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After Epstein got out of jail, Forbes, HuffPost, and National Review ran puff pieces about him, not mentioning his conviction, largely via outside contributors — After Jeffrey Epstein got out of the Palm Beach County jail in 2009, having served 13 months of an 18-month sentence resulting …
Nieman Lab, American Press Institute, @cleucl, @opdeatheatersus, @cleucl, @gadyepstein, @markseibel, @nytimes, @cleucl, @cleucl, @jonswaine and Talking Biz News

Knight Foundation invests $50M at 11 American universities and research institutions to better understand how technology is transforming democracy — Cross-disciplinary research centers and projects will fill knowledge gaps on how society is informed in the digital age
Medium, @unc, @zephoria, @sarafischer, @taliastroud, @jevinwest, @zeynep, @franksesno, @smalljones, @rcalo, @stanford_cyber, @ivonotes, @karlrohe, @prowag and Editor & Publisher

Brexit funder Arron Banks issues legal threats against Netflix and journalist Carole Cadwalladr over The Great Hack documentary, which comes out this week — Legal threat comes as campaigners warn UK government that courts are being used to intimidate journalists
The Guardian, @stilldelvingh, @carolecadwalla, @carolecadwalla and Digital TV Europe

Observer editor, press freedom nonprofits, and others pen open letter concerning rising use of SLAPP litigation in the UK to silence journalists — In an open letter to Jeremy Hunt, the foreign secretary, and Jeremy Wright, the culture secretary, the Observer's editor …
Press Gazette, @carolecadwalla, @caoilfhionnanna, @carolecadwalla, @justinbbarthet, @pcaruanagalizia, @peterjukes and @scottishpen

Kristian Rouz, an on-air reporter for the Trump-endorsed One America News Network, has been writing simultaneously for Russian propaganda outlet Sputnik — Kristian Rouz appears on segments for One America News Network—ironic given he is working for a Russian outlet fingered in the 2016 election attack.
@jayrosen_nyu, @padresj, @theplumlinegs, @patbagley, @brianstelter, @dangillmor and @katestarbird

ESPN reasserts policy to avoid politics after radio talk show host Dan Le Batard criticized Trump and his recent racist comments, and ESPN itself, on air — NEW YORK (AP) — ESPN is making sure that its employees know there is not change in the network's policy to avoid talking about politics unless …
New York Post, Poynter, Talking Points Memo, @andrewmarchand, CNN, New York Post, @jayrosen_nyu, @leslieannewade, Deadspin and Politico

The publishing platform war between Vox Media's Chorus and The Washington Post's Arc is heating up, as both companies invest heavily in fight for market share — In the spring of 2019, shortly after joining This Old House as chief operating officer, Evan Silverman set out to find a new digital publishing platform.
@ftrain, AdExchanger and @seangriffey, more at Techmeme »

Nearly every Democratic presidential candidate has pledged to bring back daily press briefings at the White House and the Pentagon in 2021 — Joe Biden said in a speech that he would bring back the televised sessions, and 21 Democratic campaigns said in response to a survey by POLITICO that they would do the same.

Freelance journalist documents the frustrations encountered and energy spent trying to hold three late-paying publications accountable for $5000+ they owed her — In late May, I returned home after four weeks on the road. I spent two of those weeks on vacation, and another two on the East Coast, visiting family and friends.
@wudanyan, @bigmommascott, @evepeyser, @nicole_cliffe, @erinbiba, @akilahobviously, @jwsthomson, @tessajeanmiller, @simonowens, @wudanyan, @steverousseau, @wudanyan, @jessica_roy, @nicole_rifkin, @diandramae, @crystalsully, @wudanyan, @wudanyan, @sulliview, @grimkim, @alicialutes, @mekosoff, @grumplovesyou, @nickmartin, @coelasquid and @wudanyan

After taking AG Barr's characterization of the Mueller report at face value, the media has another chance to get it right when Mueller testifies before Congress — In political media, as in love, there aren't many chances to correct a serious wrong. — But the news media …
The Week, @rachellarris, @jayrosen_nyu, @ericschultz and CNN

Cumulus Media blocks country radio stations from airing Blair Garner's interview with Pete Buttigieg, citing the FCC's equal-time rule — Nash FM's Blair Garner recorded an interview with the Democratic presidential candidate last week, but the broadcasting company spiked it.
USA Today, Rolling Stone, Billboard, @blairgarner, The Hill, CNN, SoundCloud, @dankennedy_nu, @kurtbardella, Talking Points Memo, @kurtbardella, @dabeard,, VICE and Washington Post

Steven Edginton, a Brexit party staffer who describes himself as a freelance journalist, says he was the middleman who passed the Darroch cables to the Mail — Lying awake at 2am last Wednesday and unable to sleep for the third night in a row, I listened as footsteps crunched up and down the gravel outside my ground-floor flat.

iflix, a streaming service targeting emerging markets, raises $50M ahead of a potential IPO, says it had around 17M users in May, up from 9M six months earlier — Video-streaming platform iFlix has raised over US$50 million in a round anchored by global asset manager Fidelity International ahead of a potential initial public offering.