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Internal AP messages show how a less-than-10-minute conversation led to the retracted report inaccurately suggesting Russia launched a missile strike on Poland — Your Email addressSign Up — A 10-minute miscommunication on Slack between journalists at the Associated Press resulted …
New York Post, @maxwelltani, Vanity Fair, @justinbaragona, @kantrowitz, @dangillmor, @izakaminska, @jackposobiec, @brianmfloyd, @ranger_up, @ralphhhenson, @ywnreporter, @novelsci, @brendannyhan, @stphnfwlr, @anoushasakoui, @paulszoldra, @craabdem, @ginarush, @silvermanjacob, @jeremymbarr, @dancow, @jimvertuno, @anthonylfisher, @andrewfeinberg, @abgutman, @abgutman, @brandyzadrozny, @bgrueskin, @edmorrissey, @danielmarans, @loudmouthjulia, @cernovich, @ashleyfeinberg, @davidbadash, @webster, @dillidurast, @zackkopplin, @abgutman, @pjmatt, @mitchprothero, @froomkin, @pjmatt, @paulszoldra, @armscontrolwonk, @paulrieckhoff, @jannwolfe, @bgrueskin, @bondhack, @michaelroston, @iamthewarax and Associated Press
Alexandra Steigrad / New York Post: Associated Press' internal messages show what led to retracted missile story that got reporter fired
Max Tani / @maxwelltani: Here are the messages showing the chaotic editorial process that resulted in last week's erroneous AP story about missiles hitting Poland. The AP fired @JimLaPorta, but these messages show a rushed process with misunderstandings by multiple parties:
Charlotte Klein / Vanity Fair: False Russia Report Forces the Associated Press to Reflect on Its Standards
Justin Baragona / @justinbaragona: Man, in my opinion, the AP really did LaPorta dirty here. This was on the editors — and the AP has suggested they'll face no discipline.
Alex Kantrowitz / @kantrowitz: Those editors almost triggered World War 3 and kept their jobs
Dan Gillmor / @dangillmor: This shows, again, that punishing one reporter is not a remotely sufficient response from the AP — and is, on its face, unjust.
Izabella Kaminska / @izakaminska: As I told @ErikSTownsend in our podcast, the three under appreciated factors playing a huge role in the demise of quality journalism are: 1) the rise of journalism by WhatsApp/slack groups - both internal and external.
Jack Posobiec / @jackposobiec: The process was...there was no process. There's no sausage being made here other than a bunch of bluecheck randos in a group chat. That's how the entire media works
Brian Floyd / @brianmfloyd: the editors were in the wrong. i don't know what else the reporter could've done in this situation and the editors were aggressively pushing
Nick Palmisciano / @ranger_up: Hey @AP how exactly is this miscommunication @JimLaPorta 's fault when he very obviously says he cannot confirm it? Why aren't these editors culpable?
Ralph Henson / @ralphhhenson: @BGrueskin @semaforben . You forgot the rest. “What I passed is all I know at the moment.” Kinda changes the context of being at a doctor's appointment, yes? .
Moshe Schwartz / @ywnreporter: Leaked screenshots via Semafor show the conversations at the AP before the alert that cited a senior intelligence official that Russia was at fault for a missile that killed 2 inside Poland. I still don't see why @JimLaPorta was fired from the @AP.
@novelsci: Wow. Out of everyone in that convo, the person who was fired was among the least responsible. He wasn't even supposed to be working. This is another poor decision from AP. They fired another journalist who was targeted by far-right groups. Unreal.
Brendan Nyhan / @brendannyhan: When the stakes = WW3, maybe check a little more carefully, AP editors? Archduke Ferdinand has thoughts
Stephen Fowler / @stphnfwlr: 🧐"But the fact that a story that theoretically could've triggered armed conflict... required less than ten minutes, one anonymous source, and just over a dozen Slack messages for the wire service to publish suggests a systemic editorial failure, not one reporter's blunder."
@anoushasakoui: having been a reporter that published to the wire directly when at Dow Jones Newswires, you needed two sources generally for anonymous reporting and a second pair of eyes when you “flashed” your headline. And you always wanted to be sure!
Paul Szoldra / @paulszoldra: I'm really sad for my colleague @JimLaPorta, who shared a tip in a Slack message, deferred to his editors, and was hung out to dry. Everyone makes mistakes, but the mistake here seems to be with @AP editors, in Jim's words, “above my pay grade.”
Charlotte Raab / @craabdem: Important story on the responsibility of major news agencies, AP in this case, but also AFP, Reuters and other media with a hard earned reputation for accuracy
Gina Rushton / @ginarush: The screenshots are making me break out in hives 🙈"I can't imagine a US intelligence official being wrong on this"
Jacob Silverman / @silvermanjacob: Not reassuring to see an AP reporter say, “I can't imagine a US intelligence official would be wrong on this”
Dan Nguyen / @dancow: Revealing look at how the real-time sausage/news is made. From what's been leaked here, seems like a broken process, rather than the (now fired) reporter is at fault
Jim Vertuno / @jimvertuno: Ok, I've got 26 years at AP. Here's an AP story about AP firing an AP reporter over AP's anonymous sourcing policy. Based on .... Anonymous sources.
Anthony L. Fisher / @anthonylfisher: If there's one thing the AP fiasco should teach us, it's that World War 3 will start because of Slack.
Andrew Feinberg / @andrewfeinberg: Well, it certainly looks like AP management threw @JimLaPorta under the bus for errors made by editors.
Abraham Gutman / @abgutman: Journalists make mistakes. Sources lie and/or get things wrong. That's why there are editorial processes, like multiple sources. It happens. I'm not sure what “(vetted)” means here. If it wasn't vetted by senior editor, and he claimed it was, that's a problem.
Abraham Gutman / @abgutman: Final thought: I recognize that my daily journalism job is much lower stakes and in less sensitive. I come to all of this with some humility because I can't imagine handling these kind of publication decisions. I also can't imagine not wanting more editorial support.
