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After Roe, reporters may have to rely on a single source, on the record, to tell stories about the end of legal abortion, as others stay quiet to avoid arrest — In America after the end of Roe v. Wade, one brave source, on the record, is often the best we are going to get.
@bethany_bruner, The Columbus Dispatch, Wall Street Journal, Popular Information, @erikwemple, @bgrueskin, @glennkesslerwp, @glennkesslerwp, Washington Post, Insider, @bartenderhemry, @tomscocca, @laurahazardowen, @justinbaragona, @aoc, @andrewjbates46, @espiers, @daveyalba, @bgrueskin, WHDH-TV, @andrewperezdc, Deadline, @erikwemple, @erikwemple, WXIX-TV, Fox News, NPR, @heerjeet, @jayshams, @kimmasters, @chrisgeidner, @coreypein, @mathewi, @andrewperezdc, @petersterne, @thesarahkelly, @sluggahjells, @lebassett, @fordm, @oliviakrauth, @libbycwatson, @digiphile, @samthielman, @bradmossesq, @espiers, @libbycwatson, @nickriccardi, @petersterne, @kelleyroot, @blackamazon, @fawfulfan, @juddlegum, @angryblacklady, @cristymsilva, @gabrielroth, @mollyjongfast, @chrisgeidner, @nberlat, @moiradonegan, @helenkennedy, @vv1lder, @connieschultz, @ike_saul, @david_darmofal, @jayrosen_nyu, @sarahscire, @espiers, @tomscocca, @amandabecker, @erickleefeld, @dcbigjohn, @tomwatson, @jamesbazan, @janecoaston, @benjaminmillar, @ijbailey, @tomscocca, @elizaorlins, @irin, @rexchapman, @nataliapetrzela, @normornstein, @espiers, @m_scribe, @seandkennedy, @charlesornstein, @libbycwatson, @edbott, @davidpepper, @brianstelter, @lilypuckett, @cristianafarias, @erikwemple, @alecmacgillis, @nickriccardi, @abughazalehkat, @chrismegerian, @jessicavalenti, @irin, @ike_saul, @mollyjongfast, @nameshiv, @jesseltaylor, @gunnelswarren, @sarahw, @soledadobrien, @sbenkelman, @laurahazardowen, @petersterne, @sarahposner, CNN, @mrbutterworth, Media Matters for America, New York Post and Rolling Stone
Bethany Bruner / @bethany_bruner: I was the ONLY reporter in the courtroom this morning as the man accused of raping a 10-year-old girl, impregnating her, leading to an abortion in Indiana, was arraigned. This confirms that the case exists.
The Columbus Dispatch: Arrest made in rape of Ohio girl that led to Indiana abortion drawing international attention
Judd Legum / Popular Information: The right-wing smear campaign against a doctor who helped a 10-year-old rape victim
Erik Wemple / @erikwemple: The Wall Street Journal has added an editor's note to its editorial regarding the 10-year-old Ohio rape victim who had to travel to Indiana for an abortion 1/:
Bill Grueskin / @bgrueskin: Re the rape case of the 10-year-old Ohio girl: Left: WSJ Edit Page yesterday calls it a ‘fanciful tale’ Right: Columbus Dispatch today reports arrest of suspect
Glenn Kessler / @glennkesslerwp: The last line of this fact check was: “If a rapist is ever charged, the fact finally would have more solid grounding.” Now, a rapist has been charged and the story has been updated. Getting lots of angry emails but journalism is an accumulation of facts. ...
Glenn Kessler / @glennkesslerwp: And fyi, for more than a year I have had a policy of not reading notifications. It's made life on this toxic platform much easier. So if you are screaming at @GlennKesslerWP I'm not hearing it. I do respond to thoughtful or provocative emails, though.
Alyssa Rosenberg / Washington Post: This is what it means to rape a 10-year-old
Mia Jankowicz / Insider: Indiana AG says investigating doctor who gave abortion to 10-year-old rape victim from Ohio after Roe overturn
@bartenderhemry: “This story turned out to be true, but the fact that it FELT false to me says a lot about society” -Glenn Kessler
Tom Scocca / @tomscocca: The question, at bottom, is why Glenn Kessler saw an urgent need to challenge a reporter who'd reported that a law had done the thing the law was written to do
Laura Hazard Owen / @laurahazardowen: Unimaginable abortion stories will become more common. Is American journalism ready? (No.) I wrote about the 10-year-old and the fact-checking.
Justin Baragona / @justinbaragona: Fox News host Emily Compagno, yesterday, on the story of a 10-year-old rape victim who had to go to Indiana for an abortion: “What I find so deeply offensive, they had to make up a fake one!” Meanwhile, the alleged rapist was just arrested and charged.
Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez / @aoc: 80%+ of rapes go unreported to police. Should those be treated as false too? How do your opinions impact this coverage of assault? What impact have your actions had on that little girl and her family? As “fact checker,” how do your positions impact @washingtonpost's coverage?
Andrew Bates / @andrewjbates46: The headline of this morning's @WSJopinion editorial, “An Abortion Story Too Good to Confirm,” is grotesque. They should update it to “We apologize.”
Elizabeth Spiers / @espiers: Sexual assault stories are among the hardest to cover because by definition the specific act almost never has eyewitnesses. It's hard to corroborate. But that does not excuse casting doubt on victim claims with no evidence when there's so little incentive for them to lie
Davey Alba / @daveyalba: I sincerely hope that journalists do not fail this moment. But I don't know.
Bill Grueskin / @bgrueskin: So @WSJopinion finally admits they screwed up their piece on the Ohio rape case — but they do so in the most half-assed way possible. Their original editorial did a lot more than “wonder” about the case. They had categorized it as a “fanciful” tale.
