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Fox News says the network and Tucker Carlson “have agreed to part ways”, and that Carlson's last program was on Friday, April 21 — Tucker Carlson, the top-rated host at Fox News, is exiting the network. — The abrupt departure of the controversial prime time figure comes …
Vanity Fair, Washington Post, Fox News, @sarafischer, Semafor, @therecount, @oliverdarcy, New York Times, @brianstelter, New York Times, Axios, Wall Street Journal, Rolling Stone, @bonchieredstate, @dylanbyers, @goangelo, @atrupar, NPR, CNBC, CNN, Media Matters for America, The Hill, New York Magazine, Insider, Insider, @megynkelly, @andrewfeinberg, Forbes, @mimms, @harrymccracken, @keitholbermann, @claireatki, @henryrodgersdc, @mattyglesias, @bgrueskin, @brianstelter, @erikwemple, @morganisawizard, NBC News, @oneunderscore__, @nikkimcr, @brianstelter, CNN, The Wrap, Media Nation, Talking Biz News, HuffPost, @rt_com, Mediaite, The Week, @michaelehayden, The Guardian, @mlcalderone, @projectlincoln, @ggreenwald, @ggreenwald, @garbageape, @oneunderscore__, @erikwemple, @jordanbpeterson, @mehdirhasan, Newser, @bad_takes, @alfranken, @justinbaragona, @oneunderscore__, TVLine, Associated Press, @therickwilson, @jason_pontin, @mehdirhasan, @brianstelter, @cwarzel, @rottenindenmark, @andylevy, @owillis, @jeremymbarr, @davidfolkenflik, Press Gazette, The Desk,,, @brianstelter, @charliekirk11,, Forbes,, Forbes, The Wrap, New York Magazine, Bloomberg,, @pkafka, @themaxburns, @dougjballoon, @ajs, @muldowney, @carnage4life, @tedlieu, @tomcoates, @davidhogg111, @danprimack, @deggans, @aidnmclaughlin, @askdrruth, @mattgertz, @kendallybrown, @srl, @danprimack, @bgrueskin, @brianstelter, @robbystarbuck, @oliverdarcy, @junlper, @kasparov63, @mk7j21, @fmanjoo, @matthewkeyslive, @petersterne, @decodingfoxnews, @ninaburleigh, @cwarzel, @sethmoulton, @jeremymbarr, @murderxbryan, @petersterne,, @tomaxwell, @eriqgardner, @tomcoates, @sherman4949, @thefootballnick, @lucas_shaw, @mgsiegler, @ktbenner, @profjeffjarviss, @normative, Law & Crime, @cmclymer, @jeremymbarr, @danprimack, @jeremymbarr, @timinhonolulu, The A.V. Club, @jeffjarvis, @mediaite, @fmanjoo, @brianstelter, @lanceulanoff, @rvawonk, @decodingfoxnews, @mariashriver, @ndrew_lawrence, @brendonleslie, @colbyhall, @davewiner, @jeffjarvis, @gaberivera, @edmundlee, @sherman4949, @fmanjoo, @darth, @carlbeijer, @johnjharwood, @semaforben, @lucas_shaw, @catturd2, @arusbridger, @teroterotero, @kbandersen, @brianstelter, @colinyovng, @taylorlorenz, @scottnover, @hamiltonnolan, @semaforben, @nemanjayvr, @brianstelter, @mikedrucker, @businessinsider and IndieWire
Sara Fischer / @sarafischer: 🚨#BREAKING: @FoxNews said it and @TuckerCarlson “have agreed to part ways.” —"We thank him for his service to the network as a host and prior to that as a contributor."
@therecount: “We want to thank Tucker Carlson for his service to the network.” — Fox News' Harris Faulkner announces on air that Fox and Tucker Carlson have parted ways, effective immediately.
Oliver Darcy / @oliverdarcy: Shocking news from Fox: Tucker Carlson is out at the network.
New York Times: Live Updates: Fox News Parts Ways With Tucker Carlson Days After Dominion Settlement
Brian Stelter / @brianstelter: Tucker Carlson is out at Fox News, effective immediately. This is an earth-shaking moment in cable news.
Sara Fischer / Axios: Tucker Carlson out at Fox News
@bonchieredstate: Carlson is not going to The Blaze or any other conservative outlet. He's going to do what Megyn Kelly did, rule his own life, and become more popular than ever. He has Joe Rogan potential as a podcaster.
Dylan Byers / @dylanbyers: #BREAK: Fox News: “ FOX News Media and Tucker Carlson have agreed to part ways” 🚨
Angelo Carusone / @goangelo: Note: Tucker was supposed to do a show tonight. He was set to interview Vivek Ramaswamy. Fox had been promoting it this AM. So whatever happened, it was abrupt. My gut is Tucker didn't want to play ball in this delicate moment for Fox News and it unravelled fast.
Aaron Rupar / @atrupar: Here was the end of what turned out to be Tucker Carlson's final Fox News show last Friday. Certainly no indication that he didn't expect to be on the air tonight. In fact Tucker's final words are, “we'll be back on Monday.”
David Folkenflik / NPR: Tucker Carlson ousted at Fox News following network's $787 million settlement
Oliver Darcy / CNN: Tucker Carlson out at Fox News
Madeline Peltz / Media Matters for America: With Tucker Carlson out, other Fox extremists now have the spotlight
Dominick Mastrangelo / The Hill: Tucker Carlson's exit deals blow to Fox News
Jonathan Chait / New York Magazine: Tucker Carlson, Fake Populist and Genuine Racist
Matt Turner / Insider: Media insiders would often gossip about which anchor was about to leave Fox News. None of them guessed Tucker Carlson.
Andrew Feinberg / @andrewfeinberg: As of today, @TuckerCarlson has now been fired from all three major cable news channels, @CNN, @MSNBC and now @FoxNews
Nicholas Reimann / Forbes: Don Lemon Fired By CNN—Minutes After Tucker Carlson Out At Fox News
Sarah Mimms / @mimms: There he is. That's dad.
@harrymccracken: It's like Cronkite and Huntley/Brinkley abruptly departing on the same day, except it's nothing whatsoever like that.
Henry Rodgers / @henryrodgersdc: Appears Fox stock is crashing after announcing Tucker Carlson's show is over:
Matthew Yglesias / @mattyglesias: Crossfire with Tucker Carlson and Don Lemon.
Bill Grueskin / @bgrueskin: Maybe the Tucker news is Dominion fallout — but he was far less engaged in election conspiracy mongering than Bartiromo or Pirro, who still have their Fox jobs
Brian Stelter / @brianstelter: Newsmax CEO Chris Ruddy: “For a while Fox News has been moving to become establishment media and Tucker Carlson's removal is a big milestone in that effort. Millions of viewers who liked the old Fox News have made the switch to Newsmax and Tucker's departure will only fuel that.”
@erikwemple: Fox News and Tucker Carlson have agreed to “part ways,” according to a Fox News release. This step comes less than a week after a momentous settlement in the Dominion v. Fox News case. 1/
@morganisawizard: cnn covering tucker but ignoring lemon while fox news covers lemon and ignores tucker is just 🤌chef's kiss 🤌
Ben Collins / @oneunderscore__: Recently, Tucker's A-block was often more extreme than the front page of InfoWars, and I'm not exaggerating. The path forward here is awfully grim. But at least his Great Replacement lies won't be aired in America's waiting rooms or included in basic cable packages anymore.
Nikki Mccann Ramírez / @nikkimcr: LA Times really burying the lede with this whole thread
Brian Stelter / @brianstelter: I have tried calling and texting Tucker Carlson for comment on his stunning departure from Fox. No response yet.