Brandy Zadrozny / @brandyzadrozny: I've worked with @JimLaPorta and found him to be an incredibly thorough and careful reporter. Seems wild to place the blame for this foul up solely on him and damage his reputation like this.
Bill Grueskin / @bgrueskin: @ralphhhenson @semaforben Not really. This seems like a pretty chaotic set of messages that required more oversight and more direct communication
Ed Morrissey / @edmorrissey: Semafor's @maxwelltani also doesn't think the AP's story on firing its reporter over the Russian missile story adds up either, although he adds a bit more to the earlier reporting. Even that is vague, as Tani points out.
Daniel Marans / @danielmarans: Good @maxwelltani piece on the Slack conversation that led to an AP reporter getting fired. It seems like the reporter got a raw deal from editors, but also, don't try to report world-shaping news from a doctor's appointment.
Julia Alexander / @loudmouthjulia: Eye-opening look at what led to an AP story that put the entire world on red alert very, very quickly via @maxwelltani and @semafor
Ashley Feinberg / @ashleyfeinberg: absolutely phenomenal
David Badash / @davidbadash: “That call is above my pay grade.” “I'm actually at a doctor's appointment. What I passed along is all I know at the moment.” AP reporter who gave his bosses a tip that turned out to be false fired even though he made clear he did not know enough.
Tony Webster / @webster: Kinda looking like The AP threw this reporter under the bus for organization-level screw-ups.
Shivam Vij / @dillidurast: AP fired reporter James LaPorta after a dangerous blunder. Slack messages reveal a chaotic process.
Zack Kopplin / @zackkopplin: The reporting wasn't great, but wow Jim got fucked here
Abraham Gutman / @abgutman: But maybe the most shocking thing is the idea that a U.S. intelligence official wouldn't be wrong about something like this ! That deference to the people who brought us great hits like WMDs in Iraq is a huge problem. And surprising cause AP has great reporters.
M White / @pjmatt: and the ‘tip’ was good! there WAS a missile strike people DID die there WAS a russian missiles attack, which these WERE defending against the biggest news org on earth needed to send like 2 texts for a sanity check and they'd have been fine. i don't know. Jim's a great guy, end
Mitchell Prothero / @mitchprothero: So @semafor got the receipts on @JimLaPorta sacking by @AP and the entire process shows the reporter did his job, didn't even push to publish and AP's editors were incompetent. So naturally they fire Jim and cover their own asses
M White / @pjmatt: I see this circulating. Firing seems like a preposterous reaction to this set of facts, but who knows. as i said earlier, @JimLaPorta takes his job both immensely seriously and deeply to heart. would be happy to publish his stuff anytime.
Paul Szoldra / @paulszoldra: @JimLaPorta @AP “I can't imagine a US intelligence official would be wrong on this.”
Dr. Jeffrey Lewis / @armscontrolwonk: There are several people in this Slack convo whose judgment seems poor but @JimLaPorta isn't one them.
Paul Rieckhoff / @paulrieckhoff: .@JimLaPorta is a very good reporter. @AP is absolutely hanging him out to dry. While the higher ups face no consequences. We vets have seen this story too many times before.
Jan Wolfe / @jannwolfe: Notably, the AP doesn't anticipate disciplining the editors, per WaPo
Bill Grueskin / @bgrueskin: Editor, seeing claim that Russia hit Poland with a missile: “Are you in a position to work up an urgent?” Reporter: “No, I'm actually at a doctor's appointment.” Jeezus.
Robert Smith / @bondhack: obviously it's absolutely crackers that Jim LaPorta has been fired after viewing these messages, but this also shows the tyranny of making very important decisions on groupchat. get on the phone and clarify things! the nuance is important and there'll be fewer misunderstandings
Michael Roston / @michaelroston: Fellow editors I am urging you to Use The Phone

Sources: the AP fires James LaPorta, the reporter behind a retracted Nov. 15 story based on one unnamed source that alleged Russian missiles crossed into Poland
Washington Post, @jonathanvswan, @mattgertz, @mattdpearce, @swin24, @kgosztola, @greg_price11, @jdanbishop, @johnrobb, Media Lens, @bendreyfuss, @iamthewarax, @danlamothe, Fox News, @tvietor08, @idreesali114, @saddamscribe, @iamthewarax, @jose_pagliery, @macwbishop, @repdanbishop, @sirajahashmi, @dwdavison, @gabrielmalor, New York Times, @bradmossesq, @tbridis, @michaelstahlke, @jayrosen_nyu, @anthony, @jonathanvswan, @mitchprothero, @sameralatrush, @mattgarrahan, @zsk, @mattgarrahan, @dellcam, @marykostakidis, Newser, @thedailybeast, @nuclearanthro, @jessewashington, @nathanbrandwa, The Hill, @corbinbolies, Fraud and Hubris, The Desk, Mediaite and New York Post
Paul Farhi / Washington Post: Associated Press reporter fired over erroneous story on Russian attack
Jonathan Swan / @jonathanvswan: . @maxwelltani got the internal slack messages from AP and .. certainly seems like the responsibility for this debacle isn't confined to the fired reporter
Matthew Gertz / @mattgertz: Hooboy the James LaPorta firing really looks like some ass-covering bullshit from the AP based on these slacks.
Matt Pearce / @mattdpearce: Not my union and don't have all the facts, but solely based on what's here, I would be shocked if @NewsMediaGuild didn't grieve to overturn LaPorta's firing.
Asawin Suebsaeng / @swin24: I've worked with and reported out stories with @JimLaPorta. I've known him to be a thoroughly kind and generous colleague and a tough, very talented reporter. I'm always open to be shown something that proves me wrong, but from what we've seen, it REALLY seems like the AP...
Kevin Gosztola / @kgosztola: If you work in the US news media and want to know if you function more like a professional journalist or a professional PR person, just consider if you've ever thought: “I can't imagine a US intelligence official would be wrong on this” ...
Greg Price / @greg_price11: An AP reporter sent his Slack channel a message that a source told him Russia fired missiles into Poland. They sent out the alert 10 minutes later. It was false and WW3 almost began.
