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A Moscow court revokes Novaya Gazeta's print media license, after Rozkomnadzor said the outlet failed to provide documents related to a 2006 ownership change — Ruling by Russia's media regulator comes less than year after its editor won Nobel peace prize — A court in Moscow …
@ungeneva: OHCHR on #NovayaGazeta 📰: “We are deeply concerned by the court's decision in #Moscow to revoke the license of Novaya Gazeta, a respected national newspaper whose editor-in-chief received the 2021 @NobelPrize. The judgment is another blow to the independence of Russian media.”
Samuel Ramani / @samramani2: Mikhail Gorbachev helped create the liberal Russian news outlet Novaya Gazeta in 1993 In a symbolic blow to Gorbachev's legacy, Novaya Gazeta's media license was formally revoked today by Russian court order
@uasupport999: Moscow court revokes Novaya Gazeta's licence to publish inside Russia, & comes less than a year after its editor won Nobel peace prize The ruling was “a political hit job, without the slightest legal basis”, editor-in-chief & Nobel Peace's Dmitry Muratov said outside court today
Max Seddon / @maxseddon: A year ago, Dmitry Muratov won the Nobel Prize for his stewardship of @novaya_gazeta. After Russia invaded Ukraine, the paper stopped publishing and most of its staff fled to Latvia. Now, just two days after its patron Mikhail Gorbachev dies, Russia has taken its license away.
Francis Scarr / @francis_scarr: Last year Russian editor Dmitry Muratov won the Nobel Peace Prize Just now a court in Moscow annulled the licence of his newspaper, Novaya Gazeta The Kremlin is taking no chances when it comes to controlling the flow of information reaching ordinary Russians
Anne Mcelvoy / @annemcelvoy: This two days after the funeral of Gorbachev, an NG founder - and the absurd given reason is part of the game of contempt played by the Kremlin towards free media ...
RFE / Radio Free Europe/Radio Liberty: Court Deals Blow To Russian Press By Revoking Novaya Gazeta Print License
Siladitya Ray / Forbes: Novaya Gazeta—Russia's Chief Independent Newspaper—Loses License Amid Kremlin Media Crackdown
@pen_int: We condemn today's decision by a Moscow court to revoke the print license of leading independent newspaper #NovayaGazeta. The ruling is yet another blow to freedom of expression and independent voices in #Russia. ...
@nexta_tv: Putin's regime continues to destroy independent journalism A court in Moscow revoked the media license of the “Novaya Gazeta"newspaper. Dmitri Muratov, Nobel Peace Prize laureate and editor-in-chief of Novaya Gazeta,described the decision as “nonsense and politically ordered”.
Aidan White / @aidanpwhite: Putin's regime tightens the screw. Press freedom is all but extinguished with the demise of Novaya Gazeta a year after award of Nobel Prize. @EJNetwork ...
Rob Quinn / Newser: Russian Court Pulls Major Newspaper's License

Russia sentences renowned journalist Ivan Safronov, who the FSB detained in 2020 on “treason” charges, to 22 years in prison, after he refused to plead guilty — Former correspondent convicted on ‘treason’ charge his supporters say is linked to his reporting
The Guardian, Washington Post, @shashj, @kenroth, @andrew__roth, @samagreene and @maxseddon
Andrew Roth / The Guardian: Russian journalist facing 24-year jail term for treason refuses to sign ‘confession’
Shashank Joshi / @shashj: “Safronov comes from a family of investigative journalists. His father, also Ivan, was a military correspondent for Kommersant who mysteriously died in a fall from the window of the family's apartment in 2007.” ...
Kenneth Roth / @kenroth: A Russian journalist faces a possible 24-year prison sentence after “revealing the intricacies of Russia's international trade in weapons,” particularly “plans for a sale of 20 Su-35 fighter jets to [highly abusive] Egypt for a reported sum of $2B.” ...
Andrew Roth / @andrew__roth: Journalist Ivan Safronov faces a record 24 years in prison on trumped-up treason charges for his reporting. Prosecutors offered 12 years if he confessed. “He told them to get lost.” Important verdict tomorrow, my story below and report from court to come. ...
Sam Greene / @samagreene: To understand just how horrific this is, bear in mind that Safronov will spend 22 years in prison on an _entirely_ fabricated case, stitched up only because people wanted to make careers.
