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Fox News' Brian Kilmeade showed on air an altered image depicting the judge who signed off on the Mar-a-Lago search grafted over an image of Jeffrey Epstein — On Thursday's Tucker Carlson Tonight, guest host Brian Kilmeade showed a clearly photoshopped image of U.S. Magistrate Judge Bruce Reinhart …
@atrupar, @kilmeade, @mattgertz, @mt_hardison, @johncusack, @deggans, Mediaite, @badfoxgraphics, @markgongloff, @chronfalkenberg, @asfleischman, @ericmgarcia, @mehdirhasan, @maxfawcett, @pattonoswalt, @cindy_banyai_fl, @mattxs, @chrisgeidner, @bgrueskin, @normornstein, @fordm, @pbump, @moelleithee, @aodespair, @mattyglesias, @anneapplebaum, @paullahticks, @walshfreedom, @jeffsharlet, @jeffsharlet, @kimmasters, @jkbjournalist, @aodespair, @jackiekcalmes, @davidfolkenflik, @repriggleman, The Daily Beast, @baddcompani, @ananavarro, @parkermolloy, @mehdirhasan, Boing Boing, The Wrap, The Guardian, Insider and @mehdirhasan
Aaron Rupar / @atrupar: Brian Kilmeade, filling in for Tucker Carlson tonight, shared a clearly fake, photoshopped image of the judge involved in approving the Mar-a-Lago warrant
Brian Kilmeade / @kilmeade: Last night while subbing for Tucker Carlson, we showed you an image of Judge Bruce Reinhart w/ Ghislaine Maxwell that was sourced on screen to a meme pulled from Twitter & wasn't real. This depiction never took place & we wanted to make clear that we were showing a meme in jest.
Matthew Gertz / @mattgertz: Hannity: “I think that's actually a picture of Jeffrey Epstein with somebody putting his head on there. I'm just guessing, I don't know.” Kilmeade: “It might be his plane, who knows?” Hannity: “I'll let you determine that in the morning.”
@mt_hardison: Just insane that @kilmeade is peddling a blatantly photoshopped picture of a federal judge the day after a wacko tried to storm an FBI office with an AR. Dude is going to get an innocent man killed.
John Cusack / @johncusack: ⬇️ take away their license
@deggans: For all those who claim that CNN and MSNBC are just as biased toward liberals as Fox News is toward conservatives, consider this: I have never heard of either channel airing doctored photos, like Fox.
Alex Griffing / Mediaite: Fox News Airs Fake Photo of Epstein and Trump Raid Judge Who Has Been Forced Into Hiding By Death Threats
Bad Fox Graphics / @badfoxgraphics: 2/ @kilmeade will face no @FoxNews consequences
Mark Gongloff / @markgongloff: Really hope this judge can sue Fox and get enough out of it to buy his own island, where he can be safe from Fox viewers
Lisa Falkenberg / @chronfalkenberg: When you're so inept that you make Sean Hannity look like an honest broker, it's time to pursue new opportunities on YouTube.
Andrew Fleischman / @asfleischman: I don't know if a judge would ever be interested in a defamation suit. But just slapping a bad photoshop on the air and representing it as real while your coworker expresses doubts...
Eric Michael Garcia / @ericmgarcia: How bad does your hoax have to be when Sean Hannity, who peddled the Seth Rich hoax, calls you out?
Mehdi Hasan / @mehdirhasan: It clearly wasn't in jest and this is clearly not an apology
Patton Oswalt / @pattonoswalt: No you weren't. You weren't. You didn't refer to it as a joke, you presented it as real news. So — you weren't. And now you're lying about it. You're lying. We all know you're lying. YOU know you're lying.
@cindy_banyai_fl: Wow, Fox News is not even trying to pretend to news anymore
Matt / @mattxs: Who is “we”? For a network so concerned about pronouns, you have a real hard time saying “I”
@chrisgeidner: Here is what Kilmeade did last night. Decide whether he was “showing a meme in jest” for yourself.
Bill Grueskin / @bgrueskin: Looks like @kilmeade got a call from the Fox general counsel
Norman Ornstein / @normornstein: Don't think this exonerates you for this despicable act
Matt Ford / @fordm: There must've been a fun meeting with Fox's lawyers ahead of this tweet:
Philip Bump / @pbump: Watch the video above and see if it seems like Kilmeade is offering it in jest.
@moelleithee: In jest? What was the joke? And why didn't you share it on air? Tensions are too high right now for this sort of misinformation masquerading as a joke after the fact.
David Simon / @aodespair: In Jest! Hah. Journalism as a bad lounge act. That's grand.
Matthew Yglesias / @mattyglesias: It's like if the mafia had a cable news channel on hand to do witness intimidation for them.
Anne Applebaum / @anneapplebaum: We don't need the Russians to do Russian -style disinformation in the US. We have it straight from @FoxNews
Paul Lahticks / @paullahticks: They clearly knew this was photoshopped before they aired it - but they knew they could also plead ignorance after the fact: “Sorry, we were duped”.