Dan Bishop / @jdanbishop: What is going on at the @AP? The lack of journalistic standards here is telling - and highly concerning.
John Robb / @johnrobb: US intelligence leak/tip led to the erroneous story, but they leave out the context. What isn't mentioned is that Zelensky and his team repeatedly pulsed the network with this misinformation in order to provoke NATO action. ...
Ben Dreyfuss / @bendreyfuss: The reporter miscommunication part of this seems far less significant than the editor's failure to check more before firing off a breaking news alert
Matthew / @iamthewarax: “a story that could've triggered armed conflict between NATO and Russia required less than 10 minutes, 1 anonymous source, and just over a dozen Slack messages for the wire service to publish suggests a systemic editorial failure, not 1 reporter's blunder”
Dan Lamothe / @danlamothe: “That call is above my pay grade,” @JimLaPorta replied, asked if the AP had enough to send a news alert.
Fox News: Associated Press blunder: Leaked internal messages show what led to erroneous Russian missile report
Tommy Vietor / @tvietor08: The Semafor format/style works well in this instance explaining the AP Russian missile news alert error.
Idrees Ali / @idreesali114: What's going to happen to all those NATO ministers who publicly and wrongly said it was a Russian missile without actually verifying it at the time?
@saddamscribe: @iAmTheWarax @coffeeshopjihad This appears to have been a mistake on the part of the source. Unless Jim did something dishonest, it strikes me as a correction and nothing more. There's clear culpability among editors for running with it as quickly as they did, and blaming Jim doesn't change that fact.
Matthew / @iamthewarax: editors at the associated press made a mistake when they rushed to publish based on information from a single source, then hung jim laporta out to dry to cover their own asses despicable behavior
Jose Pagliery / @jose_pagliery: The AP shouldn't have fired @JimLaPorta. He's a capable and proven reporter. Mistakes happen, and initially intel was wrong. That's not his fault. AP proves itself to be a stupid company. And this editor's quote is so naive it's dangerous.
Mac William Bishop / @macwbishop: “I can't imagine a US intelligence official would be wrong on this.” JFC if you are an editor for a major news org you should be fired just for saying something this gullible and idiotic. ...
Rep. Dan Bishop / @repdanbishop: Which “anonymous official” told the AP that Russia launched a missile strike on Poland? The story led Zelensky to call for NATO retaliation, which would mean world war. We need to know who made and spread this assessment. I will do all that I can to figure it out.
Siraj Hashmi / @sirajahashmi: fire the AP editors who issued the alert of the false Russian missile attack on Poland, and then find the source who provided the tip to James LaPorta and make sure they never work in the intelligence community again.
Derek Davison / @dwdavison: The AP fired the reporter but not the editor who, apparently, will literally believe and publish anything a US intelligence official tells her.
Gabriel Malor / @gabrielmalor: 'a second editor said she “would vote” for publishing an alert, adding, “I can't imagine a U.S. intelligence official would be wrong on this.' ...
Katie Robertson / New York Times: The reporter behind the report of a Russian missile in Poland is no longer at The A.P.
Bradley P. Moss / @bradmossesq: This is ridiculous. @JimLaPorta is a fantastic investigative reporter who appears to have gotten misleading information about whose missile landed in Poland. Maybe suspend him for a week or something but fire him? Pathetic.
Ted Bridis / @tbridis: ‘Organization did not anticipate any discipline for the editors involved.’ Editors enforce standards. When we fail at this, we should share accountability. Disciplining only reporter ignores systemwide breakdown that led to journalism debacle. ...
Michael Stahlke / @michaelstahlke: This is starting to sound like Jim got railroaded.
Jay Rosen / @jayrosen_nyu: So the AP gets a BIG fact wrong in a story based on a confidential source in the US government, and fires the reporter, who relied on a single source. Why not ID the source? Maybe there's a good reason but it should be explained. Also: don't the editors demand multiple sources?
Anthony DeRosa / @anthony: The AP fired James LaPorta, the investigative reporter responsible for the retracted story claiming Russian missiles crossed into Poland that relied upon a single unnamed government source ...
Jonathan Swan / @jonathanvswan: Wow
Mitchell Prothero / @mitchprothero: reporters tell editors what they hear and editors decide if it's enough to publish. this is ridiculous, the decision to publish off one anonymous source was made by senior editors at @AP who remain employed. ...
Samer Al-Atrush / @sameralatrush: Surely also fault of whatever editor put that through?
Matthew Garrahan / @mattgarrahan: if there's a lesson here it's maybe to insist on double sourcing of stories that could potentially lead to WWIII
Zoe Kleinman / @zsk: As a reporter this makes me absolutely shudder. It's so important, in the rush of the moment when you think you have HUGE NEWS and you trust your source... that you remember what you're trained to do.
Matthew Garrahan / @mattgarrahan: The AP has fired the reporter responsible for the single sourced story last week that claimed Russia fired a missile into Poland. The story, which made the front pages of several UK newspapers, was completely wrong and eventually retracted by the AP. ...
Dell Cameron / @dellcam: so the AP has a rule about the number of sources needed to run a story; a reporter filed a story w/o enough sources; they ran the story anyway; and the only person who got in trouble is the reporter? is there something missing here? ...
@marykostakidis: “AP scared much of the world last Tuesday when it alerted readers that “a senior U.S. intelligence official” said “Russian missiles crossed into NATO member Poland, killing two people.” Journos too close to spooks placing fake news is a long tradition ...
Jenn Gidman / Newser: AP Reporter Canned Over Story on Deadly Missile in Poland
@thedailybeast: BREAKING: The AP scared much of the world last Tuesday when it reported that “a senior U.S. intelligence official” said “Russian missiles crossed into NATO member Poland, killing two people.” On Monday, the reporter responsible for that story was fired. ...
Martin Pfeiffer / @nuclearanthro: that was not a zero-stakes assertion in context. It mattered and the reporter's behavior was at best confusing & enabled conspiracist claims. It was not safe is how I might characterize it. Gently.
