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Sources: Trump's son-in-law Jared Kushner approached Aryeh Bourkoff, founder of investment bank LionTree, about setting up a Trump TV network post-election — Donald Trump's son-in-law Jared Kushner has informally approached one of the media industry's top dealmakers about the prospect …

Profile of Jared Kushner, real-estate scion, owner of The New York Observer, and Donald Trump's son-in-law, adviser, and surrogate — In New York City, the second week of August 2006 was warm and mostly rainless, hospitable to the sort of al fresco promenades that often accompany film premieres.

Arizona Republic responds to those who harassed its staff and issued death threats after newspaper endorsed Clinton — What is the correct response to these threats? Today, I offer you a few. — As someone who has spent a career in the business of words, it's unusual to find myself speechless.

Trump goes beyond claiming media bias to instead blame media for a “rigged” election, adopting the Breitbartian view of institutional conspiracy — Republicans have complained about media bias for decades. But Donald Trump, whose attacks on the press are escalating …
New York Times, Business Insider, @realdonaldtrump, @brianstelter, Washington Post, Politico, @olivianuzzi,, Talking Points Memo, The Week, @sophia_mjones, @hels, @poniewozik, @jmartnyt, Fortune, New York Magazine, Washington Post, Hot Air, @brianstelter, @brianstelter, @brianstelter, @ggreenwald, Vanity Fair, Business Insider, Washington Post, Mediaite and New York Times

Beyond the election, newsrooms need to consider why so many on the right don't trust them — It sure does get exhausting working for the global corporate media conspiracy. — The hours are horrible (my kingdom for a weekend off). You never know what the puppet masters are going to order up next.
@davidsirota, @davidsirota, @cindyolson and @warrenleighttv
Obama decries “wild wild west of information flow” in media, calls for reliable curation, but says “the answer is obviously not censorship” — Pittsburgh (AFP) - President Barack Obama on Thursday decried America's “wild, wild west” media environment …
TechCrunch, Recode, The White House, @baekdal and @jweb

Google AMP accused of stealing publishers traffic, by directing search traffic to cached snapshots of sites at Google-hosted URLs — I run my blog on WordPress with a custom theme. 6 month ago I've added support for Accelerate Mobile Pages (AMP) in order to provide better user experience for mobile devices.

Mashable appoints its first executive editor, former Vocativ Editor-in-Chief and Gawker editor Jessica Coen — Mashable, the 11-year-old publisher of news and entertainment content, has hired Jessica Coen as executive editor, it was announced Monday morning.

Chairwoman Sandra Mims Rowe explains why The Committee to Protect Journalists broke its own rule about getting involved in politics to protest Trump — For decades, Sandra Mims Rowe was a rigorous newspaper editor who demanded deep reporting from the journalists she led.

RT's UK bank accounts blocked, says EIC Margarita Simonyan; Russian Foreign Minister accuses UK of abandoning commitment to protect freedom of speech — The UK bank servicing RT has given notice that it will close the broadcaster's accounts, without explanation.

The Atlantic tells 8.5% of its unique visitors who use ad-blockers to whitelist website, or pay $3.99 a month for ad-free version, starting Monday — The Atlantic would like to figure out a way to make some money off of the 8.5% of unique visitors to the magazine's website who use an ad-blocker.
FishbowlNY and Wall Street Journal

As Netflix successfully enforces geographic restrictions, unblocking services like uFlix, Unblock-Us, and UnoTelly are giving up — Some unblocking companies that help customers hop Netflix borders are in retreat — Netflix may be emerging victor in its declared war on virtual border hoppers.