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Barbara Walters, the first female anchor in US TV evening news and a trailblazer whose career spanned over six decades from 1951 to 2016, dies at 93 — The pioneering TV news broadcaster was the first female anchor in evening news. — Barbara Walters, the trailblazing television news broadcaster …
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Robert Iger / @robertiger: I have sad news to share today. Barbara Walters passed away this evening at her home in New York.
Alessandra Stanley / New York Times: Barbara Walters, a First Among TV Newswomen, Is Dead at 93
Michael J. Socolow / Slate: Why Barbara Walters' “Rude” Interviews Made for Such Great TV
Joan Lunden / @joanlunden: We have lost a true legend with the passing of Barbara Walters. Such a trail blazer. Such a generous woman - I learned so much from working with her.
Margaret Sullivan / Washington Post: Barbara Walters, a ‘shining example of possibility’ for women in a man's world
Tamron Hall / @tamronhall: The Legend. The Blueprint. The Greatest. Rest in Peace Barbara Walters
Philip Lewis / @phil_lewis_: Oprah pays tribute to Barbara Walters: “Without Barbara Walters, there would be no me - nor any other woman you see on evening, morning and daily news.”
Staci D Kramer / @sdkstl: “I can not really emphasize enough how much BS Barbara Walkers had to deal with in TV news in those early days of her career - and quite frankly throughout her career.” — @katiecouric
Katie Couric / New York Times: Barbara Walters Didn't Take ‘No’ for an Answer
Ciara Encinas / @ciaraencinastv: Thank you isn't enough for all she did to inform our country!🤍
Riley Utley / @rileyutley: Barbra Walters paved the way for so many women in journalism, and helped push the field forward in a positive way. I'll miss her dearly.
@moirarvane: She was a big part of forming my belief that women could be and do anything. Sad news.
Camilla Rambaldi / @camillar_tv: An incredible icon🙏🏼 A trailblazer. An absolute legend. Thank you, Barbara Walters. Rest In Peace. ♥️
Alix Kendall / @alixkendallfox9: This is how hard it was for #BarbraWalters entering Television News. I remember watching this with my mother. Take the time, and watch this in its entirety, perhaps with your daughter? RT
Christie Bishop / @pardonmycrumbs: I remember watching #BarbaraWalters for years while growing up & into my adulthood. She was a constant, hard hitting, brilliant voice that I didn't realize was as influential in my life until tonight, when I heard she was gone. Thank you, BW, for everything. God speed.
Phil Lipof / @lipoftv: A remarkable journalist. A trailblazer and mentor to so many. Here is @RobinRoberts tribute to the great Barbara Walters. Sad news tonight but a celebration of her life. @abcnews
Fred Cunningham / @fredontv: The term “trailblazer” to describe Barbara Walters is both accurate and incomplete IMHO. She blazed the trail, paved the highway and built the entrance ramps. RIP to a true legend.
Adrian Ghobrial / @adrianghobrial: Barbara Walters broke through the boys club and surpassed them all. Not only did she break big stories, she also turned down high profile interviews. At the height of OJ Simpson's controversial fame, she declined to interview OJ because he wanted cash & set conditions. #integrity
Kimberly Kravitz / @kimberlykravitz: Truly saddened by this news. Barbara was one of the journalists I looked up to as I started my career. Grateful that she lived a long, fulfilling life. #RestInPeace #BarbaraWalters 🙏
Karen Butler / UPI: ABC planning two Barbara Walters specials for Sunday
Sue Aikens / @sueaikens: I had the pleasure of meeting this Icon 30 years or so ago. She was quite a vivid personality, and a Woman of the ages! Rest in peace Barbara ❤️🙏🏻
Alicia Smith / @wxyzalicia: Thank you, Barbara Walters, for paving the way for so many women in media. I remember growing up watching her riveting interviews...and then enjoying the daily conversations on her daytime talk show The View. She's a true icon...and a trailblazer. #RIPBarbaraWalters
@abc: On October 4, 1976, Barbara Walters made her debut on ABC News, co-anchoring “ABC Evening News” with Harry Reasoner.
Nalaka Gunawardene / @nalakag: Says @nytimes of #BarbaraWalters: “In the age of internet news, cellphone videos & blog journalism it would be difficult for any one journalist to have the kind of career she had. ‘If I was, perhaps, atop of the game...I also had the advantage of being ahead of the game.’”
John Johnson / Newser: Katie Couric Has a Framed Note From Barbara Walters
Dr. Janet Johnson / @janetnews: This makes me sad. She was the gold standard of interviews. She was stereotyped as cut throat, tough—maybe she was just better at her job than the men during her time. I miss her specials. I'll miss her, but she's the reason I wanted to study journalism and knew that I could.
Judy Stahl / @stahl4congress: She was brilliant here, incisive, engaging, rocksolid. If only he didn't get to have a last word.
Chris Sadeghi / @chrissadeghi: “Legend” would be putting it mildly. #RIPBarbaraWalters
Molly Thomas / @mollythomastv: She's one of the reasons I became a broadcaster... I used to watch this legend on 20/20 every Friday night. Calm, consistent, direct and relatable - absolute boss in broadcast. #RIPBarbaraWalters Barbara Walters, legendary news anchor, has died at 93
Sheldon Whitehouse / @senwhitehouse: American media has lost a trailblazing icon. Rest in peace.
Greta Van Susteren / @greta: Every woman in tv news owes #BarbaraWalters a big thanks...she made it so much easier for the rest of us as she powered through barriers for woman; Barbara Walters, TV's tireless pursuer of the newsmaker ‘get,’ dies at 93 ...
