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Netflix's deep catalog of Black programming is the envy of Hollywood and was largely built after a shift in culture following executive departures in 2018 — The company didn't set out to build a big library of Black programming, but now it's the envy of its rivals.
Ben Smith / @benyt: Previously untold story: A 2015 internal memo warning Netflix was missing an opportunity with Black programming
Julia Alexander / @loudmouthjulia: Netflix would go on to spend $250 million for two of ABC's top creators ($100M to Kenya Barris and $150 million to Shonda Rhimes) in overall deals.

Buoyed by the public awakening over BLM, journalists of color are sidestepping management to collectively inaugurate their own #MeToo-like movement — We're finally feeling empowered to speak openly about racism in the newsroom. — Ms. O'Brien is a journalist. — Every journalist of color has a story.
@jamunt, @jemelehill, @sunlorrie, @mattdpearce, @juliezebrak, @marceelias, @socialkimly, @dartdclark, @brizzyc, @scotthech, @andrewzimmern, @tamikanews, @jamilsmith, @motokorich, @marymoriarty, @rolandsmartin, @rossacrosswi, @jayrosen_nyu, @deeyah_khan, @markhertling, @alivelshi, @donwinslow, @wajahatali, @amy_siskind, @capehartj, @nytopinion and @okaikor
J. Elias O'Neal / @jamunt: So much of what @soledadobrien said is true. There MUST be more emphasis on black, brown and queer voices in newsroom MANAGEMENT or else those voices and stories will be muzzled/silenced.I didn't see a professional pathway to being an editor so I left news altogether to be a PIO.
Jemele Hill / @jemelehill: Excellent piece by @soledadobrien about the obstacles journalists of color often face in their own newsrooms. A racial reckoning must happen in the nation's newsrooms
Lorrie Goldstein / @sunlorrie: Agreed that MSM who accuse other institutions of being systemically racist, need to look inside our own house: Soledad O'Brien on the Racism Faced by Journalists of Color
Matt Pearce / @mattdpearce: “It's been 52 years since the Kerner Commission declared: 'The press has too long basked in a white world, looking out of it, if at all, with white men's eyes and a white perspective. That is no longer good enough.'”
@juliezebrak: Soledad O'Brien: “We are letting viewers, listeners and readers know that the absence of reporting on communities of color is why it took shocking videos of police killings to awaken them to police brutality.”
Marc E. Elias / @marceelias: I used to watch @soledadobrien every morning on @CNN and thought she was the best. I wondered why she left the mornings and stopped the amazing CNN documentaries. It is sad to learn that this is why.
Kim Lyons / @socialkimly: “We are risking jobs and status and a metaphorical stoning by bigots on social media to call out an industry that reports on racism and segregation while shamefully allowing it to fester within.” @soledadobrien bringing the 🔥 as usual
Dartunorro D. Clark / @dartdclark: “We refuse to be benched or tainted as activists or deemed incapable of objectivity, while white reporters are hailed for their ‘perspective’ on stories.”
Carrie Brown / @brizzyc: “When I criticize CNN (as I do frequently on social media), the company attacks me as “more of a liberal activist than a journalist,” a common dig against journalists of color who criticize newsroom management.”
Scott Hechinger / @scotthech: I was there. And it was a powerful call to action. Looked at 55 defenders, from 42 defender offices, in 26 different states back in Brooklyn at the first Zealous training. “This is your time. Do it. Do it!”
Andrew Zimmern / @andrewzimmern: Whoops. Reposting with proper handles Superb piece from my friend @soledadobrien
Tamika Smith / @tamikanews: Baffling how we speak up for others but are silenced & mistreated by news organizations we work for. #MeToo “We're finally feeling empowered to speak openly about racism in the newsroom.”
Jamil Smith / @jamilsmith: “We refuse to be benched or tainted as activists or deemed incapable of objectivity, while white reporters are hailed for their ‘perspective’ on stories.” Thank you for this, @soledadobrien.
Motoko Rich / @motokorich: .@soledadobrien “Thin ranks of POC in newsrooms often meant us/them reporting, where everyone from architecture critics to real estate writers, entertainment reporters to sports anchors, talk as if people listening or reading are exclusively white”
Mary Moriarty / @marymoriarty: Soledad O'Brien called out (kindly) a room of public defenders for allowing prosecutors and police to control the narrative for decades by refusing to speak to journalists about what the criminal system does to our clients. She was right. @soledadobrien
@rolandsmartin: GREAT piece by my buddy @soledadobrien! We all have felt every word in here. The Unbearable whiteness of media is real! “A MeToo Moment for Journalists of Color”
Scot Ross / @rossacrosswi: @soledadobrien: “...panel-driven journalism that sometimes gives voice to liars & white supremacists; the excuse of ‘balance’ to embolden and normalize bigots and bigotry by posing them as the ‘other side.’”