Josh Dickey / The Wrap: Tucker Carlson's Fox News Exit Not a Part of Dominion Settlement, Sources Say
Dan Kennedy / Media Nation: But his emails: A working theory of why Tucker Carlson was pushed out by Fox
Mariam Ahmed / Talking Biz News: Fox News' popular prime-time host Carlson is out
Candice Ortiz / Mediaite: Megyn Kelly Slams Fox News for ‘Terrible Move’ Parting Ways With Tucker Carlson: ‘Why is Suzanne Scott Still There?’
Michael Edison Hayden / @michaelehayden: Tucker Carlson guests like Glenn Greenwald, Gays Against Groomers, and Andy Ngo are melting down about his exit because it threatens to push them further into the margins. Carlson and his producers gave a lot of airtime to cranks and they lost today too.
Michael Calderone / @mlcalderone: And @besslevin on the celebrations
@projectlincoln: So many lies, so little time. In memoriam of Tucker Carlson & Fox News, 2009-2023.
Glenn Greenwald / @ggreenwald: Left-liberals don't mind Hannity because he's a standard-issue Republican: they're comfortable with those who stay in their partisan lane. Tucker was uniquely threatening because he vocally opposed US militarism while left-liberal heroes voted to fund Biden's proxy wars. And:
Glenn Greenwald / @ggreenwald: That - along with unprecedented popularity - is the real reason for the particular hated for Tucker by left-liberals. Over and over, he was a mirror showing the failures of their leaders, like condemning FBI's prosecution of black left radicals while AOC & co wouldn't touch it.
@garbageape: Fox News has sadly gone woke. The only trustworthy conservative news source remaining is powerpoints consisting of nothing but John McNaughton art prints.
Ben Collins / @oneunderscore__: Tucker's show was uniquely toxic — a composite 4chan in a tie with the occasional $5 word. He targeted low-level pariahs he knew couldn't fight back so people who looked like them were afraid to speak out. He sat atop a pipeline of lies. Its absence will be very noticeable.
@erikwemple: The departure comes about a month after Abby Grossberg, a former top booker on Carlson's program, sued the network and cited “vile sexist stereotypes” working for “Tucker Carlson Tonight.” 3/
Dr Jordan B Peterson / @jordanbpeterson: The climate doom-saying faux-apocalypse wielding communism-denying elitist-intellectual working-class-hating pot calling the kettle black @nytimes @TuckerCarlson
Mehdi Hasan / @mehdirhasan: Dear media reporters: please don't do with Tucker stories today what a lot of political reporters did with Trump stories in the past. Don't call his statements ‘provocative’ etc. Call them racist. Call them bigoted. Call them what they *actually* were. Don't sanitize them please.
Brendan Karet / @bad_takes: i'm sure whoever gets his timeslot will be a Great Replacement
Al Franken / @alfranken: They probably got rid of him because he was too biased.
Justin Baragona / @justinbaragona: As of now, the only time that Fox has mentioned Tucker's departure on air was during Harris Faulkner's 11 am show. Here's her on-air announcement:
Ben Collins / @oneunderscore__: This should be fun.
Michael Ausiello / TVLine: The View's Studio Audience Erupts in Applause at Tucker Carlson's Fox News Departure Announcement — Watch
Jason Pontin / @jason_pontin: To give the devil his due, Tucker Carlson was an excellent print journalist: funny, sharp, stylish. But all the money and cultural cachet fled that kind of journalism.
Mehdi Hasan / @mehdirhasan: White supremacists across America are in mourning
Brian Stelter / @brianstelter: I'm told that both Tucker Carlson AND Don Lemon have retained the famously aggressive entertainment lawyer Bryan Freedman. I have reached out to Freedman; no response yet.
Charlie Warzel / @cwarzel: it rules that this is the last frame from his last fox broadcast
Michael Hobbes / @rottenindenmark: has anyone checked on glenn
Oliver Willis / @owillis: haha so they didnt even let him do a goodbye show. like with oreilly this is gonna be something bad, i guess. hahahahahahahaha
Jeremy Barr / @jeremymbarr: Whether Fox loses viewers after the sudden exit of Tucker Carlson, the most popular figure in conservative media, may finally answer the question of whether it's Fox or the hosts who have the hold on the audience. Recent departures suggest the former, but this is Tucker...
David Folkenflik / @davidfolkenflik: Re; Tucker - It is likely that this has more to do with pending litigation - Abby Grossberg's lawsuit alleging sexism and harassment at Carlson's show - than the defamation lawsuit that just settled for $778M. Yet the suits are linked... / MORE
Matthew Keys / The Desk: Tucker Carlson leaves Fox News Channel, network says
Dell Cameron / The suit brought by Grossberg is primary aimed at people who worked on Carlson's show. It accuses him personally of creating and condoning a misogynistic workplace environment …
Brian Stelter / @brianstelter: The studio audience at @TheView broke out in applause when Tucker Carlson's ouster was announced. Then the co-hosts did a wave and led the crowd in singing “GOODBYE.”
Charlie Kirk / @charliekirk11: The left is celebrating because they think that Tucker Carlson leaving Fox News eliminates his voice. Wrong.
Ben Flanagan / Tucker Carlson out at Fox News
Mark Joyella / Forbes: Tucker Carlson Is Out At Fox News
Ana Faguy / Forbes: Tucker Carlson Suddenly Out At Fox News
Benjamin Lindsay / The Wrap: Tucker Carlson Is Out at Fox News, Effective Immediately
Matt Stieb / New York Magazine: Tucker Carlson Has Left Fox News
Barry Kahn / @Mediagazer RIP Tucker Carlson you horrible POS. Remember when the next pandemic starts, do not get vaccinated.
Peter Kafka / @pkafka: Whatever the backstory is re: Tucker and Fox, recall that he only became Tucker on Fox once Fox had to jettison Bill O'Reilly - then its dominant star - in 2017. Tucker became the new O'Reilly and O'Reilly became a... podcaster.
Max Burns / @themaxburns: It appears tonight's guest was slated to be Vivek Ramaswamy.
Alyson Shontell / @ajs: You can not knowingly lie or push lies and still be a journalist in the US media. This is an important moment indeed.
@carnage4life: Tucker Carlson is another victim of confessing to a grift on company internal channels only for the truth to come out during discovery for a lawsuit. He was Dominion Systems star witness and a key reason Fox News got a $787M judgement against them.
Ted Lieu / @tedlieu: Maybe it was the incessant lies and the racist stuff that Tucker Carlson kept spewing. Or maybe Fox News no longer wanted to subsidize a host who was so toxic to most Americans that the only major advertiser for the show was a maker of mediocre pillows.
Tom Coates / @tomcoates: Worth adding that this is legitimately quite a big deal for Fox. As I understand it he had the second most popular show on the platform. Maybe they finally realized that he was a liability and would turn on them in a moment if they asked him to rein it in.
@davidhogg111: Sending my deepest thoughts and prayers to Tucker Carlson now that he and Fox News have agreed to part ways.
Dan Primack / @danprimack: @TuckerCarlson Per @sarafischer: Firing was NOT part of Dominion settlement. “Instead related to material uncovered during pre-trial discovery and the company is concerned that more information exists that could be legally damaging...”
@deggans: Who knows? Why him and not Maria Bartiromo, who seemed to traffic in that stuff much more often?
Aidan McLaughlin / @aidnmclaughlin: News: Justin Wells, Tucker Carlson's executive producer, is also leaving Fox News
Dr. Ruth Westheimer / @askdrruth: If Fox News can break up with Tucker Carlson, maybe today is the day you break up that toxic relationship you're in.