Kristen Skovira / @kristenskovira: “From ABC News... around the world and into your home the stories that touch your life.. with Hugh Downs and Barbara Walters THIS is 20/20.”
Steve Inskeep / @nprinskeep: Here's the incredible end of our 2014 talk with Barbara Walters. She's a perfectionist, predicting she'll leave the interview thinking of what she should have said—yet humbly denies her pathbreaking career had any big purpose except “I had to work.” @npr
Wade Lambert / @wadenyc: A trailblazer and big influence on those of us who became journalists in the 1980s — RIP Barbara Walters
Dr. Joy Qualls / @madamspeaker: There has been a disturbance in the Force. Thank you for paving the way for so many female communicators and storytellers. We are grateful for you, Ms. Walters.
Micah Gelman / @mbgelman: “We're in touch, so you be in touch.” That was every Friday night in my house growing up. Barbara Walters and Hugh Downs. RIP
Rebecca Jarvis / @rebeccajarvis: A pioneer and trailblazer. What a remarkable life.
Sharon Lawrence / @sharonlawrence: #BarbaraWalters on our evening television inspired me to dream big. In her early career it her serious and sophisticated presence were aspirational, later in it was her accessibility . Her influence on generations is immeasurable. Truly an media icon
Vivian Salama / @vmsalama: 🙏🏽 RIP & thank you! Barbara Walters,the trailblazing journalist who was the 1st woman anchor of both a morning & an evening television-news program & at one point was the highest-paid TV-news personality in the country, has died.She was 93
Marsha Collier / @marshacollier: Barbara Walters, a First Among TV Newswomen, Is Dead at 93 She broke barriers for women as a co-host of the “Today” show, a network evening news anchor and a creator of “The View,” all while gaining her own kind of celebrity.
Dan Diamond / @ddiamond: Some fascinating details about Barbara Walters' rise from housewife to nightly news anchor, aided by Nixon and skillful maneuvering around the era's sexist norms. ...
@jon_fischer: Really good @MichaelSocolow tribute to Barbara Walters in @Slate. Oof, had never seen that interview with the Shah and empress
Star Jones / @starjonesesq: I owe Barbara Walters more than I could ever repay. Rest well sister...mother...friend...colleague... mentor.
@nytimesbusiness: Long before she became the first woman to co-anchor a network newscast and the foremost prime-time interviewer of heads of state and Hollywood stars, Barbara Walters understood the power of television.
@nytimes: Barbara Walters spent decades being lauded or mimicked — but she had to fight for a place in an industry pitted against women.
Kate Snow / @tvkatesnow: “Men did the hiring. Men decided what went on the air. Men delivered the news” when Barbara Walters started. She paved the way for me and my generation
Lindsey Boylan / @lindseyboylan: Barbara Walters was “Today show's first female co-host...the network did not allow her to direct questions at on-set guests until her male co-host had asked three of his own, a restriction she bypassed by seeking out interviews away from 30 Rock.”
Jordyn / @jordynjournals: Some memorable and straight-forward advice from Barbara Walters. She told a group of women at her alma mater: “Don't be pleasant. Don't be fun. Be a journalist.”
Mark Harris / @markharrisnyc: Someone in my feed faulted Barbara Walters for “internalized misogyny.” Fair enough—there are examples in her work—but aim that disgust at how it became internalized. Here was the system within which Walters worked—not in the 1950s but in the 1970s.
@abc: “The fact that I ended up on television — never ever thought that would happen.” How Barbara Walters broke through the glass ceiling — and became the most important woman pioneer in the history of TV news.
Lucas Meyer / @meyer_lucas: Simplest and best tribute to exemplify the Barbara Walters legacy : On her final show on The View, they just brought one female journalist after another to honour her. All ages, races, from NBC to FOX, to say thank you. She's completely overwhelmed and touched.
Lynda Carter / @reallyndacarter: Barbara Walters was an American institution. As the first female national news anchor, she opened the door to endless possibilities for so many girls who wanted to work in TV, myself included. Her impact cannot be overstated. I'll miss you, Barbara. Thank you for everything.
Chuck Schumer / @senschumer: Barbara Walters was a trailblazing journalist, so many of her interviews were unforgettable. She broke the glass ceiling for so many women and girls. I knew Barbara—she always wanted to get the truth. I'm praying for her family and for all who knew and loved her.
Carmel Dagan / Variety: Barbara Walters, Pioneering Journalist and Queen of Celebrity Interviews, Dies at 93
Jennifer Vineyard / New York Times: The Best of Barbara Walters
George Hahn / @georgehahn: Literally the end of an era. This woman's contribution to television as we know it is unrivaled. Barbara Walters is an icon. Rest well, lady. ...
Laurence I. Barrett / Washington Post: Barbara Walters, TV's tireless pursuer of the newsmaker ‘get,’ dies at 93
Nekesa Mumbi Moody / @nekesamumbi: Her interviews made for so many must-see moments! A great take by @alexweprin.
Rosie Perez / @rosieperezbklyn: An amazing woman. Amazing loss. Shattering the glass ceiling is a huge understatement. She decimated it. Paved the way for so many. I feel very proud/humble to have known her & to have worked with her. Condolences to her loved ones & the entire @TheView family. #RipBarbaraWalters
Alyssa Milano / @alyssa_milano: Rest In Peace, Barbara Walters. Thanks for helping me find my voice.
