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BBC chairman Richard Sharp and DG Tim Davie face calls to resign as BBC comes under criticism for its handling of freedom of speech and neutrality issues — Broadcaster forced to slash TV coverage, while BBC chair and director general face calls to resign over crisis
@craiggordon1, CNN, CNN, The Guardian, The Guardian, @katebevan, mirror, @fascinatorfun, @philosophybites, @garywhitta, @paulwallbank, @heleninsomerset …, @dave43law, Deadline, Variety, WHY SPORT MATTERS and HuffPost UK
Craig Warren Gordon / @craiggordon1: Incredible scenes right now with @campbellclaret on bbc news re @GaryLineker 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
Jessie Gretener / CNN: Gary Lineker to step back from presenting ‘Match of the Day’ following Twitter controversy
Nadeem Badshah / The Guardian: Gary Lineker: BBC boss says he won't resign as MotD cut to 20 minutes - as it happened
James Tapper / The Guardian: Gary Lineker was singled out from a long list of BBC stars who express political views
Kate Bevan / @katebevan: I did not have “Gary Lineker brings down the BBC chairman and DG” on my bingo card. This is probably a stretch, but it would be delicious if this actually happened. ...
@fascinatorfun: “Ellwood, Tory chair of HofC defence select committee, said he needed reassurance that there would be workable routes by which genuine asylum seekers could reach the UK “so this is seen as a genuine attempt to save lives ... not just...bombastic rhetoric” ...
@philosophybites: Sharp and Davie should quit the BBC board, Sharp particularly given what we know... ...
Gary Whitta / @garywhitta: They tried to destroy Gary Lineker. Instead they made him a God. ...
Paul Wallbank / @paulwallbank: One of the truisms of Australian politics is the smart blokes eventually over-reach and bring everything down on their fat, dumb heads. It looks like the Brits have imported that too: Lineker row threatens to topple BBC chiefs and hit Tory asylum plans ... Andrew Neil, Jeremy Clarkson, Alan Sugar expressed right wing views elsewhere whilst working for the BBC & no one stopped them. — Richard Sharp, BBC chair gifted £400,000 to the Tories & arranged a loan of £800,000 for Boris Johnson. …
Dave Lawrence / @dave43law: No wonder Sunak issued a panicked statement Apart from concern about political interference as Lineker initially assured there would be no action senior Tories including Priti Patel are now questioning the Illegal Migration Bill #ToriesOut247 #SunakOut138 ...
Naman Ramachandran / Variety: BBC Director General Tim Davie Apologizes Over Gary Lineker Controversy, Will Not Resign
Lee Wellings / WHY SPORT MATTERS: Silencing the sports anchors

The BBC's Match of the Day aired without presenters or pundits on March 11 after Gary Lineker's suspension; his co-hosts refused to show up in solidarity — BBC commentators also refusing to appear after corporation takes its highest-paid presenter off air over impartiality concerns
New York Times, The Guardian, @glabsandra, @bbcbreaking, @piersmorgan, Deadline, Associated Press, The Athletic, @ankaman616, The Guardian, @calumam, @marcwebber, @millar_colin, @charlesarthur, Al Jazeera, @martintheirish, @natpirks, @nidhi, @keitholbermann, New York Post, Financial Times, @mehdirhasan, @david_ornstein, @robharris, RXTV info, @scottygb, @rohini_sgh, @petertatchell, @adamrutherford, @charlesarthur, @rogermosey, @owen_whiteley, @tombaldwin66, @lord_sugar, @maxrushden, @tezilyas, @mrdanwalker, @thatginamiller, @thatginamiller, @scottygb, @sophiemcneill, Telegraph, @debspillane, @janafavero, @mediaanalystoz, @itvnews, @michaelpierse, @richardpbacon, @simplyredhq, @michael_hal, @kieranmlkelly, @alexisconran, @richardosman, @sarahhemm, @mickclearytel, @abradacabla, @swardley, @johnbrewin_, @memorialdevice, @iconicnumber7, HuffPost UK, @craig_foster, @proftimbale, Unmade and Normal Island News
Sandra Glab / @glabsandra: BBC 5 Live presenter @TherealNihal 's Instagram post will resonate with many current and former BBC employees. An essential reading if you want to understand why the Lineker saga is so polarising. Nihal should be applauded for speaking out.
@bbcbreaking: Gary Lineker to step back from presenting Match of the Day until agreement reached on social media use - BBC statement
Piers Morgan / @piersmorgan: WTF? How pathetically spineless.. I now demand the BBC suspend every presenter who has made public comment about news or current affairs - starting with Sir David Attenborough and Lord Sugar.
Deadline: BBC Apologizes After Premier League Output Melts Down Amid Presenter Mutiny Over Gary Lineker
Jane Clinton / The Guardian: BBC apologises for disarray to sport coverage due to Gary Lineker walkouts
Calum Macdonald / @calumam: I understand 5 Live Sport has also been cancelled this afternoon
Marc Webber / @marcwebber: I am not working on BBC Final Score today. Here's why #Solidarity #IStandWithGary
Colin Millar / @millar_colin: A story about a crash which required a lengthy investigation which concluded that the main protagonist acted entirely correctly. Followed in the schedule by Sully: Miracle on the Hudson.
Charles Arthur / @charlesarthur: At this rate the only thing left of MOTD will be the theme tune. Suggest the BBC makes sure it's got that one locked down or they'll have to get someone to play it on a kazoo over handwritten black and white titles.
Martin / @martintheirish: Lineker is Freelance but here's the BBC reply to a complaint about Chris Packham, also Freelance
Natalie Pirks / @natpirks: Every time anyone walks into our offices at New Broadcasting House, they walk past this statue of George Orwell outside the entrance.
Nidhi Razdan / @nidhi: Now imagine if this had happened in India. A journalist suspended for criticising the government. What would his/ her colleagues do?
Keith Olbermann / @keitholbermann: Left out of the @bbc's disastrous creation of this @GaryLineker crisis is its continuing self-delusion that it's “neutral.” @bbcworld recently ran promos insisting it had “never taken sides in any war” - even when the Nazis were bombing BBC HQ?
Andrew Crane / New York Post: BBC in turmoil after controversial Gary Lineker decision, co-hosts' protest
Mehdi Hasan / @mehdirhasan: We all know that if Gary Lineker had put out a tweet praising the government's ‘small boats’ policy, Match of the Day would still have a host tomorrow. We all know it.
David Ornstein / @david_ornstein: 🚨 BBC has no rights to PL world feed commentary. With BBC commentators not working in support of Gary Lineker, using world feed commentators for #MOTD is not within their gift. Unclear if solution can be found to air highlights + commentary @TheAthleticFC
Rob Harris / @robharris: Match of the Day will start as scheduled at 2220 on BBC 1 but will last only 20 minutes. A film will now replace the rest of the programme - Sully: Miracle on the Hudson
Scott Bryan / @scottygb: Good luck to GB News who have announced that they are doing an Alternative Match of the Day today programme with pundits... ... but as they don't own any sporting rights they won't be able to show viewers any football action or goals.
Rohini Singh / @rohini_sgh: Troll the journalist and then send their tweets to the government troll headquarters for validation!
Peter Tatchell / @petertatchell: #BBC echoes government censorship of critics by dictatorships like Russia & China @BBC capitulates to Govt pressure by banning #GaryLineker from #MatchOfTheDay over his tweets supporting human rights of refugees Vile attack on freedom of speech! SHAME! ...
Dr Adam Rutherford / @adamrutherford: I've worked as a presenter for the BBC for 15 yrs. It is not one homogenous body, and is packed full of diversely talented hardworking, bright people. There is no singular BBC identity or mantra. There is also a top brass management level that most of us have little to do with.
Charles Arthur / @charlesarthur: A former head of BBC News writes...
Roger Mosey / @rogermosey: So a few quick thoughts on where we are now with Gary and the BBC and the future. (1/5)
@owen_whiteley: When footballers have more morals and loyalty than politicians... ...
Tom Baldwin / @tombaldwin66: I once revealed in @thetimes how John Humphrys made money from speeches slagging off the then Labour government. The Tories/Daily Mail squealed about his freedom so he kept his job interviewing politicians on @BBCr4today, unlike @GaryLineker who presents football on @BBCMOTD.
Lord Sugar / @lord_sugar: Piers my comments on twitter are all about what a double barrel prat you are. Agreed by most of the population and certainly not a sackable offence @piersmorgan
Max Rushden / @maxrushden: What a farce and a disgrace. Solidarity with @GaryLineker. We shouldn't watch until he is reinstated. And more importantly solidarity with refugees.
Tez / @tezilyas: Whether you agree or disagree with @GaryLineker, being forced to step back from a sports presenting job he's done for over two decades, because he had a jibe at the Government, is messy af.
Dan Walker / @mrdanwalker: Mutual decision?
Gina Miller / @thatginamiller: The irony of the BBC's action is that it confirms the premise of #GaryLineker tweet
Gina Miller / @thatginamiller: This is plain wrong in our country where we champion and protect #FreeSpeech - and is utter hypocrisy. BBC suspends #GaryLineker from Match of the Day for impartiality breach ...
Scott Bryan / @scottygb: Gary Lineker has also told Channel 5's Dan Walker that “stepping back” was not his choice.
Sophie McNeill / @sophiemcneill: Thank you @GaryLineker for speaking out for asylum seekers rights & highlighting the inhumane policies of the UK government Shame on the @BBC for suspending him from his football show ...
Telegraph: BBC pundits boycott Match of the Day after Gary Lineker told to step back over migrant Nazi jibe
@debspillane: Pathetic from BBC, caving in to the govt. Well done to Gary Lineker and his on air colleagues for showcasing my solidarity. A govt that can't handle criticism without seeking vengeance is not a sign of a healthy democracy.
Jana Favero / @janafavero: The problem is not @GaryLineker, he is exposing the problems. The problem is the policy, the inhumanity, the racism, the injustice, the discrimination, the harm. Match of the Day to air without presenter or pundits after Gary Lineker's suspension ...
@mediaanalystoz: The BBC's suspended its top soccer host for tweeting about the UK's terrible new refugee policy All fellow hosts have pulled out in solidarity. Match of the Day will have no hosts for the first time ever ABC and BBC both captured by right-wing boards ...
@itvnews: ‘In the circumstances, we do not feel it would be appropriate to take part in the programme’ Match Of The Day commentator Steve Wilson and colleagues have decided to step down from Saturday's broadcast of the show in support of Gary Lineker
Michael Pierse / @michaelpierse: The key point. The @BBC is repeatedly, continually biased. We know this here in Belfast, but it's plain now that the rot has set in at every level. If you support the Tories, this won't happen to you - that's the message.
Richard Bacon / @richardpbacon: Entirely true.
@simplyredhq: Freelance Gary Lineker made zero political comments on MOTD. That's his place of work. Meanwhile Fiona Bruce defends a Tory ‘one off’ Wife beater ON AIR! Double standards? Much.
Michael Hallihane / @michael_hal: Gary Lineker free speech martyr, standing up for the downtrodden vis a vis grubby populists who demonise and dehumanise refugees is how this is going to be presented by the blue tick brigade. It's utter bunkum. Lineker got too big for his boots and has been taken down a peg.
Kieran Kelly / @kieranmlkelly: The BBC is a state television channel funded by the people by way of a tv tax / license. It's Gary vs the Government. People should not support the move to suspend him for voicing his personal opinion on his personal twitter page.
Alexis Conran / @alexisconran: None of this would be happening if @GaryLineker had expressed support for “Stop The Boats” ... which would have also broken impartiality rules ... just let that sink in.
Sarah Hemming / @sarahhemm: This and the David Attenborough programme. This is shocking from the BBC. Craven. Can't they see how this looks?
Mick Cleary / @mickclearytel: Can't disagree
Danielle Blake / @abradacabla: Are the BBC going to chuck Richard Osman off the air now too? He has a show on the BBC and is now wading into ‘political controversy’, after all. (Good on him for this, which will likely highlight even more how full of shit the BBC is)
Simon Wardley / @swardley: If Chelsea airs on MOTD tomorrow - I will no longer be a supporter, nor ever buy tickets or any form of memorabilia again - ... - have some integrity Chelsea, refuse the BBC ->
John Brewin / @johnbrewin_: Like the Chart Show then.
@memorialdevice: They can't get anyone to do it. Total humiliation. ...
Vik / @iconicnumber7: Hahaha you may as well just watch the Sky Sports YouTube highlights. Zero production value to this.
Daniel Welsh / HuffPost UK: Alex Scott Confirms She Won't Host Football Focus In Solidarity With Gary Lineker
Craig Foster / @craig_foster: The problem is not that @GaryLineker challenged the demonisation of asylum seekers and the normalisation of the language of dehumanisation that has always preceded and legitimised hate and exclusion, but that too few have. ...
Tim Bale / @proftimbale: Oh FFS. Freedom of speech needs some serious protection in this country, it really does. ...

