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Blake Hounshell, who wrote The New York Times' On Politics newsletter, dies at 44; his family said he died “after a long and courageous battle with depression” — He was managing editor of Foreign Policy magazine and a top editor at Politico before overseeing The Times's popular political newsletter.
Politico, The Wrap, @liamstack, @sbg1, @digiphile, @sbg1, @shaneharris, @guyraz, @peterbakernyt, @reddy, @mikegrunwald, @michaelngraff, @joanwalsh, @aetiology, @cbudoffbrown, @richardgowan1, @amandionair, @jdawsey1, @samanthamaiden, @dvnjr, @vermontgmg, @johnfetterman, @ktullymcmanus, @anupkaphle, @timalberta, @timalberta, @timalberta, @timalberta, @timalberta, Fox News, @joenbc, @charles_gaba, @danielstrauss4, @ggreeneva, @missbeae, @heatherscope, @kazweida, @gregorydjohnsen, @liamstack, The Daily Beast, @alyssafarah, @statedeptspox, @mikedelmoro, @mirandayaver, @karoun, @brianfishman, @ahmed, @davidklion, @jordanchariton, @bungdan, @pamela_vogel, @motokorich, @alexbward, @borzou, @kampeas, @jsrailton, @joshrogin, The Scroll, @ddayen, @billscher, @ryangirdusky, @natashabertrand, @dylanbyers, @hctrudo, @viacristiano, @ryanlizza, @heidireports, @eugenedaniels2, @ryanlizza, @mollyesque, @sherylnyt,, @jjabbott, @penguinsix, @repdonbeyer, @millermena, @morganortagus, @ryanlizza, @kazweida, @samstein, @seantrende, @carlosnyt, @libyaliberty, @genepark,, @harrispolitico, @aymanm, @abuaardvark, @normative, @rachaelmbade, @asmamk, @prchovanec, @_waleedshahid, @nancyvu99,, New York Post, @apalmerdc, @dafnalinzer, @mpdillon, @atrupar, @markmackinnon, @tomwatson, @nprkelly, @arifcrafiq, @hailey_fuchs, @eschor, @megkinnardap and @jakesherman
Garrett M. Graff / Politico: In Remembrance of a Beloved and Very Online Journalist
Ross A. Lincoln / The Wrap: Blake Hounshell, Editor of NY Times' ‘On Politics’ Newsletter, Dies at 44
Liam Stack / @liamstack: Memo: New York Times journalist Blake Hounshell dies; his family said he died suddenly in the morning “after a long and courageous battle with depression”
Susan Glasser / @sbg1: Blake Hounshell was my friend, partner, and journalistic inspiration for many years through our time together at Foreign Policy and Politico. I will have more to say but for now I just want to say how much I will miss him. RIP, dear friend.
Alex Howard / @digiphile: RIP, @BlakeHounshell. He edited me in 2013, & I found him as smart, kind, & incisive as those who knew him far better have borne testament to him today. @vermontgmg captured a man who left us far too soon in this encomium: We will hold him in the light.
Susan Glasser / @sbg1: Thank you, @vermontgmg for this great obit of our friend.
Shane Harris / @shaneharris: This is a thorough and best of all loving remembrance. If you want to understand what made Blake so very good, and why he is so deeply missed, read this.
Guy Raz / @guyraz: Please read this beautiful tribute to a wonderful person and an important journalist, my friend Blake Hounshell, whose death has shocked everyone who knew him. This is how he should be an incredibly generous friend and colleague:
Peter Baker / @peterbakernyt: “Blake Hounshell loved great scoops, pithy framing and a sharp tweet. In fact, he would have made this headline much better.” An eloquent tribute by @vermontgmg
Sudeep Reddy / @reddy: Blake somehow managed to be sharper, faster and more creative than everyone else. Sitting next to him for years, I'd halt whatever I was doing to soak up any stray thought floating off his head. And it was always worth it. RIP to a great mind & kind soul
Michael Grunwald / @mikegrunwald: Please read the @vermontgmg obit of @blakehounshell. What a sad day. In Remembrance of a Beloved and Very Online Journalist - POLITICO
Michael Graff / @michaelngraff: Read what my friend @vermontgmg wrote about @blakehounshell.
Joan Walsh / @joanwalsh: This is beautiful. I didn't know Blake but wish I did. Feeling so much for his family and friends.
Dr. Tara C. Smith / @aetiology: Just saw this. I worked with Blake on a story for Politico on Ebola a million years ago. He was a great editor and we realized we'd also overlapped during our time at Yale. So sorry for his family and other loved ones.
Carrie Budoff Brown / @cbudoffbrown: Like so many, I'm grieving over the loss of @blakehounshell. He was my partner and confidant for the entirety of my @politico editorship, critical to everything we accomplished as a leadership team and as a newsroom, and we loved him so very much.
Richard Gowan / @richardgowan1: This is heartbreaking. I owe Blake a huge amount for helping me to write about the UN for a wider audience (probably against everyone's better judgment). What a massive loss. Thinking of his family now.
Fernand R. Amandi / @amandionair: Stunned and saddened at the news of Blake Hounshell's sudden passing. A helluva good political reporter and a must read byline in the @nytimes. Was always a pleasure to speak with him. Blake was thoughtful, smart and always asking the right questions.😞
Josh Dawsey / @jdawsey1: Beautiful tweet. Remember how much you love others, and try to remember how much others love you.
Samantha Maiden / @samanthamaiden: I enjoyed reading Blake Hounshell's work. What's striking about the outpouring of grief over his sudden death is his kindness but also what makes a good reporter thread in next tweet.
Don Van Natta Jr / @dvnjr: Heartbreaking loss. Blake was a supremely talented, remarkably versatile truth-telling journalist. RIP
Garrett M. Graff / @vermontgmg: The worst piece I've ever had to write, an unexpected and much-too-soon obituary for my friend and colleague @blakehounshell:
John Fetterman / @johnfetterman: Blake Hounshell was a fellow stroke survivor, and one of the first interviews I did when I returned to the campaign trail and struggled to find my words. He showed compassion and humanity in a way few others had. This is heartbreaking.