Brianna Silva / WHDH-TV: A man was charged in the rape of a 10-year-old who traveled to Indiana for an abortion
Andrew Perez / @andrewperezdc: The @washingtonpost fact checker has trained himself to view doctors who provide abortions as “activists” on “one side of the debate” who thus cannot be believed. He probably thinks that's being objective.
Ted Johnson / Deadline: Arrest Made In Ohio Child Rape & Abortion Case Doubted By Fox News Pundits And Other Conservative Commentators
@erikwemple: All told, I counted 12 sentences that cast doubt on the story — they all stand, uncorrected, alongside an “editor's note” that guts them all. If ever the WSJ editorial board had some editing to do. 3/
Erik Wemple / @erikwemple: Fitting that perhaps the biggest abortion story since the SCOTUS overturning of Roe v. Wade stems from regional/local newspapers, because that's where the reporting on this issue will be playing out for months and years. A brand-new test for a hollowed-out American media sector.
Jared Goffinet / WXIX-TV: ‘Not a whisper’ of evidence to show 10-year-old Ohio rape victim got abortion in Indiana: AG Yost tells FOX News
David Folkenflik / NPR: A rape, an abortion, and a one-source story: a child's ordeal becomes national news
Jeet Heer / @heerjeet: If you're a journalist who works for the Wall Street Journal, how do you feel about your paper muddying the waters in the rape of a 10 year old? Does that make you feel good about your work place? Do you think it reflects well on you?
@jayshams: If only the Wall Street Journal had the resources to report instead of publish unfounded opinions...
Kim Masters / @kimmasters: An absolutely disgusting excuse for journalism, @WSJ.
Chris Geidner / @chrisgeidner: Yes, reporting like this absolutely must continue. But, we already know — by looking at the policing of pregnancy outcomes under Roe and the pre-Roe history — what can and will happen. Add in tech-related surveillance, and there will be new problems as well. This is reality.
@coreypein: This warrants a retraction, not a fucking mealy-mouthed “editor's note” on an unsigned column that cast false aspersions on journalists who did their jobs.
Mathew Ingram / @mathewi: And yet, the headline is still An Abortion Story Too Good to Confirm"
Andrew Perez / @andrewperezdc: Nice, would really like to see an investigation into the decisions to write and publish this shit too ...
Peter Sterne / @petersterne: @laurahazardowen Right, and this is one reason I don't like referring to Kessler as a fact-checker. Journalists should turn over their reporting to actual fact-checkers, the people who work for their news org and are tasked with confirming facts internally before publication.
@thesarahkelly: I'm bracing myself for some really gross discourse about whether reporters who've had abortions can cover reproductive rights fairly
@sluggahjells: @GlennKesslerWP One @GlennKesslerWP should issue an apology to @srudavsky & @Rachel_Fradette. By even writing his latest terrible “fact checker” piece, he went and delegitimized their reporting in the midst of major right-wing skeptics. Simply put, Glenn Kessler just isn't fit for that role.
Laura Bassett / @lebassett: Mealy-mouthed update on an editorial that still has the same hed and dek: “An Abortion Story Too Good to Confirm” “Biden told a tale of a 10-year old rape victim that no one can identify.” Imagine calling a 10-year-old's rape “too good to confirm.”
Matt Ford / @fordm: Not identifying underage victims of sexual abuse by name is, for very good and very obvious reasons, one of the few universal rules left in American journalism. Exploiting it like this is shameful.
Olivia Krauth / @oliviakrauth: I've heard this song before.
Libby Watson / @libbycwatson: especially in this climate! i know reporters who have worked on rape stories would tell you the first thing you need to do is build trust. you can't just barrel in like “hey i'm the pinocchios guy from the washington post, tell me where the girl lives”
Alex Howard / @digiphile: If you're a journalist on Twitter, please read your @-mentions & DMs. If you don't want to hear feedback, or answer questions from @WashingtonPost subscribers (like me) here, please delete your account, & post your email address on articles. Thank you for correcting the record.
Bradley P. Moss / @bradmossesq: .@EmilyCompagno FYI, feel free to admit you messed up
Elizabeth Spiers / @espiers: This is wild and abhorrent misunderstanding of sexual assault, and especially when it involves a minor.
Libby Watson / @libbycwatson: absolutely insane to imagine you can just expect a doctor tell you where a 10 year old rape victim lives
Nick Riccardi / @nickriccardi: Good @laurahazardowen piece on the 10-yr-old's abortion story. We are going to have to get used to “thinly sourced” stories like this because so much of this stuff is, by law if not inclination, is private.
Peter Sterne / @petersterne: @laurahazardowen I think it's worth pointing out that Kessler's claim that the Star published the story without making any effort to confirm is completely baseless. We simply don't know what steps the paper took to confirm the story!
Kelley Root / @kelleyroot: Sadly, this was not a “fanciful tale.” Children do get raped. Children do get pregnant. It's a real issue and it must be addressed.
@blackamazon: Again when do we discuss the laziness of journalism when it comes to marginalized or victimized people
Matthew Chapman / @fawfulfan: The fact you think there has to be an arrest to corroborate a rape story is itself a really egregious error of judgment. *Most* rapists are never caught, any law enforcement or survivor advocate group can tell you that. The word from a named doctor on the record should be enough.
Judd Legum / @juddlegum: Law prof @JonathanTurley wrote an op-ed in the @nypost questioning a report about a 10-year-old rape victim from Ohio who was forced to travel to Indiana for an abortion The column was printed with the URL “activist-tale-of-a-10-year-old-rape- victims-abortion-looks-like-a- lie”
@angryblacklady: but just yesterday Glenn Greenwald said this story was fake in service to his conservative overlords who don't want you to think about the chaos they have unleashed on this country.