Matthew Gertz / @mattgertz: Is the implication here that Murdoch missed the previous two years of Carlson doing this and suddenly noticed?
Kendall Brown / @kendallybrown: The impact of Tucker Carlson no longer having a direct line into every US military base in the nation cannot be overstated. Every. Single. Military DFAC and commissary plays Fox News 24/7. Tucker not being a part of that lineup is **huge**.
Sam Levine / @srl: Per @samwolfson, Fox was still previewing Tucker Carlson's show this morning, teasing an interview with Vivek Ramasaway
Dan Primack / @danprimack: Remember all of that “Nothing will change at Fox News” narrative after the Dominion settlement...
Bill Grueskin / @bgrueskin: If you had “Rupert is a stickler for facts and won't tolerate hosts touting ridiculous conspiracy theories, no matter how big their audience is” on your bingo card, congrats. That's like filling in all 25 squares of your card with just one tile.
Brian Stelter / @brianstelter: When CNN ended “Reliable Sources,” I was offered a final episode, a chance to sign off on my own terms. I really appreciated that. I think viewers did too. Tucker leaving Fox WITHOUT even saying goodbye? Stunning.
Robby Starbuck / @robbystarbuck: BREAKING: Tucker Carlson is out at Fox News. This is the biggest mistake Fox has ever made. I don't know the reason for the exit but the timing couldn't be worse for Fox.
Farhad Manjoo / @fmanjoo: wambsgans will figure this out.
Matthew Keys / @matthewkeyslive: “Tucker Carlson Tonight” kept Fox News Channel as the top-rated cable news channel in America, even while Fox Corp was battling Dominion in depositions that exposed unsavory e-mails and text messages of Carlson and other Fox News personalities. $FOX
Peter Sterne / @petersterne: This strongly suggests it wasn't directly related to the Dominion settlement. Fox wasn't planning to fire Tucker Carlson today. Something happened.
@decodingfoxnews: The sad thing is he won't go away. He'll still be a problem. He might just go full white supremacist now that there's no one to rein him in. He could just start his on streaming channel or move to another far right network.
Nina Burleigh / @ninaburleigh: The American Political Freakshow loses its chief barker. What will the J6 conspiracy theorists do withouyt @TuckerCarlson ...
Charlie Warzel / @cwarzel: Jon Stewart vs Tucker Carlson 2024 is a fitting way to end the american experiment imo
Seth Moulton / @sethmoulton: Crazy thought, but maybe it's time to face some consequences after blatantly lying to millions of Americans and actively eroding democracy for years.
Jeremy Barr / @jeremymbarr: Epps' lawyer hailed Fox for parting ways with Tucker, but said: “Fox's decision may shield them from responsibility for Carlson's future lies, but FOX remains liable for Carlson's past lies.” The lawyer told me he took note of the Dominion settlement. ...
@murderxbryan: Glenn Greenwald plans to get to the bottom of this Tucker Carlson thing, it's an important free speech issue for him because nobody else will have him on their tv show
Peter Sterne / @petersterne: It also could have been less directly related to the Dominion settlement. As @ErikWemple notes, Tucker's broadcasts were only a small part of the allegedly defamatory content but led a former Tucker producer to come forward with harassment allegations. @Mediagazer “Agreed” LMAO. He got shitcanned. Trump probably ordered this.
Thomas Maxwell / @tomaxwell: back to daily caller
Eriq Gardner / @eriqgardner: Alexander Skarsgård moves fast.
Tom Coates / @tomcoates: Tucker Carlson out at Fox. Looks like he was let go rather than resigned. Still, there's always the risk that he'll end up running for President.
Alex Sherman / @sherman4949: Come on, every major media company, all we want to do is talk about Succession on Monday mornings.
Nick Barrett / @thefootballnick: @ggreenwald Joe Rogan is about to get some competition as the number 1 podcaster on Spotify
Lucas Shaw / @lucas_shaw: So when is Trump hiring Tucker for Truth Social?
M.G. Siegler / @mgsiegler: This is how it ends. Now with a bang, but with a pizza.
Katie Benner / @ktbenner: How important was Tucker Carlson to Fox's business? This is what the stock did when the news hit
Pope Francis / @profjeffjarviss: Fox needs to broaden its appeal. In a host like Santos, it has not only white nationalism, but also Hispanic and Black nationalism.
@normative: Every tweet about this has like 20 responses going “is this real”? If only Twitter could design some sort of system for identifying reputable journalists.
Adam Klasfeld / Law & Crime: Fox News and Tucker Carlson ‘part ways’ less than week after $787.5M settlement in Dominion case
@cmclymer: Tucker Carlson has now had shows cancelled by CNN, MSNBC, and Fox News. The mediocre cable host triple crown.
Jeremy Barr / @jeremymbarr: While there's no official explanation for Tucker's departure, he was very critical of Fox leaders in the Dominion documents. “A combination of incompetent liberals and top leadership with too much pride to back down is what's happening,” he said in one. ...
Dan Primack / @danprimack: Tucker Carlson lost his job, but at least he's still got his blue checkmark.
Jeremy Barr / @jeremymbarr: An on-air personality at Fox tells me: “This is major. It sends a message that even the guy with the highest ratings of all, by a long shot, doesn't get to survive this disaster.” ...
Tim Hogan / @timinhonolulu: My take: Two possible reasons: He's a special counsel target or the insurers who have to shell out for Fox in suits refused to cover future claims related to his lies. Watch if he goes quiet. Fox News Parts Ways With Tucker Carlson
Mary Kate Carr / The A.V. Club: Succession Sunday to media purge Monday: Tucker Carlson and Don Lemon both out at their networks
Jeff Jarvis / @jeffjarvis: Of fucking course, he eats sausage and pineapple on his pizza. Tasteless and uncouth in every way....
@mediaite: Megyn Kelly Slams Fox News for ‘Terrible Move’ Parting Ways With Tucker Carlson: ‘Why is Suzanne Scott Still There?’
Farhad Manjoo / @fmanjoo: the tone here is funereal
Brian Stelter / @brianstelter: The biggest “tell” in Fox's press release about Tucker Carlson's exit is that he is not getting a final show. No chance to say goodbye on his own terms or point people to his next home. Fox says “Carlson's last program was Friday April 21st.”
Lance Ulanoff / @lanceulanoff: Well, this is surprising.
Caroline Orr Bueno, Ph.D / @rvawonk: Sources say Tucker Carlson was fired for his comments about top management, which included comments like: “Do the executives understand how much credibility and trust we've lost with our audience?” ...
@decodingfoxnews: What a time to cover Fox News. Now if this whole thing collapses in the next few months I might have to rename this project. Who knows. I am honestly stunned.
Maria Shriver / @mariashriver: Make no mistake, this is huge news. Lawyers last week in the Dominion case said lies have implications and lies have consequences. Now here we are.
Andrew Lawrence / @ndrew_lawrence: i have said many times that tucker carlson doesnt have influence, the 8pm time slot at fox news has influence. think of how powerful bill oreilly was and whens the last time you even thought about him?
Brendon Leslie / @brendonleslie: THE WORLD IS UPSIDE DOWN: first Tucker Carlson leaves Fox News and now Don Lemon is FIRED by CNN What a freaking Monday this is!
Dave Winer / @davewiner: This why Twitter is still strong. I expected to find the announcement of Tucker Carlson leaving Fox on Twitter, and there it was. Once there's a default way to do something that's deeply ingrained, it doesn't get displaced quickly or easily.
Jeff Jarvis / @jeffjarvis: Fox and the Murdochs would not apologize for lying to their public and trying to bring down democracy on their air but they do thank Tucker for his service there.