Max Seddon / @maxseddon: @novaya_gazeta In more depressing journalistic news, Moscow city court just gave former star defense reporter Ivan Safronov a 22-year sentence in a high-security facility for treason, following a closed-door trial. Safronov's supporters cheered and chanted “Freedom!” video from @tvrain

An IDF investigation concludes Shireen Abu Akleh was most likely killed in “unintentional fire” from an Israeli soldier who did not realize she was a journalist — The final conclusion of an Israel Defense Forces (IDF) investigation into the killing of Shireen Abu Akleh …
CNN, Haaretz, Mediaite, CBS News, @casmudde, Newser, @ibishblog, @alivelshi, Associated Press, The Week, @hadas_gold, @hadas_gold, @amikaufman, @malbertnews, @michaelarria, @peacenowus, @loujainhathloul, @jdakwar, @hadas_gold, @yachaduk, Rolling Stone, Bloomberg, Fox News and Committee to Protect …
Hadas Gold / CNN: Israeli military admits Shireen Abu Akleh likely killed by Israeli fire, but won't charge soldiers
Yaniv Kubovich / Haaretz: Israeli Military Admits ‘Highly Probable’ Soldier Mistakenly Killed Journalist Shireen Abu Akleh
Jackson Richman / Mediaite: Al Jazeera Journalist Was Likely Mistakenly Killed by Israeli Gunfire Per Israeli Military Investigation
CBS News: Israeli army acknowledges “high probability” soldier killed Palestinian-American journalist Shireen Abu Akleh
Cas Mudde / @casmudde: In the occupied West Bank, all Jewish Israelis can kill with little to no punishment, soldiers and settlers alike.
Hussein Ibish / @ibishblog: What a ridiculous claim. A stray bullet from occupation soldiers quite far away just so happened to hit by far their most hated, despised and loathed journalist in the face. Because, you know, these things happen. They're insulting your intelligence, very badly.
Ali Velshi / @alivelshi: Israeli investigation finds Shireen Abu Akleh likely killed by unintentional IDF fire. The soldier who “likely fired the shot,” has been identified. “It was a mistake and he is sorry for it.”
Jeva Lange / The Week: IDF: ‘High possibility’ journalist Shireen Abu Akleh was killed by ‘unintentional fire’ from an Israeli soldier
Hadas Gold / @hadas_gold: BREAKING: Israeli military admits most likely Israeli gunfire killed Shireen Abu Akleh IDF senior official: - Did NOT identify them as journalists (though were wearing Press protective vests) - Soldiers thought they were shooting at militants - ... CONT
Hadas Gold / @hadas_gold: There will be NO criminal prosecution - the Israeli Military Advocate General's Office says after a review they “determined that they did not deliberately fire at anyone identified as a civilian and in particular at anyone identified as a journalist.”
Ami Kaufman / @amikaufman: How about @naftalibennett apologize to #ShireenAbuAkleh's family for his knee jerk response saying “it appears likely that armed Palestinians - who were firing indiscriminately at the time - were responsible for the unfortunate death of the journalist.”
Mark Albert / @malbertnews: Israel Defense Forces admit for first time “high possibility” Palestinian-American Al Jazeera journalist Shireen Abu Akleh shot & killed by Israeli fire while covering Israeli military operation in Jenin in May, @CNN rpts:
Michael Arria / @michaelarria: Israeli official says “It is our estimate that there were militants in the vicinity of Ms. Abu Abkleh. Maybe not one meter beside her but they were in that area.” Provides absolutely no support for this claim.
@peacenowus: Given that this conclusion—it was an Israeli soldier and it was a mistake—was highly likely, it makes all the hasbarah talking points denying responsibility look even worse. 1/3
@loujainhathloul: Yet “the Israeli Military Advocate General's Office said it would not open an investigation into any soldiers involved in the incident as ‘there is no suspicion that a criminal offense was committed.’”!
Jamil Dakwar / @jdakwar: Consistent with its fine-tuned whitewashing investigatory system, Israeli military ‘investigation’ found Palestinian-American journalist was most likely killed in “unintentional fire” by an Israeli soldier who allegedly didn't realize she was a journalist.
Hadas Gold / @hadas_gold: Abu Akleh family says IDF report “tried to obscure the truth and avoid responsibility” are “not surprised” but still “deeply hurt, frustrated, and disappointed.” Calling again for “a thorough, independent, and credible US investigation that leads to accountability”
@yachaduk: An IDF investigation has concluded it's likely Shireen Abu Akle was killed by an Israeli soldier. An important reminder for those who instinctively jump to defend Israel, without question. Israel isn't above criticism and must be held accountable.
Nikki McCann Ramirez / Rolling Stone: Al Jazeera Reporter's Death Likely Caused by IDF, Israeli Military Says

Apple plans to nearly double its ad platform team, currently around 250 strong, per LinkedIn; Apple's career page lists 216 such roles, up from 56 in late 2020 — Move adds to industry concerns after tech giant launched privacy rules that make it hard to tailor ads to iPhone users
Patrick McGee / @patrickmcgee_: How's this for a chart? @Apple's digital ads business is forecast to rise from ~$1bn in 2020 to ~$30bn by 2026. Via @EvercoreISI From new scoop: Apple plans to double its digital advertising business workforce ... *Thread here*
@patrickmoorhead: What a power move @Apple: 1/ convince everybody you care about privacy by instituting user controls 2/ block advertisers like Facebook and Snapchat, reducing ad revenues & capabilities & revenues 3/ build giant ad business 4/ clean up $AAPL
@austin_federa: Apple's anti cookie campaign was always blatantly self-serving. But that doesn't mean it was wrong
Glenn Gabe / @glenngabe: Maybe Search will become an important area... Well see :) -> Apple appears to be expanding its ad platform team (doubling its workforce) “Apple's ad business has gone from just a few hundred million dollars of revenue in the late 2010s to ~$5bn this year”
Paris Marx / @parismarx: Apple crippled Facebook and other companies' advertising businesses so its own offering would look even more compelling to advertisers. According to its job ad, its previously struggling ads business is now “incredibly fast-growing.”