The BBC says Gary Lineker will step back as a presenter, but a source says the BBC took him off the air because he won't apologize for his UK immigration tweets — Sky News reporter @niamhielynch — Gary Lineker is stepping back from his duties as Match of the Day presenter, the BBC has said in a statement.
@ianwright0, @alanshearer, @henrymance, @sam_elliott_, The Guardian, @arusbridger, BBC, @alexscott, @bbcrosatkins, @micahrichards, @jeremyclarkson, @adambienkov, @danroan, Bloomberg, @tompeck, HuffPost UK, @robertshrimsley, @tompeck, @mrjamesob, @bdstanley, EFE Noticias, @adambienkov, The A.V. Club, @danroan, @marinahyde, @evacarneiro, @guyclapperton, @adambienkov, Awful Announcing, @kevinaschofield, @mrjohnnicolson, @andrewhunterm, @teroterotero, @philipoconnor, @jessphillips, Deadline, @thhamilton, @nicolasturgeon, @edwinhayward, @skynews, @dannycipriani87, @doctor_oxford, @gralefrit, @jonnelledge, @barristershorse, @skynews, @sholamos1, @richardpbacon, @charlesarthur, @carolvorders, @daveleeft, @tds153, @skynews, @thattimwalker, @sadiqkhan, @matthughesdm, @twlldun, @krishgm, @skynews, @kwajohousing, @omid9, @chrchristensen, @jessphillips, @emilybell, @skynews, @martynziegler, @piersmorgan, @afhstewart, @svcarbaholic, @seandolfc, @adamcrafton_, @tomjgarry, @gnev2, @abzmcfc___, @hylandian, @philipjcollins1, @damcou, @mattcoyney, @peston, @nathanaclark, @garyyounge, @bethrigby, @johnmcdonnellmp, @ryder56004614, @kevin_maguire, @kevinbrennanmp, @claudiawebbe, @suzywrack, @lucypritty1, @jaymitchinson, @thejdtucker, @johnsweeneyroar, @mehdirhasan, @jolyonmaugham, @lucympowell, @robharris, @robharris, @jaymotty, @mrdanwalker, @reece_dinsdale, @amylawrence71, @hansmollman, @maitlis, @eurofootcom, @paddyarsenal, @otto_english, @beardedgenius, @femi_sorry, @domdyer70, @zarahsultana, @peston, @ayocaesar, @katyataylor, @johnobrennan2, @krishgm, @emilybell, @peston, @timfarron, @skynews, @gunnerblog, @janaagefjortoft, @gnev2, @lewisiwu, @adamboultontabb, @robmanuel, @liamthorpecho, @robharris, @revrachelmann, @ohgodwhatnowpod, @samcarvalho, @thomasutr_, @bethrigby, @scottygb, Al Jazeera, The Hollywood Reporter, Financial Times, New Statesman and
Ian Wright / @ianwright0: Everybody knows what Match of the Day means to me, but I've told the BBC I won't be doing it tomorrow. Solidarity.
Alan Shearer / @alanshearer: I have informed the BBC that I won't be appearing on MOTD tomorrow night.
Henry Mance / @henrymance: those BBC rules in full: - Attenborough can't broadcast a show about UK nature loss. - Lineker can't tweet criticising the government. - Alan Sugar *can* tweet criticising strikes. - The BBC chair *can* be a Tory donor who didn't disclose he facilitated a loan to Boris Johnson.
Sam Elliott / @sam_elliott_: You won't get to see Gary Lineker on Match of the Day on Saturday night But don't forget to tune into Lord Sugar on the Apprentice. 9pm BBC1 every Thursday!
Barney Ronay / The Guardian: Why there are no winners after the BBC's two-footed tackle on Gary Lineker
Alan Rusbridger / @arusbridger: Dear @BBC. In the interests of fairness could you please now ask @Lord_Sugar to step aside from @bbcapprentice . Otherwise people may wonder if you are truly impartial @GaryLineker
Damian Grammaticas / BBC: Match of the Day to last only 20 minutes after boycott
Ros Atkins / @bbcrosatkins: The BBC says that Gary Lineker is to step back from #MOTD til he & the BBC reach agreement on his social media use. In 2021, Gary Lineker talked to The Media Show about twitter & how Tim Davie had never called to say 'you can't tweet about that'.
Micah Richards / @micahrichards: I was not due to be working on MOTD tomorrow, but if I was, I would find myself taking the same decision that @IanWright0 & @alanshearer have.
Jeremy Clarkson / @jeremyclarkson: @IanWright0 Good on you mate
Adam Bienkov / @adambienkov: BBC Director General Tim Davie, who was previously a Conservative Party candidate and Deputy Chairman of the Hammersmith and Fulham Conservative party, says that forcing Gary Lineker to step aside is about “delivering on impartiality”
Dan Roan / @danroan: NEW | Understand the Premier League has informed the 12 clubs playing matches today, (along with the LMA and the PFA) that players and managers will not receive requests for MOTD post-match interviews later today
Tom Peck / @tompeck: “DECIDE IF YOU'RE A POLITICIAN OR A TV PRESENTER!” says sitting MP while presenting her own TV show. To give her credit, it's better than any satire I've ever managed.
Kevin Schofield / HuffPost UK: Rishi Sunak Has Defended His Immigration Crackdown Amid Gary Lineker Row
Robert Shrimsley / @robertshrimsley: The fun bit is going to be when the Tories decide they don't want to own blowing up the BBC's football coverage and leave the BBC management swinging in the wind.
Tom Peck / @tompeck: Just, you know, an idle thought, but Karren Brady is key on air talent in a flagship BBC show. And when she's not on air she sits in the House of Lords, following the whip for the Tory Party, which is arguably of more consequence than a tweet. Is that okay?
James O'Brien / @mrjamesob: Who might be in a position to explain the gravity of this situation to Richard Sharp & encourage him to resign? Genuine question. He's presiding over unprecedented staff mutiny while his own appointment has been shown to be dodgy. Is it Sunak, his former junior at Goldman Sachs?
Ben Stanley / @bdstanley: Interesting to see the self-styled Cassandras of cancel culture suddenly discovering arguments about the complex ways in which free speech intersects with public roles and contracts of employment.
Adam Bienkov / @adambienkov: Rishi Sunak releases a lengthy statement distancing his Government from the decision to oust Gary Lineker from the BBC. Penny apparently finally dropping that going after one of the most popular TV and sports personalities in the country wasn't the smartest of moves.
William Hughes / The A.V. Club: The BBC is facing a full-on sports mutiny after pulling host for political comments
Dan Roan / @danroan: Players from various clubs have contacted PFA tonight saying they may want to show solidarity with GL & MOTD pundits over the impartiality row by boycotting BBC post-match interviews tmrw. PFA believed to be supportive of any players who choose to do so
Marina Hyde / @marinahyde: Every time Karren votes in favour of their legislation, government ministers should demand she is sacked by the BBC
Dr Eva Carneiro / @evacarneiro: So many professionals that patronise and look down on footballers. I hope you are all feeling the need to look in the mirror tonight. When did you stand with colleagues with integrity ? #GaryLinekar #medicalgovernanceinsport
@guyclapperton: Excellent analysis in the Times, sadly behind a firewall. The government doesn't want an impartial BBC, it wants it to be subservient.
Adam Bienkov / @adambienkov: Comparisons with 1930s Germany are not acceptable, says national broadcaster, as it complies with demands from the ruling party to take a prominent government critic off air.
Andrew Bucholtz / Awful Announcing: BBC apologizes for ‘limited sport programming’ after multiple hosts withdraw in support of Gary Lineker
Kevin Schofield / @kevinaschofield: Important to stress how unusual it is for the prime minister to issue a statement at 6pm on a Saturday night. Suggests No10 are worried about the political blowback from the Lineker row. ...
John Nicolson M.P. / @mrjohnnicolson: BBC bosses have made a significant error in their treatment of @GaryLineker It reinforces a widely held BBC staff view that Conservative Party influence is now rife at the top of the BBC exerting inappropriate and undue influence.
Andrew Hunter Murray / @andrewhunterm: If I was worried about people comparing me to 1930s Germany, my next move probably wouldn't be to shut down all criticism on the national broadcasting service
Tero Kuittinen / @teroterotero: I'm too exhausted by these Brits to follow their shenanigans in detail anymore, but this seems particularly dumb even by recent standards
Philip O'Connor / @philipoconnor: Britain is now Hungary, without any of the redeeming features.
Jess Phillips MP / @jessphillips: Legend of a man, like it was ever in doubt
Caroline Frost / Deadline: BBC On Defensive After Nightmare Friday, With Battles On Four Separate Fronts
Tom Hamilton / @thhamilton: “We wanted them to *not* do anything to him so that we could keep on saying how disgraceful it was that the BBC hadn't acted, this has wrecked the line”
Nicola Sturgeon / @nicolasturgeon: As a strong supporter of public service broadcasting, I want to be able to defend the BBC. But the decision to take @GaryLineker off air is indefensible. It is undermining free speech in the face of political pressure - & it does always seem to be rightwing pressure it caves to
Edwin Hayward / @edwinhayward: Remember, Robert Peston used to be on the BBC. He'd have risked his job there for snark like this... (It's illustrative of how liberating it is not to have the stifling millstone of BBC guidance holding you down.)
@skynews: Alastair Campbell defends Gary Lineker after being removed from his Match of the Day duties on the BBC. Campbell, whose podcast series ‘The Rest is Politics’ is produced by Lineker's company Goalhanger Podcasts, defends the TV presenter Latest:
Danny Cipriani / @dannycipriani87: Love this from @IanWright0 & @alanshearer - staying true to themselves 🙏🏽❤️
Rachel Clarke / @doctor_oxford: Appalled by how cravenly the BBC is caving to political pressure. Thank you @GaryLineker for standing up for decency, free speech & all those who are dehumanised & demonised by a grubby strand of UK populism. ...
Joel Morris / @gralefrit: The BBC has to appease the government. Appeasement is the only way to stop people comparing the situation to 1930s Germany.
@barristershorse: One that talks about football & whose political opinions are kept to himself.
@skynews: BREAKING: The BBC says Match of the Day tomorrow night “will focus on match action without studio presentation or punditry” Full story: 📺 Sky 501, Virgin 602, Freeview 233 and YouTube
Dr Shola Mos-Shogbamimu / @sholamos1: It is OBSCENE that Gary Lineker has to ‘step back’ when Richard Sharp who facilitated a loan for Boris Johnson in time to be appointed BBC chair keeps his position BBC ALWAYS proves Tory Govt is its paymaster. The corruption, collusion & conflict of interest - profoundly OBSCENE
Charles Arthur / @charlesarthur: Humphrys wrote very long columns in the Daily Mail, and they weren't about crisp flavours either.
Carol Vorderman / @carolvorders: Now THAT is an honest man @IanWright0 ❤️👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼
Dave Lee / @daveleeft: BBC can't win here. If it has this interview with Campbell and *doesn't* mention his links to Lineker, Twitter would absolutely eat it up (as it has done in the past with similar ties when undisclosed).
Tom Sutcliffe / @tds153: “So, how do you feel your first day in the BBC Press Office went then?”
@skynews: SNP MP John Nicholson says he thinks “real concerns” have been raised about “political influence by the Tories at the top of the BBC” following Gary Lineker's ‘suspension’ from Match of the Day. Latest: 📺 Sky 501, Virgin 602, Freeview 233 and YouTube
Tim Walker / @thattimwalker: Retweet please if Wrighty speaks for you, wherever you are.
Sadiq Khan / @sadiqkhan: Wrighty speaking for a lot of Londoners - me included.
Matt Hughes / @matthughesdm: BBC desperately scrambling to secure a new presenter for Match of the Day, with Alex Scott and Mark Chapman both ruling themselves out following withdrawal of Alan Shearer and Ian Wright as pundits.
@twlldun: Not to be that guy but was Andrew Neill stopped from presenting his *politics* show because of his tweets? Honestly. I think Lineker's statement wasn't great but have some fucking consistency you weak ass fools.
Krishnan Guru-Murthy / @krishgm: Makes it very hard for any pundit to appear. And what kind of presenter will want to do that job tomorrow? Is it the end of MOTD as we know it?
@skynews: ‘This is the consequence of creeping right-wing authoritarianism in this country’ Former Downing Street Director of Communications Alastair Campbell criticises the BBC for their handling of the Gary Lineker dispute Full story: 📺 Sky 501 and YouTube
Omid Djalili / @omid9: Men like Shearer and Wright. Game, set and match. ⬇️
Christian Christensen / @chrchristensen: What a gutless, cowardly decision by the BBC. I would ask when free speech and anti-cancel culture warriors will step up...but that's pointless as we all know that they won't.
Jess Phillips MP / @jessphillips: This is making me like football.
