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The 13-day Insider strike ends, as its union and management reach a deal that boosts the pay minimum to $65K/year and includes a pledge for no more 2023 layoffs — The 13-day labor struggle prompted managers to write their own stories and the editor in chief to tear down union fliers.
@insiderunion, The Daily Beast, @emmacos,, @scottnover, @zackford, @gaufre, @jennyvrentas, @moorehn, New York Post, @ben__tobin, @noranaughton, @gaufre, Insider Union, @jessicaschulb, @dataeditor, @bencasselman, @kaylaepstein, @alexrkonrad, @schwartzesque, @moreperfectus, @mark_abadi, @nyguild, @maggiekb1, @kateconger, @enerianna, @meghanemorris, @insiderunion, @julianamkaplan, @kirstenacuna, @insiderunion, @jchaltiwanger, @jennyvrentas, @haleytalbotcnn, @arperelli, @lainnafader, Talking Biz News and The Wrap
@insiderunion: 🚨WE WON! 🥳‼️ We have a tentative agreement on a contract that will give our members more money and job protections and resolve our ULP. Our strike is over - we're going back to work tomorrow!🎉 [image]
Emma Cosgrove / @emmacos: Striking worked. Striking works. If you ever get the chance, stand with your team and prepare to be awed at how much you can win. 💙
Scott Nover / @scottnover: This insane amount of effort is what it takes to get a floor salary of $65,000 in media, which—you should note—is equivalent to $55,000 in March 2020 dollars.
@gaufre: The strike is over at Insider!!!!!! These awesome journalists just won a great TA!
Jenny Vrentas / @jennyvrentas: Salary floors @nyguild has won: $64K @si_union Dec '21 $65K @NYTimesGuild May '23 $65K @InsiderUnion June '23 This is how you change the industry. Workers standing together. A fair wage isn't an unreasonable demand — @nyguild is making sure it's the industry standard.
Heidi N. Moore / @moorehn: Did embarrassing Nich Carlson win the union negotiations? 😂 Congrats to the Insider Union
Ryan Glasspiegel / New York Post: Dave Portnoy's efforts to join Business Insider protests rebuffed
Ben Tobin / @ben__tobin: Crying. Insider Union is one of the most meaningful things I've ever been part of. We're out on this earth to watch out for each other and to lift each other up. This caring group of 250+ did that every single day, especially during trying circumstances. So much love and joy.
Nora Naughton / @noranaughton: I am so proud to be part of both @InsiderUnion and @thisisinsider. The collective power of my colleagues notched this win. I'm in awe of the standard we have set not only for Insider's future, but the future of digital media. Solidarity for-fucking-ever. ...
@gaufre: There have been a ridiculous amount of layoffs in media recently. But if you are unionized, you get a say. ... [image]
Rosemary Donahue / Insider Union: Breaking: We have a deal! The Insider Union strike is officially OVER
Jessica Schulberg / @jessicaschulb: in addition to securing an industry-leading contract @InsiderUnion saved 22 ppl from being laid off and got management to promise no more layoffs the rest of this year — truly inspiring and underscores how much layoffs are a choice not an inevitability ...
Steven Rich / @dataeditor: this is great but the best thing about this was a spokesperson for Insider defending the EIC by referring to him as a “big boy” ...
Ben Casselman / @bencasselman: Hell yeah @InsiderUnion!!! ✊✊✊ Excited for them and excited to be able to read their coverage again.
Kayla Epstein / @kaylaepstein: A big round of applause for my former colleagues at @InsiderUnion who fought like hell and won a fair deal for their newsroom. ...
Alex Konrad / @alexrkonrad: Huge congrats to the journalists at @InsiderUnion for their new contract! We at @forbesunion can't wait to follow suit.
Mattathias Schwartz / @schwartzesque: good news 👇
@moreperfectus: When we fight, we win. A massive congratulations to @InsiderUnion!
@mark_abadi: Heartfelt thank you to everyone who respected our digital picket line or donated to our strike fund — you helped @InsiderUnion make history today
@nyguild: The strike is over - and @InsiderUnion won BIG! This is what we can achieve when we stand together, refuse to back down, and fight for every cent of what we're worth. When we fight, WE WIN! ✊✊✊
Maggie Koerth / @maggiekb1: Oh this is fantastic!
Kate Conger / @kateconger: yayyy congratulations!
Meghan Morris / @meghanemorris: Day 13 of @InsiderUnion's strike: WE ARE FINISHED! We won a $65k salary floor, healthcare $$, and other great provisions. More, including a line from yours truly, here: ...
@insiderunion: We all marched, texted, flyered, rallied, took videos, wrote articles, tweeted, and kept the pressure on. We built our solidarity and our power. Our union will return to work stronger than ever! Thank you to everyone who helped us hold the line. When we fight, we win!✊💙🎉 [image]
Juliana Kaplan / @julianamkaplan: FACT CHECK TRUE: Juliana Kaplan, a senior labor and inequality reporter at Insider, called details like the salary minimum a “huge” victory for staffers. “We won this deal because we stood together out there,” she added. ...
@kirstenacuna: !!!! We'll be back at it tomorrow! Thank you to everyone who has supported us. A lot of huge wins in our contract, which, I hope, will help change this industry. 🙏💙
@insiderunion: Our unit will vote to ratify soon, but here's some of what we won: -$65k salary minimum -Just cause -Layoff moratorium through the end of the year -Raises of over 10% during the term of the contract -Over $400,000 in healthcare cost reimbursements [image]
John Haltiwanger / @jchaltiwanger: Very happy for my former colleagues and fellow Insider Union members. They deserve the best
Jenny Vrentas / @jennyvrentas: The courageous Insider workers held the line for 13 days. They saved jobs and drastically improved their working conditions. Their sacrifice will reverberate far beyond their newsroom.
Haley Talbot / @haleytalbotcnn: 13 days!!!! ...
Amanda Perelli / @arperelli: “The new deal boosts the salary minimum for Insider staffers from $60,000 to $65,000 a year and includes a pledge to not lay off any more employees for the rest of the year and an immediate 3.5 percent raise for most staff once the contract is ratified.” ...
Lainna Fader / @lainnafader: They won: - $65,000 a year minimum salary - a pledge to not lay off any more employees for the rest of the year - an immediate 3.5% raise for most staff once the contract is ratified ...