Dean Eckles / @deaneckles: Apple's growing advertising staff, alongside broader industry-wide troubles, partially caused by Apple
Garry Tan / @garrytan: Under-reported narrative: Apple is knives out for Facebook/Google and their efforts are likely to work The only silver lining might be SMBs/e-commerce brands struggling with high CAC may finally have a new working alternative
Gavin Baker / @gavinsbaker: Most interesting part of article is the number of people on the team. $5b of revenue with 250 people on the team. I've had a hypothesis that could run the dominant search ads business with zero employees and generate over $100b in revs.
Ben Lovejoy / 9to5Mac: Apple ad business growing fast; company accused of U-turn and ‘Machiavellian’ plot
Robert Cantwell / @upholdings: “Building new ad systems to effectively compete with incumbents with tens of thousands of employees and 10-20 yrs of maturity would normally be an impossible task..Unless, you were able to disadvantage those competitors on your platform”. $AAPL $META
John Aglionby / @johnaglionby: “The world has been unnerved by Apple's ambitions for a long time. There are a handful of players that obviously have disproportionate amounts of power, and Apple is the sleeping giant,” @mkahnrose on @Apple's plan @PatrickMcGee_
Balaji Srinivasan / @balajis: Use moral arguments to justify deplatforming of the competition, then scoop up all the money.
Parker / @pt: A big difference between Apple and competitors, who proudly sell the same thing, is that Apple had decided the business is evil and gone into it anyway. I don't think ads are evil at all, but if I did I would not sell them bc that would make me a horrible person.
Patrick McGee / @patrickmcgee_: “Apple's ads business is tiny. But the digital ad industry's fear is that it could expand quickly, in part by setting rules that critics and rivals say give it an unfair advantage”
Chris Hoofnagle / @hoofnagle: “An ad for an engineering leader...refers to “Apple's most confidential and strategic plans” and describes how it wants to “build the most privacy-forward, technologically sophisticated . . . Supply (Marketplace) Platform and Demand Side Platform”
Matt Navarra / @mattnavarra: “We could make a tonne of money if we monetised our customers — if our customers were our product... We've elected not to do that” - Tim Cook speaking in 2018

Amazon quietly introduces a 72-hour delay for all user reviews posted to Prime Video to determine whether the review is genuine or created by a bot or a troll — Amazon has introduced a new weapon in the battle against internet trolls: delays. — Starting around the time of the launch …
The Verge, @ourielohayon, @firstadopter, Transistori, Gizmodo, The Guardian, @takeoutphoto, Beyond Search, @thr, @thr, @adambvary, The Playlist, The Wrap, Reclaim The Net, Vanity Fair, The Hollywood Reporter, The A.V. Club, Deadline, Too Much TV Newsletter, SlashFilm, IndieWire, The Week and New York Post, more at Techmeme »
@ourielohayon: Also helps them keep IMDB (amazon owned) free of horrible reviews from the crap they produce (meaning more views)
Tae Kim / @firstadopter: Unless Amazon does this with other non-Amazon shows, it seems like blatant self preferencing.
Justin Carter / Gizmodo: Amazon Suspends Lord of the Rings Reviews as It Becomes Prime's Biggest Premiere
Marc Olivier / @takeoutphoto: Apparently we live in a world where the existence of Black elves in Middle Earth is enough to make people furious. Now imagine the experience of being Black on actual earth and tell me there isn't work to do.
Stephen E. Arnold / Beyond Search: Amazon and Fake Reviews: Ah, Ha, Fake Reviews Exist
@thr: “Review bombing” is when a group of users post numerous negative reviews due to perceived cultural or political issues rather than actual quality. Perusing Rotten Tomatoes' audience reviews for #TheRingsofPower, there are entries that meet the definition
@thr: #TheRingsofPower has only a 37 percent audience rating on Rotten Tomatoes, with some complaining about the show's diversity. Amazon halts reviews to prevent trolling:
Adam B. Vary / @adambvary: SCOOP: Amazon is holding back user reviews for #TheRingsofPower for 72 hours to filter out ones posted in bad faith — part of a new initiative that was quietly introduced in mid-August. More here, with @jmaasaronson
Chris Eggertsen / The Playlist: ‘Lord Of The Rings: The Rings of Power’ Review-Bombing Leads Amazon To Suspend User Ratings Amid Record Viewership
Brian Welk / The Wrap: Here's Why Fans Can't Review the ‘Lord of the Rings: The Rings of Power’ on Amazon Yet
Cindy Harper / Reclaim The Net: Amazon shuts down reviews of its highly-criticized Rings of Power series
Jordan Hoffman / Vanity Fair: Amazon Prime Video Sends Would-Be Lord of the Rings Trolls Back To Their Cave
James Hibberd / The Hollywood Reporter: Is ‘The Rings of Power’ Getting Review Bombed? Amazon Suspends Ratings
William Hughes / The A.V. Club: Amazon is deploying its own anti-troll weapons to protect The Rings Of Power
Valerie Ettenhofer / SlashFilm: Amazon Is Delaying The Rings Of Power Reviews On Prime Video To Combat Trolls
Samantha Bergeson / IndieWire: Amazon Prime Video Suspends ‘The Rings of Power’ User Ratings After ‘Review Bombing’ Occurs
Brendan Morrow / The Week: Everything we know about the highly anticipated (and highly expensive) Lord of the Rings TV show

Barack Obama wins an Emmy for narrating Netflix's five-part Our Great National Parks documentary, the second president after Dwight Eisenhower to win the award — Barack Obama is halfway to an EGOT. The former president won an Emmy Award on Saturday to go with his two Grammys.