Emily Bell / @emilybell: Affording people basic human rights is a ‘political issue’ ?....For all those UK journos who have wagged their fingers about ‘Britain is nothing like America’ in terms of weaponized culture wars, I think you will find that it is pretty much the same
@skynews: 'They've caved in to a noisy, right-wing cabal.' @Anna_Soubry says the BBC has made a “seriously concerning” decision regarding Gary Lineker, adding that as a freelance sports presenter he is entitled to express his views. Latest: 📺 Sky 501 and YouTube
Martyn Ziegler / @martynziegler: There's no way MOTD can take place tomorrow night - who is going to take that toxic hot-seat. ?
Piers Morgan / @piersmorgan: REMINDER: BBC management told @GaryLineker to make political statements about Qatar's human rights record at the start of the recent World Cup.
Alex Stewart / @afhstewart: I adore Ian Wright, not least for a genuine and wholehearted support of women's football. Zero surprise he's taken a stand here, as he has on other social issues
@svcarbaholic: Alan Sugar never got taken off air for this btw. BBC still happily letting The Apprentice run
Sean / @seandolfc: Match Of The Day is already threatened by Sky's youtube/tv guide highlights of PL games and now they want to get rid of Lineker who, despite a lot of people hating his tweets, is about the only thing going for it. Enjoy Jenas
Adam Crafton / @adamcrafton_: Just like the Rashford episode, the media and political establishment will soon discover its not actually very *popular* to try and take on the country's most popular sporting figures when they know how to use social media effectively
Tom Garry / @tomjgarry: It's been another big day in the job for the BBC's 100% impartial director-general Tim Davie, the former deputy chairman of the Hammersmith & Fulham Conservative party and a former Conservative candidate in local elections
Gary Neville / @gnev2: I had no doubt Ian Wright would do that! Who the hell is going to go on now !
@abzmcfc___: 'Welcome to Match of the Day and i'm your host, Jermaine Jenas...'
Ian Hyland / @hylandian: I think we should be told exactly who in the government has leaned on who at the BBC to suspend Gary Lineker.
Philip Collins / @philipjcollins1: I don't agree with Alan Sugar's attack on Mick Lynch. And I don't agree with Gary Lineker that the language now is redolent of the 1930s. But I cannot for the life of me work out why one is fine and the other is not. They are, of course, both fine.
Damian Counsell / @damcou: You can be certain that, over the next few weeks, none of those on Twitter supporting Lineker will be deploying the xkcd “And They're Showing You The Door” cartoon that they are normally so fond of.
@mattcoyney: Gary Lineker will stroll over to Sky and earn four times his current salary.. and continue to tweet whatever the hell he wants. The BBC, on the other hand, will not just lose a talent, but discourage anybody with a social conscience from ever working for them.
Robert Peston / @peston: A senior TV executive tells me his money is on Jacob Rees-Mogg presenting MOTD tomorrow
Gary Younge / @garyyounge: This is what a culture war looks like. Where are those freedom of speech advocates when you need them?
Beth Rigby / @bethrigby: Alan Shearer now joins Ian Wright and says he won't appear on MoTD either after Gary Lineker taken off air
John McDonnell MP / @johnmcdonnellmp: The Tories know that the language used by Government ministers & Tory MPs will stoke up fear & division in our community. They have designed it to. It's their electoral strategy. Let's all stand up for @GaryLineker for calling it out & for @IanWright0 for standing with him.
Ryder / @ryder56004614: #IStandWithGary This is a blatant shot across the bow. A clear message to any reporter, media personality or person with a voice. The message is “if you speak out against the government, we'll get you”.
Kevin Maguire / @kevin_maguire: Regrettably a weakling BBC is the UK Conservative Government's broadcasting arm With a Tory donor chair who helped organise Johnson's £800,000 deal and a D-G who stood as a Con council cand BBC hacks were chief spin doctors for PMs Cameron, May & Johnson
Kevin Brennan MP / @kevinbrennanmp: How utterly pathetic from the BBC
Claudia Webbe MP / @claudiawebbe: Gary Lineker is our Leicester Legend. I grew up with him. He's been using his own social media to challenge the Tory government's vile use of language on refugees The BBC removed him from MOTD. We defeat racism with anti-racism, the authoritarian and elite don't understand this
Lucy Pritty / @lucypritty1: I hope Mark Chapman, Alex Scott, and Gabby Logan all refuse to step in and present motd.. they all need to show solidarity at times like this when the BBC has plunged itself into another mess
James Mitchinson / @jaymitchinson: If the right wing racist rags that for too long have polluted the public discourse in this country win, then the BBC is dead and I don't know who we are as a nation anymore. ...
Jack / @thejdtucker: “So Jermaine, did you boycott MotD too?” Jermaine Jenas:
John Sweeney / @johnsweeneyroar: Shame on the BBC. I stand with @GaryLineker.
Mehdi Hasan / @mehdirhasan: Ridiculous. Gary Lineker did nothing wrong. A BBC chaired by a guy who facilitated a loan for Boris Johnson wants us to believe that Lineker is undermining its impartiality. Ridiculous.
Jo Maugham / @jolyonmaugham: Barely a week goes by without a @BBCr4today presenter sneering at trans people. Hard to avoid the conclusion that what Gary Lineker has actually done wrong is punch in the wrong direction - he's punched up.
Lucy Powell MP / @lucympowell: This feels like an over reaction brought on by a right-wing media frenzy obsessed with undermining the BBC. I note the same cries of impartiality were totally absent when the BBC Chair failed to disclose aspects of his close friendship with the then PM
Rob Harris / @robharris: Ian Wright's announcement reflects what I have been hearing - a reluctance from others to be on MOTD after Lineker was taken off air by the BBC
Rob Harris / @robharris: Would there be unease of any presenter to step in to replace Gary Lineker on MOTD on Saturday given the intense focus on this?
Jay Motty / @jaymotty: Truly pathetic from the BBC to take Gary Lineker off MOTD. Where was the energy for Clarkson when he was dropping N-Bombs or Alan ‘call me Lord’ Sugar when he was spouting racist shite on here about the Senegal national team?? They do as the Tories tell them
Dan Walker / @mrdanwalker: I used to sit in for @GaryLineker on MOTD... not sure I'd fancy it this weekend 😳 What a mess!
Reece Dinsdale / @reece_dinsdale: He can comment on human rights in Qatar whilst presenting the BBC's coverage of the World Cup but he can't comment on the state of his OWN country's government for himself. How does that balance up, then?
Amy Lawrence / @amylawrence71: No Lineker. No Wrighty. Let's all switch off tomorrow. Find other ways of catching up on our teams. Zero MOTD viewers sends out a decent message against this disturbing surpression.
Mollie Goodfellow / @hansmollman: Matt Hancock in an Uber to the MOTD studios right now to see if they need a hand
Emily M / @maitlis: I'm not sure when they suggested to Gary Lineker he step back from #MOTD the bbc realised it might be starting a much much bigger battle. @IanWright0 refusing to present on Saturday. In the name of solidarity
@eurofootcom: 🚨🗣️ Ian Wright: “Everybody knows what Match of the Day means to me, but I've told the BBC I won't be doing it tomorrow. Solidarity.” ICYMI: Gary Lineker has been taken off air by BBC after recent tweets. Various sources say he has not even agreed to step back.
Otto English / @otto_english: So Lineker steps down, but BBC chairperson Richard Sharp, who helped facilitate an £800,000 loan for Boris Johnson and who's personally donated £400,000 to the Conservative party stays in his job ... got it... impartiality
Femi / @femi_sorry: The same BBC that refused to apologise for saying the N-word in a news report, thinks it has the right to censor or even fire Gary Lineker for his political views, in the name of political sensitivity. Give me a break!!! #ImWithGary
Dominic Dyer / @domdyer70: Good man Ian
Zarah Sultana MP / @zarahsultana: There's nothing more beautiful than solidarity. Huge respect @IanWright0 & @GaryLineker 🤍
Robert Peston / @peston: Labour: “The BBC's cowardly decision to take Gary Lineker off air is an assault on free speech in the face of political pressure. Tory politicians lobbying to get people sacked for disagreeing with Government policies should be laughed at, not pandered to. BBC should rethink.”
Ash Sarkar / @ayocaesar: When Alan Sugar takes to Twitter to slag off Mick Lynch, that's fine. But when Gary Lineker tweets critically of government policy, that's a breach of impartiality. Are we all clear on the rules?
Catherine Taylor / @katyataylor: Nor should it. Sugar can tweet what he likes. Why can't Lineker?
@johnobrennan2: The Conservatives have driven Britain to such an extreme point that footballers have become the conscience of the nation. More power to them.
Krishnan Guru-Murthy / @krishgm: This could be big if others do the same.
Emily Bell / @emilybell: Could someone please point me to the ‘sides’ the BBC is referring to here? From the weak official responses I have read from Labour their main objection to Tory immigration policy is that it doesn't work well enough....
Robert Peston / @peston: This is not going well for the BBC
Tim Farron / @timfarron: And I will be stepping back from watching the programme until the @bbc grows a backbone. Still, I'm sure we can count on the Free Speech Union to stand up against this hysterical act of cancellation...
@skynews: “I'm 100% behind him.” @OfficialBarnesy says Gary Lineker has “no reason to apologise” over a tweet in which he compared the language used to launch a new government asylum policy with 1930s Germany. Latest: 📺 Sky 501, Virgin 602 and Freeview 233
@gunnerblog: Hope all the pundits do the right thing and refuse to turn up for @BBCMOTD until @GaryLineker is reinstated.
@janaagefjortoft: So BBC, a broadcaster that have shown courage around the world for ages....getting weak and afraid of the British government because an intelligent man like @GaryLineker has an opinion on other things than 442 and VAR..... #embarrassing
Gary Neville / @gnev2: When you take on the Tories and the system! Awful people who we need gone. Off for a 🍷
Lewis Iwu / @lewisiwu: This is just dark I'm afraid. The state of discourse in our country when this has been the dominant story connected with the migration policy. Solitary with @GaryLineker - we really do need to assess why the wrong people are held accountable for terrible policy and behaviour.
Adam Boulton / @adamboultontabb: To sideline @GaryLineker and David Attenborough on the same day might be considered craven or foolhardy @BBC
@robmanuel: I don't work for the BBC so I don't have anything to lose by saying this callous government is the worst of my lifetime and I hope whoever follows them is brave enough to reverse their foul policies and not just slightly soften them around the edges and be a bit more competent.
Liam Thorp / @liamthorpecho: Gary Lineker forced to withdraw from his job because of claims of impartiality over his views on the government's asylum system BBC chairman Richard Sharp has continued in his job after his role in helping to land Boris Johnson an £800,000 loan
Rob Harris / @robharris: Source close to Gary Lineker says he has not agreed to step back from MOTD - claiming the BBC has taken him off air. It's understood Lineker is unwilling to apologise for his tweets and admit he should not have posted them. The BBC has been approached for comment.
Dr Rachel Mann / @revrachelmann: Really? Anyone else afeared for our national broadcaster?
@ohgodwhatnowpod: Another victory for the Free Speech But Not For People I Don't Like Movement.
Samuel Carvalho / @samcarvalho: Disappointed, but hardly surprising with the BBC. The vast majority of the UK support you @GaryLineker
Beth Rigby / @bethrigby: Gary Lineker stepping back MOTD presenter duties. Won't present MOTD until agreement reached on social media use. BBC: “BBC's been in extensive discussions w Gary & his team in recent days. We've said we consider his recent social media activity to be a breach of our guidelines”
Scott Bryan / @scottygb: BBC statement on Gary Lineker.
Etan Vlessing / The Hollywood Reporter: BBC Pulls Gary Lineker as TV Soccer Host Over U.K. Refugee Policy Criticism
Chris Cook / Financial Times: BBC forces Gary Lineker to ‘step back’ from presenting ‘Match of the Day’
William Turvill / New Statesman: Sack him or back him, the BBC cannot win the row over Gary Lineker

