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Elon Musk apologizes and Twitter backtracks after planning to remove tweets and accounts promoting their presence on Facebook, Instagram, Mastodon, and others — Twitter will no longer allow users to promote their presence on certain social platforms, including Facebook, Instagram, Mastodon, Truth Social, Tribel, Nostr, and Post.
@twittersupport, Twitter Help Center, @ericfreyss, @twittersafety, @elonmusk, MediaPost, @elonmusk, @noam, @twittersupport, @paulg, @alexstamos, @oalexanderdk, Bloomberg, @juddlegum, New York Times, @lessin, @urbanachievr, @markharrisnyc, @emberw0lf, @ddiamond, @drchriscombs, @danprimack, @stokel, @wallstcynic, @jules_su, @dick_nixon, @taylorlorenz, @loudmouthjulia, @juddlegum, @kurteichenwald, @alexeheath, @ajreid, @carnage4life, @elivalley, @nkulw, New York Times, @docdre, @brendankeefe, @kyleclark, @minds, @peterktodd,, @asteris, @mmbrussell, @balajis, @mike_hogan, @nickstatt, @justinhendrix, @alexeheath, @yashar, @pkafka, @yashar, @juddlegum, @webster, @pwnallthethings, @keithedwards, @bubbaprog, @mattdpearce, @mattdpearce, UPROXX, ScreenRant, The A.V. Club, BBC, New York Magazine, The Wrap, Wall Street Journal, The Guardian, Boing Boing, AppleInsider, Reclaim The Net, The Hollywood Reporter, CNET, Engadget, The Information, TechCrunch, Bloomberg and Common Dreams, more at Techmeme »
@twittersupport: Specifically, we will remove accounts created solely for the purpose of promoting other social platforms and content that contains links or usernames for the following platforms: Facebook, Instagram, Mastodon, Truth Social, Tribel, Nostr and Post.
@ericfreyss: Any attempt to remove my tweets that link to my other social media accounts, not violating any law, would actually make #twitter an editorial media, and no longer a social media platform, with civil and criminal liability for *any* illegal content therein.
@twittersafety: Should we have a policy preventing the creation of or use of existing accounts for the main purpose of advertising other social media platforms?
Elon Musk / @elonmusk: @TrungTPhan @stillgray Casually sharing occasional links is fine, but no more relentless advertising of competitors for free, which is absurd in the extreme
Elon Musk / @elonmusk: @stillgray Exactly. Twitter should be easy to use, but no more relentless free advertising of competitors. No traditional publisher allows this and neither will Twitter.
Noam Bardin / @noam: Just wanted to assure everyone that you can post any link you want on We make it easy to add all your social media links to your profile since none of us only use one platform. Freedom = Choice
@twittersupport: More information on this policy, as well as how we will take action on violations, can be found here:
Paul Graham / @paulg: This is the last straw. I give up. You can find a link to my new Mastodon profile on my site.
Alex Stamos / @alexstamos: This is the clearest declaration of weakness I've ever seen from a major US tech platform, and a transparent declaration of anticompetitive intent that a GC would set themselves on fire to prevent (if somebody had that job at Twitter).
Oliver Alexander / @oalexanderdk: The most hilarious part of new Twitter is when Elon's temper tantrum decisions get walked back, the people who furiously defended them as genius start having to break their backs bending over backward to explain why Twitter not implement them was the plan all along.
Judd Legum / @juddlegum: This one is going to be blowout. Imagine thinking people will support your efforts to limit competition. All other social media platforms allow you to post tweets.
Eshe Nelson / New York Times: Twitter Users Say Elon Musk Should Quit as C.E.O.
@lessin: Twitter -was- a trusted social capital bank for the last decade — Elon trying to shut down links to other social services is the equivalent of trying to stop withdrawals during a run on the social capital bank....
Christian Vanderbrouk / @urbanachievr: “comedy is now legal on Twitter”
Mark Harris / @markharrisnyc: The word “occasional” is all the evidence you need that this “policy” is unvetted sulky harrumphing that a freaked-out dilettante is making up as he goes along. What's “occasional”? And who's going to monitor it—his vast new skeleton staff?
@emberw0lf: People like Twitter for the freedom. Because TikTok, Facebook and Instagram are restricting of so much.. good job for turning it into a platform everyone is now going to hate.
Dan Diamond / @ddiamond: wondering how many Twitter staff who joined pre-Elon are enjoying their jobs in a post-Elon world
Chris Combs / @drchriscombs: “We are making it up as we go and we're just going to arbitrarily suspend the people I don't like”
Dan Primack / @danprimack: My @Axios profile page includes my Twitter handle/link. We also link to direct rivals when citing their work. Or, put another way, Elon is wrong.
@stokel: Genuine questions: How many links is “occasional”, Elon? When does the link sharing count reset? And what defines “casually” sharing them? These are all questions you need to have definitive answers to as the owner of the public square
Diogenes / @wallstcynic: Funny that TikTok didn't make the list. Oversight, I'm sure. #CCP
Jules Suzdaltsev / @jules_su: lmao you literally can't say “follow me @username on Instagram” in their own example lol what a joke ahahaha
Richard M. Nixon / @dick_nixon: As some of you know I have some experience in the law around publishing. If he had any lawyers left he would not use the word “publisher” here.
Julia Alexander / @loudmouthjulia: If Elon's going to start indirectly referring to Twitter as a publisher ("no traditional publisher allows this, and neither will Twitter"), then someone should send him this very good reading material!
Judd Legum / @juddlegum: Musk continues to play Calvinball. Now he says “casually” sharing links to competitors is fine but “relentless advertising of competitors” will result in being banned. (None of this is actually specified in the policy announced today.)