Joe Walsh / @walshfreedom: Will anyone at @FoxNews condemn this? @BretBaier? @DanaPerino? @BillHemmer? Anyone? I'm only asking because I'm going to hear personally from Republican voters who watch your network and who will believe this lie.
Jeff Sharlet / @jeffsharlet: This is a photo of Maxwell and Epstein, photoshopped. There's vile spin, evil opinion, false statements — and then there's this, which is next level gale force fascist propaganda, not coincidentally antisemitic. It is getting worse. It is getting worse.
Jeff Sharlet / @jeffsharlet: The sloppiness of the photoshopping, the way the photo is visibly a fake even if you don't know the source image, is part of the fascist aesthetic—the demand that you show your loyalty by submitting to that which you know is a lie. 2+2=5.
Kim Masters / @kimmasters: Maybe Dominion awakened some version of thought in Hannity, spreader of the vicious Seth Rich lies.
Julie K. Brown / @jkbjournalist: I wish I could say this was a “new” low for @FoxNews. Truly incredible. They photo-shopped a government exhibit (photo of Maxwell & Epstein on a plane) with an obviously fake photo of Reinhart. Here's the REAL photo.
David Simon / @aodespair: Do you know what you have to do to maneuver successfully past their journalistic standards and safeguards to fool the newsgatherers at @FoxNews into committing an overt, obvious libel per se? Nothing. Nothing at all.
David Folkenflik / @davidfolkenflik: When Sean Hannity has to mop up things up in real time...
Denver Riggleman / @repriggleman: .@Kilmeade should be fired—or at the least suspended. Along with whatever staff member “found” the photo. Should be followed by a public apology. Despicable stuff. This is supposedly a news organization.
William Vaillancourt / The Daily Beast: Fox News Airs Doctored Photo of Trump Raid Judge With Ghislaine Maxwell
@ananavarro: This is disgusting misinformation and puts Judge Reinhart's security at greater risk. Photo on top of Maxwell and Epstein is real. Photo on bottom, broadcast on Fox News highest rated prime time show, is a fake photoshop. In any other news network, there'd be dire consequences.
Parker Molloy / @parkermolloy: This is irresponsible, even by Fox's standards. This went up on the screen as though it was a real picture. Just absurd.
Mehdi Hasan / @mehdirhasan: This is all on the Murdochs. It is Rupert and Lachlan who are okay with this stuff being pumped out in primetime under the label of ‘news’
Mark Frauenfelder / Boing Boing: It's likely Fox's legal department forced Kilmeade to tweet a “clarification” about the defamatory doctored photo of FBI judge
Dessi Gomez / The Wrap: Fox News Airs Edited Photo of Trump Raid Judge Photoshopped Over Jeffrey Epstein (Video)
Natalie Musumeci / Insider: Fox News aired a bizarre fake photo replacing Jeffrey Epstein with the judge who signed off on Trump's search warrant

Brian Kilmeade tries to portray Fox News airing an altered image of the Mar-a-Lago search judge as a joke, saying that “we were showing a meme in jest” — Fox News host Brian Kilmeade has taken to social media in an effort to clean up the mess that was made Thursday night …
Los Angeles Times, @adl, @rpsagainsttrump, @dangillmor, @underoak, Insider, @sephspeaks, @michaelshermer, @kenolin1, @fred_guttenberg, @jeffjarvis, @benestes, @thewrap, @crewcrew, Politico and The Racket News
Stephen Battaglio / Los Angeles Times: Fox News won't apologize for airing phony meme of judge who approved FBI search of Trump's home
@adl: We have been monitoring the #antisemitic threats made against a federal judge in response to the FBI's Mar-a-Lago search. Law enforcement is aware of the calls for violence and outrageous conspiracy theories circulating widely online.
@rpsagainsttrump: Judge who signed FBI Mar-a-Lago warrant facing antisemitic threats online Anonymous posts call for Bruce Reinhart's execution. ...
Dan Gillmor / @dangillmor: Reminder: The Murdoch family's Fox “News” relentlessly injects poison into our civic bloodstream, for power and money. If you subscribe to cable/satellite TV or equivalent streaming bundle, you send money to this evil company every month. Please cancel.
Andria Krewson / @underoak: Part of me thinks flipping tactics is funny and fair game. But the consequences of increased use of tactics, depending on the reach and broadcast platform, can be costly.
Joshua Zitser / Insider: Synagogue of Jewish judge who signed off FBI search warrant into Trump's Mar-a-Lago home cancels Sabbath service following antisemitic abuse
Seph Rodney, PhD / @sephspeaks: This is deadly: “Threats against Judge Reinhart in the wake of the Mar-a-Lago raid are significant,” Daniel J. Jones told VICE. “In addition to antisemitic and violent slurs, we're seeing his address and other personal information being shared online...”