Filing: Roku held $487M, or ~26% of its $1.9B in cash and equivalents, at SVB, “largely uninsured”, and says the $1.4B left “will be sufficient” for 12+ months — About one-fourth of Roku's cash and equivalents — nearly half a billion dollars …
Discussion:, @stephennellis, CNN, Engadget, CNBC, Bloomberg, Media Play News, @johnlegere, @thecompoundnews, TechCrunch, @mollypriddy, @sherman4949, @devincow, @brianroemmele, @xpangler, Reuters, Light Reading, Fast Company, CNN,, The Wrap, The Hollywood Reporter, The Information, Insider and Deadline, more at Techmeme »
Discussion: Form 8-K — Menu Menu Sections Sections Additional Search Options Clear Search Submit Search …
Stephen Nellis / @stephennellis: From an 8-K just filed: Roku has more than a quarter of its cash at SVB. Roku “does not know to what extent the Company will be able to recover its cash on deposit at SVB.”
Karissa Bell / Engadget: Roku says it could lose 25 percent of its cash after Silicon Valley Bank fails
Rohan Goswami / CNBC: Roku says 26% of its cash reserves are stuck in Silicon Valley Bank
Erik Gruenwedel / Media Play News: Roku Loses $487 Million in Cash Following Silicon Valley Bank Failure
John Legere / @johnlegere: Talked about this yesterday during Lunch Box Thoughts yesterday, but checking in now that the dust is settling. How is everyone doing?
@thecompoundnews: Expect more stories like this: Roku has $487 million stuck in Silicon Valley Bank 🔒💰 - @Variety
Molly Priddy / @mollypriddy: this is clearly a bummer but again, not sure why roku's business decisions are the taxpayers' responsibility
Alex Sherman / @sherman4949: Roku says $487m of its $1.9 billion of cash and cash equivalents is held at SVB. “The Company's deposits with SVB are largely uninsured. At this time, the Company does not know to what extent the Company will be able to recover its cash on deposit at SVB.”
Brian Roemmele / @brianroemmele: The Silicon Valley Bank fallout. FDIC insurance is $250,000. There are some cases these companies have private deposit insurance. - ROKU $487M - BlockFi $247M - SMGO $34M - AMBA $17M - Circle USDC Millions - RKLB ? - LC ? - COHU ? -DNA ? Over 300,000 more businesses many...
Todd Spangler / @xpangler: Roku said it “does not know to what extent the company will be able to recover its cash on deposit at SVB” but says it has enough cash on hand & from expected cash flow to cover costs for 12+ months via @variety
Jeff Baumgartner / Light Reading: Roku: 26% of cash stuck at failed Silicon Valley Bank
Jessica Bursztynsky / Fast Company: Here's how bad the damage is for Silicon Valley Bank's public clients
Ramishah Maruf / CNN: Roku held nearly $500 million at Silicon Valley Bank and does not know if it will recover the funds
Steve Yelvington / Ouch. — Roku: Failed SVB Held $487 Million of Its Cash, or 26% - Variety
Ross A. Lincoln / The Wrap: Roku Had $487 Million in Failed Silicon Valley Bank
Lakshmi Varanasi / Insider: Roku discloses it has $487 million in deposits at failed Silicon Valley Bank. That's 26% of its cash.

