphasis on minutes streamed rather than people watching is because, if you saw the numbers, you'd be surprised how few people watch. There are too many shows and not enough people to watch them all.
Billy Steele / Engadget: Recommended Reading: Behind the wheel of the Rivian R1S
Jamie Smart / @jamiesmart: This is really interesting. There are so many advantages to making a show for streaming services, but this outlines some of the difficulties too.
Meghan Lands / @meghanlands: “(...)even if you see a little data, what does any of it mean? How many views is considered enough? Does it matter what kind of viewers you get? What is the goal here?”
Brandon Katz / @great_katzby: Though we have much better streaming ratings transparency now more than ever, talent is still at a disadvantage when negotiating with streamers. Agents/lawyers look to claw tangible viewership numbers out at every turn to pry a modicum of leverage back.

Q&A with author Erich Schwartzel on the role the Chinese market played in the rise of Marvel, how Chinese censorship turned into Hollywood self-censorship, more — Big Hollywood movies are being made with Chinese audiences in mind. — The big Hollywood movies you've seen on the big screen …
@alissamarie, Weekly Pills, @beijingpalmer, @beijingpalmer, @erichschwartzel and The Terminal
Alissa Wilkinson / @alissamarie: I had *the* most fascinating conversation with @erichschwartzel about China and Hollywood, full of mind-blowing stories I didn't know about at all. Afull hour-long pod conversation is coming, but in the meantime you can read an excerpt!
Factanza / Weekly Pills: Goodbye Boris … I toast con i fagioli della Heinz hanno assunto di colpo un sapore amarognolo …
James Palmer / @beijingpalmer: @erichschwartzel @alissamarie This seems to me to be taking marketing claims at face value. Disney English was a flop that closed its 25 schools in 2020 after acquiring a bad reputation in the sector: it taught a total of 100,000 kids, or three days worth of Shanghai Disney visitors in 2019.
James Palmer / @beijingpalmer: @erichschwartzel @alissamarie Disney brand awareness in 2008 when the schools opened was already very high in China. Mickey Mouse had been on Sunday night CCTV for two decades. Pirated Disney content was everywhere.
Erich Schwartzel / @erichschwartzel: From my chat with @alissamarie, the story of Disney English — a string of English-language schools that Disney opened in China so kids could learn their ABC's, and learn to love Mickey and Minnie with all their hearts.
James Hennessy / The Terminal: Cartoon schools, robot painters and hot dogs

How Israel has attacked Palestinian journalists: since 2000, the IDF has killed 30+ journalists, per RSF, and MADA has documented 368 Israeli violations in 2021 — “This was not a one-time incident. Palestinian journalists have long been subjected to arrests and attacks," Haya Abushkhaidem writes
Andrew Mitrovica / Al Jazeera: The US probe into Abu Akleh's death: Accessories to murder
Steven Craddock / Thoughts Into Words: Joe Biden to Visit Israel and Saudi Arabia
@habushkhaidem: “Despite the trauma Palestinians endured as a result of Shireen's murder, this was not a one-time incident.” I spoke with fellow Palestinian journalists, whose stories highlight the Israeli human rights violations we journalists have been subjected to. .uk/ ...

Cinedigm announces Cineverse, an AVOD service with 15+ free ad-supported linear streaming channels and 46K+ VOD films and TV episodes, launching in late August — Matchpoint Blueprint 2.0 uses AI and machine learning to enhance viewing experience — Cinedigm said it will use an enhanced version …
George Winslow / TVTechnology: Cinedigm to Launch New Cineverse AVOD Service

Tencent's WeChat closes Bloomberg's Daybreak financial news account, accused of violating Chinese regulations; Bloomberg's other WeChat accounts remain up — Trams and cast-iron postboxes speak to the history of the city, while delicacies such as fishballs and egg waffles are street food essentials …

The Chernin Group raised $1.3B in its third round of funding to invest in media and tech consumer brands after targeting $800M, following a $710M round in 2019 — Exit Content Preview — The Chernin Group has raised $1.3 billion in its third round of funding, the company said in an email.

Memo: Bloomberg's EIC names Tim O'Brien as editor of Bloomberg Opinion, replacing David Shipley, who heads to The Washington Post in September 2022 — Bloomberg editor-in-chief John Micklethwait sent the following note to Bloomberg staff on Thursday:
Tim O'Brien / @timobrien: Very jazzed to continue working with the great @opinion team - and supporting the dynamic, gutsy work these wonderful folks do every day.