Chris Roush / Talking Biz News: Insider, union reach deal to end strike

A group of Insider employees confronted EIC Nicholas Carlson on a Brooklyn street as he pulled down pro-union flyers from lampposts; some flyers showed his face — The top editor of the Insider news site was caught on video bicycling around Brooklyn and tearing down pro-union posters as a labor strike dragged into its second week.
@mekosoff, @jblumgart, The Wrap, Variety, @grimkim, @grimkim, @attackerman, @brooklynmarie, @annamerlan, @armandondk, @johngcole, @nycsouthpaw, @law360union, @ashleyfeinberg, @sebastianmurdoc, @samleecole, @ggreeneva, @pahwa_nitish, @mediaevan, @chrisgeidner, @kath_krueger, @chronotope, @thenewsham, Talking Biz News, @ashleyfeinberg, Insider Union and
Maya Kosoff / @mekosoff: this is embarrassing, loser behavior, and it's plainly humiliating for your comms team to release a statement calling you a “big boy,” but i'd also add: not sure this is the kind of person i'd want directing editorial coverage in a newsroom!
Jake Blumgart / @jblumgart: “The top editor of the Insider news site was caught on video bicycling around Brooklyn and tearing down pro-union posters that targeted him as a labor strike dragged into its second week.”
Todd Spangler / Variety: Elon Musk Cheers Striking Insider Inc. Editorial Staffers: ‘Fight on, Comrades!’
Kim Kelly / @grimkim: @ashleyfeinberg @crulge personally wildly curious about why a man that rich is renting his spite bike
Kim Kelly / @grimkim: @ashleyfeinberg @crulge Incredible herbery
Brooke Binkowski / @brooklynmarie: @annamerlan ""To be clear, Nich is not responsible for Insider Inc's selection of healthcare providers! Also, Nich is not annoyed at the union — after all, it was only a handful who participated in the stunt — and he can't wait to have them all back at work soon," the rep added."
John Cole / @johngcole: this is the saddest thing I have seen in a long time
@nycsouthpaw: There's still a great newspaper deep down inside the New York Post, for all the bigotry and sensationalism the Murdochs have spread over the top of it.
@law360union: Petty, petty, petty! @nyguild and @InsiderUnion have plenty more signs where that came from! Imagine a person who runs a news organization running around in public like this. A menace, we say! Side note: Insider union members' strike is still going strong. Don't give your click.
Ashley Feinberg / @ashleyfeinberg: @GrimKim @crulge my favorite part is how you can see all the crumpled flyers in his basket which means he almost certainly didn't plan this out and instead just got so mad that he couldn't help himself
Sebastian Murdock / @sebastianmurdoc: “In the video obtained by The Post, Insider editor in chief Nicholas Carlson was seen frantically removing the flyers from lampposts in the Windsor Terrace section of Brooklyn on Friday and stuffing them into the basket of a Citi Bike.”
Samantha Cole / @samleecole: this is incredible. what a dork
Nitish Pahwa / @pahwa_nitish: if you can, donate to @InsiderUnion's strike fund:
Evan DeSimone / @mediaevan: This is incredibly embarassing.
Chris Geidner / @chrisgeidner: • This anti-union EIC was caught making a fool of himself in Brooklyn. • The move raises questions about how he's dealing, like, personally, with the strike. • Support the Business/Insider striking workers.
Katherine Krueger / @kath_krueger: loser mindset!!
Aram Zucker-Scharff / @chronotope: lol name em and shame em. They don't like it they know how to end it.
@thenewsham: 🟡 @BizOutsiderPub latest: I spoke to @semaforben about his new book, digital media unions, and whether he and my boss are “pals.” Full interview: ...
Ashley Feinberg / @ashleyfeinberg: everything about this is so so humiliating, this photo, not recognizing your own employees, having your official spokesperson refer to you as “a big boy”—absolutely stunning work all around [image]

The US National Music Publishers' Association sues Twitter, alleging the company violates the copyright of songwriters by using ~1,700 songs without permission — The National Music Publishers' Association sued Twitter Inc. Wednesday, alleging it violates the copyright of songwriters by using …
Jem Aswad / Variety: Twitter Hit With $250 Million Copyright-Infringement Lawsuit From Music Publishers
Winston Cho / The Hollywood Reporter: Twitter Hit With $250M Lawsuit From Music Publishers Over “Massive Copyright Infringement” Claim
Murray Stassen / Music Business Worldwide: Music publishers sue Twitter for $250m+ alleging ‘rampant infringement of copyrighted music’
Kenan Draughorne / Los Angeles Times: Twitter hit with $250-million copyright infringement lawsuit from music publishers
Ethan Millman / Rolling Stone: Music Companies Are Suing Twitter for $250 Million in Alleged Copyright Infringement
Isabelle Sarraf / The Information: Who's Headed to VidCon Next Week
Alex Howard / @digiphile: Unlike social media platforms like @Facebook or @YouTube, @Twitter doesn't pay music rights to licenses. Today, @NMPAorg sued @Twitter, alleging Twitter “violates the copyright of songwriters by using their music on its platform without permission.” ...
Robert Carnevale / The Wrap: Twitter Faces $250 Million Music Publishers Lawsuit Citing Copyright Infringement
Sarah Frier / @sarahfrier: “Twitter is one of the only major social media platforms that doesn't pay music rights to holders for licenses to their work. YouTube, Facebook, Snap and TikTok all have agreements that collectively pay the music industry billions of dollars a year.” via @Lucas_Shaw
William Hughes / The A.V. Club: Twitter just got hit with a massive music copyright lawsuit
Kristin Robinson / Billboard: Twitter Facing $250M Copyright Infringement Lawsuit From Music Publishers

A look back at Gimlet Media, now basically dead, and the venture capital gold rush for podcasts that forced Gimlet to chase profit at any cost — Gimlet Media is basically dead. — Last week, Spotify announced it was laying off 200 workers and combining Gimlet and Parcast into one original podcast studio within the company.
@tvgrimreaper, @mikeachim, @rafat, @jonostrower, @kantrowitz, @originalspin and @rafat
@tvgrimreaper: Gimlet Media had no business model, but successfully found its greater fool (Spotify) ~4 years ago and talked them out of >$200 million. It's now dead. Explain to me again how Spotify's Daniel Ek is a genius?
Mike Sowden / @mikeachim: “When Blumberg and Lieber pursued VC funding right at the beginning...they wrote that story's end, too. This is because venture-backed companies have an obligation to chase profit at any cost...” (I can imagine @randfish distantly nodding his head.)
@rafat: So turns out I wasn't wrong after all, just off on timing, Gimlet is dead within Spotify, after these layoffs.