Kurt Eichenwald / @kurteichenwald: Says the deputy director of France's Cyberspace Gendarmerie Command. Elon steps in it because of impulsive incompetence. Once again.
Alex Heath / @alexeheath: Life comes at you fast. Or in this case, just over a month
Alastair Reid / @ajreid: The chief scientific advisor for France's military police 👇
Dare Obasanjo / @carnage4life: Looks like Elon's sales pitch also convinced Paul Graham. Another master class on running a social media site from Twitter's CEO
@elivalley: Using the word “mastodon” is now more likely to get you banned than calling for the extermination of entire communities
Noah Kulwin / @nkulw: We have never seen a company this good at making money
@docdre: This might actually be the catalyst for everyday Black folk to bounce up out of here.
Brendan Keefe / @brendankeefe: I dipped back into Twitter only to report this to the @FTC as a possible anti-trust violation. I have also filed a formal notification to Otherwise, I hope to be back on Twitter in January. I'm suspending myself for a few weeks.
Kyle Clark / @kyleclark: Trying to keep people from finding the exits? What is this, IKEA?
@minds: Somehow creating policy for restricting links to other social networks was priority over: 1. Open sourcing algos and code 2. Encrypting messages 3. Revising Twotter TOS to support free speech 4. Introducing monetization 5. Decentralizing 😕
@peterktodd: Fuck that shit. Obviously anti-competitive. It'd be good for Twitter employees and managers involved in creating and implementing this policy to get criminal charges for it. Society should expect people asked to do bullshit like this to quit their jobs. @pete
Jim Acosta / Locked out of my Twitter account for telling folks I'm on Post and Mastodon.
Asteris Masouras / @asteris: This is an unprecedented authoritarian, anti-competitive policy that needs to be faced with stringent regulation and sanctions.
Mae / @mmbrussell: Can we please drop this “free speech” thing? We know he's an authoritarian and a chaos actor. Stop playing by his rules. Stop playing to his game. Binary traps, Overton window, crazy - it is an arena of behaviour. Ours. Not theirs. Start explaining the Big Pictures.
Balaji / @balajis: This is a bad policy and should be reversed. The right way to compete is to build a better product, not to restrict the use of your product.
Nick Statt / @nickstatt: Can't fathom the depths of craven idiocy in Elon's inner circle either suggesting stuff like this or telling him it's a good idea to follow through
Justin Hendrix / @justinhendrix: TikTok excluded. Driving too much engagement to penalize?
Alex Heath / @alexeheath: Twitter is now banning the sharing of links or usernames to the following platforms: Facebook, Instagram, Mastodon, Truth Social, Tribel, Nostr and Post Tellingly, paid promotion of these platforms is still allowed.
Peter Kafka / @pkafka: *Obviously - it was always obvious but now it's super-duper obvious and we don't have to pretend anymore ( - whatever new TOS/justifications Elon and his flunkies introduce today could be gone by tonight or never implemented so who knows.
@yashar: You can no longer promote your other social media accounts on Twitter. You can't tweet “follow me on Instagram” with the link to your Instagram account or even the @ of your account. You also can't use linktree anymore. Only exception is if you pay to promote your tweet.
Judd Legum / @juddlegum: Musk bans linking to Twitter's competitors. If you link to them, that content will be removed. He loves free speech.
Tony Webster / @webster: Effective immediately, you are violating Twitter policy by providing URLs or handles of your other social profiles. Telling others about your Facebook, Instagram, Mastodon, Post, or Linktree are banned. If you tweet “follow me [@ __] on Instagram,” your account will be suspended.
@pwnallthethings: Twitter formalizes blocking of accounts and tweets that encourage readers to follow you on other social media sites, including Mastodon. Specific examples of violating tweets given: > “follow me @username on Instagram” > “”
Matt Pearce / @mattdpearce: Twitter is trying to lock people on this platform
Matt Pearce / @mattdpearce: they're dropping this on a Sunday during the World Cup final
Matthewprigge / UPROXX: Elon Musk Spent The Weekend Suspending Journalists And Weirdly Blocking Links To Rival Social Media Services
Sam Barsanti / The A.V. Club: Hilarious new Twitter policy bans mentioning other social media platforms
Chas Danner / New York Magazine: Elon Musk Tries to Ban Leaving Twitter
Loree Seitz / The Wrap: Twitter Mocked for New Ban on Links to Rival Social Media Sites: 'Holding Us Hostage Ain't Gonna Work'
Alexa Corse / Wall Street Journal: Twitter Plans to Remove Tweets Promoting Rival Social-Media Platforms
Nadeem Badshah / The Guardian: Musk sets up Twitter poll asking if he should step down as head
Rob Beschizza / Boing Boing: After outcry over blocking links to Mastodon, Twitter announces ban on “promotion” of other social platforms
Malcolm Owen / AppleInsider: Twitter blocks user links to other social platforms, except for paid ads
Abbey White / The Hollywood Reporter: Twitter Bans Linking to Mastodon, Facebook, Truth Social and Other Competitors
Steven Musil / CNET: Twitter Bans Accounts Promoting Other Social Networks
Igor Bonifacic / Engadget: Twitter briefly banned links and username mentions relating to Facebook, Instagram and other rivals
TechCrunch: Twitter bans posting of handles and links to Facebook, Instagram, Mastodon and more (Updated)
Susanne Barton / Bloomberg: Twitter Will Remove Accounts That Link to Other Social Media

Twitter deletes @TwitterSupport's thread and a policy webpage detailing its controversial new policy to ban accounts for promoting other social media platforms — Twitter deleted its controversial new policy on Sunday evening that had banned links to certain other social media platforms …
Washington Post, @juddlegum, CNBC, The Hill, @3r1ng, @taylorlorenz, @briankrebs, @b_fung, @nephyrus, @badastronomer, @dbraevn, @sifill_, @molly0xfff, @sarthakgh, @popbase, Gizmodo Australia, @joshuaphilll, @scalzi, @monteiro, Techdirt, @taylorlorenz, @hughhowey, Music Ally, The Week, The Wrap and HuffPost, more at Techmeme »
Judd Legum / @juddlegum: UPDATE: The tweets by @TwitterSupport this morning, announcing a new policy banning linking to competing websites, have been deleted. The policy itself was deleted from Twitter's website.
