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NPR CEO John Lansing says Twitter adding a “US state-affiliated media” label is “unacceptable”; less than 1% of NPR's annual budget on average is from US grants — Elon Musk tweets that the change to the public broadcaster “Seems accurate”
NPR, Twitter Help Center, @dkthomp, Axios, Quartz, @alicefromqueens, @leilafadel,, @teresaberkowitz, @herecomesdrbob, @wiczipedia, @jackspeer1, @taradublinrocks, @sethmacfarlane, @prestonjbyrne, @maxblumenthal, @richardgrenell, @nyhammond, @ggreenwald, @chipgoines, @saramorrison, @saramorrison, @leilafadel, @datnofact, @gwillowwilson, @digiphile, New York Times, @taylorbuley, @davidjoachim, Fortune, Forbes, @stphnfwlr, Newser, Los Angeles Times, Fox News, The Guardian, CBS News and Deadline
Derek Thompson / @dkthomp: This is just silly. If NPR receiving less than 1% of its revenue from federal government programs makes it “state-affiliated media,” does Tesla accepting a $465m loan from DOE and benefiting from EV consumer subsidies make it “state-affiliated enterprise”?
Sara Fischer / Axios: NPR CEO blasts Twitter for “US state-affiliated media” label
Sofia Lotto Persio / Quartz: Twitter labeled NPR a “state-affiliated media” despite its guidelines clearly stating otherwise
Alice / @alicefromqueens: The NPR thing is dumb but “state-affiliated” isn't a terribly unfair description of a lot of big corps, Tesla among them, Raytheon above all.
Leila Fadel / @leilafadel: Interrupting my COVID recovery to retweet the wise @jackspeer1
Dan Gillmor / The kindest word I can come up with to describe NPR's response to Musk's visceral demonstration of contempt is — feeble. — But remember, NPR did more than almost any other major news organization to normalize extremism after the 2016 election …
Teresa Berkowitz / @teresaberkowitz: Downloaded the NPR app this afternoon. Here's their story on twitter's state affiliated designation. I have to work on breaking my Twitter habit and routines — at least when it comes to news.
Bob Hutton / @herecomesdrbob: If npr is “state-affiliated,” it's not because of funding so much as it is stuff like making an official edict (in 2009) that reporters couldn't refer to water-boarding as torture.
Nina Jankowicz / @wiczipedia: I remember when Twitter introduced its state affiliated media policy; I thought it was extremely thoughtful. (It's rare for me to agree with these sorts of policies). Twitter giving NPR the same label as Russian propaganda is factually incorrect.
Jack Speer / @jackspeer1: As a journalist who works there can I just say, 😯 Respectfully @elonmusk is an idiot.@NPR has 3 sources of revenue, but direct government funding is NOT one of them! I have been in this business more than 35 years and have been “bought"by no one!
@taradublinrocks: Hey @elonmusk what's this"State-Affiliated Media" propaganda on @NPR's profile supposed to mean? It's not up to you to tell your users how to feel about the truth
Seth MacFarlane / @sethmacfarlane: [Removes glasses, rubs temples, sighs.]
Preston Byrne / @prestonjbyrne: Media that's substantially funded by the public sector is state-affiliated. Twitter should slap the label on the BBC, too.
Max Blumenthal / @maxblumenthal: NPR is not state affiliated media. Its US gov't-sponsored staff reliably transmits US gov't talking points about foreign governments the US gov't seek to topple through their own, independent initiative, without any collaboration with the US gov't.
Richard Grenell / @richardgrenell: Everyone knows @npr is US government funded. And if those are the @whca rules then @tamarakeithNPR should not have access if other government affiliated outlets aren't allowed.
Bill Hammond / @nyhammond: Tesla's Solar City subsidiary would be specifically “affiliated” with New York State, whose taxpayers ponied up $950M for its Buffalo factory
Glenn Greenwald / @ggreenwald: NPR has an article complaining that Twitter now characterizes it as “US state-affiliated media.” To prove that they are not, they cite the fact that WH Press Secretary Karine Jean-Pierre today “defended NPR's journalism.” Strange choice.
Chip Goines / @chipgoines: Not to mention Space X receiving billions in NASA & DOD contracts from the gov't. But no one ever calls them a “state-owned aerospace company”.
Sara Morrison / @saramorrison: if I was a media outlet re-assessing my relationship with Twitter and how something that is now subject to the whims of a moody billionaire shouldn't have become so causally woven into the infrastructure of journalism, I would maybe stop using it as a source.
Sara Morrison / @saramorrison: look at NPR snitching on PBS!
Leila Fadel / @leilafadel: “NPR stands for freedom of speech and holding the powerful accountable. It is unacceptable for Twitter to label us this way. A vigorous, vibrant free press is essential to the health of our democracy.”
G. Willow Wilson / @gwillowwilson: We have to get off this platform.
Alex Howard / @digiphile: @TwitterSupport ... In a statement on @Twitter's inaccurate label of @NPRNews, @NPR CEO @JohnLansing pointed out that Twitter's own guidelines for “State-affiliated media” “make it clear” the label does not apply to NPR: “It is unacceptable for Twitter to label us this way.”
Tay Buley / @taylorbuley: I would give up that 1% if it caused me so much grief
David S. Joachim / @davidjoachim: John Lansing, CEO of @NPR: “We were disturbed to see last night that Twitter has labeled NPR as ‘state-affiliated media,’ a description that, per Twitter's own guidelines, does not apply to NPR.” @johnlansing @xpangler
Stephen Fowler / @stphnfwlr: NPR gets ~2% of its money from federal grants, a few million dollars, and it's editorially independent. Also, an outlet like Voice of America is literally US-funded media and has no label. It's not about facts, it's just capitalizing on poor media literacy to prove a point.
Nardine Saad / Los Angeles Times: NPR objects to ‘state-affiliated media’ label Twitter slapped on account: ‘inaccurate’
Fox News: White House defends NPR after ‘state-affiliated media’ designation by Twitter: ‘No doubt of independence’
Johana Bhuiyan / The Guardian: NPR pushes back after Twitter designates it as ‘state-affiliated media’
Kerry Breen / CBS News: Twitter labels NPR as “state-affiliated media”
Ted Johnson / Deadline: NPR Objects To Twitter's “State-Affiliated Media” Label