Jon Ostrower / @jonostrower: @rafat I'm sure we could have a really interesting debate on this one, though I have a feeling we'd be arguing the same side.
Alex Kantrowitz / @kantrowitz: Terrific piece by @alexlaughs on Gimlet and VC. “I wonder what it means that the sun at the center of our universe was always designed to be a flash in the pan.”
Jeff Yang / @originalspin: Painful but necessary epitaph for Gimlet by @alexlaughs. And yes...the downfall of Gimlet as a pioneer in the podcast space was not just inevitable but occurred with remarkable transparency.

Spotify shifts its podcast strategy from being a sort of HBO that releases exclusive shows to providing tools for podcast creators, similar to YouTube's model — Over the past four years, Spotify Technology SA has announced a succession of splashy deals showing off how much money it's willing …
Ashley Carman / @ashleyrcarman: new from me: inside spotify's massive podcast pivot. i spoke to 10+ current and former employees to capture the scene leading up to last week's cuts. the layoffs triggered CA's WARN act bc they were so deep + the uncertain future of specific union efforts [image]
Alyssa Jeong Perry / @alyssajperry: “As I watch ad revenue for podcasts dry up and hear from friends and colleagues who have lost their jobs, and from even more who hate their jobs but have nowhere to go...” @alexlaughs
@rafat: Great analysis >> Gimlet Media's Story Was Always Going To End Like This Nice way to avoid being held accountable for never using your creative fund and the racism there in
Emily Eby French / @emilyebytx: I loved Gimlet Media from the start: ReplyAll, Mystery Show, Heavyweight, and even StartUp. Spotify stripped it for profit and then for parts. I really really hope the same fate doesn't befall ANOTHER media company I love, purchased by Spotify around the same time.
Gabe Rosenberg / @gabrieljr: “Venture-backed companies have an obligation to chase profit at any cost—even the journalism, even the livelihood of the employees, even the life of the company itself. That story only ever ends one way.”
Malcolm Harris / @bigmeaninternet: “Gimlet succeeded in all the ways it was supposed to”
Kate Knibbs / @knibbs: sounds familiar [image]
Alex Sujong Laughlin / @alexlaughs: As I watch ad revenue for podcasts dry up and hear from friends/colleagues who have lost their jobs, I wonder what it means that the sun at the center of our universe was always designed to be a flash in the pan.
CJ Mellon / @Mediagazer no lie when this all started I was worried Spotify was going to hurt the podcasting space. Watching them private Gimlet shows behind a paywall and than purchase Anchor didn't fill me with hope. While it sucks to not hear Gimlet content anymore I've switched to Anchor rather than self host and I've been happy with their support for the standard.

The European Commission issues a preliminary antitrust complaint against Google over its ad business, suggesting breaking up the unit; Google can now reply — The European Commission has made a formal antitrust complaint against Google and its ad business, saying that its preliminary view is that …
European Commission, New York Times, CNBC, Bloomberg, Reuters, MediaNama, Music Ally, @vestager, Gizmodo, MarketWatch, Digital Journal, The Information, @adrianweckler, @quinnypig, Search Engine Land, Breitbart, @ingrahamangle, Computerworld, Skift, @charlesarthur, Financial Times, @charlesarthur, @lewis_crofts, The Register, @eu_competition, @samuelstolton, @jason_kint, @tomwarren, epceurope, MediaPost, Ars Technica, SumanTV Vijayawada on YouTube, 9to5Google, The Hill, The Keyword, Washington Post, Associated Press, Digiday, Axios, New York Post, VideoWeek, CNN, Insider, TechCrunch, Politico and Financial Times, more at Techmeme »
European Commission: Antitrust: Commission sends Statement of Objections to Google over abusive practices in online advertising technology
Adam Satariano / New York Times: Google's Online Advertising Practices Violate Antitrust Laws, E.U. Says
Kamya Pandey / MediaNama: Google's AdTech Business Faces Anti-Trust Probe in EU, May Have to Sell Part of its Services
Margrethe Vestager / @vestager: .@Google controls both sides of the #adtech market: sell & buy. We are concerned that it may have abused its dominance to favour its own #AdX platform. If confirmed, this is illegal. @EU_Commission might require Google to divest part of its services.!3N6WR4 [image]
Thomas Germain / Gizmodo: The EU Wants to Break Up Google's Biggest Business
Steve Goldstein / MarketWatch: European Commission says it may want to break up Google's ad-tech business
Jon Victor / The Information: EU Seeks Breakup of Google's Adtech Business
Adrian Weckler / @adrianweckler: Er, or maybe just have enforceable rules. (The US is after Google for the same thing, but it often caves or fails.)
@quinnypig: I look forward to endless Google bleating about how terrible this is for “small business.”
Nicola Agius / Search Engine Land: Google Ad business faces breakup after being charged with EU antitrust violations
Laura Ingraham / @ingrahamangle: The EU is determined to crush Silicon Valley.
Dennis Schaal / Skift: Google and Booking Face European Objections Over Competition
Charles Arthur / @charlesarthur: The US DOJ and multiple states' attorneys are making exactly the same assertion about Google using its dominance of both sides of the adtech market.
Charles Arthur / @charlesarthur: Well this is rather interesting, speaking as a potential class representative for a case asserting that Google used its position on both sides of the adtech market to favour AdX at the expense of publishers.
Thomas Claburn / The Register: Europe teases breaking up Google over ad monopoly
@eu_competition: #EUAntitrust The Commission 🇪🇺 has informed Google of its preliminary view that the company breached EU antitrust rules by distorting competition in the #advertising #technology industry ('adtech') 👇 🔗➡️https://!3N6WR4 [image]
Samuel Stolton / @samuelstolton: ‼️ EU announces fresh antitrust charge sheet against Google's Ad Tech business, noting that behavioral remedies are “likely to be ineffective to prevent the risk” of the abusive conduct.