Ashley Capoot / CNBC: Twitter says it will no longer allow ‘free promotion’ of other social media platforms
Taylor Lorenz / @taylorlorenz: The policy that I allegedly retroactively violated by promoting my Instagram and Mastodon account, has now been deleted from Twitter's website
@briankrebs: ...aaand, just like that, the policy doesn't exist anymore. Does the CEO?
Brian Fung / @b_fung: Aaaand as abruptly as it came, it's gone now:
@badastronomer: While this policy is garbage, *the way they've handled it* is much worse. It shows zero planning or thinking ahead about anything. As long as Elon is running things Twitter will simply be chaos.
@dbraevn: The new policy has now been taken down. Both the policy page and the tweets from Twitter Support have been removed
Sherrilyn Ifill / @sifill_: Fascinating that banks & other investors are cool with a company they have financed being run like this.
Molly White / @molly0xfff: Twitter has deleted @TwitterSafety's tweets and a webpage detailing its new policy to prevent accounts from promoting other social media platforms
Sar Haribhakti / @sarthakgh: They took down the policy from the website and the corporate tweets are gone. Did the insiders not see the obvious unintended effects and predictable blowback? Or they did and the Musk refused to listen? Who is calling the shots? Is it really Musk on these policy changes?
@popbase: Twitter has deleted their announcement about banning the ‘promotion’ of other social media platforms.
Mack DeGeurin / Gizmodo Australia: Twitter Suddenly Reverses Course on ‘Policy’ That Banned Links to Competing Social Media Sites
@joshuaphilll: All the Twitter Support tweets from earlier announcing the new policy banning links to other website have been deleted and the policy was removed from Twitter's website. Really a prime example of how Elon has been just making up the rules as he goes along.
John Scalzi / @scalzi: I have moles in my yard who could run Twitter more competently than the current set of chucklewits
Mike Monteiro🌹 / @monteiro: 4D chess!!
Mike Masnick / Techdirt: I Speak Fluent 'New Social Media CEO Who's In Over Their Head'; Let Me Translate The Last Few Days Of Twitter Policy
Taylor Lorenz / @taylorlorenz: The policy that I allegedly retroactively violated by promoting my Instagram and Mastodon account, has now been deleted from Twitter's website
Hugh Howey / @hughhowey: It's like a dumpster fire tossed into another dumpster that's already on fire, except it's dumpster fires all the way down 😂
Stuart Dredge / Music Ally: Twitter u-turns after banning links to rival social platforms
Justin Klawans / The Week: Twitter briefly bans linking to other social media sites, including Facebook, Instagram, and Truth Social

A profile of CNN chairman and CEO Chris Licht, whose first major act was to kill CNN+, as he tries to reverse CNN's revenue, profit, and ratings decline in 2022 — The network's chief executive knew the job would not be easy. But this hard? — When Chris Licht told his boss …
Abbey White / The Hollywood Reporter: Chris Licht Says Primetime for CNN Remains “Open Canvas,” Calls Criticisms of Network's Repositioning “Uniformed Vitriol”
David Corn / @davidcorndc: I wonder about this analogy. Can you compare a rainy day to an attack on democracy. If one side supports democracy and the other side wants to overturn it, do you cover both the same?
@goldietaylor: There was a time when CNN played in the background in my house throughout the viewing day. Nowadays, the most I see are clips on social.
David M. Perry / @lollardfish: At no point does this article, which we are informed is based off of several long interviews, identify any vitriol, uninformed or otherwise.
@mariaramirezny: Christ Licht he and Stephen Colbert have spoken nearly every Friday since Licht left for CNN. Each time, Mr. Colbert begins with the same four words: “I told you so.” A very good article by @JamesStewartNYT
Shannon Watts / @shannonrwatts: CNN CEO Chris Licht calls criticisms of the network for hiring a gun lobby shill as a pundit on gun violence “uninformed vitriol” from the left, saying, “No one wants a school shooting. But we have to understand the culture of people who like guns.”
Ben Welsh / @palewire: Some truly blunt talk in the @nytimes profile of @CNN's new boss
Thomas Zimmer / @tzimmer_history: The guy now in charge of CNN? Another excellent example of what reactionary centrism is. Just constantly annoyed at the fact that people have the audacity to criticize him for taking CNN to the right, which he takes as proof that, clearly, “the Left” has gone too far.
@tvgrimreaper: He can cut expenses to increase profits, but CNN's business is too tied to the decline of the multichannel bundle for him to make much of a difference to revenue. ~4,000 words spent ignoring that simple fact.
Miriam E. Tucker / @miriametucker: “Asked about his efforts to make #CNN less partisan, Mr. Licht gave this analogy: Suppose it's raining outside. CNN plans to have people on who love the rain, and it will have people on who say they don't like the rain. But it won't have anyone on who says it's sunny out.”
Kenneth P. Vogel / @kenvogel: CHRIS LICHT, on the backlash to his efforts to make @CNN less left-leaning: “The uninformed vitriol, especially from the left, has been stunning.” “Which proves my point: so much of what passes for news is name-calling, half-truths & desperation.”
