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Facebook Oversight Board upholds Trump's suspension, but asks Facebook to review the decision within six months to determine a penalty consistent with its rules — The Board has upheld Facebook's decision on January 7, 2021, to restrict then-President Donald Trump's access to posting content on his Facebook page and Instagram account.
About Facebook, @oversightboard, Mediaite, Axios, Columbia Journalism Review, @issielapowsky, Washington Post, The Guardian, Insider, The Wrap, New York Times, MediaPost, CNBC, Media Matters for America, The Daily Beast, The Verge, TechCrunch, Ad Age, Fast Company, CNN, MediaNama, @hawleymo, MIT Technology Review, Vanity Fair, Slate, AppleInsider,, @can, Politico, @mikeisaac, Protocol, @slpng_giants, @base10, @arusbridger, Los Angeles Times, Vox, Gizmodo, @jeffbercovici, New York Post, @digiphile, The Guardian, @jimsciutto, @garettsloane, @brandyzadrozny, @dylanbyers, @stevedeaceshow, @kurtwagner8, @jonathanvswan, @jonathanvswan, @goangelo, @kurtwagner8, @naacp, @tonyromm, @jeffjarvis, @jeffbercovici, @kurtwagner8, @mtracey, @chrislu44, @samuelstolton, @owenthomas, @blakereid, @adamserwer, @jeffjarvis, @jeffjarvis, @dylanbyers, @chriswelch, @donie, @meridithmcgraw, @nick_clegg, @mikeisaac, @frankpallone, @oliverdarcy, @robertmooreitv, @jess, @jason_pontin, @mikeisaac, @mikeisaac, @ceciliakang, @bplewis, @jason_pontin, @cwarzel, @alexhern, @shiraovide, Boing Boing, @broderick, @sarafischer, @yashar, @jamesrbuk, @zaleskiluke, @silvermanjacob, @joannastern, @lawrencehurley, @keithedwards, @eschulze, @ceciliakang and @jason_kint, more at Techmeme »
Nick Clegg / About Facebook: Oversight Board Upholds Facebook's Decision to Suspend Donald Trump's Accounts
Oversight Board / @oversightboard: The Board has upheld Facebook's decision on January 7 to suspend then-President Trump from Facebook and Instagram. Trump's posts during the Capitol riot severely violated Facebook's rules and encouraged and legitimized violence.
Aidan McLaughlin / Mediaite: JUST IN: Facebook Oversight Board Upholds Ban on Trump Account... For Now
Issie Lapowsky / @issielapowsky: It's getting buried but seems to me the board actually is setting precedent here for Facebook about using the risk of real world harm as a justification for at least temporarily silencing a head of state. They've definitively said Facebook was right about that. Seems big to me?
Katie Canales / Insider: Facebook's Oversight Board issued a scathing criticism of the company for avoiding its responsibilities in suspending Trump with an ‘arbitrary penalty’
Karlene Lukovitz / MediaPost: Oversight Board Punts Final Trump Ban Decision Back To Facebook, Upholds Initial Access Block
Angelo Carusone / Media Matters for America: Angelo Carusone on Facebook's “Oversight Board” decision on Trump's ban
Christopher Zara / Fast Company: Will Donald Trump ever be allowed back on Facebook? After Oversight Board rules, we still don't know
Aroon Deep / MediaNama: Facebook Oversight Board upholds decision to suspend Donald Trump, with a caveat
Josh Hawley / @hawleymo: Here's a real life example of the tyranny of #BigTech - a fake @Facebook court decides @Facebook can do whatever @Facebook wants, in this case, suspending Donald Trump w/o process or standards. That's what monopolies do. Break them up
Mike Peterson / AppleInsider: Facebook Oversight Board upholds Trump ban but demands six-month review
@can: if fb actually had an independent oversight board, it'd actually have the power to fire people, not just wave their hands on irrelevant cases
Cristiano Lima / Politico: Trump still blocked from Facebook — for now
Rat King / @mikeisaac: Trump statement, over email (not his new blog) via @maggieNYT
David Pierce / Protocol: Trump is still banned from Facebook ... for now
@slpng_giants: While many are relieved about this decision, we should all question why this board is allowed to make these decisions in place of real, independent oversight of @facebook.
Nathan L. Walls / @base10: The Onion knows what's up:
Alan Rusbridger / @arusbridger: This thread breaks down the @OversightBoard decision in the Trump case. The full judgment is 38 pages long....and worth a read
Brian Contreras / Los Angeles Times: Facebook must make final call on permanent Trump ban, board rules
Rebecca Heilweil / Vox: Donald Trump won't be coming back to Facebook anytime soon
Tom McKay / Gizmodo: Oversight Board Finds Facebook Took the Coward's Way Out With Trump Ban, Also Takes Coward's Way Out
Jeff Bercovici / @jeffbercovici: Basically the oversight board did the “If I were Facebook I would simply have clear rules and enforce them consistently” tweet
Will Feuer / New York Post: Facebook Oversight Board upholds Trump ban, gives company 6 months to reassess
Alex Howard / @digiphile: “If a head of state or [government] has repeatedly posted messages that pose a risk of harm under international human rights norms, @Facebook should suspend the account for a period sufficient to protect against imminent harm.”-@oversightboard Deletion appropriate in some cases
Jim Sciutto / @jimsciutto: Must read thread - it appears the board is trying to set hard standards for such bans going forward.
Garett Sloane / @garettsloane: Facebook consulted “The Rabat Plan,” an international framework for weighing speech and the potential for inflaming ethnic tensions in war zones, to judge Trump's use of social media.
Brandy Zadrozny / @brandyzadrozny: Say what you want about Facebook's Oversight Board, but it does a good job highlighting just how arbitrary the company is with policy and enforcement.
Dylan Byers / @dylanbyers: So many Facebook critics argued the Oversight Board was just a cover for Facebook and didn't have any real power. What you're seeing now is real power, and that power is denying Facebook its cover. Mark Zuckerberg chose to give OSB this power. Didn't have to. Keep that in mind.
Steve Deace / @stevedeaceshow: The truth is the odds he's never president again go up if they put him back on all these platforms. Because without a constant injection of his own social media persona that too often just sets up material for his detractors, his policies are far more popular.
Kurt Wagner / @kurtwagner8: In a weird twist, Facebook's Oversight Board basically told Facebook: Don't send us your difficult decision — make it yourself! “...Facebook seeks to avoid its responsibilities.”