K Tully-McManus / @ktullymcmanus: Blake brought me to Politico. I'm grateful for that on its own. But he also sent dozens of quick, kind emails in my first months on the job. Whether giving praise or criticism, every message felt like he was rooting for me.
Tim Alberta / @timalberta: “Want to compare notes?” he asked me. So we did. My new boss, a dude I barely knew, became my mental-health confidante. We'd start every work-related conversation by trading stories about our respective struggles. I started to improve. And my new boss was a big reason why. 3/
Tim Alberta / @timalberta: Six years ago, I had to tell my new boss something. I was dealing with sudden onset of panic disorder—ferocious, debilitating anxiety. Couldn't leave home. Couldn't make eye contact. Wasn't sure I could practice journalism at all. His response was something I'll never forget. 2/
Tim Alberta / @timalberta: That was Blake. That's why I'm numb. Not because we've lost a great journalist, but because we've lost a great person. He was an original, a man for all seasons, fluent in everything yet conformant to nothing. A dull conversation with Bernard Hounshell was not possible. 5/
Tim Alberta / @timalberta: Well, wouldn't you know, we started churning out hits together at Politico Mag—some of the best work of my career. He never took any credit, but he deserved all of it. Because without him, without his patience and humanity and empathetic ear, I might have never reported again. 4/
Tim Alberta / @timalberta: Numb. It's no exaggeration to call Blake a once-in-a-generation talent. The guy could do it all—write short and long, edit newsletters and mag cover stories, conceptualize features in the midst of a tweetstorm—and do it with excellence. But that's not what made him special. 1/
Joe Scarborough / @joenbc: What a gifted journalist and such a heartbreaking loss. Our family will be keeping Blake's wife, Sandy, and their children in our prayers, as well as colleagues fortunate enough to work with him at Foreign Policy, Politico, and the Times.
Charles Gaba / @charles_gaba: My sympathies to his family, friends & colleagues on their loss. May his memory be a blessing.
Daniel Strauss / @danielstrauss4: Blake was my first editor at Politico and he became a close friend. He was at my wedding. We used to get beers together and walk our dogs and just shoot the shit.
Greg Greene / @ggreeneva: Godd-mn. I knew that Blake Hounshell had struggled with depression even in his Yale Daily News days, which I think he was still in when I first came across his writing — but I thought he was safe from things ever coming to this. Peace to his family and friends.
Beatrice-Elizabeth Peterson / @missbeae: I had the honor of calling Blake a colleague for over four years at POLITICO. Although we lost touch, I would think about him especially when I had writers block while writing headlines. Blake's signature style defined so many headlines over the years.
Heather Caygle / @heatherscope: Blake was a loving and caring mentor to all reporters under his wing, especially guiding Elana, me and @burgessev as we stepped into some very big roles together at the beginning of 2021. I'm so thankful for the time we shared with him and everything he taught us.
Kaz Weida / @kazweida: Source:
@gregorydjohnsen: Oh my goodness, Blake. I'm shocked. Blake was such a kind and gracious editor when I was starting out and writing for him at Foreign Policy. May he Rest In Peace.
Liam Stack / @liamstack: @NYTBlake @blakehounshell Blake wworked at the Ibn Khaldun Center then with Saad Eddin Ibrahim, an academic and pro-democracy campaigner jailed under the Mubarak regime. There was a whole community of idealistic people there at the time, years before the revolution. That's how I always thought of him.
Corbin Bolies / The Daily Beast: NY Times Star Reporter Blake Hounshell Suddenly Dies
Alyssa Farah Griffin / @alyssafarah: So very sad to hear this news. People have no idea how they impact the lives of those around them. I never got to meet @blakehounshell but for the last decade I've relied on him for trustworthy, solid reporting. I will miss reading his byline. My prayers are with his family.
Ned Price / @statedeptspox: So many of us worked over the years with Blake, whose immense talent helped shape both ideas and drafts. Our hearts break with his loss, and our thoughts are with his wife, children, and the many others who cherished him.
Michael Del Moro / @mikedelmoro: Just awful to see this. Thinking of Blake's family and the many people who knew him.
Miranda Yaver, PhD / @mirandayaver: It's hard to describe how excruciating depression is, even for those who appear outwardly to be highly functioning. Worse than any physical pain I've had. If you're a fellow traveler: I never believed “it gets better” promises either, but w/ a lot of work & support, it truly can.
Karoun Demirjian / @karoun: Just awful. And a reminder to check in on everyone, even the people who seem like they're doing okay.
Brian Fishman / @brianfishman: This is terrible news. I met @blakehounshell way back when I worked at New America and @ForeignPolicy was based upstairs. Always struck me as someone that was in DC for the right reasons—fascinated by issues, thought illuminating them would improve things. A good human gone.
Ahmed Al Omran / @ahmed: Really sad news. I started following Blake at the outset of the Arab Spring. We met a few times in DC when I lived there after grad school and kept in touch over the years. He was a kind and generous soul. RIP.
David Klion / @davidklion: Feel so horrible for his family. Depression regularly takes the lives of widely admired people who seem to all outward appearances to be thriving. Those of us able to live and function with this disease need to talk about it openly and advocate for each other.
@jordanchariton: Depression is one hell of a battle that so many people deal with—myself included. Remember to be kind to each other.
Dan Murphy / @bungdan: Ugh. Lost contact with Blake but back about 15 years ago were in touch a lot. I think I got to know him through the great Josh Stacher (they went to high school together or something like that.) RIP.