Ramin Setoodeh / @raminsetoodeh: Barbara Walters changed journalism and TV in too many ways to count. I conducted the last interview she ever gave for my book ‘Ladies Who Punch.’ When I asked her describe her legacy, she said she showed other female journalists that they could follow her.
Bianna Golodryga / @biannagolodryga: It was a privilege to have worked at ABC with Barbara. My interests both in journalism and foreign policy were shaped in part by her brilliant interviews with world leaders. From Castro, to Begin and Sadat. Her unique talent made them all riveting.
David Folkenflik / NPR: Trailblazing journalist Barbara Walters has died at 93
@rafat: Going down rabbit hole of Barbara Walters videos, found this incredible video from 60 yrs ago, 1962 when Jackie Kennedy visited India for a remarkably long 9 days, Walters was with her. Her visit to landmark Indian tourist spots still stand test of time.
Taylor Twellman / @taylortwellman: Icon. Still learning from watching her while also being entertained.
Marc Lacey / @marclacey: “Barbara Walters, who broke barriers for women as the first female co-host of the ‘Today’ show and the first female anchor of a network evening news program, and who as an interviewer of celebrities became one herself ... died on Friday. She was 93.”
Heidi N. Moore / @moorehn: All I have to offer about Barbara Walters is that once, at a gala for journalists, she reflexively elbowed me hard when she wanted to take up a whole (empty) aisle for herself and it's important to remember she came up when women had to be absolutely vicious in news.
Luke Russert / @lukerussert: Barbara Walters was a legend in broadcast journalism but her work to educate people about heart disease ♥️ was so very important and for me her lasting legacy. God speed.
Maria Stephanos / @mariastephanos: Legend. I was honored to interview Barbara Walters about her book. I was SO nervous & she was all business. But when I asked her about living here everything changed.I learned so much from those ten minutes,that I carry with me today.Thank you for kicking down every door Barbara
Walt Mossberg / @waltmossberg: People throw around the word “trailblazer”, but Barbara Walters was the real deal. The sexist broadcast news establishment didn't want her on the air. The people she interviewed often resented her tough, but fair, questions. But she was a fine journalist, and she persevered. RIP.
Robert Evans / @iwriteok: Barbara Walters covered for Kissinger, Roy Cohn, and a bunch of other despicable men while practicing as a journalist. many many people were tougher and more fair in seeking truth.
Kevin Liptak / @kevinliptakcnn: Barbara Walters steps off the press charter in Beijing to cover Richard Nixon's visit in 1972
Michelle Collins / @michcoll: One of the first rites of passage of becoming a host on @TheView was to have lunch with Barbara Walters. Few times in my life have I been that nervous. She was an absolute trailblazer, class, elegance, smarts that are increasingly hard to come by. I'll always be grateful. RIP
John Cardillo / @johncardillo: Meh She was a primary architect of leftist media bias and unleashed ‘The View’ spinsters on America.
Ariel Helwani / @arielhelwani: One of the greatest ever. What an incredible career/life/legacy.
Cynthia Littleton / Variety: How Barbara Walters' Career Mirrored the Rise of Network TV News as a Cultural Force
Meghan McCain / @meghanmccain: Barbara Walters will always be known as a trail blazer. Her hard hitting questions & welcoming demeanor made her a household name and leader in American journalism. Her creation of The View is something I will always be appreciative of. Rest in peace you will forever be an icon.
Deborah Roberts / @debrobertsabc: So sad to hear of the passing of Barbara Walters. What an honor to share the set @ABC with the inimitable trailblazer when I joined @abc2020. Will never forget the phone call when she asked me to join the groundbreaking program.
Robin Roberts / @robinroberts: Barbara Walters was a true trailblazer. Forever grateful for her stellar example and for her friendship. Sending condolences to her daughter and family.🙏🏾
Lyse Doucet / @bbclysedoucet: The moment it began - when #BarbaraWalters made history, made some male colleagues uncomfortable, but just kept making a difference 🎤
Keith Olbermann / @keitholbermann: Amid some controversy long forgotten, I briefly defended Barbara Walters and her journalism. Four days letter a hand-written note arrived. It was heartfelt, modest and touching. I ran into her years later and she reminded me of it. RIP to a great soul. ...
Kareem Abdul-Jabbar / @kaj33: Barbara Walters never flinched when questioning the world's most powerful people. She held them accountable. She cared about the truth and she made us care too. Fortunately, she inspired many other journalists to be just as unrelenting. We are all better off because of her.
Jeva Lange / The Week: Groundbreaking journalist Barbara Walters dies at 93
Jose Antonio Vargas / @joseiswriting: My earliest memories of arriving in the US in 1993: the pet food aisle at @Safeway; @tonibraxton singing Breathe Again; and Barbara Walters asking questions. Rest in Power, Ms. Walters. Thanks for teaching a 12yo immigrant kid that questions are as important as answers. 👇🏽
Dana Loesch / @dloesch: Grew up watching Barbara Walters host 20/20 with Hugh Downs and then met her years ago when I guest-hosted for The View. Pretty sure she disliked me for my politics but had she opposed diverse voices on the show she would never have allowed the producers to invite me. RIP.
Jake Tapper / @jaketapper: ABC News: Barbara Walters, trailblazing TV icon, dies at 93 Sending love and prayers to my friends at ABC and to Barbara's family and friends ...
Louise McSharry / @louisemcsharry: I am so sorry to hear this news. Growing up with women like Barbara Walters around was a big part of why I never questioned that there was a place for me in broadcasting.
