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The Walt Disney Company's board announces Bob Chapek will step down as CEO and be replaced by Bob Iger for two years effective immediately; stock jumps 5%+ — Disney's board of directors announced the move Sunday evening.
Deadline, New York Times, Variety, Wall Street Journal, The Walt Disney Company, Insider, CNBC, Axios, Puck, Los Angeles Times, Observer, @theankler, Axios, NBC News, @scottgustin, @jacobrubashkin, The Wrap, @stevekopack, @claireatki, Looper, @benmullin, @radrappy, @benfritz, @reedhastings, @perezhilton, The Ringer, @bosnerdley, @carnage4life, @sherman4949, @micaburton, @superweeniehtjr, @latimes, @davejorgenson, @brianstelter, @big_business_, @panzer, @rickporter, @edmundlee, @zemthings, Media Play News, The A.V. Club, @morgantremaine, @sherman4949, Hot Girl Cinema, @santucci, @gtwscar, @sdkstl, @joannastern, The Guardian, @jeff_delgado, @carnage4life, Popculturology, @anthony, @davidlsims, Newslit Daily, @richlightshed, @laurenthomas, @reckless, @levie, @mattbelloni, @nycjim, @mgsiegler, GoldDerby, Forbes, @karaswisher, @bmccandless, The Playlist, @thr, @scottnover, @jeffrey_cane, @kimmasters, @parismartineau, @cgasparino, @molliedamon, @drewtailored, @jbflint, @karaswisher, @mgsiegler, @sarafischer, @carnage4life, @thatrebecca, Mediaite, @nkulw, @lucas_shaw, @lucas_shaw, Bloomberg, Transistori, Gizmodo, Decider, IndieWire, The Daily Beast, Barrett Media, TechCrunch and CBS News, more at Techmeme »
Dominic Patten / Deadline: Disney Shocker! Bob Iger Back As CEO, Bob Chapek Out
Brooks Barnes / New York Times: Disney Brings Back Bob Iger After Ousting Chapek as C.E.O.
Cynthia Littleton / Variety: DISNEY SHAKEUP: Bob Iger Back as CEO, Bob Chapek Out; Board Cites ‘Complex Industry Transformation’ for Shocking C-Suite Shuffle
The Walt Disney Company: The Walt Disney Company Board Of Directors Appoints Robert A. Iger As Chief Executive Officer
Claire Atkinson / Insider: Inside Bob Iger's return to Disney: A senior executive's outreach to the former chief followed months of complaints to the board about CEO Bob Chapek
Michael Flaherty / Axios: Trian's Nelson Peltz eyes Disney board seat and opposes Bob Iger
Matthew Belloni / Puck: Disney's Bob vs. Bob Blame Game
Courtney Vinopal / Observer: Boomerang CEOs Are Bad for Business. Will Disney's Bob Iger Be an Exception?
@theankler: Keep an eye on what happens to Bob Chapek's deputy Kareem Daniel. In May, @NicoleLaPorte1 reported that “Bob Iger was less of a Daniel fan...viewing him as too much of a corporate suit”
Daniel Arkin / NBC News: Disney brought back Bob Iger and booted his hand-picked replacement. Here's why.
Scott Gustin / @scottgustin: Bob Chapek was scheduled to introduce Elton John at tonight's concert currently streaming on Disney+, according to the Wall Street Journal.
Jacob Rubashkin / @jacobrubashkin: Bob Iger just sent a company wide email telling all employees to print out their ten best pages of scripts and bring them to the 15th floor of Disney HQ by 1am for review
Steve Kopack / @stevekopack: News that Bob Iger was coming back as CEO landed in Disney executive's inboxes while they were together at Dodger Stadium where the ousted CEO Chapek was set to introduce Elton John on a live Disney+ stream, per WSJ. (Instead a host for the Dodgers TV network introduced John)
Claire Atkinson / @claireatki: NEW: Numerous key creative and business executives were threatening to quit Disney unless Chapek was replaced. ... via @businessinsider
Brandon Shoaff / Looper: Bob Iger's Return As Disney CEO Could Lead To Some Major MCU Changes
Ben Mullin / @benmullin: Disney BoD appointed Iger yesterday, per new 8K. Contract details (and more!) here:
Matt Braly / @radrappy: I cannot tell you how elated the entire animation industry is to see this man gone lmao
Ben Fritz / @benfritz: I did not realize when I wrote this article five years ago that it would age like a fine bottle of wine.
Perez Hilton / @perezhilton: Is this Disney admitting this last year has been a disaster?!
Alison Herman / The Ringer: Bob Iger Is Back at Disney
Bo Snerdley / @bosnerdley: Ron DeSantis wins again>><>
@carnage4life: Bob Iger's whiteboard after a midnight EST code review of the Disney+ app after ensuring everyone left at the company is “hardcore”
Alex Sherman / @sherman4949: This was June 28! The Disney board now has to pay Chapek many millions in severance when his contract simply would have run out in Feb. 2023. That looks clumsy at best.
@latimes: The Walt Disney Co.'s board announced that Bob Iger is replacing Bob Chapek as CEO. The move comes months after the board gave Chapek three more years atop the company, citing strong leadership during the pandemic.
Brian Stelter / @brianstelter: Disney board chair Susan Arnold “called Mr. Iger on Thursday and asked him to consider returning to the company, according to three people with knowledge of the matter”
@big_business_: Bob Chapek said animation is for kids not for adults and 2 weeks later he got fired and replaced by Bob Iger.
@panzer: Iger (and some key lieutenants) has plenty of responsibility for the state of Disney here and this isn't some sort of magic pill for a company in mid recession butttt - the last guy absolutely decimated Imagineering over a tax break. Reason enough to bring in the boot.
Rick Porter / @rickporter: I will read every single “how this happened” story, but especially the ones that get into how it came to be announced at almost 10 ET on a Sunday night.
Edmund Lee / @edmundlee: Did Disney's board actually consider anyone else? Here's the irony: Disney is one of the few media companies that isn't controlled by a family owner, but acts as if it is, beholden to one man.