Jason Kint / @jason_kint: Boom, another shoe just dropped. “a behavioural remedy is likely to be ineffective to prevent the risk that Google continues such self-preferencing conducts or engages in new ones” /1 [image]
Tom Warren / @tomwarren: the EU says it's willing to force Google to break up its ad business. The European Commission has made a formal antitrust complaint against Google and its ad business, and it doesn't think a behavioral remedy is enough
Laurie Sullivan / MediaPost: EU Might Want Google To Break Up Its Ad Business - Take A Number
Ashley Belanger / Ars Technica: Google risks forced breakup of ad business as EU alleges shocking misconduct
SumanTV Vijayawada / SumanTV Vijayawada on YouTube: Milk BusinessMan Madhu Yadav About Why He Need Central Security | Telugu Interviews
Associated Press: European Commission charges Google with antitrust violations, says it must break up digital ad business
Marty Swant / Digiday: How the European Commission's new antitrust case against Google could break up its adtech business
Sara Fischer / Axios: EU hits Google with antitrust charges over ad tech
Shannon Thaler / New York Post: EU slaps Google with antitrust charges over ad tech policies
Hasan Chowdhury / Insider: Google may be forced to break up its ad business after EU charges
Natasha Lomas / TechCrunch: Europe warns it might break up Google's adtech empire
Edith Hancock / Politico: Google gets EU antitrust charges on ad tech business
Javier Espinoza / Financial Times: Brussels hits Google with fresh charges over ad technology

After a Fox News chyron called Biden a “wannabe dictator” who is “having his political rival arrested”, Fox says it was taken down immediately and addressed — “There is a cost to us as a news organization to knowingly broadcast untrue things,” Rachel Maddow told MSNBC viewers.
@alexthomp, @kenbensinger, @alexthomp, New York Times, Washington Post, Los Angeles Times, The Guardian, Mediaite, NewscastStudio, @charlottetklein, @mollyjongfast, The Daily Beast, @jeremymbarr, Insider, Adweek, @edokeefe, Forbes, @bgrueskin, @codyalcorn, @ajbauer, @badfoxgraphics, @davemcclure, @davidlaz, @jeremymbarr, @mediaguardian, @mviser, @brianstelter, @bruce_arthur, @jasonnationsays, UPROXX, @mlive, Mediaite, @jeremymbarr, New York Daily News, CNN, Fox News, The Hill,,, Associated Press, Boing Boing and Breitbart
Alex Thompson / @alexthomp: Fox News ends its 8pm hour w/ the chyron: “wannabe dictator speaks at the White House after having his political rival arrested” Chyron went away when Hannity took over at 9. [image]
Ken Bensinger / @kenbensinger: I wrote Fox News last night asking for comment on it airing an alert last night calling president Biden a “wannabe dictator.” The company just responded with the following statement and zero additional explanation: “The chyron was taken down immediately and was addressed.” [image]
Alex Thompson / @alexthomp: Fox News introduces Trump's speech w/ “this is the president of the United States” [video]
Stephen Battaglio / Los Angeles Times: White House snaps back after Fox News calls President Biden ‘wannabe dictator’
Tommy Christopher / Mediaite: CNN Reporter Plows On As Trump Fan Screams ‘F**K CNN!’ Live On Air During Trump Arrest Coverage
Charlotte Klein / @charlottetklein: Asked for comment about the Fox News chyron describing Biden as a “wannabe dictator” who had “his political rival arrested,” a spokesperson for the network told me: “The chyron was taken down immediately and was addressed.”
Molly Jong-fast / @mollyjongfast: This is so insane. This is so insane. This is so insane even for fox.
Justin Baragona / The Daily Beast: Fox News Calls Trump ‘President,’ Biden ‘Wannabe Dictator’
Jeremy Barr / @jeremymbarr: Just in - Fox News issues statement on that “wannabe dictator” chyron last night: “The chyron was taken down immediately and was addressed.” ...
Insider: Fox News said its chyron calling Biden a ‘wannabe dictator’ was immediately taken down and ‘addressed’
Mark Mwachiro / Adweek: CNN and MSNBC Decline to Air Trump's Live Remarks Hours After Second Indictment
Ed O'Keefe / @edokeefe: Hmm... @foxnews cuts away from live coverage of the White House press briefing when a reporter asks about the network's use of a graphic calling @POTUS Biden a ‘wannabe dictator’ during a Tuesday night speech. Switched to someone who rescued a 10-foot crocodile from a pool.
Sara Dorn / Forbes: Fox Says Chyron Calling Biden ‘Wannabe Dictator’ Was ‘Addressed’ After Backlash—But Doesn't Apologize
Bill Grueskin / @bgrueskin: You might think that coughing up nearly $800 million in a defamation suit - and facing losses possibly amounting to billions of dollars more - would lead Fox News to hire a few minimally competent editors. [image]
Cody Alcorn / @codyalcorn: This is beyond infuriating. This is part of the problem in our country. Networks playing into the rhetoric, which fuels more divisiveness.
A.J. Bauer / @ajbauer: This is not news. Are you going to run a story every time the NY Post runs a fucked up headline, too? What are we even doing here?
Bad Fox Graphics / @badfoxgraphics: 3/ Video of @kilmeade calling Trump “President of the United States” on a TV show called ‘Fox News Tonight’
David Lazarus / @davidlaz: This country is completely unprepared for a full-time propaganda network
Jeremy Barr / @jeremymbarr: To be clear, the chyron was up for 27 seconds, so there might be some disagreement about “immediately.”
@mediaguardian: Fox News explains away ‘wannabe dictator’ chyron during Trump speech ...
Matt Viser / @mviser: Asked about Fox News chyron calling President Biden a “wannabe dictator,” @PressSec: “There are probably about 787 million things that I can say about this that was wrong...but I don't think I'm going to get into it” Fox News defamation settlement with Dominion was $787 million
Brian Stelter / @brianstelter: The implication is that a rogue 8pm producer wrote the chyron...
Bruce Arthur / @bruce_arthur: “Next time use a more sophisticated word than wannabe, like aspiring. See? Aspiring dictator. Now get back to work, Brad.”
Jason Nation / @jasonnationsays: 1. Why was “wannabe dictator” even an option? 2. Who approved it? 3. How long was it up? 4. How exactly how was it addresses? We know people do see/care about retractions, and this isn't even as good as a retraction. The damage has been done by FOX. Which was the point.
Jessica Toomer / UPROXX: Fox News Had A Predictably WTF Response To Labeling Joe Biden A ‘Wannabe Dictator’ In An On-Screen Chyron
@mlive: It was shown on Fox Monday night, beneath a split-screen image of former President Donald Trump speaking to supporters live and Biden speaking earlier at the White House.
Mediaite: Cable News Ratings Tuesday June 13: Fox News Just Beats MSNBC, CNN In Distant Third As Trump News Dominates Coverage
Jeremy Barr / @jeremymbarr: This week for Fox: - Loses in primetime to MSNBC for the first time since 2018: - Falsely claims former Trump aide is Melania Trump: - Has to “address” chyron that refers to Biden as “wannabe dictator”: ...