The Wrap, Bloomberg, The Hollywood Reporter, CNN, Sky News, @silvermanjacob, @thr, Associated Press, @netflix, BBC, The Times, Deadline, @dilanpcook, @mikesington, Variety, Vanity Fair, Insider and CBS News
Carolyn Giardina / The Hollywood Reporter: Barack Obama Wins Emmy
Chloe Melas / CNN: Barack Obama wins Emmy for narrating Netflix documentary
Bethany Minelle / Sky News: Barack Obama wins Emmy for Netflix documentary Our Great National Parks
@silvermanjacob: What if Obama had to account for the drone killing of Abdulrahman al Awlaki or US support of the Saudi/Emirati war in Yemen? Unthinkable. Please ask him about his new Netflix series instead.
@thr: Barack Obama wins outstanding narrator for ‘Our Great National Parks’ at the #CreativeArts #Emmys See the full list of winners:
@netflix: Congrats to President Barack Obama who just became the first President to win a competitive Emmy for narrating Our Great National Parks
Deadline: Barack Obama Becomes Second U.S. President To Win Emmy With ‘Our Great National Parks’ Triumph
Dilan / @dilanpcook: congratulations to Obama on the emmy win. this makes him the first person to have an emmy, nobel peace prize and a 90% civilian casualty rate.
Mike Sington / @mikesington: President Barack Obama has won an Emmy award for his narration of the Netflix docuseries “Our Great National Parks”. He also has two Grammy Awards, which means he's now officially halfway to full EGOT status.
EJ Panaligan / Variety: ‘Euphoria,’ ‘Stranger Things,’ ‘The White Lotus’ Score on Night 2 of 2022 Creative Arts Emmys
Kelly Rissman / Vanity Fair: Barack Obama Wins an Emmy for Narrating a Netflix Docuseries

SkyShowtime, Comcast and Paramount's streaming joint venture announced in August 2021, will launch on September 20 in Denmark, Finland, Norway, and Sweden — More than a year since SkyShowtime was first announced, the SVOD is ready to join the streaming fray in Europe, Variety can reveal.
Dylan Bignet / Gearrice: SkyShowtime already has an arrival date in Spain. A powerful premiere with the entire Paramount + catalog under the arm
Jenny Priestley / TVBEurope: Europe's latest streamer to launch later this month
Richard Middleton / TBI Vision: SkyShowtime lines up Nordic launch date & programming offer
Clive Whittingham / C21Media: Comcast, Paramount set launch date, content line-up for JV streamer SkyShowtime
Rik Henderson / Pocket-lint: What is SkyShowtime and where can you get it? — Comcast, the corporation that owns Sky …
Roland Hutchinson / Geeky Gadgets: Sky Showtime launching in Europe 20th September
David Nikel / Life in Norway: SkyShowtime to Launch in Norway
Georg Szalai / The Hollywood Reporter: SkyShowtime to Launch in Nordics on Sept. 20
@variety: SkyShowtime will officially launch in Europe on Sept. 20, beginning with the Nordics and expanding into the Netherlands later this year.
Jonathan Easton / Digital TV Europe: SkyShowtime to begin rollout on September 20 in Nordics
Julian Clover / Broadband TV News: Nordic launch for SkyShowtime

Live Nation sold 100M+ tickets in 2022 through July, up from 74M for all of 2019, and held 12,500 shows in Q2 2022 with 33.5M in attendance, up 20% from Q2 2019 — Live events are returning at full blast this year and concertgoers are willing to pay a lot for them.
Herb Scribner / @herbscribner: New one from me — I wrote about how live events are taking off like a rocket. People are flocking to concerts and live shows. But — there's a supply chain issue hurting the industry right now.