Michael Shermer / @michaelshermer: It would be helpful if people quit thinking of Fox News as, you know, news journalism, and thought of it more like InfoWars, or The National Inquirer. Watch it for puerile fun standing in line at the supermarket ("Hillary's affair with Yoko Ono!") but don't take it seriously.
Ken Olin / @kenolin1: You're pathetic. “I'm sorry” after you've been busted counts for nothing. Your entire organization has done as much damage to our country as your mascot, the nuclear clown himself, Donald ‘the John’ Trump.
Fred Guttenberg / @fred_guttenberg: F-ck you @kilmeade. You and your network knew exactly what you were doing when you did it. You lied to help a criminal in Palm Beach. Your network is working overtime to help that criminal incite violence and you just may get someone killed.
Jeff Jarvis / @jeffjarvis: In any real news organization, you and the producers would be fired. But you do not work for a real news organization, @kilmeade. You work for a propagandist.
Ben Estes / @benestes: Major news organization jokes about federal judge who is receiving death threats. Hilarious.
@thewrap: Fox News host Brian Kilmeade has taken to social media in an effort to clean up the mess that was made Thursday night when the network aired a meme of Ghislaine Maxwell massaging Jeffrey Epstein's feet.
@crewcrew: Far-right extremists on pro-Donald Trump message boards and social networks are making violent, antisemitic threats against the judge who reportedly signed the warrant that allowed the FBI to search the former president's Mar-a-Lago property in Florida.
Myah Ward / Politico: Fox News' Brian Kilmeade clarifies that image of judge at center of Trump search warrant was a fake
Steve Berman / The Racket News: Substantial jeopardy from FBI stupidity

Sources: Rupert and Lachlan Murdoch are expected to sit for depositions as soon as this month in Dominion's suit against Fox, and there were no settlement talks — The suit, filed by Dominion Voting Systems, could be one of the most consequential First Amendment cases in a generation.
@jillwinebanks, @aslavitt, @mukhtaryare, @bbg3shoe, @mitchellepner, @jswatz, @tomeblen, @longdrivesouth, @mattdpearce, @kimmasters, @dankennedy_nu, @globalecoguy and @defensebaron
@jillwinebanks: Defamation Suit About Election Falsehoods Puts Fox on Its Heels. Could it stop Republicans in Congress from repeating Trump and Fox lies?
Andy Slavitt / @aslavitt: It's not over until it's Dominion Voting Machines News Network. via @NYTimes
Mukhtar M. Ibrahim / @mukhtaryare: Legal scholars say Dominion's defamation lawsuit against Fox Corporation has the potential to deliver a powerful verdict on the kind of pervasive and pernicious falsehoods—and the people who spread them—that are undermining the country's faith in democracy. ...
@bbg3shoe: @mediagazer ... Doesn't seem like it has caused them to be more cautious with their rhetoric
Mitchell Epner / @mitchellepner: If Dominion wins a significant recovery, it will likely force publicly-traded media companies to have much stronger editorial control to avoid liability for the ravings of a Lou Dobbs or Jesse Waters. So far, there is little evidence that Fox News has control of their anchors.
John Schwartz / @jswatz: “Reckless disregard for the truth” — it isn't just a legal standard for determining whether someone committed libel, it's the unofficial motto of Fox News!
Tom Eblen / @tomeblen: Spreading lies and disinformation on this scale should have severe consequences.
Daniel Hernandez / @longdrivesouth: Reckless disregard for the truth, for sure. But after reading this, I think threshold of actual malice is also pretty solid? 😬
Matt Pearce / @mattdpearce: Conservatives are the ones most excited about revisiting Times v. Sullivan. But it's Alex Jones and Fox News who are already against the wall under our current libel laws, and their legal exposure would only grow with lower burdens of proof.
Kim Masters / @kimmasters: Dominion: Do not settle.
Dan Kennedy / @dankennedy_nu: I'm guessing the jury will come back with a verdict in favor of Dominion in 15 minutes. An easy hurdle if there ever was one. “The hurdle Dominion must clear is whether it can persuade a jury to believe that people at Fox knew they were spreading lies.”
Dr. Jonathan Foley / @globalecoguy: Lying for money should have consequences.

A Mississippi indie bookseller on the proposed Penguin Random House-Simon & Schuster merger, as the industry increasingly favors best sellers over new writers — OXFORD, Miss. — Penguin Random House, the largest English-language trade book publisher in the world, has made an offer …
@esquire, Esquire, @jeffjarvis, @alecmacgillis, @katherinemiller, @nilanjanaroy, @minjinlee11, @stacyfmitchell, @stacyfmitchell, The Scribbling Buddha … and Lorain
@esquire: As Penguin Random House and Simon & Schuster testify about their proposed merger, book world insiders tell Esquire what this seismic shift would mean for them. Spoiler: it's not looking good.
Sophie Vershbow / Esquire: Everything You Need to Know About the Penguin Random House Trial
Jeff Jarvis / @jeffjarvis: Here's a very good update on the Penguin-Random-House-Simon-&- Schuster trial. Only after gratefully reading it did I see it was written and reported by @svershbow, whose work and dog I admire on social media.
