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In his first email to staff, Elon Musk says he wants subscriptions to account for half of Twitter's revenue — New Twitter Inc. owner Elon Musk emailed his workers for the first time late Wednesday to prepare them for “difficult times ahead” and ban remote work unless he personally approved it.
Washington Post, The Verge, @zoeschiffer, New York Times, @parismartineau, @drewharwell, CNET, The Information, @davidmackau, CNBC, The Guardian, @jonquilynhill, @hayskali, @hayskali, @pkafka, Protocol, The Hill, The Verge, Boing Boing, @eoinhiggins_, PRWeek, @celebrityhottub, Reuters, Engadget, Wall Street Journal, Associated Press, @briantylercohen, @washingtonpost, Mediaite, Observer, @pkafka, @imani_barbarin, @oneunderscore__, The Wrap, @tvietor08, Financial Times, Snow on the Horizon, @dellcam, @likaluca, @jamesrbuk, @reckless, TechCrunch, @molly_knight, @kurtwagner8, @saramorrison, Variety, @ruthbenghiat, @sawyermerritt, @girlsreallyrule, ZDNet, Gizmodo, New York Post, Axios, Insider, Al Jazeera and Fortune, more at Techmeme »
Alex Heath / The Verge: Elon Musk is putting Twitter at risk of billions in fines, warns company lawyer
Zoë Schiffer / @zoeschiffer: Wow. Elon Musk just told Twitter employees he's not sure how much run rate the company has and “bankruptcy isn't out of the question.”
Paris Martineau / @parismartineau: an actual quote from twitter's all hands today:
Drew Harwell / @drewharwell: Spokesperson for pharmaceutical giant Eli Lilly says they're in communication with Twitter to address the fake-but-verified Eli Lilly tweet that has been up for three hours and has 1,500 retweets and 10,000 likes ...
David Mack / @davidmackau: we are witnessing one of the most spectacular corporate disasters of living memory. hulu and netflix will make competing miniseries about this. brendan fraser will win an emmy for playing elon in the better one
@jonquilynhill: “The Verge reached out to Musk for comment. Twitter no longer has a communications department.”
Kali Hays / @hayskali: And, Elon continued “I am spending time with our sales & partnerships teams to ensure that Twitter continues to be appealing to advertisers...” Yesterday Twitter saw dozens of celebrities, political figures and major brand accts impersonated through the new Twitter Blue sub
Kali Hays / @hayskali: So Musk sent his first Twitter email at 230 am, told his remaining ~4k staff they all must work in-office now full-time; the overall economic picture ‘is dire;’ that Twitter ‘will not survive the upcoming economic downturn’ unless the business becomes 50% subscription based...
Peter Kafka / @pkafka: “Musk told workers in the email that he wants to see subscriptions account for half of Twitter's revenue.” Just going to keep saying it: This site is no longer going to be free.
Lizzy Lawrence / Protocol: Musk ends remote work at Twitter
The Verge: Elon Musk tells Twitter staff to prepare for ‘difficult times ahead’ and ends remote work
Rob Beschizza / Boing Boing: Musk tells Twitter employees “bankruptcy isn't out of the question” as it descends into chaos
@eoinhiggins_: Honestly I've never seen anything like this—Musk's entire brand for over a decade was “smart business guy” and he has completely upended that. Probably permanently.
Ewan Larkin / PRWeek: Highlights from Elon Musk's first email to employees
Matt O'Brien / Associated Press: Musk says ending remote work is the only way to save the bird: ‘There is a good chance Twitter will not survive the upcoming economic downturn’
Brian Tyler Cohen / @briantylercohen: The $8 system to “eLiMiNaTe BoTs aNd ScAmMeRs” instead created the lowest barrier to entry humanly possible for bots and scammers to thrive.
@washingtonpost: Several top security and privacy executives resigned from Twitter on Thursday, citing the rapid rollout of new features without proper security reviews and Elon Musk's order that employees return to the office. ...
Alex Griffing / Mediaite: Elon Musk Panics, Emailing Twitter Staff Economic Picture is ‘Dire’ and App May Not Survive Downturn
Courtney Vinopal / Observer: Elon Musk Calls Twitter Workers Back Into the Office for at Least 40 Hours a Week
Peter Kafka / @pkafka: Reminder that bankruptcy doesn't mean Twitter shuts down. It means Elon renegotiates his $1b/year debt committment and tells his pals who helped him buy this thing that you can't win them all.
@imani_barbarin: “The FTC reached a settlement with Twitter in May after the company was caught using personal user info to target ads. If Twitter doesn't comply with that agreement, the FTC can issue fines reaching into the billions of dollars, according to the lawyer's note to employees.”
Ben Collins / @oneunderscore__: It's going great.
Eileen AJ Connelly / The Wrap: Elon Musk Cancels Remote Work in Twitter's First All-Staff Email
Tommy Vietor / @tvietor08: Why on earth would anyone want to keep working for this prick? Stock options are going to be worthless. He has no respect for the people or product. Truly a masterclass in how to demoralize a workforce.
Jp Jude / Snow on the Horizon: The Thing about Highways... A worker needs to be Healthy, Educated and Able to get to work.
Dell Cameron / @dellcam: I continue to think the biggest privacy issue here is Musk's push to collect payment information that can be used to link pseudonymous accounts & years of their data w/ people's real names. This is valuable for the kinds of “sentiment analysis” political data firms engage in.
James Ball / @jamesrbuk: Again: He paid $44,000,000,000 for this company *two weeks ago*.
Nilay Patel / @reckless: Updates to @alexeheath's story on Twitter's privacy execs all quitting — new verification product pushed out without usual privacy reviews, and Twitter owes the FTC a compliance statement per previous consent order today (ht @Riana_Crypto for that one)
Ivan Mehta / TechCrunch: In his first emails to Twitter staff, Musk talks about ending remote work and battling verified spam
Molly Knight / @molly_knight: Sorry, Eli Lilly. Nobody is available to take your call because Twitter fired its entire comms department. Insulin is free now.
Kurt Wagner / @kurtwagner8: Whether or not you think remote work is a good idea, this flexible work policy existed for multiple years now. There are likely people who relocated their entire family & are now being told to show up in person on like 8 hours notice. I expect a lot more people will be leaving.
@saramorrison: If the other half of your revenue is from ads, and it's like $16 because the CEO tweeted rolling crying laughing emojis about advertisers being impersonated, then he should be able to accomplish this lofty goal.