@jillwinebanks: Barbara Walters, a First Among TV Newswomen, Is Dead at 93. She was a pioneer who opened doors for and inspired many women. She was part of my decision to stay a lawyer and not to join ABC as a legal correspondent after Watergate (p 207 “Watergate Girl")
Matt Schimkowitz / The A.V. Club: R.I.P. Barbara Walters, trailblazing television journalist
Christian Zilko / IndieWire: Barbara Walters, Landmark Journalist and History-Making Interviewer, Dead at 93
Jason Kint / @jason_kint: I can't believe it's only in the passing of Barbara Walters that I'm now revisiting this interview. I would argue it's still the strongest - appropriately so - interview of Trump still standing thirty-two years later.
Sadie Gurman / @sgurman: Best known for her interviews of world leaders, entertainers and newsmakers, Walters broke down numerous barriers and cleared the way for a generation of women to follow in her footsteps including Diane Sawyer, Jane Pauley and Katie Couric.
Jason Kint / @jason_kint: “[she] was a true legend, a pioneer not just for women in journalism but for journalism itself. She was a one-of-a-kind reporter who landed many of the most important interviews of our time, from heads of state to the biggest celebrities and sports icons.”
David Muir / @davidmuir: So often we toss around the words icon, legend, trailblazer - but Barbara Walters was all of these. And perhaps, above all else, Barbara Walters was brave. She paved the way for so many - we learned from her - and remain in awe of her to this day. RIP, Barbara.
Billie Jean King / @billiejeanking: Pioneering TV news broadcaster Barbara Walters has died. A true trailblazer, she was the 1st woman anchor on the evening news. And I was privileged to know her. When she interviewed me, it was clear she did her homework. She was always prepared. May she rest in power.
Jared Gans / The Hill: Lawmakers remember journalist Barbara Walters as a ‘trailblazer,’ ‘glass ceiling shatterer’
Paul Farhi / @farhip: A pioneering TV news figure. Such a long and colorful career. RIP. ...
Josh Gad / @joshgad: One of the greatest to ever grace the small screen. #BarbaraWalters defined the 20th century interview format in a way that made it appointment TV. One of my greatest memories was going on #TheView for the first time and being welcomed by the Legend herself. #RipLegend
Katherine Boyd / @katboydrocks: Barbara was a point of contention in my family. Detested by my grandfather for her brashness. Yet I found her profoundly trailblazing. A woman who asked hard questions. Who landed the biggest interviews. And started The View. She didn't follow the handbook. Thank God. #RipLegend
MJ Felipe / @mjfelipe: Oh my god. This is just saddest news. Thank you Barbara for paving the way for many.
@nytimes: Barbara Walters, who broke barriers for women as the first female co-host of the “Today” show and the first female anchor of a network evening news program, has died at 93.
@dictionarycom: trailblazer noun 1. a person who blazes a trail for others to follow through unsettled country or wilderness; pathfinder. 2. Barbara Walters
@terrymoran: You know who else blurred those lines between news and entertainment? Murrow. Wallace. Tom Wolfe. Barbara got more flak for it, for sure. Maybe because she was better at it?
Amy Klobuchar / @amyklobuchar: Barbara 1976 she became the first woman anchor of the evening news and...she was just getting started! What a life she many glass ceilings shattered.
Alex Weprin / The Hollywood Reporter: Barbara Walters Changed TV Interviews in a Way That May Never Return
Ted Johnson / @tedstew: While Walters initially was dismissed by a male establishment as a figure who injected a personality-driven focus to major events, she pushed back against the stereotype as she landed interviews with world leaders including Golda Meir and Fidel Castro.
@yashar: One of the more touching tributes to Barbara Walters came in 2014 when she appeared on her final episode of “The View”. Oprah thanked her for opening so many doors for ALL women in news and then welcomed two dozen women in news who came on to thank her for blazing a trail.
Jemele Hill / @jemelehill: I've never seen this clip before, but this exemplifies why Barbara Walters is considered a journalistic icon. For journalists, it isn't about your question ✌🏾sounding✌🏾tough. It's about getting the subject to expose something about themselves — good or bad.
Heather Caygle / @heatherscope: My earliest memories are of watching Barbara Walters on TV with my mom and grandparents and thinking, “I want to do that.” I soon was given a Fisher Price tape recorder/microphone and interviewed my baby sister and stuffed animals regularly.
Sari Beth Rosenberg / @saribethrose: “This is what I tell, especially young women, fight the big fights. Don't fight the little fight. Be the first one in, be the last one out. Do your homework, choose your battles...Fight the big fight.” #BarbaraWalters
Mayor Eric Adams / @nycmayor: Barbara Walters was a titan. She was fearless, hardworking, and tough — a true New Yorker. She inspired and supported generations of women and men in journalism and broadcasting with her determination and talent. Our prayers are with her family, loved ones, and fans.
Maria Shriver / @mariashriver: #BarbaraWalters was a trailblazer. She was a mentor to me as well as a friend. So many women broke into the news business because she did her job well.
Michael Beschloss / @beschlossdc: Barbara Walters' pathbreaking joint interview with Begin and Sadat, 1977:
Mike Barnes / @mikebarnes4: #RIP Barbara Walters. “I said [to Muammar Gaddafi], there are people who think you are crazy. I asked Putin if he ever killed anybody,” she said. “I have no courage in everyday life, but somehow when I'm interviewing people, I can ask those questions.” ...