Alec MacGillis / @alecmacgillis: “What I worry about are the writers and books that will not get published or could be otherwise marginalized because of this even greater concentration of power.” Richard Howorth, of the great Square Books in Oxford MS, on Penguin-Random House/S&S merger:
Katherine Miller / @katherinemiller: “The number of copies of best sellers sold rose nearly 30 percent from 2017 to 2019, while all other book sales fell by 16 percent. The number of midlist titles (books with modest print runs and sales expectations) is being greatly diminished”
Nilanjana Roy / @nilanjanaroy: “What I have seen as a bookseller is that publishing, originally geared toward offering new writers the chance to connect with readers, evermore trends toward an industry narrowly engineered to produce repeat best sellers.” ~ Richard Howorth:
Min Jin Lee / @minjinlee11: I quit lawyering in 1995 to write fiction. I published my first novel in 2007. For me, the path to publication was difficult & measured in years—it took at least 12. The path to distributing them took even longer to pass through the narrow, guarded gates.
Stacy Mitchell / @stacyfmitchell: For authors, the pathway to readers is so narrow now — a handful of publishers, one dominant retailer. It's easy to never make it. As a society, as readers, what's confounding about this problem is that we don't even know what books we're missing. There's no tally of the losses.
Stacy Mitchell / @stacyfmitchell: “This extraordinary shift in the balance of power in one of our most important industries has gone largely unremarked upon, even if it may change the kinds of books Americans learn about & choose to read.” Brilliant piece by Richard Howarth @SquareBooks
April Dávila / The Scribbling Buddha Newsletter: A cultural preference shaped by larger state institutions...
Morgan Jerkins / Lorain: Friday Goodie Bag 08/12

NewsGuard makes a push to become the ad industry's partner in combating disinformation, even as its rating system regularly omits critical context about outlets — Welcome back to BRANDED, the newsletter uncovering how adtech companies fund hate and disinformation. Here's what's new with us:
Nandini Jammi / @nandoodles: Wondering how Daily Caller got a 92.5 trust score? Literally because it's Daily Caller. When Daily Caller content is re-published on WND(.)com, it's red. DC gives away its content to dozens of disinfo sites that are also red.

A look at Europe's “New Sector” public interest news outlets that operate with a “nonprofit state of mind”; Netzwerk Recherche: 66% rely on foundation support — This post is an excerpt from “The New Sector,” a May 2022 report on the state of independent public interest journalism …

At least 20 Gannett newspapers executed layoffs on Friday, after dismal Q2 earnings; the NewsGuild has called on Gannett to cut executive pay instead of jobs — At least 20 papers across the country have been affected. It is unclear how many employees were let go
@stephmarie015, @katikokal,, @steve_katz, @rasmussen_poll, @nkulw, @martyswant, @jeongpark52, The Wrap, @dianeswlee, MediaPost, @yousefbaig, @liamsadams, @emilybell, @jeremy_childs, @heyjturner, @marbinmiller, @riegerreport, @kylea_henseler, @smithbm12, @gryphalyaza, @algernonwrites, @timsullivan714, @nina_metz, @rustdirt, @saba_h, @dillondavis, @od_howe, @od_howe, @tmorris504, @sharonwaxman, @ctguild, @katherinelewis, @garywhite13, @bgrumet, @brooklynmarie, @catmsilverman, @emdrums, @rorylinnane, @lynandro, @tomdaykin, @lilyalta, @blakeaued, @kathryncasteel, @zoenicholson_, @lillyrockwell, @sulliview, Deadline and The NewsGuild
Stephanie Allen / @stephmarie015: I'm sad to say that unfortunately, I am no longer with the Athens Banner-Herald. It is my last day. Today, Gannett has decided to lay off reporters and other vital staff. While we knew that this could happen, I am still shocked and heartbroken for anyone who is laid off today too
Kati Kokal / @katikokal: If you're a @Gannett employee impacted by layoffs, there is a team that's working on community aid needs (networking, food assistance, insurance needs, etc) regardless of shop union status. DM me for details. HUNDREDS OF JOURNALISTS ACROSS THE U.S. TAKE A COORDINATED LUNCH OUT TO PROTEST GANNETT'S THREAT OF LAYOFFS
Steve Katz / @steve_katz: This got lost in all the news yesterday but Gannett - largest newspaper chain in the US w 250 outlets - layoffs is the media story needing attention. “Last year, CEO Mike Reed made $7.7 million while the median salary at Gannett was $48,419.” MEDIAN.
@rasmussen_poll: Live by partisan propaganda, die by partisan propaganda. Gannett lays off journalists after dismal second quarter results
Noah Kulwin / @nkulw: There isn't a way to fix this without a policy regime that would be unambiguously “socialist.” So, like everything else, it's just gonna get worse
Marty Swant / @martyswant: So frustrating to hear about yesterday's Gannett layoffs. Our nation needs more journalists—not fewer—and especially in cities that already don't have as many. Subscribe to local newspapers. Advertise in them. Read the reporting. Support the reporters.