Special interest magazines, of which Dotdash Meredith and a360media control nearly 60%, grew 8% YoY in 2020 and 20% YoY in 2021 as the magazine market struggled — In a struggling magazine media market, a genre of magazines called special interest publications or bookazines has become a surprising winner.
Aaron Grunwald / @aarongrunwald: “We used to have the magazine almost for free, selling the customers to the advertisers, giving the content to the customers. Now we are in the business of selling the content to the customers,” @MrMagazine tells @djinisinabottle
@poynter: The newsstand industry went from about $6.8 billion in revenue in 2006 to about $1 billion in 2022 in a major drop following many changes that can be summed in one word: consolidation.
Dave Murrow / @b2bcontentguy: #supermarket shoppers are buying special interest magazines: sales went up 8% in 2020 and 20% in 2021 (Y o Y). Maybe fewer staff at checkout lines means more impulse buys? #magazinemedia (via @poynter)

Meta says it plans to block Canadians' ability to view or share news content on Facebook and Instagram if the country's proposed Online News Act becomes law — Tech giant Meta has decided to block Canadians' ability to view or share news content on Facebook and Instagram …
Canadian Press, @mgeist, @melissambarki, Michael Geist, @kkomaitis, @robertfife, @yoda, @justinhendrix, @jason_kint, @awudrick, @nanaslugdiva, @nspector4 and @dubsndoo, more at Techmeme »
Michael Geist / @mgeist: And there it is. Meta confirms that it will stop sharing of news links on both Facebook and Instagram if Bill C-18 passes in its current form. This an unsurprising response to the government's ill-advised decision to establish mandated payments for links. ...
Melissa Mbarki / @melissambarki: Mr. Rodriguez said it is “disappointing to see that Facebook has resorted to threats instead of working with the Canadian government in good faith.” As I'm sure the government did this in good faith @pablorodriguez ...
Michael Geist: The Consequence of Mandated Payments for Links: Facebook Confirms It Will Drop News Sharing in Canada Under Bill C-18
@kkomaitis: As the battle between big tech and the Canadian government comes to the forefront, here's a reminder that ultimately the ONLY loser is the Internet. #CanadaNews
Robert Fife / @robertfife: Meta would end Canadians' ability to view and share news under Bill C-18 - The Globe and Mail ...
Drew Olanoff / @yoda: why bother? just shut it all down already. this company is *over*
Justin Hendrix / @justinhendrix: “Tech giant Meta has decided to block Canadians' ability to view or share news content on Facebook and Instagram if Ottawa's online news bill becomes law, The Globe and Mail has learned.” ...
Jason Kint / @jason_kint: According to reports and whistleblower docs, Facebook had an incredibly detailed plan when they blocked in Australia. Make no mistake, this is hostile to democracy - Google and Facebook. ...
Aaron Wudrick / @awudrick: Excellent! Surely the newspaper lobby squealing about platforms stealing their content will be overjoyed that Meta is making sure there will be no more theft!
Barbara Smith / @nanaslugdiva: Oh so they can block content when they want to.
Norman Spector / @nspector4: “If the Online News Act passes in its current form, we will end the availability of news content on Facebook and Instagram for people in Canada,” said Lisa Laventure, a Meta spokesperson. “A legislative framework that compels us to pay for links or content ......