Twitter adds a “US state-affiliated media” label to NPR's account, seemingly contradicting Twitter's previous policy that used NPR as an example of an exception — Twitter added a warning to NPR's Twitter account on Tuesday, declaring it as “state-affiliated media,” …
@davidgura, Techdirt, @lourdesgnavarro, Associated Press, @paleofuture, Washington Post, Poynter, @sifill_, @anthony, @benpauker,, @emptywheel, @hashtaggriswold, Raw Story, @althomelandsec, RADIO ONLINE, @niemanlab, @caitoz, @digiphile, @jimlaporta, @lrozen, @zaleskiluke, @benpauker, @jbenton, @ngrossman81, @helenkennedy, @mikeisaac, @ryanjhaas, @hashtaggriswold, @andybxxx, @maustermuhle, @kaivanshroff, @jsrailton, @davidrlurie, @rmac18, @defensebaron, @davidweastburn, @pt, @abbydphillip, @kevincollier, @maxwelltani, Fox News, @nicoleperlroth, @cwarzel, @dhiott, @brianklaas, @jadler1969, @petestrzok, @petestrzok, @lanceulanoff, @ajdelgado13, @digiphile, @dougsaunders, @ambermac, @tculpan, @dougsaunders, @ishaantharoor, @digiphile, @muna_mire, WGN-TV, @derjarjour, @mattholt33, @mediaevan, @mattgertz, @unbranded63, @pandasandvidya, @philippmarkolin, @notbenfish, @jeffbradynews, @cszabla, @donmoyn, Insider, TechCrunch, @erinhale, MediaPost, @donmoyn, @wil_da_beast630, Wall Street Journal, CNN, @paleofuture, @melissakchan, @paleofuture, @stillgray, @chenweihua, @alx, @ichbinilya, Vanity Fair, @kevin_maguire, Ars Technica,, The Hollywood Reporter, NewsNation, The Desk, Engadget and Bloomberg, more at Techmeme »
David Gura / @davidgura: Yesterday, @elonmusk's Twitter labeled NPR “state-affiliated media,” even though the company's own policy stated the organization shouldn't be labeled as such because it has editorial independence (left). Hours later, Twitter removed the reference to NPR in the policy (right).
Mike Masnick / Techdirt: NPR Was Twitter's Example Of What Should NOT Be Labeled ‘State-Affiliated Media.’ Then Musk Added The Label And Retconned The Policy
Lulu / @lourdesgnavarro: NPR is not state affiliated media. It is public media. The NYT is not propaganda. It is the most robust news organization in the English speaking world. The bias as to who is being targeted on this site by its leadership is so very clear. And it's not a small thing.
Matt Novak / @paleofuture: Elon Musk's Twitter has added a label to NPR listing it as “state-affiliate media,” putting it on par with Russia's RT and China's Xinhua
Sherrilyn Ifill / @sifill_: This is an absolute disgrace and slander. Musk grows more authoritarian by the day.
Anthony DeRosa / @anthony: Labeling @NPR as “state affiliated media” doesn't even follow Twitter's own guidelines.
Ben Pauker / @benpauker: Twitter branding @NPR “state-affiliated media” literally conflicts with its own policy: “State-financed media organizations with editorial independence, like the BBC in the UK or NPR in the US for example, are not defined as state-affiliated media...” 🤯
Perry Michael Simon / NPR Battles Twitter Over ‘State-Affiliated Media’ Tag
@emptywheel: .@mmasnick busts Twitter for changing their state affiliated media account policy only AFTER labeling NPR as one.
Alex Griswold / @hashtaggriswold: Twitter appears to have seen this tweet and responded by editing its guidelines to omit NPR
@althomelandsec: If @NPR is state-affiliated media, Twitter is also a state-affiliated media company.
@niemanlab: “US state-funded rockets” “US state-subsidized automaker” “US state-funded digger”
Caitlin Johnstone / @caitoz: This is true it has been Twitter's policy not to label NPR “state-affiliated media”, but that policy was always stupid for the reasons outlined above. Anyway Twitter has now edited that policy, while hilariously still claiming the BBC is not state media.
Alex Howard / @digiphile: As @mmasnick notes, Musk abused his power “to arbitrarily ignore @Twitter's own rules so that he can do one of his stupid jokes, smugly insisting that @NPR is no different than, say, Chinese state-affiliated media” & then retroactively changed the @policy
Jim LaPorta / @jimlaporta: True but also @starsandstripes has editorial independence from the Defense Department
Laura Rozen / @lrozen: As a friend notes, Musk takes way more US government money than NPR does.
Luke Zaleski / @zaleskiluke: The level of uniform gaslighting, rewriting of history, and blanketing of social media we're enduring currently from republicans and musk is unprecedented in the modern world. Mao would be impressed. They are manufacturing a fake reality built of pure propaganda and conspiracies.
Ben Pauker / @benpauker: Twitter edited and removed @NPR from its policy as an example of an editorially independent “state-affiliated” media organization. By now tagging NPR as such “Twitter will not recommend or amplify accounts or their Tweets with these labels to people.”
Joshua Benton / @jbenton: New by me —> If Elon Musk wants to label @NPR as “state-affiliated media,” there might be some other labels that need applying
Nicholas Grossman / @ngrossman81: Labeling NPR “state-affiliate media” is dumb, even dumber to change Twitter's rules to do it—too low a percentage of NPR's funding is from govt—and the effect will be weakening the label for actual propaganda outlets. But it's in private-company-makes-its-own- policies territory.
Helen Kennedy / @helenkennedy: Musk had to change Twitter's own guidelines to slap a state media label on NPR. His petty war on respected outlets that don't lionize him continues after he stripped the NYT of verification.
Rat King / @mikeisaac: good @mmasnick on T&S policies at Twitter pre vs post acquisition
Ryan Haas / @ryanjhaas: People with political brain worms are frequently mad that public media is actually funded overwhelmingly by local communities and not massive corporations. You can join the “state-affiliated media” by becoming a member of your local public station.
Alex Griswold / @hashtaggriswold: They... ARE “connected.” Bit weird to pretend otherwise.
Andy Boreham / @andybxxx: NPR, like other US state-affiliated media, completely ignored Nord Stream after it was blown up in an act of war, all at the behest of their masters in Washington. And people are still arguing they have “editorial independence.”
Martin Austermuhle / @maustermuhle: NPR is no more “state-affiliated media” than Tesla is a state-affiliated car company because it has accepted government subsidies.
Kaivan Shroff / @kaivanshroff: Truly insane. Elon Musk's Twitter has labeled NPR as “state-affiliated media” a label it places on Chinese/Russian propaganda outlets. NPR gets less than 1% of its funding from the federal government and it's content is in no way controlled by the government.
John Scott-Railton / @jsrailton: Kevin is right, I believe that the false equivalency is the goal.
@davidrlurie: @NPR may have a cause of action for defamation here. Twitter is assigning a designation to NPR that it knows, and indeed until yesterday acknowledged to be, false. As Twitter knows, however, media companies are loath to bring such suits.
@rmac18: makes me wonder what NPR is planning to report on Musk or his companies
Kevin Baron / @defensebaron: Proof Elon Musk is pushing his agenda? @NPR gets labeled “state-affiliated media” which is bogus. @starsandstripes, which is actually owned by the US government, is ignored.
David W. Eastburn / @davidweastburn: @DefenseBaron ... I'll just put this right here...
Parker / @pt: I'm skeptical people are really going to start assuming RT is on the level of NPR, but I do hope whatever mind virus Elon has contracted is curable, because the chaos he's continually introducing to this website is not enjoyable.
Abby D. Phillip / @abbydphillip: This is very problematic and as others have pointed out, goes against even Twitter's guidelines on this.
Kevin Collier / @kevincollier: When Facebook and Twitter brought out state-affiliated media tags, they did a great job defining it: when an outlet's editorial control comes from a state. That's RT, Sputnik, China Daily. Not NPR. This equates democratic-funded reporting with literal authoritarian propaganda.
Max Tani / @maxwelltani: NPR president and CEO John Lansing says in a statement that it is “unacceptable for Twitter to label us this way.”
Nicole Perlroth / @nicoleperlroth: Well put. I can also assure @elonmusk that then Secretary of State Mike Pompeo did not consider @npr “state affiliated media” when he lost his mind at @NPRKelly
Charlie Warzel / @cwarzel: nothing musk does is surprising if you view it through this framework ...
Debbie Hiott / @dhiott: The government isn't paying for @NPR, you are, through member station fees from stations like @KUT. Feel free to stick it to the Man, @elonmusk, by making your contribution at
Brian Klaas / @brianklaas: Is Musk doing this because Russia/China complain their state media outlets get this label (because they're editorially controlled by despots)? I don't know, but these are the issues that come up when a Russia apologist billionaire with economic interests in China is in charge.
Jonathan H. Adler / @jadler1969: Funding numbers aren't quite right, but this decision by Twitter is indefensible.
Pete Strzok / @petestrzok: Btw, here's Twitter's definition of “state affiliated media.” Note the emphasis on editorial independence. If the BBC isn't “state-affiliated media,” I don't see how you can argue NPR is.
Pete Strzok / @petestrzok: This not only harms NPR, it helps state-owned propaganda outlets around the world. NPR is demonstrably unlike RT or Xinhua - but like-labeling confers its legitimacy to them.
Lance Ulanoff / @lanceulanoff: I don't get this. @NPR is no more “US-state affiliated” than, say, @PBS, which does not have that label. PBS gets some (not much, always falling) gov't funding. NPR doesn't even get direct funding (some small indirect).
A.J. Delgado / @ajdelgado13: Disgusting. What a clown.
Alex Howard / @digiphile: Under Musk, @NPRNews has been falsely labeled as state-affiliated media. (No government entity has control of @NPR, @TwitterSupport.) Tweeting insults, suspending journalists, unverifying @nytimes, & now adding a false label to NPR shows a much deeper animus towards the press.
Doug Saunders / @dougsaunders: The distinction between state and public media is well defined in a document known as... Twitter'a own policy
Amber Mac / @ambermac: Is there a word for someone who constantly creates new easy problems instead of fixing ongoing hard problems?
Tim Culpan / @tculpan: Over the past three years, @tesla received over $200 million in government grants That's ~10x what @npr received So, State-affiliation is in the eye of the beholder? ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Doug Saunders / @dougsaunders: Under this logic, Tesla would have to be labelled a “state-affiliated car company” in its tweets
Ishaan Tharoor / @ishaantharoor: 90 percent of the reason why Elon Musk spent $44 billion to takeover Twitter was to do precisely these sort of things, grinding the ideological axe of his authoritarian-curious tech libertarian friends and their far-right followers
Alex Howard / @digiphile: Musk's anti-media animus made labeling worse. @NPR is an independent nonprofit news outlet: @NPRNews is not “state media.” @VOANews IS — but VOA accounts are not labeled. Adding this label to NPR is capricious, biased, & wrong:
Muna / @muna_mire: Again, this is a direct result of legacy media giving credence and cover to the right. At this point you're doing a disservice to your readers and your own brand under the auspices of objectivity
Michaël Jarjour / @derjarjour: Labeling NPR the same as RT is dangerous and misleading. There are a few people at Twitter left who know this and I hope they speak up.
Matt Holt / @mattholt33: The actual state-sponsored US media organization doesn't have the same marking as NPR. It's just so transparent what Elon is doing here and it's garbage
Evan DeSimone / @mediaevan: Treating NPR like it was RT or Xinhua does nothing but further diminish the value of Twitter's various internal labels and flags.
Matthew Gertz / @mattgertz: I bet this is more about cozying up to China than it is about NPR.
@unbranded63: Musk will throw the same label on the BBC and the CBC next. Fascism is slow but steady.
Philipp Markolin / @philippmarkolin: These are the subtle (and not do subtle) changes you expect to see from an anti-democratic platform. Words have meaning, intentional conflation and decontextualization serves only one group: autocrats who aim to control, manipulate & break the norms that hold together democracies
Big East Legitimist / @notbenfish: we did it whataboutismbros
Jeff Brady / @jeffbradynews: Uh, no...
@cszabla: “Twitter responded to a request for comment late Tuesday with a poop emoji, an automated response set up by CEO Elon Musk.”
Don Moynihan / @donmoyn: Musk labeling NPR as “state-affiliate media” is another example of how Twitter used to have reasonably sensible and transparent policies which are now being rewritten in obviously nonsensical ways to fit with the whims of its owner.
Britney Nguyen / Insider: Twitter labeled NPR as a ‘state-affiliated media’ and scrubbed its name from a policy page that contradicted the move
Taylor Hatmaker / TechCrunch: Twitter singles NPR out with misleading state-backed media label
Erin Hale / @erinhale: State-affiliated media is not the same thing as publicly funded media. NPR, AFP, BBC, PBS all get funding from their governments but maintain editorial independence.
Colin Kirkland / MediaPost: Twitter Labels NPR ‘State-Affiliated Media,’ NPR Fights Back
Don Moynihan / @donmoyn: BBC gets about 70% of its funding from the government (via license fees), NPR gets about 1-2%. Former is not listed as state-affiliate media, but NPR is. Along with deverifying NY Times, illustrates how Musk is the one running a propaganda outfit to fit with his political views.
@wil_da_beast630: Sounds utterly correct. It's a hyper partisan network literally 70+% funded by the US government.
Alyssa Lukpat / Wall Street Journal: NPR Criticizes Twitter for Labeling Its Account as ‘State-Affiliated Media’
Matt Novak / @paleofuture: Twitter's own guidelines previously explained NPR didn't get a label because it had editorial independence from the government.
Melissa Chan / @melissakchan: Twitter labeling NPR “state-affiliated media” is terrible false equivalence to propaganda outlets like China's Xinhua or Russia Today. NPR gets ~1-2% funding f/ the federal government and has editorial independence. Xinhua denies a war in Ukraine and detention camps in Xinjiang.
Matt Novak / @paleofuture: But those guidelines were changed at some point Tuesday, scrapping NPR as an example.
Ian Miles Cheong / @stillgray: Twitter has now correctly branded NPR as US state-affiliated media. It is an accurate description.
@chenweihua: Elon Musk is now listing NPR as US state affiliated media. Good😂. But the hardcore US govt propaganda VOA is not listed. What is happening????
Ilya Lozovsky / @ichbinilya: A worldview that equates outlets like RT and NPR is essentially saying that there's no such thing as non-propagandistic public media outlet. It's the same worldview you hear from authoritarians the world over.
Charlotte Klein / Vanity Fair: Twitter Labeling NPR as “State-Affiliated Media” Goes Against its Own Definition of State Media
Kevin Maguire / @kevin_maguire: Toytown tyrant Musk reminds me of a kid banging a biscuit tin with a rattle.
Jon Brodkin / Ars Technica: Musk expands feud with media by labeling NPR Twitter account “state-affiliated”
Josh Sternberg / “You know, like China Cyberspace, the magazine run by the chief internet censorship agency in China, which Musk penned a column for. Because Musk seems to have no problem with actual state-affiliated media that works in his personal interests …
J. Clara Chan / The Hollywood Reporter: Twitter, Bucking Its Own Policy, Adds “State-Affiliated Media” Label to NPR Account
Matthew Keys / The Desk: Twitter adds “state media” label to NPR account