@jeongpark52: We are now at a point where three biggest newspapers in the country (NYT, WaPo and WSJ) employ more journalists than 250 papers (inc. USA Today) owned by Gannett, which can't be good.
Brandon Katz / The Wrap: Gannett Begins Layoffs Following $54 Million Quarterly Loss
Diane S. W. Lee / @dianeswlee: Sorry to hear about fellow journalists losing their jobs due to #GannettLayoffs. We are hiring a full-time online content producer at @StarAdvertiser in Honolulu, Hawaii. DM me for details.
Yousef Baig / @yousefbaig: I grew exponentially as a young journalist freelancing for @onlineathens. They were my first real bylines. Awful to see all the Gannett tweets knowing it's disadvantaged & rural areas will suffer most. Whenever mass layoffs occur, our democracy weakens. I wish people cared more.
Liam Adams / @liamsadams: .@angelanfu kept track of the flurry of Gannett layoff announcements throughout most U.S. regions, and how people responded to show support. The NewsGuild tracked 35 layoffs across 20 newsrooms by Friday afternoon.
Emily Bell / @emilybell: the Gannett layoffs today are enraging and confounding.We have a publishing economy where Axios (no offence to them, it's a good product) is bought for half a billion dollars and the Gannett ceo is on $7m a year, yet we cannot keep politics and education reporters in local posts
Jeremy Childs / @jeremy_childs: Solidarity with my colleagues across @Gannett affected by today's journalism layoffs (including @VCstar). Days like these cast a pall over newsrooms working hard to inform their communities in spite of dwindling resources.
James Turner / @heyjturner: CEO makes $7.7M a year. Average salary is under $50K. You do the math.
Carol Marbin Miller / @marbinmiller: Hedge funds are destroying American journalism — and fracturing communities that depend on their local papers for news, accountability and civic connection. No conglomerate should be allowed to own 250 papers, and wreck them.
JM Rieger / @riegerreport: “Last year, CEO Mike Reed made $7.7 million while the median salary at Gannett was $48,419. The company also instituted a $100 million stock buyback program in February.”
Kylea Henseler / @kylea_henseler: Wow. In her last days with a job one employee reached out to connect sources with other reporters. Another made just barley above min. wage and was let go after 16 years. Gannet, which reported losses, spent money on anti-union lawyers and a CEO salary of $7.7 mil. Worth the read
Brian Smith / @smithbm12: Today was a rough day in Gannett. My heart breaks for those talented colleagues who no longer have jobs. If there's anything I can do to help, my DMs are open.
@gryphalyaza: i think socialists need to seriously consider running on supporting local news just so most of the country isn't completely dependent on insane, mostly right-wing-owned television stations for their news consumption, because this is how that'll happen
Algernon D'Ammassa / @algernonwrites: I seem to have survived today but the sword of Damocles is whistling overhead. And besides the jobs ended this is also a story about news deserts and communities forgotten in a series of leveraged buyouts that ate local reporting.
Tim Sullivan / @timsullivan714: Breaking news: All of those Courier Journal subscribers who canceled their subscriptions (or claimed to have canceled subscriptions they didn't have) on my account, it is now safe to return to the C-J because I have been laid off. Do not ask for whom the bell tolls, etc.
Nina Metz / @nina_metz: When digital outlets (usually based in NY/LA) lay people off it's often a major story in journalism circles and I'm always going to point out that it's just as big a deal when this happens to people working at regional newspapers.
@rustdirt: This is a depressing read. I'm unsure if Erie-Times News was affected or not.
Saba Hamedy / @saba_h: Thinking of those at #gannett. I am hiring for a culture & trends reporter role, dms open for q's on that / always happy to chat if I can be helpful at all.
Dillon Davis / @dillondavis: “You also have to ask what, exactly, Gannett's executives and board members are being rewarded for. Gannett needs to demonstrate that it can provide communities with the news and information they need, and they're failing miserably at that.”
Steve Howe / @od_howe: Feeling sick to my stomach knowing Mike Jaquays, the last staff member at the @Gannett owned Mid-York Weekly has been let go. Mike has always been a cheerful presence and committed community reporter. His loss, and that of the Weekly - founded in 1828 - is immeasurable
Steve Howe / @od_howe: Newsrooms have been cut to the bone everywhere I've worked. The important work of local news remains, with less hands to carry the load. My thoughts are with all my coworkers, past and present. In Mike's words, “Keep the faith!”
Tim Morris / @tmorris504: I've seen and been through way too many of these newspaper layoffs. I'm wishing the best for everyone.
Sharon Waxman / @sharonwaxman: Very sorry to hear about layoffs #Gannett. Take a look at our jobs page, we have several hires and are most focused on media and tech reporting positions. If you love the pace of digital news, give us a shout with a resume and clips!