Ruth Ben-Ghiat / @ruthbenghiat: It is not and never was about $. It is about ideology and transforming the premier political communications platform in ways that suit authoritarian actors and investors (Saudis, Musk and allies)
Sawyer Merritt / @sawyermerritt: NEWS: Elon Musk told Twitter employees today that he had recently sold $TSLA stock to “save” Twitter - NYT He said Twitter still remains over-staffed & needed to be more “hard core. Twitter was running a negative cash flow of several billion dollars. 1/2
Amee Vanderpool / @girlsreallyrule: Several top privacy and security executives resigned from Twitter on Thursday, citing fears over the risks from Elon Musk's leadership, in a stunning exodus that prompted federal regulators to warn they might step in. ...
Owen Hughes / ZDNet: Elon Musk tells Twitter staff: No more remote working
Yaron Steinbuch / New York Post: Elon Musk emails Twitter staff they can't work remotely — unless he approves
Sara Fischer / Axios: Musk warns Twitter of “arduous” road and ends remote work

Source: Twitter's head of ad sales Robin Wheeler and head of Trust & Safety Yoel Roth resigned on November 10 — Elon Musk, in his first address to Twitter Inc. employees since purchasing the company for $44 billion, said that bankruptcy was a possibility if it doesn't start generating more cash …
Ad Age, Platformer, @alexeheath, NBC News, Reuters, Axios, Insider, The Hill, TechCrunch, The Wrap, Deadline, Financial Times, CNBC, The Information, @sarahfrier, The Daily Beast, Rolling Stone, Gizmodo, @moorehn, Vanity Fair, @tomcoates, The Verge, 9to5Mac, @eric_seufert, @davidcorndc, @kurtwagner8, @evacide, @btaplatt, @caseynewton, @pkafka, @adrianweckler, Engadget, Associated Press and Boing Boing, more at Techmeme »
Ad Age: Source: Twitter's head of ad sales Robin Wheeler and head of Trust & Safety Yoel Roth resigned on November 10
Casey Newton / Platformer: Inside the Twitter meltdown
Alex Heath / @alexeheath: This was sent to all Twitter staff this morning by the legal leader on its privacy team. Pretty remarkable.
Sara Fischer / Axios: Twitter loses two more top executives
Insider: Elon Musk floats bankruptcy as a possibility, demands ‘hardcore’ culture in first meeting with Twitter employees
Brad Dress / The Hill: Two more top Twitter execs resign
Taylor Hatmaker / TechCrunch: More key Twitter execs just quit, including the head of trust and safety
Loree Seitz / The Wrap: FTC Tracking Twitter With ‘Deep Concern’ as Top Security Executives Resign, Elon Musk Warns of Bankruptcy
CNBC: Read Elon Musk's first email to all Twitter employees: Remote work over, company needs subscriptions to survive downturn
Sarah Frier / @sarahfrier: Elon Musk tells Twitter staff bankruptcy is possible, sources say. Yoel Roth, the head of trust and safety, and Robin Wheeler, who was leading that big Twitter spaces call with advertisers, are both now out, sources add. Also, no more free food.
Miles Klee / Rolling Stone: Fake Verification, Twitter Is Burning: Bankruptcy Talk, FTC Threats, Executive Exodus
Dell Cameron / Gizmodo: Twitter Could Go Bankrupt, Musk Says
Heidi N. Moore / @moorehn: On bankruptcy: It would not be the end of the company. Many companies that have been through a leveraged buyout (basically what happened to Twitter) end up in bankruptcy and keep functioning and come through it. What it would do, however, is allow Elon to renegotiate the debt.
Bess Levin / Vanity Fair: Twitter Lawyer Reportedly Points Employees to Whistleblower Website as Elon Musk Appears Poised to Burn It All to the Ground
Tom Coates / @tomcoates: This is an absolutely extraordinary statement by someone with significant influence and oversight in the privacy team at Twitter. It states outright that Musk's moves are dangerous to dissidents and human rights activists and legally to Twitter's own engineers.
Chance Miller / 9to5Mac: Twitter collapse continues: Musk warns of possible bankruptcy, Trust and Safety VP resigns, more
David Corn / @davidcorndc: When do the Saudis bring in Jared Kushner to help @elonmusk run Twitter?
Kurt Wagner / @kurtwagner8: Thursday morning: Here are the three key leaders that have emerged at Twitter under Musk Thursday afternoon: Two of those three leaders have resigned
Eva / @evacide: Just in case @LeaKissner's departure from Twitter was not a big enough red flag, @yoyoel has left. I don't think I actually know anyone who works for Twitter anymore.
Brian Platt / @btaplatt: Staff who have departed Twitter today: - chief information security officer - chief privacy officer - chief compliance officer - global head of safety - global head of ad sales
Casey Newton / @caseynewton: @eric_seufert might not even have been a full day
Peter Kafka / @pkafka: The two Twitter execs Musk brought on calls last week and yesterday to placate marketers are reportedly out. What is plan b?
Adrian Weckler / @adrianweckler: This is just mad. The two executive hosts — Yoel Roth and Robin Wheeler — of last night's Twitter Spaces with Musk are now reportedly gone.
Daniel Cooper / Engadget: Elon Musk bans Twitter employees from working remotely
Associated Press: 'I don't know what marketer wants to go near that': Advertisers unconvinced after Musk tries to reassure them that Twitter chaos won't hurt them
Mark Frauenfelder / Boing Boing: Elon Musk emails Twitter staff, warning “economic picture ahead is dire”

[Thread] Elon Musk tells advertisers in a Spaces chat that Twitter plans to improve ad relevance, he will pay to verify brands if they don't want to, and more
@jasonschreier, @justinhendrix, Observer, @nandoodles, The Information, Digiday, Adweek, @mmasnick, @schwarz, Digg, Wall Street Journal, @nytimestech, @tarahaelle, Insider, @dangillmor, @tarahaelle, Bloomberg, @klonick, Beyond Search, @ckunzelman, @jason_kint, @ultradavid, @bruce_arthur, @justinhendrix, @mcnees, @brucewilson, The Daily Beast, @brendannyhan, Engadget, @nandoodles, @nandoodles, @nandoodles, @nandoodles, @sarafischer, @sarafischer, @sarafischer, @sarafischer, @sarafischer, @sarafischer, @nberlat, @kerrymflynn, @futureboy, Transistori, Vox, Deadline, Washington Post, CNN, Fortune and TechCrunch, more at Techmeme »
Jason Schreier / @jasonschreier: Can't imagine why all the advertisers are pulling out of Twitter lmao
Justin Hendrix / @justinhendrix: I just listened to Elon Musk on a Twitter Space that was intended for advertising partners. This is what he said at the outset. It's hard to come to any other conclusion that he has little understanding of human communication, or indeed behavior on the platform he owns.