@froomkin: Gag. The whole piece is a slobbery kiss to the man's posterior. No serious discussion of the issues. And if he's “philosophically aligned” with Malone, then CNN's really in big trouble.
Jeff Jarvis / @jeffjarvis: Hoo-boy. The already awful head of CNN, Chris Licht, declares the left his enemy. “The uninformed vitriol, especially from the left, has been stunning. Which proves my point: so much of what passes for news is name-calling, half-truths and desperation.”
Zach Schonfeld / The Hill: CNN chief says ‘uninformed vitriol’ from left has been ‘stunning’
Jeremy Fuster / The Wrap: Stephen Colbert's Weekly Message to Embattled CNN Boss and Former Colbert Producer Chris Licht: ‘I Told You So’

Twitter reactivates The Washington Post journalist Taylor Lorenz's account; Elon Musk says the temporary suspension was due to “prior doxxing” — 😵💫😵💫😵💫 — Earlier tonight, Elon Musk suspended my Twitter account.
@justinbaragona, @elonmusk, @nicoleperlroth, @nodreamsoflabor, NPR, New York Post, @ericrweinstein, @taylorlorenz, The Daily Beast, Techdirt, @jason_kint, @whstancil, @mattyglesias, @mayawiley, @sharkyl, @mcuban, @temurdur, @elonmusk, @joshtpm, @ezranbc, @marlownyc, @oliverdarcy, @benhoffmannyt, @coffeytimenews, Forbes, UPI, @elilake, @ggreeneva, Variety, @juddlegum, Mediaite, Deadline, Bloomberg, @jessicalessin,, Axios, @jsrailton, Reclaim The Net, @farwent, @willoremus, @willoremus, @jsrailton, @attorneynora, @yashar, @palafo,, @mattbinder, @reedalbergotti, @attorneynora, @jordanuhl, Breitbart,, @iansherr, WHDH-TV,, The Information, Boing Boing, HuffPost, Fox News, Talking Biz News, Vox, Politico, The Verge, BuzzFeed News and @gabehoff
Justin Baragona / @justinbaragona: Two of the WaPo reporters that Elon Musk recently suspended from Twitter just dropped their story about the alleged stalker that Musk blamed on the ElonJet account. The confrontation in question took place a day after Musk's jet landed and 26 miles away. ...
Elon Musk / @elonmusk: @EricRWeinstein Temp suspension due to prior doxxing action by this account. Will be lifted shortly.
Nicole Perlroth / @nicoleperlroth: Taylor Lorenz only had 3 tweets up at the time of her suspension. Two were her profiles on other social media platforms. The last one sought comment from @elonmusk for a story she is doing for @washingtonpost. This is the opposite of free speech. ...
Taylor Lorenz / @nodreamsoflabor: I reached out to Elon for comment for a story @DrewHarwell and I are working on. Here's what I tweeted (below), @ElonMusk banned me for it lmaoo
Ariel Zilber / New York Post: Elon Musk briefly suspends Taylor Lorenz's Twitter account for ‘doxxing’
Eric Weinstein / @ericrweinstein: You know that glee...that positively elated childlike glee...that the Woke experience when folks who they claim to be horrible cruel sociopaths are cancelled or banned or suspended? You've seen that? Well...Oddly. I'm not having that right now. In fact, I'm getting a bit concerned.
Taylor Lorenz / @taylorlorenz: .@drewharwell is still suspended for reporting out this story. Here's what really happened in the stalking incident @elonmusk cited to ban @ElonJet ...
Anthony L. Fisher / The Daily Beast: Why Won't Elon Musk Tell Us If He's Filed a Police Report?
Mike Masnick / Techdirt: As Many Suspected, Elon's Claims Of Jet Account Helping His Stalker Turned Out To Be Bogus
Jason Kint / @jason_kint: I stand by he's erratic and impulsive and using his new control of this platform to lash out at reporters and reporting he doesn't like because it holds him accountable. This is the exact role of the free and plural press to hold the powerful to account.
Will Stancil / @whstancil: Again, I know it's super controversial, but a far-right authoritarian buying the world's main internet hub for news and politics and using it to promote violent conspiracy theorists while banning out legitimate news orgs is REALLY BAD and SOMETHING NEWS ORGS SHOULD CARE ABOUT
Matthew Yglesias / @mattyglesias: I can't tell if these guys are lying or deluded but just to be clear the journalists who got suspended weren't doing any “real-time doxxing”
Maya Wiley / @mayawiley: Look. Freedom of speech and the press are constitutional civil rights. And the link between #TayorLorenz asking @elonmusk a legit question & her suspension should be cause for great concern for our democracy.
Sharky Laguana / @sharkyl: What is the point of a suspension if people don't know what they are being suspended for?
Mark Cuban / @mcuban: Retroactive Doxxing Suspensions ? How far back do you look? 🤔
Temur Durrani / @temurdur: Not only is Elon Musk arbitrarily suspending the Twitter accounts for journalists, he is also lying about the length of the suspensions. In a tweet, Mr. Musk claims Taylor Lorenz of The Washington Post is suspended temporarily. But Twitter e-mailed Ms. Lorenz this is permanent.
Josh Marshall / @joshtpm: Got mad because she was preparing a story about him. So he suspended her account. Now he's saying it was because of stuff that happened in the past. Stuff you wouldn't know about, stuff in Canada, because even his cheerleaders are getting uneasy.
Ezra Kaplan / @ezranbc: Twitter has rejected Washington Post Reporter Taylor Lorenz's appeal to her suspension. The company says she “has been permanently suspended” and that the “decision will not be reversed.”