@zemthings: Chapek: “How can we cut back on spending?” Looks like they found a way.
Erik Gruenwedel / Media Play News: Bob Iger Is Back as Disney CEO, But His Return Is Hardly Heroic
Matt Schimkowitz / The A.V. Club: Bob Iger returns as Disney CEO in a shocking conclusion of the Battle of the Bobs
Morgan Tremaine / @morgantremaine: Chapek dragged Disney through the pandemic and now the board wants things back on track with Iger, their most successful CEO since Walt. What this means for certain swashbuckling Disney franchises? Idk, but Iger was CEO in 2018 when they cut ties.
Hot Girl Cinema: Hot Girls Are Staging Emergency Group Chat Sessions With Ex-Coworker Because Bob Iger is Back in as Disney CEO
John Santucci / @santucci: Iger has emailed all Disney employees to announce his return
@gtwscar: I said on stream today that the winds were changing. The brand damage under Bobby paycheck was destroying creative spirit of company. You can't expect to milk your customers and expect them to come back over and over. Welcome back Iger.
Staci D Kramer / @sdkstl: >>Other Disney employees said they were baffled by Mr. Iger's Sunday email and immediately began asking if the message to employees was real or if it came from a hacked email account.<<
Joanna Stern / @joannastern: Chapek is out. Iger is in again. Call it Disney-+!
Jeff Delgado / @jeff_delgado: Well it's obvious Chapek was used to do all the bad shit Iger didn't want to get blamed for.
@carnage4life: Bob Iger handed off being Disney CEO to a successor just before COVID just to backseat drive so much that Bob Chapek quit and Bob Iger is back to being the CEO. Iger effectively took a COVID break as CEO and is back now it's over. 😮
Anthony DeRosa / @anthony: Is the assumption that Iger will go out and make a high profile acquisition now that he's back in the seat? What would make the most sense? $DIS
David Sims / @davidlsims: Chapek of Disney and Jason Kilar of WB are the two best examples, IMO, of tripling down on streaming when it was a bad short AND long-term bet; there was little profit in it to begin with, but it was also increasingly obvious come 2021 that it didn't make much sense long-term
Jose Montes de Oca / Newslit Daily: 🏟 Welcome to the Joy-Free World Cup.
@richlightshed: “I can't explain what the board did in June,” Rich Greenfield, partner at LightShed Partners, told Insider. “But the management team and the creatives did not like Chapek nor the management structure he imposed.” $DIS 🙏 @claireatki ...
Lauren Thomas / @laurenthomas: NEW: Nelson Peltz's activist firm Trian earlier this month bought >$800 million worth of Disney stock after the company's dismal earnings report, sources say. Trian is pushing for a board seat & other operational changes, as Bob Iger returns as CEO. $DIS
Nilay Patel / @reckless: Iger coming back to Disney is the biggest “roll back the org chart changes” story in business history. We're going to have to do like a five hour Decoder
Matthew Belloni / @mattbelloni: New @PuckNews: Bob Iger wasn't very coy about hiding what he wanted, you just had to look closely.
Jim Roberts / @nycjim: Elton John makes a cameo appearance in bombshell Disney drama.
M.G. Siegler / @mgsiegler: The next question: do they work to bring back Kevin Mayer? But also, why didn't they go with him in the first place? Acquire Candle Media? And what does Tom Staggs think of any of this?! Seems too messy at this point?
Jordan Hoffman / GoldDerby: Sunday night shocker: Disney brings Bob Iger back in as CEO
Kara Swisher / @karaswisher: I'll tell you 1 thing: If Bob Iger asked me for $8 for a product, it'd be worth it. And he'd never capriciously & malignantly re-platform stone-cold racists & antisemites & then bear hug them. Or make fun of people he'd fired. Or tweet dumb/dirty/juvenile memes. You get the idea.
Bill McCandless / @bmccandless: Hard to step down when your legs have been cut off.
@thr: Even Bob Iger acknowledged the surprise of his return to Disney in an email to employees, writing that he comes back “with an incredible sense of gratitude and humility — and, I must admit, a bit of amazement”
Jeffrey Cane / @jeffrey_cane: “Chapek was faulted internally ... for being a leader who made big decisions without taking in sufficient information, according to the senior Disney insider and other high-level industry sources who spoke to Insider.” via @claireatki @thisisinsider ...
@kimmasters: Disney will undoubtedly be re-organized (again). Creative execs rejoice. Kareem Daniels, not so much.
Paris Martineau / @parismartineau: bob iger just sent a company wide email telling all disney employees they have till 5pm tomorrow to decide if theyre ready to go ‘mad for the mouse’ or take severance
Charles Gasparino / @cgasparino: .@Disney's wokeness might appeal to the edit pages of progressive newspapers, but its a horrible biz model, and as I foreshadowed, ONE of the reasons Chapek it out. Other may be the odd rumor bouncing around Hollywood of $DIS-@AAPL combo which sounds loony
Mollie Damon / @molliedamon: I'm going to pretend this is because he's just loving Andor THAT much.
Drew Taylor / @drewtailored: The amount of behind-the-scenes maneuvering, last minute meetings and complicated payouts that had to be facilitated for this to happen makes my head spin. The stories that will be coming out soon and the major shakeups yet to happen ... buckle up.
Joe Flint / @jbflint: Disney CEO Bob Chapek was supposed to introduce Elton John at Dodger Stadium concert streamed on Disney+. Instead it's Bob Iger singing I'm Still Standing.
Kara Swisher / @karaswisher: Ahaha. God, the gulf of management talent between @RobertIger and Elon is as wide as Valles Marineris on Mars.
M.G. Siegler / @mgsiegler: Far from a Disney expert, but it seemed pretty clear from basically day one that Chapek was in over his head. Yes, the pandemic exacerbated it, obviously. Hindsight 20/20, etc. But it was not a fit. They backed into the decision. Iger should never have stepped back when he did.