@ctguild: We condemn Gannett's layoffs and are thinking about our journalism brothers and sisters across the country. Cutting is not a sustainable business model and newspapers can't do more with less.
Katherine X Lewis / @katherinelewis: I'm so sorry! I hope that this layoff open a path to more professional fulfillment, success and creativity than you would have expected. (That's what mine meant to me. ... after months of angst & struggle tbs.)
Gary White / @garywhite13: The @Gannett staff slashing has begun. No word yet on any changes here @theledger. We have four (soon to be five) newsroom openings, so we might escape without layoffs.
Bridget Grumet / @bgrumet: Just heartsick to see announcements like this as the Gannett layoffs begin:
Brooke Binkowski / @brooklynmarie: This is awful for multiple reasons. The United States is losing an average of two newspapers a week, even today, even now. It is a massive security crisis.
Catherine Silverman / @catmsilverman: The problem with newspapers being publicly traded companies (I mean, the list is long, but) is that it turns vital research and community informational accountability into something measured by profit margins. Always broken-hearted to see this stuff.
Emily Bloch / @emdrums: Stephanie covered government AND education for a paper based in a college town with one of the largest schools in the country. For @Gannett to pretend it values local journalism and pull stunts like this is so disgustingly tone deaf.
Rory Linnane / @rorylinnane: The @Gannett layoffs today are crushing and unnecessary. If you want to help these journalists (ie signal boosting their job searches, finding resources, giving $), consider filling out this form from @katikokal:
DJ Simmons / @lynandro: One of the best reporters I've worked with. Sad to see how this industry treats people.
@tomdaykin: Not a good look, Gannett. Especially with a CEO who earned nearly $8 million last year.
Lily Altavena / @lilyalta: That education is among the first cuts is telling about the values of this company.
Blake Aued / @blakeaued: Athens deserves more reporters like Stephanie and a better newspaper owner than Gannett.
Kathryn Casteel / @kathryncasteel: It begins. Local news and staff will continue to suffer from corporate management issues. Awful.
Zoe Nicholson / @zoenicholson_: Gannett has laid off Athens' education and government reporter amidst a democratic reckoning and onslaught of education issues... reminds me of when they laid off the health reporter 3 months into the pandemic.
Lilly Rockwell / @lillyrockwell: Gannett sucks so bad. Their top executives are paid gobs of money while hard-working reporters make less than teachers or plumbers.
Margaret Sullivan / @sulliview: Very sorry to be seeing this though we knew it was coming

Sources: the Daily Mail has approached Boris Johnson about writing a column for the paper after he steps down as prime minister — Outgoing PM expected to find new home for his old trade as journalist after Telegraph cools on his qualities — Three days before he became prime minister …
@writerjackwhite: Very apt for the Daily Mail who entered into a business partnership with a KGB spymaster Alexander Lebedev in 2009 to employ his friend who accepted £3m from Putin via the Daily Telegraph 2007-17, at time Russia was invading Georgia and Ukraine.
Andy Reed / @andyjreed_obe: He got sacked from journalism for lying... he got sacked from PM for lying. A perfect fit for the Daily Mail.
@emma_campaigner: I long for the days that people required more than a keyboard or access to a webcam to call themselves journalists. Ditto commentators. ...
Prof. Aravind Vijayaraghavan / @v_aravind: After getting sacked twice for lying as a journo, this man lied his way to and through being Mayor of London and PM of the UK. Given the Daily Mail's already transactional relationship with the truth, I am sure the two of them will make bosom buddies. ...
@realbristolnews: This cnut @borisjohnson sends out Bat Signals to our enemies that he's willing to be bought again - big fat cheque to pay for his stories and he's yours and you can grease him down #NATIONALSECURITYRISK
@richardhesketh1: “Good morning Mr Johnson. Could you start by telling us what qualifies you for the job at the Mail?” “I'll give you a peerage Paul”. Done. ...
Peter Fickling / @petefickling: For most people this would feel anti-climactic; the hustle of government replaced with the low rent atmosphere of a tabloid. For Johnson it will be the busiest he's been in years. Actual deadlines that Carrie's wallpaper habit requires him to meet. ...
@sebkraemer: “Right to the very end, the Mail continued to back Johnson even when other Conservative-supporting publications questioned the prime minister's ability to stay in power” All you need to know ...
John Haltiwanger / @jchaltiwanger: Imagine going from being a world leader to writing for a tabloid.
@elwinway: This is what top tier privilege looks like. Just lucrative job after lucrative job no matter how badly you perform or how mendacious your behaviour.
Peter Smith / @redpeter99: Journalism? He bangs out 500 words every week. Must take him all of 15 minutes. Woodward or Bernstein he ain't.
Bron Maher / @bron_maher: Having a former prime minister with a large remnant following and a permanent perch from which he pronounces on the politics of the day will be a good thing for British politics, right ...