Rachyl Jones / Observer: Twitter's Advertising Offerings Were Lacking Even Before Elon Musk Came Along
Nandini Jammi / @nandoodles: So far on this call, El*n says: •We will ban impersonators and keep their $8 •Eventually impersonators will stop making accounts bc losing $ is a disincentive •I have a lot of faith in humanity, most people are good ???
Kaya Yurieff / The Information: Musk's Twitter Wants to Take On YouTube; The Snapchat Creator Who Posts 100 Times Per Day
Marty Swant / Digiday: Elon Musk's Twitter town hall does little to assuage advertiser questions and concerns
Mike Masnick / @mmasnick: He is in so far over his head and has no idea which direction to swim in.
@schwarz: There are many funny things about Elon Musk bloviating about Twitter being “in the business of truth.” But the funniest is that he was doing it while groveling for money from advertisers — ie, people in the business of lying.
Molly Bradley / Digg: Here's What We Learned From Elon Musk's Q&A On Twitter Spaces Today
Patrick Coffee / Wall Street Journal: Elon Musk Tries to Convince Wary Advertisers to Stay on Twitter
@nytimestech: “There are definitely things we're seeing today that would not have been there if this whole Elon Musk takeover had not happened,” said Bhaskar Chakravorti, the dean of global business at the Fletcher School at Tufts University.
Tara Haelle / @tarahaelle: “I have a lot of faith in humanity, most people are good” = the epitome of privilege
Beatrice Nolan / Insider: Elon Musk calls Twitter's ‘official’ labels an ‘aesthetic nightmare’ and says they create a two-class system
Dan Gillmor / @dangillmor: The plan is to make Twitter so confusing and dysfunctional that legions of creators and advertisers will be grateful someday for something that works, and willing to pay gobs of money for that. Like they'll wait around while the hellsite ruins so much that they've built.
Tara Haelle / @tarahaelle: That's some seriously naive naïveté. He might as well announce he's a chump, but then spending $44 billion on a vanity buy without a plan kinda already announced that.
@klonick: Less coherence than an 11th grader writing a college application essay
Stephen E. Arnold / Beyond Search: Twitter and Ad Revenue: Not a Surprise
@ckunzelman: [the incessant march of someone funneling infinite tenbux into the Something Awful maw to make the worst jokes possible time and time again plays across my mind] this'll go great for sure
Jason Kint / @jason_kint: We agree on this.
@ultradavid: I've seen people spend way more than $8 to get their donation message read on Twitch just to hear the streamer say the word fart Musk's bad system can be abused in hilarious & maybe even “good” ways, but lots of actually bad actors will abuse it in actually bad ways too
Bruce Arthur / @bruce_arthur: If Twitter blows up I might start a Substack or go to Mastadon, I dunno, whatever. I also might just spend the extra time time doing yoga and eating good chips with guacamole
Justin Hendrix / @justinhendrix: This is like the preamble to a monumentally dumbed-down version of Mark Zuckerberg's 2017 manifesto on “Building Global Community.”
@mcnees: He will not do this, but he needs to hire a CEO and a CTO and get out of the way.
Bruce Wilson / @brucewilson: Anyone who has had *any* experience with moderating online forums is rolling their eyes so hard, I hope their eyeballs don't get stuck.
Brendan Nyhan / @brendannyhan: The Musk speed run of the history of social media continues. He's still in the “idealized notions of human communication” phase.
Mariella Moon / Engadget: Twitter might get a native payment system
Nandini Jammi / @nandoodles: Elon's take on brand safety: •I want to get rid of the “bad” content •Something something “more relevant ads” •I don't want things on here that are not funny or entertaining He's really uh, tweeting thru it, so to speak.
Nandini Jammi / @nandoodles: Call's over. There's so much we could unpack here but ultimately, El*n just presented a fundamentally unviable (and deeply unfocused) product roadmap. Advertisers aren't coming back. This ship is going down.
Nandini Jammi / @nandoodles: .@IAB David Cohen: tell me more about this content moderation council Elon: *sighs* “This is going to be a hard one to put together. “But back to the community notes feature. I think that's going to be v helpful... ....if you have thoughts, plz let me know.” (He has no idea.)
Nandini Jammi / @nandoodles: “What do you have to say to brands that have paused?” -I understand if ppl want to give it a minute. -My observation is that content is actually improving - not getting worse. -The best way to understand w/ what's going on w/ Twitter is to use Twitter. *repeats 2x*
Sara Fischer / @sarafischer: @iab ... 10/ @mrdcohen on @elonmusk focus: “We're terrible at relevance” —Musk: “Needs to be useful to advertise in both short term and drive demand, and in the long term, esp brand safety” —Musk: “Drives sales in short term and protect the demand of the long-term.”
Sara Fischer / @sarafischer: 9. @iab CEO @mrdcohen asks how marketers should be thinking about Twitter's brand: — @elonmusk: “Well, I think if I say that Twitter is doing something different if I say that I mean me. And if there's any confusion about the two, then I would just ask me on Twitter, basically.”
Sara Fischer / @sarafischer: @elonmusk 6. @robinw asks Musk about brand safety. He doesn't address GARM, or industry standards/bodies: —"If somebody's advertising, that they're not going to get super negative information right next to their ad or content that may be inappropriate" —Says working to improve ad relevance
Sara Fischer / @sarafischer: @iab ... 18/ @mrdcohen asks if brands have to pay for verification: — @elonmusk: “We are trying to be an equal treatment situation, so yes.” — If a brand doesn't want to pay, @elonmusk said: “If somebody's real hellbent on not paying, ill pay it for them”
Sara Fischer / @sarafischer: I don't know if I would feel reassured as an advertiser re: brand safety but as someone who makes content, I got excited listening to that Spaces Q&A. —Sounds like Musk focused on making this a more creator-friendly platform
Sara Fischer / @sarafischer: My take on @elonmusk Spaces —Sees product as solve 4 brand safety —Eager on product but fluffy on content moderation —Offered unscalable solutions. Told ppl to reach out directly/Offered pay for brand verification —Made declarations that could bite him, like rules apply = to him
Noah Berlatsky / @nberlat: “favorite” in what sense? like, to me, if someone asks you, “why should we waste our time with this shit” and you answer, “roll in the shit until you understand!” I'm probably just going to leave.