Jay Rosen / @jayrosen_nyu: Should have tagged @soledadobrien on this, she just wrote about it happening to her. Read her piece:
Deeyah Khan / @deeyah_khan: Important piece by the wonderful @soledadobrien “The press has too long basked in a white world, looking out of it, if at all, with white men's eyes and a white perspective. That is no longer good enough.”
Mark Hertling / @markhertling: An eye-opening piece by @soledadobrien. As we move on from Independence Day celebrations, taking action first requires a better understanding of the situation.
Ali Velshi / @alivelshi: An important read about journalists of color and representation by my old friend and colleague @soledadobrien
Don Winslow / @donwinslow: I'm a huge fan of @soledadobrien and she knows it. Wicked smart. Brutally honest (especially about the media's failings) World class bad ass. And the best bullshit detector around.
@wajahatali: Sharing this piece by @soledadobrien again. I really hope people read it, especially white colleagues in the media industry.
@amy_siskind: Thanks for teaching up @soledadobrien and for all you do to hold our media accountable.
Jonathan Capehart / @capehartj: READ from my former colleague and old friend @soledadobrien 👉🏾👉🏾 👉🏾 A MeToo Moment for Journalists of Color

Kayleigh McEnany's abrupt walk-offs from press briefings is almost pure theater, giving her the last word in disservice to informing the press and public — Kayleigh McEnany's press briefings don't just draw to a close. They tend to end with a flourish — a true walk-off moment.
Dan McDermott / @danielpmcdermot: Ridiculous. @PressSec is extraordinarily well prepared and is simply exposing how absurd the WH press corps has been and is. They don't like it and double down with their nonsense. Kayleigh is the best PressSec I've seen in the job.
Lloyd Grove / @thelloydgrove: There is really no journalistic purpose in attending, covering or certainly televising these events at this point. The perversely curious can watch on C-SPAN.
Dan Gillmor / @dangillmor: Journalists are completely aware of how they're being repeatedly used by the latest “press secretary” who's paid to lie to them and the American public. So why do they keep cooperating with it? ...

Recent updates to newsroom style guides related to race don't go far enough, as journalists too often use imprecise terms like “ethnic” that hide nuances — From a virus that caged much of the world to a growing movement for racial justice in the United States …
@globalpress: “In this complex moment of consequence, journalists can't be content to wait for industry leaders to tell us when it's OK to capitalize words or add context to stories.” Check out GP CEO @CristiHegranes discussing dignity and precision on @Poynter today.
@poynter: Too often in an attempt at inclusivity, we opt for vague terms that tell readers that they don't need to understand the nuance of complicated issues.
Ethical Journalism / @ejnetwork: Delighted to publish this piece by @CristiHegranes from @GlobalPress in collaboration with @Poynter, highlighting the need for greater nuance and more comprehensive conversations in our journalism about race and identity ...
@globalpress: “Too often in an attempt at inclusivity, we opt for vague terms. But imprecise words often sacrifice source dignity. And they send the passive message to readers that they don't need to understand complicated issues.” Read more at @Poynter

Eight Black publishing professionals discuss how publishing has and hasn't changed in recent decades, how race has affected their careers, and more — An author, literary agent, marketer, publicist, editors and booksellers talk about how race affects their careers — and the books you read.
@nytimesbooks: What is it like to be Black in publishing? An author, literary agent, marketer, publicist, editors and booksellers talk about how race affects their careers — and the books you read.
Mabel Hsu / @helloomabel: This interview from the brilliant @Coloringbooks about being Black in publishing is brimming with honesty and insight. We owe our Black colleagues so much more. Thanks for speaking up.
Sarah Savitt / @sarahsavitt: Two excellent and essential pieces about being Black and working in publishing: ...
Phin Barnes / @phineasb: Important read if you work in a “gate keeper” industry...
@natcentauschlit: Dissecting the problem: 'I really hope that people will start having real conversations. I don't care if they're difficult.'
Liz / @onceaddai: Honestly teared up a bit reading this and seeing some of my experiences, feelings, hopes, and dreams reflected in these stories from Black publishing professionals. Thank you for sharing your stories, for being here, for pulling back the curtain, and opening doors. A must read🙏🏿
Elana Roth Parker / @elanaroth: Spend time on these interviews.