Josh Crutchmer / @jcrutchmer: we got barbara walters into final editions. more to come sunday
Jessica Rosenworcel / @jrosenworcelfcc: When I think about legends and glass ceiling breakers, Barbara Walters comes to mind. She was truly an icon and a pioneer in broadcast television. She was a journalist's journalist and was the first woman to co-anchor a network nightly news program; an inspiration to us all.
David Folkenflik / @davidfolkenflik: She blurred and even erased lines between news and entertainment. She was also an unexpected trailblazer. She was at once a loyal colleague and ferocious competitor. My obit for Barbara Walters, who has died at 93 - tks to @andreamitchell & @DavidWestin
Monica Lewinsky / @monicalewinsky: - got good grades, didn't do drugs, never shoplifted etc. without missing a beat barbara said: monica, next time shoplift. (2/4)
Monica Lewinsky / @monicalewinsky: a short thread on barbara walters' passing: i knew barbara for over half of my life. we met in the spring of 1998, in the midst of the starr investigation; i was 24. i remarked that this was the first time i'd ever been in serious trouble. i'd basically been a good kid — (1/4)
Monica Lewinsky / @monicalewinsky: we stayed in touch over the past 25 years. the last time we saw each other was for lunch a few years ago. of course, she was charming, witty and some of her questions were still her signature interview style: (3/4)
Monica Lewinsky / @monicalewinsky: “so tell me, monica, how do you feel ...etc etc.” she was the very first person with whom i ever sat for a television interview... and will certainly be my most memorable. barbara will be missed by many — including me. sending love to jackie, george + her other friends. #RIPBarbara
Weijia Jiang / @weijia: There would be a lot fewer female journalists today, if not for you. Thank you, Barbara Walters.
Alex Pierson / @alexpiersonamp: 😢 Walters opened a lot of doors for women at a time when we were to be seen and not heard. Sad loss.
Rep. Barbara Lee / @repbarbaralee: Barbara Walters will be remembered as a fearless trailblazer who shattered the glass ceiling & paved the way for women in journalism. From heads of state to cultural icons, she boldly conducted some of the most important interviews of our time. May she Rest In Peace.
Ken Fang / @fangsbites: Joan is talking about this experience of co-anchoring with Barbara on GMA. She said Barbara advised her to write thank you notes to every person she interviewed. Joan said it came in droves when people returned and asked for her to interview them instead of David Hartman.
Evan Barnes / @evan_b: My Fridays after TGIF were spent watching 20/20 with Barbara Walters and Hugh Downs. She was a fantastic host and it helped me learn what a pioneer she was and the heights she reached. Her voice was tough and firm for interviews but comforting when presenting stories. Rest well
Lyanne Melendez / @lyannemelendez: A pioneer who endured so much for being a woman. Thank you for opening so many doors.
Ellen Tailor / @ellentailor: How's this for perspective... She got her first serious break a month after she turned 34. Don't let anyone in this business tell you you're too old.
Rev. Rob Lee / @roblee4: May her memory be a blessing forever. I'm grateful for her legacy and life well-lived.
Willie Geist / @williegeist: Much will be made, rightly, of the trail Barbara blazed for women in our industry, but she was an inspiration to all of us. Smart, prepared, tough, and unafraid. A life force. RIP to the legend, Barbara Walters. 🙏
Staci D Kramer / @sdkstl: Barbara Walters not only led the way, she helped other women journalists carve out their own spaces instead of being relegated to the sidelines.
Chris Evans / @notcapnamerica: Barbara Walters: “Do you ever wear a skirt?” Katharine Hepburn: “I'll wear one to your funeral.”
Dan Rather / @danrather: The world of journalism has lost a pillar of professionalism, courage, and integrity. Barbara Walters was a trailblazer and a true pro. She outworked, out-thought, and out-hustled her competitors. She left the world the better for it. She will be deeply missed. RIP
@mzcsmith: Rest in Peace, #barbarawalters. Thank you for shattering the glass ceilings, inspiring every woman who dared dream of being a journalist. Seeing you on television, interviewing the world's most famous and infamous, meant something to so many. Thank you for showing us the way.
Thomas van Linge / @thomasvlinge: I will always remember Barbara Walters as the reporter who sat down with Bashar al-Assad and asked him to his face: “do you feel guilty?” What a loss.
Brian Stelter / @brianstelter: In place of tonight's scheduled “20/20,” ABC is airing an ongoing special report about Barbara Walters' death — an appropriate recognition for the pioneering “20/20” host.
Matt Swider / @mattswider: RIP Barbra Walters. Anyone who grew up watching TGIF on ABC saw her & Hugh Downs on 20/20 every Friday night at 10pm. A storied journalism career and intro.
Maggie Hendricks / @maggiehendricks: I would tape-yes, tape-her interview specials and study them to try and figure out how she asked questions. Thank you, Barbara.
Nicholas Kristof / @nickkristof: Barbara Walters, one of the journalistic greats who overcame sexism to blaze a path for women to the top of television news, has died at age 93. What an extraordinary woman and journalist! RIP, Barbara.
Courtney Cronin / @courtneyrcronin: An absolute icon. She paved the way for every single woman in this industry. This one hits home.
Shaun Robinson / @shaunrobinson: To journalists like myself, the passing of Barbara Walters - the icon - touches particularly deep. God rest her soul. She forged a path for so many women. A true legend.
Natalie Moore / @nemoore_: I think so many of us in this field were inspired by Barbara Walters. My mother loved her and in many ways she likely planted a seed for me to pursue a journalism career just by the sheer number of hours she was on our tv screen growing up.