Jesse Washington / @jessewashington: man listen @AP don't play when it comes to accuracy. i feel for the guy who lost his job but you can't get that wrong. fresh out of college i almost lost my job at AP over a misspelled name. might have even been a comma. i was scared straight.
Nathan Brand / @nathanbrandwa: This is crazy, especially when you consider the international ramifications of an error like this...
Dominick Mastrangelo / The Hill: AP fires reporter behind retracted Russian missiles story
Corbin Bolies / @corbinbolies: SCOOP: The @AP has fired reporter Jim LaPorta, one of the two bylines on a retracted report last week alleging Russian missiles landed in NATO member Poland. The report relied a single anonymous source, a violation of AP's policy. w/@LachCartwright: ...
Eric Young / Fraud and Hubris: Fraudsters of the Week — The Associated Press — In a phenomenal example of how not to report …
Matthew Keys / The Desk: Associated Press fires reporter over Russian missile story

Some White House press corps members objected to lack of access to Naomi Biden's wedding, after Vogue posted a story on the event, with images shot in advance — The White House Press corps is up in arms over a Vogue cover story on the wedding of President Joe Biden's granddaughter Naomi Biden …
@ashleyrparker, @katierogers, @maggienyt, Fox News, Vogue, @jayrosen_nyu, @soledadobrien, @seungminkim, @jacquiheinrich, @czedwards, @andrewjbates46, @annecw, @cliffschecter, @normornstein, @omarijhardy, @imillhiser, @voguemagazine, @jillfilipovic, @matthewkeyslive, @byetwit, @mattlargey, @goldietaylor, @lesliestreeter, @martina, @tommyxtopher, @tommyxtopher, @avindman, @shannonrwatts, @soledadobrien, @tommyxtopher, Insider, Media Nation,, Footwear News, New York Post, Page Six, The Hill and Slate
Ashley Parker / @ashleyrparker: I spent four years covering the Trump WH and two years covering the Biden WH. What's fascinating is that they both lie, albeit in v different ways. Trump team was shameless, whereas Biden team is too cute by half.
Katie Rogers / @katierogers: I had reporting in Oct about Vogue being tapped to cover this and I was waved off. Official explanation is that Vogue wasn't there the day of. Loophole = the family staged a “wedding at the WH” shoot beforehand. “Private” per @PressSec = not for the White House press corps.
Maggie Haberman / @maggienyt: We cover the small lies politicians tell because they can give way to bigger ones, for folks wondering why this is news. That's what the press is supposed to do.
Fox News: Biden White House slammed by liberal journalists for denying access to wedding, called liars
Chloe Malle / Vogue: Exclusive: Naomi Biden On Her White House Wedding
Jay Rosen / @jayrosen_nyu: “Mainstream journalists, who are endlessly harangued for their alleged liberal bias, jump at opportunities to strut their evenhandedness, even when it backfires on them.” —@ErikWemple ... Exactly. Ashley Parker saw an opportunity. She jumped. It backfired.
Soledad O'Brien / @soledadobrien: Why are so many of our political reporters so awful? Don't we deserve a bunch of really great ones?
Seung Min Kim / @seungminkim: “The wedding of Naomi Biden and Peter is a private one. The family — it's a family event. And Naomi and Peter have asked that their wedding be closed to the media, and we are respecting their wishes.” @PressSec, last week
Jacqui Heinrich / @jacquiheinrich: Nothing says privacy quite like a full Vogue spread
@czedwards: I stg they're insulted because they thought they were important enough to get an invite to a private, family event, and that illusion has been shattered. So instead of pulling up their big kid pants and processing that “work isn't intimacy”, they're lashing out.
Andrew Bates / @andrewjbates46: CLICK on this story: And please read the whole thing: “On the Thursday of Vogue's prewedding shoot”
Anne Ward / @annecw: An astonishing tweet by the @nytimes senior political reporter, who said her job when covering Trump was not to say “lied” when the subject lied. The “lie” she's comfortable exposing today focuses on the Biden family's refusal to let DC political press cover a family wedding.
Cliff Schecter / @cliffschecter: Norm understands what Maggie's job is. Maggie does not.
Norman Ornstein / @normornstein: The press also needs to have perspective and provide context. What Ashley Parker's tweet shows is that these are missing way too much. In effect it equates lies about Covid and elections with something that is utterly trivial. This is false equivalence that is truly dangerous.
Omari Hardy / @omarijhardy: The White House said that the wedding would be private, without press, and it was. A photo shoot held days before the wedding is not a wedding. The White House didn't a exploit a loophole; you simply appear not to be able to understand English.
Ian Millhiser / @imillhiser: I disagree with this political viewpoint. I believe that Trump lying about the winner of the 2020 election is substantive much worse than the Biden White House only inviting select reporters to Naomi Biden's wedding, and that it is irresponsible for reporters to compare the two.
@voguemagazine: “We're so close to our families, so we always knew we'd get married in someone's backyard,” shares Naomi Biden in Vogue's special digital cover story. Here, read the full profile to learn about all of the exclusive details from her White House wedding:
Jill Filipovic / @jillfilipovic: Can someone explain to me, a dummy, why this is so terrible? The Bidens didn't want the press at Naomi and Peter's wedding. They did allow a Vogue photographer to take some pretty photos. Seems... fine?
Matthew Keys / @matthewkeyslive: This was a family event. The press is not entitled to attend.
Krys / @byetwit: The wedding of Naomi and peter WAS private. the vogue photo shoot happened days before the wedding BUT because the wedding WAS closed to the media out of respect for the bride and groom, hacks calling themselves journalist, will LIE by obfuscation #gutter
Matt Largey / @mattlargey: I really don't think anyone outside of WH reporters give a shit about this.
@goldietaylor: The actual wedding was closed to press. Vogue snagged an exclusive photo shoot the on the eve of a private wedding. Shame on any member of the WH press corps calling this a lie in any degree.
Leslie Streeter / @lesliestreeter: Amen. No one is entitled to a wedding invite, or to coverage. I'm shocked at how some people have taken this so personally. They weren't lying. You just weren't invited.