Pam Vogel / @pamela_vogel: depression makes you feel totally alone but you are not. the news asks you to witness constant darkness, but there is so much light too. the world makes you feel like you're never doing enough, fast enough, but you are. love to all my media friends who know this all too well.❤️
Motoko Rich / @motokorich: RIP Blake Hounshell, talented colleague: ‘On Politics’ Editor. And deepest condolences to his family. My heart goes out to them.
Alex Ward / @alexbward: #NatSecDaily remembers @blakehounshell, one of the main reasons we're here in the first place
Borzou Daragahi / @borzou: Absolutely devastating. Leaves behind two kids...
Ron Kampeas / @kampeas: Blake was of the smartest and kindest editors I've ever worked with. And he upheld coverage of foreign policy as a value which made him a rare bird. May his memory be for a blessing.
John Scott-Railton / @jsrailton: RIP to an excellent reporter.
Josh Rogin / @joshrogin: Blake Hounshell was a great journalist, a great human being, and a great friend. If this business and this world had more people like him in it, we would all be better off. He will be missed.
Sean P. Cooper / The Scroll: What Happened Today: January 10, 2023
David Dayen / @ddayen: It was years ago, but I worked with Blake on a couple stories for Politico Magazine. This is terrible news, so sad. RIP.
Bill Scher / @billscher: I'm not sure I would still be writing about politics if not for Blake. My first submission to Politico was unsolicited, and it ended up in Blake's inbox, who not only took it but then asked me to keep contributing. Such a tragic loss. My heart goes out to his family.
Ryan James Girdusky / @ryangirdusky: This hurts my heart. What a great guy.
Natasha Bertrand / @natashabertrand: I don't know what to say. This is so devastating.
Dylan Byers / @dylanbyers: Tragic news: Blake Hounshell, a New York Times journalists and veteran of Politico and Foreign Policy, has passed away. Memo below from Times executive editor Joe Kahn —>>
Hanna Trudo / @hctrudo: This is absolutely devastating news. Blake launched my career in journalism, first at Foreign Policy and then Politico. He was brilliant, talented and uniquely himself in an industry where it's easy to blend in. May God bless his family and loved ones during this tragic time.
Cristiano Lima / @viacristiano: This is so sad and a terrible loss. I owe a lot of my career to Blake, who first hired me @politico & gave me room to grow. His news radar was truly unmatched. Thinking of his family and friends today. RIP.
Ryan Lizza / @ryanlizza: Whether you are a reader who loved Blake's work, a reporter who he mentored, a magazine writer whose prose he improved, a source who he trusted, or anyone else who was lucky enough to learn from Blake or be inspired by Blake, we would like to hear your story.
Heidi Przybyla / @heidireports: Pause for a moment to remember that you *never* know what someone else is going through, especially in this town. Deepest condolences to his family and friends. 👇👇
Eugene Daniels / @eugenedaniels2: Just awful awful news. Blake was one of a kind: genuine, brilliant, dedicated and supportive. He was one of the first folks at Politico who believed a video reporter could co-author Playbook. I owe so much to him. Pray for his wife and kids.
Ryan Lizza / @ryanlizza: If you have a remembrance of @blakehounshell that you would like to share, please reach out to me at
Molly Ball / @mollyesque: Blake and I met in college when we both volunteered to create a website for the literary magazine. He was my first real love—a beautiful, brilliant boy who introduced me to Elvis Costello and wrote me songs on the guitar. My heart breaks for his family.
Sheryl Gay Stolberg / @sherylnyt: Our @nytimes colleague Blake Hounshell died today “after a long and courageous battle with depression.” It bears repeating: If you struggle with anxiety, depression or any mental illness, don't suffer in silence. Seek help. The National Suicide Prevention hotline # is 988.
Nick Martin / For journalists in the US, this link has additional resources available to help you connect with therapists and get some financial help to pay for that. — (6/8)
J.J. Abbott / @jjabbott: Blake was a great journalist. Consistently reached out to me and other folks on the ground in PA to get the best perspective. Thoughts with his family and colleagues. May his memory be a blessing.
Andrew Leyden / @penguinsix: The NYTimes, quoting DC police, confirms this was Blake Hounshell, an NYTimes editor and former Politico writer, who died today under the Taft Bridge today.
Rep. Don Beyer / @repdonbeyer: Awful, awful news. This is so sad, my heart goes out to Blake Hounshell's loved ones today. A terrible reminder that so often we have no idea what others around us are going through.
James Miller / @millermena: @NYTBlake @blakehounshell Hats off to Sam Roberts for getting out an obituary so quickly for the amazing @blakehounshell @NYTBlake. Blake was a fantastic journalist who was relentless in his belief that information could change hearts and minds and thus the world. Rest in peace
Morgan Ortagus / @morganortagus: Incredibly sad for his family, friends, and colleagues. Blake was a talented and professional reporter to work with. A huge loss.
Ryan Lizza / @ryanlizza: We will be covering Blake's extraordinary legacy in Washington journalism in Playbook tomorrow.
Kaz Weida / @kazweida: After several suicides, there had been a push to erect barriers on the Taft Memorial bridge to prevent exactly this sort of thing.
Sam Stein / @samstein: Heartbroken, truly over the news about Blake Hounshell. He was a mentor and friend, a newsroom leader and, above all, a mensch. I feel so much sadness that he's gone.
@seantrende: How awful. Blake has always been so kind during my interactions with him. RIP.
Carlos Lozada / @carlosnyt: David Halbfinger, The Times's politics editor, said on Tuesday that Mr. Hounshell was endowed with “the kind of wide-ranging intellect that made it possible for him to explain anything to anyone.”
Hend Amry / @libyaliberty: Oh no. This is a gut punch. Blake Hounshell was one of the most dedicated journalists covering the Arab Spring. It's how we met (virtually) & worked together on a few projects. But we never got the chance to meet in person. And now never will. My heart breaks for his family.
Gene Park / @genepark: Heartbroken to hear about Blake. My thoughts to his family friends and colleagues. Depression is a monster.