Jeffrey Toobin leaves CNN after 20 years as a legal analyst and writer; CNN placed Toobin on leave in 2020 after he acknowledged exposing himself on a Zoom call — “We are grateful for Jeffrey's contributions to the network over the years and wish him all the best in his future endeavors,” a CNN spokesperson says
@jeffreytoobin, Variety, @katmckinley, @brianjayjones, @johnnydollar01, @blackamazon, @jeremyhl, Breitbart, Newser, New York Post, Showbiz411 and Deadline
Jeffrey Toobin / @jeffreytoobin: Friends, I've decided that, after 20 years, I'm leaving @cnn after my vacation. Was great to spend my last day on air with pals Wolf, Anderson and Don. Love all my former colleagues. Watch for my next book, about the Oklahoma City bombing, coming in 2023 from @simonandschuster
Brian Steinberg / Variety: CNN Parts Ways With Legal Analyst Jeffrey Toobin
Kathleen McKinley / @katmckinley: This guy has no shame for what he did. Not one bit. And neither does @CNN for keeping him.
Brian Jay Jones / @brianjayjones: A glum Jeffrey Toobin leaving CNN with his head in his hands.
Johnny Dollar / @johnnydollar01: Jeffrey Toobin Exits CNN After 20 Years as Legal Analyst “We are grateful for Jeffrey's contributions to the network over the years and wish him all the best in his future endeavors,” a CNN spokesperson says Uh-huh, sure...
@blackamazon: What else did they find And how many women's careers got railroaded away while he earned extra millions
@jeremyhl: “It remains unclear as to whether Toobin's contract with CNN had lapsed, but the exit appears to be the result of a mutual agreement.” — @Variety #media #business #law
Jordan Dixon-Hamilton / Breitbart: CNN's Jeffrey Toobin to Leave the Network
Bob Cronin / Newser: Toobin Signs Off at CNN
Mark Lungariello / New York Post: Scandal-scarred Jeffrey Toobin leaving CNN after two decades

Sources: YouTube plans to launch a “channel store” for streaming services as early as Fall 2022 and is talking with partners about subscription revenue sharing — Ultracompetitive U.S. market is prompting streaming services to seek new ways to find subscribers
Bloomberg, @shiraovide, @trengriffin, The Verge, @bysarahkrouse, @streamingwarshq, @trippmickle, @jtoonkel and Too Much TV Newsletter, more at Techmeme »
Shira Ovide / @shiraovide: It's fun that everyone quoted here is like, ooh, people can buy a bunch of entertainment channels in one app. We remember what cable TV is, right? Sir, you are describing cable TV.
Tren Griffin / @trengriffin: As subscriber counts rise and new competitors appear, so does customer acquisition cost and churn. New higher cost sales channels become more important. How high is your CAC?
Sarah Krouse / @bysarahkrouse: YouTube is planning a streaming video service marketplace, pitching the scale of its audience to premium services struggling to find new customers in the U.S. w/@jtoonkel
@streamingwarshq: $GOOG Makes a lot of sense, YouTube TV already is big on bundling. Often giving free samplings of HBO Max, Showtime, Starz, etc. on various weekends.
Tripp Mickle / @trippmickle: Move over Amazon and Apple... Also, NFL Sunday Ticket would help with this

A review of 380 fact-checks published by purported fact-checking service War on Fakes shows how the format is being used to spread pro-Russia propaganda — - War on Fakes, a website and Telegram channel operated from Russia, claims to be a fact-checking service countering “an information war launched against Russia.”
@poynter: This is far from the first time that Russians have relied on a fact-checking format to spread misinformation.
@politifact: War on Fakes claims to be a fact-checking service countering “an information war launched against Russia.” Its “fact-checks” are actually pieces of pro-Russia disinformation full of falsehoods.
@poynter: Readers who go to fact-checks expecting the ultimate truth are actually met with deception.
@poynter: The “fact-checks” are actually pieces of disinformation that use well-known techniques of Russian propaganda — incoherence, a high volume of claims, repetition and the statement of obvious falsehoods.
@poynter: Many of the fact-checks published by War on Fakes do attempt to shift blame from Russia to Ukraine, and those accusations are often filled with false or misleading statements.
Fabio Chiusi / @fabiochiusi: “War on Fakes employs a common strategy of Russian propaganda: It uses misleading info to produce noise that overwhelms readers, making them suspicious of official sources of info, and unable to believe (...) in the very possibility of objective truth.”