Tests show that Twitter's “stay informed” labels, added in February 2022 to flag tweets with links to Russia- or China-controlled media, no longer appear
@sawyerhackett, @donmoyn, @chuckrossdc, @tomgrundy, @urocklive1, @semafor and @paulachertok, more at Techmeme »
Sawyer Hackett / @sawyerhackett: Wow. The day after Twitter labeled NPR “US state-affiliated media,” we find out they've stopped limiting the reach of actual Russian and Chinese state media. The new policy violates Twitter's own stated policy.
Don Moynihan / @donmoyn: Turns out that twitter under Musk is *more* friendly to actual state controlled media
Chuck Ross / @chuckrossdc: Semafor, which is working with CCP front groups on a new journalism initiative, dings Twitter for not doing enough to curb Chinese state media
Tom Grundy / @tomgrundy: 'Twitter is no longer taking steps to limit the reach of Chinese and Russian state-controlled media outlets, violating the social media platform's own stated policies.' (...and it has wrongly labelled NPR 'state-affiliated media')
@urocklive1: Please be sure and block both the Russian and Chinese state-controlled media accounts. You can still read their tweets with an extra click if you must. I've been debating whether Elmo is truly evil or just an idiot, but it's looking more and more like deliberately evil.
@semafor: 🟡 NEW: Twitter is no longer taking steps to limit the reach of Chinese and Russian state-controlled media outlets, violating the social media platform's own stated policies, @lmatsakis and @SaacksAttack report