Sara Fischer / @sarafischer: Iger didn't chose a successor that Wall Street trusted $DIS had a bad quarter but trend lines were there -Streaming losses were growing while linear & parks failed to bridge the gap -Whether those trends wouldve been prevented if Iger were CEO, who knows
@carnage4life: Bob Chapek being kicked out and Iger returning is a reminder that great companies treat fans as customers you strive to please not addicts you try to squeeze every dollar from. A good reminder for the powers that be at Twitter.
Rebecca Keegan / @thatrebecca: The One True Bob, First of His Name, King of the Nine Old Men, Lord of Burbank, Protector of the Mouse
Sarah Rumpf / Mediaite: BREAKING: Bob Iger Returning as Disney CEO, Replacing Bob Chapek, Who Infamously Tangled With DeSantis
Noah Kulwin / @nkulw: media execs like to invoke the william goldman line that “nobody knows anything” but everyone was championing streaming bc those execs actually do know *one* rule: do what Wall Street wants. in this case, that was to imitate Netflix, and it was a disaster
Lucas Shaw / @lucas_shaw: While Bob Iger privately criticized Bob Chapek all year, there was 0 reporting in recent months suggesting he was coming back as CEO. Remarkable that Disney kept it under wraps.
Lucas Shaw / @lucas_shaw: Disney shares popped pre-market on the news of Bob Iger's return. Still down about 40% this year.
Germain Lussier / Gizmodo: Former Disney CEO Bob Iger to Return and Replace Current CEO Bob Chapek
Samantha Nungesser / Decider: “Not Great, Bob!” Bob Iger Replaces Bob Chapek As Disney CEO After Stock Plummets 40% In One Year
Christian Zilko / IndieWire: Disney Announces Shocking CEO Shakeup: Bob Iger Returns, Bob Chapek Out

Sources: Disney board rehired Bob Iger after complaints from senior leadership, including CFO Christine McCarthy, about Bob Chapek's management of the company — - Disney's board reached out to Bob Iger on Friday about coming back as CEO. — Senior Disney leadership had concerns with Chapek's management of the company.
Variety, Insider, @sherman4949, PRWeek, SlashFilm, @claireatki, New York Post, Billboard, CNET, Adweek, The Verge, Looper, @sherman4949, Bounding Into Comics, Observer, Digital TV Europe, The Week, Ad Age and The Hill
Insider: Ex-Disney CEO Bob Iger is back in charge of the company, less than 3 years after handing over the reins to Bob Chapek
Alex Sherman / @sherman4949: Latest details with how Disney's surprise exec swap went down this weekend. Chapek and his inner circle were totally surprised and continue to be, I'm told. Can also confirm some senior leadership expressed no confidence in him recently.
Claire Atkinson / @claireatki: New @lmoses + @Reedalexander Bob Iger's return to Disney is fueling concern over future CEO succession plan: ‘People would struggle to write down three names inside Disney’ who could step up. $DIS ... via @businessinsider
Lars Brandle / Billboard: Bob Iger Returning as Disney CEO, Bob Chapek Exits
Joan E. Solsman / CNET: Disney Ousts CEO Bob Chapek and Brings Back Bob Iger
Mollie Cahillane / Adweek: Bob Iger Returns as Disney CEO, Replacing Bob Chapek, in Shocking Shakeup
Richard Lawler / The Verge: Bob Iger steps back in as Disney CEO, replacing Bob Chapek
Danny Bojic / Looper: What Does Bob Iger's Return To Disney Mean For Star Wars?
Alex Sherman / @sherman4949: An update here: Disney CFO Christine McCarthy was one of the executives that went to the board expressing no confidence in CEO Bob Chapek, sources say. McCarthy was Iger's CFO. She's held the position since 2015 and has a relationship with the board, I'm told.
John F. Trent / Bounding Into Comics: The Walt Disney Company Attempts To Solve Its Problems By Rehiring The Architect Of Those Problems, Bob Iger Returns As CEO, Bob Chapek Is Out
Rachyl Jones / Observer: Bob Iger Returns as Disney's CEO After Bob Chapek is Ousted Less than Two Years into the Role
Brad Dress / The Hill: Bob Iger back, Bob Chapek out as Disney CEO

As Bob Iger becomes CEO ahead of the launch of an ad-supported Disney+ tier in the US, he will find his second tenure marked by job losses and cost cutting — Chief executive brought in Marvel, Star Wars and Fox - but he may now face job losses and cost cuts — Bob Iger is Disney's Mr Fixit.
Dade Hayes / Deadline: Disney Shares Surge As Investors See Bob Iger Wielding Magic Wand In Return To CEO Role
Anna Nicolaou / @annaknicolaou: new: in recent weeks Disney executives including CFO Christine McCarthy have been approaching the company's board with concerns about Chapek. more details here w/ @JFK_America @alexebarker
Caitlin Huston / The Hollywood Reporter: Bob Iger's Return Rallies Disney Stock as Wall Street Shows Cautious Optimism
Peter Kafka / @pkafka: “It's a very different landscape than even 18 months ago,” an executive at one of Disney's competitors texted to me. “Hopefully he can figure out the model. No one has yet.”
Associated Press: Even Bob Iger is surprised by his return as Disney CEO: ‘I must admit, a bit of amazement’
Thomas Barrabi / New York Post: Bob Iger's return as Disney CEO ‘blindsided’ ousted Bob Chapek: sources
Stephen Battaglio / Los Angeles Times: Disney shares jump after Bob Iger returns as CEO
@tvgrimreaper: The media loves them some Iger. “the takeover of Rupert Murdoch's Fox that helped arm Disney for a global streaming showdown with Netflix” Iger overpaid for a declining grab bag of dreck.
Matt Tamanini / The Streamable: Bob Iger Returns as Disney CEO: Will He Unwind Chapek's Streaming Strategy, Price Hikes?