Kerry Flynn / @kerrymflynn: Smart + thorough thread from @sarafischer on today's Twitter Spaces with @elonmusk on advertising More than 100K listeners and many big brands were tuned in like @ChipotleTweets, @Wendys and @UniversalPics My fav part was when Elon said every CEO should spend more time on here
Chris Taylor / @futureboy: Lord, grant me the confidence of a billionaire with a lot of buzzwords and no knowledge of how media works
Sean Zanni / Vox: Twitter's ad problem is Elon Musk
Dade Hayes / Deadline: Elon Musk Concedes Twitter's Move To Paid Blue-Check Verification May Be A “Dumb Decision”, Intends To Get “80% Of Humanity” On Platform
Brian Fung / CNN: Elon Musk pleads with advertisers to stay on Twitter
Amanda Silberling / TechCrunch: Elon Musk addresses Twitter advertisers in a meandering Q&A

A Connecticut judge orders Alex Jones to pay $473M in punitive damages on top of the nearly $1B in defamation claims that a jury awarded to Sandy Hook parents — Conspiracy theorist Alex Jones must pay $473 million in punitive damages on top of a nearly $1 billion verdict handed down last month …
Associated Press, Bloomberg, The Wrap, Mediaite, New York Post, Variety, Jezebel, Al Jazeera, Fox News, WHDH-TV, Insider, The Guardian, VICE, CBS News, @scalzi, @georgehahn, The Hollywood Reporter, Axios, @katiephang, Rolling Stone, Semafor and Newser
Laurel Brubaker Calkins / Bloomberg: Alex Jones's Assets Are Frozen by Judge in Sandy Hook Case
Dessi Gomez / The Wrap: Alex Jones Ordered to Pay Additional $473 Million to Sandy Hook Families, Bringing Total to $1.44 Billion
Candice Ortiz / Mediaite: Alex Jones Ordered to Pay ANOTHER $473M in Punitive Damages to Families of Sandy Hook Victims
Priscilla DeGregory / New York Post: Alex Jones must pay $473M more to Sandy Hook families
Ethan Shanfeld / Variety: Alex Jones Must Pay Extra $473 Million to Sandy Hook Families, Bringing Total to Nearly $1.5 Billion
Fox News: Connecticut judge orders Alex Jones to pay $473 million more in damages to Sandy Hook victims' families
Jay Svoboda / WHDH-TV: Alex Jones ordered to pay nearly half a billion dollars to Sandy Hook families in additional damages
Insider: Alex Jones ordered to pay an additional $473 million in punitive damages after nearly $1 billion verdict in Sandy Hook case
The Guardian: A Connecticut judge orders Alex Jones to pay $473M in punitive damages on top of the nearly $1B in defamation claims that a jury awarded to Sandy Hook parents
Anna Merlan / VICE: Alex Jones Owes Another $473 Million to Sandy Hook Families and Their Lawyers, Judge Rules
George Hahn / @georgehahn: This just ain't Big Al's year. And it's delicious.
Katie S. Phang / @katiephang: NEW: Alex Jones ordered to pay an extra $473 million for “promoting false conspiracy theories about the Sandy Hook school massacre, bringing the total judgment against him to a staggering $1.44 billion.”
Miles Klee / Rolling Stone: Alex Jones Ordered to Pay $473 Million More in Sandy Hook Judgements, Now Owes $1.48 Billion
Bob Cronin / Newser: Alex Jones Owes $473M More

Some reporters and columnists kept predicting a major Republican victory in the 2022 midterms but their analysis was wrong due to long-held preconceived notions — The corporate-media consensus that there would be a “red wave” in the 2022 midterms was not some late-emerging phenomenon that its members can blame on polls or spin.
The Nation, @jpmendelson, @markos, @froomkin, @froomkin, @howardkurtz, @froomkin and Fox News
Joel Mendelson / @jpmendelson: We have to work tirelessly to shift the media's incessant need to frame everything from the GOP's perspective.
Markos Moulitsas / @markos: So THAT'S what fueled the massive woman and youth vote?
@froomkin: Ever since they started handicapping the 2022 election, our top political journalists have refused to even consider that voters might reject extremism. (They should have encouraged it.)
@froomkin: NEW from me: It's not a fluke, it's a rot: Why the political media blew the 2022 election
Howard Kurtz / @howardkurtz: Media fail: There was no red wave, though that was widely predicted by the punditry and polling business. They underestimated abortion rights, democracy and the weakness of some MAGA candidates. Now the left (and some on the right) are blaming Trump

Prediction-based politics coverage crowds out reporting of candidates' stances; polling firms like Trafalgar are producing much more Republican-friendly results — On October 19, 2022, the New York Times — America's “paper of record” — ran a story with the headline, “Democrats' Feared Red October Has Arrived.”
Washington Post, New York Times, @juddlegum, @juddlegum, @juddlegum, @ldrogen, @emilydreyfuss, @donnerkay, @chrishsport, @juddlegum, America After Dobbs and New York Times
Dana Milbank / Washington Post: Biggest loser of the midterm elections? The media.
Blake Hounshell / New York Times: Looking Back at Who Was Right About This Weird Election
Judd Legum / @juddlegum: 8. BTW, the amount of horse race coverage is growing even as the quality of pollsters is getting worse.
Judd Legum / @juddlegum: 6. The political media has substituted polling analysis, which is something only people managing campaigns really need, for substantive analysis of the positions of the candidates, something that voters need.
Judd Legum / @juddlegum: 11. These results suggest that Trafalgar isn't actually a better pollster than its competitors. In 2022, another pollster will be the “most accurate.” If you have a lot of pollsters producing a variety of results, someone will be the closest.
Leigh Drogen / @ldrogen: The media being all in on the horse race because they feel telling people about the actual policy proposals or impact of voting for one candidate/party or another is potentially “taking sides” is a huge part of why we have the politics we do today
Emily Dreyfuss / @emilydreyfuss: “Even if media predictions were correct, they represent a style of political reporting that is dysfunctional. Campaign coverage is increasingly focused on anticipating who will win through polling analysis. But politics is unpredictable, and polls are not nearly precise enough.”
@donnerkay: Like how poorly Mississippi state media covered candidate positions on Medicaid expansion in 2019 guv election here with “who's more conservative?” obsession. Direct throughline from bad coverage then to hospitals closings now—with same “political reporters” handwringing about it
@chrishsport: We talk a lot about the toxicity of sports betting entering mainstream sports broadcasting and journalism. But it's much worse in politics where all useful coverage has been abandoned for horse race coverage.
Judd Legum / @juddlegum: 5. While outlets ran story after story about the red wave, the Republican pledge to use the threat of a global economic collapse to try to force benefit cuts to Social Security and Medicare went virtually ignored

Substack announces writer Bestseller badges based on the number of paid subscribers: purple for tens of thousands, orange for thousands, and white for hundreds — A check mark worth paying attention to — Today we're introducing a way to see, at just a glance, whether or not someone …
@hamishmckenzie, @kantrowitz, @hamishmckenzie, @taylorlorenz, @tumblr, @shortformernie, @substackinc, @libbycwatson and @brianstelter
Hamish McKenzie / @hamishmckenzie: Now on Substack, you can get a check mark worth paying attention to.
