Top News:

Times paywall: initial data and analysis — Following months of speculation, News International has finally erected a paywall around the Times newspaper website. After a couple of weeks running two sites, ( and in parallel, visitors to the former site …

UK Times' Traffic Has Dropped, But Nobody's Gaining — The Times' and Sunday Times' share of UK newspaper web visits nearly halved from 4.37 percent to 2.67 percent in the month since it introduced new sites with a registration wall, according to Hitwise, which monitors the clicks of eight million UK users.

The Politico Opens the Kimono. And then Pretends it Never Happened. — “Think about what the Politico is saying: an experienced beat reporter would probably not want to ‘burn bridges’ with key sources by telling the world what happens when those sources let their guard down.”

Reporter believed McChrystal was ‘untouchable’
Associated Press

48 HR Magazine Will Cease Sales On June 27 — Last week, we brought you an update about 48 HR Magazine, which has been embroiled in a legal dispute with CBS over the trademark of “48 Hours” the TV show. — Basically, the 48 HR folks had agreed to change the name of the publication …

48 HR Magazine Sales Deadline — If you want a copy of 48 HR Magazine, you've only got a few more days to get it. On June 27, at 11:59PM Pacific Time, we're going to stop selling the magazine. If you look at your calendars, that's 48 days after we put it on sale. You can buy it here.

Gerry Marzorati to Step Down as Editor of The New York Times Magazine — The Observer has learned that Gerry Marzorati will announce in the next few days that he is stepping down as editor of the Times Magazine. He is expected to leave at the end of August.

Four Copyright Lessons From Google's Viacom Victory — Earlier today, Judge Louis Stanton put his stamp on a case that the media and legal worlds have been waiting three years to see resolved: Viacom's $1 billion lawsuit against Google over its allegedly copyright-infringing clips on YouTube.

YouTube wins case against Viacom
A VC, VideoNuze, NewTeeVee, DailyFinance, PlagiarismToday, Hollywood Reporter, Wall Street Journal, The First Post, MarketWatch, TorrentFreak, Mashable!, Download Squad, MediaMemo, Media Week, Electronic Frontier Foundation, Techdirt, TechCrunch, Post Tech, NetNewsCheck Latest, Engadget, Lifehacker, Pulse2, Media Gleaner, Media News, Technology & …, Daily Kos, digiday:DAILY, Search Engine Land, Threat Level, The Daily Beast, The Volokh Conspiracy, Electronista,,*, iMediaConnection Blog, Crikey, Andy Beal's Marketing Pilgrim, 901am, ZDNet, Ars Technica, and ReadWriteWeb

First Look: Slick SI App Matches Expectations With One Exception: No Subs — The Sports Illustrated iPad app hit the iTunes store overnight with lots of glossy features in place—and without an anticipated subscription option. SI still could wind up being the first Time Inc. (NYSE: TWX) …

Weinstein Debt Wiped Clean in Deal with Goldman, Ambac — Miracles happen. — The Weinstein Company got a new lease on life on Wednesday after a full restructuring agreement that leaves the independent film company free of its $450 million and with a new operating facility.

The New York Times Is Tumbling! — Last week, we stumbled upon a sparsely-populated Tumblr for The New York Times. — So we checked in to see if it was indeed the Grey Lady's official blog. — Yesterday, a Times spokeswoman confirmed with us that it was, though she said the Tumblr was still very much in beta mode.
New York Observer

Zelnick Buys Gossip Girl Creator Alloy For $126.5 Million — An investor group led by ZelnickMedia is acquiring youth-focused entertainment company and ad network operator Alloy in a cash deal valued at $126.5 million, for a 27 percent premium over the company's most recent closing stock price.
MarketWatch,*, Company Town, MediaPost, Media Decoder, The Wire and Variety

The Unbearable Whiteness of Cable — Blogs and Stories — Thought a black president would lead to more diversity on cable news? Wrong. Since November 2008, the TV landscape has only gotten whiter. Rachel Sklar on what changed between Obama's election and the hiring of Eliot Spitzer.

CNN's Jon Klein: We're Not Endorsing One Side or Another — CNN president Jon Klein — who has stubbornly resisted the rising tide of “partisan” news programming — spoke to TheWrap on Wednesday about the network's new show featuring a pair of ideological sparring partners: Eliot Spitzer …
New York Post, The Wire, TVNewser,*, Inside Cable News and New York Magazine

Ex-media baron Black's fraud conviction set aside — * Black is serving prison term since March 2008 — The U.S. Supreme Court set aside on Thursday the convictions of former media baron Conrad Black and two ex-colleagues for defrauding shareholders of one-time newspaper publishing giant Hollinger International Inc.
Guardian, MediaPost, UPI, Globe and Mail, Dow Jones Newswires, National Post, Vancouver Sun, On the Docket,, FrumForum and BBC

WSJ Europe to launch new tech section as part of digital expansion — The Wall Street Journal is to launch a new European technology section as part of its digital expansion. — Six new jobs have been advertised by publisher Dow Jones as it prepares to enlarge its online and mobile offering and build up commercial opportunities.

Stroome founder Nonny de la Peña on developing the media — The news entrepreneur explains why the future lies in innovation and why tech conferences are the place to be — News innovator Nonny de la Peña on developing the media's future — Last week, Stroome …

Global ad spend to be up 3.5% in 2010 — Global advertising spending in measured media is expected to increase 3.5% in 2010 to $451 billion, revised up from a projected 1% growth six months ago in the most recent 70-nation forecast report from GroupM. If achieved, the dollar total equals …

CEO of Pandora Web Radio on Facebook Privacy, the Mobile Boom — Earlier this year, Internet-radio operator Pandora was one of three services selected by Facebook to offer instant personalization of its site to users based on information from their Facebook account.

Stats: Five Percent Of English Soccer Viewers Watched Match Online — Let's hope broadcasters have got their CDNs in order - this summer's World Cup is proving a genuine watershed for live online TV streaming. Look at these stats... — served a peak of 800,000 concurrent live …

Content Over Technology: How InformationWeek Sells $300,000+ Against Digital Editions — And why it's PDF approach takes priority over the iPad (for now). — In 2009, UBM TechWeb's InformationWeek launched four digital editions as part of a broader, multi-year “green strategy” to reduce the magazine's carbon footprint.

Video Interview: Conde Nast's Bob Sauerberg On Wired For iPad, Take Two — Wired sold more than 90,000 downloads of its first stand-alone app at $4.99 but what about the second issue or the third? Did Conde Nast squander an opportunity to do more with that first wave of interest?

Video Interview: Roku Partners With Clearleap — Over-the-top set-top box maker Roku has partnered up with pay TV cloud services provider Clearleap to bring premium pay TV content to the Roku box. Cable TV subscribers will be able to watch linear programming and VOD titles on their Roku device …

This is the Sound of a Scared Newspaper — Confession: I love newspapers. We still subscribe to our local paper, and we've taught our kids to read the paper every morning before school. My post-college career began at a newspaper (the Los Angeles Daily News).