@edgecliffe: Disney executives loyal to Bob Iger led an insurrection which prompted the board to oust Bob Chapek, @annaknicolaou, @JFK_America & @alexebarker report via @FT $DIS
Thomas Bacon / ScreenRant: 4 Major Disney Problems Revealed By Bob Iger's CEO Return

A look at Chris Licht's plans to turn CNN around, as the executive says it is “bullshit” and a big misconception that his vision is to be a “vanilla” centrist — Chris Licht, the network's recently appointed chief executive, is preparing a fresh approach to news and deep job cuts after a slump in revenues
@hughhewitt, @edgecliffe, Fox News, @hayekmg, @michaelsocolow, @benmullin, @annaknicolaou, @frank_giustra and @soutikbbc
Hugh Hewitt / @hughhewitt: It's not possible to be “neutral,” but platforms can be “balanced.” From my @washingtonpost column today: “A 50-50 red-blue America — like it or not, that's what we have — is politically paralyzed this Thanksgiving.” Cover each 50% in good faith.
@edgecliffe: Chris Licht is “CNN's first leader to face a ratings crunch, an ad recession, low morale, tough cost-cutting targets, an editorial reset & structural decline in CNN's business model — all at the same time.” @alexebarker @grimes_ce @annaknicolaou via @FT
@hayekmg: #CNN wants to stay neutral in a divided America. Will anyone watch? Chris Licht, the network's recently appointed chief executive, is preparing a fresh approach to news and deep job cuts after a slump in revenues. - via @FinancialTimes | @CNN @cnni
Michael Socolow / @michaelsocolow: “CNN's share of cable subscriber fees, the boon that made its business model one of the greatest in the history of news, is expected to fall by as much as 6 per cent in 2022.” Cord-cutting is real, it's increasing and it informs editorial decision making.
Ben Mullin / @benmullin: “Licht's team [at CNN] estimated operating profits this year will be $700mn-$750mn, according to three people familiar with the accounts.”
Anna Nicolaou / @annaknicolaou: The Trump era was very good for business. Now, CNN's board wants it to pivot to “neutral”. That's more important to them than profit, which has fallen off a cliff. 2022 profit estimated $700mn, down almost $500mn from the peak w/ @alexebarker @grimes_ce
Frank Giustra / @frank_giustra: “The Trump era — brimming with anger, division and discord — had made for spectacularly good ratings and record profits. Polarisation was good for business.” Read that last part again..

Memo: Michael Bass, CNN's longtime programming chief who was one of three executives who led CNN after Jeff Zucker's ouster, plans to leave at the end of 2022 — His departure was revealed to staffers at the Warner Bros. Discovery-backed outlet's daily news meeting Monday.
The Hill, Los Angeles Times, Next TV, @anthony, The Wrap, @claireatki, The Hollywood Reporter, Deadline and Barrett Media
Dominick Mastrangelo / The Hill: Top CNN programming boss to exit network
Stephen Battaglio / Los Angeles Times: More changes at CNN as top programming executive to leave at year's end
Daniel Frankel / Next TV: CNN's Top Remaining Zucker Holdover, Programming Chief Michael Bass, Set to Exit
Anthony DeRosa / @anthony: Michael Bass, the longtime CNN programming chief who played a role in devising the network's more passionate demeanor during the Trump era, is leaving the network
@claireatki: Michael Bass, one of the trio of CNN execs who led the company after Jeff Zucker stepped down, is exiting CNN at the end of the year. Will the others -Amy Entelis and Ken Jautz - remain?
Dade Hayes / Deadline: Michael Bass, CNN Programming Chief & Longtime Jeff Zucker Lieutenant, To Exit Network At End Of Year
Eduardo Razo / Barrett Media: Programming Chief Michael Bass Latest to Exit CNN

Paramount Global scraps its $2.2B deal to sell Simon & Schuster to Penguin Random House and says Penguin must pay a $200M termination fee — - Paramount Global said Monday it scrapped its $2.2 billion deal to sell book publisher Simon & Schuster to rival Penguin Random House.
New York Times, New York Times, @liz_a_harris, Financial Times, Reuters, Bloomberg, Axios, Reuters, The Hollywood Reporter, @gregvaneekhout, @kerrymflynn, @joepompeo, @abrahamjoseph, @liz_a_harris, Bloomberg Law, The Bookseller, @billineastala, @benmullin, @adribbleofink, @svershbow, Publishers Weekly, @ruthharrisbooks, @kathmschmidt and KRDO
Elizabeth A. Harris / @liz_a_harris: NEWS: The Penguin Random House deal to buy Simon & Schuster is officially dead. Paramount has “terminated the Purchase Agreement.”
Reuters: Sources: Simon & Schuster owner Paramount Global declines to join Penguin Random House in appealing the ruling blocking their merger; deal will likely collapse
Winston Cho / The Hollywood Reporter: Paramount Scraps Simon & Schuster Sale to Penguin Random House, Will Get $200M Kill Fee
Greg van Eekhout / @gregvaneekhout: PRH must pay Paramount a $200,000,000 termination fee after their failed merger with S&S.
Kerry Flynn / @kerrymflynn: 🚨📚 Paramount is no longer selling Simon & Schuster to Penguin Random House — it will not appeal the judge's ruling from earlier this month 8K today confirms its decision to terminate and Simon & Schuster CEO Jonathan Karp emailed staff Context:
Joe Pompeo / @joepompeo: It's official: Paramount Global has “terminated the Purchase Agreement” that would have enabled PRH to still buy S&S, pending a successful appeal of a federal judge's October 31 ruling in favor of the DOJ:
Abraham Josephine Riesman / @abrahamjoseph: What if Elon buys my publisher, too
Elizabeth A. Harris / @liz_a_harris: NEWS: Penguin Random House's deal to buy Simon & Schuster is on track to collapse on Tuesday. Paramount, which owns S&S, has decided to walk away. w/ @xanalter and @BenMullin
WilliamThornton / @billineastala: The collapse of the $2.175 billion sale is a major blow to Penguin Random House's ambitions to expand its enormous market share. Penguin Random House will have to pay Paramount a termination fee of about $200 million once the deal falls through.