Marlow Stern / @marlownyc: the last tweet @taylorlorenz sent before elon musk kicked her off twitter: asking for comment for a story
Oliver Darcy / @oliverdarcy: Statement from The Washington Post's executive editor, @SallyBuzbee, on Musk banning @TaylorLorenz from Twitter: “Post journalists should be reinstated immediately, without arbitrary conditions.”
Benjamin Hoffman / @benhoffmannyt: Taylor apparently getting suspended for asking for a comment on a story is probably the worst of the suspensions so far? But hey, Taibbi revealed the shocking secrets that the FBI reads our public tweets so the Elon era is going great. ...
@coffeytimenews: This is Taylor Lorenz's substack column on why @elonmusk banned her from Twitter She must have some serious dirt on Elon I can't wait to find out what she has been investigating Elon Musk banned me from Twitter ...
Sara Dorn / Forbes: Twitter Announces Ban On Promoting Other Social Media Sites In Latest Controversial Move Since Elon Musk's Takeover
Eli Lake / @elilake: This is why journalists who made their reputations on demanding the censorship of others were fashioning a rod for their own backs.
Greg Greene / @ggreeneva: Look, the rules here seem clear: if someone does journalism that upsets or mildly peeves Elmo, he'll banish that person from the piece of global journalism infrastructure that he bought. Every journalist who remains here, in other words, is Elmo's hostage.
Todd Spangler / Variety: Elon Musk Temporarily Suspended Washington Post's Taylor Lorenz for ‘Prior Doxxing Action’
Judd Legum / @juddlegum: Without warning or explanation, Musk has suspended @washingtonpost journalist Taylor Lorenz. Lorenz did not link to accounts tracking private jets or publish Musk's location She reached out for comment for a story ...
Deadline: Washington Post Journalist Taylor Lorenz Suspended From Twitter, Other Social Media Sites Banned From Promotion
Jessica Lessin / @jessicalessin: .@elonmusk Can you please explain why you blocked the accounts of multiple journalists without explanation? Journalists aren't asking for special treatment. They are asking for an explanation.
Judd Legum / UPDATE: Musk admits he's making up the rules as he goes. He decided to “temporarily suspend” …
Erica Pandey / Axios: Musk's magical media-shifting machine
John Scott-Railton / @jsrailton: Latest journalist suspension: Taylor Lorenz. It's vindictive. Shortsighted. And it's also just incredibly small.
Cindy Harper / Reclaim The Net: Twitter temporarily suspends WaPo reporter Taylor Lorenz for “prior doxxing”
@farwent: Taylor Lorenz's main account got banned after she tweeted at Elom about talking to him for a story, and hoo-boy, check out the quote-tweets on this post from her alt account for a masterclass on how to be a bunch of weaselly Nazi snitches.
Will Oremus / @willoremus: at this point it feels like Elon is just using Twitter's banhammer as his personal block button
Will Oremus / @willoremus: Elon now just using Twitter's banhammer as his personal block button
John Scott-Railton / @jsrailton: There's a chance I get suspended on a pretext. I don't like that thought. But I can't be silent. I feel morally bound to call out what Musk is doing.
Nora Benavidez / @attorneynora: Now Taylor Lorenz has been suspended. Hear what I told @NBCNews about Musk's dangerous actions & their impact on free speech:
@yashar: Taylor Lorenz happens to be with New York Times reporter Ryan Mac right now. He was also suspended on Twitter just two days ago!
Patrick LaForge / @palafo: Must be a hell of a story
Anthony DeRosa / The real reason he suspended her is that his plan for Twitter requires a constant cycle of drama ...
Matt Binder / @mattbinder: i just realized i'm still banned from Twitter Spaces lol after i got suspended, i found a glitch where my account could still use Spaces right before Elon Musk joined the Space, i got booted. i assume they put a secondary ban on me to block Spaces too i'm still blocked on that
Reed Albergotti / @reedalbergotti: @doctorcherokee Fair. I am not aware of Twitter disabling a journalists' account for something like asking Twitter for comment on an article. But If there are example like that, I would like to hear about them. Being totally serious.
Nora Benavidez / @attorneynora: Now Taylor Lorenz has been suspended after approaching Musk with questions. Seems his reinstatement of previously banned reporters & love of equitable speech hasn't held for even a full 24 hours.
@jordanuhl: Taylor Lorenz just published this on Substack about her suspension. In short, her & a colleague were working on a story involving Musk, and she was suspended in the process of their reporting. Her colleague, @drewharwell, was temp. suspended this week. ...