A gender fluid teen refutes parts of a story in Free Press on their mother's regrets over their use of a puberty blocker, and criticizes the reporting process — Bari Weiss' new outlet, the Free Press, reported that the teen's mother regrets approving puberty blockers. The teen says the story is full of misinformation.
@kattenbarge, @sleepyoktobur, @bariweiss, @sleepyoktobur, The Nation, The Daily Dot, @sleepyoktobur, @aaronsibarium, @moorehn, @brotigupta, @samthielman, @sorayamcdonald, @xoxogossipgita, @cambrian_era, @dynamicsymmetry, @allezlesboulez, @hoovlet, @nathanjrobinson, @nberlat, @owenjones84, @sleepyoktobur, @feliciasonmez, @timfullerton, @ashtonpittman, @zunguzungu, @sleepyoktobur, @mattlech, @hawleymo, @benryanwriter, @jpbrammer, @michelemunz, @parkermolloy, @soledadobrien, @aridrennen, @nkulw, @discourse_blog, @loeybug, @benryanwriter, @sleepyoktobur, @carolinerose79, @moiradonegan, @avishaiw, @garylegum, @mobute, @erikmbaker, @benryanwriter, @mike_hixenbaugh, @xoxogossipgita, @politicalmath, @jbouie, @lebassett, @benryanwriter, @chrisgeidner, Advocate, @readingtheend and The Free Press
Kat Tenbarge / @kattenbarge: As a journalist who often writes about teenagers — and can only print a sensitive interview with a minor with their parent's consent — if I had a parent tell me the story of their child's identity without including, let alone consulting, their child, that would be a red flag.
@sleepyoktobur: I have reinstalled Twitter to respond to this story and make sure my voice is fully heard. I am Casey. My real name is Alex but my mom decided it would be best to hide it for anonymity. But this is my story, not hers. This is not the free press's story.
Bari Weiss / @bariweiss: Caroline was told that a puberty blocker would relieve her child's psychological distress. That's not what happened. More reporting from inside Washington University's Transgender Center by @EmilyYoffe :
@sleepyoktobur: Upon interviewing Emily Yoffe myself I was told that I had no say in whether or not the article was published. I asked if my consent was required to publish the article and the reporter told me, “that's not how these things work.”
Alessandra C. / The Nation: Being Openly Trans in High School Is Already Hard. Republicans Want to Make It Impossible.
Tricia Crimmins / The Daily Dot: EXCLUSIVE: ‘This is my story, not hers’: Teen says anti-trans article about their puberty blockers got facts wrong
@sleepyoktobur: Speaking of mental health, the article claims that my mental health issues can be attributed to the Supprelin implant, however, my personal experience shows that this is not the case. Since Covid-19, my mental health has been declining, and it was already an issue.
Aaron Sibarium / @aaronsibarium: The thread—by someone with a vested interest in debunking the story—ends up corroborating the most important things in it, including the child's decline in mental health and the doctors' minatory invocation of suicide.
Heidi N. Moore / @moorehn: This is true and it's really revealing of how B a r i, T a i b b i etc really exploit their positions as pundits to completely evade the ethics of journalism. Being a trumped-up (literally) propagandist tends to confer journalistic credibility where reporting doesn't exist.
Broti Gupta / @brotigupta: it's pathetic and so disgustingly hypocritical (what? bari weiss? no!) to see HOW MUCH the right wing “protect our children” crusaders are willing to risk trans kids' lives for their own transphobic agendas. emily yoffe and bari weiss should be so deeply ashamed of themselves
@samthielman: I wonder if the @nytimes will see fit to stop assigning stories that follow Bari Weiss's reporting-shaped posts on her Substack now that vulnerable marginalized people are risking substantial harm to refute her endless mischaracterizations and elisions
@sorayamcdonald: @SleepyOktobur I'm so sorry for everything you've been through, but especially the part that is simply because of journalists with shoddy ethics who did not listen to you and your attempts to communicate the truth to them. They do not represent our profession.
@xoxogossipgita: I had to issue a full correction, including a note in the headline, because I misidentified what parts of the UK the Pokémon game based on the country was supposed to resemble in a post about Pokémon memes. And these people just print lies about children!
@cambrian_era: As a general rule something that should be a huge red flag with any of these stories is how they almost never allow the children themselves to speak. They center the fears of parents instead of the wellbeing of the child.
Sunny Moraine / @dynamicsymmetry: Simultaneously absolutely buck wild and totally unsurprising that the actual mom replied to this thread with, basically, “I am uncomfortable when we are not about me?”
@allezlesboulez: so the official Bari Weiss newsletter style guide is to misgender someone if their parent asks?
Carole Hooven / @hoovlet: “'She said that if future fertility was a concern, we his sperm before the blocker went in,' Caroline said. She recalls wondering how she found herself in a conversation about banking sperm of her 14 year old.” @TheFP @EmilyYoffe
Nathan J Robinson / @nathanjrobinson: One thing you'll notice about the transphobic pseudo-journalism fueling our present moral panic is that it rarely quotes the actual trans teens who are being discussed. This is almost certainly because their own view of events would be very different to their parents'.
Noah Berlatsky / @nberlat: It sounds like emily yoffe and bari weiss deliberately set out to help a transphobic parent bully her child and deny that child medical care. this is not how ethical journalists operate. they also appear to have concealed the child's dissent from their narrative.
Owen Jones / @owenjones84: This devastating thread speaks to two truths: - The media are whipping up an anti-trans moral panic based on lies and distortions - Parents do not always know what is best for their children - and in some cases, the absolute opposite.
@sleepyoktobur: Dear Diary, Today, I successfully ratio'd Bari Weiss. It was terrifying and I was at risk of a lot of backlash. However, the fact that it happened is hilarious. I'm glad I got to share the real story, and I won't let anyone talk over me ever. Signed, Alex.
Felicia Sonmez / @feliciasonmez: Emily Yoffe has a history of unethical professional behavior, and her actions have caused significant harm. I am sad angry to see that has done so once again. You should not have had to go through this, @SleepyOktobur. 1/
Tim Fullerton / @timfullerton: The child of this mother has refuted most of this story - saying some are lies & others are out of context. Kind of weird that everything Bari does seems to have a lack of journalistic integrity. Guess that's what happens when you have an agenda and narrative you want to push.
Ashton Pittman / @ashtonpittman: You can't blame Substack for Bari Weiss. She was allowed to spread her poison at the New York Times for years. She's a product of the mainstream media establishment, not some rogue aberration of unethical journalism. She may seem even worse now, but it was always there.
Aaron Bady / @zunguzungu: My expectations for Bari Weiss's journalism was pretty low, but the way Emily Yoffe just decided not to include the 16 year old kid's statement that their mother's account of the the 16 year old kid's experience was wrong, um, that's fucking insane and unethical?
@sleepyoktobur: About a week ago my mom contacted @EmilyYoffe without my knowledge and told her what was supposed to be our story. She expressed her frustration with the transgender clinic at Washington University, many of which are false perceptions that my mom has about the doctors and clinic.
Matt Lech / @mattlech: Bari Weiss and this whole crew are just inputs into this type of product. Simulated, controlled muckraking made to measure for GOP campaign propaganda.
Josh Hawley / @hawleymo: A stunning, sickening new report on the Wash U transgender center. We must get the truth. And there must be accountability
Benjamin Ryan / @benryanwriter: @aaronsibarium I have no vested interest in debunking the story. The question is one of journalistic ethics and of observing the wishes of a child not to have their personal life broadcast against their wishes.
Michele Munz / @michelemunz: This isn't journalism. This isn't reporting. The father wasn't interviewed. The teen did not corroborate their mom's statements. Only one anti-trans activist org that pushes misinformation was quoted. You mischaracterized stories by the St. Louis Post-Dispatch.
Parker Molloy / @parkermolloy: Bari Weiss is a monster
Soledad O'Brien / @soledadobrien: This whole thread, young journos, is extremely important:
Ari Drennen / @aridrennen: Bari Weiss and Emily Yoffe pushed out a story claiming that puberty blockers provided by a Missouri gender clinic failed to relive a trans teenager's distress. The trans teenager in question says the story (which misgendered them throughout) was false
Noah Kulwin / @nkulw: This is so egregious because journalists are not supposed to show fucking drafts of their pieces to subjects of the article. Running quotes by people is fine, so is showing them sections for clarity, but sending a draft is something I literally got yelled at for when I was 21
@discourse_blog: like clockwork ...
@loeybug: Holy shit. The lack of journalistic integrity here is astounding. Talking about a trans minor's medical history, without their consent, and publishing total lies despite being told that they are lies. This is a child you fucking ghouls. @EmilyYoffe @TheFP @bariweiss
Benjamin Ryan / @benryanwriter: The ethics of writing about children, in particular about their mental health and medical histories, are much more intense, y'all.
@sleepyoktobur: I learned of this article through my mom over the phone when she asked if it was okay that @TheFP published the article. I said that I wanted to read it first. When I read the draft I was disgusted with what the reporter and my mom had made my experience out to be.
Caroline Miller / @carolinerose79: @stokely_i @SleepyOktobur A reporter contacted me about my experience, after I had contacted an attorney. I gave an interview, she wrote a first draft, which I sent to Alex. There were things they wanted to address, so we all sat in a Zoom call - Emily, myself, and Alex - before it went to press.
Moira Donegan / @moiradonegan: Exploiting a teenager's mental health struggles to further a biased agenda, and then profiting off of the ensuing family dysfunction that plays out in public and gets salacious clicks ... Bari Weiss has kept her elite imprimatur of respectability, but this is Jerry Springer stuff.
@avishaiw: Now that I've taken the time to read the article Alex is correcting... blehhh Bari Weiss is an unethical journalist, huh. Cherry-picking accounts to bolster her preferred narrative, excluding the perspective of the true center of the story, all while misgendering from start to end
Gary Legum / @garylegum: What a fucking nightmare this is now getting played out publicly, congrats to Bari Weiss and Emily Yoffe on another ethically upstanding job.
@mobute: I kinda admire Bari Weiss. She said, “Screw you, mainstream media. I'm going to make my own publication and run MY kind of stories: unremarkable, uninformed, unethical, fundamentally fraudulent, or some combination of those,” and by God she did it.
Erik Baker / @erikmbaker: It's interesting how years ago, when Bari Weiss and Emily Yoffe were still pretending to be reputable mainstream journalists, leftists claimed that they were profoundly evil people with profoundly evil intentions, and then that ended up being true. Not sure what to make of that
Benjamin Ryan / @benryanwriter: The Free Press also appears to consistently misgender “Casey”, whose pronouns in their Twitter bio are she/they, referring to the child as he/him throughout. @SleepyOktobur
Mike Hixenbaugh / @mike_hixenbaugh: Some interesting journalism practices over at the Free Press.
@xoxogossipgita: Gamers will literally send you death threats for not knowing video game marginalia and Bari Weiss's newspaper prints articles about minors without their permission. Wild!
PoliMath / @politicalmath: On the one hand, there is this piece from @TheFP about a mother's anxiety over her son, who she feels was pushed into hormone blockers On the other hand there is this statement from the child /1
@jbouie: if confirmed this is a pretty egregious breach of journalistic ethics but then we know that weiss is basically just running a propaganda rag
Laura Bassett / @lebassett: You may have seen the viral story Bari Weiss' “Free Press” published about a trans teen's mom regretting approving their puberty blockers. The teen has spoken out and said the story is full of misinformation and lacks their very different perspective:
Benjamin Ryan / @benryanwriter: The child whose treatment at the Washington University Transgender Clinic was just covered in @BariWeiss' The Free Press by @EmilyYoffe, excoriates the article. Alex—the child's real name—says the article was published without their input or consent, only their mother's.
@chrisgeidner: I am so angry right now. That a teen is having to defend themself against the harm that Bari Weiss has decided, along with so many others, to unleash upon young people who are just trying to find some peace in this world. You should all be ashamed.
Christopher Wiggins / Advocate: Mom's Interview With Anti-Trans Media Draws Criticism After Teen Responds