@nytimesbooks: “I think a lot of Black publishing professionals are becoming exhausted from being heard only when it benefits the company's bottom line,” Ebony LaDelle, an associate director of marketing at HarperCollins, says
Andrew LaVallee / @andrewlavallee: A little thread on our Black in publishing series
Kishani Widyaratna / @kishwidyaratna: 'The industry is predominantly a white industry . . . that is endemic to the industry. And I think unless you have systemic change from top to bottom, publishing will remain a conflicted cultural force, that preaches something but doesn't practice it.' This is essential reading.
@thebookmaven: REQUIRED READING: “It's assumed that Black editors don't know white books and white publishing, but we do,” Tracy Sherrod said. “What do you think we've been reading all these years?”
Craig Seymour / @craigspoplife: .@nytimesbooks Please keep this same energy when reviewing & reporting on the next wave of books on Black subjects by white writers. The issue isn't to limit what people write. Rather, it's about maintaining focus on the inequity of opportunites for Black writers in publishing 💁🏾♂ ️
Valerie Wong / @wingity: “I think people have this false impression that this industry is great, it's books, and people love to read and write. But you bring all the baggage of the systemic racism right through the door with you, whether you know it or not.”
Leshelle Sargent / @publicist_lvs: “I was told multiple times that Black people didn't read. That's an unfortunate belief. Because it's just not true.” An important read via the @nytimes> ‘A Conflicted Cultural Force’: What It's Like to Be Black in Publishing
@zinziclemmons: I'm sure there's been a whole discussion about this that I've missed (I'm trying to write a book!) - but you can draw a straight line between these interviews and #PublishingPaidMe

Barstool Sports founder Dave Portnoy promises to “be better” after seven Black staffers examined his earlier racist language in a podcast — ‘EXTREMELY REAL’ — The sports site's notorious founder refused to apologize for racist comments, only doing so on Thursday after some staffers …
@clevezirm, @blackamazon, @samer, @samer, @thedailybeast, @nickbromberg, @alanisnking, @thedailybeast, @samer, @samer, @stoolpresidente, @toley88, @stoolpresidente, The Big Lead and The Daily Dot
Jordan Zirm / @clevezirm: it's not a surprise that Barstool is one of the worst companies on earth. what IS a surprise is that, time after time, the employees just cower in fear after the most visible amongst them makes another racist or misogynistic comment ...
@samer: While Portnoy acknowledged his employees today, Erika Nardini, who's been quite vocal about not being a “Token CEO,” hasn't said anything publicly since she originally defended his refusal to apologize Monday. Weird! ...
@samer: This is what Barstool's employees of color had to do for Dave Portnoy to respect them enough to apologize for his racism. Is the paycheck worth that? ...
@thedailybeast: In a podcast episode, seven Barstool Sports employees of color spent 80 minutes talking around the fact that their boss Dave Portnoy, whose racist videos had gained attention this past weekend, had not apologized publicly or in private to them ...
Nick Bromberg / @nickbromberg: Glad to see that NASCAR is getting asked — and sad to see that NASCAR is still remaining silent — about its partnership with that site that traffics in racist and sexist trash by outlets that don't regularly cover it. ...
Alanis King Jones / @alanisnking: Barstool is disgusting and NASCAR is at fault for ignoring it. Don't say your commitment to equality and inclusion “will never waver,” then stay quiet about the partner you continue to pay to attract the kids. “The kids” being people whose descriptors almost all end in “-ist.”
@thedailybeast: The discussion about Portnoy's comments was during an episode titled with the acronym for “Now It's Gonna Get Extremely Real.” (Not every participant signed off on that title.) ...
@samer: Emailed Portnoy/Nardini at 2:18 p.m., and we published at 7:30 p.m. Five hours on a work day with no response or request for more time. Floor's yours, @stoolpresidente
@samer: I published the article last night and included a quote from your limp-ass apology. Catch up. Feel free to share my original questions with your readers, though
Dave Portnoy / @stoolpresidente: In a shock to nobody Samer is writing a Barstool hit piece. This is who I was referring to in my first video.
Tom Ley / @toley88: You can write off the videos as “jokes” or schtick if you want, but earnestly saying this in a private conversation in 2020 is as cut and dry as racism gets. ...

Among US adults, 46% say local news outlets are a major COVID-19 news source; 65% say there is plenty of news about how the outbreak is affecting their area — The COVID-19 outbreak has been a major national news story, dominating news consumption and prompting frequent presidential press conferences.
@pewresearch: In late April, nearly half of U.S. adults (46%) named local news outlets as a major source for #COVID19 news - more than the share who named several other groups, including President Donald Trump and the coronavirus task force (31%). ...

In memo, Boston Globe EIC outlines steps to address race in the newsroom and in coverage, including an audit of past work and a right to be forgotten initiative — This past Wednesday, Boston Globe editor Brian McGrory sent a long memo to his staff about steps the Globe will take to respond …
Christopher Gasper / @cgasper: I think this is tremendous, a laudable and notable attempt by the Globe to redress some institutional and organizational shortcomings. But for change to take hold editors must value diversity and diverse viewpoints like they do clicks. Diverse perspectives aren't always popular.