Cristina Silva / @cristymsilva: Countless abortion stories will never be told at all. It won't be because they're lies. It will be because telling them is too risky, because patients and doctors and staffers and volunteers will face arrest for coming forward.
Gabriel Roth / @gabrielroth: If you write a “fact-checking” column and you set out to check a fact and you're unable to determine whether the fact is true, one option would be simply not to write a column about it, on the grounds that your column is supposed to contain fact-checking and you have not done any
Molly Jong-Fast / @mollyjongfast: WSJ editorial page debunked a true story.
Chris Geidner / @chrisgeidner: Thanks to the local journalists who did “confirm” the story, including @bethany_bruner, who was in court. HOWEVER, the idea that each horror story resulting from Dobbs and these extreme state laws should be presumed false is an attempt to hide the consequences of their policies.
Noah Berlatsky / @nberlat: Glenn Kessler and the post failed their readers, and need to update policies and figure out how not to do that again.
Moira Donegan / @moiradonegan: A sexual assault survivor was not allowed to cover sexual violence at the Post. But this guy is.
Helen Kennedy / @helenkennedy: Well this is goddamn pathetic.
Emily Wilder / @vv1lder: “If performing or receiving an abortion now counts as activism, well, then journalists will need to be okay quoting ‘activists,’ unless they only want to tell the anti-abortion movement's side.”
Connie Schultz / @connieschultz: I have many words for this.
Isaac Saul / @ike_saul: Biden asked the nation to imagine what its like for that 10 year old girl — a rape victim, pregnant — to have to travel to get abortion services. Now we should also imagine what it's like for her family to watch an unaccountable media ecosystem slander the story as a lie.
David Darmofal / @david_darmofal: Just a reminder that Glenn Kessler tried to raise questions about whether this girl even existed. There is often a moral bankruptcy in WaPo's “fact-checking”.
Jay Rosen / @jayrosen_nyu: All souls who would seek to know the nature of @WSJopinion read herein.
Sarah Scire / @sarahscire: “Countless abortion stories will never be told at all. It won't be because they're lies.” such a powerful clear-eyed piece here from @laurahazardowen
Elizabeth Spiers / @espiers: Why would a 10 year take a rapist to court? Lotta men demonstrating that they've never had to care for a child in any meaningful way.
Tom Scocca / @tomscocca: Why were so many people, including the Washington Post's fact-check desk, so invested in acting like it was unbelievable that a no-exceptions abortion ban would block someone from getting a necessary abortion?
Amanda Becker / @amandabecker: Put down the WaPo. *Definitely* put down the WSJ op-ed page. This right here is the analytical take you need to read about our post-Roe world, the unthinkable situations that will nonetheless be true, and if/how MSM can meet this moment:
Eric Kleefeld / @erickleefeld: Step 1: Wall Street Journal editorial, “An Abortion Story Too Good to Confirm.” ("All kinds of fanciful tales travel far on social media these days...") Step 2: WSJ posts editor's note, acknowledging that actual journalists at a different publication have now confirmed the story.
John R Stanton / @dcbigjohn: And also baseless claims by well known bad actors seeking to undermine criticism of their policies doing exactly what they are intended to do. He definitely responds to those.
Tom Watson / @tomwatson: The combination of arrogance and lunacy in this tweet are hard to match in the annals of fact-checking journalism.
Jim Bazán / @jamesbazan: @GlennKesslerWP And yet you asserted it was not a fact without a factual basis for that assertion.
Jane Coaston / @janecoaston: If the lede of your op-ed is contradicted by the editors note to the op-ed than perhaps the problem is more pronounced
@benjaminmillar: To: Subject: Media folk making not reading replies their entire personality does wonderful things for public perception of journalism, just terrific stuff
@ijbailey: @laurahazardowen This is so important in a post-Roe world, but also one in which most rapes aren't even reported. Should we refuse to report anything that doesn't go through official law enforcement channels? And, as you alluded to, for a lot of legit reasons, one source might be all we get.
Tom Scocca / @tomscocca: These laws are real! If reality is too shocking for you to deal with, you shouldn't have a job in the news business.
Eliza Orlins / @elizaorlins: Grateful for the journalists who show up. I'm used to people questioning what I see as a public defender. Yet, everything I talk about is happening in plain sight in open court. Imagine how different things could be if journalists actually covered what happens in local courts.
Rex Chapman / @rexchapman: There is no bottom.
Natalia Mehlman Petrzela / @nataliapetrzela: Gleefully calling any story about a child's abuse and abortion “fanciful” or “too good” to be true is absolutely 🤮
Norman Ornstein / @normornstein: We can all yearn for the day when the Wall Street Journal editorial page apologizes
Elizabeth Spiers / @espiers: I want j schools to do a specific course on this. Sexual assault stories are uniquely hard to report out. But no one does this. I learned how to report these things the hard way, with conflicting stories and lawyers.
Melody Schreiber / @m_scribe: “If performing or receiving an abortion now counts as activism, well, then journalists will need to be okay quoting ‘activists’...” Thanks to @laurahazardowen for this. Also if getting an abortion makes you an activist, some journalist would be activists.
@seandkennedy: Editorial pages are separate from a newspaper's reporters and news departments, but as someone who has worked in newspapers for close to 20 years, this is a nightmare. Unacceptable.
Charles Ornstein / @charlesornstein: Today, an editorial by @WSJopinion suggested the story of the 10-year-old was false. Will the editorial board apologize? Does this change its view?