Martina Navratilova / @martina: Yup. This kind of whataboutism is what got #TFG elected in 16
@tommyxtopher: This episode is such a clear demonstration of the naked hostility this press corps has for President Biden and his WH for the crime of not being a leaky shitshow like Trump was.
@tommyxtopher: From a close Biden ally: “I am utterly crushed as an American that only one publication was able to get clicks related to a social event that they too were barred from covering directly... Is anyone hosting a prayer vigil?”
Alexander S. Vindman / @avindman: A bit of a false equivalency, don't you think? There's a difference between slight of hand, being to cute..., omissions—typical politics—and attempting to bring down the republic.
Shannon Watts / @shannonrwatts: Who died because Vogue got a story about a White House wedding before mainstream media?
Soledad O'Brien / @soledadobrien: When I tell you that political journalists are failing you, this is a good example.
@tommyxtopher: One reporter - Ashley Parker - compared this true thing that the WH said with Trump's lies. Maggie Haberman also called it a lie. There was no media at the wedding - not Vogue, not anyone.
Insider: Reporters are seething over being shut out of Naomi Biden's wedding, which drew inspiration from Time magazine images of past White House nuptials
Dan Kennedy / Media Nation: Ashley Parker wins the 2022 Both Sides Sweepstakes
Brandon Gage / White House reporters rebuked for complaining about not being invited to Naomi Biden's wedding
Amina Ayoud / Footwear News: Jill Biden Sparkles for Vogue Digital Cover in Glitter Pumps With Naomi Biden in Fairytale Wedding Gown
Emily Crane / New York Post: Naomi, Jill Biden get Vogue spread after locking press out of White House wedding
Melissa Minton / Page Six: All the details of Naomi Biden's three wedding dresses
Heather Schwedel / Slate: Every Question We Have About Naomi Biden's White House Wedding

Sources detail Elon Musk's rapid dismantling of Twitter's safety work, narrowing its scope to whatever he deems violent, threatening “sticks and stones” talk — Amid the wider turmoil since his takeover last month, Musk has moved rapidly to undermine Twitter's deliberative content moderation system
New Republic, @esqueer_, @benshapiro, Gizmodo, Insider, @jsrailton, @jordanbpeterson, @goldman, @willoremus, Fox News and Mashable
Melissa Gira Grant / New Republic: Elon Musk's Anti-Trans Twitter Regime
Alejandra Caraballo / @esqueer_: Elon Musk's most pressing concern on his first day at Twitter was bringing back the Babylon Bee and Jordan Peterson. Transphobia has been driving this chaos. ...
Ben Shapiro / @benshapiro: This article is pure anti-@elonmusk propaganda laundered by disgruntled ex-employees through the Left-wing journalismers at the WaPo ...
Sawdah Bhaimiya / Insider: Twitter's trust and safety team held a one-day sickout to protest against Elon Musk's policies, report says
John Scott-Railton / @jsrailton: This ends badly. h/t @nicoleperlroth By @Cat_Zakrzewski @faizsays & @josephmenn ...
Dr Jordan B Peterson / @jordanbpeterson: “. Known for examining every question from every angle before taking action” pre-Musk Twitter censorship commissars as described by the Washington Post: ...
Jason Goldman / @goldman: Good detail in this well reported story. Elon's content moderation interest seemingly stops at the water's edge. He is focused on tipping the balance in these domestic culture wars to match his taste and beliefs. So critical civil rights issues around the world will be ignored.
Will Oremus / @willoremus: “Hours after Elon Musk took control of Twitter in late October, the Trust and Safety team responsible for combating hate speech on the site received an urgent directive: Bring back the Babylon Bee.” An inside look at Musk's approach to content moderation: ...

Pathmatics: over a third of Twitter's top 100 clients, including Mars and Jeep, as well as 14 of the top 50, haven't advertised on Twitter in the past two weeks — More than a third of Twitter's top 100 clients have not advertised on the platform in the past two weeks, data shows
Media Matters for America: In less than a month, Elon Musk has driven away half of Twitter's top 100 advertisers
Linette Lopez / @lopezlinette: Hmm. Seems bad. “50 of the top 100 advertisers have...stopped advertising on Twitter. These advertisers have accounted for nearly $2 billion in spending on the platform since 2020, and over $750 million in advertising in 2022 alone.” ...
Akshit Chawla / MediaNama: One-third Of Top 100 Twitter Advertisers Pause Advertising: The Washington Post Report
@_elizabethmay: Mr. I'm Going to Colonise Mars reactivating banned accounts and whining for days now about the “liberal activists” chasing away advertisers is giving me the vibe that those businesses are signaling they have no intentions of coming back.
Jay Jaffe / @jay_jaffe: It's going great
Angelo Carusone / @goangelo: New Report: Twitter's Quiet Quitters It's around a billion in losses and this report barely scratches the surface of the depths of ad losses. ...
Tom Watson / @tomwatson: OK, so Musk drove half his revenue out the door through boorish, incompetent and extremist behavior. On the plus side he found a hidden trove of #StayWoke t-shirts. Score! ...
Dave Zatz / @davezatz: @mediagazer But Elon hasn't even started terraforming Mars yet. Damn these woke planets.
Dell Cameron / Gizmodo: Civil Rights Groups Renew Calls for Advertisers to Drop Twitter After Elon Reinstates Trump
Jane Manchun Wong / @wongmjane: This is great! Ads are annoying and detrimental to the user experience Thank you Elon for getting rid of the ads 🙏
Paris Marx / @parismarx: a third of the ads gone and i didn't even have to pay for blue 😊
Joshua Benton / @jbenton: tired: promising “half the ads” to Twitter Blue subscribers wired: giving “2/3 the ads” to everyone
Alex Kantrowitz / @kantrowitz: Cheap ad inventory available on Twitter if you're interested
Mark Frauenfelder / Boing Boing: Major advertisers are fleeing Twitter, says Washington Post

As Elon Musk throws around the phrase “citizen journalism” like a clueless media baron, his Twitter plan sounds like Forbes' infamous unpaid contributor network
Michael Tobin / @tobin_tweets: Taking on loads of debt to buy an advertising-based business, imposing massive job cuts and comparing monthly subscription costs to a cup of coffee? That's the newspaper biz and now Twitter. via @technology
Max Chafkin / @chafkin: great little piece by @austincarr explaining why new Twitter is basically Tronc
Amanda Kolson Hurley / @amandakhurley: “Here in the news business, this is all perfectly normal ... These are the hallmarks of a classic leveraged buyout.”