Evan Rosen / New York Daily News: Fox News claims it ‘addressed’ incident calling Biden a ‘wannabe dictator’
Allison Morrow / CNN: Fox News stirs outrage after labeling Biden a ‘wannabe dictator.’ The network says it ‘addressed’ the situation
Fox News: MSNBC's Rachel Maddow becomes online punchline after saying network won't ‘knowingly broadcast untrue things’
Dominick Mastrangelo / The Hill: Fox News issues statement on chyron calling Biden ‘wannabe dictator’
David Bauder / Associated Press: Fox News says it ‘addressed’ onscreen caption calling Biden a ‘wannabe dictator’
Carla Sinclair / Boing Boing: PBS warns of “inflammatory rhetoric” that could cause “acts of violence” during on-air Donald Trump rant

How CNN broke Donald Trump's arraignment news after the judge banned electronics in the courthouse, including by hiring local students as production assistants — The operation was devised on the eve of the arraignment. — The judge presiding over the Miami federal courtroom …
@jayrosen_nyu, @jayrosen_nyu, @wakeup2politics, @paulareidcnn, @lsmitherman, @owillis, @jeremyherb and @oliverdarcy
Jay Rosen / @jayrosen_nyu: Tapper sends a message: “...Folks in the control room, I don't need to see any more of that. He's trying to turn it into a campaign ad, into a spectacle. That's enough of that. We've seen it already. Let's go over again the 37 charges.” [video] via @MollyJongFast
Gabe Fleisher / @wakeup2politics: How was CNN able to break the news on Trump pleading not guilty, despite devices ban? By hiring a group of Miami high school students who ran info out of the courtroom and dictated it via pay phone. Great behind-the-scenes look by @oliverdarcy:
Paula Reid / @paulareidcnn: The @CNN court reporting team does not play. @oliverdarcy shares the behind the scenes on how CNN broke Trump arraignment news from inside the Miami courthouse, despite the courtroom ban on electronics: ...
Laura Smitherman / @lsmitherman: The backstory of CNN's reporting from Miami federal court. Thank you @HBRabinowitz @Tierney_Megan and our intrepid Palmetto Senior High School runners. ...
Oliver Willis / @owillis: the terribleness of licht is erasing the terribleness of the zucker era. licht is the trump to zucker's bush.
Jeremy Herb / @jeremyherb: CNN's efforts to get the news out of the courtroom yesterday involved the hiring of local high school students to run lines written on a notepad to pay phones that only called out to local numbers, thanks to @NoahGrayCNN. Read more here via @oliverdarcy

Robert Gottlieb, former editor-in-chief of Simon & Schuster, Alfred A. Knopf, and The New Yorker, who edited Joseph Heller, Toni Morrison, and more, dies at 92 — At Simon & Schuster, Alfred A. Knopf and The New Yorker, he polished the work of a who's who of mid-to-late 20th century writers.
The Paris Review, New Yorker, Associated Press, The Wrap, Variety, @chikisarkar, @frannydink, @damendelsohnnyc, Washington Post, @peterbakernyt, @draperrobert, @craigmod, @priscillagilman, @mitchhorowitz, @amanpour, @bryancurtis, @markharrisnyc, @bryancurtis, Publishers Weekly, @frankconniff, @simon_schama, @ktbenner, @parismartineau and Deadline
David Remnick / New Yorker: Remembering Robert Gottlieb, Editor Extraordinaire
Hillel Italie / Associated Press: Robert Gottlieb, celebrated literary editor of Toni Morrison and Robert Caro, dies at 92
The Wrap: Robert Gottlieb, Acclaimed Literary Editor Who Launched Career With ‘Catch-22,’ Dies at 92
J. Kim Murphy / Variety: Robert Gottlieb, Editor of Toni Morrison, Robert Caro and Other Literary Giants, Dies at 92
Chiki Sarkar / @chikisarkar: Bob gottleib had one of the coolest publishing careers i know: he ran Knopf, New Yorker and the New York State ballet ( I think) besides having the biggest collection of plastic handbags which he published a book about. I never met him, wish I had
Frances Dinkelspiel / @frannydink: What a gentleman. He wrote me a handwritten rejection note when he was @NewYorker editor and I was just starting out as a reporter. And he was encouraging. Robert Gottlieb, Eminent Editor From le Carré to Clinton, Dies at 92 - The New York Times
Daniel Mendelsohn / @damendelsohnnyc: My dearest friend and mentor for the past thirty years. There will never be another like him. Whatever you read in the next days is 1/10th of the story of how amazing he was.
Michael S. Rosenwald / Washington Post: Robert Gottlieb, editor of literary heavyweights, dies at 92
Peter Baker / @peterbakernyt: RIP Robert Gottlieb, the legendary editor for John le Carré, Toni Morrison, John Cheever, Joseph Heller, Doris Lessing, Barbara Tuchman, Bill Clinton and Katharine Graham. The film “Turn Every Page” about his partnership with Robert Caro was remarkable.
Robert Draper / @draperrobert: I'm so thankful that Gottlieb's daughter Lizzie captured this editor's genius in her 2022 documentary “Turn Every Page”
Craig Mod / @craigmod: The end of an editorial era ... Even more grateful Gottlieb's daughter filmed the Caro / Gottlieb documentary, Turn Every Page (2022) when she did.
Priscilla Gilman / @priscillagilman: One of my mother's closest friends since her 20s, Bob was also her colleague w authors from Toni Morrison to Bob Caro. He was a central figure in my childhood & an eclectic, dazzling, hilarious genius. Oh Bob, you were peerless & I will love you always. 💔
@mitchhorowitz: Gottlieb said there were two kinds of books: 1) Those that could be written by any capable author, i.e., a strict genre title. 2) Those that could have been written only by their individual author.
Christiane Amanpour / @amanpour: A literary life well lived. RIP Robert Gottlieb. Last December I spoke with Gottlieb's daughter Lizzie, discussing her wonderful documentary about her father and Robert Caro, Turn Every Page:
Bryan Curtis / @bryancurtis: And some ingenious editing advice: the book should end with a character turning something off, not turning something on. ... [image]
Mark Harris / @markharrisnyc: Who would even dare aspire to this Everest of a life and career? RIP.