@edmundlee: Within a span of a week, @rupertmurdoch: • paid $787 million to settle a defamation case • fired his top-rated @FoxNews anchor, who generates over $100mm a year in ad revenue What costs more than $1 billion that he had to fire Tucker?
Alex Sherman / @sherman4949: Monday morning media news: NBCU: Jeff Shell surprise exit Disney: Thousands of layoffs happening today Fox: Tucker Carlson surprise exit
Farhad Manjoo / @fmanjoo: uh oh indeed
Carl Beijer / @carlbeijer: TUCKER: haha I am blatantly lying to these suckers and they're eating it up. I hope no one ever finds this text message lol GREENWALD: Tucker was fired because he dared to speak heterodoxly to the powerful (DSA)
John Harwood / @johnjharwood: in one sense, yes, stunning but there's an important difference saying goodbye was meaningful to @brianstelter because he respected his audience and gave them his honest judgment on-air as we learned from Dominion case, Tucker didn't
Ben Smith / @semaforben: Tucker's EP, Jason Wells, was also out @maxwelltani @jdcapelouto
Lucas Shaw / @lucas_shaw: In the last 24 hours: > CEO of NBCU resigns because of an “inappropriate relationship” with an employee. > Disney fires thousands of people. > Fox News breaks up with Tucker Carlson.
Alan Rusbridger / @arusbridger: So Murdoch and Tucker Carlson have finally parted company. The full background to the shocking Fox News debacle is grippingly told by @MatthewdAncona here ...
Tero Kuittinen / @teroterotero: They didn't give ole Tucker even the chance to say goodbye... they just jettisoned him on a Sunday without warning. A real shocker.
Kurt Andersen / @kbandersen: The spot-on Succession simulation continues. “It was Carlson's comments about Fox management, as revealed in the Dominion case, that played a role in his departure from Fox, a person familiar with the company's thinking told The Post.” ...
Brian Stelter / @brianstelter: This is the craziest day in cable news history.
Colin Young / @colinyovng: this is 9/11 for old grandpas that forgot about 9/11 (dementia)
Scott Nover / @scottnover: As big as Tucker Carlson has become, it would be hard for him to maintain his star power outside of Fox. Think of how the careers of Bill O'Reilly, Megyn Kelly Fox, Glenn Beck, etc. went after they left. The real power is in Fox's platform.
Hamilton Nolan / @hamiltonnolan: Damn this is terrible news for brave independent journalists who are unafraid to use their long-dead left wing bona fides to provide intellectual cover for white nationalism
Ben Smith / @semaforben: Per our Tucker reporting: -He found out this morning -EP Justin Wells also out -Thought inside to be connected to Grossberg suit -Her lawyer says Carlson and Wells are “squarely in the center of her SDNY complaints for sex discrimination” etc
Nemanja / @nemanjayvr: These days you can't even cost your employer $787 million without being canceled , due to wokeness
Brian Stelter / @brianstelter: This replacement for Tucker will not rate as well as he did: “Fox News Tonight will air live at 8 PM/ET starting this evening as an interim show helmed by rotating FOX News personalities until a new host is named.”
Mike Drucker / @mikedrucker: Lighting a candle for Glenn Greenwald today. Keeping him in my thoughts during this difficult time of losing the one place he could get on TV.
@businessinsider: Fox Corporation sheds $930 million in market value after announcing Tucker Carlson is leaving the news network ...
Samantha Bergeson / IndieWire: Tucker Carlson and Fox News Part Ways — Host's Last Show Already Aired

Sources: the decision to fire Tucker Carlson came straight from Rupert Murdoch and is related to former Carlson producer Abby Grossberg's discrimination lawsuit — Tucker Carlson is leaving Fox News. — The network announced the departure of its top-rated and most provocative conservative prime-time host Monday with no explanation.
Nathan McAlone / Insider: It's judgment day: Shocking exits of Tucker Carlson, Don Lemon, and Jeff Shell rock the TV industry
Joshua Benton / Nieman Lab: Tucker Carlson is out at Fox News, and what matters is why
Josh Dickey / The Wrap: Sean Hannity Totally Blindsided by Tucker Carlson Exit From Fox: 'I Don't Have a Clue'
Jennifer Bowers Bahney / Mediaite: ‘Great For America!’ Tucker Carlson's Former Producer Abby Grossberg Thrilled That He Got The Boot
Matt Stieb / New York Magazine: All the Things Tucker Carlson Said That Should Have Gotten Him Fired Already
Zack Sharf / Variety: Sean Hannity Clueless Over Tucker Carlson Leaving Fox News: 'It's Very Hard,' but 'I Don't Own the Company'
Charlotte Klein / Vanity Fair: Tucker Carlson Is Out at Fox News
Katie Robertson / New York Times: In Lawsuit, Tucker Carlson Accused of Promoting Hostile Work Environment
Adam Jacobson / Radio & Television Business Report: Two Big Cable News Net Faces Are Fired
Josh Marshall / Talking Points Memo: All These Carlson Canning Explanations Look Like BS
@deggans: LATimes reporting Tucker Carlson was fired on orders of News Corp. owner Rupert Murdoch, inspired by the lawsuit filed by former producer Abby Grossberg, who accused Carlson's show of sexism and harassment.
Kyle Griffin / @kylegriffin1: LA Times: Tucker Carlson's exit is related to the discrimination lawsuit filed by Abby Grossberg, the producer Fox fired last month. Carlson's senior executive producer Justin Wells has also been terminated, according to people familiar with the matter.
Bill Grueskin / @bgrueskin: Abby Grossberg's lawyer had “no comment on reports” that her lawsuit was related to Carlson's ouster, “other than to say that timing is a matter of physics, and as such is undeniable.”
Chris Stein / The Guardian: Tucker Carlson fired on Murdoch's orders over discrimination lawsuit, report says - live
Kierra Frazier / Politico: Broadcast bloodbath: Tucker Carlson, Don Lemon are out in major media shake-up
Ted Johnson / Deadline: Tucker Carlson Out At Fox News; Network Says They Have “Agreed To Part Ways”
Hilary Remley / Collider: Tucker Carlson Axed From Fox News

Source: Tucker Carlson was in the midst of negotiating the renewal of his Fox News contract through 2029 and told people last week he expected it to be renewed — The prime-time star, who was recently negotiating his contract renewal through 2029, learned Monday that his top-rated 8 p.m. show was being taken off the air.
Mediaite, @brianstelter,, @oliverdarcy, @davidjollyfl, @repmtg, @calltoactivism and @brianstelter
Alex Griffing / Mediaite: WATCH: Fox News and CNN Both Still Aired Promos For Tucker Carlson and Don Lemon After Their Shocking Departures
Brian Stelter / @brianstelter: “Carlson has told people he doesn't know why he was terminated,” @gabrielsherman reports. And “Carlson has told people he believes his controversial show is being taken off the air because the Murdoch children intend to sell Fox News at some point.”
Nicole Parsons / @Mediagazer — Lol! — American democracy wouldn't have survived a Tucker Carlson contract renewal.
Oliver Darcy / @oliverdarcy: Tucker Carlson learned of his ouster from Fox News on Monday morning, I'm told. Inside the right-wing network, some of Carlson's critics rejoiced upon learning of it. More in our story here:
David Jolly / @davidjollyfl: “Carlson has told people he believes his controversial show is being taken off the air because the Murdoch children intend to sell Fox News at some point.”
Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene / @repmtg: Cable news is about to be taught a powerful lesson after Fox News caved to the woke mob and fired Tucker Carlson. Americans no longer blindly watch the news like they did decades ago, they only watch the ones who have courage to tell the truth. Americans are about to quit...
@calltoactivism: FUN FACT: Tucker Carlson has been FIRED from ALL three of the biggest networks: CNN cut ties with Carlson in 2005. MSNBC canceled his show in 2008. Fox News pushed him out in 2023. “Congrats to Tucker Carlson upon becoming the first tv host in history to be fired by CNN,...

Source: Tucker Carlson's Fox News exit was “a firing” and he's “totally surprised”; sources: the newsroom is in “shock” and found out when the news broke online
The Atlantic, @jimrosicafl, Sydney Morning Herald, Advocate, Insider, Vox, Slate, Gizmodo, @tedlieu, @semafor and @nycsouthpaw
David A. Graham / The Atlantic: Tucker's Successor Will Be Worse
Jim Rosica / @jimrosicafl: .@TuckerCarlson's departure from @FoxNews was not voluntary, multiple sources told Mediaite. by @rumpfshaker via @Mediaite
Farrah Tomazin / Sydney Morning Herald: Fox News and top-rating host Tucker Carlson ‘agree to part ways’
Christopher Wiggins / Advocate: Tucker Carlson Is Out at Fox News, Network Announces
Edith Honan / Insider: Watch Fox News tell its viewers that the network has ‘mutually agreed to part ways’ with star Tucker Carlson
Ben Mathis-Lilley / Slate: Tucker Carlson Just Got Canceled
Kyle Barr / Gizmodo: Fox News Is Tuckered Out, and Carlson Is Gone
Ted Lieu / @tedlieu: Tucker Carlson repeatedly advocated the racist theory known as replacement theory. He has now been replaced. More evidence that karma is real.

CNN parts ways with Don Lemon, who had been under scrutiny since making on-air remarks about women and aging in February 2023; Lemon says he was terminated — Mr. Lemon, one of the network's most recognizable stars, had been under scrutiny since an uproar over on-air remarks he made about women and aging in February.
@donlemon, @cnnpr, NBC News, @oliverdarcy, Variety, @cnnpr, @atrupar, Mediaite, Vanity Fair, @justinbaragona, The Hill, New York Magazine, @brianstelter, New York Post, Insider, @shortformernie, @fmanjoo, @ggreenwald, The Wrap, Insider, Sean Hannity, @mrernestowens, Poynter, Associated Press,, New Republic, Politico, Los Angeles Times, Full Feed, Newser, @jeffjarvis, @pkafka, TVLine, @danprimack, @wutangkids, @mediaite, @cerra__, @lindseyboylan, @grynbaum, @shannonrwatts, IndieWire, @hadas_gold, @delia_cai, @joepompeo, @thedailyshow, @scottnover, @petersterne, @samsanders, The Hollywood Reporter, @dylanbyers, @joshkraushaar, @nycsouthpaw, @hasanthehun, @dorseyshaw, @deggans, @lindseyboylan, @sherman4949 and @jayceekessel
Don Lemon / @donlemon:
@cnnpr: Don Lemon's statement about this morning's events is inaccurate. He was offered an opportunity to meet with management but instead released a statement on Twitter.
Doha Madani / NBC News: Don Lemon says he has been fired from CNN
Oliver Darcy / @oliverdarcy: Don Lemon OUT at CNN. Here is the note from Chris Licht.
Brian Steinberg / Variety: Don Lemon Terminated by CNN After 17 Years
@cnnpr: CNN and Don have parted ways. Don will forever be a part of the CNN family, and we thank him for his contributions over the past 17 years. We wish him well and will be cheering him on in his future endeavors.
Aaron Rupar / @atrupar: according to the NYT this interview that Don Lemon conducted last week with Vivek Ramaswamy played a role in his firing. Note co-host Poppy Harlow sitting silently while Lemon goes after Vivek.
Joe Pompeo / Vanity Fair: Inside CNN's Defenestration of Don Lemon
Justin Baragona / @justinbaragona: CNN anchor John King reacts to the sudden news that his longtime colleague Don Lemon is out: “I don't know the details happening while I'm sitting in the chair here, but I work here. I love this place. Certainly wish Don the best. He's always been good to me as a colleague.”
Alex Gangitano / The Hill: Haley celebrates Lemon's CNN exit months after his controversial ‘prime’ remarks
Benjamin Hart / New York Magazine: Don Lemon Is Out at CNN After Guest Revolt
Brian Stelter / @brianstelter: While CNN's internal memo says “CNN and Don have parted ways,” @donlemon is being much more explicit: He was terminated
Taylor Berman / Insider: CNN disputes Don Lemon's claim he was fired without a chance to talk it over with management
@shortformernie: It is kind of weird that the Don Lemon and Tucker Carlson news dropped at basically the same time, isn't it
Farhad Manjoo / @fmanjoo: So lemon's last interview was with Ramaswamy and Tucker's next interview was supposed to be with Ramaswamy?
Glenn Greenwald / @ggreenwald: CNN accusing Don Lemon of lying. The lawsuit that he brings against them - the one he's already implying he will - is going to be awesome.
Loree Seitz / The Wrap: Don Lemon Fired by CNN, Anchor Says He's ‘Stunned’
Ernest Owens / @mrernestowens: I'm beginning to think that the Gayle King and Charles Barkley announcement was a way for CNN to soften Don Lemon getting the boot. It's not going to work given how they did it. You can't just switch Black people out... especially a rare Black gay voice in mainstream media.
David Bauder / Associated Press: CNN parts ways with longtime host Don Lemon
Tori Otten / New Republic: Don Lemon Is Out at CNN
Meg James / Los Angeles Times: Don Lemon says he was fired by CNN without warning. Network blasts ‘inaccurate’ statement
John Johnson / Newser: Don Lemon ‘Stunned’ as He's Fired by CNN
Jeff Jarvis / @jeffjarvis: Licht didn't have the guts or decency to tell Lemon himself.
Peter Kafka / @pkafka: Decent chance you haven't read this April 5 story from @TatianaSiegel27 but once you do you'll feel astonished that Don Lemon was still working at CNN until today.
@mediaite: BREAKING: Don Lemon Announces His Shock Firing From CNN in Scathing Statement Blasting Network Leadership
Lindsey Boylan / @lindseyboylan: Maybe he couldn't find a good PR person to finesse this because he thought they were all past their prime.
Michael M. Grynbaum / @grynbaum: MORE on Don Lemon exit, which Lemon is calling a termination: Some guests were reluctant to appear on-air with Lemon, per CNN bookers. Network research found that audience sentiment on Lemon had dipped following his Nikki Haley controversy.
Shannon Watts / @shannonrwatts: Don't worry - for a man, you're in your prime!
Wilson Chapman / IndieWire: Don Lemon Fired from CNN, Anchor Terminated Following Hostile Workplace Allegations
Delia / @delia_cai: honestly just intrigued what this was typed out on....does notes app do font colors??
Joe Pompeo / @joepompeo: Sources who know how things went down with Don told me it all played out within the last 48 hours, which is the timeframe when Kaitlin Collins and Poppy Harlow were informed of the decision:
Scott Nover / @scottnover: I think MSNBC should fire someone just for the bit.
Peter Sterne / @petersterne: The fact that Tucker Carlson and Don Lemon were fired on the same day appears to be a coincidence, but it's a coincidence that is very good for CNN. Focus on Tucker will suck up a lot of energy/media attention that would otherwise be focused on CNN catering to conservatives.