Jonathan Swan / @jonathanvswan: The bottom line is Trump and his inner circle were hanging on this decision and view Facebook reinstatement as crucial to Trump's political comeback. Mostly because of its fundraising power. They submitted a lengthy written argument... 1/2
Jonathan Swan / @jonathanvswan: to the Oversight Board and were cautiously optimistic that Trump would be re-platformed. And yes: his inner circle increasingly believes he will run in 2024. Long long way to go but that's where he's at now. And Facebook is crucial to their strategy as it was in 16 and 20.
Angelo Carusone / @goangelo: Important for media reporting on FB/Trump to not make same mistake they did in Jan when they treated FB's temporary ban as a permanent one. That took a lot of heat off FB and ultimately FB appealed its own action. We're in same place now. Ban isn't permanent, remains temporary.
Kurt Wagner / @kurtwagner8: Of course, the whole point of the board was so FB wouldn't need to make these kind of tough decisions 🤷♂️
Tony Romm / @tonyromm: basically, the board kicked this back to a lower court to rethink damages
Jeff Jarvis / @jeffjarvis: To be clear: Facebook was right to take Trump down and he should stay down permanently. His every uttering present imminent danger to democracy. The Board could have endorsed that responsible decision. It did not. It fumfered.
Jeff Bercovici / @jeffbercovici: Created to absolve Facebook of ultimate responsibility for its ad hoc enforcement decisions, the Oversight Board basically said “You've got to take some responsibility here, and it can't be ad hoc.”
Kurt Wagner / @kurtwagner8: Former President Donald Trump will NOT return to Facebook today. The Oversight Board upheld Facebook's suspension, but says FB has 6 months to come up with a new penalty for Trump's account because an “indefinite ban” is not appropriate given the company's rules
Michael Tracey / @mtracey: This weird quasi-judicial Facebook tribunal actually denounces FB's punishment of Trump. “It was not appropriate for Facebook to impose the indeterminate and standardless penalty of indefinite suspension,” the tribunal declares. Journalists who cheered the penalty must be furious
Chris Lu / @chrislu44: Interesting thread from Facebook's oversight board including: “The company should assess the risk of the user inciting significant harm before the suspension ends” “The ‘newsworthiness’ of a public figure's remarks should never take priority over urgent action to prevent harm”
Samuel Stolton / @samuelstolton: Facebook oversight board upholds decision to suspend Trump. Fmr President accused of breaching platform policies due to: 1. praise or support of people engaged in violence (Jan 6 ‘We love you’ video) 2. invoking serious risk of violence (in electoral fraud narrative) ...
Owen Thomas / @owenthomas: Facebook's Oversight Board scolds the company for dodging its responsibilities regarding Trump, then kicks the ban can down the road. Here's @issielapowsky on the decision:
Blake E. Reid / @blakereid: When you remember that the FBOB has no real independence from FB and isn't capable of enforcing binding judgments, this decision makes sense because it is exactly what would have happened if the FBOB didn't exist. Trump out; could be back in later if politically expedient for FB.
@adamserwer: Facebook can do whatever they want, it's their platform, there's no first amendment right to use someone else's platform, especially not because you're big and important. The fact that verdicts from the Supreme Court of Facebook are national news seems real bad.
Jeff Jarvis / @jeffjarvis: The Oversight Board essentially said: You should have taken Trump down. But you shouldn't have taken him down permanently and you should decide what to do about that. In short: The Board actually does nudge Trump back online but didn't have the guts to say so.
Jeff Jarvis / @jeffjarvis: Oh, this is rich. Thorning-Schmidt accuses Facebook of “shirking its responsibilities.” That is *precisely* what the Oversight Board just did by shoving this back to Facebook.
Dylan Byers / @dylanbyers: On Oversight Board call, co-chair Michael McConnell says Facebook must either restore Trump's account, restrict him permanently or suspend him for a set amount of time. Key line: “Facebook must make its decision and be held accountable for what it decides.”
Chris Welch / @chriswelch: Aside from the Trump decision, this part is important: Oversight Board wants Facebook to do better explaining penalty system in plain language to everyone. And it wants WAY more transparency. Board calls for account restrictions to be included in Facebook's transparency reports.
Donie O'Sullivan / @donie: Facebook has six months to decide if Trump should be allowed back on Facebook. @nick_clegg says Trump will remain suspended until Facebook reaches a decision
Meridith McGraw / @meridithmcgraw: Not what a lot of tech experts and people in Trump's circles expected...
Nick Clegg / @nick_clegg: We thank the @OversightBoard for the care and attention they gave this case. We will now consider the board's guidance and develop a response that is clear and proportionate. In the meantime, Mr. Trump's accounts remain suspended.
Rat King / @mikeisaac: more specifically: on a conference call right now and the OSB basically says Facebook cant just indefinitely ban anyone from the network and made a mistake when they left Trump in limbo.
Rep. Frank Pallone / @frankpallone: Every day, Facebook is amplifying and promoting disinformation and misinformation, and the structure and rules governing its oversight board generally seem to ignore this disturbing reality. It's clear that real accountability will only come with legislative action.
Oliver Darcy / @oliverdarcy: Facebook's response: “We will now consider the board's decision and determine an action that is clear and proportionate. In the meantime, Mr. Trump's accounts remain suspended.”
Robert Moore / @robertmooreitv: Decision on suspending Trump upheld but there's a sting in the tail for @Facebook. The Board appears to blame the company, in part, for Jan 6th - it should “conduct a review into its contribution to the narrative of electoral fraud and political tensions that led to the events.”
Jessica Verrilli / @jess: Fascinating to watch the first big case - Trump's suspension - reviewed by Facebook's Oversight Board.
Jason Pontin / @jason_pontin: “In applying a vague, standardless penalty and then referring this case to the Board to resolve, Facebook seeks to avoid its responsibilities. The Board declines Facebook's request and insists that Facebook apply and justify a defined penalty.”
Rat King / @mikeisaac: facebook grumbles “thank you” while going back to drawing board for six months to make another decision
Rat King / @mikeisaac: lol the oversight board kicks the Facebook Trump Ban decision back to Facebook
@ceciliakang: The Trump Facebook Decision is out. My read is that the board splits the baby, and bumps final decision for 6 months more: -Board agrees with ban on Jan. 6 -Disagrees with “indefinite” ban and gives Facebook 6-months to come up with clear criteria on indefinite ban
@bplewis: i am not shocked by how not shocked i am with this profile in courage
Jason Pontin / @jason_pontin: This is very intelligent, justifying the creation of the Oversight Board in the first place: “In applying this penalty, Facebook did not follow a clear, published procedure. ‘Indefinite’ suspensions are not described in the company's content policies...”
Charlie Warzel / @cwarzel: so now that facebook has 6 months to make a decision about Trump, you should read this proposal on ‘unbundling’ Facebook's features to get away from the on-or-deplatforming binary ...