Mitch Levy / @mitch_seattle: Sad night. And way to end a tough year in so many respects. For those of us who are curious, love asking questions & the challenge of trying to get people to let their guard down & open up, Barbara Walters will always be on a pedestal. Rightfully. RIP.
Anne-MarieWithenshaw / @amwithenshaw: Icon. Trailblazer. I re and re-read her memoir Audition, and it changed the way I do my job. Women in modern broadcasting owe Barbara so much. Thank you and RIP 💔
Kelsey Proud / @kelseyproud: A career that lit the fires of many others, including mine. Grateful for her spark. Rest well Barbara.
Yamiche Alcindor / @yamiche: Such sad news. Barbara Walters was a legend and an icon.
Brianna Wu / @briannawu: I can't say I always liked her politics. But, we take for granted today that women can have media careers. She shattered norms and pushed boundaries.
Dorothy Lucey / @dorothylucey: Interviewed her a few times. What a privilege. #barbarawalters
Sheryl Lee Ralph / @thesherylralph: Rest in Peace precious Peace Barbara Walters!!
Laurie Segall / @lauriesegall: Such sad news... and such an incredible life she lived.
Philip Lewis / @phil_lewis_: Barbara Walters joined ABC News in 1976, becoming the first female anchor on an evening news program.
Jose Antonio Vargas / @joseiswriting: My earliest memories of arriving in the US in 1993: the pet food aisle at @Safeway; @tonibraxton singing Breathe Again; and Barbara Walters asking questions. Rest in Power, Ms. Walters. Thanks for reaching a 12yo immigrant kid that questions are as important as answers. 👇🏽
Brian Stelter / @brianstelter: >> @PamelaBrownCNN: Barbara Walters “was an inspiration for young female journalists like myself coming up the ranks.” @AlisynCamerota: “The death of an American icon.”
Kelly O'Donnell / @kellyo: Thank you Barbara!! A remarkable and memorable journey and an extraordinary example for so many of us.
Tamantha Ryan / Page Six: Oprah Winfrey pays tribute to Barbara Walters: ‘Grateful to have known her’
Victoria Arbiter / @victoriaarbiter: This is incredibly sad news. I admired Barbara Walters enormously and I will always be grateful for the time I spent in her presence.
Arianna Huffington / Encyclopedia Britannica: Barbara Walters — American journalist Table of Contents
Matt Brennan / Los Angeles Times: Barbara Walters' 12 most influential TV interviews
Will Richards / NME: Barbara Walters: legendary US TV journalist dies aged 93
Michael Starr / New York Post: The late Barbara Walters was first class all the way
Kimberly Roots / TVLine: Barbara Walters Remembered by Oprah, Hosts of The View and Others: ‘She Paved the Way for So Many’
Armando Tinoco / Deadline: Barbara Walters Remembered: ‘The View’ Co-Hosts, Oprah Winfrey & Others Pay Tribute To Late News Anchor
Steven Musil / CNET: Barbara Walters, Trailblazing TV Journalist, Dies at 93
Edward Helmore / The Guardian: Barbara Walters Pioneering US TV news anchor dies at 93
Adam Schrader / UPI: Pioneering journalist Barbara Walters dies at 93
Noah Shachtman / RIP, Barbara.
Bill Ritter / 6abc: Barbara Walters in her own words in 2014
Kipp Jones / Mediaite: Legendary Journalist Barbara Walters Dies at 93
Charisma Madarang / Rolling Stone: Barbara Walters, Trailblazing TV Broadcaster, Dead at 93
Sharon Machlis / When I was a kid, there were no women TV news anchors. Not on national newscasts, and not on our local news. Barbara Walters blazed a very tough trail in broadcast journalism and did so with grace as well as skill. …
Stephen Miller / Bloomberg: Barbara Walters, Doyenne of Celebrity Interviewers, Dies at 93
Pat Saperstein / Variety: Oprah Winfrey, Bob Iger, Lynda Carter and More Remember Barbara Walters: ‘A True Legend, a Pioneer’ Barbara Walters interviewed the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles in 1991. #TMNT #BarbaraWalters #RIPBarbaraWalters
Bob Minzesheimer / USA Today: Barbara Walters, legendary journalist and trailblazer, dies at 93
TuAnh Dam / Axios: Longtime ABC news anchor Barbara Walters dies at 93
Marc Berman / Forbes: Legendary Newswoman Barbara Walters Dies At 93
Russell Falcon / The Hill: Barbara Walters, trailblazing TV journalist, dies at 93
Mike Barnes / The Hollywood Reporter: Barbara Walters, Trailblazing Broadcast Journalist, Dies at 93

fuboTV quietly drops nine AMC Networks-owned channels including AMC, BBC World News, and IFC; fuboTV doesn't plan to refund customers for the line-up change — fuboTV have dropped nine AMC-owned channels including, AMC, BBC America, WE tv, BBC World News, IFC, SundanceTV, el gourmet, AMC Premiere, and Mas Chic.