Nick Martin / I'm very sad to learn about the death of NYT journalist Blake Hounshell. He first reached out to me when he was at Politico and made a couple of attempts to bring me on board there as an editor. …
John F. Harris / @harrispolitico: We join our friends @nytimes @ForeignPolicy and many other places in grieving Blake and ensuring that people will remember the qualities that made him special, and how deeply and he was admired.
Ayman / @aymanm: This is heartbreaking. An incredible journalist and event better person. 💔
Marc Lynch / @abuaardvark: Devastated by this. Blake was a friend and a partner during so many intense times. Heartbroken for his family.
@normative: Awful, awful news. Didn't know Blake well but worked with him on a few pieces back in his days at Politico and always held him in high regard as a journalist.
Rachael Bade / @rachaelmbade: Ditto with the current Playbook team. @NYTBlake was instrumental in bringing @EugeneDaniels2 @RyanLizza and myself into a team that worked and thrived. He was a great editor and a great friend. I'm so sad about this news.
Asma Khalid / @asmamk: So awful. There are few journalists who've covered Arab politics and US politics with such depth. I was always a fan and a reader, Blake. May you Rest In Peace.
Patrick Chovanec / @prchovanec: I was trying to recall when I first met Blake. He was my editor when I submitted several pieces to Foreign Policy magazine a few years ago. Such a tragic loss.
Waleed Shahid / @_waleedshahid: I got to know Blake a bit over the past few years and he was always curious, kind, respectful, and asked great, substantive questions to get at the core of things in a way that helped me articulate myself better. I'm sad to hear the news of his passing. Blake will be missed.
Nancy Vu / @nancyvu99: Still in shock ... @blakehounshell is the reason I got my first reporter job covering Congress, straight out of college. He was one of the first ones to believe I'd be a good reporter. Holding our convos near and dear to my heart today, Blake.
Mathew Ingram / I met Blake several times over the years and he seemed like such a great person — open, funny, talented. Such a tragedy. My heart goes out to his family
Alexandra Steigrad / New York Post: New York Times columnist Blake Hounshell dead at 44 after ‘battle with depression’
Anna Palmer / @apalmerdc: Blake was a friend and colleague who Jake and I worked closely with during our time at Playbook. He was as sharp of an editor as I have ever worked with. He was generous, extremely funny & loyal. I'm so sorry to hear of his passing. My thoughts and prayers are with his family.
Dafna Linzer / @dafnalinzer: Blake was so kind and generous to me when I was thinking of joining @politico and once I became executive editor, sharing advice and ideas for a newsroom he loved and that loved him back. May his memory be a blessing.
Patrick Dillon / @mpdillon: We on here get way too worked up about a whole lot of real stupid shit around this site. None of it, NONE OF IT, means a goddamn thing against the real and terrifying battles people are fighting in their lives. Praying for all the peace and every comfort to his family
Aaron Rupar / @atrupar: awful news. Blake was active on Twitter just this morning.
Mark MacKinnon / @markmackinnon: Shocking news. I never met Blake, but we often messaged about the international issues we were both interested in. A great journalist and a kind person.
Tom Watson / @tomwatson: So sad. I enjoyed his work and the occasional jousting on here. Feel so badly for his family and friends.
Mary Louise Kelly / @nprkelly: Struck by the outpouring of praise & grief tonight for @blakehounshell. Wish we could have told him all this last week, wish he could have heard it. So many among us are fighting mighty battles, and people walk right by. Not unkindly, just unaware.
Arif Rafiq / @arifcrafiq: So sorry to hear this. Worked with Blake on many pieces for @ForeignPolicy beginning in 2009. He had a gift for fine-tuning global stories that would resonate with a broader US audience. A departure from the typical stodginess that characterized the form. May he rest in peace.
Hailey Fuchs / @hailey_fuchs: Blake Hounshell is the reason I'm at Politico. The fact that he believed in me meant so much. His passing is devastating. I'm heartbroken for all his friends and family.
Elana Schor / @eschor: Without Blake, the Politico Congress team in its current form wouldn't exist. He cared deeply for the people here and we're all grateful to have known him; we extend the deepest condolences to his family and all of those close to him.
Meg Kinnard / @megkinnardap: The last time I talked to Blake was in 2021. He reached out in an attempt to recruit me over to Politico. I was flattered, but I love AP and I was in the middle of the fight of my life. Undeterred, his last words to me were “Go kick cancer's ass, and then let's talk.”

WWE co-CEO Stephanie McMahon resigns, less than a week after her father, Vince, fired three board members, replacing them with himself and two former executives — Her father, Vince McMahon, appointed himself to the company's board last week.
@stephmcmahon,, @smuehlhausenjr, @mattbelloni, Variety, CNBC, CNET, Wall Street Journal, The Wrap, Deadspin, @chriswelch, @chriswelch, @chriswelch, Bloomberg, @seanrosssapp, @seanrosssapp, The Comeback, @sportsrapport, @chriswelch, @chriswelch, @titusoneilwwe, Sportico, IGN, @sarthakgh, New York Daily News, @jessithebuckeye, @wweladyrefjess, Next TV, New York Post,, TVLine, @osheajacksonjr, @shak_fu, @ourand_sbj, Bleacher Report, @mattbelloni, Deadline and Wrestling INC
Steven Muehlhausen / @smuehlhausenjr: Sources: #WWE has been sold to Saudi Arabia's Public Investment Fund. The company will go back to being private. Unknown if Vince McMahon will return to head of creative but it is expected by some people.
Matthew Belloni / @mattbelloni: BIG WWE NEWS. Stephanie McMahon is OUT. Gave her resignation today, days after dad Vince returned.
Joe Otterson / Variety: Stephanie McMahon Resigns as Co-CEO of WWE
Alex Sherman / CNBC: Stephanie McMahon steps down as WWE co-CEO as her dad, Vince, returns as executive chairman
Daniel Van Boom / CNET: Stephanie McMahon Resigns From WWE After Vince McMahon's Return
Chris Welch / @chriswelch: If true, the deal could have major implications for WWE's standing with NBCUniversal (Peacock streams WWE's biggest events) and Fox. Obviously many people on the talent roster might also not be in favor of this outcome.