Alex Hern / @alexhern: Insta-takeaway: In saying “no, Facebook, you have to make a specific decision on whether or not to ban Trump”, the Oversight Board is rejecting the specific function that Facebook intended it to have - that of being the scapegoat for controversial decisions.
Shira Ovide / @shiraovide: Woof. “In applying a vague, standardless penalty and then referring this case to the Board to resolve, Facebook seeks to avoid its responsibilities.”
Rob Beschizza / Boing Boing: Facebook oversight board upholds Trump suspension, gives company six months to clarify rules
Ryan Broderick / @broderick: “The Board has given Facebook a maximum of six months in which to either permanently disable Trump's account or impose a new suspension for a specific period of time.”
Sara Fischer / @sarafischer: 🚨What's next: — Facebook has 30 days to publicly respond to the Board's decision & policy recommendations — Expect outrage from conservatives & world leaders who slammed the ban — Trump no longer has ability to use Facebook for fundraising in 2024—massive political implications
Yashar Ali / @yashar: So the Facebook Oversight Board is keeping the restriction on Trump's Facebook and Instagram but sending it back to Facebook for further review to make another decision. ...
James Ball / @jamesrbuk: “The Board insists that Facebook review this matter to determine and justify a proportionate response that is consistent with the rules that are applied to other users of its platform. Facebook must complete its review of this matter within 6 months of the date of this decision.”
Jacob Silverman / @silvermanjacob: “Facebook was justified in suspending Mr. Trump's accounts... However, it was not appropriate for Facebook to impose an ‘indefinite’ suspension... with no criteria for when or whether the account will be restored.”
Joanna Stern / @joannastern: TL;DR: Still banned.
Lawrence Hurley / @lawrencehurley: Unlike the Supreme Court, they announce the decision on Twitter
Keith Edwards / @keithedwards: Trump is going to remain banned from Facebook.
Elizabeth Schulze / @eschulze: Facebook Oversight Board tries to split the difference: - Says Trump suspension should stay in place - But says Facebook was wrong to put in place an indefinite ban and kicks the decision back to the company
@ceciliakang: It's Decision Day for Trump's fate on Facebook Here's what you need to know about the board deciding if the former president regains his megaphone

After teasing a new social media platform, Trump debuts a new section on his website that's effectively a blog — Former President Donald Trump launched a new blog Tuesday to get his message out to users, a task that's been complicated by his bans from Facebook, Twitter and other social media platforms.
Fox News, Mediaite, New York Times, Washington Post, Techdirt, @jasonmillerindc, The Wrap, @scottnover, Insider, @pierce, New York Post, Rolling Stone, Protocol, Poynter, @kellymakena, @domeniconpr, @tomwarren, @julespolonetsky, @ttagaris, @alistaircoleman, @yossigestetner, @rumpfshaker, @timobrien, @mikeisaac, @mmasnick, @dandrezner, Financial Times, @heytammybruce, Wide World of News, @kimzetter, @protocol, @melissaryan, @frankluntz, @atrupar, @howelloneill, @howelloneill, @bgrueskin, @howelloneill, @jason_a_w, @hshaban, @brandyzadrozny, @pbump, @pbump, @seungminkim, Vox, The Guardian and Bloomberg, more at Techmeme »
Brooke Singman / Fox News: Trump launches new communications platform months after Twitter, Facebook ban
Tommy Christopher / Mediaite: WATCH: Twitter CFO Says Trump Won't Be Un-Suspended No Matter What Facebook Says, Takes Shot at Oversight Board
Cecilia Kang / New York Times: What Is the Facebook Oversight Board?
Philip Bump / Washington Post: Trump scrambles to reestablish his direct line of communication with his base
Mike Masnick / Techdirt: Trump Shows Why He Doesn't Need Twitter Or Facebook, As He Launches His Own Twitter-Like Microblog
Jason Miller / @jasonmillerindc: 🚨President Trump's website is a great resource to find his latest statements and highlights from his first term in office, but this is not a new social media platform. We'll have additional information coming on that front in the very near future.🚨
Scott Nover / @scottnover: This is honestly hilarious. Donald Trump has literally built a blog
Insider: Facebook Oversight Board rules to keep Trump's account suspended but says the company must review its decision in 6 months
David Pierce / @pierce: Tired: Leaving your media job to start a Substack Wired: Leaving the US presidency to start a blog
Steven Nelson / New York Post: Trump says Facebook ‘must pay a political price’ for banning his account
Ryan Bort / Rolling Stone: Facebook Upholds Trump Ban ... For Now
Makena Kelly / @kellymakena: Although, I am curious if the share buttons (once they work) would violate Facebook and Twitter's current bans on Trump? They've already ruled that he can't post on other peoples' accounts... I've asked! And am waiting!
Domenico Montanaro / @domeniconpr: Um, this “new platform” is just a blog on a personal web site that doesn't even have a comments section. It has changed the game back to before 2008.
Tom Warren / @tomwarren: I tried to like something on Trump's LiveJournal blog and it went wrong...
Jules Polonetsky / @julespolonetsky: Trump's new platform claims Section 230 protection :) “As a provider of interactive services, Save America is not liable for any statements, representations, or User Content provided by its users in any Interactive Area”
Tim Tagaris / @ttagaris: I simply cannot wait to see what the campaign paid for this blog... I just hope and pray that it is itemized on the next FEC report.
Alistair Coleman / @alistaircoleman: As a former internet celebrity and (yeah) blogger of some repute, I'd like to welcome Mr Trump to the year 2002.
Yossi Gestetner / @yossigestetner: It's a website that when you try to automatically share his statements on Twitter, only the first few words come up as if they are a headline followed by a link. This is as simple as a 2008 Word Press Blog. Oh and Twitter can block it. Why didn't he add the @parler_app option?
Sarah Rumpf / @rumpfshaker: Lmao — my old blog I started in 2010 on blogspot (after googling “how do I make a blog,” not even kidding) had more function/interactivity. Sad! 😂
Tim O'Brien / @timobrien: I don't know. It sure says “contribute” in a lot of places. And “shop.”
Rat King / @mikeisaac: honestly he created the ultimate twitter and i am jealous just shouting into the formless void, following no one
Mike Masnick / @mmasnick: Everyone's dunking on Trump's new “blog,” but I think it's kinda cool in that it shows that everyone can speak on their own websites and don't *need* social media to speak. (Also, the terms of service on his site are fun).
Daniel W. Drezner / @dandrezner: Congratulations, it's a... blog from 2002. Actually, that's not fair. Say what you will about Instapundit, at least he linked to other people.
