Top News:

Americans Spending More Time Following the News — Ideological News Sources: Who Watches and Why — OVERVIEW — There are many more ways to get the news these days, and as a consequence Americans are spending more time with the news than over much of the past decade.
Lost Remote,, The Wire, Romenesko, Pew Research Center, eMedia Vitals, Media Myth Alert, Top Digital Journal News, Matthew Yglesias, Mediaite, Chickaboomer, Washington Monthly, Editors Weblog, Adam Sherk, ChasNote, DailyFinance, Associated Press, On Media's Blog, Collective Talent and Politics Daily

Media Notes: A new poll shows ‘old media’ holding their own in an Internet world — With news and gossip leaping off every laptop screen, smartphone and Facebook page, the common wisdom these days is that traditional news outlets are doomed. — But a funny thing happened on the way to the funeral …

Hollywood Reporter to Become a Weekly Magazine — LOS ANGELES — The Hollywood Reporter has been dying a slow death for a decade, bleeding from layoffs, vanishing advertisers and diminished relevance in a news cycle now dominated by cutthroat entertainment blogs.
The Wrap, Mediaite, Media Buyer Planner, LA Observed, Company Town, New York Observer, DailyFinance, media 360, The Wire, and New York Magazine

America Is a Joke — The worst of times for politics and media has been the best of times for The Daily Show's host—and unfortunately things are getting even funnier. — I — t's hard to top a kick in the nuts. — Especially when the kicker is Linda McMahon, the Connecticut Republican candidate for the U.S. Senate.
Strupp, The Corsair,, Mediaite and On Media's Blog
Chris Dale / YouTube Blog:
Testing, testing...YouTube begins trial of new live streaming platform — From U2 to the Indian Premier League to the White House to E3, we've worked closely with our partners to give you a front row seat to a wide array of live events. Today and tomorrow, tune in as we open a new chapter of YouTube live streaming.
Online Video News, paidContent, Multichannel, TechCrunch, Beet.TV, Ars Technica, New York Times, Epicenter, Between the Lines Blog, 901am, SlashGear, Fortune, ReadWriteWeb, Gizmodo, The Next Web,, NewTeeVee, USA Today, CNET News, PC Magazine, Andy Beal's Marketing Pilgrim, Engadget and All Things Digital, more at Techmeme »
Simon Dumenco / AdAge:
RIP, the Press Release (1906-2010) — and Long Live the Tweet — When It Comes to Pithy Spin, Should Marketers Be Taking Their Cues From the Celebrity-Industrial Complex? — “I specifically ordered Persian rugs with cherub imagery!!! What do I have to do to get a simple Persian rug with cherub imagery uuuuugh.”
Discussion:, Editors Weblog, POP! PR Jots and Silicon Alley Insider
David Carr / New York Times:
Retooling in Response to Politico — Everyone knows that Washington is a pretty good place to look for news. Less well known? You can make money doing it. — While the rest of the country cycles through the effects of the recession, Washington keeps spending money (our money) …
On Media's Blog

Seeing a Tilt in Sunday Talk — It is a perennial complaint about American television news: that the guests on the Sunday morning public affairs programs are not representative of the country's diversity. — A new study says the guest bookings do not represent the population of Congress, either.
Think Progress

“The Social Network” is Just as Brutal as Mark Zuckerberg Feared — It's hard to feel sorry for a billionaire. But here I am, feeling bad for Mark Zuckerberg. If you see the “The Social Network”, you're probably going to feel bad for him, too. — I saw a screening of the movie last week …
New Yorker, The Wrap, Anil Dash, Silicon Alley Insider, Gawker, VentureBeat, The Not-So Private Parts, BoomTown and, more at Techmeme »
Felix Salmon:
How the WSJ magazine fails its readers — Lucas Conley's piece on Ugg for the WSJ's magazine is a perfect example of why the WSJ shouldn't have a glossy, fashion-friendly magazine. — Conley does a reasonably good job of covering the way in which Deckers Outdoor Corporation …
The Awl and Talking Biz News

The FT Has Bought A New Video Studio — The Financial Times has made what it's calling a “major investment” in a new online video studio at its Southwark Bridge HQ. — had already been posting video interviews with newsmakers and analysis from its editorial staff.
The Huffington Post

You've Got Ads — AOL Inc., struggling to turn around its fortunes, is preparing to introduce a larger, splashier ad format that it hopes will attract more ad dollars from big brands and help revitalize its business, according to people familiar with the matter.
Digits, Media Buyer Planner and Silicon Alley Insider, more at Techmeme »
John Plunkett / Guardian:
Loaded founder James Brown on his new digital venture — Sabotage Times, edited by Brown, has about 150 writers who only get paid if their work is picked up by other sites — James Brown is an unlikely birdwatcher. The former Loaded editor has spent 90 minutes discussing football …
Discussion: and Magforum

Spike's Supersized Ad Breaks Buck TV's Clutter-Busting Trend — Over-Stuffed Pods Cram in Up to 20 Advertisers, Raising Buyer Ire and Concern Inventory Is Being Devalued — NEW YORK ( — We'll be right back after these commercial messages. Will you?
Company Town
Megan Garber / Nieman Journalism Lab:
Wherewereyou: WaPo puts the humble hashtag to work — In our new age of two-way news, news organizations sometimes struggle to find a way to foster productive conversation: to move beyond superficial gestures of inclusiveness — empty questions, atomized responses — to create conversation that is meaningful and purposeful.
Lost Remote

The Meanest Commenters on the Web — It was supposed to be a meaningful conversation with readers of his Politico blog. Instead, it has degenerated into a screaming pit. Brian Ries on the state of talk-back on the Web. — Ben Smith, the popular Brooklyn-based political journalist who blogs at, is under attack.
Mediaite, New York Observer and Ben Smith's Blog
Frédéric Filloux / Monday Note:
What do they read — actually? — Unlike their dead tree ancestors, online publications provide an interesting view on what readers actually like. Most news sites have Most E-mailed, Most Viewed and Most Blogged or Most Commented lists. Some even propose Editor's Picks.
Michael Wolff / Newser:
Can the Brits Get Rupert? — Even just a few weeks ago, who would have doubted the outcome of a competition between Rupert Murdoch and the New York Times? The Times' many-months investigation of illegal phone hacking by Murdoch reporters in Britain is a reminder that while everybody …
Ken Doctor / Newsonomics:
What the Christian Science Monitor Can Teach the Mormon Deseret News: The Old Church of News & Stated Religion — Journalism. Values. Put those two words together, and you could have a conference snorefest or a lively debate, though I've got to admit the odds lean to the former.
Peter Robins / Guardian:
Newspaper ABCs are grim all round — No publication can boost a year-on-year increase in figures for August — Month by month for many years, the ABC figures told a familiar story. Popular dailies and Sundays suffered, under pressure from changing social habits.

Russian Snob Lands in New York — Mikhail Prokhorov, the Russian metals magnate and owner of the New Jersey Nets, figures he knows just what New York City needs: another snob. — Mr. Prokhorov this week is bringing Snob, a Russian-language, general-interest magazine that caters …
New York Observer
Bill Krueger / Poynter Online:
Sports Illustrated's Peter King Shows You Can Teach Old Dogs New Tweets — Peter King didn't particularly want to write a weekly online column and he certainly wasn't interested in Twitter. He had a full-time job covering the NFL for Sports Illustrated, thank you, and that was quite enough.