Bryan Curtis / @bryancurtis: And here's Crichton's version of the same story. He said Gottlieb told him to rewrite The Andromeda Strain like it was a non-fiction New Yorker article. ... [image]
Andrew Albanese / Publishers Weekly: Legendary Knopf Editor Robert Gottlieb Dies at 92
Frank Conniff / @frankconniff: I've read his memoirs, which are really interesting. I mean, come on, he edited Catch-22 for crying out loud, which makes him foundational to the modern sensibility that influenced me and so many others. Rest In Peace, Robert Gottlieb.
Simon Schama / @simon_schama: I am so sorry to hear this. In the late 1970s Bob then the great force at Knopf was prepared to take a chance on this very obscure historian writing on late 18th century Dutch history - not a subject likely to find mass appeal. I've always been grateful and more than a bit in awe
Katie Benner / @ktbenner: Gottlieb shaped post-War literature and led the New Yorker; and he loved to read above all. He shines in the documentary Turn Every page and his memoir is a treat for those who spend most of our time longing to retreat into a book

Maria Ressa says she resigned in 2022 from RISJ's advisory board due to concerns about how it compiles its Digital News Report, particularly in the global south — Exclusive: methodology used by Reuters Institute for the Study of Journalism risks undermining media in global south, says Ressa
@mariaressa, One Man & His Blog, @rasmus_kleis, @fboversight, @societyofhonor, @fboversight, @julieposetti, @moonalice, @grovesprof, @emmalbriant, @themckenziest, @emilybell, @michaelturton, @evimsofian, @andreawenzel, @michaelsocolow, @luighseach, @blackamazon, @fromarsetoelbow, Reuters Institute, @catherine_mayer and @rasmus_kleis
Maria Ressa / @mariaressa: (Thread 1/10) It's not enough to be sorry when your work is used to attack journalists in “inconvenient” countries. Journalism research has no integrity if it endangers journalists at risk. How did this “study” fare in South Africa @brankobrkic? Or in Brazil @camposmello?
Adam Tinworth / One Man & His Blog: Digital News Report 2023: the social challenge for audience growth
Rasmus Kleis Nielsen / @rasmus_kleis: We are sorry our work has been abused and Maria Ressa thinks our methods represent a risk. We listen to input from many-including her-and reviewed the research with our Advisory Board. We believe method is robust, and have taken steps to mitigate abuse .uk/ ... 1/5
@fboversight: “...This ‘study’ is like giving a loaded gun to autocratic governments trying to silence independent journalists not just in the Philippines but in countries like Brazil and India...” Read about @mariaressa's fight for free press & independent research 👇 ...
JoeAm / @societyofhonor: “In the Philippines we can win our battle for facts, for democracy - but not if our perceived allies, the people who are supposed to be helping journalism survive, are killing us.” Maria Ressa She is absolutely correct because leaders here are driven by impunity, not facts.
@fboversight: “Ressa said the report, funded in part by Google, fails to take into account the impact of disinformation campaigns, particularly in countries where governments use their powers to attack free media...” ...
Dr. Julie Posetti / @julieposetti: The ‘weaponisation of trust’ is now part of the authoritarian playbook used to target independent journalists & news outlets globally. That's why bald trust measurements are problematic in the Global South, as Nobel Laureate @mariaressa notes: ... #DNR2023🧵
Roger McNamee / @moonalice: Oxford's Reuters Institute has published a Digital News Report for the past ten years to survey the trustworthiness of online media. Evidently it is easily gamed, as @mariaressa's @rappler was rated “least trusted” in Philippines. ...
Jonathan Groves / @grovesprof: The transparency and reflectiveness of @rasmus_kleis and @risj_oxford is a model for all researchers exploring difficult-to-measure concepts.
@emmalbriant: This is interesting to read from @mariaressa on RISJ - I made similar criticisms of some of the work at OII, see the article below... 1/2 ...
Lauren McKenzie / @themckenziest: Highly recommend reading this article about how research is going to be used to target independent journalists across the globe ...
Emily Bell / @emilybell: The objections @mariaressa has to the report's methodologies are very much worth reading (as is @rasmus_kleis response) ... as it highlights a fundamental issue about what is of value to journalists and news organizations doing good work
@michaelturton: If you've been following the steady flow of pro-PRC reporting from Reuters over the years, there is a certain high irony in this report on Digital Media from a Reuters-funded University institute. Good work in pushing back, @mariaressa. /1
Evi Mariani / @evimsofian: Interesting. @remotivi found that readers trust CNN Indonesia more, for example, rather than Tempo. It's more abt public perception of the political bias in the said media rather than whether the media practice rigorous verification or not.
Andrea Wenzel / @andreawenzel: Interesting thread & Guardian article raising questions about how audience research across countries w/ varied political systems can be used & abused
Michael Socolow / @michaelsocolow: This is a fascinating controversy. Nobel Prize-winning journalist @mariaressa criticizes the Reuters Institute's annual Digital News Report because of the ways in which the data it compiles (for example, on “trust") can be exploited by dictators (1/2) ...
Lucy Keaveney / @luighseach: Nobel peace laureate @mariaressa has claimed Oxford University's leading journalism institute is publishing flawed research that puts journalists & independent outlets at risk. She resigned some time ago but is only announcing it now as nothing was done. ...
@blackamazon: We keep avoiding the discussion about how the great “Reckoning” reckoned nothing, and when multiple DIVERSE folks raise SIMILAR CONCERNS about the SAME methodologies ? But it has real damn consequences and if you NOBEL PRIZE WINNER can't make you reflect Something is WRONG
David Timoney / @fromarsetoelbow: Chickens coming home to roost. The Guardian has been at the forefront of the campaign to delegitimise online media, which is an obvious issue in countries with traditional media under state control. Naturally, they still try to blame Google for this. ...
Prof. Rasmus Kleis Nielsen / Reuters Institute: How we approached the Digital News Report 2023
Catherine Mayer / @catherine_mayer: Anybody who ignores warnings from @mariaressa also ignores history. She has sounded the alarm on dangerous developments in the intersections between disinformation, news and social media. If people had listened, the world would be in a better place ...