Appearing before a Canadian Parliament committee, Google executives defend the company blocking news content for some users in a test expected to end next week
@ezralevant, @jason_kint, @jason_kint, @jason_kint, @jason_kint, @jason_kint, @jason_kint and Reuters
Ezra Levant / @ezralevant: “The Online News Act... would require companies like Google and Meta... to compensate Canadian media companies for republishing their content.” What a weird lie by the CBC. Google & Facebook would have to pay for even just linking — not republishing content.
Jason Kint / @jason_kint: Precisely, G is blowing smoke about changing web. “This heavy-handed unilateral behaviour underscores that there is a significant power imbalance between publishers and platforms that needs to be addressed.” - @NewsMediaCanada CEO Paul Deegan. /7
Jason Kint / @jason_kint: The reason this matters: Google's top lobbyist, CEO and (intentionally in quotes) “head of news” found time to fly to Canada to lobby behind closed doors but won't answer Summons for an open parliament hearing. It's disrespectful to the entire nation. /6
Jason Kint / @jason_kint: Bam. Now under oath and under significant pressure and demand of the Chair, Google employee admits that Google's CEO Sundar Pichai and Chief Legal Officer Kent Walker were aware of the blocking of news to Canadians while Parliament considers legislation impacting Google. /5
Jason Kint / @jason_kint: Here is a link to my testimony and background on the legislation. But today isn't about Google's views of the bill that impacts their monopoly and trillion dollar market cap. Today is about Google's abusing its market power and threatening the representatives of Canada. /4
Jason Kint / @jason_kint: This is a good but scorching line of questioning of Google. If there was a Canadian news story about your being sued by the US Justice Department, about car seat safety, about name the issue, would it be blocked by Google? /2
Jason Kint / @jason_kint: Wow. Yes I'm watching. 🍿 Parliament demanded Google turn over docs, emails, texts and senior execs testify in reaction to perceived threats by Google. Instead Google sent underlings. Committee just ordered they be sworn under oath after some time dodging questions. /1 #CHPC #c18