Austin Carr / @austincarr: Billionaires LOVE to buy media brands and run them like old-school press barons. But I've realized @ElonMusk is running @Twitter like @Forbes' unpaid contributor network. Which makes Elon the Lewis D'Vorkin of tech media:
Alex Howard / @digiphile: Without professional oversight & a robust, ideologically diverse, & strong community, @birdwatch can & will go wrong, resulting in public notes with lies, conspiracies, slander, & BS on the tweets of public figures, like @Wikipedia entries without editors:

Bob Iger returns to a more competitive and challenging streaming landscape and should steer Disney+ to profitability without cannibalizing Disney's other units — Incoming CEO championed Disney+, but needs to steer streaming business toward profitability without cannibalizing other Disney units
Washington Post, The Streamable, Next in Marketing, Rolling Stone, @hayekmg, @richlightshed, @richlightshed, @richlightshed, New York Times, Puck, Variety and Light Reading
David Satin / The Streamable: Is Disney's New Movie ‘Strange World’ Streaming? When Will it be Available on Disney+?
Nishka Dhawan / Rolling Stone: How to Watch ‘Andor’: The Entire First Season of the ‘Star Wars’ Series Is Now Streaming Online
@hayekmg: Eye of the Iger. Robert Iger Returns to @Disney Facing Radically Different #Streaming Landscape. Incoming CEO championed Disney+, but needs to steer streaming business toward profitability without cannibalizing other Disney units. By Sarah Krouse, @WSJ
@richlightshed: That said, he has something Chapek never had, which is the full support of his senior executive team and an investor base who has historically been willing to give him far more rope than others CEOs in the sector (including Chapek). $DIS @robertiger
@richlightshed: ESPN should be looking to exit expensive sports rights, and likely not renew its upcoming NBA contract. 🏀🏀🏀 $DIS #IgerSequel @ESPN
Julia Alexander / Puck: The Iger+ Streaming Strategy
Anna Tingley / Variety: Hulu Is Down to $2 per Month With This Epic Black Friday Deal
Jeff Baumgartner / Light Reading: Bob Iger's return to Disney may shake up streaming biz

Sources: Bob Iger loomed large over Bob Chapek's short tenure as Disney CEO, leading Chapek to complain that he was being undermined as soon as he was promoted — Soon after he took the top job in 2020, Bob Chapek was at odds with Mr. Iger and complained to deputies he had been undermined from the start
Vanity Fair, IndieWire, @rationalwalk, @timseymour, @eliotwb, @benpershing, @djtgallagher, @erichschwartzel, Looper and Los Angeles Times
Natalie Jarvey / Vanity Fair: The Disney Saga: Did You Honestly Think Bob Iger Would Stay Away?
Wilson Chapman / IndieWire: Bob Iger Said to Have Been Obsessed with Criticizing Chapek's Tenure: 'He's Killing the Soul of the Company'
@rationalwalk: This article makes me wonder why Iger ever retired. Same question I had when I read his book.
Tim Seymour / @timseymour: Soon after he took the top Disney job in 2020, Bob Chapek was at odds with Robert Iger, who remained as executive chairman, and complained he had been undermined from the start ...who plays Bob Iger in this movie ? I know who plays Chapek...
Eliot Brown / @eliotwb: Great look at the feud atop Disney and the CEO that felt undermined by his predecessor
Ben Pershing / @benpershing: “Mr. Iger has been known to dominate lunch conversations with talk of how he thinks Mr. Chapek has taken Disney in the wrong direction... Some associates said Mr. Iger would fixate on the topic so much that it became uncomfortable.”
Dan Gallagher / @djtgallagher: The counter-story emerges: Iger never really left. Lots of Disney dish to chew on here from @erichschwartzel @RWhelanWSJ @EmilyGlazer and @jtoonkel -

Major News Corp and Fox shareholder Independent Franchise Partners opposes the merger, saying it would not realize News Corp's “substantial intrinsic value” — Independent Franchise Partners, one of the largest non-Murdoch holders of both companies, says a combination on its own …
CNBC, The Wrap, Business Wire, Deadline, @anthony, The Hollywood Reporter, @pjlogue and @anthony
Lucas Manfredi / The Wrap: Rupert Murdoch's Proposed Merger of Fox and News Corp Faces Investor Pushback
Business Wire: Irenic Sends Letter to News Corp's Special Committee Regarding the Need to Explore Value-Maximizing Alternatives to a Combination with Fox
Dade Hayes / Deadline: News Corp.-Fox Merger Said To Face Opposition From Key Shareholder In Both Companies
Anthony DeRosa / @anthony: WSJ EXCLUSIVE: A major outside shareholder in News Corp and Fox Corp. opposes a plan by Rupert Murdoch to recombine the companies and wants other alternatives considered, including a breakup of News Corp
Peter Logue / @pjlogue: Maybe Rupert should bid for Twitter when it falls over. Trouble at mill, again.

Concerned that a merger with Fox would undervalue News Corp, some investors raise concerns with a special committee of independent board members
@nooneunscripted: Why would somebody want to undervalue their corporation? Hm. So many lawsuits. So many settlements. So many valuations. Better to cut the losses at the top-end to minimize the bleed in the underbelly.
Ben Mullin / @benmullin: Scoop from @LaurenSHirsch: News Corp investors are putting more pressure on the company, raising additional concerns about the proposed merger with Fox.