Alex Kantrowitz / @kantrowitz: Substack's added mentions, retweets, and verification in two days.
Hamish McKenzie / @hamishmckenzie: These badges aren't doled out subjectively, nor can they be bought. The badges are earned, through convincing readers to pay to subscribe. Paid subscriptions are a strong proxy for trust. Writers can opt out if they want.
@taylorlorenz: Hmm I love Substack but I don't like this new checkmark system for newsletters
@tumblr: Get your Important Blue Internet Checkmarks on! They're a steal at $7.99—considering that you get not one, but TWO checkmarks for your blog! Why, you ask? Why not? Nothing matters! ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ ACT NOW
@substackinc: Read all about the new Substack Bestseller badge here:
Libby Watson / @libbycwatson: this is very funny. usually when substack announces a new feature all the comments are from fanboys who are ideologically committed to saying the website rocks because of free speech wars stuff. this one is just full of criticism. lol

Substack adds the ability to hyperlink mentions of other Substack writers or publications in posts, and cross-posting to amplify other writers or posts in email
@hamishmckenzie, THE VACCINE REAPER REPORT, @navalang, @cjgbest, @substackinc, @bradesposito, @kantrowitz, @parkermolloy, @simonowens and @bluechoochoo
Hamish McKenzie / @hamishmckenzie: You can now tag people and publications on Substack, with @-mentions. You can also now cross-publish someone else's post to your audience (with all credit going to that writer). These things are rad.
Navneet Alang / @navalang: I get why @SubstackInc is doing this, but the idea that one discovers other writers and outlets through a closed, proprietary system of mentions and “cross-posts” is a bit infuriating. We... used to just link to other writers we liked on the open web?
Chris Best / @cjgbest: DO @ me, bro
@substackinc: We're always searching for ways to make it easier for writers to work together and help each other grow, and we look forward to hearing your feedback as both of these features evolve.
Brad Esposito / @bradesposito: substack brings back crossposting... everything old is new again. Especially in media.
Alex Kantrowitz / @kantrowitz: Substack is doing a lot of wild stuff lately to transform itself from email tool to social platform. Typically that would make me nervous. But email remains its core use case and it lets you keep the email addresses. So, I remain onboard.
Parker Molloy / @parkermolloy: This is fantastic. Love it.

A UK group warns arresting journalists “might become commonplace” if Parliament passes the Public Order Bill, which may criminalize reporters covering protests — Law reform organisation Justice has said the arrest of journalists “might become commonplace” should the forthcoming Public Order Bill pass into law.
@lbc, @risj_oxford, Index on Censorship, @jonsopel, @wturvill, Index on Censorship, CNN and @pressgazette
@lbc: ‘The only question was how I knew to be there.’ After being arrested while covering an eco-protest LBC Reporter @charlotterlynch recounts her experience.
@risj_oxford: @CNNBusiness ... Law reform campaigners are warning about the possible implications of a bill in the UK following the arrests of journalists reporting on Just Stop Oil protests this week. The arrest of journalists “might become commonplace” under the new law, they say
Martin Bright / Index on Censorship: Journalism is at risk from the National Security Bill. We're fighting back
Jon Sopel / @jonsopel: This is really alarming. I do think the @HertsPolice have some very serious questions to answer here, and apologies to make
William Turvill / @wturvill: After Herts Police's three journalist arrests on the M25, @JUSTICEhq warns @Bron_Maher these sorts of incidents could become commonplace under the government's Public Order Bill Suella Braverman's Home Office says these claims are “inflated and spurious”
@pressgazette: Law reform organisation Justice says the arrests of journalists “might become commonplace” should the forthcoming Public Order Bill pass into law The Home Office hit out at the claim, calling it “inflated and spurious... we want to protect press freedoms”

Netflix announces that its first-ever live, global streaming event will be a Chris Rock comedy special aired in early 2023 — Netflix is utilizing its move into live streaming technology with Chris Rock becoming the first comedian to test it out. — Rock will perform live in a global streaming event in 2023.
SlashFilm, Forbes, Variety, The Streamable, The A.V. Club, The Wrap, CBS News, Engadget, @lucas_shaw, IndieWire, @lucas_shaw, TVLine, Decider, Los Angeles Times, The Verge, The Hollywood Reporter, Consequence and Media Play News
Jeremy Smith / SlashFilm: Chris Rock Stand-Up Special Will Stream Live On Netflix
Marisa Dellatto / Forbes: Chris Rock Will Perform Netflix's First Ever Live Stand-Up Show
Joe Otterson / Variety: Chris Rock Sets Live Netflix Comedy Special
Matt Schimkowitz / The A.V. Club: Chris Rock will return to live television in 2023 Netflix special
Natalie Oganesyan / The Wrap: Chris Rock to Become First Artist to Perform Live on Netflix With New Comedy Special
Greg Cannella / CBS News: Chris Rock to perform live stand-up special on Netflix
Lucas Shaw / @lucas_shaw: Chris Rock will host a live stand-up special on Netflix. Yes, netflix is getting into live programming.
Wilson Chapman / IndieWire: Chris Rock Sets Live Netflix Comedy Special
Lucas Shaw / @lucas_shaw: Netflix has been working on this tech for a while. It starts with comedy, but hard not to see it as a test for sports.
Matt Webb Mitovich / TVLine: Live, on Netflix.... It's Chris Rock!
Samantha Nungesser / Decider: Chris Rock to Make History By Hosting First Live Netflix Comedy Special
Christie D'Zurilla / Los Angeles Times: Chris Rock will perform historic live comedy special for Netflix in 2023

Rupert Murdoch shows that he prefers Ron DeSantis over Donald Trump as the GOP's leader via Fox News, The Wall Street Journal, and the New York Post commentary — Former Fox News anchor reveals why her same-sex marriage story never aired — Murdoch's shocking maneuver allowed him to oust a whole workforce
@maggienyt, @mollyjongfast, Bloomberg, Financial Times, @oliverdarcy, Vanity Fair, @davidcorndc, Insider, Slate, @ryanstruyk, New York Times, @dandrezner, The Wrap, The Guardian, Mediaite, Deadline, @sfmnemonic, Poynter, @jesselehrich, @mcfaul, @maggienyt, @maggienyt, @danbarrynyt, @dangillmor, Washington Post, Emerald Robinson's … and New York Magazine
Maggie Haberman / @maggienyt: This is a rather stark pivot
Molly Jong-Fast / @mollyjongfast: In case you're wondering what Rupert Murdoch is thinking
Oliver Darcy / @oliverdarcy: Murdoch media is celebrating Ron DeSantis today, with prominently featured pieces in the New York Post and Fox News hailing him as the future of the GOP. “It is not an accident,” a source familiar with how Murdoch operates his media empire tells me.