Chris Welch / @chriswelch: In December, McMahon wrote to the WWE board saying he wanted to come back and guide a potential sale of WWE. As the company's controlling shareholder, McMahon said he would not approve any sale of WWE (or media rights deals) unless he was involved from the start.
Chris Welch / @chriswelch: The board pushed back, unanimously agreeing that McMahon's return would not serve the interest of shareholders. This didn't stop him. Vince made changes to the board (some members resigned) and returned earlier this week. Today he was elected executive chairman.
Christopher Palmeri / Bloomberg: WWE Co-CEO Stephanie McMahon Resigns After Father's Return
@seanrosssapp: Hey guys, one of hot rumors is that Saudi buyers are interested in WWE. I've gained no actual information thus far to indicate this is actually happening, outside of a few vague hinting messages from people outside WWE WWE contacts claimed to not know what the hints were about.
@seanrosssapp: More on the HOT SAUDI RUMOR: that the WWE sale is done they'll go private. I haven't confirmed any of this. At all. But hey, you guys wanna know what all of the dark twitter tweets are about.
Chris Novak / The Comeback: Shocking WWE sale report revealed
Ryan Glasspiegel / @sportsrapport: WWE could not be reached for comment by @nypostsports in an inquiry as to whether the rumors that they have sold to the Saudi investment fund are true.
Chris Welch / @chriswelch: The rumors come days after Vince McMahon essentially forced his way back onto WWE's board of directors to pursue a sale. The board had earlier unanimously voted that his return to the company would not be in the best interest of shareholders.
Chris Welch / @chriswelch: Hours after Stephanie McMahon resigned as WWE co-CEO, Twitter is buzzing with rumors that the company — one of the biggest success stories in US entertainment history — has been sold to the Saudi Arabia Public Investment Fund and will be taken private.
Titus O'Neil / @titusoneilwwe: THANK YOU AND LOVE YOU!!❤️
Sar Haribhakti / @sarthakgh: Succession spin off script just dropped
Joseph Wilkinson / New York Daily News: Vince McMahon's daughter Stephanie resigns from WWE days after his return
@jessithebuckeye: Thank you, Stephanie. You truly made some unfathomable sacrifices and did what you had to do to keep the dream alive for so many. Thank you. Now, girl. Do what you gotta do! 🙌🏻🙌🏻🙌🏻 Love you and support you!
Jessika Carr / @wweladyrefjess: There aren't many people who I admire or want to model myself after more. Thank you Stephanie.
Jon Lafayette / Next TV: Vince McMahon's Board Elects Him Executive Chairman of WWE
Ryan Glasspiegel / New York Post: Stephanie McMahon resigns as WWE co-CEO as Vince McMahon retakes power
Kimberly Roots / TVLine: Vince McMahon Un-Retires From WWE
Stone Cold Shea Jackson / @osheajacksonjr: Damn. Not gonna lie this hit me in the heart. I've been a major fan of Stephanie and how she excelled in taking her family's name to new heights. Not only with her character work but the whole W-Division. Its what I aspire to do with my own. Congratulations on your new chapter.
@shak_fu: I am beyond disappointed. Stephanie McMahon and Triple H stepped up big after Vince McMahon was forced out of the company due to allegations against him and improved the product. And this is the reward?
John Ourand / @ourand_sbj: * WWE's board unanimously elects Vince McMahon as Executive Chairman * Stephanie McMahon resigns as Chairwoman/Co-CEO. * Nick Khan will be WWE CEO.
Doric Sam / Bleacher Report: WWE Co-CEO Stephanie McMahon Resigns After Vince McMahon's Return as Executive Chair
Matthew Belloni / @mattbelloni: WWE makes it official. Nick Khan now sole CEO. Release here:

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Variety, Variety, Variety, Bloomberg, @variety, Forbes, The Wrap, Reuters, @natsakdatorn, @albinokid, @amarbutala, @tiffanycli, @variety, @thewrap, @loudmouthjulia, ScreenRant, NPR, Observer, The Hollywood Reporter, E! Online, New York Daily News, Vanity Fair, The Daily Beast, GoldDerby, The Week, New York Post, Los Angeles Times, The Streamable, The A.V. Club, Deadline, NBC 6 South Florida and
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Marisa Dellatto / Forbes: Golden Globes 2023: ‘Abbott Elementary,’ ‘The Banshees Of Inisherin’ Win Big
Lisa Richwine / Reuters: Tarnished Golden Globes aim to regain role as Hollywood's ‘party of the year’
Nat Sakdatorn / @natsakdatorn: “For so many years, I was afraid I had nothing more to offer.” I think many of us have questioned ourselves or may even be stuck in a similar loop of self-doubt right now. Thanks Ke Huy Quan for this heartfelt speech as a reminder to not give up and keep doing our best. #EEAAO
@albinokid: I'm so thrilled for the amazing, incandescent, beautiful ray of light that is #MichelleYeoh. She deserves every shred of praise and all the awards for her brilliant work in @EEAAOA24.
Amar Butala / @amarbutala: We always talked about when it will happen, and here it is.... A golden globe for a true INDIAN film!!! THIS IS HISTORICAL! #rrr #GoldenGlobes #naatunaatu
Tiffany C. Li / @tiffanycli: 40 years. It took 40 years to get the recognition and the roles she deserves. She is brilliant in this movie, but she has been brilliant, talented, and hardworking for so long with no reward. Until now. 🏆 🏆 🏆
@variety: Quinta Brunson likes that #AbbottElementary is a broadcast TV show that multiple generations can enjoy. “I just found out recently that some children, like six-year-olds have favorite kids on the show. They're fans of the character Courtney.”