Study: ChatGPT cited nonexistent Washington Post, Miami Herald, and Los Angeles Times articles and fabricated a sexual harassment story about a law professor — The AI chatbot can misrepresent key facts with great flourish, even citing a fake Washington Post article as evidence
Reuters, @willoremus, The Information, @ihnatko, @casmudde, MediaNama, @max_oikonomikos, @thetattooedprof, @dnbrgr, @parismarx, @profdaveandress, @shannonvallor, @lizhighleyman, @garymarcus, @kevinschawinski, @sarahscire, @gregpak, @daveyalba, @rking618, @jgarzik, @bfriedmandc, @carnage4life, @calamur, @jamesfrye, @willoremus, @random_walker, @scottmccloud, @garymarcus, @fabiochiusi, @lyalindotcom, @dancow, @maxkennerly, @fordm, @2020science, @pranshuverma_ and Reason, more at Techmeme »
Byron Kaye / Reuters: Australian mayor readies world's first defamation lawsuit over ChatGPT content
Will Oremus / @willoremus: Asked for examples of sexual harassment at law schools, ChatGPT named a GW prof accused of touching a student on a class trip to Alaska, citing a WashPost story. The prof is real. The rest was made up. We wrote about what happens when AIs lie about you: ...
Jon Victor / The Information: The OpenAI Coder Who Spun Tech On its Head
Andy Ihnatko / @ihnatko: This echoes what I (and surely everyone else) have found out about chatbots. Often, they're not just wrong; they'll flat-out lie to convince me of a “fact.” Bard & ChatGPT have frequently backed up a bogus fact with a newspaper article that doesn't exist. ...
@casmudde: Terrifying & frustrating. ChatGPT is clearly still in the developing stage so why is it already publicly available? It should be tested and developed privately. And why is no one legally responsible for it? With any other product this would be the case. ...
Max Weber / @max_oikonomikos: Can't wait for BloombergGPT to generate false negative market sentiment based on funny tweets
Kevin Gannon / @thetattooedprof: Thread. Reminder that these programs are not “intelligent,” but rather pattern-recognition tools that can look very quickly through insane amounts of data and replicate the tendencies and combinations they see most frequently. “AI” is a misnomer.
Paris Marx / @parismarx: even more reason to challenge the tech companies' claims that generative AI is the future, that chatbots will replace search, and that we can trust this tech. it's always move fast and break things to have a quick boom and cash in before people realize what they're doing.
David Andress / @profdaveandress: Well, we got to the inevitable endpoint there quickly, didn't we? And it's all downhill from here.
Shannon Vallor / @shannonvallor: Absolutely horrifying, entirely predictable. There need to be legal consequences for the real reputational harms people suffer
Liz Highleyman / @lizhighleyman: Well, this is pretty horrifying, especially with all the politically-motivated false abuse allegations floating around on the internet. #ChatGPT #AI 1/ ...
Gary Marcus / @garymarcus: this whole thread is worth reading. and it's chilling. the complete pollution of the information of the ecosphere that I have been warning about has begun.
Kevin Schawinski / @kevinschawinski: In the near future, most content on social media will be AI generated. And this content will be full of plausible-sounding false information. We are not ready for this. ...
Sarah Scire / @sarahscire: “[A USC prof] was contacted by a journalist who had used ChatGPT to research sources for a story. The bot offered examples of [the prof's] work, including an article title, publication date, and quotes. All of it sounded plausible, and all of it was fake.” ...
Davey Alba / @daveyalba: Oh ffs come on
Robert King / @rking618: In the Good Fight Season 7 in our mind, this is episode 2. ChatGPT not only invented a sexual harassment scandal and named a real law prof, but also created an article to support it. Terrifying. ...
Ser Jeff Garzik / @jgarzik: Or: What happens when people mistakenly believe chatbots will only tell the truth, and never generate fiction.
Brandon Friedman / @bfriedmandc: Citing a Washington Post article that doesn't exist seems to be a minor problem compared to what will happen when it simply creates the Washington Post article it's citing
Dare Obasanjo / @carnage4life: Here's some crazy 💩 a chatbot said still doing numbers for the tech press as the go to low effort but high clickbait story template. It's totally ousted the former top performing story format of here's some content a social media app didn't ban. ...
Harini Calamur / @calamur: ChatGPT hallucinates. It made me the CEO of a media company. Attributed books I had never written 🙄
James Frye / @jamesfrye: Once again: The AI chatbots do not “look up” facts. They generate words that the model thinks belong together to give a viable looking response to the prompt. It is auto-complete. A highly complex auto-complete, to be sure. But it is auto-complete — NOT search results.
Will Oremus / @willoremus: @JonathanTurley ... Turley is not the only one who's found AI chatbots making things up about him. An Australian mayor is threatening to sue after ChatGPT claimed he'd been imprisoned for bribery. USC prof @katecrawford dubs these falsely sourced stories “hallucitations.” ...
Arvind Narayanan / @random_walker: Automated defamation by chatbots is, obviously, bad. What's worse is when search engine chatbots do it — when they summarize real articles and still get it wrong, users are much less likely to suspect that the answer is made up. Well, Bing does exactly that 😬. See thread.
@scottmccloud: How many, many, many will there be? How many, many, many lawsuits to pin the blame?
Gary Marcus / @garymarcus: This could happen to anyone. (Summarizing @willoremus 🪡)
Fabio Chiusi / @fabiochiusi: “A regional Australian mayor said he may sue OpenAI if it does not correct ChatGPT's false claims that he had served time in prison for bribery, in what would be the first defamation lawsuit against the automated text service”
Dmitry Lyalin / @lyalindotcom: Always double check the bots. We're in really early days.
Dan Nguyen / @dancow: I've been slow on the uptake for AI, but I've felt like I'm going crazy by how quickly the mainstream has deemed ChatGPT & Bing as authoritative or “better than” google/libraries. It took years for Wikipedia to be kind of trusted (and chatgpt heavily cites from it!)
Max Kennerly / @maxkennerly: For quite some time Silicon Valley has lived by the motto “move fast and break things” and it has generally served them well given the anemic state of our regulatory and liability frameworks. But that can change quickly and these companies are wholly unprepared for it.
Matt Ford / @fordm: Can ChatGPT publish something with “actual malice” or a “reckless disregard for the truth”? Maybe we'll find out soon. ...
Andrew Maynard / @2020science: ChatGPT fabricated a sexual harassment scandal involving a law professor—and cited a fake Washington Post article as evidence ...
Pranshu Verma / @pranshuverma_: new: ChatGPT said a law prof. sexually touched a student on a class Alaska trip, citing a 2018 WaPo article as proof. There was no WaPo article. No trip. He said he'd never been accused of sexual assault. What happens when chatbots lie. w/@WillOremus ...
Eugene Volokh / Reason: Washington Post on ChatGPT Making Up Defamatory Accusations