Simon Kent / Breitbart: Elon Musk: Taylor Lorenz Temporarily Suspended from Twitter Due to ‘Prior Doxxing Action’
Taylor Lorenz / Earlier today Elon Musk said that my ban was temporary, 45 min later he denied my appeal …
Ian Sherr / @iansherr: Hi @elonmusk, in the interest of transparency, can you please share all internal Twitter communications around @taylorlorenz's suspension? Thanks
Taylor Lorenz / Anyone still on twitter please tell people to follow me here!! 🙏🏻🙏 …
Rob Beschizza / Boing Boing: LAPD sees no link between alleged Musk stalker and private jet location tweets
Mary Papenfuss / HuffPost: Washington Post Tech Journalist Taylor Lorenz Bounced Off Twitter, Then Reinstated
Fox News: Taylor Lorenz suspended from Twitter, claims Elon Musk personally removed her from platform
Peter Kafka / Vox: Angry, irrational, erratic: This is Elon Musk's Twitter
Rebecca Kern / Politico: Musk reinstates majority of suspended journalist accounts
Mitchell Clark / The Verge: Twitter reactivates some journalists' accounts, after 58.7% of participants in Elon Musk's poll voted to lift the suspension “now” compared to 41.3% “in 7 days”

The European Commission sends Meta a statement of objections for alleged antitrust breaches over tying Marketplace to Facebook and imposing unfair trading terms — Meta Platforms Inc. was hit with a complaint from European Union antitrust watchdogs over concerns it's unfairly squeezing …
European Commission, Variety, AdExchanger, Semafor, Insider, Wall Street Journal, CNN, UPI, Associated Press, Gizmodo, CNET, Engadget, TechCrunch, The Information, The Register and MediaPost, more at Techmeme »
European Commission: Antitrust: Commission sends Statement of Objections to Meta over abusive practices benefiting Facebook Marketplace
K.J. Yossman / Variety: Facebook Marketplace-Owner Meta Accused of Breaching E.U. Antitrust Rules in Latest Blow
Allison Schiff / AdExchanger: European Regulators Accuse Meta Of Using Ad-Related Data To Harm The Competition
J.D. Capelouto / Semafor: EU says Facebook Marketplace violates antitrust laws as users ‘have no choice’ but to access it
Morgan Chittum / Insider: Meta slides after EU says the Facebook-parent company could pay $11.8 billion over antitrust complaint
Adam Schrader / UPI: Meta accused of violating EU antitrust laws over Facebook Marketplace
Breitbart London / Associated Press: EU Accuses Facebook/Meta of Antitrust Breaches by Distorting Advertising Market
Nikki Main / Gizmodo: Meta Accused of Breaching Antitrust Policies Connected to Facebook Marketplace
Katie Collins / CNET: Meta Accused of ‘Abusive Practices’ by EU Over Facebook Marketplace
Paul Sawers / TechCrunch: Meta abused its dominant market position to benefit Facebook Marketplace, EU's initial findings show
Laurie Sullivan / MediaPost: Meta Warned By EU Over Linking Facebook To Classified Ads Marketplace

Investigation: six Alabama and Florida outlets that attacked critics of power companies have financial ties to Matrix, a consulting firm the utilities hired — NPR's David Folkenflik reported this story with Mario Ariza and Miranda Green of Floodlight, a nonprofit newsroom that investigates …
@emorwee, @mattyglesias, @thederosh, @mirandacgreen, @salstrange, @mirandacgreen, @emorwee, @davidfolkenflik, @emorwee, @emorwee, @toomuchme and @travisakers
Emily Atkin / @emorwee: If you let any story cut through all the Twitter noise today, please let it be this: At least six local news websites across Alabama and Florida have been secretly taking payments from power companies to run stories attacking clean energy + other policies
Matthew Yglesias / @mattyglesias: I think loss-leader propaganda is going to be a huge part of the future of news
Chris DeRosier / @thederosh: Read the full thread, as the context is crucial. Bad actors exploiting financially tight institutions - in this case, a few local news orgs - for propaganda and erosion of trust is not a game. To prevent more of this, auduences, not sources, must drive news revenue. That means us
Miranda Green / @mirandacgreen: New investigation from me: A 5 month long investigation with @NPR @davidfolkenflik & @marioarizabaez for @FloodlightNews tracked how 2 major power companies infiltrated news sites in order to manipulate positive coverage and in some cases— oust adversarial political foes 🧵
Salome Strangelove / @salstrange: Remember when I kept getting scolded by trolls for calling out FPL's shitty response in the aftermath of Hurricane Ian while the local news hacks just kept licking FPL boots? Guess what:
Miranda Green / @mirandacgreen: Matrix shrewdly took advantage of the near collapse of the local newspaper industry, which “has created a vacuum that I think tends to be filled by people who have agendas beyond serving the public interest,” says former Miami Herald executive editor Tom Fiedler.
Emily Atkin / @emorwee: Power companies like @alabamapower and @insideFPL have funneled nearly $1 MILLION to local news outlets to ensure they get positive coverage They're taking advantage of the fact that local news is struggling to push their pro-fossil fuel agenda
David Folkenflik / @davidfolkenflik: A thread on my new investigation in collaboration with crackerjack team at Floodlight News - cannot say enough good things about @mirandacgreen @marioarizabaez It's on the manipulation of news media on behalf of giant Florida & Alabama power cos: 🧵
Emily Atkin / @emorwee: These power companies and their political allies want you to believe all journalism is pay for play. They want to dissolution you so you don't know who or what to believe, so you don't trust anyone. Don't fall into their trap.
Emily Atkin / @emorwee: This story pulls back the curtain on yet another insidious corporate strategy to erode the core tenets of democracy for profit. Free elections not going your way? Well, you can buy them. Free press not being nice to you? Well, you can buy them too.

Q&A with Netflix Head of Global Film Scott Stuber on the company's Glass Onion: A Knives Out Mystery strategy, the state of the theatrical business, and more — Good afternoon from Mexico City, where I have eaten a taco an hour since I landed. This will be my last newsletter of the year …
The Hollywood Reporter, ScreenRant, @lucas_shaw, The Streamable, @lucas_shaw and @lucas_shaw
Alex Weprin / The Hollywood Reporter: Netflix Partners With Amazon on ‘Glass Onion: A Knives Out Mystery’ Marketing Push
Caitlin Tyrrell / ScreenRant: Glass Onion Director Approached His Sequel Differently From The Last Jedi
Lucas Shaw / @lucas_shaw: I interviewed Netflix's head of film about Glass Onion, the company's relationship with theaters and the future of movies.
David Satin / The Streamable: Netflix Exec Won't Commit to Theatrical Runs for 45-50 Films in Development as Theaters Continue to Struggle

Harvey Weinstein is convicted on three of seven charges of rape and sexual assault at the disgraced movie mogul's Los Angeles criminal trial — Harvey Weinstein was found guilty Monday of rape at a Los Angeles trial in another #MeToo moment of reckoning, five years after he became a magnet for the movement.