@thewrap: From Jennifer Coolidge making Mike White cry to Michelle Yeoh refusing to be played off, these #GoldenGlobes moments were Good, Actually.
Julia Alexander / @loudmouthjulia: Between BANSHEES, The Bear, Abbott Elementary, The Dropout and BLACK PANTHER, not a bad night for Dana Walden, John Landgraf, and Bob Iger neé Chapek. Strong showing from Warner Bros. Discovery (HBO...and Abbott Elementary) and Universal too, but solid night for Disney.
Brennan Klein / ScreenRant: 2023 Golden Globe Award Winners
Mandalit Del Barco / NPR: Tarnished Golden Globes attempt a comeback, after years of controversy
Morgan Halberg / Observer: The Best Dressed Celebrities on the 2023 Golden Globes Red Carpet
Rick Porter / The Hollywood Reporter: Zendaya Wins, But Isn't There to Accept, Golden Globe for ‘Euphoria’
Angie Orellana Hernandez / E! Online: Liza Koshy Shows Off Lacy Thong in Risky Fashion Look at 2023 Golden Globes
Peter Sblendorio / New York Daily News: Golden Globes host Jerrod Carmichael jokes about HFPA's diversity scandal in opening monologue
Katey Rich / Vanity Fair: Golden Globes 2023 Winners: See the Full List
Fletcher Peters / The Daily Beast: Golden Globes 2023 Winners: Who Won and Who Should Have?
Christopher Rosen / GoldDerby: How to watch the 2023 Golden Globes online and without cable
Brendan Morrow / The Week: Golden Globes live blog: Who are the night's big winners?
Samantha Ibrahim / New York Post: Golden Globes 2023: What to know and how to watch the show
Nardine Saad / Los Angeles Times: The Golden Globes are back on TV after a hiatus. Here's what to know about the awards
Patrick Hipes / Deadline: How To Watch The Golden Globes On TV & Streaming
Ariana Tourangeau / How to watch the 80th Golden Globe Awards on NBC for free

US Representative Matt Gaetz introduces an amendment to allow C-SPAN cameras on the House floor during normal proceedings, replacing the “antiquated” pool view — Gaetz says pool view of Congress is 'antiquated, ‘boomer-fied’ — The House is in a stronger position after these concessions: Rep. Matt Gaetz
@cspan, @repmattgaetz, Insider, The Wrap, @chriscillizza, Mediaite, @vermontgmg, @repmattgaetz, @kairyssdal and The Hill
@cspan: C-SPAN does not control cameras in the House. READ: C-SPAN letter to Speaker McCarthy requesting our cameras be allowed into the House Chamber. ... MORE Letters Requesting Greater Transparency
Rep. Matt Gaetz / @repmattgaetz: Last week, America watched in real time how our government is functioning. I'm introducing an amendment to allow @CSPAN cameras on the House floor at all times. Broader transparency in Congress is a net positive, and we need more of it.
Oma Seddiq / Insider: Matt Gaetz says he wants C-SPAN cameras back on the House floor days after they showed GOP chaos during speaker vote
Loree Seitz / The Wrap: C-SPAN Calls on Kevin McCarthy for ‘Transparency’ and Greater Access to Cover House Floor Proceedings
Chris Cillizza / @chriscillizza: I stand with Matt Gaetz on this
Zachary Leeman / Mediaite: Gaetz Attacks ‘Boomer-fied’ Video Coverage of House, Calls For Cameras On Floor ‘At All Times’ Capturing More McCarthy-Like Drama
Garrett M. Graff / @vermontgmg: In which I, surprisingly, agree with Matt Gaetz:
Rep. Matt Gaetz / @repmattgaetz: Americans deserve to know when we are frustrated, kind, present, or absent. The current pool view of the Congress is antiquated. My amendment will allow @CSPAN cameras on the House floor — bringing greater transparency and humanizing the entire process.
Dominick Mastrangelo / The Hill: House Democrat planning legislation to allow C-SPAN cameras free range in chamber

C-SPAN resumes using government-operated video feeds, after capturing candid US House Speaker election drama last week using its own cameras in the chamber
@cspan, CNN, Insider, Roll Call, @mollybeck, @ericmgarcia, @jrovner, @larrysabato, @jbkjbk1234, @brettpransky, @emmangoldstein, @froomkin, @davidhogg111, @digiphile, @73snangel, @thehill, @is_rufus, @freedomofpress, @joshtpm, @kaitlancollins, @suzypugs, @repswalwell, @psakibomb and HuffPost
@cspan: NOTE: C-SPAN cameras are no longer in the House chamber. We have resumed using the feed from House/government-operated cameras.
Oliver Darcy / CNN: C-SPAN is calling on McCarthy to allow its cameras in the House after its unprecedented coverage of the leadership fight
Nicole Gaudiano / Insider: C-SPAN calls on House Speaker Kevin McCarthy to give their cameras greater access to the House floor
Justin Papp / Roll Call: House lawmakers call for a freer C-SPAN. But is that what they actually want?
Molly Beck / @mollybeck: We'll miss you.
Eric Michael Garcia / @ericmgarcia: Absolute bullshit. The people should see what their legislators do in real time.
Julie Rovner / @jrovner: bummer...I thought this House was promising transparency. This would be a good place to start.
Larry Sabato / @larrysabato: So much for the transparency promise from the new Speaker.
@jbkjbk1234: In fairness, Americans are going to want to avert their eyes away from most of what's going to occur in the House over the next two years.
Brett Pransky / @brettpransky: Well, if I was a @HouseGOP member, I wouldn't want anyone watching this shitshow either.
Emmanuel Goldstein / @emmangoldstein: We need to create an Emmy category just for last week's cameras.
David Hogg / @davidhogg111: #BringTheCamerasBack
Alex Howard / @digiphile: Dear @SpeakerMcCarthy @RepJeffries Americans are united in wanting independent cameras in the People's House. Please work together to bring sunlight into Congress. (@SenSchumer @LeaderMcConnell, you could leapfrog the House on transparency, if you choose.)