@bigfatweave: The US concert market is massively important for artists - record ticket purchases despite price hikes is interesting - but the supply chain is causing issues of sustainability. Live music ticket sales increase despite supply chain problems
@t_j_chambers: .@HerbScribner: U.S. Live Music Events Take Off Despite Shortage Of Staging, Lighting & Transportation Whilst Theatre & Opera Struggles | @axios
Sean Graf / @seangraf: 📈 By the numbers: LiveNation has sold more than 100 million tickets through July 2022 — compared to 74 million for the same period in 2019. Live events take off like a rocket

As Spotify and YouTube's rivalry heats up, some worry the podcasting industry's pivot to video could risk ruining what makes the audio format so satisfying — Video podcasts are booming, giving creators access to new audiences. But does this risk ruining what made the audio format so satisfying?
Mark Piesing / @markpiesing: When is a podcast not a podcast? Cracking piece on the future of podcasting and it's pivot to video. ...
Chris Sykes / @chrissykes108: Perfectly happy for YouTube talk shows to exist, but it makes me very sad the number of ‘podcasts’ that assume the listener, is viewing the content ...
Roddy Nikpour / @rodmanned: “This leads back into the swamp of semantics: if [it's] video podcast, wouldn't that just be a documentary?” ☝🏻 Agree. When there's a camera (or other visual) involved, don't pretend it's a #podcast. Audio storytelling is a completely distinct art form. ...
@qwerties93: The merging of plattforms👇 ...While we mostly know podcasts as something to tune into while exercising or driving, the overlap between video content and audio podcasts is changing user habits and pitting video giant YouTube against audio-native Spotify ...
Jacek Gratkiewicz / @jac_grat: “Among industry players, the Spotify v YouTube rivalry is hailed as another sign that podcasting is the hottest thing in media. But some worry that a pivot to video might mean sacrificing the soul of the industry.” ...
Steve Randall / @steverandalluk: There's always talk about audio v video. But audio-only is a VERY powerful medium & I would argue that (given the limitations of most podcasters to have high-end visuals) the audio should take priority. #GetYourIdeasIntoEars ...
Darcy Hiebert / @rottenriddle: @MrBallen I think an oversight in the article is the negation of psychology intertwined with motor skills. When watching a video, the audience is more involved as they are watching hearing and...hopefully thinking vs an audible only piece where there is less potential focus. Videos>Audio.
Andreas Lieberoth / @lieberothdk: “Much like the tendency of distantly related crustaceans to keep evolving into crabs, sooner or later platforms have a tendency to start cannibalising each other's core features.” ...
Corinne Podger / @corinne_podger: I am chuckling reading this because the first podcast course I ever taught - for @journalism in 2015 - included the advice to film your podcast or drop an image into the audio file to create an MP4 for YouTube. ... ht @richardberryuk
Jake Warren / @thejakewarren: Privilege to chat to the @ObserverUK Warren stresses that “audio is a special and distinct medium in its own right”, while videography is an entirely different craft. “I hope we don't forget the power of audio, just to try to game an algorithm.” ...
@mrballen: My thoughts on the podcasting industry and where it's going next ✌️ ...

The National Association of Theatre Owners sees “some optimism” for wider theatrical releases of Apple, Amazon, and Netflix films to help revive the business — Struggling chains are hoping to persuade the likes of Netflix and Apple to release more films on the big screen
@t_j_chambers: .@grimes_ce: @NATOcinemas Confirms Discussions Are Under Way w/ @AppleTV @PrimeVideo & @netflix To Widen Theatrical Distribution Of Films | @FT (SubReq
@shpongledhard: “All three of those companies are looking at the possibility of bigger and wider theatrical releases,” Fithian said. “That would be [inventory] we've never had before. I think in 2023 you'll start to see some of that happening.”
@shpongledhard: “John Fithian, head of the National Association of Theatre Owners, told the Financial Times that discussions are under way with Apple, Amazon and Netflix about wider theatrical releases of their films and there is “some optimism” about an agreement.”
@patrickvons: Potentially BIG. “John Fithian, head of the National Association of Theatre Owners (NATO), told the Financial Times that discussions are under way with Apple, Amazon and Netflix about wider theatrical releases of their films and th... ...

AG Eric Schmitt uses Missouri's Sunshine Law to seek journalists' emails from the Columbia Missourian and two MU J-School professors in an unprecedented request — Attorney General Eric Schmitt's office is seeking emails from the Columbia Missourian and two MU journalism school professors …
Mark Maxwell / KSDK-TV: Schmitt targets journalism professors, fact-checkers in ‘over-the-top’ email ‘fishing expedition,’ press experts say
Daniel Desrochers / Kansas City Star: ‘A sword against journalists.’ Schmitt's office seeks emails of Mizzou fact checkers
Margaret Stafford / Associated Press: Missouri attorney general seeks journalism school records
Damon Kiesow / @dkiesow: The current Missouri AG, running for Senate, is asking for emails of journalists related to a fact-checking partnership/class with Politifact. ...
Sarah Unsicker / @sarahunsicker: When has @Eric_Schmitt ever said he would protect Missourians' rights regardless of their political viewpoint?