Ben Mullin / @benmullin: NEWS w/@Liz_A_Harris and @xanalter: Publishing megamerger between Penguin Random House and Simon & Schuster is on the verge of collapse after Paramount decided not to fight the DOJ:
Aidan Moher / @adribbleofink: I can't believe Schuster and Simon are getting divorced. Everything seemed fine!
Sophie Vershbow / @svershbow: “Penguin Random House will have to pay Paramount a termination fee of about $200 million once the deal falls through.” Solidarity with every PRH employee who knows they're about to get denied a $5000 raise next month despite doing the job of three people.
Jim Milliot / Publishers Weekly: PRH, S&S Deal Likely Dead
Ruth Harris / @ruthharrisbooks: Deal to Merge Two Publishing Giants Is on the Verge of Collapse Penguin Random House's agreement to buy Simon & Schuster is set to fall through. Simon & Schuster's parent company decided not to extend it after a judge blocked the purchase.
Kathleen Schmidt / @kathmschmidt: Bertelsmann must pay a $200M kill fee, S&S goes back on the market. Simon & Schuster's owner to let sale to Penguin fall apart, sources say
Hillel Italie / KRDO: Proposed merger of two publishing giants is officially over

The BBC's Qatar World Cup coverage ignored the opening ceremony, instead criticizing the treatment of migrant workers, corruption, and homosexuality bans — Coverage kicks off with focus on treatment of migrant workers and gay people, and corruption at Fifa
@binweevillie, Front Office Sports, Human Rights Watch, The Comeback, @rickoshea, @sportingintel, @ainiladra, @bbcrosatkins, @jimwaterson, @piersmorgan, @bob_cart124, @graceonfootball, @kenroth, @mattschiavenza, @dpjhodges, BBC, @scottygb, @graceonfootball, @fatimabarkatula, @tomgara, Different Strokes, @tiatia2000, @garylineker, Al Jazeera, The Guardian and Fortune
@binweevillie: Gary Lineker starting the world cup showing with that speech damn
Michael McCarthy / Front Office Sports: Fox Catching Flak For Tone-Deaf World Cup Coverage
Rick O'Shea / @rickoshea: This. Fair play @GaryLineker, @AlexScott, @alanshearer, @BBCSport. ...
Nick Harris / @sportingintel: BBC ignores World Cup opening ceremony in favour of Qatar criticism ... Good piece by @jimwaterson and well played by the BBC, @GaryLineker, @BBCRosAtkins, @alanshearer, @AlexScott, @BowenBBC et al.
Leila / @ainiladra: qatar hosts the largest us military base in the region (al udeid) where the uk's raf is headquartered ... but it seems empire can't transcend its anti-arab & anti-muslim footing, no matter how accomodating its compradors are
Ros Atkins / @bbcrosatkins: The World Cup starts today. @BBCSport asked us to look at why choosing Qatar as host continues to cause controversy. This is the 5 minute video we've made. Produced by Michael Cox, Mary Fuller and Nicholas Barrett.
Jim Waterson / @jimwaterson: Qatar spent all that money on getting Morgan Freeman to do whatever he was doing for the opening ceremony and the BBC just... didn't bother showing it on their main channel.
Piers Morgan / @piersmorgan: Outrageously disrespectful to Qatar that the BBC didn't broadcast the World Cup opening ceremony, and instead put out more virtue-signalling guff about how awful it is. If they're that appalled, they should bring home their vast army of employees & spare us this absurd hypocrisy.
Robert Carter / @bob_cart124: The BBC has never boycotted a World Cup opening event until now, when it was hosted by the first Muslim Arab nation. Shameful display by the British state mouthpiece. Qatar should consider giving BBC the boot. 🥾💥 #FIFAWorldCup #BBC #Qatar2022
@graceonfootball: Yeah, BBC just decided to ignore the opening ceremony entirely. Partly just because they were showing the WSL until 5 minutes ago, but they've been straight into a basic overview of the Qatar talking points.
Kenneth Roth / @kenroth: The BBC didn't broadcast the World Cup opening ceremony in Qatar because of the country's human rights record ... but DID broadcast the opening ceremony at the Beijing 2022 Olympics despite China's horrendous human rights record.
Matt Schiavenza / @mattschiavenza: Since the Beijing Olympics in 2008, it's been clear that authoritarian countries use prestigious athletic events like the Olympics or World Cup to gain global prestige without having to make any compromises whatsoever.
@dpjhodges: Can anyone at the BBC say what objective criteria the Corporation will use going forward for deciding whether or not the opening ceremony for a sporting event is broadcast.
Scott Bryan / @scottygb: Great point by @jimwaterson: “BBC viewers had just seen something unusual: a television broadcaster with the rights to show the world's biggest sporting event choosing to comprehensively trash the product it was about to serve up.”
@graceonfootball: BBC are making a serious issue to discuss all the issues but, it has to be noted, it's BBC, they're not going to discuss any role British imperialism played in the modern state of Qatar.
@fatimabarkatula: Is this the sort of thing from the opening ceremony that the BBC didn't want people to see? Beautiful quotes from the Qur'an? #Qatar2022
Tom Gara / @tomgara: It's really bad to reserve this level of treatment for Qatar after we just had an Olympics in China and a World cup in Russia ...
Ashok Karanth / Different Strokes: Shut up and let the show go on — This is a strange World Cup, happening in the middle …
@tiatia2000: Those BBC pundits sat around slaying the human rights of Qatar whilst being sat in Qatar is so bizarre
@garylineker: In case you missed it, here's the opening ceremony. It's not customary for us to show any World Cup or Euros opening ceremonies in their entirety on @bbcone, but do make it available to view on @BBCiPlayer, red button and website. Very different, of course, for the Olympics.

