Top News:

Murdoch: the network defeats the hierarchy — Rupert Murdoch has dispensed power, terrorized politicians and shaped politics — The Murdoch empire fractured, a Conservative prime minister attracting bets on his resignation, the Metropolitan Police on the edge of yet another existential crisis …
Wall Street Journal, Guardian, Metamedia, PC Magazine and The Huffington Post

News of the World final crossword has a message for ‘catastrophe’ Rebekah Brooks — Departing staff at the News of the World appear to have sent a parting message of disgust to former editor Rebekah Brooks in the crossword of the paper's final edition. — Despite orders allegedly given …
Future of Journalism, paidContent, Crikey and Gawker
Robert Peston / BBC:
News International found ‘smoking gun’ e-mails in 2007 — News International found e-mails in 2007 that appeared to indicate that payments were being made to the police for information, although this evidence of alleged criminal behaviour was not handed to the Metropolitan Police for investigation until 20 June of this year.
Future of Journalism, AdAge, Guardian, BBC, Telegraph, Washington Post and Kempton

For Years, the Tabloids' Sting Kept British Politicians in Line — LONDON — In 2004, Clare Short, a Labour member of Parliament, learned what could happen to British politicians who criticized the country's unforgiving tabloids. At a lunch in Westminster, Ms. Short mentioned in passing …
Charles Apple and ShortFormBlog

We recorded history and we've made history — “IT is Sunday afternoon, preferably before the war. The wife is already asleep in the armchair, and the children have been sent out for a nice long walk. You put your feet up on the sofa, settle your spectacles on your nose and open the News of the World.”
Telegraph, Guardian, http://www.Stinkyjournalism …, FleetStreetBlues and Gawker

‘Former News of the World journalists’ silenced on Twitter — Twitter accounts purporting to be held by former News of the World journalists went silent today and the majority of their tweets were deleted. — Twitter users purporting to be former News of the World journalists are falling silent
Future of Journalism
Felix Salmon:
What damage could Rebekah Brooks do to News Corp? — The implosion of the News of the World, and of News Corp's bluster surrounding hacking and bribery allegations, comes less than a week after the Bribery Act of 2010 finally became law in the UK. The Bribery Act had an unbelievably long gestation …
On Media's Blog
Ingrid Lunden / paidContent:UK:
Another Digital Twist to the NWS Drama: A Tell-All Blog By Ex-NOTW Journos
Another Digital Twist to the NWS Drama: A Tell-All Blog By Ex-NOTW Journos
Guardian, Sky News and Future of Journalism
Clay Shirky:
Why We Need the New News Environment to be Chaotic — The business environment for newspapers continues to be grim. Pew recently reported that advertising revenue rebounded in 2010 for all forms of media, except newspapers. * This might just be a matter of transitioning from print …
Rough Type, (Re)Structuring Journalism, eMedia Vitals and Boing Boing

Why the chaos in media might be a good thing — Everywhere around us we see evidence of chaos and upheaval in the media industry — newspapers laying off staff and even closing, advertising revenues continuing to decline, and so on. What can be done about this state of affairs?
Future of Journalism

Labour Party Vows to Fight Murdoch's Bid to Take Over Satellite Company — LONDON — The $12 billion bid by Rupert Murdoch's News Corporation to take over Britain's most lucrative satellite broadcast company, British Sky Broadcasting, ran into fresh trouble on Sunday when the opposition Labour Party promised …

The ePresse Digital Kiosk: First Lessons — On June 30th, the French consortium ePresse opened its digital kiosk. Six months of hard work for a very small team (the ePresse consortium is a three persons operation: a CTO, a marketing person, and a manager), and still a long way to go. ePresse brought …
Marshall Kirkpatrick / ReadWriteWeb:
Twitter Curation Grows Up: Storify Becomes Blog & SEO Friendly — Thirteen years ago this spring, Dave Winer's UserLand Software launched a technical protocol that made it easy to publish content from one Web page onto another. (Winer was the inspiration for ReadWriteWeb and countless other blogs.)
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