@comissourian: The request from the Attorney General Eric Schmitt's request seems to focus on the Missourian's collaboration with PolitiFact, a nonpartisan newsroom that fact-checks statements by public officials. ...
George Suggs / @georgesuggs1: With everything the State needs him to be doing he's once again just engaging in self-serving political games with our money and our court system.
Dave Levinthal / @davelevinthal: “Attorney General Eric Schmitt's office is seeking emails from the Columbia Missourian and two MU journalism school professors in an apparently unprecedented attempt to access journalists' communications.” — @byEliHoff / @CoMissourian ...

CNN White House correspondent John Harwood, who has been outspoken about Donald Trump and Trump's threat to democracy, announces September 2 is his last day — CNN White House correspondent John Harwood said that Friday will be his last day at the network.
@johnjharwood, Washington Post, @brikeilarcnn, @owillis, Insider, Newser, @ajentleson, @thrasherxy, @juddlegum, @lolgop, @superspacedad, @zackford, @mehdirhasan, @jmpalmieri, @badler, @goldengateblond, @keitholbermann, @wajahatali, @rmayemsinger, @froomkin, @mlcalderone, @tribelaw, @froomkin, @bruce_arthur, @donmoyn, @omarijhardy, @jasonkander, @questlove, @theplumlinegs, @parkermolloy, Press Watch, @farhip, @oneunderscore__, @danrather, @mujeebs, @richardwolffedc, @parkermolloy, @parkermolloy, @anneapplebaum, @imillhiser, @sarahkendzior, @sarahkendzior, @govhowarddean, @greg_price11, @joshmankiewicz, @froomkin, @adrienneelrod, @tjmanotoc, The Guardian, @altnoaa, @franklinleonard, @sifill_, @sifill_, @sifill_, @stevemullis, @lindseyboylan, @parkermolloy, @eclecticbrotha, @mehdirhasan, @davidcorndc, @ryanlcooper, @ryangrim, @froomkin, @froomkin, @marceelias, @fpwellman, @tedstew, @markjacob16, @adamparkhomenko, @chuckrossdc, @michellemanafy, @jayrosen_nyu, @normornstein, The Wrap, The Daily Beast, The Hollywood Reporter, Fox News, New York Post and The Hill
John Harwood / @johnjharwood: personal news: today's my last day at CNN proud of the work thanks to my colleagues i've been lucky to serve the best in American media - St. Petersburg Times, WSJ, NYT, the NBC family, CNN look forward to figuring out what's next
Jeremy Barr / Washington Post: ‘Is there a purge?’: John Harwood's CNN exit viewed as strategy shift
Brianna Keilar / @brikeilarcnn: Harwood, you are the best kind of colleague and friend - generous of spirit, professional and thoughtful. I look forward to seeing what your next adventure will be. You will be missed at CNN.
Oliver Willis / @owillis: Neutrality towards fascism is pro-fascism (and CNN isn't and hasn't been anti-fascist, they have employed more Trump apologists than anyone else save Fox)
Kelsey Vlamis / Insider: Trump accused Fox News of ‘pushing’ Democrats' agenda and said if CNN ‘went conservative,’ it'd be an ‘absolute gold mine’ and he'd help
Jenn Gidman / Newser: Trump Slams Fox, Offers Surprise Help to Longtime Foe
Adam Jentleson / @ajentleson: The firings of @JohnJHarwood and Stelter must have a chilling effect at CNN - how could they not? It seems bad for a news network's reporters to be afraid to say anything openly critical of Trump at a time when he's openly fomenting violence. ...
Dr. Thrasher / @thrasherxy: It's interesting to see who rings their hands over whom. Stelter and Harwood represent a “purge”? Of what, brave white men who don't get a fair shake at CNN? Meanwhile how trans, queer, femme and/or PoC journalists have had their careers ended? ...
Judd Legum / @juddlegum: “Licht, who joined the network as chairman and CEO in May, is starting his tenure by casting out voices that had often been critical of former president Donald Trump and his allies, in an effort to present a new, more ideologically neutral CNN” ...
@lolgop: As the new boss of the Weather Channel, I will shy away from voices who have been too critical of hurricanes.
@superspacedad: This is going to fail miserably because fox viewers are already watching fox. They wont care to switch to ‘fox lite.’ All that will happen is CNN will bleed more of its current viewership as its current viewers get disgusted and alienated with the new direction.
Zack Ford / @zackford: You can't be neutral on as moving train. This is just assisting the decline of democracy.
Mehdi Hasan / @mehdirhasan: To be clear, you can't be ‘ideologically neutral’ on the issue of democracy vs authoritarianism
Jennifer Palmieri / @jmpalmieri: What @JohnJHarwood has identified here is, IMHO, a core weakness in political press coverage. And that's been true for the last 20 years. This default to “both sides-ism” has contributed a great deal to public's cynicism a lot politics. Not a small thing.