Rasmus Kleis Nielsen / @rasmus_kleis: We thank Ressa and Rappler for their important work in the Philippines and globally. We stand by our work and are sorry it has been abused to attack them. Our differences aside, I have tremendous respect for her Her concerns are in this Guardian piece ... 5/5

Reuters' 2023 Digital News Report: despite fragmentation, users' dependence on social media platforms for news keeps growing; Facebook declines and TikTok gains
Reuters Institute, Press Gazette, @risj_oxford, Agence France-Presse, @risj_oxford, @urocklive1, @haleaziz, Mumbrella, @tirosenberg, Insider, @tomgara, @binarybits, @brianstelter, @abangmercy, @fortesalatifi, @prashantrao, @waqasejazch, WAN-IFRA, @williamsjon, @risj_oxford, BBC, @tiagodf, @antozappulla, LatAm Journalism Review, @nicnewman, @antoniskalog, @eduardosuarez, @mikebutcher, Metro, @mrdenmore, @consumersos, @rasmus_kleis,, European Federation …, Fox News and Press Gazette, more at Techmeme »
Richard Fletcher / Reuters Institute: Digital News Report 2023
@risj_oxford: Our Digital News Report 2023 is out today! 📊 46 markets 🌏 93,000+ respondents 📷 Cross-national analysis from @nicnewman @richrdfletcher @kirstenaeddy Craig T. Robertson @rasmus_kleis & our partners 📱Explore now 2023 🧵 Findings in thread #DNR23 [image]
@risj_oxford: 📌 These are just a few highlights from #DNR23. We encourage you to explore it in full. Here are a few key links: 📄 Download PDF here .uk/ ... 🌏 Explore data from every country .uk/ ... 📱 Explore the report online .uk/ ...
Hamed Aleaziz / @haleaziz: “TikTok now reaches 44 percent of 18-24-year-olds, and 20 percent get their news from the app, up five percent on last year.”
Nico Arboleda / Mumbrella: More Aussies willing to pay for online news serves as ‘beacon of hope’ for publishers says Reuters report
Tina Rosenberg / @tirosenberg: .@risj_oxford's annual Digital News Report 2023 is out. Lots to read. This caught my eye: “News avoiders are more likely to say they are interested in positive or solutions-based journalism and less interested in the big stories of the day.” .uk/ ....
Nathan McAlone / Insider: Influencers are outranking journalists as news sources on TikTok and other platforms that win with younger audiences
Tom Gara / @tomgara: Lots of interesting stuff in this big global survey of attitudes toward news media. This chart is nowhere near the most important, but it's one of the funnier ones .uk/ ... [image]
Timothy B. Lee / @binarybits: I think this analogy is correct but maybe those articles were right?
Brian Stelter / @brianstelter: Digital News Report 2023: “Trust in the news has fallen, across markets, by a further 2 percentage points in the last year, reversing - in many countries - the gains made at the height of the Coronavirus pandemic.” .uk/ ...
Mercy / @abangmercy: “Direct access [to news organisations online] has fallen by about 10 points over the last 5-6 years. Every year it falls further and further. That's primarily driven by the habits of younger people and an increased reliance on mobile phones.” ~ @nicnewman
Fortesa Latifi / @fortesalatifi: this is one of the reasons I'm so focused on increasing my tiktok presence and I know it sounds stupid to some ppl but that's where they are
Waqas Ejaz, PhD / @waqasejazch: A must-read for anyone interested in understanding the evolving landscape of news consumption and the global media environment. I feel privileged to have witnessed its development and proud of my brilliant colleagues who continue to produce this essential work. 👏😊
Teemu Henriksson / WAN-IFRA: Digital News Report 2023: Audiences shift to video-based platforms; growth in reader revenue stagnates
Jon Williams / @williamsjon: Those of us who care about public service media have work to do. In Europe's “big 5” - UK, France, Germany, Italy & Spain - and in #Ireland, less than half those questioned say it matters to them. Important piece by @rasmus_kleis #journalismmatters #DNR23 .uk/ ... [image]
@risj_oxford: Facebook is becoming much less important as a source of news 👎 Just 28% say they accessed news via Facebook in 2023 compared with 42% in 2016. News usage for Twitter has remained relatively stable, with usage of Mastodon very low. Evolution for each platform in the chart below [image]
Tiago Dias / @tiagodf: “Younger groups everywhere are showing a weaker connection with news brands' own websites and apps than previous cohorts - preferring to access news via side-door routes such as social media, search, or mobile aggregators.” .uk/ ...
@antozappulla: The latest Digital News Report from @risj_oxford is out today, exploring the biggest changes to how people around the world get their news. From an entrenched lack of trust to financial pressures for outlets to stay afloat, explore the findings. #DNR23 .uk/ ...
Katherine Pennacchio / LatAm Journalism Review: Confidence in news weakens as TikTok gains ground, reveals Reuters Institute annual report
@nicnewman: Our @risj_oxford Digital News Report 2023 is out today with data from 46 markets. Platform shifts herald next phase of disruption for publishers, subs growth slows, more audio and video on the way #DNR23 📱Explore report 2023 🧵 Findings in this thread 1/14 [image]
Antonis Kalogeropoulos / @antoniskalog: Greece saw a large decline in trust in news this year, with only 19% saying they trust “most news most of the time” - an 8pp fall from last year. It now ranks last in the sample of 46 countries . Context below and more here: .uk/ ... #DNR23 @risj_oxford [image]
@eduardosuarez: I can't be prouder of the work of our wonderful team of journalists and researchers. Always special to see this out. Such an important report for so many newsrooms around the world who appreciate its data and insights and use it every day
Mike Butcher / @mikebutcher: Worrying trends.
Mr Denmore / @mrdenmore: Traditional media websites and apps are out. Increasingly, the public is accessing news via social media, search or mobile aggregators. Read key findings from the 12th annual Digital News Report from @risj_oxford .uk/ ...
@consumersos: Again this year a fascinating snapshot of how people view the news and those who deliver it. 🧵@risj_oxford
Rasmus Kleis Nielsen / @rasmus_kleis: 2023 Digital News Report out now. It takes a village of researchers and country partners to do, so proud of this team. We cover 46 markets, accounting for more than 1/2 of world's population. Full report .uk/ ... Follow #DNR23 And a few highlights in thread 1/9 [image]
European Federation of Journalists: Reuters Digital Report 2023: Media outlets need to adapt to new generations
Fox News: TikTok and Instagram influencers top list of trusted news sources for today's youth: report

Bell Media's parent plans to cut 1,300 jobs and close or sell nine radio stations; EVP Robert Malcolmson lamented the process around Bill C-18 and Bill C-11 — Bell Canada Enterprises Inc. (BCE Inc.) is cutting 1,300 positions, around three per cent of its workforce, and closing …
Discussion:, Inside Radio, @sammyhudes, @robfai, @mgeist, @sammyhudes, @richarddeitsch, @steeletalk, @globalnews, @m_trevithick, @hinz_tamara, @glen4climate, @mathewi, @consumersos, @cbctom, @sammyhudes, @thebreakdownab, @am980news, @mindhariwal, @sammyhudes, @samikhanfilm, @pdmcleod, The Desk, @mikebullard1997, @acoyne, Barrett Media, MobileSyrup, The Line, Awful Announcing, Canadian Press and The Hollywood Reporter
Sammy Hudes / @sammyhudes: Radio stations being closed: -Winnipeg's Funny 1290 -Calgary's Funny 1060 -Edmonton's TSN 1260 -Vancouver's BNN Bloomberg Radio 1410, Funny 1040 -London's NewsTalk 1290 Bell is also selling Hamilton's AM Radio 1150 and AM 820, as well as Windsor's AM 580.
