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WSJ's news section publishes article refuting claims about Biden made in a WSJ opinion piece, a continuation of tensions between the two sides aired in July — The Wall Street Journal opinion page spent much of Thursday talking up a fresh allegation involving Joe Biden, his son Hunter, and the son's alleged business dealings in China.
BuzzFeed News, Wall Street Journal, Washington Post, @noahshachtman, The Daily Beast, The Atlantic, @kenbensinger, @buzzfeednews, @hshaban, @benyt, @benyt, @senwhitehouse, @amlwhere, @dicktofel, Fox News, @bradheath, Reason, @noahshachtman, Mediaite, @yashar, @bernybelvedere, @kylegriffin1, @adamserwer, @draglikepull, @garretthaake, @kimstrassel, @mrjoncryer, @benyt and Talking Biz News

Profile of Kristen Welker, the first Black woman to moderate a presidential debate since 1992, who covers the White House for NBC and who works to mentor others — At Thursday night's final presidential debate, Kristen Welker asked President Trump a pointed question about the economic hardship caused by the coronavirus pandemic.

Murdochs' NY Post ignored facts provided by NBC News to paint debate moderator Kristen Welker as a liberal partisan, claims right-wing outlets like Fox echoed
@maxwelltani, Los Angeles Times, @seattletimes, @thedailybeast, @farhip, @mikeisaac, @matthewamiller, @joycewhitevance, @dubois, @mitrakalita, @albamonica, @poynter, Politico, Talking Points Memo, @joyannreid, @cahnemily, @mattmittenthal, @mmasnick, TheBlaze, @davidmackau, @hunterw, @tomkludt, @nickconfessore, @justinjm1, @taylorlorenz, The Wrap, @oliverdarcy, @oliverdarcy, @brianstelter, New York Post and Poynter

Two of four voters featured in a NYT article about Atlanta white suburban voters had paid Republican Party connections, not initially divulged in the story — The New York Times has been caught, once again, passing off Republican operatives as “regular” Republican voters in an article intended …
@patrickhealynyt, @ichotiner, New York Times, @mattyglesias, @mike_hixenbaugh, @owillis, @stphnfwlr, @sbagen, @thewaywithanoa, @joanwalsh, @lizzwinstead, @klonguski, @everyvoicenc, @matthewjsinger, @charlesbethea, @charlesbethea, @charlesbethea, @kristarbrewer, @bluestein, @patrickhealynyt, @patrickhealynyt, @patrickhealynyt, @patrickhealynyt, @froomkin and The Media Nut

Revolver News, a website founded in May and promoted by Trump and some surrogates, has played a key role in spreading recent baseless claims about Hunter Biden — Some of the same people who pushed a false conspiracy theory about Hillary Clinton that first emerged in 2016 are now targeting Hunter Biden …
@oneunderscore__, @sarahposner, @dohamadani, @nickmartin, @oneunderscore__, @fredvultee, @nicdawes, @brooklynmarie, @dohamadani, @lisatozzi, @nicdawes, @oneunderscore__, @theplumlinegs, @sarahchurchwell, @soniasaraiya, @25thcenturygirl, @a_merrill7, @chrissyfarr, @jpanzar, @drericding, @knightlat, @sethcotlar, CNN, @oliverdarcy, Vanity Fair, Slate, Breitbart, TheBlaze, Mediaite and Fox News

Ken Kurson, EIC of the New York Observer from 2013-2017, has been charged by federal prosecutors with cyberstalking in connection with his divorce — Ken Kurson, a close friend of the president's son-in-law Jared Kushner, was arrested in connection with incidents stemming from his divorce.
Mediaite, Gothamist, @jeffjohnroberts, @hunterw, @espiers, @espiers, @espiers, @adambanksdotcom, @espiers, @espiers, @espiers, @clearing_fog, @hunterw, The Hill, The Daily Beast, @katerinareports, @aarongell, @tomphilpott, @dcopaken, @aarongell, @fordm, @aarongell, @awprokop, @commasuture, @awprokop, @clarajeffery, @aarongell, @aarongell and @aarongell

Advertisers have started sponsoring and placing ads in Substack newsletters, with some creators turning ads into their primary source of income — To badly paraphrase Jeff Goldblum's character in “Jurassic Park,” Dr. Ian Malcolm — ads find a way. — Over the past few months …
@kantrowitz, @dr, @jackmarshall, @jaycodon, @dcseifert, Simon Owens's Tech …, @joshsternberg, @blackamazon and @iankar_

Former New York Daily News reporter sues the outlet, alleging she was fired after questioning why she made less than a male colleague who had the same job — A former City Hall reporter for the Daily News says she was fired for questioning why a male colleague was earning more for performing the same job.
New York Times, @emma_a_whitford, @maragay, @ericaforny, @annaesanders, @mcallguild and @jill_jorgensen

Spotify debuts its first daily morning show, The Get Up, a combination of pre-recorded news, pop culture, and personalized music, available as a playlist — Spotify's streaming music service is starting to resemble terrestrial radio with today's launch of the company's first daily morning show, “The Get Up.”
@chrismessina, @ambermac, @jaykapoornyc, @spotifynews, @chrismessina, @tweet_bene, Music Ally, Engadget and Spotify, more at Techmeme »

The weakness of the evidence in the Trump Twitter “hack” shows that for some journalists, the hacker's reputation was enough to believe him — A remarkable story published today describes how famed Dutch “ethical hacker” — Victor Gevers — got access to Donald Trump's Twitter account …
VICE, The Hill, Fortune, TechCrunch, Gizmodo and Vrij Nederland, more at Techmeme »

iHeartMedia acquires Voxnest, which manages a marketplace that connects advertisers with podcasts and provides analytics to serve targeted ads — Podcast publisher iHeartMedia has acquired podcast advertising and analytics company Voxnest Friday for an undisclosed sum.
RAIN News, DMS, Radio & Television … and Music Business Worldwide

Gannett agrees to sell Nantucket newspaper Inquirer and Mirror to a local group, 41 North Media LLC — The Inquirer and Mirror — After 30 years of corporate ownership, The Inquirer and Mirror is returning to its roots as a locally-owned, independent newspaper.
MediaPost and Media Nation

UCLA study: despite progress in on-camera representation, women and POC are underrepresented among TV executives, who are 92% white and 68% male as of Sept. — A new diversity study reveals that television still has a long way to go in order to make meaningful steps toward becoming a truly inclusive industry.
@uofcalifornia, @thefilmgoer, @nancywyuen, @talaashe, @nhmc, @azitaghanizada, @uclaftvarchive, @jayelharris, @shararehdrury, The Wrap, Fast Company, Variety and Forbes