Libby Watson / @libbycwatson: and then of course this
Ed Bott / @edbott: The @WSJ Editorial page? I have never seen a more wretched hive of scum and villainy...
David Pepper / @davidpepper: The national right-wing disinformation machine whipped up a frenzy to deny the reality of the horrific laws their extremists are imposing on a majority who disagree. Ohio AG Yost was a prime instigator. And they were 100% wrong. This will happen again and again...
Brian Stelter / @brianstelter: Two Gannett papers, one in Indiana and one in Ohio, have humanized the new American reality about abortion. And in doing so, they have highlighted the inhumanity of some partisan punditry. ...
Cristian Farias / @cristianafarias: Not to pile on, but the implication here is a that our understanding of reality should depend chiefly on the word of cops and the criminal legal system. Uvalde, the murder of George Floyd, and other horrors should've laid that idea to rest.
Erik Wemple / @erikwemple: The editor's note leaves an astounding juxtaposition, as it cites the Dispatch as confirming a story that the Journal itself had characterized with this headline and subhead 2/:
Alec MacGillis / @alecmacgillis: Just hours after this editorial appeared in WSJ:
Nick Riccardi / @nickriccardi: (Also tbc as I tweeted earlier an on the record source with 1sthand knowledge is not thinly-sourced, I'm using that ironically)
Kat Abu / @abughazalehkat: This is the PJ Media reporter Megan Fox who spurred the gross and disproven WSJ op-ed which described a 10-year-old's rape as a “fanciful tale”. Fox is now taking credit for the rapist's arrest and ignoring her extremely gross 35+ tweet thread from a week ago.
Chris Megerian / @chrismegerian: A lot of national pundits questioning whether this case was made up. But only a local reporter showed up to find out for sure.
Jessica Valenti / @jessicavalenti: Only 5% of rapes result in an arrest. That doesn't mean the other 95% didn't happen
Irin Carmon / @irin: “Kessler didn't note in the original column that some of the agencies he'd contacted hadn't responded.” One of those agencies had in fact received the abuse report.
Isaac Saul / @ike_saul: I mean, this is so, so f*cking bad. It is more than correction worthy. @WSJopinion do the right thing.
Molly Jong-Fast / @mollyjongfast: I'm so very NOT shocked that the WSJ editorial page was on the wrong side of this.
@nameshiv: The alleged fact checker who failed to check the facts has kindly pointed out that he is actually correct to not check the facts because he also doesnt check the replies
@jesseltaylor: so, you know how one side insisted that the 10 year old rape victim was fabricated, then when it was revealed she wasn't, immediately leapt to immigrant-bashing? well, both sides
Warren Gunnels / @gunnelswarren: In the warped mind of @GlennKesslerWP, if your 1 source is an OBGYN with the guts to go on the record about a 10-year old girl who was raped & unable to get an abortion in Ohio that story isn't fit to print. But if your 1 source is a friend funded by the Koch billionaires run it.
Sarah Weinman / @sarahw: @laurahazardowen What's telling about this whole paragraph is that it could just as easily apply to one-source stories from police departments
Soledad O'Brien / @soledadobrien: Lol the @washingtonpost fact checker guy. Anyway, as I frequently tell you—the political media is fail... You guys know what I'm gonna say. This is just example 9 zillion.
Susan Benkelman / @sbenkelman: “Countless abortion stories will never be told at all. It won't be because they're lies. It will be because telling them is too risky, because patients and doctors and staffers and volunteers will face arrest for coming forward.” Well said @laurahazardowen
Laura Hazard Owen / @laurahazardowen: @petersterne totally. i don't understand the seeming expectation that the paper should have turned over its reporting/unidentified sources to an outside fact-checker. there's a lot of assuming that not responding to his questions means it didn't happen
Peter Sterne / @petersterne: @laurahazardowen You can say “the paper only attributed the story to one source” or “the story only had a single on-the-record source” but there's no way for an outside columnist like Kessler to know what reporting the paper did that didn't make it into print.
Sarah Posner / @sarahposner: Read every single word of this:
Brian Stelter / CNN: Authorities confirm story about 10-year-old rape victim as abortion debate rages
Scott Butterworth / @mrbutterworth: @ErikWemple Or retracting altogether
Media Matters for America: These media figures discredited a report on a 10-year-old girl needing a medical abortion. There was just an arrest in the case.

Netflix announces Microsoft as its “global advertising technology and sales partner” for its upcoming ad-supported streaming tier — Microsoft will become Netflix's ‘global advertising technology and sales partner’ — Netflix is partnering with Microsoft for its upcoming ad …
The Official Microsoft Blog, About Netflix, Bloomberg, Variety, Deadline, The Wrap, Wall Street Journal, Adweek, Protocol, TNW, @xandr, Curioso Mercado, Hollywood Reporter, Ad Age, @cracked, @daveleeft, The Desk, @katienotopoulos, @lucas_shaw, @msftadvertising, @tvgrimreaper, @loudmouthjulia, @satyanadella, @fxshaw, @modestproposal1, @levynews, @slacktivistfred, @sherman4949, @aripap, @luoshengpeng, @jfruh, @loudmouthjulia, @joshsternberg, @nixcraft, Tubefilter, CBS News, Next in Marketing, @psythor, MacRumors, @azalben, Los Angeles Times, UPROXX, Gizmodo, Financial Times, Next TV, MediaPost, The Streamable, WGN-TV, CNBC, TechCrunch, Media Play News and Advanced Television, more at Techmeme »
Mikhail Parakhin / The Official Microsoft Blog: Netflix names Microsoft as partner for new consumer subscription plan
Greg Peters / About Netflix: Netflix to partner with Microsoft on new ad supported subscription plan
Brian Steinberg / Variety: Netflix, Microsoft to Team Up for Streaming Ad Sales
Jill Goldsmith / Deadline: Netflix Teaming With Microsoft On New Ad-Supported Streaming Tier
Sarah Krouse / Wall Street Journal: Netflix Partners With Microsoft for New Advertising-Backed Option
Mollie Cahillane / Adweek: Netflix Selects Microsoft as Partner for Upcoming Ad-Supported Tier
Ioanna Lykiardopoulou / TNW: Netflix names ally for dreaded ad-supported subscriptions: Microsoft
@xandr: Exciting news from @Microsoft and @Netflix today! We're thrilled to be part of this exclusive partnership powering Netflix's first ad-supported subscription plan. ...