The Dominion-Fox lawsuit judge says he would compel Rupert and Lachlan Murdoch to appear in court for the defamation trial if Dominion requests a trial subpoena — - A Delaware judge said Wednesday he would compel Fox Corp.'s Rupert Murdoch and Lachlan Murdoch to testify live in court during …
TVNewser, NBC News, @tribelaw, @katiephang, @neoavatara, @davidfolkenflik, @mmfa, @brianstelter, @davidfolkenflik, Raw Story, Fortune, Mediaite, Variety, The Hill, CNN, Deadline and The Guardian
Mark Mwachiro / TVNewser: Fox News Reveals Names of Executives and On-Air Talent Testifying During Dominion Trial
Jane C. Timm / NBC News: Judge willing to force Rupert Murdoch to testify in the Fox News-Dominion trial
Laurence Tribe / @tribelaw: The judge presiding over Dominion v. Fox is totally right: Murdoch and his son have no basis to duck out. They need to testify under oath and subject to cross-examination in front of the jury.
Katie S. Phang / @katiephang: Compelling Rupert Murdoch and Lachlan Murdoch to testify LIVE at the trial is another huge win for Dominion.
Pradheep J. Shanker / @neoavatara: Good. Judge says he can compel Fox's Rupert and Lachlan Murdoch to testify live in Dominion trial
David Folkenflik / @davidfolkenflik: Fox: “Dominion wants to continue generating misleading stories from their friends in the media to distract from their weak case.” It says Dominion is pursuing a “political crusade in search of a financial windfall,” saying the witnesses had nothing to do w the broadcasts at issue
@mmfa: We have compiled how much operational and editorial control the Murdochs have exerted over Fox News, including during its 2020 election coverage, including direct links to filings in the Dominion case. ...
Brian Stelter / @brianstelter: “A Delaware judge said Wednesday that he would compel Fox Corp chairman Rupert Murdoch, and his son, CEO Lachlan Murdoch, to appear live in court for the upcoming trial in Dominion Voting System's $1.6 billion defamation lawsuit against Fox...”
David Folkenflik / @davidfolkenflik: In a pre-trial hearing, Judge Eric M. Davis rules that Fox Corp chiefs Rupert & Lachlan Murdoch, Fox Corp chief legal officer Viet Dinh and Fox Corp director Paul Ryan can be compelled to testify in person for Dominion Voting Systems' defamation suit against the network.
Sarah K. Burris / Raw Story: The Murdochs and Paul Ryan can be forced to testify in Dominion case: judge
Fortune: Rupert Murdoch can be compelled to testify in Dominion defamation trial that could cost Fox $1.6 billion
Sarah Rumpf / Mediaite: Judge Rules Rupert Murdoch, Lachlan Murdoch, Other Top Fox Execs Must Testify Live at Dominion Defamation Trial
Jennifer Maas / Variety: Judge ‘Would Not Quash’ Request for Rupert Murdoch, Lachlan Murdoch to Testify in Fox News-Dominion Trial
Dominick Mastrangelo / The Hill: Dominion can call Murdoch to testify in Fox News lawsuit, judge rules
Marshall Cohen / CNN: Dominion can force Murdochs to testify at Fox News defamation trial, judge says
Ted Johnson / Deadline: Rupert Murdoch, Lachlan Murdoch And Others Can Be Compelled To Testify Live In Dominion's Defamation Trial Against Fox News, Judge Says

In a letter to the Delaware judge in the Dominion lawsuit, Fox News names Tucker Carlson and Sean Hannity among its witnesses to be made available at the trial
Dylan Byers / @dylanbyers: FOX/Dominion: “Rupert and Lachlan Murdoch could be forced to testify in person... Other high-profile Fox employees expected to testify in the case ... include the hosts Tucker Carlson, Maria Bartiromo, Sean Hannity, Jeanine Pirro and Bret Baier.” - NYT
Greg Siskind / @gsiskind: Please please be televised. Rupert Murdoch Can Be Forced to Testify in Defamation Trial, Judge Says Star hosts for Fox News like Tucker Carlson and Sean Hannity may also appear in person at the high-profile trial, which is set to start April 17.

Sources: The White House plans to declare Evan Gershkovich as wrongfully detained in Russia, triggering US government resources to work toward his release — The Biden administration is preparing to officially declare Wall Street Journal reporter Evan Gershkovich as wrongfully detained …
Wall Street Journal, American Press Institute, New York Times, NBC Bay Area and New York Post
American Press Institute: Need to Know: April 6, 2023 — OFF THE TOP — You might have heard: Twitter strikes …
Anton Troianovski / New York Times: He Told Their Stories of Repression. Now They Are Telling His.

Lawyers say The Wall Street Journal's Evan Gershkovich faces steep odds in Russian court, including a secret trial, government influence, and possibly no lawyer
Sheila Jackson Lee / @jacksonleetx18: 1/2 I join with Secretary of State @SecBlinken in demanding the immediate release of Evan Gershkovich, U.S. journalist of the Wall Street Journal, who is definitely wrongfully detained by Russia. Vladimir Putin needs to cease and desist from taking international political
@washingtonpost: Secretary of State Antony Blinken said Wednesday that the State Department was working “very deliberately but expeditiously” to decide whether reporter Evan Gershkovich meets agency criteria to begin a broad government effort to secure his release. ...
@abcpolitics: Former Gov. Bill Richardson, an expert on political prisoner negotiations, says the arrest of Wall Street Journal reporter Evan Gershkovich in Russia is “unacceptable.”
Kenneth Roth / @kenroth: “Evan Gershkovich's work for The Wall Street Journal included reporting on Russians' efforts to help others who were being repressed. Russian journalists are now scrutinizing his arrest as a brazen attack on press freedom.”
Natasha Bertrand / @natashabertrand: The Biden administration is preparing to officially declare Wall Street Journal reporter Evan Gershkovich as wrongfully detained, which will trigger US government resources to work towards his release, according to two US officials. via @kylieatwood
Louise Radnofsky / @louiseradnofsky: The State Department is working expeditiously to decide whether to designate as “wrongfully detained” Wall Street Journal reporter Evan Gershkovich, Secretary of State Antony Blinken said via @vmsalama @AndrewRestuccia
Anton Troianovski / @antontroian: “What makes Western journalists so dangerous to the Russian authorities?” Mr. Kurnikov asked on YouTube. “These are world-renowned media that you can't ignore.”
Jennifer Levitz / @jenniferlevitz: The White House said the release of Evan Gershkovich is a priority for President Biden. “These charges are ridiculous. Evan is not a spy,” White House press secretary Karine Jean-Pierre told reporters on Tuesday. #IStandWithEvan via @WSJ
Jake Cordell / @jakecordell: There isn't a manual for when one of your reporters gets locked up on spurious espionage charges & sent to an ex-KGB detention centre, facing 20 years. The WSJ is doing stellar work in covering the case, telling the world about Evan as a person & advocating for his release
Dave Benoit / @davecbenoit: We start another day here at WSJ reporting on the news while our colleague Evan Gershkovich is locked in a Russian prison for doing the same. He remains our top story and focus. #IStandWithEvan
Katie Rosman / @katierosman: I can't imagine the pain and panic experienced by WSJ editors and reporters and yet their coverage of Evan is OUTSTANDING. #IStandWithEvan
Nina Kravinsky / NPR: Some Jews keep a place empty at Seder tables for a jailed journalist in Russia
Thomas Grove / @tggrove: Like in the U.S., Mr. Gershkovich is guaranteed a defense lawyer in Russia. But in practice, there is no promise of when his lawyer will be allowed to talk to him. When they do talk, their conversations will be closely monitored. #istandwithevan
Nathan Hodge / @nohodge: “Lawyers with experience in the Russian judicial process predict a journey through a justice system with the familiar features of Western courts but little of their substance.” @AlanCullison on the fig leaf of Russian legal procedure #FreeEvan