Variety, New York Times, The Hill, Mediaite, Forbes, The Wrap, Billboard, Los Angeles Times, Axios, USA Today, NPR, The Guardian, Wall Street Journal, BuzzFeed News, New York Post,, Fox News, Deadline, CBS News, IndieWire, @lindseyboylan, Rolling Stone, The Daily Beast, The A.V. Club and @ap
Julia Mueller / The Hill: Harvey Weinstein found guilty in second sex crimes trial
Michael Luciano / Mediaite: BREAKING: Harvey Weinstein Found Guilty of Raping Woman
Marisa Dellatto / Forbes: Harvey Weinstein Found Guilty In L.A. Sexual Assault Trial
The Wrap: Harvey Weinstein Found Guilty on 3 Counts and Not Guilty on 1, With Jury Hung on Remaining 3 in Rape Trial
Ashley Iasimone / Billboard: Harvey Weinstein Found Guilty of Rape in L.A. Trial as Jury Reveals Mixed Verdict
Hannah Yasharoff / USA Today: Harvey Weinstein found guilty of rape in LA trial more than 2 years after previous convictions
Mandalit Del Barco / NPR: Harvey Weinstein found guilty on 3 of 7 charges in Los Angeles
Lois Beckett / The Guardian: Harvey Weinstein found guilty of rape and sexual assault in Los Angeles trial
Anna Betts / BuzzFeed News: Harvey Weinstein Has Been Found Guilty Of Rape And Sexual Assault Charges In Los Angeles
Marjorie Hernandez / New York Post: Harvey Weinstein found guilty of rape, sex assault at Los Angeles trial
Dominic Patten / Deadline: Harvey Weinstein Found Guilty On Three Sex Crime Charges; Jury Hung Over Jennifer Siebel Newsom Rape Count + Others
Emily Mae Czachor / CBS News: Harvey Weinstein found guilty of rape and sexual assault in Los Angeles trial, but acquitted on some charges
Christian Zilko / IndieWire: Jury Finds Harvey Weinstein Guilty on Three Rape, Sexual Assault Charges in Los Angeles Trial
Lindsey Boylan / @lindseyboylan: Good. I thank every woman for their bravery whether it was publicly shared or privately endured. Survivors are the heroes here.
Pilar Melendez / The Daily Beast: Harvey Weinstein Just Got Convicted of Rape All Over Again

A profile of Bari Weiss, who recently co-founded The Free Press and who Elon Musk let nose around Twitter's internal docs but has since been blocked by him — Last Monday, Bari Weiss asked me what my angle was in writing about her. I told her I wondered whether, showered with adulation …
@timmarchman, @annehelen, Free Thinking Through …, @bernard_lane, Boing Boing, @semaforben, @semafor, The Fifth Column, The Hill and Slate
Tim Marchman / @timmarchman: Inspiring—we need more of this kind of fiercely independent journalism to keep a close eye on the powerful factions shaping our society
Anne Helen Petersen / @annehelen: It's interesting, isn't it, that there's no real discussion of the actual quality of the reporting and writing
Sasha Stone / Free Thinking Through …: Movies, Musk and A Long Drive
Bernard Lane / @bernard_lane: ' “They aren't reactionary weirdos,” the writer Caitlin Flanagan told me of Weiss and Bowles. “They're adorable lesbians from Los Angeles”.'
Thom Dunn / Boing Boing: Elon Musk compared Twitter Files to a government Truth & Reconciliation Commission
@semafor: Showered with adulation, investment, and information from Elon Musk and his allies, can Bari Weiss' new media company be truly independent? New from @semaforben:
Matt Welch / The Fifth Column: Workin' for the Weekend #24: Celebrate Hannukah By Giving Free Gift Subscriptions to the Fifth!
Zach Schonfeld / The Hill: Musk lashes out at Schiff in now-deleted tweet: ‘Your brain is too small’
Justin Peters / Slate: The Finale of the Great Internet Grievance Wars Is Here

TV has no consumer-facing content preservation organization, like Criterion, making the disappearance of shows from streaming services an even greater loss — Recently, Warner Bros. Discovery has begun quietly and not so quietly removing titles from its streaming platform HBO Max.
Benjamin Mullin / New York Times: A look at AMC Networks, which is struggling to earn enough from streaming and doesn't have a movie studio or theme parks to offset its decaying cable business
Kathryn VanArendonk / @kvanaren: this is a piece about the feeling of tv shows disappearing, but it is also an attempt to will my desire for a tv version of criterion into existence
@gerryconway: For those of us who love multiple options, it may be an unfortunate reality that many choices of streaming services isn't a viable business model for the industry as a whole. We might end up with just three or four consolidated streamers in the future.
Lauren Puckett-Pope / @laurpuckett: loved this, and would happily fork over a not insubstantial amount of money for a tv version of criterion
@ultra_kitsch: Establishing a Criterion Collection for television is my absolute dream bar none atp. if any wealthy benefactors are looking for an archivist w/ design sense to help get something off the ground please holler at ya girl!!!!!!
Samit Sarkar / @samitsarkar: “The biggest loss is that the shows themselves are gone, but eventually, HBO Max may also find its subscribers starting to notice the island is shrinking. When titles disappear without warning, the whole space starts to seem less stable.”
@jivemasterj: Corporations are not going to preserve this stuff, start bootlegging what you like if you want to keep it
@superwiki: A great article and very timely. So many shows no longer have DVDs, so once they are off streaming services they are gone forever.