Alex Weprin / Hollywood Reporter: Netflix Picks Microsoft as Global Advertising Partner As It Plans New Service Tier
Garett Sloane / Ad Age: Netflix picks Microsoft as advertising partner
Dave Lee / @daveleeft: How well will the ROI on Microsoft + Netflix ads compare to what Amazon can do with its data + Prime Video?
Matthew Keys / The Desk: Microsoft will power ad-supported Netflix service
Katie Notopoulos / @katienotopoulos: give me the gritty Clippy reboot
Lucas Shaw / @lucas_shaw: Experts estimate Netflix's advertising business could generate $3 billion in the US and Canada alone. Microsoft will be the exclusive ad seller + server for Netflix. Our story:
@msftadvertising: We're thrilled to be Netflix's partner to help power their first ad-supported offering! All ads served on Netflix will be exclusively available through the Microsoft platform!
Julia Alexander / @loudmouthjulia: The line between Xandr being acquired by AT&T where it sat for four years before being sold to Microsoft and will now be used to help power Netflix's ad business is a perfect example of all roads leading back to a handful of companies because all roads lead back to consolidation.
Satya Nadella / @satyanadella: We're thrilled Netflix has selected Microsoft as its advertising technology and sales partner. We want publishers to have more long-term viable ad monetization platforms, so more people can access the content they love wherever they are. ...
Frank X. Shaw / @fxshaw: Great to partner with Netflix and help power their first ad-supported subscription offering for consumers!
@modestproposal1: “More importantly, Microsoft offered the flexibility to innovate over time on both the technology and sales side” “Microsoft said all ads served on Netflix will be available exclusively through Microsoft”
Ari Levy / @levynews: Microsoft finally getting value out of its aQuantive acquisition
@slacktivistfred: This is smart. Microsoft has years of experience keeping people staring at their computers just waiting for some unwelcome interruption to be over with.
Alex Sherman / @sherman4949: Unlike Google (YouTube) and Comcast (Peacock), who were other potential advertising partners, Microsoft doesn't own/operate a competing streaming service with Netflix.
Ari Paparo / @aripap: Huge underdog win for MSFT (and @xandr!). I'm going to bet that experience with global sales was a big plus as they represent MSN inventory throughout Europe and other geos.
Luosheng Peng / @luoshengpeng: $MSFT: We're thrilled to be named Netflix's technology and sales partner to help power their first ad-supported subscription offering. ...
Josh Fruhlinger / @jfruh: season 5 of STRANGER THINGS: it's the mid '00s, the kids are all grown up, and we realize we're in the alternate timeline where zunes won
Julia Alexander / @loudmouthjulia: Next partnership between Netflix and Microsoft is gaming of some kind? If we think of Netflix's initiatives, and what third-party partners benefits Netflix without benefitting a direct competitor, why not figure out a partnership for games on Xbox/PC? ...
Josh Sternberg / @joshsternberg: huh. ...
@nixcraft: Netflix to partner with Microsoft on new ad supported subscription plan FYI, this is addition to our existing *ads-free* basic, standard and premium plans. So don't freak out.
Sam Gutelle / Tubefilter: Netflix chooses Microsoft as the technology and sales partner for its ad-supported streaming service
Mike Shields / Next in Marketing: Burning questions regarding the Netflix/Microsoft ad partnership shocker
James O'Malley / @psythor: There's a future where Netflix is a frontend for Xbox Gamepass and Microsoft dramatically increases the number of clients that can access its games.
Alex Zalben / @azalben: “Hi, I'm Clippy! It looks like you're trying to watch Warrior Nun?”
Nina Braca / UPROXX: Netflix Has Revealed More About Their Ad-Supported Plan (And Their Planned Studio Partnerships)
Kyle Barr / Gizmodo: Netflix Buddies Up With Microsoft to Craft Its Upcoming Ad-Based Subscription Tier
Jon Lafayette / Next TV: Netflix Enlists Microsoft To Enable Ad-Supported Tier
Wayne Friedman / MediaPost: Netflix Names Microsoft As Partner For Its Low-Priced, Ad-Supported Option
Matt Tamanini / The Streamable: Netflix Selects Microsoft as Partner to Facilitate Ad-Supported Tier
Jessica Bursztynsky / CNBC: Netflix partners with Microsoft on ad-supported subscription plan
Lauren Forristal / TechCrunch: Netflix partners with Microsoft for its ad-supported plan
Stephanie Prange / Media Play News: Netflix to Partner With Microsoft on Ad-Supported Sub Plan

Sources: Netflix is in talks with studios to amend contracts so it can offer their content on an ad-supported tier; some say studios will seek a 15%-30% premium — Streaming giant wants to amend deals, has begun talks with studios such as Warner, Universal and Sony
Reuters, Marketing Dive, The Signal, ScreenRant, @smtuffy, @jbflint, @masasoncap, Digital TV Europe, Broadband TV News, @savvyauntie and
Peter Adams / Marketing Dive: Netflix picks Microsoft as partner to build ad-supported streaming business
Hannah Gearan / ScreenRant: New Netflix Ads Plan Details Revealed | Screen Rant
Joe Flint / @jbflint: Launching an ad-supported platform won't be cheap for Netflix. Studios that supply it with programming will likely seek a premium of 15% to 30% to allow content to appear on an ad-supported version of Netflix. via @WSJ
Jonathan Easton / Digital TV Europe: Netflix reportedly enters talks with Hollywood studios over ad offering

UK's Online Safety Bill is expected to be dropped from parliamentary schedule next week, halting the bill's progress until the fall, amid Johnson's resignation — LONDON — Progress on Britain's proposed new content regulation law is expected to be delayed until the fall …
Nadine Dorries / @nadinedorries: Which part of the bill legislates for hurt feelings, Kemi?
