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The Online News Association appoints LaSharah S. Bunting as its CEO and Executive Director, effective March 13; she was most recently a VP at Simon & Schuster — Journalist, transformational leader, equity advocate will lead organization — The Online News Association …
@lasharah, @jeffjarvis, @irvwashington3, @cande313, @kelseyproud, @bylarrygraham, @iiwrites, @ashleyalvarado, @ona, @avqueenbenet, @jkealing and @carrieblazina

A360 Media sells The National Enquirer to VVIP Ventures, a joint venture by Vinco Ventures and Icon Publishing, for “a little less” than the $100M price in 2019 — The publication has come under scrutiny in recent years over its suppression of stories about Donald Trump in the 2016 campaign.

Twitch suspends an AI-generated version of Seinfeld for 14 days after Larry Feinberg, a Jerry Seinfeld clone, made transphobic statements during a standup bit — “Nothing, Forever,” has been banned for at least 14 days. — Jason Koebler — “Nothing, Forever,” the infinitely-generating AI version …
Ars Technica, The Guardian, Insider, @jasonschreier, New York Post, Engadget, Garbage Day, The Verge, @merrittk, The A.V. Club, IndieWire, @timmarchman, @samleecole and Screen Rant

Getty Images sues Stability AI in the US for allegedly copying 12M+ images without permission or compensation for training data used to create Stable Diffusion — Getty Images has filed a lawsuit in the US against Stability AI, creators of open-source AI art generator Stable Diffusion, escalating its legal battle against the firm.
Forbes, @johnkoetsier, @dalperovitch, @jjvincent, @jjvincent, @glenngabe, @jjvincent, @rachelmetz, @rasbt, @atarkowski, @jjvincent and Wall Street Journal, more at Techmeme »

After Twitter said free API access would end on February 9, Elon Musk promises “a light, write-only API for bots providing good content that is free” — Last week, Twitter said it is shutting down free access to its APIs starting February 9. Now, days before the deadline …

Ken Doctor says his local digital outlet Lookout Santa Cruz is on track to make a profit in 2023, and hopes to expand to another California city by 2024 — Over many years as a leading media analyst, Ken Doctor spoke out repeatedly about the disintegrating American newspaper business.
@jbenton, @raineytime, @raineytime, @david_sommers and @sammy_roth

A look at the Black women fighting for years to claim top TV meteorologists roles in the US, some of whom face waves of backlash and hate from viewers — For decades, broadcast meteorology has been dominated by White men — leaving out women, and particularly women of color.
@tevinwooten, @drshepherd2013, @brynnecraig, @bhensonweather and @stellakafka

A look at “de-influencers”, a rising cohort of TikTok users criticizing viral products and promoting thoughtful shopping; #deinfluencing videos passed 68M views — TikTok users are speaking critically about viral products and advocating for thoughtful shopping habits.

A look at The Nation's refusal to retract a 2017 story saying the 2016 DNC email leak was an inside job, not a Russian hack, and its history of defending Russia — Two and a half years ago, the Columbia Journalism Review refused to publish Duncan Campbell's investigation into The Nation magazine …
@jonathanchait, @dcampbell_iptv, @areidross, @anthonybarnett, @marioricciard18, @info_rosalie, @casmudde, @fascinatorfun, @ronanltynan, @ronanltynan, @davidcorndc, @rvawonk, @lemieuxlgm, @projpm, @j_fassler, @j_fassler, @j_fassler, @kenny_pryde, @bylinetimes, @alanoszka, @jaspjackson, @aaronjmate, @john_sipher, @jonathanchait, @eduardosuarez, @froomkin, @jayrosen_nyu, @peterjukes, @im_pulse, @seth_hettena and @davidcorndc

Disney removes an October 2022 episode of The Simpsons that referred to “forced labor camps” in China from Disney+ in Hong Kong, after a similar removal in 2021 — Missing programme on streaming platform mentions ‘camps where children make smartphones’
Fox News, Reuters, Forbes, Insider, Politico, @uyghurproject, @byron_wan, Fortune, @sariarhohavren, @yaling_jiang, CBR, @rachel_cheung1, @tripperhead, @therealjoshye, @therealjoshye, CNN and @thomashhchan, more at Techmeme »

After a Massachusetts newspaper spent years alleging mayoral corruption with approval by its owner, a defamation suit shows its sole journalist was a fabulist — Everett's oldest weekly newspaper, the Everett Leader Herald, spent years reporting that the city's highest-elected official …
@bostonmagazine and @thestoryshorey

The US DOJ seeking a jury trial over breaking up Google's ad business is risky in antitrust but a smart way to avoid a judge likely to align with a corporation — The US Department of Justice is insisting that its new Google suit be tried by a jury — Complexity is often used to obfuscate.
@georgedibb, @justinhendrix, @jtasioulas, @ranaforoohar, @alemannoeu, @maxvonthun and @aidanpeppin, more at Techmeme »