Top News:

Steve Burke Replacing Zucker Atop NBCU — Steve Burke, Comcast chief operating officer and a onetime executive star at Disney, will become CEO of NBC Universal once federal regulators approve the cable TV giant's $30-billion proposal to control the content company.
Business Wire, AdAge, Wall Street Journal, From Inside the Box, Media Decoder and paidContent
Staci D. Kramer / paidContent:
Zucker: Why Announce Exit Now? No Reason To Hold Back In A Twitter World
Zucker: Why Announce Exit Now? No Reason To Hold Back In A Twitter World
Multichannel, AdAge, Variety, National Media, The Daily Beast, Company Town,, Broadcasting & Cable, Tower Ticker, B&C and Deal Journal

Forbes' New Advertising Pitch: Wanna Buy a Blog? — The Revenue Side of DVorkin's AdVoice Model Means Advertisers Publish Under Company's Banner — NEW YORK ( — When Forbes bought blogging startup True/Slant, it got a familiar face in True/Slant CEO and former Forbes editor Lewis DVorkin …
Talking Biz News, Felix Salmon and AdPulp

Why the Fox News Suit Against Robin Carnahan's Campaign Is Bogus — It's legally weak and makes the network look partisan. — Last week, in an apparently unprecedented move, Fox News sued Robin Carnahan, Missouri's Democratic candidate for U.S. Senate, for copyright infringement.
Terry Heaton's PoMo Blog and Romenesko
Simon Dumenco / AdAge:
Three Truths About the Media Future — Including the End of Rupert Murdoch — Plus: Magazines Are Making a Comeback and VCs Might Be Getting Desperate — 1. This really might be The End of Rupert Murdoch — but not for the reasons you might think. — Imagine if a reporter …
New York Times:
The Readers' Front Page — Views from readers, responses from the staff, and thoughts from the public editor. — The Times's Web site always lists the most popular e-mailed stories. These are increasingly taking the role of “headlines.” One looks at them to see what one may have missed, or what others are reading.

Julia Budworth: Tea with ‘The Lady’ — Matthew Bell takes cake with the co-owner of the genteel women's weekly magazine - and finds her in a remarkable fury over its editor, Rachel Johnson — Seventy miles from the hushed London offices of The Lady, in a Georgian drawing room overlooking a lake …

Killing the Golden Goose, a modern media parable — Local media websites regularly employ tactics that put revenue above users, and this is a much bigger deal than we realize. — Let's review. Local media, feeling the disruption to its core business, reaches out into the Web for new revenue opportunities.
Frédéric Filloux / Monday Note:
New media valuations metrics — On September 22, the Norwegian media group Schibsted announced a transaction to make it the sole owner of the French free classifieds site The valuation for the deal? €400m ($540m). I must admit it : I fell from my chair(*).

How The L.A. Times Broke The Bell Corruption Story … A vendor sells a copy of the Los Angeles Times with an article about Bell city officials on the cover. — Reporters get threatened, dismissed or ignored all the time. Less common is the experience of Ruben Vives …

Why Media Companies Shouldn't Accept Apple's Subscription Plans — As you are probably already aware of, there is a lot of talk about Apple's plans for subscription coupled with a “newsstand” for the iPad. It's bad, really bad. The short story is this. — Apple is currently working on a new …

Making a Name Writing to Editors — JUST before 9 a.m. on a Monday, Bobby Crawford arrived at the Hearst Tower, the slick Midtown temple of glossies like Esquire and Cosmopolitan. In the sprawling lobby, editors, writers and arbiters of style glided skyward to their respective aeries, on escalators flanked by rainwater waterfalls.

Old Media Must Deliver Digital Experiences Consumers Demand — What is the new reality for dealing with a digital world? If content is king, then there's a new emperor in town: the digital experience. The business of selling content has now become the business of delivering audiences.