Natasha Lomas / TechCrunch: UK's Online Safety Bill on pause pending new PM
Paul Rainford / Light Reading: Eurobites: Proximus targets SMEs with Odoo's help
Eleanor Langford / PoliticsHome: Government's Flagship Online Safety Bill Set To Be Dropped From Commons Business
James Vincent / The Verge: UK's ambitious plan to overhaul online safety laws delayed by government chaos
Kemi Badenoch / @kemibadenoch: This would be the right move. The bill is in no fit state to become law. If I'm elected Prime Minister I will ensure the bill doesn't overreach. We should not be legislating for hurt feelings.
Eleanor Langford / @eleanormia: I understand the Bill was dropped next week to make room for the Labour motion of no confidence A govt source says: “Labour reduced the amount of time for genuine parliamentary business so they could play politics. They are reaping what they sowed.”
Alan D Miller / @alanvibe: We need to ensure Online Safety Bill is kicked into touch #together It's an abhorrent attack on the core of our Society: without free speech & open debate we have no freedom Outsourcing censorship to Big Tech is cowardly dangerous & wrong. Stay vigilant on this
Yuan Yi Zhu / @yuanyi_z: It is not impossible the Culture Secretary doesn't actually know what's in the Online Safety Bill.
Sam Courtney-Guy / Online Safety Bill ‘dropped until next PM comes in’ when it could be killed off
Julia Hartley-Brewer / @juliahb1: Government's Flagship Online Safety Bill Set To Be Dropped From Commons Business. It may just be temporary but we now have more time to fight this dangerous attack on our freedom of speech online. ...
Eleanor Langford / @eleanormia: Hearing that the Online Safety Bill has been dropped from government business next week with a view for it to “come back in the autumn” (aka when there's a new PM Read: it's being dropped Pretty key piece of govt legislation gone
Eleanor Langford / @eleanormia: The plan reportedly still is for it to be tabled in the autumn A DCMS source has insisted it is not true the bill is being dropped entirely
Neil Brown / @neil_neilzone: If - *if* - the #OnlineSafetyBill has gone away and it is not just a temporary calendaring hiatus (as it might well be), I imagine the pressure on the sketchy Part 3 #DEAct judicial review will increase. People got product to shift.

A woman wrote 206 interconnected Wikipedia articles in Chinese since 2019 with false accounts of Russian medieval history, one of the largest hoaxes on the site — She “single-handedly invented a new way to undermine Wikipedia,” says a Wikipedian. — RC
@macwbishop, @kanishktharoor, @hex, @silvermanjacob, @benjedwards, @lalehkhalili, @holland_tom, @motherboard, @bigblackjacobin, @brooklynmarie, @megankstack, @silvermanjacob, @chris_bail, @greg_jenner, @textfiles, @tmclaughlin3, @rachel_cheung1, @boycotthegemony, @aurorachaang and @jiaqikangjiaqi, more at Techmeme »
Mac William Bishop / @macwbishop: This kind of thing is precisely why I only ever use quotes from ancient scrolls which I have personally recovered from the ruins of long-lost hidden temples after navigating a series of life-threatening booby traps & puzzles solved with clues from the diary of a missing scholar.
Kanishk Tharoor / @kanishktharoor: I like this hoax even more than the fake IPL set up Gujarati farmers to lure Russian online gamblers.
Scott Martin / @hex: An entertaining account of someone taking advantage of one of Wikipedia's systemic weaknesses. It's not actually a new thing, despite another editor being quoted, just very big.
Jacob Silverman / @silvermanjacob: She wrote a hyper-text novel.
Benj Edwards / @benjedwards: This is what I called a “historical context attack” in my 2020 article on the threat that synthetic media poses to history Instead of a human, imagine millions of bots doing this, generating fictional history to influence and disrupt. We are not prepared ...
Laleh Khalili / @lalehkhalili: Oh Borges would have loved her: “The content she wrote is of high quality and the entries were interconnected, creating a system that can exist on its own”
@motherboard: She “single-handedly invented a new way to undermine Wikipedia,” says a Wikipedian.
Edward Ongweso Jr / @bigblackjacobin: “One of her longest articles was almost the length of ‘The Great Gatsby.’ With the formal, authoritative tone of an encyclopedia, it detailed three Tartar uprisings in the 17th century that left a lasting impact on Russia, complete with a map she made.”
Brooke Binkowski / @brooklynmarie: This shit goes on all over the place now. It's a really derailing feeling
Megan K. Stack / @megankstack: Undermining? But this is art. “The content she wrote is of high quality and the entries were interconnected, creating a system that can exist on its own,” Chinese Wikipedian John Yip said. “She single-handedly invented a new way to undermine Wikipedia.”