Learfield Communications indefinitely suspends North Carolina State radio announcer Gary Hahn for referencing “illegal aliens” during a football game broadcast — N.C. State radio broadcaster Gary Hahn has been suspended indefinitely after making a reference to “illegal aliens” …
ESPN, HotAir, Newser, @thenewrevolut12, @robmkendall, @matt4va, The Guardian, @newsobserver, CBS News, @nattyd13, Radio Ink, Breitbart, Washington Examiner, Sportszion, ABC11 on YouTube, Yardbarker, ClutchPoints, FOX13 News Memphis, OutKick, National Review, KTLA, Our Community Now, USA Today, Sporting News, Sports Illustrated, Raleigh News & Observer, HuffPost, The North State Journal, OutKick, Bleacher Report,, Daily Mail,, More Sports, The Daily Beast, UPI, Deadline, New York Post, Mediaite, Anechoic Room and The Comeback
Karen Townsend / HotAir: Award-winning broadcaster suspended for speaking the truth during a college bowl sportscast
John Johnson / Newser: NC State Announcer Suspended Over ‘Illegal Aliens’ Line
@thenewrevolut12: Speech is no longer free in America. You are penalized if you don't tow the party line. In this PC world you cannot say illegal aliens or you lose your job. How is that fair? NC St. radio broadcaster suspended indefinitely - via @ESPN App
Rob Kendall / @robmkendall: Wait! So the dude got suspended for merely acknowledging there were lots of people illegally in the country, in an area that has so many people in the country, they've declared a state of emergency? Wild!
@matt4va: As an @NCState alumni I worked w/ Gary Hahn when I was a student worker for @PackAthletics I know Gary is a kind person to all What he said is true, but in artful. It does not warrant a suspension. It's fact there is a crisis of illegal aliens in El Paso
Agencies / The Guardian: NC State radio announcer suspended indefinitely for ‘illegal aliens’ remark
@newsobserver: Longtime broadcaster Gary Hahn referred to “illegal aliens in El Paso” while relaying the score of the Sun Bowl during NC State's Duke's Mayo Bowl loss Friday. ...
Nathan Deal / @nattyd13: Down among all the illegal aliens in El Paso, there's a drive into deep left field by Castellanos and that'll be a home run. And so that'll make it a 4-0 ballgame. I don't know if I'm going to be putting on this headset again.
Matthew Keys / Radio Ink: NC State Broadcaster Suspended Indefinitely
Ethan Letkeman / Breitbart: NC State Commentator Gary Hahn Suspended for ‘Illegal Aliens’ in El Paso Remark
Steff Thomas / Washington Examiner: NC State announcer suspended for controversial ‘illegal aliens’ reference
Tahsin Tahmid / Sportszion: College football announcer Gary Hahn faces indefinite suspension following ‘illegal aliens’ remark at immigrants
Colin Gallant / ClutchPoints: Wolfpack announcer suspended after ‘illegal aliens’ comment during Mayo Bowl
FOX13 News Memphis: NC State radio broadcaster suspended for ‘illegal aliens’ remark during bowl game
Anthony Farris / OutKick: Learfield Stays Quiet After N.C. State Announcer Gary Hahn Was Suspended For ‘Illegal Aliens’ Comment
Ari Blaff / National Review: N.C. State Football Broadcaster Suspended Indefinitely after ‘Illegal Aliens’ Comment
Tyler Wornell / KTLA: Football announcer suspended for border reference during game
Our Community Now: NC State radio broadcaster Gary Hahn suspended indefinitely after ‘illegal aliens’ comment
David Thompson / USA Today: NC State radio broadcaster Gary Hahn suspended indefinitely after ‘illegal aliens’ comment
Dan Treacy / Sporting News: N.C. State radio broadcaster Gary Hahn suspended for ‘illegal aliens’ comment about Sun Bowl
Raleigh News & Observer: NC State broadcaster Gary Hahn suspended indefinitely for ‘illegal aliens’ reference
Ed Mazza / HuffPost: NC State Broadcaster Suspended For ‘Illegal Aliens’ Comment During Duke's Mayo Bowl
Timothy Rapp / Bleacher Report: NC State Announcer Gary Hahn Suspended for Offensive Comment About Immigrants
Patrick Djordjevic / Daily Mail: NC State play-by-play announcer Gary Hahn is suspended indefinitely for saying ‘amongst all the ILLEGAL ALIENS in El Paso’ during Duke Mayo Bowl radio broadcast
Austin Nivison / NC State broadcaster suspended indefinitely after insensitive remark about ‘illegal aliens’
Patrick Hilsman / UPI: N.C. State radio broadcaster suspended for ‘illegal aliens’ remark
Denise Petski / Deadline: NC State Radio Broadcaster Suspended Indefinitely After “Illegal Aliens” Remark
Christopher Scarglato / New York Post: NC State announcer Gary Hahn suspended for ‘illegal aliens’ comment
Kipp Jones / Mediaite: College Football Announcer Suspended Indefinitely After Commenting on El Paso's ‘Illegal Aliens’ at Sun Bowl

US News & World Report plans to revamp some elements of its law school ranking, after deans at 12 of the top 14 schools publicly challenged the list's value — Publication to make changes in wake of public rebuke by top-ranked schools — U.S. News & World Report is revamping some elements …

Sources: BBC News plans to cut about 14 presenting roles, leaving just five dedicated positions, with all current presenters asked to undertake a “screen test” — EXCLUSIVEJoanna Gosling and Martine Croxall are among those who are expected to have to reapply as the corporation plans new-look …
Alexander Hay / Ah, being made to apply for your job again. This is why HR needs to be publicly flogged on a regular basis.