Sources: the BBC won't air an episode on the loss of nature from David Attenborough's UK wildlife series for fear of rightwing anger; the BBC denies the claim — Exclusive: Decision to make episode about natural destruction available only on iPlayer angers programme-makers
HuffPost, @grogsgamut, @bbcpress, @mikegalsworthy, Boing Boing, @hughfw, @jbf1755, @cooper_m, HuffPost UK, @ward_esme, @joshshepperd, @melissacole, @simonubsdell, @alistaircoleman, @campbellclaret, @jessicaelgot, @aljwhite, @countbinface, @paulbernaluk, @aiannucci, @scottygb, @bbcpress, @sarahchampionmp, @smithsmm, @shentonstage, @mehdirhasan, @doctor_cupcakes, @asifkapadia, @_dan_austin, @georgemonbiot, @scarlettowest, @jolyonmaugham, @millar_colin, @joannechocolat, @albertocairo, @parkermolloy, @philippawarr, @stephknee, @carolinelucas, @liamthorpecho, Deadline and The Wrap
Sara Boboltz / HuffPost: BBC Denies Pulling David Attenborough Nature Doc To Avoid Angering Right-Wingers
Greg Jericho / @grogsgamut: The BBC is killing itself
@bbcpress: This is totally inaccurate, there is no ‘6th episode’. Wild Isles is - and always was - a 5 part series. We acquired a separate film for iPlayer from the RSPB, WWF and Silverback Films about people working to preserve and restore the biodiversity of the British Isles. @guardian
Dr Mike Galsworthy / @mikegalsworthy: What a bizarre decision! Who are the Chair and Director General? Oh... ...
Gareth Branwyn / Boing Boing: BBC won't broadcast Attenborough episode on destruction of wildlife over fear of right-wing backlash
Hugh Fearnley-Whittingstall / @hughfw: It's great to celebrate the breathtaking beauty of British wildlife. But to pull the episode that explains that much of it is under threat makes the whole series impotent as a force for good. I bet SDA isn't happy and we deserve better from @BBC, a public service broadcaster.
Dr. Joanne Freeman / @jbf1755: Forgive me, but: Really? Hiding from people on the right & not acknowledging the impact of climate change on nature? Really?
Matt Cooper / @cooper_m: What a day Britain is having. Strike that. What a decade it has had and is having.
Daniel Welsh / HuffPost UK: BBC Responds To Claims They Won't Broadcast Attenborough Doc Over ‘Right-Wing Backlash’ Worries
Esme Ward / @ward_esme: The more I think about this, the angrier I get. Channelling my frustrations into making next years WILD exhibition @McrMuseum better than ever.. ...
Josh Shepperd / @joshshepperd: The BBC censoring David Attenborough is like PBS censoring Elmo. It can only be imagined at the precipice of a total institutional collapse.
Melissa Cole / @melissacole: Ok, c'mon people, this is a LITERAL national treasure.
Dr Simon Ubsdell / @simonubsdell: Oh for heaven's sake. Good thing the Queen is dead or they'd have cancelled her too by now.
Alistair Coleman / @alistaircoleman: I *know* my employers are having A Bit Of A Day today, but you can stand down on the Attenborough outrage.
Alastair Campbell / @campbellclaret: Meanwhile the combination of right wing bullshittery and BBC management cowardice and politicisation continues ... BBC will not broadcast Attenborough episode over fear of rightwing backlash | BBC | The Guardian ...
Jessica Elgot / @jessicaelgot: Going to war with Match of the Day and David Attenborough in one afternoon strikes me as a strange electoral tactic but there we are
Alan White / @aljwhite: The good news for the govt is they've probably got small boats off the front of tomorrow's front pages. The bad news is they've upset two very popular footballers and David Attenborough in the last 3 hours.
Count Binface / @countbinface: So they DID air an arse-licking tribute to Jimmy Savile despite knowing he was a predatory sex offender... And now they WON'T air a documentary in which Sir David Attenborough speaks actual facts about the destruction of nature? Go home, BBC. You're drunker than Phil Mitchell.
Prof Paul Bernal / @paulbernaluk: Cancelling Attenborough and Lineker on the same day. Hang your heads in shame, BBC, hang your heads in shame.
Armando Iannucci / @aiannucci: There's an old saying in British broadcasting: 'Cross Attenborough, and he'll break your toes.' Expect fireworks.
@bbcpress: @guardian Our press release from August 2022 makes it clear that Wild Isles will be a five part series ⬇️
Sarah Champion / @sarahchampionmp: What?!? Are we now in a dictatorship with the BBC a Tory enforcer 😳
Simon Smith / @smithsmm: When you are making David Attenborough to be the enemy then you are definitely on the wrong side.
Mark Shenton / @shentonstage: It feels suddenly like the BBC is just imploding. What with @GaryLineker and now this, pandering to right wing nuts doesn't seem to be the way forward, surely?
Liam Robertson / @doctor_cupcakes: It's plain to see whose side the BBC is on.
@asifkapadia: The BBC is no longer our beloved, respected around the world public broadcaster, it is now run by Tory PR machine & is a full on Tory state broadcaster. If they can take down Attenborough, go after Lineker, imagine what they can do to silence people who have no power or influence
Daniel Austin / @_dan_austin: The BBC is now at the stage where it will refuse to broadcast factual scientific information and force out its own talent for showing empathy to vulnerable people. All because they're petrified of backwards, hate-filled cranks kicking off. Cowardly and very dangerous.
George Monbiot / @georgemonbiot: The BBC's shocking cowardice on this issue is itself highly political. ...
Scarlett / @scarlettowest: This isn't only ridiculous, but terrifying. Attenborough's documentaries don't even invoke the full context of just how terrible our climate situation is or why we've reached this point. If even ‘palatable’ climate info is being censored, how will we employ climate education?
Jo Maugham / @jolyonmaugham: Extraordinary story of how the (honest Guv, independent) BBC won't tell the truth about climate change because it fears the right might find the truth unpalatable. ...
Colin Millar / @millar_colin: This is jaw-dropping. Facts not being aired because... they may upset feelings. On the flip side, it proves “cancel culture” actually does exist.
Joanne Harris / @joannechocolat: THIS is censorship. Not editing, not responding to public demand, not changing outdated vocabulary. This.
Parker Molloy / @parkermolloy: Healthy society we all live in
Pip / @philippawarr: Tell me again how Gary Lineker is the one risking the public's trust in a broadcaster...
Stephanie / @stephknee: Every area of public debate is now fatally poisoned by the idea it's worse, and ruder, to tell someone what they're doing is wrong, than it is for them to do it
Caroline Lucas / @carolinelucas: 🚨Culture Wars Latest: Censoring UK's most trusted voice on nature is shocking dereliction of BBC's duty to public service broadcasting. It CANNOT allow truth on nature depletion to be victim in cynical culture wars stoked by populist Ministers #WildIsles ...
Liam Thorp / @liamthorpecho: So the BBC is now effectively censoring the voice of nature David Attenborough on factual and vital content based on the potential reaction from Tory MPs and right wing newspapers These are truly dark days ...

Sources: Group Black wants to acquire Paramount's BET and VH1, backed by private equity firm CVC Capital Partners; Tyler Perry and Byron Allen are also looking — Black Entertainment Television made the first Black billionaire in the United States. Will a Black executive buy it back?
@jtoonkel, @cpa_trendlines, @pkafka, @mediaevan, @benmullin, and The Wrap
Jessica Toonkel / @jtoonkel: A few tidbits in this scoop w/@Ajsaeedy @laurenthomas: -Antenna Group is months late on $30 mln payment to Vice —bids have come in for all or pieces of Vice Group Black has submitted a bid to acquire embattled Vice for around $400 million via @WSJ
Rick Telberg / @cpa_trendlines: Group Black Submits Bid of About $400 Million for Vice Media: Company that aims to invest in and grow Black-owned media firms is looking to acquire the embattled media group, which was once valued at $5.7 billion. ^WSJ #Business #Finance #CFO
Peter Kafka / @pkafka: $400mm bid for a company that reportedly brought in $600mm last year. Which is.. in line with other digital media cos in 2023.
Evan DeSimone / @mediaevan: Two years ago Vice planned to go public via SPAC at a valuation of $3bn...
Ben Mullin / @benmullin: Scoop: Group Black has emerged as a bidder for BET, alongside Tyler Perry and Byron Allen. It also recently submitted a bid to acquire Vice.
Anthony DeRosa / Group Black, which aims to invest in and grow Black-owned media firms, has submitted a bid to acquire embattled Vice Media for around $400 million —

Sources: Group Black submitted a ~$400M bid to acquire Vice Media, which has received other bids and hopes to wrap up the bidding process in the next few days
Lil Uzi Hurt / @lostblackboy: Group Black, cofounded by black entrepreneurs Travis Montaque, Richelieu Dennis & Bonin Bough, is looking to increase the amount of Black-owned media, including by acquiring existing high-profile media brands & adding more multicultural voices & influence.

A look at Jimmy Finkelstein's The Messenger, debuting in May 2023 with $50M in funding and 175+ reporters covering politics, business, entertainment, and sports — The company, which will begin operating in May, plans to have around 550 journalists covering entertainment, politics and sports within a year.
@sonnybunch, @tomgara, @benmullin, @rmnth, @nberke, @stphnfwlr, @taraemcg, @mpdillon, @ericnewcomer, @abtran, @jeffjarvis, @doree, @ryanvailbrown, @pressgazette, @haleaziz, @shanegoldmacher, @joeconchatv and @mkady
Sonny Bunch / @sonnybunch: I would be ... surprised if this company still exists in five years. But good luck to them!
Tom Gara / @tomgara: “To build its digital audience, the company has hired Neetzan Zimmerman”
Ben Mullin / @benmullin: Jimmy Finkelstein talked to me about The Messenger, a new newsroom that he hopes will be as big as the LA Times by the end of next year:
Ramnath / @rmnth: Word of the day: polyperspectivity “Mr. Wakeford said The Messenger would explore many sides of an issue — “polyperspectivity,” he said — and wouldn't ignore any perspectives or opinions.”
Ned Berke / @nberke: I was just saying that the world needs more national coverage of politics, business and entertainment from the perspective of NY, LA and DC. Cutting edge innovation.
Stephen Fowler / @stphnfwlr: imagine what would happen if a 74 year old publishing executive decided to use $50M in investor money to boost local newsrooms/nonprofits that serve meaningful purposes+audiences instead of yet another DC/NY/LA-based national outlet with zero new ideas!
Tara McGowan / @taraemcg: Do we think that these individuals 👇don't have biases or incentives that will inform what their new $50MM ""polyperspectivity" media enterprise covers, and how? 🧐🧐🧐
Patrick Dillon / @mpdillon: Every week on here I read two things: 1) some hot new media start-up is going to change everything, usually by covering “politics, entertainment and business” 2) some hot new media start-up of a few years ago decimated its staff and is on it way to being sold for parts
Eric Newcomer / @ericnewcomer: why do these people fund these “we're going to go HUGE” media strategies?
Andrew Ba Tran / @abtran: Hollywood should remake ‘The Producers’ but make it about spinning up news startups instead of Broadway musicals
Jeff Jarvis / @jeffjarvis: The Hill has always been shit & now The Times swallows the PR of its sequel because it preaches bothsideism—tarted up as “polyperspectivity”—to The Times' choir. Gag me. The Messenger, a Media Start-Up, Aims to Build a Newsroom Fast
Doree Shafrir / @doree: alt hed: Cool! Another Group of Middle-Aged White Guys Are Gonna Transform News
@pressgazette: Jimmy Finkelstein's new media venture The Messenger aims to have 550 staff within a year after it begins with at least 175 in May in New York, Washington and LA. It has raised $50m in investor funds and aims to generate $100m+ in revenue next year
Hamed Aleaziz / @haleaziz: “Mr. Finkelstein cited what he described as CNN's limited coverage of the southern U.S. border and Fox News's downplaying of the Capitol riot as the type of coverage he would like to address.” I've seen a lot of border coverage from CNN.
Shane Goldmacher / @shanegoldmacher: “Polyperspectivity” is a word in a quote in this story
Joe Concha / @joeconchatv: “The company, which will begin operating in May, plans to have around 550 journalists covering entertainment, politics and sports within a year.” The Messenger is owned by Jimmy Finkelstein, who sold The Hill to Nexstar last year for $130 million.