Jacob Silverman / @silvermanjacob: False documents have a rich history in fiction (Borges, ofc). Also: “She speaks neither English nor Russian and is a housewife with only a high school degree.” She created a rich creative work that also did a little culture-jamming. I'm impressed.
Chris Bail / @chris_bail: Author researching a historical fiction project discovers large scale manipulation of Russian history on Wikipedia. How many such schemes have not yet been uncovered?
Greg Jenner / @greg_jenner: Wow! This is one hell of a story A Bored Chinese Housewife Spent Years Falsifying Russian History on Wikipedia
Jason Scott / @textfiles: Just the Wikipedia Critic dipping in to say this is just one of the ones that got caught
Timothy McLaughlin / @tmclaughlin3: “Unable to comprehend scholarly articles in their original language, she pieced sentences together with a translation tool and filled in the blanks with her own imagination.”
Rachel Cheung / @rachel_cheung1: I followed up on the mind-boggling story of a Chinese woman has spent years writing alternative account of medieval Russian history on Chinese #Wikipedia. “Zhemao single-handedly invented a new way to undermine Wikipedia,” a Wikipedian told me.
@boycotthegemony: “The content she wrote is of high quality and the entries were interconnected, creating a system that can exist on its own,” veteran Chinese Wikipedian John Yip told VICE World News. “Zhemao single-handedly invented a new way to undermine Wikipedia.”
Aurora Chang / @aurorachaang: “She speaks neither English nor Russian and is a housewife with only a high school degree... The alternative accounts were imaginary friends she “cosplayed” as she was bored and alone, given her husband was away most of the time and she didn't have any friends.” girl omg 😭

A look at the M&A activity at regional media chains, some of which are aggressively buying in small and mid-sized markets, creating several “newspaper barons” — During the heyday of print newspapers, big-shot media moguls were practically kingmakers, using their resources …
Tim Franklin / @timafranklin: A new installment of the @LocalNewsIni @MedillSchool State of Local News report examines an emerging trend — the rise of large regional newspaper barons in medium and small markets. In less than a year, CherryRoad has snapped up more than 60 newspapers. https://localnewsinitiative.northwester ...

Results of a study comparing consumption of partisan online sources and TV news suggest TV is the top driver of partisan audience segregation among Americans — Abstract Partisan segregation within the news audience buffers many Americans from countervailing political views, posing a risk to democracy.
David Rothschild / @davmicrot: 🚨New Paper🚨"Quantifying Partisan News Diets in Web and TV Audiences" in @ScienceAdvances with Dan Muise @homahmrd Baird Howland @markusmobius @duncanjwatts: if you are concerned about partisan-segregation, you should be focused on TV, not online 1/7

A critique of Ev Williams' 10-year tenure at Medium and how it got caught in the middle between Substack and well-funded publishers like BuzzFeed and Vice — How Medium got stuck in the middle. PLUS: Twitter sues Musk — Few tech CEOs can claim to have steered the course of online conversation more than Ev Williams.
@niemanlab, @caseynewton, @mulegirl, Garbage Day, @joshconstine, @benjamingoggin, @jeremylittau, Axios, Protocol, The Post-Evangelical Post and Wall Street Journal
@niemanlab: “Medium's ideas were often coupled to to the livelihoods of journalists and the publications they worked for. It's one thing to have a singular vision and change your tactics along the way; Williams' vision transformed almost continuously.” ...
Casey Newton / @caseynewton: I also attempted to catalog every business pivot in Medium history ...
Erika Hall / @mulegirl: ... I've enjoyed a lot about Medium, and I've also wished they did more research-based product strategy. It really has seemed like a series of “let's try it” experiments and missed opportunities.
Ryan Broderick / Garbage Day: Building a new Titanic on the deck of the old one
Josh Constine / @joshconstine: After 1000 pivots, Medium's best shot is to be the one-hit-wonder curator — Build the best guest-posting platform, not for established freelancers or Substackers who've amassed an audience, but for people with one epic article worthy of reach & revenue ...
Benjamin Goggin / @benjamingoggin: It's remarkable how much digital media has shifted in the last decade. When I worked at a media startup in 2015, Ev visited and ppl treated him like he walked on water and was going to deliver us. Medium went on to struggle with and the angel invested experimentations failed.
Jeremy Littau / @jeremylittau: Good read. For a couple years after Medium launched, its algorithm was a cut above. It surfaced good writing from people I didn't know. Then something got tweaked and the magic was gone - dated content and press releases. They ruined the best part of the platform years ago.
Sarah Roach / Protocol: 'Holding Musk's feet to the fire'
Blake Chastain / The Post-Evangelical Post: Platformer | Ev Williams gives up

Medium founder Ev Williams is stepping down as CEO, to be replaced by CEO Tony Stubblebine; Williams plans to start a new holding company/research lab
@adamsinger, @ev, Adjacent Possible, @kurtwagner8, Newslit Daily, American Press Institute, @lanceulanoff, @goldman, @joshelman, @anildash, @caseynewton, Ev Williams, @dlberes, @jeffjarvis, @rafat, @iankar_, @nbashaw, @mgsiegler, @mgsiegler, @ev, @kerrymflynn, @caseynewton and TechCrunch
Adam Singer / @adamsinger: Substack wins. GG. Future of indie publishing for writers large & small. I've used WordPress, Blogger, Medium & most in-between over the yrs. Here is not even close, they're now best product, have best branding & most user love from writers *and* readers
@ev: @biz It's been a gratifying, challenging, creative, fun, hard, fascinating journey for me running this company. And it's time for me to hand over the reins.