Raju Narisetti / @raju: This could get quite messy quickly The @BostonGlobe editor Brian McGrory addresses diversity in the newsroom and in its coverage, promises a pathbreaking “right to forget” appeals process to “hide” previous coverage in the Globe for certain crimes

WNYC staff express sense of betrayal in letter to board, having said before that they wanted an EIC who was a POC, knew the city, and had experience in radio — The public radio stalwart vowed to fix what its journalists said was a toxic work culture. But the latest changes have led to a newsroom revolt.
@tanzinavega, @thrasherxy, @emilyannevaughn, @amalt, @dianathuynh, @himissjulie, @midwincharles, @sandraoshiro, @rachellarris, @nikitarbk, @mickimaynard, @deggans, @jennyabamu, @pollyirungu, @nytmetro, @roseveleth, @traciehunte, @wemakekpbs, @dianejeanty, @kimseverson, @yasmeenkhan, @nickmiller510, @georgejoseph94, @fitzthereporter, @aurabogado, @joannna, @kristenmeinzer, @ayellowduchess, @jakebackpack, @tobinlow, @alyssajperry, @latifnasser, @mattkatz00, @ryeh, @dannydoodar, @luolkowski, @rebel19, @thrasherxy, @celesteheadlee, @radiobkg, @lisatozzi, @tanzinavega, @jaycaspiankang, @celesteheadlee, @public_lee, @marysdesk, @kerrymflynn and @jaycaspiankang
Tanzina Vega / @tanzinavega: My WNYC newsroom colleagues have called on our senior managers to fulfill the promise of diverse leadership at the station. I stand with them. Here's more on what's happening in our house in today's NYT
Dr. Thrasher / @thrasherxy: 1. Good morning! There's a story in the Times about the racism of @WNYC, the country's biggest public radio station, but it misses a HUGE actor in the story, @lwalker, & only get 1/2 of how white women go to/from big jobs w/o experience in nonprofits.
Emily Anne Vaughn / @emilyannevaughn: I left NYC in 2016 but I still consider @WNYC one of my home stations — and this is a disgrace. You can't give yourself a cookie for listening to your POC staff, then ignore what they say. I stand with all the folks dealing with the impact of this violent failure of leadership
Anna Maltby / @amalt: I'm been an unabashed @WNYC stan and sustaining member for years. The station should know that its “single most important source of income” finds this unacceptable. I stand with the employees of WNYC
Diana / @dianathuynh: When I was at WNYC, I was 1 of 3 POC on my floor. There was nothing diverse or inclusive about the station; it was overwhelmingly white and a lot went to an ivy. Did you know how many Yale lunch bags greeted me when I used the office fridge? Too many for a public media outlet.
@himissjulie: The hiring process in this a article reminds me of how some libraries try to hire: not trusting anyone from the profession to do a good job, they look for lawyers and CEOs who fundamentally don't understand our work.
Midwin Charles / @midwincharles: Sorry to read this about what's happening over at @WNYC, though I'm not surprised. This fact pattern can apply to most companies, law firms, etc. in America today. I love the programming at @wnyc and hope they resolve these issues. Quick.
Sandra Oshiro / @sandraoshiro: All public radio stations need to examine their senior leadership and ask: do we represent the demographics of our communities? Companies have long pushed gender equity over racial equity, meaning many white women have risen to top leadership and not so much people of color.
Rachel Joy Larris / @rachellarris: “the editor in chief of WNYC was going to be a white woman who lived in California, grew up in Kansas and was not from the world of audio.” They couldn't even pick a person with experience in broadcasting???
Nikita Richardson / @nikitarbk: a must-read thread for any @WNYC stans out there
Micheline Maynard / @mickimaynard: Of course, I stand with my friends @WNYC who are demanding an inclusive newsroom. I have experience dealing with a public radio headhunter that I'd like to share, because it might shed light on how this works.
Eric Deggans At Npr / @deggans: One hell of a thread explaining why 150 staff at WNYC signed a letter protesting the hire of their new editor-in-chief. When will news companies learn to start listening to their staffs?
Jenny Abamu / @jennyabamu: When I first joined WAMU, I donated my car to the station. I LOVED public media, and I was willing to put my money where my mouth is. I haven't made a donation since. My general rule for giving to any newsroom now is if you are treating staff poorly, you are not living up to the
Polly Irungu / @pollyirungu: My WNYC colleagues demanded diversity. They got another white boss.