A look at Dear Media, a podcast network launched in 2018 for women listeners that helps female influencers build large brands, reaching 200M+ downloads in 2022 — The podcast network has become ubiquitous by targeting women listeners and treating podcasters like content creators

Chinese media reports the China Film Administration saying the country's box office dropped 36% YoY to ~$4.3B in 2022, of which 85% came from domestic movies — China's box office in 2022 dropped 36% versus 2021, reaching approximately RMB 30B ($4.35B). According to …

A profile of Channel 5 News frontman Andrew Callaghan, whose YouTube channel has become a reporting powerhouse with 2.2M subscribers and ~$100K/month on Patreon — They've gone from upstart YouTube channel to undeniably influential reporting powerhouse. And they're just getting started.
Discussion: His 1.5 hour movie on HBO “This Place Rules” covers a lot of ground just as it is. move over Frontline.

Hacked VGTRK emails show a July 2021 deal between Russia's and China's government ministries and outlets to cooperate on media narratives, including on Ukraine — Russian officials pushed the lies first. — Soon after Russia invaded Ukraine, a Russian defense ministry spokesperson …
Ahmad Noroozi / @anoroozee: Manufacturing “independent”& “alternative” media
Martin Varsavsky / @martinvars: Russia and China agreement on misinformation.
Peter Cronau / @petercronau: Here is how compliant media fabricate a narrative out of nothingburgerland—trying real hard to make Russia & China look scary and evil. “Hacked Russian files reveal propaganda agreement with China” by @MaraHvistendahl, @alexey__kovalev
Jojje Olsson / @jojjeols: Fascinating “propaganda agreement” between China and Russia, aiming to “further cooperate in the field of information exchange” on online and social media, leading to converging narratives from both countries after Putin's invasion of Ukraine.
General Spalding / @robert_spalding: This is the real war on the west
Donald Clarke / @donaldcclarke: Lying liars agree to lie cooperatively.
Mara Hvistendahl / @marahvistendahl: The document itself is here, in Russian and Chinese: ... Story includes insights from David Bandurski of @cnmediaproject, @MariaRepnikova of @GSUArtSci, and @KDrinhausen of @merics_eu
@pektobkk: @MaraHvistendahl ... Great to see huawei not involved in any state run propaganda efforts
Mara Hvistendahl / @marahvistendahl: This is my last story for @theintercept. I joined the staff at the start of the pandemic and could not have had a better group of colleagues. I am excited about what's next, but I will miss everyone greatly.
@smartnews: A bilateral agreement signed July 2021 makes clear that cooperating on news coverage and narratives is a big goal for both Russian and Chinese governments Via @theintercept @MaraHvistendahl @Alexey__Kovalev
Bart Groothuis / @bgroothuis: “Among those who signed was the Chinese telecommunications giant Huawei”
Bryan Dawson / @bryandawsonusa: RUSSIA HACKED! Remember those crazy QAnon conspiracies about bat coronaviruses and US bioweapons labs in Ukraine that Sean Hannity @seanhannity spread? Hacked Russian files revealed propaganda agreement with China.
Jon Ploug / @jonploug: And some lab leakers and journalists are spreading these lies about covid being an American bio-weapon for free! You could be paid by the Russian or Chinese government! Tools
Rebeccah Heinrichs / @rlheinrichs: Again, can we dispense w/ the notion that Russia wld be an ally of the U.S. if we had just not welcomed the Balts into NATO, or whatever
@additionaltext: wow, thank goodness here in the free world our governments never collaborate on propaganda!!!
Heather Adkins / @argvee: I sense there is a lot here that hasn't come out yet.
Dennis / @pourteaux: in case you want an example of actual government interference in media

Librarians are joining TikTok to connect with younger readers by donning costumes, dancing to viral songs, showing off new books, and bonding with co-workers — The pandemic hurt children's reading skills. Librarians are doing what it takes to connect them with books — including dance routines.

A profile of Lucy Kassa, a Magnitsky Award-winning journalist who covered the war in Ethiopia's Tigray but left after three armed men attacked her in her home — Lucy Kassa never expected to be a war correspondent. Working for a Norwegian magazine, the freelance journalist wrote …
@cfwij: Our director @kirannazish spoke to @VOANews's @Salem_Solomon about gendered threats & repression confronting #womenjournalists and #press in general amidst #Ethiopias ongoing crises. Read here; illuminating work of the brave @berhe_lucy demanding accountability for the war crimes
Martin Plaut / @martinplaut: Lucy said a lack of access to conflict areas was used as a way to try to discredit her work or to question the authenticity of the accounts that survivors and witnesses shared with her. But those interviews are etched in her memory

Disney, Netflix, and other media stocks suffered major losses in 2022 as streaming growth waned and ad sales slowed; some analysts expect more pain in H1 2023 — - Media stocks were hit with major losses in 2022 as streaming subscriber growth waned and the advertising market weakened.
@spotlightgrowth: Streaming market has gotten ridiculous. What was a good idea to “cut the cord” has turned into a nightmare of going between apps trying to find a movie or show you are looking for. Oversaturated, too much competition and limited profits. #StreamingNow
@solomonptners: As competition among streaming services hits an all-time high, Head of Media & Entertainment @MBoidman predicts bundled #streaming and #advertising streaming will become important in 2023. Read more in @Lilliannnn's @CNBC article. #media #entertainment
Sharon Waxman / The Wrap: As We Say Good Riddance to Hollywood's Annus Horribilis, Caution Is the Watchword for 2023
Andrew A. Rosen / @aagave: All this talk of bundling reflects just how little Wall Street understands DTC media. Consumers have less and less of a relationship to the content itself and more and more with the IP. The concept of what is part of a bundle solves for is evolving (eg NFLX = streaming + games)