Tammy Bruce / @heytammybruce: A good start! “Trump launches new communications platform months after Twitter, Facebook ban”
Mark Halperin / Wide World of News: The Meaning of Liz Cheney
Kim Zetter / @kimzetter: .@mmasnick dug thru the terms of Trump's new site so you don't have to: “Although Save America has no obligation to do so, it reserves the right, and has absolute discretion, to remove, screen or edit any User Content posted or stored on the Sites...for any reason without notice”
Frank Luntz / @frankluntz: It's basically a blog: “The space will allow Trump to post comments, images, and videos”
Aaron Rupar / @atrupar: Trump's “new communications platform” is a website that looks like it was designed by me in 15 minutes
Patrick Howell O'Neill / @howelloneill: if you dont understand these tweets i urge you to log off now at least until tomorrow morning, nothing good will come of you staying online
Patrick Howell O'Neill / @howelloneill: his blog doesn't have rss so i must correct my previous statement: blogging is dead again
Bill Grueskin / @bgrueskin: Dying to know how much Parscale charged Trump to set up what's basically a Tumblr site with a DONATE button
Patrick Howell O'Neill / @howelloneill: blogging is back baby
Jason Wilson / @jason_a_w: this is what happens if you hit the tweet this button, how much did he pay for this
Hamza Shaban / @hshaban: Trump wages his battle against big tech with Facebook and Twitter share buttons and a personal website with posts that date back to March 24
Brandy Zadrozny / @brandyzadrozny: Stand by it
Philip Bump / @pbump: Verizon Sells Tumblr to Trump
Philip Bump / @pbump: This Fox write-up is just next level. “The space will allow Trump to post comments, images, and videos.”
Seung Min Kim / @seungminkim: Former president, his staff learn how to post stuff onto website
Shirin Ghaffary / Vox: Trump's new communication tool is more like a blog
Mark Niquette / Bloomberg: Trump Sets Up Website Presence a Day Ahead of Facebook Decision

On the Guardian's 200th anniversary, its EIC lays out her vision for the newspaper in its third century and what role media can play in a post-pandemic world — On the Guardian's 200th anniversary, our editor-in-chief sets out how media can help rebuild a better world beyond Covid
The Guardian, The New York Review of Books, @kathviner, @jimwaterson, @arusbridger, The Guardian, @arusbridger, @lisaocarroll, @burke_jason, @kathviner, @rasmus_kleis, @prospect_clark, @capittard, @jimwaterson, @domphillips, @prashantrao, @jamesrbuk, @tomphillipsin, @gdnlongread, @andrew_adonis, @stephharmon, @pkelso, @mbjack, @michaelahann, The Guardian, @anniewallace, @brianstelter, @pierrebri, @beckyfh and InPublishing
Alan Rusbridger / The New York Review of Books: Two Centuries of ‘The Guardian’ … Will the revelations lead not only to prosecution …
Katharine Viner / @kathviner: The Guardian is 200 years old tomorrow! Here's a first look at the special souvenir print front page — and the very first edition, from 1821. Read them both tomorrow
Jim Waterson / @jimwaterson: First edition of the Guardian, published 200 years ago today, had... a front page advert for a vegetarian cookbook. ...
Alan Rusbridger / @arusbridger: Happy birthday, Guardian! Almost no companies make it to 200. In this piece for @nybooks I explore the paradox of how a newspaper's ownership, driven by purpose, not profit, created something so lasting. (register to read it)
Alan Rusbridger / @arusbridger: In an age when many news organisations increasingly struggle to turn a profit, the shift to a focus on “purpose” will intensify...
Lisa O'Carroll / @lisaocarroll: The Guardian is celebrating 200 years in existence. So many things about our history in this sweeping piece but also about the challenges journalists face in the future - to separate the meaningful from the noise. And “Comment is free. Facts are sacred” ...
Jason Burke / @burke_jason: The brilliant news organization i work for is celebrating its 200th birthday. Here's to the next 200 years of reporting, writing, thinking and making a difference. And here's an essay by @KathViner the ed in chief on what we stand for and why...
Katharine Viner / @kathviner: Times change. Technologies change. Principles don't. My essay to celebrate the Guardian's 200th birthday today ...
Rasmus Kleis Nielsen / @rasmus_kleis: “The Guardian has never been much of a business. Its owners never got rich; in fact, they gave the newspaper away.” Read @arusbridger on the first 200 years of its history, and more broadly about journalism driven by purpose, not search for profit or power
Christopher Pittard / @capittard: The brilliant thing about that cover is how literally it depicts a northern newspaper gradually shrinking to the south east.
Jim Waterson / @jimwaterson: Typeface battle royale, the 1960s version looks hard.
Dom Phillips / @domphillips: Fascinating, clear-eyed piece by former editor on the Guardian's 200th birthday. I'm proud to be one of its zillions of freelance contributors. The Guardian has long written much more and in more depth about countries like Brazil than many other media outlets.
Prashant Rao / @prashantrao: Congratulations to the Guardian — an essential news outlet. All our lives are better for its tremendous journalism
James Ball / @jamesrbuk: “Since 1936, that is the only instruction given to incoming editors (of which there have, since that date, been just six): ‘As heretofore.’”
Tom Phillips / @tomphillipsin: “Times change. Technologies change. Principles don't. Two hundred years, and we've only just begun,” writes our editor-in-chief @KathViner as @guardian turns 200 🎉 ...
@gdnlongread: Today the Guardian turns 200! Here's an annotated edition of our very first issue, from 1821 ...
Andrew Adonis / @andrew_adonis: The big mistake the Manchester Guardian made was to cease to be the Manchester Guardian
Steph Harmon / @stephharmon: “How do we report a [climate] disaster that is happening everywhere all at once, and inspire our audience to understand its gravity without thinking it's too big and too scary to comprehend? The Covid crisis has given us some fresh ideas.” ...
Paul Kelso / @pkelso: Happy birthday @guardian - will never forget the thrill of walking in for the first time & being allowed to stay. (That was shortly before the demisemiseptcentennial celebration. You can only imagine the lols)
Malcolm Jack / @mbjack: I've been writing for The Guardian 10 years now, a mere 5% of its lifetime, and it still never fails to give me a buzz seeing my byline in the paper. It's not perfect but it's by far the best we have, and I'm proud and grateful to have been a tiny part of its 200 years to date.
Michael Hann / @michaelahann: My earliest memory, as a toddler in Manchester, involved The Guardian. My ambition later was to edit its Friday arts supplement. I achieved that. So proud to have been part of the history of an institution.
Alexandra Topping / The Guardian: ‘Stuff of legends’: editors around world salute the Guardian on 200 years
Annie Wallace / @anniewallace: Over 5,500 words on “values”. Despite consistently “questioning” trans people, to the level that in 2018, their US colleagues wrote an article criticising their trans-hostile stance... 1/2 ...