@nytmetro: “We were blindsided,” a producer said, “really befuddled by the fact that our leaders chose someone who didn't meet any of our qualifications.”
Rose Eveleth / @roseveleth: This recent WNYC hiring nonsense is truly a PERFECT example of performative allyship: repeatedly insisting you're listening, wasting people of color's time to gather their input & ask what they want, and then ignoring it and hiring another white person.
Tracie Hunte / @traciehunte: In my almost 10 years at WNYC I've seen a lot of talented journalists of color come and go. Diane was one of them and her thread is a devastating example of why. Thank you for sharing, Diane.
@wemakekpbs: We, too, have long been begging KPBS management for a more diverse newsroom that better reflects the audience we serve. Instead we've seen them hire all white editors while colleagues of color get fed up and leave. Public media must do better.
Diane Jeanty / @dianejeanty: I wholeheartedly stand with my former WNYC colleagues on this, but let me explain why it's so important their demands are met.
Kim Severson / @kimseverson: Here's our @GiniaNYT on the public radio #diversity summer surprise: “the editor in chief of WNYC was going to be a white woman who lived in California, grew up in Kansas and was not from the world of audio.”
Yasmeen Khan / @yasmeenkhan: The need to diversify our content staff has always felt like an aspiration, rather than something broken that needed fixing urgently. That's why I signed the letter too. Fwiw, leadership has actively engaged our criticism. I hope action is not far off.
Nick Miller / @nickmiller510: “The letter did not call for WNYC to rescind the offer to [Audrey] Cooper, but it seems clear the staff hopes she takes the hint.” Revolution among WNYC staff, who'd asked for a diverse New Yorker with a public radio background to lead them.
George Joseph / @georgejoseph94: The people who run newsrooms decide whose stories matter + what perspectives are legitimate. I'm proud to stand with my colleagues demanding a @WNYC that looks & sounds like NYC.
Joe Fitzgerald Rodriguez / @fitzthereporter: Audrey Cooper ain't getting a warm reception in NYC ...
Aura Bogado / @aurabogado: “Nonetheless, newsroom leadership remains almost uniformly white, and most reporters are white. Only two people of color currently have direct reports...” This essentially describes every newsroom I know.
Joanna Solotaroff / @joannna: I love @WNYC for the people who so tenaciously fight for justice, equity, and truth. WNYC must prioritize hiring and retaining black and brown producers, reporters, and editors. Anything less is a betrayal to staff and the community it is mandated to serve. ...
Kristen Meinzer / @kristenmeinzer: Notably, the search was “led by a Harvard MBA & headhunter.” Idea: Let's stop looking at the Ivy League as the gold standard in our recruitment searches. If we want real diversity -in terms of race, class & immigration status- it's not there.
Afi Yellow-Duke / @ayellowduchess: Every tweet I've drafted about this feels ridiculous. None of what we're asking for is “radical” or “bad,” but simple and long overdue @WNYC + beyond. I'm grateful for coworkers including @TracieHunte @ryeh @pollyirungu for leading the latest push
Jacob Bacharach / @jakebackpack: Leaving aside all the equity issues, I've been on non-profit exec search committees, and every time a headhunter firm has been involved we've paid $10s of 1000s for the top 15 hits on LinkedIn and some pdf one-pagers that look like they're selling a house in a subdivision.
Tobin Low / @tobinlow: I stand with my WNYC colleagues in demanding that our organization immediately address its appalling track record on hiring, promoting, and investing in Black and POC employees/leadership
Alyssa Jeong Perry / @alyssajperry: My hope is that these reckonings empower my former poc colleagues at member stations to come forward publicly and hold leadership accountable. Im in a diff spot now but man this is all triggering. cuz it wasn't that long ago....
Latif Nasser / @latifnasser: Proud to stand alongside @TracieHunte, @ryeh, and my other colleagues @WNYC who are trying to make the newsroom as richly diverse as the city it represents.
Matt Katz / @mattkatz00: We cannot report the news nor convene civic conversations without diversity in our newsroom and in our leadership. I signed this letter, which was crafted with frustration and love.
Richard Yeh / @ryeh: Come for the photos of what WNYC looks like from the outside. Stay for the story of what it feels like on the inside.
Danny Lewis / @dannydoodar: Many of my colleagues - especially Black and people of color - put in countless hours of work to make this place better. I signed this letter because even though there's been a lot of promises, there is far, far more to be done:
@luolkowski: I'm so glad to see employees at @WNYC taking a stand and demanding change. I believe it is an act of love and that WNYC will be the better for it.
@rebel19: Thank you @GiniaNYT for reporting this out so succinctly — and thanks to my Black and POC colleagues at @WNYC for keeping it pushing. I live by Toni Morrison's words (all of them): “If you have some power, your job is to empower someone else.”