Bess Levin / Vanity Fair: Rupert Murdoch Knees Trump in the Balls While He's Doubled Over Coughing Up Blood
David Corn / @davidcorndc: In every monster movie, there's a moment when hubristic humans think they can kill the beast with some fancy device. They fire it off. And....the beast absorbs the weapon and becomes stronger and/or angrier.
Sonam Sheth / Insider: Right-wing media powerhouses pan Trump amid Republicans' underperformance in the midterms
Justin Peters / Slate: Rupert Murdoch Isn't Abandoning Trump
Ryan Struyk / @ryanstruyk: Whew. New WSJ editorial board: “Trump Is the Republican Party's Biggest Loser”
Jeremy W. Peters / New York Times: Murdoch's news outlets extend their criticism of Trump.
Daniel W. Drezner / @dandrezner: Until and unless Fox News turns on Trump I'm not buying it.
Eileen AJ Connelly / The Wrap: Wall Street Journal Calls Trump the GOP's ‘Biggest Loser’ in Scathing Editorial: ‘Republicans Are Sick and Tired of Losing’
Alex Griffing / Mediaite: Wall Street Journal Slams Trump as the ‘Biggest Loser’ as Murdoch's Properties Continue to Hammer Former President
Ted Johnson / Deadline: Donald Trump Lashes Out After Rupert Murdoch-Owned Media Outlets Pin Blame On Him For Midterm Mess, Claims They Are “All In” For Ron DeSantis — Update
Mike Godwin / @sfmnemonic: When the New York Post is tired of Trump, it's tired of life.
Tom Jones / Poynter: How the media is covering Election Day, er, Week
Jesse Lehrich / @jesselehrich: full-on Murdoch assault on Trump. Fox News pumping DeSantis all day. new WSJ editorial: “Trump Is the Republican Party's Biggest Loser” tomorrow's NY Post:
Michael McFaul / @mcfaul: Watched analysts on Fox tonight trash Trump and was shocked.
Maggie Haberman / @maggienyt: More shocking than that front page is Michael Goodwin also ditching pleasantries about Trump and declare DeSantis the future
Maggie Haberman / @maggienyt: “We should throw this guy over,” Murdoch said in Nov. 2020. Two years later, he basically is.
Dan Gillmor / @dangillmor: A reminder that Murdoch family's rancid Fox “News” relentlessly injects poison into our civic bloodstream, for power and money. If you subscribe to cable/satellite TV or equivalent streaming bundle in the U.S., you send money to this evil company every month. Please cancel.

Roku adds a sports hub to its homescreen, directing users to live games on Apple TV, DirecTV, Fox Sports, FuboTV, Peacock, Amazon Prime Video, Sling, and others — Roku has never radically overhauled its simple, familiar homescreen. Instead, the company has gradually introduced new sections like …
US - The Official Roku Blog, TechCrunch, Deadline, The Streamable, @roku, ZDNet, Engadget, Awful Announcing, Next TV and Media Play News
Lauren Forristal / TechCrunch: Roku's home screen gains a new ‘Sports’ tab for users to access live and on-demand sports content
Dade Hayes / Deadline: As Sports Migrates To Streaming, Roku Introduces New Way To Navigate Game Day
Jason Cipriani / ZDNet: Roku's new Sports section puts live games and schedules right on your Roku home screen
Andrew Bucholtz / Awful Announcing: Roku launches centralized Sports experience on their TVs and connected devices, with Fox, TNT, Fubo, many streamers on board
Daniel Frankel / Next TV: Roku Integrates Nifty Sports Search and Aggregation Feature Into Its Homepage ... Sans ESPN
Erik Gruenwedel / Media Play News: Roku Simplifies Live Sports Streaming Access

About 250 unionized HarperCollins employees go on an indefinite strike after negotiations stalled, seeking better family leave benefits and higher pay — Employees say they'll not return to work until they have a new contract. The company says it will “continue to negotiate in good faith.”
@rkambury, @rkambury, @rkambury, @greenhousenyt, @hcpunion, @rkambury, @rkambury, NPR, @maureenjohnson, The Guardian, @hcpunion, @rkambury and
Rachel Kambury / @rkambury: Today, November 10, 2022, the HarperCollins union is going on an indefinite strike. That means all work has come to a standstill and we will be outside the HarperCollins office at 195 Broadway picketing. For days, possibly weeks.
Rachel Kambury / @rkambury: Did you know HarperCollins is owned by NewsCorp, which is owned by Rupert Murdoch? That that man has a net worth of over $17 billion? (And you know me - the only billionaire I like is fictional.)
Rachel Kambury / @rkambury: “But there's no money in book publishing! Everyone knows that.” Did you know HarperCollins made upwards of $2 billion in profit last year? They certainly had enough to bid $1.2 billion on Simon & Schuster, our next biggest competitor.
Steven Greenhouse / @greenhousenyt: Workers at HarperCollins publishing go on strike, seeking to increase minimum starting salary to $50,000 from $45k 100 union members picketed outside HC headquarters, with signs saying “Passion Doesn't Pay the Rent” & “Where the Wild Things Are Underpaid”
@hcpunion: And once again we say to buffoonery and union-busting, LMAO. Sure would be terrible if that email inbox was full to bursting with messages of support instead...
Rachel Kambury / @rkambury: I encourage you to look at those numbers and then consider the fact that for over a year, our union has been asking for less than $1 million in raises across the entry- and junior-level.
Rachel Kambury / @rkambury: I'm six years into my career as an editor, having worked on dozens of bestsellers across two of the Big 4. I make $13/hr after taxes, etc. I've put through $200k+ payment requests while wondering how I'm going to make rent. I've been hungry and told to be grateful.
Andrew Limbong / NPR: Workers at HarperCollins Publishers begin strike
@maureenjohnson: These are the people who make my books happen, and I fully support them.