Brian Stelter / @brianstelter: The @Guardian newspaper was born on this day in 1821
Pierre Brianon / @pierrebri: The Guardian published its first edition the day Napoleon died. Discuss.

NYT added 301K digital subscribers in Q1, the slowest gain in over a year, for a total of 6.9M digital subs and 7.8M total subs, with profit up 54% YoY to $68M — The publisher added 301,000 digital subscribers for the first quarter, the slowest gain in over a year. Profits jumped, beating Wall Street expectations.
Kerry Flynn / CNN: As subscriber growth slows, The New York Times reveals 100 million registered users
@kerrymflynn: $NYT Q1'21 earnings: - 7.8 million total subscriptions - Added 301,000 digital subscriptions in Q1 - Total revenue +6.6% to $473 million - Subscription revenue +15.3% to $329.1 million - Advertising revenue -8.5% to $97.1 million ...
Jeffrey A. Trachtenberg / Wall Street Journal: New York Times Subscriber Gains Slow in First Post-Trump Quarter
@kerrymflynn: $NYT “added 301,000 digital customers for the first three months of the year, the lowest increase since the third quarter of 2019.” Q3'19: +273,000 Q4'19: +342,000 Q1'20: +587,000 Q2'20: +669,000 Q3'20: +393,000 Q4'20: +627,000 Q1'21: +301,000
@anthony: New York Times digital-subscriber additions slowed sharply in the months since former President Donald Trump left office
Kurt Andersen / @kbandersen: Debbie Downer is writing the Times' headlines about the Times. “Growth Slows.” But subscriptions are up 4% in one quarter, earnings up 54%, profit margin at 14%.
Matt Grossmann / @mattgrossmann: Although news nationalization continues, early signs that Biden is lowering news audience beyond just lower TV ratings
Michael de la Merced / @m_delamerced: There's good and bad in the latest NYT earnings, per @edmundlee: + There's now 7.8mn subs, nearly 90% of which are digital + There are 100mn registered users + Ad sales slowed less than expected - User growth slowed
@kerrymflynn: $NYT lede on earnings: “No doubt, President Biden has significantly lowered the temperature of the nation after four years under Donald J. Trump, a tumultuous period capped by the worst pandemic in a century. He may have also lowered interest in the news”
Katie Robertson / @katie_robertson: The NYT now has 7.8 million paid subscribers and 100 million “registered users” — though subscriber growth is slowing from @edmundlee
@kerrymflynn: More $NYT Q1'21: - Digital-only product revenue +38.1% to $179.6M - Print subscription revenue -3.8% to $149.5 million - Digital ad revenue +16.3% to $59.5 million - Print ad revenue -31.6% to $37.6 million ...
Erin Mccann / @mccanner: ‘No doubt, President Biden has significantly lowered the temperature of the nation after four years under Donald J. Trump, a tumultuous period capped by the worst pandemic in a century. He may have also lowered interest in the news.’
@kerrymflynn: On $NYT Q1'21 earnings call, CEO: “Strong financial results in the first quarter and demonstrate the success of our strategy, and the promise of our large and growing digital subscription business... First quarter results also reflect a real improvement in digital advertising...”
@kerrymflynn: “In February and March, our audiences declined from their historic highs last year, and we saw fewer net subscription additions in the latter part of the quarter. We expect moderated growth to continue through the second quarter...” - $NYT CEO Meredith Kopit Levien
@kerrymflynn: “... While we don't know which storylines will drive the next big news cycle, we do know that the size of our newsroom, its range of expertise, and our continued investment in meeting more needs position us to capture that demand...” - $NYT CEO Meredith Kopit Levien
Heidi N. Moore / @moorehn: Guess they're saying the quiet part about Trump out loud
Rasmus Kleis Nielsen / @rasmus_kleis: New York Times added basically a whole Times of London worth of digital subscribers in Q1 (301,000 vs last reported number I think 337,000) Global English-language winner-takes-most is brutal market and difference btw those at the very top and even other success stories growing

Signal says Facebook shut down its ad account over an Instagram ad campaign that showed the user data Facebook collects to sell ads — A series of Instagram ads run by the privacy-positive platform Signal got the messaging app booted from the former's ad platform, according to a blog post Signal published on Tuesday.
Signal Blog, @signalapp, Washington Post, @kantrowitz, @moxie, @dlauer, Boing Boing, Engadget, @evacide, @jason_kint, @sdw, @tomfgoodwin, @swodinsky, @signalapp, @alexeheath, @jaredlholt, MacRumors, @kantrowitz and Insider, more at Techmeme »
@signalapp: We wanted to use Instagram ads to highlight how ad tech invades your privacy. Instead, Facebook shut our account down:
Cat Zakrzewski / Washington Post: The Technology 202: The Facebook Oversight Board punts the Trump decision back to Mark Zuckerberg
Alex Kantrowitz / @kantrowitz: These Signal ads are amazing. Facebook banned them for being a little bit too relevant.
Moxie Marlinspike / @moxie: Signal tried to use Instagram ads to display the data Facebook collects about you and sells access to. Facebook wasn't into the idea, and shut down our account instead:
Dave Lauer / @dlauer: Signal made it clear to Facebook's users just how much information is being collected about them - so Facebook shut them down. Stay classy Facebook.
Rob Beschizza / Boing Boing: Signal posts the ads that Facebook banned it for trying to run on Instagram
Eva / @evacide: Signal crafted Instagram ads that showed users what Facebook knew about them. Facebook banned these ads because apparently they would like me to send them a copy of these screenshots every time they tell me how committed they are to transparency.
Jason Kint / @jason_kint: Do me a favor, every time you see coverage of Trump and Facebook today, just retweet this and give free promotion to Signal. They exposed the real issue at Facebook in a brilliant ad campaign yesterday and it could use some love.
Sebastiaan de With / @sdw: Signal made Instagram ads that shows users how much Facebook knew about them. Facebook banned them. “Being transparent about how ads use data is enough to get banned; in Facebook's world, the only acceptable usage is to hide what you're doing.”
Tom Goodwin / @tomfgoodwin: What this would really show is how much Facebook thinks it knows but doesn't
Shoshana Wodinsky / @swodinsky: [touches earpiece] i'm hearing they were likely banned for uhhhhhh having too much text. oops
@signalapp: @alexeheath We absolutely did try to run these. The ads were rejected, and Facebook disabled our ad account. These are real screenshots, as Facebook should know.
Alex Heath / @alexeheath: Facebook statement: “This is a stunt by Signal, who never even tried to actually run these ads — and we didn't shut down their ad account for trying to do so.”