Ben Adler / @badler: Making CNN's coverage more appealing to Republicans is not the same thing as making it ideologically neutral. John Harwood was fired for neutrally telling the truth, because the truth doesn't appeal to the side that prefers lies
@goldengateblond: ah yes a return to a less politically-charged CNN when on-air contributors included Corey Lewandowski, Rick Santorum, Jason Miller, and Kayleigh McEnany
Keith Olbermann / @keitholbermann: Spoiler Alert: yes there is a @cnn purge
Wajahat Ali / @wajahatali: This is the opposite of “neutral.” Right-wing billionaire and Trump supporter John Malone got what he wanted.
Randi Mayem Singer / @rmayemsinger: Yeah, by all means be neutral about a guy who incited a murderous riot to overturn an election, stole state secrets and threatens violence if he's not “reinstated” immediately. But yeah, the other guy wants people to vote. Equally horrible for sure.
@froomkin: The most telling thing about CNN firing @JohnJHarwood is that he has historically been a moderate and an institutionalist. And he still is! There is nothing “left” about calling out MAGA Republicanism as deceitful and anti-democratic. He just didn't join the cover-up.
Michael Calderone / @mlcalderone: “People are freaked out,” said one CNN journalist. “It almost feels like there's a pattern. Is there a purge going on? They seem to be sending a message: 'Watch what you say. Watch what you do.” ...
Laurence Tribe / @tribelaw: I think @JohnJHarwood was the best of the CNN journalists. Pushing him out, as Chris Licht, CNN's new CEO has done, shows that CNN is on a scary new path. We don't need a #FoxNews light. One dishonest cable network is more than enough.
@froomkin: @JohnJHarwood Word is that he was told a month ago that today would be his last day — although he had two years left on his contract! “He used one of this last live-shots to send a message,” a source told me. Updated story here:
Bruce Arthur / @bruce_arthur: The pundits calling this a political speech rather than simple reality told truthfully, and carping about Marines in the background while Trump says he will look favourably upon Jan. 6 rioters if he becomes President again, should perhaps try harder at their jobs
Don Moynihan / @donmoyn: Harwood says this at 10am, announces he is leaving CNN at noon. Wonder if he knew he was going when he said this. Via @froomkin
Omari Hardy / @omarijhardy: Right-wing billionaire takes over CNN. Some of the first people to go so far - Stelter and Harwood - were scrupulous journalists, even if I didn't always agree with their understanding of what was newsworthy and how report it. This is not good.
Jason Kander / @jasonkander: I hope this is correct both because it would reflect better on @CNN (where I - full disclosure - once worked for a year) and because it means @JohnJHarwood didn't miss an opportunity to use his platform for good.
Dr. Love / @questlove: Why would @CNN flush everything down the toilet like this? SMH.
Greg Sargent / @theplumlinegs: Huge loss for @CNN. Worth noting that @JohnJHarwood was an unflinching critic of Trump and the GOP, especially their slide into authoritarianism, a rarity in the MSM.
Parker Molloy / @parkermolloy: One of the few people at CNN worth paying attention to, sadly, is now headed out the door. John Malone's Newsmax-ification of CNN continues.
Paul Farhi / @farhip: “Several current and former CNN employees...are interpreting the sudden exodus as evidence that [@CNN management] is casting out voices that had often been critical of Trump and his allies...” @jeremymbarr reports on the departure of another CNN vet. ...
Ben Collins / @oneunderscore__: More @JohnJHarwood's, please.
Dan Rather / @danrather: What is going on at CNN? It's a serious question. There is a lot of speculation on directives and motives. What's really going on? And is it being noticed by the audience?
@mujeebs: .@JohnJHarwood is a Duke alum and has always been someone I've respected. He'll land on his feet. @CNN I'm not so sure it will.
Richard Wolffe / @richardwolffedc: Here's the truth. @JohnJHarwood is quality. Day in, day out. I was lucky to work anywhere near him.
Parker Molloy / @parkermolloy: On January 6, 2021, CNN had a chyron calling Trump's January 6 speech a “desperate coup attempt.” And now the guy who funded that event owns CNN.
Parker Molloy / @parkermolloy: And this is just the money that can be publicly tracked. Who knows how much he's donated in untrackable dark money. Anyway, yes, this guy is the primary financial stakeholder over at CNN now.
Anne Applebaum / @anneapplebaum: Everything he said was accurate
Ian Millhiser / @imillhiser: As a journalist, I think the most important question to ask after this speech is “are Biden's concerns about US democracy warranted?” and not “has a president ever given a speech with a US marine in the background before?”
Sarah Kendzior / @sarahkendzior: What's happening at CNN is not new. It's just more overt. From 2016:
Sarah Kendzior / @sarahkendzior: seriously folks what the hell did you think you were watching all this time
Howard Dean / @govhowarddean: A great loss for CNN but Harwood is one of the absolute best journalists, reliably thoughtful, and fair. He should be able to work anywhere wants to given his talent and honesty.
Greg Price / @greg_price11: Never forget that when Harwood moderated one of the 2016 Republican debates, he was caught emailing with John Podesta about which questions he should ask to the candidates. Good riddance to one of the worst liberal hacks in all of media.