@thehill: If you enjoyed getting a front-row seat via C-SPAN to the drama surrounding the Speaker election, the channel won't look the same for the remainder of the 118th Congress.
@freedomofpress: On Friday @SpeakerMcCarthy proclaimed that “this chamber is now fully open for all Americans.” Apparently not.
Josh Marshall / @joshtpm: There it is. Humiliated after 15 votes and fisticuffs between feral Republicans Speaker McCarthy has banned a span cameras from the House floor. Ow only govt feed. So lots of the stuff we saw last week is gone now.
Kaitlan Collins / @kaitlancollins: Bring them back!
T'ien-Shan Pugs / @suzypugs: Unleash the C-SPAN cameras!
Rep. Eric Swalwell / @repswalwell: Free the House! RT if @SpeakerMcCarthy should allow C-SPAN cameras back on the floor. What is he hiding?

A Reuters survey of 303 news leaders in 53 countries: 44% are confident about their company's 2023 business prospects, 72% worry about news avoidance, and more — Reuters Institute's latest survey of newsroom leaders shows the industry is less optimistic about 2023.
Angela Fu / Poynter: Amid soaring inflation and mass layoffs, news leaders head into 2023 with diminished confidence
Faisal Kalim / What's New in Publishing: Brace for “an explosion of automated or semi-automated media”: Publisher insights from Reuters Institute
@risj_oxford: 🚨 What trends will be shaping #journalism in 2023? This is the question at the heart of our annual ‘Trends and predictions’ report, authored by @nicnewman and based on a survey of 303 executives from 53 countries 📱 Read here .uk/ ... 🧶 9 findings in thread
@prsarahevans: Essential read for anyone in #PR, @risj_oxford's “Journ, media, & tech trends & predictions 2023” .uk/ ... If you don't have the ~43 min to read the entire report, I broke down the top 10 takeaways [thread]
Simone Ros / @rossimo90: “The next few years will not be defined by how fast we adopt digital, but by how we transform our digital content to meet rapidly changing audience expectations” Journalism, media, and technology trends and predictions 2023 (via @risj_oxford) .uk/ ...
Sophia Smith Galer / @sophiasgaler: but when you pitch stories to these news leaders that are big amongst news avoiders but are often ignored by media outlets/people on Twitter you get told they aren't newsworthy so ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
@froomkin: Survey of 303 news leaders in 53 countries finds they're finally taking climate change more seriously: .uk/ ...
Dr. Marie Haynes / @marie_haynes: A fascinating read about how top media publishers predict things will change in 2023. “Over half of industry respondents say online traffic has been flat or declining.” Very good thoughts on how AI is changing things at the end of the article as well. .uk/ ... Reuters Institute trends and predictions 2023: revenue, news avoidance and tech turbulence
Matt Navarra / @mattnavarra: News publishers plan to create more podcasts + newsletters in 2023 🗣️📰 - Most publishers said that podcasts and digital audio (72%) and newsletters (69%) would be key investment areas. - Both channels have been shown to drive audience loyalty.
Reuters Institute: DIGITAL NEWS PROJECT JANUARY 2023: Journalism, Media, and Technology Trends and Predictions 2023
@soktaykilic: My only takeaway from this year's report: “Collectives and micro-companies could be a new trend for 2023.” @faynstudio gibi mi mesela 😇
Mitali Mukherjee / @mitalilive: Great thread on our ‘Trends and Predictions’ report by @nicnewman. News avoidance remains a key challenge but very happy to see more and more newsrooms embrace climate reportage as a key goal. Read more here 🔽#journalism #climate @risj_oxford @risj_espanol

Police procedurals are thriving: Nielsen says the back libraries of Criminal Minds, NCIS, The Blacklist, and Bones are among the most streamed shows since 2020 — Prestige shows like “The White Lotus” grab a lot of the headlines and rave reviews. But viewers still like to settle in with the familiar.
@tvgrimreaper: Procedural dramas are among the most streamed shows, but The NY Times fails to note (and understand?) that their streaming numbers are still small. The 339 #NCIS episodes total of 885 million minutes is only about 1.5x what one broadcast episode of #NCIS will do in a week.

An interview with Sling TV EVP and President Gary Schanman about rolling out new features like user profiles, offering free content, pricing tiers, and more — Dish-owned live TV streaming service Sling TV is looking to catch up with competitors with the launch of new features like user profiles …

Meta plans to further limit ad targeting users under 18 starting in February 2023, including removing the options to target based on gender and in-app activity — Meta is making some changes to how its apps handle advertising and young users. Under the new rules, advertisers on Instagram …
Meta, The Drum, @thatdansachs, Engadget, BGR, @astaniscia86, @nickclegg, The Verge, Wall Street Journal, MediaPost and Ad Age, more at Techmeme »
Chris Sutcliffe / The Drum: Meta restricts ad targeting of teens on Instagram and Facebook
Dan Sachs / @thatdansachs: Proud of our ongoing work to provide age-appropriate experiences for teens. Details on our latest announcement 👇
Jon Fingas / Engadget: Facebook and Instagram will limit ads targeting teens based on gender (updated)
Giulio S. / @astaniscia86: Facebook will launch Variance Reduction System (VRS) that ensures the real audience for an ad more closely matches the eligible target audience. Machine learning system will provide an exit strategy for privacy issues.
Nick Clegg / @nickclegg: Building on our work to keep Meta's apps age-appropriate for teens, we're continuing to make changes to how young people see ads. This includes further restrictions on what information advertisers can use to reach teens.