After the suicide of a Polish opposition MP's 15-year-old son, three presenters resign from a state radio station accused of outing him as a sexual abuse victim — Three presenters have resigned from Radio Szczecin, a state broadcaster accused of helping publicly identify a 15-year-old sexual abuse victim …

A look at upcoming changes for failing RSNs; sources: MLB envisions a hybrid national and local programming venture with TV and streaming on its own platform — Once thriving, the regional-sports TV industry is suffering as cable bundles unravel — Two of the largest regional sports broadcasters …
Hamed Aleaziz / @haleaziz: Such an underrated media story.
Jason Gay / @jasongay: This feels like 'Don't Look Up' where a big asteroid is headed toward some live sports (like baseball) and its going to have incredible repercussions
Kevin O'Keefe / @kevinokeefe: The financial unraveling of the once-thriving regional-sports TV industry could hasten a shift to a direct-to-consumer model for live sports. May benefit fans while hurting teams and players. from @WSJ
Lindsey Adler / @lindseyadler: Rob Manfred: “I think we can get into a mode where we are better able to say to fans: You can watch baseball on whatever platform you want to watch it.” via a big RSN story with @JBFlint, @bysarahkrouse @gladstonea :
Joe Flint / @jbflint: The regional sports network biz is in turmoil due to cord-cutting, expensive rights fees and a rocky transition to streaming. Our dive w @bysarahkrouse @lindseyadler @gladstonea.
Michael McCarthy / Front Office Sports: As Season Looms, How Will MLB Handle TV Uncertainty?

Report: Sinclair's Diamond Sports Group is within a week of filing for bankruptcy and has not paid the Arizona Diamondbacks by exercising a grace payment clause
John Ourand / @ourand_sbj: Diamond bankruptcy 1. What happens next week? 2. What teams could miss rights payments? 3. Will D-backs games be on TV this season? 4. What happens to Bally Sports Arizona if it does not carry D-backs games? 5. How does Diamond stand with its distributors? ...

Survey: Black Americans ages 16 to 40 get news daily from social media at higher rates than their white peers and are more likely to pay for or donate to news — How should news organizations appeal to Millennial and Gen Z news audiences and keep them coming back?
David Beard / @dabeard: Black Americans under 40 are more likely than their white peers to pay or donate to news ...

Between Q3 2018 and Q3 2022, Sunday circulation figures at Gannett's largest local newspapers fell 66.8% versus a 26.5% average across comparable metro dailies — Gannett, America's largest newspaper chain, should wake up each morning thankful for the existence of No. 2 Alden Global Capital.
@markagee, @moniguzman, @nickturse, @tracidegerman, @bruce_arthur, @seatimesfotoken, @danadifilippo, @kbeninato, @will_bunch, Media Nation, @johnarchibald, @jim_brunner, @gagemiskimen, @stevenwaldman, @nppa, @denverpratt, @mikeorren, @jbenton, @bykristinep, @samjmintz, @robpegoraro, @greg_doucette, @bobmoorenews, @ryanvanvelzer and @mattgertz
Mark Agee / @markagee: Congrats to local corruption on its ability to absolutely flourish. We'll get a few banging Netflix docs out of this though, on like a sheriff murdering his brother in law over a heroin ring out of this though provided we eventually find out about it
@moniguzman: Wow, @seattletimes. (And Seattle!) That's some resilience. 💪 Chart comparing metro daily Sunday circulation numbers (print+digital) from @jbenton's fascinating @NiemanLab article tracing Gannett's steep declines...
Nick Turse / @nickturse: Come for the fantastic lede, stay for the depressing read by @jbenton @NiemanLab “Gannett has eliminated 59% of its jobs in four years” “In Q3 2018, USA Today reported a total daily circulation of 2,632,392. In... Q3 2022, that was down to 180,381.”
Traci Degerman / @tracidegerman: Thereby dealing yet another blow to American democracy.
Ken Lambert / @seatimesfotoken: For 20 years I've witnessed my newspaper going non-stop, full-tilt, deep-dive on one thing: solid consistent regional reporting. This doesn't surprise me *at all.* Full stop.
Dana DiFilippo / @danadifilippo: “When the local paper stops reporting, there's often no one else to take its place. Everyone gets a little less informed about the world around them. And Gannett has increased local ignorance at a scale no other company can match.” via @NiemanLab
Karen DaltonBeninato / @kbeninato: Good summary of the scale of local news destruction in Gannett markets. I came up through community newspapers, and hate watching them disappear one by one.
Will Bunch / @will_bunch: I thought I was on top of what's happening in journalism but this story is utterly shocking
Dan Kennedy / Media Nation: Gannett is wrecking its papers, but USA Today's circulation is not down 93%
John Archibald / @johnarchibald: Hell of a piece here. Anybody in the business should read it.
Jim Brunner / @jim_brunner: GANNETT: burning its papers to the ground. The scale of local news destruction in Gannett's markets is astonishing via @NiemanLab
Gage / @gagemiskimen: The Des Moines Register Sunday circulation numbers in here. Wow. Q3 2018: 129,462 Q3 2022: 39,773 That's a decline of 69.3%.
Steven Waldman / @stevenwaldman: “The Advertiser [Lafeyette, LA] reported having 17 newsroom employees in 2020. But a combination of cuts, buyouts & escapes left it with exactly one local news reporter by January.”
@nppa: Required reading. Many of our members and colleagues feel this firsthand. Those on powerful positions feel it in other ways: they aren't held accountable. The scale of local news destruction in Gannett's markets is astonishing | Nieman Journalism Lab
Denver Pratt / @denverpratt: Local news is so critically important & its decimation by hedge fund/private equity firms is nothing short of a travesty. I work for a local paper owned by a hedge fund. As @WaNewsGuild & others have said, that model is bad for local journalism & communities. Please read this.
Mike Orren / @mikeorren: That last point on subscriber decline proves a theory lots of us have been positing for years. From what I see, subs decline is proportional to level of gutting. Those few who aren't doing that are holding the line or even growing modestly.
Joshua Benton / @jbenton: New by me —> Alden Global Capital makes for a better Hollywood villain — but the scale of local news destruction in Gannett's markets is simply astonishing. Staff size is down 59% in 4 years. At its biggest local papers, paid readers are down 77%.
Kristine Phillips / @bykristinep: At first glance, I thought this is a burning sinking ship. Either way, a fitting image.
Sam Mintz / @samjmintz: Incredible tally of the scale of Gannett's decimation of local newspapers in these numbers
Rob Pegoraro / @robpegoraro: 1) I guess that helps explain why Gannett management would reach the “look for change under the sofa cushions” stage of dropping a bunch of freelance columns. 2) Gannett's not my problem anymore, but I still feel sorry for the increasingly overworked journalists left there.
T. Greg Doucette / @greg_doucette: ::low whistle::