Rob Fai / @robfai: #Bell is closing down a bunch of stations and letting more than 1000+ workers go. Among the casualties, TSN1260 in Edmonton. My heart goes out to them. Locally, we lose Bloomberg Radio (1410) and Funny AM (1040).
Michael Geist / @mgeist: Notable comments from Bell regarding today's layoffs: 👉Bill C-11 won't solve its biggest problem, which is access to cheap U.S. content 👉Bill C-18 isn't going to make any difference if news sharing blocked in response to mandated payments for links
Sammy Hudes / @sammyhudes: “We're obviously trying to do this in the most humane, least impactful way possible,” says Bell executive vice-president Robert Malcolmson. “This thing affects all layers of the company and isn't targeted at any one band of employees.” @CdnPressNews
Richard Deitsch / @richarddeitsch: It never ends. Another brutal day in Canadian media.
Lynda Steele / @steeletalk: This is such bleak news. Best of luck to all the news people losing their jobs. ☹️
@globalnews: The company says the job cuts are in response to unfavourable public policy and regulatory conditions that it can no longer outwait.
Matthew Trevithick / @m_trevithick: “CTV National News EP Rosa Hwang is no longer with the company, effective immediately.” CTV's foreign bureaus in LA and the U.K will also close, with all positions based there eliminated. Its D.C. bureau “will be scaled back...”
Tamara Hinz / @hinz_tamara: “It's a consolidation of news gathering, news delivery,” Malcolmson said. This is the opposite of what we need. Support Canadian journalism. Support local journalism. I'm very worried about this trend.
Glen Murray / @glen4climate: Why it is a bad idea for large corporate “phone companies” to own news rooms. Journalists become pawns in a corporate political play. I go out of my way to avoid Bell and Rogers. Been using Beanfield and Shaw the later was sadly swallowed by Rogers.
Mathew Ingram / @mathewi: Looks like Bell Media isn't making enough money any more from its phone and cable duopoly, so it has to cut staff at its news division
@consumersos: Thinking of everyone who lost their livelihoods at Bell Media. In particular the CTV people—some of whom I know (Paul Workman came to our wedding in 1987) and others. Journalists are competitive but we support each other because we know Canadians need voices. A sad day.
Tom Harrington / @cbctom: Catching up to this very sad Bell story for Canadian journalism & Canadian viewers & listeners. They may be our competitors but I know some of the folks who lost their jobs today. They care & are professionals. They also have families & bills to pay. Thinking about them tonight.
Sammy Hudes / @sammyhudes: “The time for waiting for reform is over,” Malcolmson said. “We can't wait two years and another ... $80 million of losses in news to see what the government might do. At some point, we have to say to ourselves, ‘Is it worth funding this?’” @CdnPressNews
@thebreakdownab: “David Hughes, Ramneek Gill, Sophia Skopelitis and Jonathan Kay will take on expanded roles within the news division as the company moves from a “vertical” to “horizontal” management structure.”
@am980news: London's NewsTalk 1290 CJBK is among the six stations that have closed.
Min Dhariwal / @mindhariwal: It's a sad day for local sports in Edmonton. The fine folks at TSN 1260 have been pulled off the air. This business doesn't make sense to me anymore. I'm hoping for a good landing spot for everyone. Just too much talent there for that not to happen🙏🏽
Sammy Hudes / @sammyhudes: “Bell is asking for the stars and the moon ... It has basically withheld or starved its radio stations and its TV services.” -@mediamorphis “There's so much that's going to be potentially lost here.” -@gregorytaylor1 ... @CdnPressNews @CdnPressBiz
Sami Khan / @samikhanfilm: 1,300 people laid off. Radio stations shuttered across Canada. News bureaus closed in London and LA. Devastating news for the future of democracy. Corporations should not be allowed to have a monopolistic stranglehold over our media.
Paul McLeod / @pdmcleod: Another day, another Canadian pundit arguing against taking action to save news. Wilf Dinnick is at least open in his nihilism, saying any government legislation is “futile and counterproductive.” It's always the same underlying message: how dare they try. ...
Matthew Keys / The Desk: Bell cutting 1,300 jobs, closing several AM radio stations
Mike Bullard / @mikebullard1997: Sooner american mobile servive gets here the better
Andrew Coyne / @acoyne: “As part of Bell's shift to a more streamlined newsroom, Gray said CTV National News executive producer Rosa Hwang is no longer with the company, effective immediately.” BCE laying off 1,300 people and pulling plug on 9 radio stations across Canada
Jonathan Lamont / MobileSyrup: Bell to cut 1,300 jobs including media, blames ‘regulatory intervention’
Andrew Bucholtz / Awful Announcing: TSN 1260 Edmonton suddenly announces shutdown mid-show, part of wider Bell cuts of 1,300 positions
Mickey Djuric / Canadian Press: Local news, Quebec publishers first targets of Facebook's block on Canadian news
Etan Vlessing / The Hollywood Reporter: Bell Media Cuts 1,300 Jobs Amid “Growing” Losses

Challenger, Gray & Christmas: the media sector announced at least 17,436 job cuts so far in 2023, the highest YTD level, surpassing 16,750 cuts till May in 2020 — The media industry has announced at least 17,436 job cuts so far this year, marking the highest year-to-date level of cuts on record …
Michelle Garrett / @prisus: “The media industry has announced at least 17,436 job cuts so far this year, marking the highest YTD level of cuts on record...facing huge constraints due to a slowdown in the ad market, debt from consolidation & subscription fatigue”- @sarafischer
@berkeleyscanner: These are super scary numbers for the journalism industry. Feeling so fortunate to have a strong member base and deep community support for The Berkeley Scanner. Many others aren't so lucky. PLEASE support your local newsroom if you find its work valuable.