Alaina Demopoulos / The Guardian: HarperCollins union workers go on strike over pay ‘for as long as it takes’

After Twitter labels select accounts as “Official”, Elon Musk says he “killed it” and an executive says the label “is still going out” as part of the new Blue — Update: Well, that was fast. The grey checks have begun to disappear following a tweet …
@jackmlawrence, @elonmusk, @agoldmund, @esthercrawford, @elonmusk, Insider, @mds, Media Matters for America, @esthercrawford, @maxwelltani, @mkbhd, @esthercrawford, Accidental Philosophy, The Wrap, Forbes, @caseynewton, @esthercrawford, New York Post, Rolling Stone, Polygon, The Week, Reason, Gizmodo, @craigmod, Digital Journal, 9to5Mac, BleepingComputer, Engadget, @taylorlorenz, @mattbc, Music Ally, @fmanjoo, @astrokatie, @sewellchan, @oneunderscore__, @leahmcelrath, @earleyedition, @mrjoncryer, @inihelene, @kurtwagner8, @krisgoldsmith85, @aravosis, @coreypein, @digiphile, @mathewi, @alexhern, @rmac18, @carnage4life, @ryansatin, @karaswisher, @bradmossesq, @kakape, @chesscom, @astrokatie, @tomcoates, @caseynewton, @goldman, @richardstaff, @mgoldstein, @fmanjoo, @oliverdarcy, @mrjamesob, @fmanjoo, @sarahamcinerney, The Register, @alexvtunzelmann, @baileycarlin, @aroondeep, @dmoren, @levie, @levie, @inabber69, @_llebrun, @kantrowitz, @lukeeasterling, @carnage4life, @lorakolodny, @carnage4life, @davechensky, @seyitaylor, @nickstatt, @parkermolloy, @reckless, @asharangappa_, TheBlaze, CBS News, MacRumors, Adweek and MediaPost, more at Techmeme »
Jack Lawrence / @jackmlawrence: It took me less than 25 minutes to set up a fake anonymous Apple ID using a VPN and disposable email, attach a masked debit card to it (with the address being Twitter's HQ), and get a verified account for a prominent figure. Just think what a nation-state or bad actor could do...
Elon Musk / @elonmusk: @MKBHD I just killed it
Alex Goldman / @agoldmund: This fake twitter account is impersonating twitter corporate with a newly purchased check mark and gotten 34k rts. This is going great so far. How long before having a check mark will just be a hallmark of scamming?
@esthercrawford: @nelson The official label is still going out as part of the @TwitterBlue launch — we are just focusing on government and commercial entities to begin with. What you saw him mention was the fact that we're not focusing on giving individuals the “Official” label right now.
Elon Musk / @elonmusk: Please note that Twitter will do lots of dumb things in coming months. We will keep what works & change what doesn't.
Britney Nguyen / Insider: Tumblr trolls Elon Musk's blue checkmark fiasco by selling two blue checkmarks for $7.99
Camden Carter / Media Matters for America: Right-wing extremists and conspiracy theorists are spreading hate on Twitter with their newly purchased blue check marks
@esthercrawford: @TwitterBlue Not all previously verified accounts will get the “Official” label and the label is not available for purchase. Accounts that will receive it include government accounts, commercial companies, business partners, major media outlets, publishers and some public figures.
Max Tani / @maxwelltani: In a note to staff today, Bloomberg EIC John Micklethwait said that recent changes at Twitter have “heightened the risk of using the platform as a source of news.” He also said the company would not allow staff to expense a Twitter Blue account.
Marques Brownlee / @mkbhd: Update: It's now gone
@esthercrawford: The new Twitter Blue does not include ID verification - it's an opt-in, paid subscription that offers a blue checkmark and access to select features. We'll continue to experiment with ways to differentiate between account types.
Sarah Reynolds / Accidental Philosophy: Q: Just how easy to cancel does Elon Musk want you to be? A: so easy your entire online existence becomes deletable in one click
Ross A. Lincoln / The Wrap: Fake Celebrity Twitter Accounts Get Verified, Confuse Everyone on First Day of Twitter Blue
Marisa Dellatto / Forbes: Eli Lilly Clarifies It's Not Offering Free Insulin After Tweet From Fake Verified Account—As Chaos Unfolds On Twitter
Casey Newton / @caseynewton: Some real “my passion is graphic design” vibes for this checkmark rollout
Esther Crawford / @esthercrawford: There are no sacred cows in product at Twitter anymore. Elon is willing to try lots of things — many will fail, some will succeed. The goal is to find the right mix of successful changes to ensure the long-term health and growth of the business.
Jennifer Wright / New York Post: Elon Musk's $8 blue checkmark verification fee makes Twitter worthless
Cass Marshall / Polygon: Twitter's new wave of Blue checks is sowing chaos
Brendan Morrow / The Week: Twitter Blue checkmark impersonators include Mario giving the finger on ‘Nintendo’ account
Elizabeth Nolan Brown / Reason: Impersonators Are Already Running Amok Under New Twitter Rules
Craig Mod / @craigmod: As if this needed to be said explicitly: it turns out rich people don't have some magical ability to instantly solve problems that smart, less rich people have spent a lot of time working on
Ben Lovejoy / 9to5Mac: Twitter chaos continues: Epic trolling, and new blue checkmarks for iPhone owners only
@taylorlorenz: Now Twitter's own product people are debunking Elon's tweet 👇🏻, saying they're reversing course and the “official” label WILL be applied to some users, but they accidentally applied it too broadly? What a total and absolute mess
@mattbc: It's unfortunate that musk fired twitter's top legal minds, because omfg are they begging to be sued
Stuart Dredge / Music Ally: Elon Musk has ‘killed’ Twitter's official labels... or has he?
Farhad Manjoo / @fmanjoo: Lol. He killed Official
Katie Mack / @astrokatie: Going great. Definitely a stable, reliable company advertisers should have faith in.
Sewell Chan / @sewellchan: This may seem innocuous ... until this account, or one like it, foments sectarian violence. Selling blue check marks without ID verification will worsen mis/dis-information and other social ills that @elonmusk doesn't either know or care about.
Ben Collins / @oneunderscore__: State level disinfo campaigns: now anyone can do it!
Leah McElrath / @leahmcelrath: THIS: “It's not impersonations of high-profile accounts that are the problem. It's the person impersonating a minor online celebrity, an obscure government functionary, or perhaps their ex. That's where the harm will be done and no one will notice or care until it's...too late” 🧵
Dave Earley / @earleyedition: It's so weird watching this great, world changing product turn into the clown show in real time
Jon Cryer / @mrjoncryer: I was “official” for about 18 minutes! It was exhilarating.
@inihelene: To be verified you had to send in your ID/passport. Now anyone can literally just impersonate you for $8
Kurt Wagner / @kurtwagner8: More than 82,000 people are listening to Elon live on spaces now. Also - a ton of official brand accounts that are certainly curious why they should keep spending money on Twitter...