Dr. Thrasher / @thrasherxy: 6. All these horrors happened under the @WNYC “leadership” of one @lwalker, a white woman so evasive at not taking on blame, she isn't even mentioned in @GiniaNYT's story. All these Black women & women of color's lives were harmed & careers ended by a faceless, objective WNYC.
Celeste Headlee / @celesteheadlee: Classic example of pretending to listen to employees. @WNYC held multiple listening sessions with staff, asked their opinions, and then tossed those opinions out and did what they wanted to do anyway.
Bradley George / @radiobkg: “Only two people of color currently have direct reports; across the station's content division...there is only one additional person of color with a staff. There are 157 staff members on the content side, and 15 of them are Black.”
Lisa Tozzi / @lisatozzi: “Too often, media and cultural organizations insecure about their own management abilities default to handling things the way the protocols would require at Procter & Gamble or Citibank ... ”
Tanzina Vega / @tanzinavega: A tiny quibble with the piece is when they say I was hired as a result of Hockenberry. I was in the running for the host gig *months* before the story broke. I'd like to think it was more than my race/gender that earned me my role at @TheTakeaway
@jaycaspiankang: now there's a good chance Audrey cooper is a great boss in almost all respects, but she doesn't have any experience in radio and she's going to manage a diversity push and in the end the ppl working there will feel like they're in her Benneton ad. It's never not this.
Celeste Headlee / @celesteheadlee: @WNYC @AtBennington I teach executives all over the world how to listen. One of the very first lessons is to stop all the performative listening. If you allow workers to voice their opinions and tell them you value their views, that doesn't mean anything unless you act on their views.
Lee Hill / @public_lee: My WNYC local newsroom colleagues are rightfully calling for more diversity in newsroom hires. New York City is 60%+ non-white, unconscionable that our newsroom falls so short of reflecting this.
Mary E. Harris / @marysdesk: I've been at so many workplaces where Black and brown employees simply left because there didn't seem to be room for them at the table. It's meaningful that employees @WNYC believe in their institution enough to stay and demand more. It's a kind of love.
@kerrymflynn: “In a letter delivered to top management and the board of trustees on July 1, which has since amassed more than 145 signatures — including those of high-profile figures like Brian Lehrer — staff members expressed a sense of betrayal.”
Kang / @jaycaspiankang: this is why I'm so cynical about diversity in media. Management never changes and is propped up by ridiculous phrases like ‘incredible taste’ and ‘news sense’ that are never really explained and very weirdly only seem to apply to the same types of ppl!

Current and former Condé Nast employees describe a “racist” vetting process in its video production arm that ranks scalable content based on historical data — - Sources said this vetting process, which measures the various parts of a pitch against historical data …
@rrpre, @mikkipedia, @azaxdeh, @kosearas, @bizzyt, @bizzyt, @wilsonwillywong, @alexsalvinews, @margarita, @nickcho, @scrangles_mcgee, @jakeswearingen and Vulture
Rachel Premack / @rrpre: NEW: More than a dozen Condé Nast employees described a “racist” vetting process at the publisher's video department, and how the two men behind it control what gets published ...
Mikki Halpin / @mikkipedia: Remember my old boss saying she wished to put Black women on the cover but she couldn't because there were so few Black celebrities famous enough, and I said well then I think we have a racist business model what should we do about that and I didn't go to cover meetings anymore*
Azadeh Valanejad / @azaxdeh: Excellent reporting by @rrpre on the super toxic & misogynistic culture at CNE... also how a white man took & was credited for Vogue's 73 Questions from *gasp* a WOC 🙃 & has since been promoted to head of the boy's club...
Mary / @kosearas: “When you add it all up, they trusted Joe's voice over Shruti's,” Koseras told Business Insider. “They trusted Joe to come up with content for women's lifestyle magazines over the women in the room.”
Elizabeth Thompson / @bizzyt: The Conde argument of “this is the biz, sorry some producers are just mad they couldn't make a video where an ‘indie’ celeb talks to windchimes for 15 minutes” is not real. The ‘scale system’ stamps out diversity, curiosity, integrity - CNE knows that ...
Elizabeth Thompson / @bizzyt: 69 references! Rape jokes! Jokes about “Mexicans” and “hoes.” Conde Nast Entertainment is filled w/ “funny guys” who are also standup comedians! Great job to everyone in HR & also the clearly amazing executive search teams you're hiring to find ~talent~ ...
Wilson Wong / @wilsonwillywong: Joe Sabia, a white man, took credit for Vogue's “'73 Questions' from a woman of color,” one former producer said. “This was an open-known fact around all of Condé that this was not Joe Sabia's series.”