Mia Sato / The Verge: Meta is further limiting how advertisers can target teens on Facebook and Instagram
Joseph De Avila / Wall Street Journal: Facebook, Instagram Ban Ads Targeted at Teens Based on Gender
Wendy Davis / MediaPost: Meta Institutes New Curbs On Targeted Ads To Teens

With pay TV subscriptions plummeting, Cox Communications follows Comcast, Altice, and Charter in launching mobile plans to help offset slowing legacy businesses — The country's biggest cable companies have been leaning into mobile plans as pay-TV subscriptions plummet and growth from broadband begins to plateau.
Dennis Herring / @dcherring: The smart plays have been ones like bundling ATT Fiber & HBOMax 👀

Cybersecurity Reporter Eric Geller is no longer with Politico after an inflammatory December 31 tweet he sent and then deleted about the late Pope Benedict XVI — The cybersecurity reporter marked the death of Pope Benedict XVI by calling the late pontiff a “homophobic pedophile protector and Hitler Youth alumnus.”
Tarpley Hitt / Gawker: Politico Parts Ways With Reporter Eric Geller After Accurate Tweet About the Dead Pope
Fox News: Politico appears to fire reporter for tweet trashing late Pope Benedict as ‘homophobic pedophile protector’
@thedailybeast: “Homophobic pedophile protector and Hitler Youth alumnus dead at 95,” former Politico cybersecurity reporter, Eric Geller, tweeted on December 31, sharing a story about the former pontiff's death. ...
Slav Kandyba / The Wrap: Reporter Who Called Pope Benedict a ‘Homophobic Pedophile Protector and Hitler Youth Alumnus’ Out at Politico
Justin Baragona / @justinbaragona: NEW from me: A source familiar tells me that cybersecurity reporter Eric Geller is no longer with Politico. This comes days after Geller deleted an “offensive” tweet calling Pope Benedict a “homophobic pedophile protector and Hitler Youth alumnus.” ...

A profile of Trilogy Media, featuring two creators who prank scam callers and earn revenue from YouTube and Facebook ads, YouTube memberships, and fan donations — Los Angeles-based Trilogy Media took “scambaiting” to a new level, but some claim they're gaining viral fame at others' expense. — I
Taylor Lorenz / @taylorlorenz: Last year, YouTube pranksters traveled from Los Angeles to Kolkata to harass workers at an alleged scam call center. @decka227 & @Raksha_Kumar tell the wild story of that trip and the ethics of YouTube's growing “scambaiting” creator genre
Kelsey Weekman / @kelsaywhat: Scambaiters — the youtubers who prank suspected scam callers — pursue “vigilante justice” through increasingly uncomfortable means. They've been accused of physically harassing Indian call center workers and enforcing harmful stereotypes
Vicki Turk / @vickiturk: When a pair of YouTubers travel from LA to Kolkata to prank Indian call center workers they claim are scamming US victims, who is exploiting whom? Fantastic feature by @decka227 on the internet culture phenomenon of “scambaiting”
Anup Kaphle / @anupkaphle: YouTube pranksters traveled from Los Angeles to India to harass call center scammers, releasing dozens of cockroaches in their office and secretly filming it. Did they take things too far? Our new feature, by @decka227 & @Raksha_Kumar via @restofworld

Sources detail Cheddar News unrest fueled by a series of employee departures, a pivot to social media, ethically questionable journalism, plagiarism, and more — - Cheddar News has been beset by a wave of staff defections over the past year under owner Altice USA.
@claireatki, @elainelow, @reedalexander, @tomgara, @alisonbrower, @mediaevan, @mattnavarra, @elainelow, @simonowens, @lmoses, @freightalley, The Desk and Talking Biz News
Claire Atkinson / @claireatki: Several people recalled instances when producers copied wholesale lines of text from articles in other news outlets and pasted them into Cheddar's scripts without attribution. The practice didn't appear intentional, some producers just didn't realize they were crossing a red line
Elaine Low / @elainelow: Two years after being acquired by Altice, mgmt began steering Cheddar away from biz news and twd TikTok-style content, say insiders. It hired IG influencers to hype content — some on-air anchors even hired agencies to increase their social media following ...
Reed Alexander / @reedalexander: NEW for @BusinessInsider: @Cheddar was conceived as a challenger to outlets like @CNBC. But under owners at Altice, it's been beset by a wave of staff exits, an editorial “identity crisis,” and factions that split the newsroom. My latest with @elainelow: ...
Tom Gara / @tomgara: Cheddar ran focus groups to find out what its audiences were looking for from a modern digital media company, and the audiences responded as one: we need quick bites of content, you might even call them qui-bis ...
Alison Brower / @alisonbrower: The challenges dogging @cheddar are the same ones playing out in newsrooms everywhere: real or perceived tyranny of social media, errors driven by overwork and inexperience, whipsawing editorial pivots, burnout. @reedalexander and @elainelow got the story. ...
Evan DeSimone / @mediaevan: “We're not live news 24/7. We're not breaking news 24/7. We're not local news ... We're not really investigative news.” ...
Matt Navarra / @mattnavarra: “Some on-air hosts spent their own money to hire third-party agencies to boost their follower counts” “Demands to boost follower counts appear to have come straight from the top.” ...
Elaine Low / @elainelow: NEW from @reedalexander and me: Inside the recent turmoil at Cheddar, where an editorial ‘identity crisis’ and misfired social media strategy divided the newsroom and drove staffers to the exits ...
Simon Owens / @simonowens: Cheddar touted itself as a digitally native version of CNBC, but its senior leaders pivoted the company to focus on viral online trends. The move did not go well. ...
Lucia Moses / @lmoses: Strong @reedalexander & @elainelow investigation found Cheddar plagued by staff defections, shady social-media strategy and accusations of plagiarism. Read it here: ...
Craig Fuller / @freightalley: This story is way too familiar: Large corporation buys media business, doesn't understand it, and screws it up ...
Matthew Keys / The Desk: At Cheddar, an identity crisis and a newsroom in chaos
Chris Roush / Talking Biz News: Cheddar struggling to find the right strategy