Substack unveils Notes, letting users share posts, quotes, images, links, and more, shown in a short form feed that “may look like familiar social media feeds” — Substack announced today that it's introducing a new Notes feature that is designed to let users share posts, quotes, comments, images, links and ideas.
@hamishmckenzie, On Substack, The Verge, @bernardchickey, @ibjiyongi, @martyrmade, @arpitrage, What's New in Publishing, @moreandagain, @moorehn, @chrispirillo, @xoxogossipgita, @justinwolfers, Media Voices, @blackamazon, @hamishmckenzie, @cjgbest, @byjudedoyle, @richardbspencer, @therealhoarse, @malonebarry, @hamishmckenzie, @rmac18, @alex, @badastronomer, @chrisgeidner, @f, @cjgbest, @profemilyoster, @siddharth3, @anthony, @sbienkowski, @parkermolloy, @bettinamak, @odannyboy, @juddlegum, @emorwee, @ericnewcomer, @anthony, @substackinc, @hamishmckenzie, Fast Company and MediaPost, more at Techmeme »
Hamish McKenzie / @hamishmckenzie: Today we're announcing Substack Notes. Notes lets writers publish short-form posts and recommend almost anything: quotes, links, images, and comments. It's coming soon and will look like this
Jay Peters / The Verge: Substack is getting tweets — err, ‘Notes’
Bernard Hickey / @bernardchickey: This is big news. I've been on the beta version of this for a couple of weeks and it is the bees knees.
Chanda Prescod-Weinstein / @ibjiyongi: NEW TWITTER JUST DROPPED @SubstackInc!
@martyrmade: A while back, the Substack folks asked me what I'd like to see on the platform. I told them I missed the good ol' days of message boards, and I wanted tools to community-build, and not just post content. It so happened they were already working on that question.
Arpit Gupta / @arpitrage: Wait is this just Twitter
Genie Lauren / @moreandagain: Oh, so y'all making the new Twitter? I'm intrigued because y'all could actually pull it off. (make a Tweetdeck competitor and you got me)
Heidi N. Moore / @moorehn: “We hated the culture wars, so then we gave Glemm, T ai bbi, and a bunch of other culture warriors multimillion-dollar advances.”
Chris Pirillo / @chrispirillo: this is fantastic and, depending on the engagement posts receive, i can easily see myself working this into my sharing routine
@xoxogossipgita: Wow this really is “new twitter.” Anyway I'm at
Justin Wolfers / @justinwolfers: This actually looks sorta promising. Like, tumblr with a different revenue model. Also polished enough that its more likely to generate widespread usage (and hence network effects) than mastodon.
Hamish McKenzie / @hamishmckenzie: This is a sneaky good thread about the Great Bifurcation (catchy term, please use it all the time) that is about to hit online media. On one end: TikTok + AI. On the other: Substack + humans. Subscription networks are going to matter.
Chris Best / @cjgbest: Today, we're announcing Substack Notes: a way to post shortform content and recommend anything on Substack. This matters because...
@byjudedoyle: This is great, because there's no way I'd stay on a Twitter being run by misinformation-spreading transpho — OH NO
Richard Spencer / @richardbspencer: I'm seriously considering focusing on Substack almost entirely.
@therealhoarse: This may well result in moving even more of what I would have posted here over to my feed on Sub—.
Hamish McKenzie / @hamishmckenzie: Just to be clear. No one will have to pay for Substack Notes. The monetization happens a layer down. The goal is to get people to pay to subscribe to writers' publications... not to pay for Substack. Give writers the money!
@alex: substack started as an email service that doubled as a blog, added podcasts and some community features, and is now building social-media-ish things in product terms a very interesting company
@badastronomer: I'm part of the beta testing for this, and I like it! Think of it as an in-house Twitter for Substack. You autofollow writers you're subscribed to, and can opt-in to follow a bigger group of Substackers, too. Nice way to generate community! Should be rolled out soon.
@chrisgeidner: This looks like the Sweetgreen app. I kid I kid. Definitely interested in seeing what this looks like.
Fred Oliveira / @f: I am not Substack's biggest fan (a silo for people's writing, and clinging to the newsletter model makes for a confusing UX). But I'll promptly admit — this is interesting. There's a bunch of people I follow on Substack and a feed of their thoughts would probably be high quality.
Chris Best / @cjgbest: We've been building the value of this network in order to create a real alternative for people who are hungry for something different, and Notes is the next step on that path. Read more about it here.
Emily Oster / @profemilyoster: Substack Notes!! This looks cool and I'm excited to try it. Have been so grateful for all the @SubstackInc support for ParentData — love them.
Siddharth Singh / @siddharth3: Ah so Substack is starting a twitter rival (?) called Notes.
Anthony DeRosa / @anthony: Substack is also smart enough to realize that Twitter is actively trying to drive the people who have provided the most value to Twitter over the past 15+ years and actively trying to court them and provide a way to monetize that value they're adding.
Stefan Bienkowski / @sbienkowski: Substack unashamedly trying to replace twitter with a more sophisticated model. And I'm all for it.
Parker Molloy / @parkermolloy: I've been testing Notes, and I think it's got a lot of promise. And with Twitter inventing new rules every day and changing things without notice/reason, I'm glad to see Substack expanding into more social-y spaces.
Judd Legum / @juddlegum: I've been using Notes for a few weeks. Two thumbs up.
Emily Atkin / @emorwee: Not mad at this new Substack feature at all. Fact is, Twitter's been a real hellsite since richboy mcwhineypants took over, but it's still the best way to communicate in short-form with readers. If this allows me to do that w/o having to rebuild my audience from scratch, I'm in
Eric Newcomer / @ericnewcomer: Very curious to see this in action! Seems like it could be an off-ramp from Twitter
Anthony DeRosa / @anthony: Seems like it could potentially be a Twitter replacement?
@substackinc: We started Substack because we wanted the internet to be better for writers and readers. Today, we're taking a big step towards a better internet. Introducing Notes, a new way for writing, ideas, and discussion to travel through the Substack network.
Hamish McKenzie / @hamishmckenzie: Notes will be launching soon to everyone. It'll be an early version, so we'll be looking for your feedback. Let's build a new economic engine for culture together.
Christopher Zara / Fast Company: Substack just announced its own Twitter
Ray Schultz / MediaPost: Substack Creates Short-Form Content Product

Cable news' wall-to-wall coverage of Donald Trump's arraignment suggests a return to the mutually beneficial model that helped Trump monopolize coverage — The wall-to-wall coverage of Trump's arraignment demonstrates how quickly the lessons of 2016 have been forgotten. — The Trump Show is back.
The Guardian, @steveahorn, @adamserwer, @zaleskiluke, @charcware, @tostevinm, @guygavrielkay and CNN
Steve Horn / @steveahorn: Isn't that what they learned? These are investor owned corporations. End of the day it's still up to news consumers on if they want infotainment or actual nonpartisan, nutrient-rich news. I've boycotted cable news since 2008. As I tell those who ask, “Turn that shit off.”
Adam Serwer / @adamserwer: The Trump era was very good for ratings, and the blanket, minute to minute coverage of his indictment shows the networks desperately hope he will be again ...
Luke Zaleski / @zaleskiluke: They have learned nothing
@charcware: For the media, the bottom line is always the bottom line. And in a downturn, bosses will not tolerate losses.
Matthew Tostevin / @tostevinm: Media doing story about media doing too many stories about Trump.
Guy Gavriel Kay / @guygavrielkay: Bitter, toxic truth.

Court doc: in a 2015 meeting, David Pecker, then-CEO of the National Enquirer's owner, agreed to help Trump's 2016 bid; Pecker later suppressed negative stories
Greg Sargent / @theplumlinegs: Oh man Trump tried to renege on the payoff after making the deal:
Asha Rangappa / @asharangappa_: If Bragg can prove this, it totally takes Trump's “I just wanted to save Melania the embarrassment” defense. What a cheapskate!
Joe Cirincione / @cirincione: This destroys the claim presented on Fox News and other MAGA outlets that Trump was forced to “pay off an extortionist to protect his family.” Clearly, his family would still be around after the election.
Andrew C. McCarthy / New York Post: Bragg's case against Trump is utterly incoherent
Alvin Bragg / @manhattanda: We allege Donald Trump and his associates repeatedly and fraudulently falsified New York business records to conceal damaging information and unlawful activity from American voters. Learn more from the Statement of Facts: ...
John Ziegler / @zigmanfreud: The #TrumpIndicment is clearly politically motivated (possibly to give liberals ecstasy, possibly to make him the GOP nominee, maybe both), & mostly full of crap, but this is the one element of today's indictment that is at least interesting, and, in a rational world, scandalous.
Mike Rogge / @skiingrogge: Not gonna lie. I read this and I'm shocked how often David Pecker is in here. AMI is American Media Inc. Who is David Pecker? He was the CEO of the company that previously owned Powder Magazine. I've emailed with him on a few occasions after they shut Powder down. Just my...
Jeff Jarvis / @jeffjarvis: G'bless @maddow: She can't stop laughing at the name “Pecker.” She is us.
David Corn / @davidcorndc: Of course. If you're not going to pay your contractors, why pay your adult film stars?
Brian Tyler Cohen / @briantylercohen: While Trump's team tried to claim that the hush money payout wasn't intended to help him in the election, this demolishes that defense. Trump was perfectly willing to allow the story to become public AFTER THE ELECTION, proving that it was NEVER about “embarrassing his family.”
Brian Schwartz / @schwartzbcnbc: NEW: Former AMI CEO David Pecker's role in helping @realDonaldTrump's campaign is a line of inquiry from the @ManhattanDA's probe. Pecker & AMI pushed negative stories through National Inquirer vs. Trump opponents. Trump invited Pecker to White House.
EJ Dionne / @ejdionne: This is also interesting because it underscores that the payment was directly related to the election.
Molly Jong-Fast / @mollyjongfast: Sort of the most trumpy thing ever

Nielsen says it has started reporting metrics for over-the-top feeds of local programming comparable to over-the-air viewing — Stations can determine full reach of local content across platforms — Nielsen said it has begun reporting metrics for over-the-top feeds of local programming …