Alex Salvi / @alexsalvinews: Condé Nast employees say Black celebrities like Lizzo and Megan Thee Stallion were rejected from videos based on a “racist” vetting process. ...
Margarita Noriega / @margarita: “Whatever system they use for scalability, AI systems have inherent prejudicial things within them.” — Condé Nast CEO Roger Lynch ...
@nickcho: Reading stories like this, find myself asking: Is this white supremacy weaponizing capitalism, or capitalism weaponizing white supremacy? OR Does stuff like this reveal that American capitalism and white supremacy are basically one and the same?
Nora S. / @scrangles_mcgee: THIS SUCKS! incredible look at how Conde Nast runs their video biz, using Tubular data to “scale check” ideas/people to fit Youtube's algorithm. content creation is *shudder*
Jake Swearingen / @jakeswearingen: Of all the things I learned about Conde Nast Entertainment exec and all-around doofus Joe Sabia in this amazing scoop from @rrpre, my favorite is, per someone involved, he originally wanted Vogue's 73 Questions to be 69 questions. An 8th grader runs Conde's video dept...

Boris Johnson is planning to replace afternoon Lobby press briefings in the UK with a daily televised press conference, akin to the American format, in October — UK government plans White House-style televised daily press briefings in shake-up — Downing Street is launching plans …
@robyeldham, Press Gazette, @mdcarden, @kateburkenhs, @martinflegg, Conquest of the Useless, @pressgazette, @jayrosen_nyu, @bethrigby, @rachsalv, @peterwalker99, @peterkgeoghegan, @pippacrerar, @tnewtondunn, @janemerrick23, @pickardje, The Times, The Sun,,, Sky News, London Evening Standard, London Evening Standard, The Independent, Daily Mail, Spectator, The Independent, The Independent,, The Times, Scotsman, Telegraph, Telegraph, New Statesman, Reuters,, hulldailymail, Daily Express and BBC
Rob Yeldham / @robyeldham: As a plan to improve coherence if media this might work but I fear there will be an even bigger gulf between the governments PR operations and the frontline operational comms which any public service needs to do. Thread.
Charlotte Tobitt / Press Gazette: Televised press conference to permanently replace afternoon Downing Street press briefing
Michael Carden / @mdcarden: “it is very difficult to defend there now being more than 4,000 spin-doctors on the payroll” one No 10 official said. This is a gross misrepresentation of the vital role that civil service comms plays in helping shape & communicate clear & coherent policy
Kate Jarman / @kateburkenhs: Professional comms has never been more vital. And while the press office is an important part of a comms function, it is much, MUCH more than that - as any journo turned comms pro knows. Downing Street to cut back Whitehall communications unit
Martin Flegg / @martinflegg: The madness continues.........'it's difficult to justify having more than 4000 spin doctors on gov payroll'. Disappointing language from No10 for all those hard working #comms people in the GCS!
Mic Wright / Conquest of the Useless: The rising of a dark star: Why Boris Johnson's new TV spokesperson will be a dangerous character
@pressgazette: ‘Briefings that are too stage-managed and favour the few will not be in the best interests of the public as a whole’ - warning from @EditorsUK over plan for daily televised press briefings. The PM says people want ‘direct engagement’ ...
Jay Rosen / @jayrosen_nyu: If the American model is followed, the stage is set for “press as hate object” theatre. Not to say this has been missing in the UK.
Beth Rigby / @bethrigby: But crucially business will now be done daily on camera too in a far more formal way
Rachel Salvidge / @rachsalv: This should freak everyone out. Government comms staff to be radically cut back. Info strangled. BIG problem for democracy and society, unless you're happy to accept our Dear Leader at his word. Downing Street to cut back Whitehall communications unit
Peter Walker / @peterwalker99: Televising No 10 briefings will make them different - questions will be aimed as much at TV audience as getting information. But having one as a briefing, and one a press conference is perhaps not a bad idea overall. Chance for both non-grandstanding scrutiny *and* more openness.
Peter Geoghegan / @peterkgeoghegan: Deleted my tweet about this story earlier as I had misread the original piece. Just to clarify, seems UK government plans replace 4,000 comms staff across 20 departments with 30 press officers for each department. Big change in numbers and procedure.
Pippa Crerar / @pippacrerar: It's win-win for No 10. Morning lobby (always best attended) still with PM's civil service spokesman - real business of day done off camera. Then on-camera briefing in afternoon makes No 10 look transparent. Broadcast clips but who will carry live and - crucially - watch?
Tom Newton Dunn / @tnewtondunn: 👇Good idea.