A survey of US teens on social media: 80% feel closer to friends, 71% like showing creativity, 59% think its impact is neutral, and 38% are overwhelmed by drama — Majorities of teens credit social media with strengthening their friendships and providing support while also noting the emotionally charged side of these platforms
Lee Rainie / @lrainie: Here's how U.S. teens describe the benefits they get from #social media. A full rundown of the pros and cons of the platforms, directly in teen voices, comes in the NEW @pewresearch report based on a survey and focus groups. ...
@pewinternet: When asked about the overall impact of social media on them personally, more teens say its effect has been mostly positive (32%) than say it has been mostly negative (9%). The majority (59%) describes its impact in neutral terms. ...

A profile of Justin Smith and Ben Smith and a look at their partnership leading Semafor, which Politico founder Robert Allbritton calls “Axios for FT people” — Justin Smith and Ben Smith are not related, nor did it seem likely that they'd ever become partners; the first time they met, it didn't go so well.

The ordeal of an University of Arizona student journalist highlights the growing threat of online harassment to young journalists, driving some of them out — Young reporters are forced to contend with waves of abuse and harassment, driving some out of the industry before they even get started.
@dabeard, @taylorlorenz, @queenkv, @smaclellan, @malbertnews, @michaelkruse, David Weir's Newsletter, @billkuchman, @michaelbolden, @kattenbarge, @carolafrediani, @smaclellan, @nickcho, @jboren4507, @taylorlorenz, @fortesalatifi, @taylorlorenz, @privacydigest, @sivavaid, @jhengstler, @ijbailey, @jeffjarvis, @tom_mallory and @lutzfernandez
David Beard / @dabeard: Online mobs are going after student journalists. “I hope when our society wakes again you are lined up and shot,” read one text to a journalist after an article. Dozens of others berated her appearance, threatened her, and called her misogynistic slurs. ...
@taylorlorenz: Institutions are wildly unprepared to deal with online harassment. Krupp and her mother begged the school to take action while she was being viciously harassed. The school only issued public support for Krupp after the Post reached out for comment. ...
Kris Vera-Phillips / @queenkv: Young reporters forced to deal with waves of abuse and harassment, driving some out of the industry. Example: TikTok fans target @uarizona @dailywildcat reporter, some claiming: “her mouth should be tied shut the rest of her life.” 📝@taylorlorenz ...
Stephanie MacLellan / @smaclellan: 3) It is 2022, social media has existed for 15+ years, and police still have no clue how to handle targeted online harassment. ...
Mark Albert / @malbertnews: MORE: Mike Hiestand, senior legal counsel at @SPLC: “I've been doing this for close to 30 years, and it's a climate I've never really seen before, the way people are going after students”: ... #journalism
Michael Kruse / @michaelkruse: “Walking to class, it's humiliating to have things like this said about me. My friend and I were walking and these boys were like, 'Oh there's the journalist' ...” ...
David Weir / David Weir's Newsletter: Killing the Messenger — A recent article in the Washington Post, “Online mobs are now coming …
Bill Kuchman / @billkuchman: The targeted harassment and intimidation these kids face could wipe out an entire generation of future journalists.
Michael Bolden / @michaelbolden: Young reporters are forced to contend with waves of abuse and harassment, driving some out of the industry before they even get started. by @TaylorLorenz @washingtonpost ...
Kat Tenbarge / @kattenbarge: I'm absolutely gutted to read this @TaylorLorenz story about misogynistic online harassment from a TikToker against a student journalist who profiled him. Weaponized online harassment threatens press freedoms and poses an existential threat to democracy ...
Carola Frediani / @carolafrediani: “Growing a public image is also crucial to getting hired out of school, but maintaining that image online also gives harassers more places to target their attacks” -> Online mobs are now coming for student journalists ...
Stephanie MacLellan / @smaclellan: Three takeaways from this piece. 1) Young journos being abused can't just “go offline”: “Growing a public image is also crucial to getting hired out of school, but maintaining that image online also gives harassers more places to target their attacks.” ...
Nick Cho / @nickcho: This is a terrible situation. What can be done when creators react to valid criticism by unleashing their significant follower count on their critics? Thankful as always for @TaylorLorenz and her reporting!
Jim Boren / @jboren4507: An online mob went after a student journalist at the University of Arizona, and @UArizona officials ignored the threats until The Washington Post made inquiries to the administration. @dailywildcat ...
@taylorlorenz: Here's what just one young female journalist has been forced to endure after writing a single story about a popular local TikToker ...
Fortesa Latifi / @fortesalatifi: stunning reporting from @TaylorLorenz on what happened to a student journalist when she reported on a UA TikTok creator. displeased w the profile, the creator published her phone #, leading to rape and death threats. it took weeks for the school to respond ...
@taylorlorenz: Targeted online harassment has become a pervasive threat to newsrooms across the country and the problem is particularly inescapable for student journalists, whose lives are nearly entirely online ...
@privacydigest: Online mobs are now coming for student journalists The experience of an Arizona student journalist highlights the growing threat that online harassment poses to journalists, especially those just starting out. ...
Siva Vaidhyanathan / @sivavaid: Online harassment of student journalist Olivia Krupp highlights the problem - The Washington Post ...
@jhengstler: “What we've seen is that women and people of color are much more likely to get harassed than straight White male counterparts, and that really has a silencing effect for those voices."K Jacobsen, US & Canada program coordinator Cmmtt to Protect Journalists ...
@ijbailey: Colleges and universities must get better at supporting student journalists when they are being attacked for reporting and writing. That, too, is a free speech and academic freedom issue. The University of Arizona failed in this instance. ...
Jeff Jarvis / @jeffjarvis: And an editor at the Washington Post recently made matters no better by attacking student journalists at UVa.... Online mobs are now coming for student journalists ...
Tom Mallory / @tom_mallory: “Targeted online harassment has become a pervasive threat to newsrooms across the country.” ...
Anne Lutz Fernandez / @lutzfernandez: “All experts...were adamant that reputational harm is a primary goal of online harassment campaigns. ‘Harassers and bad actors are trying to muddy the waters and make it very difficult for young, diverse voices to enter the media ecosystem.’” ...