Australia's Sky News host Peter Gleeson is accused of plagiarism for a third time in a month, using a regional writer's work for ~45% of his Courier-Mail column — Australians for a Murdoch Royal Commission sift through journalist's work after two similar cases were revealed
Bernard Zuel / @bernardzuel: It's almost like, and bear with me here, it might be a pattern. A habit even. Almost.

Meteorologist Jason Myers and pilot Chip Tayag were killed in the crash of a helicopter owned by Charlotte TV station WBTV, next to Interstate 77 — The two people were killed in a helicopter crash. — CHARLOTTE, N.C. (WBTV) - WBTV Meteorologist Jason Myers and Sky3 pilot Chip Tayag …
@wbtv_news, The Charlotte Observer, NBC News, The Charlotte Observer, @vilyles, @markrobinsonnc, @grcastleberry, @jeremydehart53d, @nliddle16, @charlottefire, @carolinaweekunc, @storytellersbm, @wsoctv, @jimlaporta, @dashawnwsoc9, @smorrisontv, @dawndavenporttn, @kbtxrusty, @joebrunowsoc9, @edpiotrowski, @wx_cruz, @axioscharlotte, @panthers, @kelseyriggs, @natemorabito, @_jasonhuber, @joshstein_, @graytelevision, @maddie_gardner, @nc_governor, @capitalweather, @imcourtneyjcole, @nliddle16, @judigatson, @danielletrotta, @joebrunowsoc9, @sarahdillingham, @sarahsfrench, @ncbroadcasters, @hunt_saenz, @ericawsoc9, @mecklenburgems, @cltmotorspdwy, @kylebaileyclub, @wxgarrett, Poynter, New York Post, Newser, The Wrap, Deadline, E! Online, WCNC-TV, Next TV, Fox News, The Hill, CBS News, New York Daily News and The Desk
The Charlotte Observer: Charlotte meteorologist and pilot from WBTV killed in helicopter crash off Interstate 77
Andrew Dys / The Charlotte Observer: Two people have died in the crash of a helicopter owned by Charlotte TV station WBTV next to Interstate 77
Mayor Vi Lyles / @vilyles: Our deepest condolences to Jason and Chip's families and the entire WBTV team on the loss of these wonderful members of our community.
Mark Robinson / @markrobinsonnc: Our prayers are with the families of those involved in this tragedy. We also pray for their colleagues at WBTV who lost members of their work family today.
Grant R. Castleberry / @grcastleberry: Very saddened to hear of the loss today of @JMyersWeather in a helicopter crash. He and his wife Jillian were at Buck Run Baptist the same time GraceAnna and I were. He was a godly man. Good natured & kind toward all. Please pray for his wife & children.
Jeremy DeHart / @jeremydehart53d: Jason was a class ahead of me at NC State. He clearly had a profound impact seeing so many of my friends & colleagues share your stories today. Just a tragic loss for the wx community. May God draw near to his family as they grieve this unimaginable loss.
Nicholas Liddle / @nliddle16: Beautiful to see other journalists and media coming to help during this. Prayers for safe travels, @wx_cruz.💙🙏
@charlottefire: Charlotte Fire sends heartfelt condolences to the families, friends & @WBTV_News employees for the loss of Jason Myers & Chip Tayag. Our thoughts & prayers are with you during this difficult time.
@carolinaweekunc: The team at CW would like to honor the life and legacy of Jason Myers. As a meteorology student at NCSU, he was a weather forecaster for our award-winning student newscast at UNC between '02-'03. Our thoughts and prayers go to his family and friends during this difficult time.
Sarah Blake Morgan / @storytellersbm: No words. Not a single one. Just sending all the love I can to my @WBTV_News family on this horrific day.
@wsoctv: We are heartbroken for the families of Chip Tayag and Jason Myers. We join our colleagues at WBTV in mourning them tonight.
James LaPorta / @jimlaporta: I have a couple of friends over at @WBTV_News - I'm sad to hear this news out of their station. Terrible loss.
DaShawn Brown / @dashawnwsoc9: Lifting up both the Myers and Tayag families in prayer, along with my journalism colleagues at @WBTV_News. At the beginning and end of the day, the world just lost two humans who'd dedicated themselves to serving this community. This is heartbreaking.💔
Shamarria Morrison / @smorrisontv: I am here with reporters from @WBTV_News and they are reporting side by side as a team. They're in shock, saddened and you can tell devastated—but still are persevering. My heart is with our colleagues at their station.
Dawn Davenport / @dawndavenporttn: 💔 Had the opportunity to work with Jason in Richmond years ago at @8NEWS The absolute nicest human being in the world and a joy to work with. Thinking of his wife and 4 children as they deal with the loss of a phenomenal Dad and husband 😢
Rusty Surette / @kbtxrusty: Sending prayers to our sister station in Charlotte, NC. @WBTV_News's helicopter went down today and two employees were killed.
Joe Bruno / @joebrunowsoc9: Chip was a hero and his actions today saved lives. Jason was an incredibly engaging and gifted meteorologist. As expected, the WBTV team has handled today with incredible grace, poise and professionalism.
Ed Piotrowski / @edpiotrowski: This is incredibly heartbreaking. Jason was a kind person and very talented meteorologist. I always enjoyed conversations with him. My thoughts and prayers are with Jason and Chip's family. Rest in Peace.
Cruz Medina / @wx_cruz: I'm about to catch my flight to CLT to help the @WBTV_News family filling in during such a sad time. My thoughts and prayers go out to the families of Jason and Chip. May they both rest in heaven 🕊️
@axioscharlotte: We at Axios Charlotte wish to send our condolences to the friends and family of WBTV's Jason Myers and Chip Tayag, who died in a helicopter crash today. WBTV is our news partner, and the people who work there are among the best humans in the business. We are devastated for them.
Carolina Panthers / @panthers: Our thoughts are with our friends at WBTV on the loss of Jason Myers and Chip Tayag. We will have a moment of silence at tonight's Tree Lighting in their honor 💙
Kelsey Riggs / @kelseyriggs: This is so heartbreaking. Praying for the Charlotte news family, and especially everyone at @WBTV_News 🙏
Nate Morabito / @natemorabito: The poise @WBTV_News has shown in the face of unthinkable tragedy is incredible. They are reporting the devastating news of the deaths of their colleagues and grieving at the same time. When the cameras are off, let's continue to remember them and the families of Chip and Jason.