Over 12 former and current CNN colleagues detail Don Lemon's troubling treatment of women, “diva-like behavior”, and more, dating back nearly two decades — Back in 2008, Don Lemon was co-anchoring CNN's “Live From” weekday show with Kyra Phillips, a gig that he landed …
Insider, TVNewser, @janicedean, @robsmithonline, @thedeskdotnet, @jennifersey, @janicedean, @nettaaaaaaaa, @moorehn, @madisongesiotto, @olas_truth, @kenvogel, @shannonrwatts, @silvermanjacob, @a_newsman, Page Six, @ameshiacross, @meghanmccain, @fmanjoo, @iamsophianelson, @ichotiner, @rkylesmith, @becketadams, @willsommer, @hashtaggriswold, @ewerickson, @tatianasiegel27, Los Angeles Times, @edasante77, @andrewkerrnc, @fugitivemama, @sonnybunch, HuffPost, Jezebel, The Wrap, Advocate, New York Magazine, New York Post, Fox News and Mediaite
Insider: CNN staffers are divided after a bombshell report accuses Don Lemon of misogyny. Insiders say it's ‘another shit show’ for network chief Chris Licht.
Mark Mwachiro / TVNewser: New Report Alleges Don Lemon's History of Troubling Behavior Dates Back to Time as CNN Newsroom Anchor
Janice Dean / @janicedean: Here's a fun little nugget: “Zucker stood by Lemon despite firing anchor @ChrisCuomo for advising his brother, @andrewcuomo as the latter faced sexual harassment allegations. In arbitration filings, Chris Cuomo's attorneys argued that his transgressions..
Rob Smith / @robsmithonline: This entire article is NUTS. I've met Lemon more than once and know for a personal fact that he's...unpleasant. But this behavior is next-level cray. Someone wants that man gone from CNN.
@thedeskdotnet: Don Lemon once threatened former CNN anchor Kyra Phillips with an ominous text message he thought was anonymous: “Now you've crossed the line, and you're going to pay,” he wrote after Phillips was assigned to cover conflict in Iraq, a gig Lemon wanted.
Jennifer Sey / @jennifersey: Nothing surprising here. Whatever bad behavior is in plain view is generally a fraction of what actually happened behind the scenes.
Janice Dean / @janicedean: ..were similar to Lemon's. After Zucker was ousted in 2022, many believed that Lemon would be on the chopping block. But Lemon survived the regime change at parent company WarnerMedia following its merger with Discovery that same year."
Johnetta Elzie / @nettaaaaaaaa: Not a soul is shocked by this 😭
Heidi N. Moore / @moorehn: This is an important read bc misogyny in newsrooms is so rarely pointed out or discussed, and also let me add: Variety's ad-sales team maybe consists of sociopaths, bc there are so many pop-ups and videos and scrolling traps that the page is unreadable.
Madison Gesiotto Gilbert / @madisongesiotto: He's always been the absolute worst
Ola Ojewumi / @olas_truth: Unsurprising. We don't address the misogyny of gay men and assume since many of them have been maligned for being feminine that, they'd empathize with women or be understanding of how sexism affects us. They're still men and are vested in keeping their male privilege.
Kenneth P. Vogel / @kenvogel: This feels like a manifestation of the adage about being nice to people on your way up, because you will see them again on your way down.
Shannon Watts / @shannonrwatts: According to Variety, Don Lemon's troubling treatment of women and unprofessional antics date back nearly two decades - including sending anonymous, threatening texts to co-anchors.
Jacob Silverman / @silvermanjacob: In this article about Don Lemon being a misogynistic jerk and bad coworker, there is not one mention of any distinctive talent or journalistic accomplishment. He apparently is good at making friends with executives.
@a_newsman: Your periodic reminder that CNN banned @mkhammer from appearing on air after she made a joke about Jeffrey Toobin exposing himself on a zoom call. All the while protecting @donlemon. Not a single journalist at the network like @jaketapper has defended her or criticized Lemon.
Ameshia Cross / @ameshiacross: The fix is in to take down Don Lemon...we'll see how this plays out
Meghan McCain / @meghanmccain: .@KyraPhillips is a mentor, a friend, a sister to me... One of the greatest, most supportive women in all of media. She has been a rock and to me and so many other countless women. If any of these insane allegations are true about Don Lemon - I can't express how repulsed I am.
Sophia A. Nelson / @iamsophianelson: They want him gone. It's been a long time coming. This is just window dressing! Smh. #DonLemon
Isaac Chotiner / @ichotiner: Is Don Lemon a worse person or a worse journalist? There are no easy answers here.
Kyle Smith / @rkylesmith: I think this'll end Don Lemon's CNN career. via @variety
T. Becket Adams / @becketadams: I'm sorry, what?
Will Sommer / @willsommer: Wild story about Don Lemon here, including Lemon allegedly texting a colleague: “Now you've crossed the line, and you're going to pay for it.”
Alex Griswold / @hashtaggriswold: idk what Don Lemon did, but this punishment seems excessive
Erick Erickson / @ewerickson: The knives are out for Don Lemon at CNN. This reads like a precipitating event for his departure.
Tatiana Siegel / @tatianasiegel27: Don Lemon's recent take that Nikki Haley “isn't in her prime” wasn't an isolated event. Troubling behavior w/ female colleagues goes back nearly 2 decades. My latest. via @variety
Nardine Saad / Los Angeles Times: Don Lemon fires back on ‘15-year-old gossip’ after report alleging misogyny, rule-flouting
Andrew Kerr / @andrewkerrnc: Don Lemon reportedly threatened his colleague with an anonymous phone number in 2008 because he was jealous CNN sent her on assignment in Iraq.
@fugitivemama: “..she received the first of two threatening text messages from an unknown number on her flip phone that warned, 'Now you've crossed the line, and you're going to pay for it.' Remarkably, the texts were traced back to Lemon.” Don Lemon is a psychopath not just a misogynist.
Sonny Bunch / @sonnybunch: If this story is true, it is absolutely nuts that CNN didn't fire Lemon.
Kelby Vera / HuffPost: Don Lemon's CNN Colleagues Claim Long History Of Misogyny In Bombshell Report
Kylie Cheung / Jezebel: Don Lemon's Co-Workers Spill the Tea on His Deep Misogyny, Bullying Texts, & Dating a 22-Year-Old
Ariel Zilber / New York Post: CNN's Don Lemon has long history of sexist, ‘diva-like behavior’: report

Disney names Hulu President Joe Earley as Disney Entertainment's D2C president, effective immediately, succeeding Michael Paull, who is leaving after six years — In a shake-up of Disney's streaming leadership ranks, the company is moving Hulu president Joe Earley into the role of president …
The Desk, @scottgustin, @scottgustin, @scottgustin, Comic Book, Media Play News, Adweek, The Information, Bloomberg, The Hollywood Reporter, The Wrap, Deadline and WORLD SCREEN
Matthew Keys / The Desk: Disney elevates Joe Earley to president of streaming
Scott Gustin / @scottgustin: Earley replaces Michael Paull, who is leaving the company after 6 years. Paull was appointed to the job in 2022 by Chapek. He is the former CEO of BamTech.
Scott Gustin / @scottgustin: In the new role, Earley will work to expand streaming efforts across Disney+ and Hulu, the company said.
Scott Gustin / @scottgustin: NEW: Joe Earley, the current president of Hulu, will take over as president of streaming for Disney Entertainment, the company announced on Wednesday. He will remain president of Hulu until a successor is named.
Adam Barnhardt / Comic Book: Disney Names New Streaming Executive Amid Company Shakeups
Thomas K. Arnold / Media Play News: Hulu's Joe Earley Tapped to Lead Disney Streaming as Michael Paull Exits
Bill Bradley / Adweek: Disney Names Hulu Chief Joe Earley Head of Streaming, Disney+'s Michael Paull to Exit
Thomas Buckley / Bloomberg: Disney Elevates Hulu Chief to Run Its Streaming Business
Lesley Goldberg / The Hollywood Reporter: Joe Earley Takes Over Disney Entertainment Streaming as Michael Paull Exits
Lucas Manfredi / The Wrap: Disney Elevates Joe Earley to Direct-to-Consumer President, Michael Paull to Exit
Peter White / Deadline: Joe Earley Promoted To Lead Disney's Streaming Efforts As Michael Paull Exits
Mansha Daswani / WORLD SCREEN: Joe Earley to Lead Disney Entertainment Streaming

India's Supreme Court rules the government can't use national security concerns to deny basic rights after canceling TV channel MediaOne's broadcasting license — Supreme Court allows MediaOne to broadcast saying Modi government can't deny TV licence renewal
Ananthakrishnan G / The Indian Express: SC quashes ban on Media One: ‘Chilling effect’ on free press