Twitter reinstates Trump's account, after Elon Musk ran a Twitter poll where 51.8% of 15M+ users voted yes on reinstatement, saying “the people have spoken” — Donald Trump on Saturday said he had no interest in returning to Twitter even as a slim majority voted in favor …
@elonmusk, @elonmusk, New York Magazine, TechCrunch, The Atlantic, KRDO, New York Times, @walshfreedom, Digital Journal, The Forbidden Texts, The Guardian, Observer, Ars Technica, MediaPost, Fox News, @repjimmygomez, Comical Opinions, @davidsacks, Insider, Mediaite, Super-Probably Relevant …, New Republic, Slate, CNET, FOX News Radio, @aoc, Semafor, National Review, ScreenRant, @shelbytalcott, @micaheadowcroft, @mediaite, @hankgreen, Vanity Fair, @sivavaid, @bajarin, @amanbatheja, @dangillmor, @brianklaas, Forbes, @karaswisher, @mcuban, @nouriel, @maryltrump, Reclaim The Net, @adamkinzinger, @brianstelter, @reuterstech, @mcuban, @nandoodles, @bgrueskin, @realsaavedra, @markos, @ibishblog, @reuters, @leogarnier, @scclemons, @penamerica, @frankfigliuzzi1, Jewish Telegraphic Agency, Axios, The Information, The Wrap,, Insider, Wall Street Journal, Variety, Mediaite, Bloomberg, New York Post, The Verge, Axios, The Shortcut, New York Daily News, SheKnows, @elonmusk and Oleg Dulin, more at Techmeme »
Elon Musk / @elonmusk: The people have spoken. Trump will be reinstated. Vox Populi, Vox Dei.
Elon Musk / @elonmusk: Reinstate former President Trump
Margaret Hartmann / New York Magazine: Trump Is Pretending He's Too Good for Twitter
Kaitlyn Tiffany / The Atlantic: Resistance Twitter Is Mutating Into ‘Stay and Fight’ Twitter
Joe Walsh / @walshfreedom: Respectfully @JGreenblattADL, Iranian mullahs, the Taliban, North Korean officials, China's Xi, & Putin (to name just a few) are all on Twitter. To have them on this platform, and not Trump, isn't defensible. You can't silence hate. You can only defeat it. With speech. @elonmusk.
Paul Wallis / Digital Journal: Op-Ed: Trump Reinstated On Twitter - Now What?
Sissi Cao / Observer: Elon Musk Reinstates Twitter Accounts For Donald Trump, Ye and Other Celebrities
Ashley Belanger / Ars Technica: Twitter reverses Trump ban; Trump refuses to return
Joe Mandese / MediaPost: The Voice Of Twitter's God
Fox News: Elon Musk reinstating Trump on Twitter a ‘terrible mistake,’ ‘gift to Democrats,’ media, lawmakers predict
Rep. Jimmy Gomez / @repjimmygomez: Trump wasn't removed from Twitter because of his point of view. He was removed because he incited an insurrection that almost overthrew our democracy. Elon doesn't think that was enough to keep him off the platform.
Gabriel Hernandez / Comical Opinions: Elon and Trump will fix Comics
David Sacks / @davidsacks: Trump is not my preferred candidate for '24 but his continued banning was an unjustified and unwarranted interference with the marketplace of ideas.
Sawdah Bhaimiya / Insider: Elon Musk referenced the Bible and said he won't allow Sandy Hook conspiracy theorist Alex Jones back on Twitter on the same day he reinstated Trump's account
Colby Hall / Mediaite: Don Lemon Ridicules ‘Thirsty’ Elon Musk for Sharing Sexualized Photo of Jesus and Twitter to Lure Trump
Susan Campbell / Super-Probably Relevant Content: Will he? Won't he? Do we care? — The announcements came fast over the weekend …
Tori Otten / New Republic: Elon Musk Says He Won't Allow Alex Jones on Twitter. Remember What He Said About Trump?
Daniel Van Boom / CNET: Kanye West Returns to Twitter After Elon Musk Brings Trump Back
Kylie Michael / FOX News Radio: HE'S BACK!!! — Donald J Trump has been reinstated on Twitter and now the only question is..when will he tweet?
Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez / @aoc: Idk man, last time he was here this platform was used to incite an insurrection, multiple people died, the Vice President of the United States was nearly assassinated, and hundreds were injured but I guess that's not enough for you to answer the question. Twitter poll it is
Shelby Talcott / Semafor: Elon Musk invited Donald Trump back to Twitter. But Truth Social may get in the way.
Shikhar Mehrotra / ScreenRant: Elon Musk Reinstates Trump After Twitter Poll Leans Slightly For It
Shelby Talcott / @shelbytalcott: Musk says Trump's Twitter will be reinstated. But the former president could face legal and financial obstacles to returning to the platform:
Micah Meadowcroft / @micaheadowcroft: This was about original sin
@mediaite: ‘God Help Us All’: NAACP Calls for ‘Immediate Pause’ By All Twitter Advertisers After Musk Restores Trump Account
Hank Green / @hankgreen: If I could ignore Donald Trump's bonkers Truth Social posts for the last two years, I can ignore his bonkers tweets too. The only people who decide whether we pay attention to him is us.
Kelly Rissman / Vanity Fair: Donald Trump's Twitter Account Has Been Reactivated But Will He Return?
@bajarin: @karaswisher Musk did the poll to give him cover and say the people wanted him back. He was always going to let Trump back on Twitter but the poll is covering his butt.
Aman Batheja / @amanbatheja: “According to filings made by Truth Social with the Securities and Exchange Commission, Trump is ‘generally obligated’ to post on Truth Social, and cannot post a message to another site for 6 hours after first posting on Truth Social.”
Dan Gillmor / @dangillmor: Epic BS from a Musk toady:
Brian Klaas / @brianklaas: Have you considered that authoritarianism, incitement to violence, and a racist demagogue who spreads dangerous, insane conspiracy theories that have led to real world attacks...shouldn't be viewed through the prism of “marketing moves”? Not everything is about money. Good grief.