Sam Sanders / @samsanders: I'm always against corporations using words like “family” to describe their relationships to employees. It's especially stupid when they use it for someone the just fired 🙃🙃🙃
Alex Weprin / The Hollywood Reporter: Don Lemon Out at CNN
Josh Kraushaar / @joshkraushaar: Day of cable news sackings.
@nycsouthpaw: Sad day. We wish him well. He'll always be part of the family. *40 minutes passes* That phony fkn liar has been talkin shit.
@hasanthehun: this was clear since the “women aren't prime after a certain age” comment
Dorsey Shaw / @dorseyshaw: CNN: “Do it NOW while everyone's talking about Tucker” lol
@deggans: Don Lemon has also been fired at CNN. He was on air TODAY and says no one said anything. Between him, Tucker Carlson, Jeff Shell and the layoffs at Disney, this is looking like housecleaning day for major media companies. His statement, released on Twitter, is attached.
Lindsey Boylan / @lindseyboylan: All the former women colleagues Don Lemon told to be quiet:
Alex Sherman / @sherman4949: Amended: Monday morning media news: NBCU: Jeff Shell surprise exit Disney: Thousands of layoffs happening today Fox: Tucker Carlson surprise exit WBD: Don Lemon surprise exit Your move Shari Redstone.

CNN rebukes Don Lemon for saying his agent “informed” him that CNN terminated him, saying Lemon “was offered an opportunity to meet” but instead took to Twitter
Matthew Keys / The Desk: CNN fires morning show host Don Lemon
Marisa Guthrie / WWD: Don Lemon Fired by CNN
Thomas Barrabi / New York Post: CNN blasts Don Lemon for ‘inaccurate’ claim about his firing
David Goldman / CNN: Don Lemon and CNN part ways
Kanishka Singh / Reuters: CNN host Don Lemon says TV network fired him
Brett Samuels / The Hill: Trump cheers Lemon's CNN ouster
Brendan Morrow / The Week: Don Lemon says he has been fired by CNN: ‘I am stunned’
Annika Kim Constantino / CNBC: CNN fires anchor Don Lemon in the wake of sexist comments, reported mistreatment of colleagues
Morgan Hines / USA Today: ‘I am stunned’: Don Lemon says he's been fired by CNN, network disputes details
Luke Winkie / Slate: Don Lemon Couldn't Help but Get Fired From CNN in the Most Hilarious Way Possible
Christi Carras / Los Angeles Times: Don Lemon and Tucker Carlson fired at the same time? Twitter is having a field day
Ted Johnson / Deadline: Don Lemon Exits CNN; Host Says He's Been Terminated By Network After 17 Years
Ben Flanagan / Don Lemon out at CNN: ‘I am stunned’
Brittany Bernstein / National Review: Don Lemon Fired from CNN: ‘I Am Stunned’
Sara Fischer / Axios: Don Lemon fired from CNN
Ryan Schwartz / TVLine: CNN vs. Don Lemon: Network Calls His Termination Narrative ‘Inaccurate’ in Terse Statement
Caitlin Cruz / Jezebel: Don Lemon Fired By CNN: ‘I Am Stunned’

CNBC anchor Hadley Gamble filed the inappropriate conduct complaint against NBCUniversal CEO Jeff Shell; source: Gamble had a previous relationship with Shell — EXCLUSIVE: Multiple sources tell Deadline that the woman who filed the complaint against NBCUniversal CEO Jeff Shell …
Wall Street Journal, The Wrap, Variety, Talking Biz News, Forbes, Insider, New York Post, Puck, Mediaite and Taipei Times
Joe Flint / Wall Street Journal: CNBC Anchor Alleged NBCUniversal Boss Jeff Shell Sexually Harassed Her, Prompting His Exit
Owen Thomas / The Wrap: Fired NBCU Chief Jeff Shell's ‘Inappropriate Relationship’ May Have Cost Him $25 Million
Gene Maddaus / Variety: NBCUniversal CEO Jeff Shell Forced Out After Sexual Harassment Claim From CNBC Reporter Hadley Gamble
Ana Faguy / Forbes: CNBC Anchor Accused Fired NBCUniversal CEO Jeff Shell Of Sexual Harassment, Reports Say
Claire Atkinson / Insider: NBCUniversal CEO Jeff Shell exits after an ‘inappropriate relationship,’ shocking insiders, and Comcast may not rush to replace him as corporate exec Mike Cavanagh steps up
Thomas Barrabi / New York Post: CNBC anchor Hadley Gamble accuses fired NBCUniversal boss Jeff Shell of sexual harassment
Matthew Belloni / Puck: Shrapnel from the Jeff Shell Bombshell

NBCUniversal CEO Jeff Shell is leaving the company effective immediately, after a Comcast investigation into an employee's complaint of inappropriate conduct — Jeff Shell had been at the Comcast Corp. unit for roughly two decades — NBCUniversal Chief Executive Jeff Shell is leaving …
Variety, New York Times, New York Times, Comcast, Los Angeles Times, CNBC, Awful Announcing, CNBC, Observer, @lucas_shaw, Adweek, Variety, The Hollywood Reporter, @sherman4949, The Wrap, The Hollywood Reporter, @benmullin, New York Post, @keitholbermann, @kshaughnessy2, @johnnydollar01, @lmoses, @jbflint, @brianstelter, @keitholbermann, @keitholbermann, @jbflint, @brandonthurston, @sherman4949, @bryandfischer, @brianstelter, @tvmojoe, @tim_bays, @great_katzby, @keitholbermann, @benjamingoggin, @patiencehaggin, @benmullin, @pkafka, @kimmasters, @brianstelter, @mattbelloni, @mattbelloni, @dylanbyers, Los Angeles Times, Reuters, New York Post, Axios, The Wrap, The Daily Beast, Reuters and Bloomberg
Brian Steinberg / Variety: Jeff Shell's Shocking NBCUniversal Exit Creates Uncertainties for Comcast's Streaming Wars
Benjamin Mullin / New York Times: NBCUniversal's C.E.O. Was Fired After Harassment Complaint
Meg James / Los Angeles Times: CNBC anchor alleged sexual harassment by NBCUniversal CEO Jeff Shell, who was ousted Sunday
Alex Sherman / CNBC: NBCUniversal faces a set of company-defining decisions as CEO Jeff Shell departs
Andrew Bucholtz / Awful Announcing: NBCUniversal CEO Jeff Shell out amidst sexual harassment/sex discrimination investigation
Rachyl Jones / Observer: Who Could Replace Jeff Shell as NBCUniversal's CEO?
Lucas Shaw / @lucas_shaw: Big news in media land: NBCU CEO Jeff Shell is leaving the company after a complaint of inappropriate conduct.
Bill Bradley / Adweek: NBCU CEO Jeff Shell Ousted. What's the Plan for the Upfronts?
The Hollywood Reporter: NBCUniversal CEO Jeff Shell Fired With Cause Over Harassment Claim, Comcast Says
Alex Sherman / @sherman4949: NBCUniversal is unusual among the major media companies because it's a division of a larger company. Brian Roberts is/remains the primary decision maker on big ticket items. But NBCU is losing its CEO with several company-defining decisions coming up.
Lucas Manfredi / The Wrap: Comcast President Mike Cavanagh Permanently Replaces Jeff Shell as NBCUniversal CEO
Abbey White / The Hollywood Reporter: NBCUniversal CEO Jeff Shell Departs Following Misconduct Investigation
Ben Mullin / @benmullin: More @nytimes -Brian Roberts and Mike Cavanaugh called Jeff Shell's direct reports this weekend to brief them. -Investigation happened over last several weeks after a woman came forward with a complaint. -Jeff Shell was working last week.