Jason Huber / @_jasonhuber: A great photo of the joy Jason and Chip brought to all of us. 💔
Josh Stein / @joshstein_: My deepest condolences to Jason and Chip's families and loved ones and the @WBTV_News family over this heartbreaking news. Remarkably, Chip's last actions may have saved even more people from harm. May their memories be a blessing.
@graytelevision: This is one of the hardest days we've experienced. We lost two members of our @WBTV_News and Gray Television family today. We are leaning against each other during this time. Please keep Chip Tayag and Jason Myers in your hearts.
Maddie Gardner / @maddie_gardner: Tonight every member of the @WBTV_News family, both past and present, is grieving the loss of Jason Myers and Chip Tayag. This hurts. (Thread)
Governor Roy Cooper / @nc_governor: This is a terrible tragedy for the WBTV family and we are praying for them and all of those in the media who work so hard to keep the public informed. - RC
@capitalweather: Very sad: Charlotte broadcast meteorologist @JMyersWeather died in a helicopter crash Tuesday afternoon. Our sincere condolences to his family, friends and colleagues. @WBTV_News story:
@imcourtneyjcole: I just can't wrap my head around this..Jason was one of the last people I spoke to on Friday. We talked about the holidays and he wished me well on my new journey. I waved to Chip just last week - I didn't see him often but he was always kind.
Nicholas Liddle / @nliddle16: I can't imagine how their families and their colleagues are feeling right now. Sending up many prayers and healing energy up to our community at @WBTV_News.💙🙏
Judi Gatson / @judigatson: A heartbreaking 💔 loss for our friends & colleagues at our sister station, @WBTV_News. Please keep them, their families and everyone who knows and loves Chip & Jason lifted in prayer. 🙏🏽
Danielle Trotta / @danielletrotta: Tragic day, tremendous & sudden loss. My thoughts & prayers are with Jason & Chip's families & my entire WBTV family.
Joe Bruno / @joebrunowsoc9: Incredibly devastated over the loss of @WBTV_News employees Jason Myers and Chip Tayag. My prayers are with their families and the entire Channel 3 team.
Sarah Dillingham / @sarahdillingham: Terrible loss for these families, local networks, and the area Charlotte communities they serve. Sending prayers for all involved. Just a tragic day 💔
Sarah French / @sarahsfrench: Praying for all those who knew and loved Pilot Chip Tayag & @JMyersWeather. Please pray for the @WBTV_News family.
@ncbroadcasters: We join the NC broadcasting community today in mourning the tragic loss of @WBTV_News meteorologist Jason Myers and pilot Chip Tayagh who lost their lives in today's crash. Our hearts go out to their families, friends, and their WBTV family.
Hunter Sáenz / @hunt_saenz: My deepest condolences, comfort and love is with our friends @WBTV_News and the families who lost their loved ones. Thinking of y'all while admiring y'all's strength in covering this. ❤️
Erica Bryant / @ericawsoc9: Sending my deepest condolences to the Myers and Tayag families and the @WBTV_News family . WBTV mourning the loss of meteorologist Jason Myers, pilot Chip Tayag
@cltmotorspdwy: Our ❤️ is with our friends at WBTV and those affected by today's accident. 🙏
Big Foot Bailey / @kylebaileyclub: @WBTV_News Pure professionalism and strength from @MollyGrantham, @JamieBollWBTV, @abbytheodros, @JohnCarterWBTV, et al right now. They're covering a story that has left them personally devastated. Keep these folks in your hearts today.
Garrett Bedenbaugh / @wxgarrett: The meteorology community mourns this loss. Prayers to the families. — WBTV mourning the loss of meteorologist Jason Myers, pilot Chip Tayag
Katherine Donlevy / New York Post: North Carolina meteorologist, pilot killed after helicopter crashes
Michael Malone / Next TV: Two WBTV Charlotte Staffers Die in Helicopter Crash
Emily Mae Czachor / CBS News: Local meteorologist and pilot killed in North Carolina helicopter crash
David Matthews / New York Daily News: Two die in news helicopter crash in North Carolina
Matthew Keys / The Desk: Two killed after TV helicopter crashes

Sky plans to launch an ad-free kids TV channel in the UK and Ireland in February 2023, available to its Sky Kids package and Now streaming service subscribers — “Home to ad-free 24-hour programming, the new channel will showcase quality Sky originals and big names that kids love and parents can trust …

Sources: China grants Disney permission to release Avatar: The Way Of Water on December 16; the last seven Marvel movies haven't received release dates in China — Entertainment company was eager to get approval for a release date in the critical market — Disney's ‘Mulan,’ Tailored for Chinese Audience, Struggles to Connect
Variety, Insider, The Wrap, @tsoh_investing, Bloomberg, The Hollywood Reporter and The A.V. Club
Travis Clark / Insider: The ‘Avatar’ sequel will open in China, giving it a chance to make the $2 billion James Cameron says it needs to break even
Harper Lambert / The Wrap: ‘Avatar: The Way of Water’ Secures China Release
Alex Morris / @tsoh_investing: “The first Avatar movie from 2009 grossed nearly $2.9 billion worldwide, with $259 million of that total coming from China, making it the highest-grossing movie of all time.”
Pamela McClintock / The Hollywood Reporter: Box Office: ‘Avatar: The Way of Water’ Lands Coveted China Release

A look at Amazon's approach to moderating books and movies on its marketplace, following uproar over the anti-Semitic movie and book referred to by Kyrie Irving — It's been nearly a month since NBA star Kyrie Irving tweeted a link to an anti-Semitic film he found on Amazon Prime Video.
Ari Ingel / @ogaride: Amazon has no plans to pull the film or book “Hebrews to N**roes” despite a policy that “the sale of products that promote, incite, or glorify hatred, violence, racial, sexual, or religious intolerance or promote organizations w/ such views” are prohibited