Jane Merrick / @janemerrick23: The part of this that we journalists should be alarmed about is NOT televised briefings. I'm not opposed - I think the daily briefings were good for showing the public the press holding govt to account. It's the axing of govt press officers that have a greater threat on scrutiny
Jim Pickard / @pickardje: Great scoop from @Laura_K_Hughes Downing Street is set to dramatically reduce the government's communications operation - firing press officers - and to televise daily press briefings, in the latest shake-up of the Whitehall machine. via @financialtimes
Steven Swinford / The Times: Boris Johnson plans White House-style daily television press briefings
Thomas Burrows / The Sun: BRIEF ENCOUNTERS Boris Johnson plans White House-style daily TV press briefings after millions tuned …
Matt Honeycombe-Foster / Boris Johnson to introduce White House-style daily televised media briefings saying ‘people want direct engagement’
Adrian Zorzut / Boris Johnson plans to mimic Donald Trump by broadcasting team's press briefings with journalists
Greg Heffer / Sky News: Boris Johnson plans televised press briefings as part of government media shake-up
Ellena Cruse / London Evening Standard: Boris Johnson to bring in daily White House-style TV press briefings from October
Sophia Sleigh / London Evening Standard: Government's new White House-style TV press briefings to be fronted by ‘political appointee’
John Rentoul / The Independent: The latest tactic Boris Johnson has lifted from the Trump playbook is televised press briefings …
Jack Maidment / Daily Mail: Boris Johnson will introduce White House-style daily televised press briefings with an 'experienced …
Alastair Stewart / Spectator: Boris's TV briefings could end the lobby pantomime
John Rentoul / The Independent: Why is Boris Johnson planning White House-style televised daily briefings?
Ashley Cowburn / The Independent: Boris Johnson to introduce White House-style televised press briefings in overhaul of No 10 communications
Ben Glaze / Boris Johnson confirms White House-style daily TV briefings from Downing Street
Patrick Maguire / The Times: No 10 plans a daily TV show
Andrew Roberts / Telegraph: Boris Johnson's White House-style briefings will only further trivialise British politics
Anna Mikhailova / Telegraph: Boris Johnson wants daily White House-style press briefings
Stephen Bush / New Statesman: Downing Street may be biting off more than it can chew with its new press briefings
William James / Reuters: British government to hold White House-style televised briefings
Alain Tolhurst / Analysis: Why Boris Johnson's move to put the daily Lobby briefings on TV might backfire on him
Brett Gibbons / hulldailymail: Government to introduce US-style televised daily Westminster briefings as part of communications shake-up

LA Times' Dr. Patrick Soon-Shiong responds to a letter from the LAT union's Black caucus, promising to hire more Black journalists, ensure equitable pay, more — On June 23, The L.A. Times Guild lead by Black members sent Times' owner Dr. Patrick Soon-Shiong an open letter demanding the paper address its racism and commit to do better. This is his first public response.
@notaaroncraig, @webjournalist, @ryanlenorabrown, @itsjina, @anupkaphle, @rhodes_dawn, @michaelshure, @loudhannah, @jsilverinpgh, @erinblogan and @palewire
Craig Aaron / @notaaroncraig: Proof will be in the actions that follow. But this letter from @DrPatSoonShiong is still remarkable. Can't think of another major U.S. publisher leading with a quote from @OsopePatrisse Let's hear it for newsroom activism, newsroom unions, and local and diverse media ownership.
Robert Hernandez / @webjournalist: I... like... this. A lot. I really hope change happens.
Ryan Brown / @ryanlenorabrown: The @latimes owner's powerful response to demands by his Black reporters and editors that the paper do better. He notes his painful personal experience with racism as a “non-white” doctor in apartheid South Africa, where white patients refused to let him touch them.
Jina Moore / @itsjina: I am eager to hear from others but my first read makes me think this is what real leadership looks like. Right down to naming passive voice as a tool of implicit bias.
Anup Kaphle / @anupkaphle: “I apologize to you for not advancing anti-racist priorities as substantively and rapidly as we had dreamed.” — LA Times owner Patrick Soon-Shiong
@rhodes_dawn: Powerful and thoughtful. He seems to get it. Now we wait for the follow through. Words, even very good words, are meaningless without action
Michael Shure / @michaelshure: Impressive. Obviously, proof will be in the pudding, but I can't imagine a better rhetorical response from @DrPatSoonShiong in replying to his newsroom, and the Guild.
Hannah C. / @loudhannah: Now this is a start.
Jonathan Silver / @jsilverinpgh: It is literally impossible to imagine such a response from Keith Burris, Karen Kane or the Block family. They can't even figure out how to say: “I'm sorry.” Instead @PGNewsGuild gets tossed out of the executive editor's office, an appearance on Laura Ingraham and an A1 screed.