Ariel Zilber / New York Post: Who is Hadley Gamble, the CNBC anchor who had ‘inappropriate relationship’ with NBCUniversal CEO Jeff Shell?
Keith Olbermann / @keitholbermann: Ohhhhhhhhhhhh Shell wasn't just extra-marital was TALENT 🪓
Kristen Shaughnessy / @kshaughnessy2: Someone else got caught. In the statement, Mr. Shell said that today would be his last day and that he had had “an inappropriate relationship with a woman in the company.” via @NYTimes
Johnny Dollar / @johnnydollar01: Multiple sources tell Deadline that the woman who filed the complaint against NBCUniversal CEO Jeff Shell for inappropriate conduct was CNBC anchor and Senior International Correspondent Hadley Gamble.
Lucia Moses / @lmoses: Guessing game has begun - here are some names of who could replace Jeff Shell:
Joe Flint / @jbflint: Associates describe Mr. Shell as bright and innovative, but helter-skelter as a manager. An outgoing exec, but higher-ups were concerned that he could be lose with info, disclosing plans or business happenings that he wasn't supposed to.
Brian Stelter / @brianstelter: WSJ: “Comcast launched an investigation soon after receiving a complaint from an employee against Mr. Shell, people familiar with the matter said.”
Keith Olbermann / @keitholbermann: He said Whizzing lol
Keith Olbermann / @keitholbermann: And can we drop the euphemisms? He didn't “depart.” It wasn't “mutual.” He was FIRED.
Joe Flint / @jbflint: NBCUniversal CEO Jeff Shell's nearly two decade career at Comcast ended Sunday after an HR investigation regarding inappropriate conduct. Move stunned NBCU and Comcast execs. Comcast president Mike Cavanagh overseeing Shell's duties. via @WSJ
Brandon Thurston / @brandonthurston: Less than a year after WWE then-CEO Vince McMahon resigns (and later comes back) after investigation into inappropriate relationship with employees, WWE's top business partner's CEO, Jeff Shell at NBCU resigns after investigation into inappropriate relationship with employee.
Alex Sherman / @sherman4949: Some new details here from me and @Lilliannnn: *The employee that had a relationship with Shell filed a complaint with Comcast/NBCU *Comcast CEO Brian Roberts will take a more hands on approach to NBCU for the time being
Bryan Fischer / @bryandfischer: Well that is a notable exit (due to an inappropriate relationship at the company) ahead of some major rights negotiations and a potential writers strike.
Brian Stelter / @brianstelter: Update: Jeff Shell's senior team “will now report directly to Mike Cavanagh, President of Comcast Corporation,” per an internal memo. So no immediate appointment of an NBCU CEO. (These things usually take some time to negotiate.)
@tvmojoe: Variety frames this right: Mr. Shell isn't “leaving” the company. He's been fired.
Tim Baysinger / @tim_bays: NBCU could do a lot worse than Donna Langley as CEO. Universal is on an absolute hot streak right now
Brandon Katz / @great_katzby: Need to learn more about the stunning Jeff Shell news. But if this had to happen to any company, NBCU is well positioned to manage the fallout/transition. Executive team is deep and talented. Sports, Media Networks, film, parks already strong and streaming is growing.
@keitholbermann: BREAKING: Wow. My onetime friend Jeff Shell OUT as chairman of NBC
Ben Goggin / @benjamingoggin: Jeff Shell steps down as CEO of NBCUniversal, admitting to an “inappropriate relationship with a woman in the company”
@patiencehaggin: Inbox: Jeff Shell is stepping down as CEO of @NBCUniversal He acknowledges “an inappropriate relationship with a woman in the company”
Ben Mullin / @benmullin: News: Jeff Shell's senior team is going to report to Comcast president Mike Cavanaugh.
Peter Kafka / @pkafka: August 2020: NBC U boss Jeff Shell boss says a legendary exec was leaving because of a consensual affair. Today: NBC U boss Jeff Shell says he is leaving because of a consensual affair.
Kim Masters / @kimmasters: Absolute shocker. Even my sources at NBCUni genuinely seem to be reeling. ...
Brian Stelter / @brianstelter: The two-paragraph press release — “Comcast Corporation Announces Jeff Shell Is Leaving the Company” — makes no mention of who will become CEO of NBCUniversal ...
Matthew Belloni / @mattbelloni: The irony of Jeff Shell's exit after an affair is pretty rich. Jeff fired NBCU's Ron Meyer for HIS inappropriate relationship with a woman (though not an employee).
Matthew Belloni / @mattbelloni: Another press release I first thought was fake: NBC Universal chief Jeff Shell is leaving the company after a Comcast investigation. “I had an inappropriate relationship with a woman in the company, which I deeply regret,” he says.
Dylan Byers / @dylanbyers: + SHELL: “Today is my last day as CEO of NBCUniversal. I had an inappropriate relationship with a woman in the company, which I deeply regret. I'm truly sorry I let my Comcast and NBCUniversal colleagues down, they are the most talented people in the business...”
Meg James / Los Angeles Times: NBCUniversal CEO Jeff Shell exits, citing ‘inappropriate relationship’ at company
Jorge Fitz-Gibbon / New York Post: NBCUniversal CEO Jeff Shell quits over ‘inappropriate relationship’ with woman
Corbin Bolies / The Daily Beast: NBCUniversal CEO Steps Down After ‘Inappropriate Relationship’ With Staffer
Mrinmay Dey / Reuters: Comcast says NBCUniversal CEO Jeff Shell leaving after probe into inappropriate conduct
Susanne Barton / Bloomberg: NBCUniversal CEO Shell Leaves After ‘Inappropriate Relationship’

With Facebook's pivot away from news and Twitter's decay, media outlets return to digital media's foundational concepts of the early 2000s like homepage traffic — The News — What year is it? Consider the following: — The Drudge Report is the biggest political website in the country.
@rafat, @kevinokeefe, @maxwelltani, @versharma, @azi, @jodyavirgan, @benjysarlin, @ericlach, @maxwelltani, @joeposner, @maxwelltani, @markdistef, @chaykak and @bernstein
@rafat: It is game over for generalist digital media news companies, layoffs & other cutbacks won't help. They may drag along for a bit, but done for. They are victims of oldest sin of digital: caught in middle, neither giant nor focused/vertical enough.
Kevin O'Keefe / @kevinokeefe: Homepage traffic, blogging, niche email newsletters were some of the foundational concepts of digital media in the early 2000s. As digital news media business turns again, they're increasingly the ones media organizations are turning to. - @maxwelltani
Max Tani / @maxwelltani: For this week's @semafor media newsletter, I wrote about how some of today's media trends look weirdly like the ones from 15-20 years ago.
Versha Sharma / @versharma: absolutely here for the revival of print (a @TeenVogue team dream - at least a special edition!)
@azi: “will go down in history as one of the dumbest business decisions of the digital media age, Jonah Peretti's decision in 2014 to turn down a $650 million offer from Disney.” cc @petersterne
Jody Avirgan / @jodyavirgan: I gotta say, so much of the chatter about the state of media is reminding me of the reasons I fell in love with audio to begin with. (including the below from @joshtpm) I think making ambitious stuff for a devoted audience is the only path forward.
Benjy Sarlin / @benjysarlin: who wants to go to a blog meetup
Eric Lach / @ericlach: kids, if a stranger asks you to get in their van and work for their iPad newspaper, tell an adult
Max Tani / @maxwelltani: NBC News employee data was exposed in a recent hack, touching on a sore spot with the employee union
Joe Posner / @joeposner: fun thing about semafor is that when you say “your take is totally wrong” ... sometimes that ends up in the piece. thanks @semaforben and @maxwelltani! you can read their wrong opinion, too, here:
Max Tani / @maxwelltani: Mother Jones and Reveal also discussed a merger in recent months, I'm told.