Jared Holt / @jaredlholt: Signal continues to make itself a company to watch in the broader tech landscape
Alex Kantrowitz / @kantrowitz: Facebook's response:

Scroll's 13-person team will work on integrating the product into a Twitter subscription service; a Twitter team hopes to build the best of Nuzzel into Twitter — But we have bad news. The acquisition means that the handy news aggregator Nuzzel will be shut down.
@tinch: “The acquisition means that the handy news aggregator Nuzzel will be shut down.” NOOOOOOOOOOOOI!
Mark Frankel / @markfrankel29: I'm one of those more than a little disappointed to be losing @nuzzel - a great, hassle-free way to keep up with those stories I really want to read Let's hope Scroll make up for it in time. via @NiemanLab
Sarah Scire / @sarahscire: one of the best things about Nuzzel was that it allowed you to spend *less* time on Twitter ... so I'm curious to see if/how it's reincarnated

Twitter buys Scroll, the $5/month service that removes ads from partner news sites; Scroll's Nuzzel email service will shut down on May 6 — The Nuzzel email service is winding down and the future of Scroll is uncertain — Twitter's acquisition spree continues today with Scroll …
@arctictony, @arctictony, Nuzzel Blog, Scroll Blog, @mep, Twitter, CNN, TechCrunch, @jcstearns, Press Gazette, MediaPost, @mep, @craigsilverman, @om, MediaNama, @om, @arctictony, The Rebooting, @andrewrangeley, @jeffjohnroberts, @eringriffith, @waxpancake, @josephmenn, @benedictevans, @fmanjoo, @benjysarlin, @niemanlab, @compound248, @marklittlenews, @arctictony, @arctictony, @reckless, @compound248, @jeff, @mims, @juddlegum, @boo, @larakate, @howelloneill, @bthdonohue, @kayvz, @ow, @backlon, @tinysubversions, @cwarzel, @pandemona, @martinsfp, @jeffjarvis, @arctictony, @richlightshed, @jeffjarvis, @joshsternberg, @raju, @jaycodon, @tryscroll, @loudmouthjulia, @martinsfp, @elanazak, @elliotturn, @jasonabbruzzese, @jbenton, @anthony, @caseynewton, @sarafischer, @richlightshed, @tryscroll, @arctictony and Axios, more at Techmeme »
Tony Haile / @arctictony: Why Twitter? For every other platform, journalism is dispensable. Twitter is *the only* large platform whose core success is intertwined with a sustainable journalism ecosystem.
Tony Haile / @arctictony: I'm so excited to say that Twitter is acquiring @tryscroll! We'll be going into private beta as we integrate into a broader Twitter subscription later in the year. Here's why...
Tony Haile / Nuzzel Blog: Nuzzel is going away. For Now. — Twitter announced today that they will be acquiring Scroll …
Arctictony / Scroll Blog: Scroll is joining Twitter!
Mike Park / @mep: 🥁... NEWS! Twitter is acquiring @tryscroll. Scroll gives readers what they want: clutter-free reading across the web, and publishers what they need: a way to make more money than they would through ads on their site. A short 🧵...
Mike Park / Twitter: A better way to publish and read on Twitter
Sarah Perez / TechCrunch: Twitter acquires distraction-free reading service Scroll to beef up its subscription product
Josh Stearns / @jcstearns: Alas it looks like Nuzzel will be going dark after the acquisition. That's really a shame. There may be hope for a rebuilt version someday but for now it looks like it is goodbye to one of the news discovery apps I use daily.
William Turvill / Press Gazette: Why ad-blocking subscription service Scroll is a must-watch platform for publishers after Twitter deal
Karlene Lukovitz / MediaPost: Twitter Buys Scroll, Service That Removes Website Ads
Mike Park / @mep: Along with @Revue, our acquisition of @tryscroll will accelerate a new workstream we're calling Longform. Articles, threads and newsletters deserve a first-class experience on and off Twitter.
Craig Silverman / @craigsilverman: Joining the chorus of media nerds who are devastated by this news. Nuzzel is hands down one of my most used apps. At the same time, it's a no brainer for Twitter to offer similar functionality in its main app. Just do it quickly, please!
@om: This is one smart move by Twitter and frankly this opens up so many opportunities for “paid content” for the company. Congrats @arctictony and team @tryscroll. I am excited to see what you folks do together.
@om: . @Twitter is buying @tryscroll — and it is a smart move, and allows them to faster transition to a subscription-world, and benefit from their important to the media world. PS: Congrats @arctictony
Tony Haile / @arctictony: Om was the first person to encourage me to follow the idea that became Scroll. Thank you for the inspiration @om!
Brian Morrissey / The Rebooting: Less is more — Welcome to Hashtag Labs, The Rebooting's second-ever sponsor.
Andrew Walker / @andrewrangeley: Did $TWTR acquire Scroll for their product and vision or was it secretly about getting them in the door to run Twitter's IR team? My god this is good.
Jeff Roberts / @jeffjohnroberts: It sucks that Nuzzel is going away. Best news product since Google Reader (which also shut down for no good reason)
Erin Griffith / @eringriffith: this is very upsetting, no other app sends me the day's hatereads and other viral links faster than nuzzel
Andy Baio / @waxpancake: Add me to the list of people bummed that Nuzzel is shutting down on Thursday after Twitter acquired Scroll, its parent company. It was really good at surfacing popular links and articles from your network.
Joseph Menn / @josephmenn: I know there are bigger issues in the world but this is a bummer. Nuzzel has been extremely effective in pointing me to things that a significant number of people I respect care about. I hope @twitter brings it back.
Benedict Evans / @benedictevans: Scroll is an interesting idea, and people have been thinking about federated pay walls for ages. I wonder if plugging it into your Twitter graph is the right GTM? It would be handy for it to be built right into twitter's in-app browser...
Farhad Manjoo / @fmanjoo: yeah ... gonna miss it so much!
Benjy Sarlin / @benjysarlin: Nuzzel was the one effective means of keeping me from using Twitter when I wanted to cut down so naturally they had to find it and kill it
@niemanlab: The acquisition of Scroll — and, previously, the newsletter company Revue — are part of something called “Longform” taking shape at Twitter.
@compound248: The @nytimes was a lead investor in Scroll. Working with traditional media and digital natives
Mark Little / @marklittlenews: “Twitter is the only large platform whose success is deeply intertwined with a sustainable journalism ecosystem.” Smart move by Twitter. Smart thinking here from @tryscroll (many congratulations @arctictony on the perfect match!)