Siladitya Ray / Forbes: Elon Musk Reinstates Donald Trump's Twitter Account After Asking Users To Vote
Kara Swisher / @karaswisher: Since I got this one right, let me make a new prediction: If Trump returns — a big if & the juice has evaporated anyway — he'll violate the rules egregiously & Elon will toss him. Then, as a smart person just said to me, he'll have the best of both worlds
Mark Cuban / @mcuban: Smart marketing move for @twitter. Now everyone comes to see what trump does. Awful for trump. The pressure is on him to entertain. Tweets hit different as the President vs now being TFG
Nouriel Roubini / @nouriel: “'odd' that Musk, who has spent months complaining about Twitter's problem with bot accounts, would use a Twitter poll in which bots could be voting to decide the issue & then assume that the result “reflects some kind of legitimate ‘voice of the people.’”
Mary L Trump / @maryltrump: Stay.
Cindy Harper / Reclaim The Net: Twitter reinstates President Donald Trump
@adamkinzinger: Keep in mind trump wasn't suspended for being a meanie. He was suspended for lighting an insurrection and when it failed tweeting “this is what you get...” Lies lies lies with a price. But hey at least Elon gets approval from the alt right. $44 billion dollar troll.
Brian Stelter / @brianstelter: NAACP President Derrick Johnson: “If Elon Musk continues to run Twitter like this, using garbage polls that do not represent the American people and the needs of our democracy, God help us all.”
@reuterstech: Trump snubs Twitter after Musk announces reactivation of ex-president's account
Mark Cuban / @mcuban: According to Elon that ship has already sailed. Maybe he thinks trump will sell more $8 checks. (It won't ) Or he just wants to show record user growth to investors and find a different way to monetize it?
Nandini Jammi / @nandoodles: The purpose of marketing is to increase sales, not make the last of your clients disappear.
Bill Grueskin / @bgrueskin: And we know what a stickler Trump is when it comes to following federal regulations and ensuring shareholders' rights are upheld
Ryan Saavedra / @realsaavedra: Trump's account is back. Trump said last month: “I am staying on Truth. I like it better, I like the way it works, I like Elon, but I'm staying on Truth. If I choose to run, I will only use Truth.”
Markos Moulitsas / @markos: Huh, I thought the business of Twitter was attracting advertisers. How does bringing back an insurrectionist coup plotter accomplish that?
Hussein Ibish / @ibishblog: This is the point. If Trump starts using Twitter again, it's an admission of the total failure and uselessness of Pravda Social-ism or whatever his own platform is called. Is Trump going to blow to Musk? It's a power-play by the foul Elon.
@reuters: Donald Trump said he had no interest in returning to Twitter even as a slim majority of users in a poll posted by Elon Musk voted in favor of reinstating the former president, who was banned from the social-media service for inciting violence
Leonardo Garnier / @leogarnier: Show the world you don't understand what the responsibility of regulation means without saying you don't understand
Steve Clemons / @scclemons: See you all at 3am daily. Musk says Trump's Twitter account to be reinstated after poll shows narrow support | Reuters
@penamerica: Elon Musk has reinstated Donald Trump (@realDonaldTrump) to Twitter after a poll on the site showed narrow support for that option. The former President was banned from the social media service in January 2021 for inciting violence.
Frank Figliuzzi / @frankfigliuzzi1: The Russian bots have spoken:
Ron Kampeas / Jewish Telegraphic Agency: As Elon Musk polled users, Donald Trump tells Jewish Republicans he sees ‘no reason’ to go back to Twitter
Ivana Saric / Axios: Elon Musk won't let Alex Jones back on Twitter
Alison Sider / Wall Street Journal: Elon Musk Reinstates Donald Trump's Twitter Account After Online Poll
Todd Spangler / Variety: Elon Musk Lets Donald Trump Back on Twitter
Caleb Howe / Mediaite: HE'S BA-AACK: Trump's Twitter Account Active for First Time Since January 2021, Reinstated Just Minutes After Musk Announced ‘The People Have Spoken’
Kathianne Boniello / New York Post: Trump officially back on Twitter after nearly 2-year ban thanks to Elon Musk user poll
Matt Swider / The Shortcut: Elon Musk declares Donald Trump's Twitter account will be reinstated after poll
New York Daily News: Elon Musk restores Trump to Twitter after ex-president narrowly tops online poll
Delilah Gray / SheKnows: Donald Trump's Twitter Could Be Reinstated Soon Thanks to Elon Musk's Latest & Most Bizarre Business Move Yet

Twitter's automated copyright strike system appears to be broken, as users upload full movies; some accounts with viral tweets were later suspended — While Twitter, the website, remains online and has not simply collapsed after the vast majority of workers were fired or resigned under Elon Musk …
@briannawu, Plagiarism Today, 9to5Mac, @bdsams, @lanceulanoff, DigitalKoans, @tomwarren, TheGamer, Insider and The Verge, more at Techmeme »
Brianna Wu / @briannawu: This is amazing. Elno broke the copyright strike system, so you can just post entire films on Twitter now. 😂
Jonathan Bailey / Plagiarism Today: 3 Count: Twitter Troubles
Ben Lovejoy / 9to5Mac: Elon Musk's Twitter latest: First system breaks; emergency service concerns; Trump back(ish)
Brad Sams / @bdsams: NFL games are going to get streamed without the expressed written consent of the NFL
Lance Ulanoff / @lanceulanoff: Yeah, @elonmusk, you might want to find the engineer who managed this stuff...
Charles W. Bailey, Jr / DigitalKoans: “Requiem for a Tweet — Is There a Future for the Academic Social Capital Held on the Platform?”
Tom Warren / @tomwarren: An entire movie fits in 49 tweets. Twitter's copyright strike system appears to be broken so someone has uploaded the whole of The Fast and the Furious: Tokyo Drift 😂