David Shipley, top editor of Bloomberg's opinion section, is named editor of The Washington Post editorial page, managing 80+ staffers starting after Labor Day
@nickkristof, @janinedigi, @ron_fournier, @washpostpr, @nytegan, @danbarrynyt, @david_darmofal, Poynter, @johnauthers, MediaPost, @byheatherlong, @washingtonpost, @natbullard, @timobrien, @joshrogin, @asymmetricinfo, @jackshafer, @charlesmurray, @helaineolen, @ghoshworld, @nick_field90, @froomkin, @froomkin, Puck, New York Times and The Hill
Nicholas Kristof / @nickkristof: Congrats to @washingtonpost on nabbing @davidjshipley to be its new Opinion editor, succeeding the great Fred Hiatt. At the @nytimes and at Bloomberg @opinion, Shipley has shown himself to be an outstanding and creative editor. ...
Janine di Giovanni / @janinedigi: Right man for the job. David Shipley named editor of Washington Post editorial page ...
Ron Fournier / @ron_fournier: Great pick. @davidjshipley joins a top-shelf @washingtonpost Opinion team ...
@washpostpr: The Washington Post has named @davidjshipley Editorial Page Editor Read the announcement and the memo to staff from Post CEO and Publisher Fred Ryan: ...
Timothy Egan / @nytegan: Terrific choice. He always made my prose better @the NYT. And now, both papers' opinion pages are led by Oregonians. Revenge of the Pacific Northwest. ...
Dan Barry / @danbarrynyt: Good. Very, very good: David Shipley named editor of Washington Post editorial page ...
David Darmofal / @david_darmofal: I'm wishing him well. His center-left background is a nice antidote to the awful NYT opinion section, which hired Charlotte Greensit from The Intercept of all places to help guide their opinion section that overemphasizes far left & Republican writers. ...
Tom Jones / Poynter: Big news in the UK and media news in the US, including a major hire at The Washington Post
John Authers / @johnauthers: Great news for the @washingtonpost. Not such great news for us at Bloomberg, but many congratulations to David: David Shipley named editor of Washington Post editorial page ...
Heather Long / @byheatherlong: Great news for @PostOpinions Welcome to the team @davidjshipley (PS please bring those infamous Bloomberg snacks to WaPo!)
@washingtonpost: The longtime editor at Bloomberg will succeed the late Fred Hiatt as the first leader of the section hired from outside of The Post. ...
Nat Bullard / @natbullard: Congratulations to @davidjshipley, to whom I owe a great deal. David thought my little client newsletter was worth elevating into the public eye, and I am so grateful that he did.
Tim O'Brien / @timobrien: As everyone knows, @davidjshipley is solid gold. And he will be deeply missed.
Josh Rogin / @joshrogin: Congrats and a warm welcome to @davidjshipley, who was just named editor of Washington Post editorial page ... @PostOpinions
Megan McArdle / @asymmetricinfo: David and Fred were always in fierce competition for the title of “best boss I ever had”. No one can replace Fred, but I am very glad that David will be his successor.
Jack Shafer / @jackshafer: Also, ain't nobody don't like David Shipley.
Charles Murray / @charlesmurray: David Shipley has edited me since 1986 when he was Alice Mayhew's asst, through his years at TNR, NYT, and Bloomberg. To all my right-of-center friends, you will never find a better or fairer editor. To be trusted without reservation.
Helaine Olen / @helaineolen: Congratulations to @davidjshipley — and congrats to all of us at Washington Post Opinions, who just got ourselves a terrific new editorial page editor.
Bobby Ghosh / @ghoshworld: My boss of the past four years, @davidjshipley, is on the move. You don't know how lucky you are, @washingtonpost
Nick Field / @nick_field90: Tough break for Washington Post Deputy Editorial Page Editor Ruth Marcus, who was judged to be too old at age 64, getting passed over for 59 year-old David Shipley
@froomkin: The Washington Post claims to be independent of Jeff Bezos. Bloomberg News is ostensibly “independent” of its billionaire owner, too. But its two top opinion editors quit to work on Bloomberg's campaign — then came right back after it imploded. Bezos just hired one of them.
@froomkin: So @JeffBezos hired himself a white guy who had already sacrificed his journalistic ethics by working on a billionaire's presidential campaign. ...
Tara Palmeri / Puck: The WaPo's Momentous Non-Bennet-Quake
Katie Robertson / New York Times: Washington Post names David Shipley as its opinion editor.
Dominick Mastrangelo / The Hill: Washington Post names new editorial page editor