Tony Haile / @arctictony: @cwarzel I'm as gutted as you but the team at Twitter are serious about finding ways to integrate the best of Nuzzel into Twitter. If you want to help guide that we're looking for guinea pigs here:
Nilay Patel / @reckless: I love Scroll but ending Nuzzel is like killing Google Reader for an even more terminally online group of media people
@compound248: TWTR's acquiring @tryscroll, which brings together news, newsletters, & other digital participants in a simple, shared, elegant format. Scroll brings subscriptions to an ad-based world, improving reader experience. An opportunity for ala carte rebundling. Big possibilities...
Jeff Clavier / @jeff: Congrats to @arctictony @sachinsaysrelax and @krave on the acquisition of @tryscroll. You had a crazy vision 5 years ago (an Internet ad free experience) and Twitter is going to take it to the next level. It was an awesome adventure, and we wish you the best! #uncorkcapital
Christopher Mims / @mims: Regular Twitter breaks my brain and I can only use it in moderation. For years, staying logged out of Twitter and using Nuzzel to be vaguely aware of what I was “supposed to know” helped me be a professional news consumer. So this is a bummer.
Judd Legum / @juddlegum: Twitter and Facebook have systematically acquired and destroyed every app that is useful for news discovery. Today it's Nuzzel, which I probably use a dozen times a day
Bruce.Falck / @boo: really exciting deal that will help accelerate our Longform workstream - this thread lays it out really well: “Articles, threads and newsletters deserve a first-class experience on and off Twitter.”
Lara Cohen / @larakate: We are serious about investing in the future of the news and partnering with journalists and news outlets to help them succeed. First Revue, now scroll. We are building something great. Really proud of this work. Welcome @arctictony and @tryscroll
Patrick Howell O'Neill / @howelloneill: Nuzzel makes Twitter make sense, it sucks that Nuzzel is shutting down with only a vague promise from Twitter to slowly bring over the functionality. Please make it quick. The alternative is to actually watch the timeline all the time and frankly that sounds pretty bad.
Brian Donohue / @bthdonohue: Jealous of the all star team Twitter is building via acquisitions. @wuebben and @covrter from Highly, @leahculver and @sferik from Breaker, and now @arctictony from Scroll.
Kayvon Beykpour / @kayvz: Very excited to welcome @tryscroll to Twitter. Scroll has built a phenomenal product which gives subscribers a refreshingly clean, fast loading and ads-free article reading experience while supporting publishers based on what the subscriber reads.
Owen Williams / @ow: Twitter's moves here lately feel smart. More and more likely that I'll pay them for subscription features in the future
Dieter Bohn / @backlon: Twitter is collecting all the pieces it needs for a subscription service catered to the Very Online. But how it will mix those services, present them, and charge for them is really still tbd. Speaking of the Very Online, RIP Nuzzel.
Darius Kazemi / @tinysubversions: Well. RIP Scroll, I guess. It was a good idea: you pay some money for a subscription and partner sites suppress ads for you. The partner site gets a cut of your subscription. (They just got acquired by Twitter, hence the RIP.)
Charlie Warzel / @cwarzel: this sucks
Martin Sfp Bryant / @martinsfp: As part of the Scroll acquisition, Nuzzel is shutting down but... “Twitter has spun up an internal team of Nuzzel acolytes whose goal is to take the best of the Nuzzel experience and build it directly into Twitter.”
Jeff Jarvis / @jeffjarvis: “For every other platform, journalism is dispensable. If journalism were to disappear tomorrow their business would carry on much as before. Twitter is the only large platform whose success is deeply intertwined with a sustainable journalism ecosystem.”
Tony Haile / @arctictony: @mathewi There's something close you can do with the Revue chrome extension in the meantime
Rich Greenfield / @richlightshed: “Twitter's ambitions are larger than people suspect” #weagree @jack $TWTR
Jeff Jarvis / @jeffjarvis: I keep liking @Twitter better and better as they do smarter and smarter things. This is a good acquisition of a company, a strategy, and a smart leader. Thanks, @jack.
@joshsternberg: This is fascinating! And one could argue an antidote to Facebook's tentacles that spread across the web. Feel like we might talk about Twitter vs Facebook like the way we argue between Brave New World and 1984. Which society do you want to live in?
Raju Narisetti / @raju: Glad to hear of this big new home for @tryscroll, @arctictony Glad @Twitter sees the same potential some of us saw in your startup way back. Best wishes.
@jaycodon: This is an exciting deal and one that I will be paying close attention to. What Tony and team built is complementary, not competitive, with media companies. Let me explain...
Scroll / @tryscroll: Above-the-fold, A-1 news: @tryscroll is joining @twitter!
Julia Alexander / @loudmouthjulia: After years of profiting off journalists, Twitter will continue to profit off journalists...but now will maybe make it so some journalists (not all journalists, but some journalists) can make some sort of profit off the time they spend on Twitter.
Martin Sfp Bryant / @martinsfp: This is another great fit for Twitter! @arctictony and team have built a great product in Scroll, and I think it's going to have a good home in the Twitter of 2021.
Elana Zak / @elanazak: Twitter is acquiring @tryscroll. Scroll's 13-person team is joining Twitter, and the startup is pausing new sign-ups to its product.
Elliot Turner / @elliotturn: Huge value add for Twitter users. Love seeing this and shows the strategy is pushing in the right direction
Jason Abbruzzese / @jasonabbruzzese: Congrats to @arctictony, one of the people who has genuinely tried to do right by news and journalism.
Joshua Benton / @jbenton: This is true: For Facebook, news is 90% hassle, 10% benefit. For Google, it's maybe 60% hassle, 40% benefit. For Twitter, it's more like 10% hassle, 90% benefit.
Anthony DeRosa / @anthony: This is funny because I just started using Nuzzel again. My guess is they will (or certainly should) roll the Nuzzel recommendations into Revue
Casey Newton / @caseynewton: This part is cool but also Twitter is killing Nuzzel, the best Twitter companion ever built 😭😭😭
Sara Fischer / @sarafischer: “Analysts joke that Twitter suffers in comparison to other platforms because the value realized by third parties from Twitter is far greater than the value it is able to capture for itself. They see this as a weakness. It is a strength.”
Rich Greenfield / @richlightshed: Congrats @arctictony @tryscroll - @BrandoLightShed this is the functionality you've always wanted inside Twitter $TWTR 👇👇👇
Scroll / @tryscroll: It's a huge, happy day for us. Thank you to everyone who has been a part of Scroll, and for believing in what we do. We can't wait to keep building with you all at Twitter.
Tony Haile / @arctictony: The mission we've been given by @Twitter is simple: take Scroll and scale it so that everyone who uses Twitter can experience an internet without friction and frustration. A gathering of people who love the news *and* pay to support it.