Mark Di Stefano / @markdistef: “Is home page traffic coming back? Are people not going to use Twitter or some Twitter clone to serve them their news? It's clear we're moving in those directions or the trends of the last decade are kind of broken.”

Pop star Grimes tells fans to create AI-generated music using her voice, saying she will split 50% royalties, the same deal as “with any artist I collab with” — In the wake of the AI-generated hit Heart on My Sleeve going viral with deepfakes of Drake and The Weeknd …
@grimezsz: I'll split 50% royalties on any successful AI generated song that uses my voice. Same deal as I would with any artist i collab with. Feel free to use my voice without penalty. I have no label and no legal bindings.
Will Gendron / Insider: Grimes says she'll split the royalties on any ‘successful’ AI-generated song that uses her voice
Kelly McKernan / @kelly_mckernan: Does Grimes really think she'll see 50% royalties on songs using her voice, or is she a bot too?
Reo Cragun / @reocragun: I'm in favor of Grime's take, feel free to train a model of my voice. Completely independent as well 🧪
Phil Labonte / @philthatremains: This sounds totally reasonable and I would do the same at least as an experiment to see if it worked out. 🤷♂️
Chris Cooke / Complete Music Update: Grimes happy to split the royalties if anyone wants to create an AI Grimes track
Chris Frantz / @frantzfries: Smart, someone could make a product out of this. Create the licensing model for this type of contract, have a database of artists that agree to it and host the models for remix. Big potential to be the next SoundCloud
Nick St. Pierre / @nickfloats: grimes is a legend and an innovator

Sources: Disney begins its second round of layoffs, expecting to cut ~4,000 jobs by the end of the week, as part of plans to lay off 7,000 staff before summer — Restructuring will continue “for the next couple of months,” Disney Entertainment chiefs Dana Walden and Alan Bergman wrote to staff Monday …
@ourand_sbj, Sports Business Journal, CNBC, @espnmikes, The Wrap, Variety, MediaPost, Reuters, The Verge,, @jimmiller, The Information, @sherman4949, @slmandel, @keitholbermann, IndieWire, Insider, @leslieannewade, @thr, Fortune, @lucas_shaw, Deadline, @danrafael1 and @alexweprin
John Ourand / @ourand_sbj: ESPN's second longest tenured employee, Mike Soltys (@espnmikes), is part of today's layoffs. Soltys spent 43 years at the company. This is a huge loss for ESPN. SBJ's story: ...
John Ourand / Sports Business Journal: Longtime ESPN exec Mike Soltys let go as part of latest wave of layoffs
Lillian Rizzo / CNBC: Disney begins second, larger round of layoffs, bringing total to 4,000 jobs cut
Mike Soltys / @espnmikes: My final statement as ESPN Spokesperson: “43 Amazing Years. Wow. We wish him well.”
Jennifer Maas / Variety: Disney to Reach 4,000 Layoffs This Week With Second Round of Cuts, Third Wave to Hit Ahead of Summer
Karlene Lukovitz / MediaPost: Disney Layoffs Round Two: ESPN, Parks Among Hardest-Hit
Charles Pulliam-Moore / The Verge: Disney's latest and biggest round of layoffs has begun
James Andrew Miller / @jimmiller: One of the great career rides in ESPN history; one of the best humans as well. @espnmikes didn't breathe in oxygen — he inhaled those four initials. Awful loss.
Alex Sherman / @sherman4949: Several thousand Disney employees will be laid off today in round 2 of what will be a total of 7,000 job cuts. About 3,000 more will happen in the final round of cuts coming before the beginning of summer. Cuts at ESPN begin today as I reported last week.
Stewart Mandel / @slmandel: Awful. Mike is that place. If this is a sign of things to come, these layoffs will be brutal.
Keith Olbermann / @keitholbermann: History has recorded his snarky line when I left ESPN in 1997. It has failed to record his warm and sincere welcome upon my return in 2013. ESPN will miss @espnmikes only once: constantly. All the best, Mike.
Christian Blauvelt / IndieWire: 4,000 Disney Employees Expected to Be Laid Off This Week, with More to Come
Nathan McAlone / Insider: Disney begins the second round of 7,000 planned job cuts — targeting ESPN, theme parks, entertainment, and more
LeslieAnne Wade / @leslieannewade: Bad/sad PR move. @espnmikes recognized as one of the forever best in the business. Impossible to think of him leaving @ESPN with anything short of a parade.
@thr: An ESPN source says that the sports giant will take a close look at its talent deals after the final round of layoffs in the coming weeks. Some deals will not be renewed, while other on-air hosts or contributors will be cut
Thomas Buckley / Fortune: Disney is starting its second round of massive job cuts as Bob Iger tries to save $5.5 billion a year
Lucas Shaw / @lucas_shaw: Disney's second round of layoffs has begun. A third round will commence in the next month or two. @tgbuckley
Dade Hayes / Deadline: Disney Begins Largest Wave Of Layoffs, Will Get More Than Halfway To Target Of 7,000 Staff Cuts This Week

News media distrust among marginalized groups often stems from unease about how they are represented, based on focus groups in Brazil, India, the UK, and the US — There is no single trust problem, and therefore there is no single trust solution. This point has been a common refrain …
Sarah Scire / Nieman Lab: “Tell a more complete story” and other lessons from a new report on mistrust of news media
@onourradar: ‘Many spoke of the importance of niche and local news sources they felt more fairly and fully represented people like themselves and their interests’ - this @risj_oxford report shows how bringing communities into the storytelling process is one part of rebuilding #trust💡
@trustingnews: We're so grateful when researchers dive deep into helping us understand how to build trust. Thanks, @risj_oxford team. @mayerjoy pulled out a few points she wants newsrooms to take away from this work, with related resources from our team.

SCOTUS agrees to hear two First Amendment cases about government officials blocking critics on social media, after a similar Donald Trump Twitter case in 2021 — The U.S. Supreme Court, exploring free speech rights in the social media era, on Monday agreed to consider whether the Constitution's …
Knight First Amendment Institute: Supreme Court to Consider When Government Officials' Social Media Accounts Are Subject to First Amendment
Jon Fingas / Engadget: Supreme Court will decide if government officials can block social media critics
Alex Howard / @digiphile: Per @Reuters, Supreme Court “will consider whether public officials can block critics on social media” Viewpoint discrimination based on ideology is unconstitutional. Blocking constituents from official accounts is unconstitutional:

The Insider Union says over 250 staff members walked off the job on April 24 to protest Insider's management “threatening to lay off 60 unit members” — Hundreds of Insider staffers are expected to walk off their jobs today over proposed layoffs at the company.
The Daily Beast, @insiderunion, @alliepape, @alliepape, @lilianmanansala and @mark_abadi
@insiderunion: 🔥 WE'RE WALKING OUT! 🔥 At 9AM tomorrow, join the Insider Union's picket line across from Zuccotti Park! We'll have music, solidarity, and enough chanting to make your ears ring! Insider management is threatening to lay off 60 unit members. Help us fight against bad bosses!
Allie Pape / @alliepape: I'm walking off the job today with @InsiderUnion to protest the proposed layoff of 60 Insider employees. I'm one of them. ...
Allie Pape / @alliepape: Insider is laying off a full fifth of our unit, after dragging their feet for nearly two years on signing our first contract. Those of us on the layoff list are currently in an uncomfortable limbo, having to show up to work anyway because we have no contract protocols in place