Josh Mankiewicz / @joshmankiewicz: Big mistake by CNN
@froomkin: NEW from me: Was Biden right? Or was Biden wrong? The national media won't say
@adrienneelrod: Yep. We lived@and breathed this during 2016. A quest for parity that simply didn't exist then, and certainly doesn't today. Thank you @JohnJHarwood
TJ Manotoc / @tjmanotoc: What's happening to CNN??
Ramon Antonio Vargas / The Guardian: Correspondent abruptly leaves CNN after calling Trump a ‘demagogue’
@altnoaa: I saw him this morning reporting from the White House calling Trump the criminal that he is and thought that it was very brave of him. It's his last day at CNN. I didn't know that at the time. Thank you John! I hope to see you again on television very soon!
Franklin Leonard / @franklinleonard: I have been specifically critical of @JohnJHarwood over the last two years which is why it's critical that I praise him today. I very much hope that other journalists - especially those at @CNN - follow his lead in telling the truth to the American people.
Sherrilyn Ifill / @sifill_: But what is the alternative? To narrate the death of our democracy dispassionately? Is there nobility in that? Especially when to do so would require that you elide a frank confrontation with the truth?
Sherrilyn Ifill / @sifill_: Journalism, like law can be a noble profession. But when the continued existence of democracy is at stake, there is no nobility in centering money, clicks, “wins” over truth, human rights and democracy. Talk to reporters during the Civil Rights Mvmt. Sometimes you have to choose.
Sherrilyn Ifill / @sifill_: Grateful to @JohnJHarwood for this today. At the end of the day every one of us - including every journalist - must ask what they think their role is as a citizen & professional at a moment of democratic peril. It is often uncomfortable to speak in new ways. For attys too.
Steve Mullis / @stevemullis: @ParkerMolloy Kinda makes you wonder if killing CNN+ was less a financial decision and more because it would have been difficult to control a narrative and the hosts/staff leading shows on that platform.
Lindsey Boylan / @lindseyboylan: The Zucker era of CNN was about courting drama to get eyeballs. This era of CNN will be about courting fascists to get what exactly?
Parker Molloy / @parkermolloy: Ah, an attempt to get a message to people as he was pushed out the door. Something very sinister is happening with CNN.
@eclecticbrotha: CNN cleaning house. Stelter was no big loss, but the quality of their reporting will really suffer now that John Harwood is gone.
Mehdi Hasan / @mehdirhasan: This is not good. John was one of the best political reporters at CNN and, I should note, regularly called out GOP extremism and threats to democracy, including last night and today.
David Corn / @davidcorndc: Tremendous loss for CNN—and the nation. He had told the truth about Trump's war on democracy. And CNN didn't want that?
Ryan Cooper / @ryanlcooper: ah, apparently a month ago. sure seems like CNN is trying to become Fox News Lite
Ryan Grim / @ryangrim: CNN's strategy of making it extremely clear to viewers that their journalists are not allowed to say what they really think is an odd way to try to earn the trust of viewers
@froomkin: Now further updated: A knowledgeable source tells me @JohnJHarwood was informed last month that today would be his last day, even though he was on a long-term contract. “He used one of this last live shots to send a message,” the source told me.
Marc E. Elias / @marceelias: If this is a sign of the new CNN, it is in real trouble. John was one of the most incisive voices on the network. I look forward to seeing where he lands next.
Fred Wellman / @fpwellman: I'm just so disappointed where CNN is going. I've worked with so many great journalists there for two decades and to watch this unfold is just sad.
Ted Johnson / @tedstew: In the 10 AM hour, John Harwood was on air, calling Donald Trump a “dishonest demagogue.” By noon, he announced that he was out.
Mark Jacob / @markjacob16: I knew John Harwood was leaving CNN when he kept telling the truth about the rise of fascism while his bosses started marketing to some mythical middle ground.
Adam Parkhomenko / @adamparkhomenko: John Harwood before his departure from CNN
Chuck Ross / @chuckrossdc: “the best of journalism”? The dude was caught asking Clinton campaign's John Podesta what questions he should ask in a GOP debate. Complete hack
Michelle Manafy / @michellemanafy: One big question hovering around CNN is why it's changing. Is it because new owner Warner Bros. Discovery wants an overhaul? Or is it at the behest of a conservative billionaire investor in the company who sits on its board? @pkafka
Jay Rosen / @jayrosen_nyu: Pending any other explanation, this looks to be a second public sacrifice and warning to the CNN staff, after Stelter's.
Norman Ornstein / @normornstein: This is very sad. @JohnJHarwood represents the best of journalism, besides being a terrific person.
Jeremy Bailey / The Wrap: Watch CNN's John Harwood Call Trump a ‘Dishonest Demagogue’ on Air - Shortly Before Exiting Network (Video)
Justin Baragona / The Daily Beast: White House Correspondent the Most Recent High-Profile Departure at CNN
Dominick Mastrangelo / The Hill: John Harwood leaving CNN