Jen Chaney / @chaneyj: “There is no getting around the sensation of having and then losing something; it's more frustrating and immediately insulting than the awareness that there are things you never had in the first place.” Great piece by @kvanaren.
@vulture: When titles like Westworld can disappear without warning, the whole streaming space starts to seem less stable. @kvanaren writes
Matt Zoller Seitz / @mattzollerseitz: Great piece by @kvanaren that serves as another reminder that the streaming era is basically about replacing physical media ownership with pixel renting. The landlords can tear down the buildings without notice to make a slight change on the balance sheet.
Kimberly Ricci / UPROXX: What's Popular On Streaming Now
Hamza Shaban / @hshaban: A thoughtful reflection on what it feels like when shows and movies vanish. And an argument that streaming platforms should be seen less as repositories of art and more like unstable catalogues of corporate whims
Claire Shaffer / @claireeshaffer: the good-enough answer here is 🏴☠️ but obviously there needs to be more. I don't think most of us have really comprehended how bad streaming is for long-term preservation of movies and television shows.

Credit Suisse sues finance blog Inside Paradeplatz, asking for the removal of 52 articles published from July 27, when the bank's new CEO started, to October 28 — Credit Suisse has launched a lawsuit against a popular Zurich finance blog over what it claims are unvetted …
Robert Smith / @bondhack: “I've been sued before, but this is the biggest so far,” Hässig told the Financial Times after the suit became public on Monday. “I have to fight it — what other choice do I have?” Full story from @OwenWalker0 👇🏻
Olaf Storbeck / @olafstorbeck: “Credit Suisse ... is also pursuing the blog for all the profit it has generated, plus 5 per cent interest.” I knew that @CreditSuisse has issues, but I was not aware its financial position is so precarious that it has to chase blogger's profits. ...
Caroline de Gruyter / @carolinegruyter: Well... Credit Suisse feels so stung by an influential Zürich finance blog that it launches a huge lawsuit against it. It wants all articles on CS plus reader comments since July removed, and claims all financial gains since then plus 5% interest

Drew Griffin, CNN's award-winning Senior Investigative Correspondent known for getting even the cagiest of interview subjects to engage, died of cancer at 60 — Drew Griffin, CNN's award-winning Senior Investigative Correspondent, known for getting even the cagiest of interview subjects …
Mediaite, @jaketapper, @jimsciutto, Los Angeles Times, The Week, @killoughcnn, The Hollywood Reporter, @schneidercnn, @javicnn, @jdiamond1, @wolfblitzer, @repriggleman, @kjmatthewstv, @juliettekayyem, @vladduthierscbs, @chrisvanderveen, @johnavlon, @edlavacnn, Deadline, The Daily Beast, @piersmorgan, New York Post, The Wrap and Fox News
Jackson Richman / Mediaite: Don Lemon Breaks Down in Tears Reporting Death of Colleague Drew Griffin
Jim Sciutto / @jimsciutto: This is stunningly sad news - Drew was a good man, a tremendous journalist and a huge part of @CNN. My deepest condolences to his family.
Christi Carras / Los Angeles Times: Drew Griffin's CNN colleagues pay tribute after the journalist's death at 60
Brendan Morrow / The Week: CNN investigative journalist Drew Griffin dies at 60
Ashley Killough / @killoughcnn: What a sad day. Drew's stories were always worth stopping everything to watch. And the moment he rescued a man who was floating away during Harvey is something I think about all the time. He'll be incredibly missed.
Alex Weprin / The Hollywood Reporter: Drew Griffin, Tenacious CNN Investigative Correspondent, Dies at 60
Jessica Schneider / @schneidercnn: Such a sad loss for the CNN family. Drew was a journalist I greatly admired, and more importantly, was a journalist who cared deeply about people.
Javier de Diego / @javicnn: Little known fact: it was Drew's savviness in the field that started @cnn's coverage of police finding the Boston Marathon bomber hiding in a boat, by waving his arms to alert the control room that he's hearing police action near him.
Jeremy Diamond / @jdiamond1: Such sad news. Drew leaves behind a powerful legacy of important journalism. May his memory be a blessing
Wolf Blitzer / @wolfblitzer: He was a friend, a world-class journalist and we will miss him. Our Deepest Condolences to his family. May he Rest In Peace and May His Memory Be A Blessing.
Denver Riggleman / @repriggleman: I so enjoyed my conversations and interviews with Drew. What a decent and caring human being he was...
KJ Matthews / @kjmatthewstv: This is so sad. Drew was such an amazing journalist and incredible human being.
Juliette Kayyem / @juliettekayyem: I just adored Drew. He was funny, smart and I had to do my homework before any interview for his documentary or long investigative segments because he was always so prepared and rigorous. Read about him here.
Vladimir Duthiers / @vladduthierscbs: This is heartbreaking news. When I was just an intern, Drew always made time to answer questions I had about a story he was working on or a subject he had profiled. Besides just being an incredible journalist, he was a class act. Sending love to his family.
Chris Vanderveen / @chrisvanderveen: Drew served as a powerful reminder that a powerful network can still invest in investigative journalism.
John Avlon / @johnavlon: Just gutted by the news that Drew Griffin has passed away. He was a great investigative journalist - the most important beat for CNN and society - and a good man, gone far too soon.
Ed Lavandera / @edlavacnn: Heartbroken doesn't capture it. @DrewGriffinCNN is the best. Smart, relentless and dedicated to journalism. Always one of the first to send a note praising a story I had done. A fellow field reporting soldier who I will miss deeply.
Justin Baragona / The Daily Beast: Don Lemon Breaks Down While Announcing CNN Colleague's Death
Piers Morgan / @piersmorgan: How incredibly sad. Drew was a brilliant journalist. RIP.