Steven Johnson / Adjacent Possible: Magic Cookies — As some of you know from earlier editions of this newsletter …
Kurt Wagner / @kurtwagner8: *take 2* Ev stepping down as CEO of MEDIUM New CEO @tonystubblebine worked at Odeo way back in the day before Odeo morphed into Twitter
Jose Montes de Oca / Newslit Daily: 🤖 Inside a radical new project to democratize AI
American Press Institute: Need to Know: July 13, 2022 — OFF THE TOP — You might have heard: Outlets hurt …
Lance Ulanoff / @lanceulanoff: As a longtime Medium contributor, I find this news interesting, though not necessarily concerning. Medium has always had potential but it needs to choose its course and stick to it.
Jason Goldman / @goldman: Been reading @ev on and about the web for 20+ years and while he doesn't post as often as he once did, the quality remains incredibly high. ❤️
Josh Elman / @joshelman: First off - congratulations to Ev. I read articles on Medium every single day. Every day. So many voices get a chance to be heard and discovered. And the business has come a long way too. What he has built and run for a decade is fantastic and I am glad to see new roads ahead
@anildash: Love this news — @tonystubblebine is a great choice to lead @Medium. I'm hoping they double-down on what they've been great at (for all the pivots & changes, they have a huge audience that's not dependent on shitty hot takes or surveillance-based ads) and help the indie web.
Casey Newton / @caseynewton: I thought this point from a former employee was astute ...
Ev Williams: New Decade, New Ideas — Next month will be the tenth anniversary of the launch of Medium.
Damon Beres / @dlberes: I probably would have included the major original editorial efforts (and hires) in this writeup
Jeff Jarvis / @jeffjarvis: Sad about this but I am grateful to @ev for once again—after Blogger and Twitter—giving more people more ways to speak online. He is a quiet visionary and I look forward to what comes next. Evan Williams Is Stepping Down as C.E.O. of Medium
@rafat: Please forgive my momentary lapse into meanness: turns out another-rich-white-guy-with-a-savior- complex, not the freakin savior of media. How many times have we seen this story in last few decades?
Nathan Baschez / @nbashaw: End of an era! Many fond memories of Medium. When I got beta access it changed my life. I still remember the first story I published there and the feeling of reaching an audience for the first time. What a thrill. Thanks @Ev, for altering my trajectory for the better!
M.G. Siegler / @mgsiegler: Thanks for helping to create that, @ev, as well as all the other elements of the web — such as this one right here! — where you helped people express themselves on the internet. Easy to overlook something so obvious in 2022. But rather amazing.
M.G. Siegler / @mgsiegler: Having used any and every writing platform on the internet over the past 20-odd years, @Medium remains the absolute best CMS from a writing perspective. Which is wild that it's been the case 10 years in a row. Few things hold titles that long around these parts...
@ev: @biz Medium isn't going anywhere, but I will be moving to chairman of the board. The new CEO is a long-time @Medium partner and collaborator of mine, Tony Stubblebine 🙏❤️
Kerry Flynn / @kerrymflynn: RIP the nonstop news cycle of Ev-led Medium pivots My favorite was the “claps” era
Casey Newton / @caseynewton: (Medium's story is over)
Connie Loizos / TechCrunch: Ev Williams calls it quits as CEO of Medium

Nintendo acquires CG production company Dynamo Pictures, which it will rename Nintento Pictures and will focus on production of content including CG animation — To ‘focus on development of visual content’ using Nintendo intellectual property — Nintendo has acquired CG production company Dynamo Pictures …

The Wired union reaches a first contract agreement with Condé Nast after planning to strike on Amazon Prime Days, and will vote to ratify it in the coming weeks — The WIRED union, a unit of The NewsGuild of New York, which represents more than 55 workers at the technology magazine …
Gabe Rivera / @gaberivera: @mediagazer @gaufre 💪affiliate links✊

The Cool Down, a media outlet focused on original climate change content with plans for an e-commerce marketplace in 2023, raises $5.7M led by Upfront Ventures — A group of media veterans is launching a new digital media and commerce company called The Cool Down with $5.7 million in a funding round led by Upfront Ventures.
@annarobertson, @dtboyd, @johnupton, @mediaevan, @wblau, @nickvanosdol, @tylersteinhrdt and @davefinocchio
Anna Robertson / @annarobertson: Introducing The Cool Down! Excited to partner with @DaveFinocchio to launch a first-of-its-kind content and commerce company with an ambitious plan to become America's first mainstream climate brand.🌎✨😎 Check us out at
Dylan Boyd / @dtboyd: The Cool Down, a Bend, OR based climate media startup, raised $5.7m @upfrontvc led the round and was joined by investors including Revolution's Rise of the Rest Seed Fund, Jetstream, Swingbridge, and Niche Capital
John Upton / @johnupton: This would have failed ten years ago, when the idea may have seemed new. “They see an opportunity in becoming a trusted source for climate change content, so that one day they can be a trusted voice in sustainable purchase recommendations.”
Evan DeSimone / @mediaevan: Someday soon a smart person is going to launch a B2B publication covering the climate economy and it's going to be very profitable.
Wolfgang Blau / @wblau: So many parallels to the early days of digital journalism when the incumbents were dragging their feet in similar ways, wondering: ‘ digital even journalism?’
Nvo / @nickvanosdol: 1. I welcome all the climate media possible 2. We had the ‘cool’ name first 😂

A group representing 75+ PBS NewsHour workers requests union recognition, and a spokesperson for the show's parent station says management plans to grant it — A group of more than 75 workers, including producers, reporters and editors, has requested voluntary recognition.