Sources: before ATT, Apple and Meta discussed revenue-sharing deals, such as Apple taking a cut of “boosted posts” via IAP and an ad-free, Facebook subscription — The two tech giants discussed revenue-sharing arrangements, including a potential ad-free, subscription version of Facebook
@sal19, @sirjoeldean, @tolmasky, @timsweeneyepic, @film_girl, @rihardjarc, @s1guza, @seyitaylor, @shiraovide, @carnage4life, @slightlylate, @matt_cochrane7, @photomatt, @mgsiegler, @tariqkrim, @ethanwsj, @jason_kint, @carnage4life, @nickstatt, @reaganbrad, @eric_seufert, @vranicawsj, Today in Digital Marketing, The Verge and AppleInsider, more at Techmeme »
Sal Rodriguez / @sal19: SCOOP: In the years before iOS 14.5, Apple and Facebook held several meetings discussing possible arrangements that would have earned the iPhone maker a slice of the social media company's revenue, including an ad-free, subscription version of Facebook
Joel Dean / @sirjoeldean: I am so happy that visibility is being given to the problems our team @tumblr face with getting the app into the App Store. Nothing is more disheartening than working hard to ship features only for them to be held in review for days/weeks.
Francisco Tolmasky / @tolmasky: There's an interesting parallel in the erosion of values of companies that decide they can't grow market share anymore and so instead pivot to squeezing existing resources to political parties that similarly decide to focus on their “base” instead of expanding their appeal.
Tim Sweeney / @timsweeneyepic: Apple's monopoly power drives a protection racket: pay the tax and you're “protected”, don't pay and face retribution. After Apple negotiations to tax Facebook failed, Apple launched scare screens to redirect ad revenue from Facebook's “tracking” to its own “ad personalization”.
Christina Warren / @film_girl: This is brave as hell. Kudos to Matt for sharing this. And also, I'm sorry but I don't see how anyone can claim a boosted post should be an IAP. FFS, the core product is a web app. It has nothing to do with iOS. This is the sort of thing that SHOULD be regulated.
Rihard Jarc / @rihardjarc: Good read and for those who still didn't understand why it is so important for $META to own the next hardware computing platform here is the answer. $AAPL using their power to be a big bully.
@s1guza: Holy shit. This makes more sense, but paints a very, very dark picture. Apple has a monopoly on app and in-app purchases, but not on ad revenue. So they try to contract the ad business away, and when that fails, they strike down ads not for moral reasons, but out of revenge.
Shira Ovide / @shiraovide: Tim Cook: A data-harvesting ad business like Facebook's or Google's “degrades our fundamental right.” Also Apple: *Takes $ billions a year so Google can apply its data ad business to Apple users; *Proposed a partnership to collect a cut of FB revenue.
Dare Obasanjo / @carnage4life: That Apple refused to approve Tumblr's app until they got a 30% cut of revenue from promoted posts is some Tony Soprano shakedown ish. No wonder this company is facing more antitrust lawsuits than any other company on Earth. Stay classy Tim Cook.
Alex Russell / @slightlylate: Receipts. Apple is as vindictive as it is opportunistic, so this is brave of Matt.
Matthew Cochrane / @matt_cochrane7: “But while Facebook's products were among the most popular apps on the iPhone, they didn't generate sales for Apple. This was a persistent frustration for some Apple executives, according to the people familiar with the matter.” $AAPL $META
Matt Mullenweg / @photomatt: FWIW, @automattic's boosted post feature on @tumblr (called Blaze), which is in spirit like Facebook's, was rejected until we implemented it as IAP and gave the 30% cut.
M.G. Siegler / @mgsiegler: “You've got a nice social network here. It would be a shame if something happened to it...”
@tariqkrim: It seems the privacy stance from Apple with Facebook was more motivated by business than values.
Ethan Smith / @ethanwsj: Crazy scoop from @sal19: Facebook and Apple at one point discussed the possibility of a paid, ad-free version of Facebook. Obviously it was doomed to fail—the two sides couldn't even agree on the definition of “ad”!
Jason Kint / @jason_kint: Apple-FB drama always a fun read. But facts can be simplified: - FB biz model is 98% surveillance advertising - Most users don't want to be tracked - Apple kneecapped Facebook spring 2021 - This chart is an insane illustration of how boosted privacy shifts welfare 👏🏽 👏🏽 👏🏽
Dare Obasanjo / @carnage4life: Apple's primary “privacy problem” is that they get 30% of the revenue of the apps on the right and 0% of the apps on the left. Destroying the existing ads business model of free iOS apps then driving advertisers to use App Store & Apple News ads instead solves that problem nicely
Nick Statt / @nickstatt: Wow. @sal19 with tons of wild details in this story about how Apple's relationship with Meta deteriorated as Apple tried to extract more revenue from Facebook. Apple floated an ad-free FB while also suggesting it could enforce its 30% cut on paid posts.
Brad Reagan / @reaganbrad: Apple and FB discussed an ad-free, subscription-based version of FB as part of negotiations to “build businesses together.” Now they are at war. Great stuff behind the scenes of this momentous feud, from @sal19 via @WSJ
Eric Seufert / @eric_seufert: Wow: Among other potential concessions, Apple proposed that “post boosts” be considered as IAPs so that a 30% cut could be collected on the revenue they generated. ATT was introduced after no such revenue sharing compromise with FB was reached.
Suzanne Vranica / @vranicawsj: Before Apple and Facebook got in a fight over privacy, they discussed ways to work together—including a possible paid subscription version of Facebook. via @sal19