Sara Fischer / Axios: Twitter acquires news tech startup Scroll
Sarah Perez / TechCrunch:
Twitter opens Spaces, its live audio feature, to anyone with 600+ followers and will allow creators to co-host and sell tickets to live events on Spaces
Twitter opens Spaces, its live audio feature, to anyone with 600+ followers and will allow creators to co-host and sell tickets to live events on Spaces
John Naughton / Memex 1.1: Wednesday 5 May, 2021 — The Guardian is 200 today! — And if you're puzzled by this …
Manish Maheshwari / @manishm: When you create a Space, you're in control - who's speaking, topics, & the vibe. Invite people to join by Tweeting or DM'ing them to jump in and then invite them to speak directly from your Space. From there, talk about whatever is happening in your world. ...

A New York Daily News reporter asks for a committed New York City owner to rescue the newspaper from “visiting vulture” Alden Global Capital — Like any good tabloid headline, it's simple, snappy and succinct: DAILY NEWS NEEDS NEW OWNER. — And not just any owner: a New York owner …
American Press Institute: Need to Know: May 5, 2021 — OFF THE TOP — You might have heard: Condé Nast …
Joe DePaolo / Mediaite: ‘Please Buy This Newspaper’: NY Daily News BEGS for Savior From ‘Notorious Hedge Fund’ in Op-Ed
Brian Stelter / @brianstelter: Wow. In the pages of today's NY Daily News, reporter @lmcshanenydn asks for a local owner to “please buy this newspaper” and rescue it from “visiting vulture” Alden ...
Josh Marshall / @joshtpm: The Times does great things. But it's essentially a national paper. The Post is a sham. A New York struggling to be reborn could use a great paper with the resources to chronicle the city. And yet the NYDN seems close to being sold off for parts.
@mcallguild: We are in FULL support of new union family members at the @NYDNUnion. The message is loud and clear: Alden Global Capital should NOT own @tribpub. And the unions are doing everything we can to stop it. #savelocalnews
John Annese / @johnannese: The 2018 layoffs were traumatic — reporters summoned in the early a.m., then made to wait for hours as we were separated into rooms to learn if we were fired or spared. And yet, things will get worse if Alden buys us. And NYC will lose a crusading voice for its people.
Jennifer W. Sheehan / @jenwsheehan: All of us have been working for months to get new owners that can help us escape ownership by the worst hedge fund in America. It may be down to the wire but we will not stop.
Brandon Friedman / @bfriedmandc: The @NYDailyNews bills itself as New York's hometown newspaper, but the whole country would be worse off without it
Alfred / @alfredwkng: It pains me that the New York paper that constantly fights for the city's people is the one struggling. Tronc cut the staff in half in 2018 and the Daily News still kicks ass. The city needs this paper. ...
Mary Dixon / @maryldixon: When Chicago & NYC reporters plead with someone — anyone — to buy them instead of Alden:
Bob Wischusen / @espnbob: Amazing.. If a new owner turned the News back into its former self, I'd be the first in line to buy a subscription again! Hope it happens...
Karen Sweeney / @karenlsweeney: This has one byline, but I suspect it has the backing of every single NY Daily News staffer. Bold move!
Molly Jong-Fast / @mollyjongfast: Wouldn't it be cool if someone bought the daily news ...

How Jeff Bezos beat the National Enquirer by casting himself as a sympathetic defender of the press fighting a political conspiracy by AMI and Trump's allies — When a gossip rag went after the CEO, he retaliated with the brutal, brilliant efficiency he used to build his business empire.
Avery Hartmans / Insider: Jeff Bezos is building a gigantic luxury yacht that's expected to be one of the best in the world - and he's adding a ‘support yacht’ with its own helipad
Brad Stone / @bradstone: Before billionaires started routinely announcing their divorces on Twitter, Jeff Bezos had to beat the tabloids. This is how he did it. The first excerpt from my new book #AmazonUnbound, out May 11, is on the cover of this week's @BW:
William Turton / @williamturton: this is completely nuts
Max Chafkin / @chafkin: come at the Jeff, best not miss

Profile of MrBeast, the most subscribed YouTuber in the US, who took a bumpy road to fame through stunt philanthropy, as he branches out into other businesses — Jimmy Donaldson, 22, is out to become the Elon Musk of online creators. — Jimmy Donaldson, 22, a YouTube megastar better known as Mr. Beast …
@hkanji, @taylorlorenz, @grantthethief, @taylorlorenz, Terms of Service w …, Insider and
Hussein Kanji / @hkanji: “I really want to be Elon one day”
Taylor Lorenz / @taylorlorenz: Mr. Beast has successfully built a massive cult of personality and huge fan base of many extremely young children. He is the most followed YouTuber in the US and wants to take over the business world, but things have been rocky
@grantthethief: I know with certainty that I will forever remain out of touch because he's “the most followed youtuber in the US” with fifty bajillion views or whatever and I've never heard of this person in my life.
Taylor Lorenz / @taylorlorenz: I spoke to 11 former Mr. Beast employees and business associates. Many said the working conditions at his companies was “toxic” and it was far from the positive image depicted on screen
Chris Martin / Terms of Service w/ Chris Martin: Revisit the Ice Bucket Challenge [Content Made Simple]
Lucia Moses / Insider: Verizon's data dreams, denied
Virginia Glaze / MrBeast accused of bullying by former employees

Meghan Markle wins copyright claim against the Mail On Sunday over the publication of a handwritten letter to her father, after winning a privacy case in Feb. — Meghan Markle has won her copyright claim against the publisher of the Mail On Sunday over the publication of a handwritten letter to her estranged father.
Caroline Davies / The Guardian: Meghan wins copyright claim against Mail on Sunday over letter
Naman Ramachandran / Variety: Meghan Markle Wins Last Court Copyright Claim Over Letter to Her Father

Netflix will release upcoming zombie thriller Army of the Dead at 200 Cinemark locations before streaming debut, its first wide release at a major theater chain — Netflix and movie theaters are finally playing nice — and all it took was a global pandemic to turn these antagonists into friends.
Erik Davis / @erikdavis: This is actually a huge deal. 600 theaters for a Netflix movie is big, and with Cinemark playing it in 200 theaters, Snyder's #ArmyOfTheDead becomes the very first Netflix film to play in wide release at a major theater chain. The film will release in theaters exclusively on 5/14
Ken Pejoro / @powerless_ness: The fact that @netflix is able to pull this off... could we see Christopher Nolan jumping in the streaming service, seeing his displeasure with his current studio home?
Tom Brueggemann / IndieWire: A Major Theater Chain Has Opened Its Doors to Netflix, Giving ‘Army of the Dead’ a Nationwide Launch
Marco Vito Oddo / Collider: Army of the Dead Gets Netflix's First Wide Theatrical Release