Kris Goldsmith / @krisgoldsmith85: Accounts listening in to Elon try to convince advertisers that Twitter is safe include a few relevant to mil/vet community (just in the order I see them): USAA USMC Recruiting US Fleet Forces
John Aravosis / @aravosis: The erratic behavior is just embarrassing. I realize that people like @mcuban like this “do, then ask permission later” behavior, but it comes across more as “ready, fire, aim.”
@coreypein: Update: Under no circumstances should you board the Mars rockets. Those already underway will be issued partial rebate vouchers on arrival.
Alex Howard / @digiphile: But per the product manager who seems to be currently accountable for @TwitterBlue, @ElonMusk is only killing “Official” for individuals — other accounts may still get it. Not is a great way to retain trust with @whitehouse officials, which should launch
Mathew Ingram / @mathewi: Imagine trying to do product development in this kind of environment
@rmac18: This new era of Twitter is like watching Twitch Play Pokemon, but with a $44 billion company
@carnage4life: Not sure why Twitter is stopping at two check marks. Go all in and make an entire rainbow of tiers then commit to the cash grab. There should be a $10,000 gold checkmark just like the gold Apple Watch. Make it the new ape profile pic. Go wild!
Kara Swisher / @karaswisher: We hardly knew ye, grey checkmark. In fact, not at all.
Bradley P. Moss / @bradmossesq: This will reassure advertisers
Kai Kupferschmidt / @kakape: So essentially Musk is gonna treat the people using Twitter the same way he has treated the people working at Twitter: as an afterthought.
Katie Mack / @astrokatie: Definitely all part of a coherent plan and not at all driven by utter pique-driven chaos at the top
Tom Coates / @tomcoates: Musk has ‘just killed’ the ‘official checkmark’ completely. So now, I guess you'll never know if *anyone* is who they say they are.
Jason Goldman / @goldman: Amazing shit. Makes sense why self driving cars are such a mess since he just loves to throw people under the bus.
Mitch Goldstein / @mgoldstein: Advertisers famously love companies that do this!!
Farhad Manjoo / @fmanjoo: in the early 2000s web companies developed a rigorous testing and rollout process to avoid exactly this sort of dumb thing
Oliver Darcy / @oliverdarcy: Seems all the new “official” checkmarks are gone, just hours after Twitter rolled them out. Here's how Elon decided to announce it.
James Oh Brien / @mrjamesob: And there goes the ‘official’ tag. Truly the Liz Truss of Twitter innovations.
Sarah McInerney / @sarahamcinerney: ...what am I missing here? If you get the “official” tag for free, why pay for a blue tick? And on what basis is @twitter deciding who is official? It's almost as if @elonmusk didn't fully think this plan through.
Brandon Vigliarolo / The Register: Musk sows more Twitter chaos, now with Official policy snafu
Alex von Tunzelmann / @alexvtunzelmann: This sounds like a great way to create lots of extra work re-verifying everybody as Twitter slowly rediscovers the reason many were verified in the first place: to avoid impersonation & fraud. This can easily affect people beyond “some public figures” who the owner approves of
B.W. Carlin / @baileycarlin: This is remarkably funny. Not only did they add a random ass new checkmark, BUT they took away any real value that was left from the blue check, and turned it into just an emoji 😭😭😭
Aroon Deep / @aroondeep: “some public figures” So basically Elon is resentful enough of journalists to tailor a policy that lets everyone but them retain their verified status. Could have just directly revoked blue ticks for media folks; not sure why he's going with such a coy strategy.
Dan Moren / @dmoren: Yes, the blue check is now the equivalent of paying for a fancy skin in Fortnite.
Aaron Levie / @levie: If the plan is to make verified democratized, then the solution is to scale verification of authenticity somehow. Not create a separate identifier that will be randomly applied.
Aaron Levie / @levie: Twitter I love you but obviously you can't add a row of space just to say the word “official” on everything.
@inabber69: elon be like: POWER TO THE PEOPLE! verified tags for ALL! NO MORE LOOKING DOWN ON PEOPLE! elon also be like: here's a new verified tick that points out if a public figure is actually the person they claim to be, which is the exact reason the verified tick previously existed
Luke LeBrun / @_llebrun: Huh, it looks like Twitter's new ownership has assigned “official” badges to most of Canada's corporate / broadcast media. Unsurprisingly, many verified local / independent / non-profit news sources were not assigned badges through Twitter's mysterious process.
Alex Kantrowitz / @kantrowitz: $44 billion apparently doesn't buy an official verified badge
Luke Easterling / @lukeeasterling: “We made the blue check mark completely meaningless, and added another indicator of ‘officialness’ that's completely redundant and arbitrary”
@carnage4life: So the blue check is becoming a “paid user” badge while the old notion of being verified becomes a gray check? I really don't understand working nights and weekends to charge $3 extra dollars for a paid user badge from $5 for tweet editing in Twitter Blue. Who asked for this?
Lora Kolodny / @lorakolodny: I think it's hilarious that Twitter is like “we put a label by your label, and now you're official!” Btw not seeing any “official” labels on reporters' accounts. Don't pay attention to the reporting, or you might learn something a ceo or corporation didn't want you to know.
@carnage4life: Two checkmarks are now available on some accounts. We live in the dumbest timeline.
David Chen / @davechensky: Gonna be REAL interesting to see who Twitter decides to give an “Official” checkmark to vs who doesn't get one. Either way, as many have pointed out, the blue check no longer means you are who you say you are. It means you're paying the richest man in the world $100/yr.
Nick Statt / @nickstatt: I know a lot has happened in the past 12 hours, but I still cannot get over Twitter announcing that its solution to verification was to a *second* checkmark to certain “select” accounts alongside the word “Official.”
Parker Molloy / @parkermolloy: This was the plan all along: an excuse to de-verify accounts that have long been verified. This is precisely what the mystery person who suggested putting “a Blake Masters type” in charge of policy enforcement called for.
Nilay Patel / @reckless: Elon got all the way back around to how verification worked before in less than two weeks
@asharangappa_: Why do subscribers need to be “identified” to other users if they aren't verified identities? If the benefits of the check mark are extra features for *them*, how does it help users or the platform (or the subscriber) to signal that? No one cares. It just creates confusion
Alex Nitzberg / TheBlaze: Kyle Rittenhouse, Catturd, and Libs of TikTok get blue verification badges as Elon Musk rolls out new $7.99 per month Twitter Blue subscription
David Cohen / Adweek: Twitter Debuts ‘Official’ Label for Verified Accounts; Elon Musk Promptly Yanks It
Colin Kirkland / MediaPost: Twitter Marred By Indecision Surrounding User Verification