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News International papers targeted Brown — Newspapers obtained information from the former prime minister's bank account, legal file and family medical records — Journalists from across News International repeatedly targeted the former prime minister Gordon Brown, attempting to access …
Discussion:, This Is London, The Independent, paidContent, News: News blog, CJR, The Wire, MediaFile, Gawker, Media & Entertainment, The Huffington Post, Poynter, American Journalism Review, Press Gazette, New York Magazine, The Raw Story, On Media's Blog, The Staggers, Sky News, Guy Fawkes' blog, Tom Watson, Gothamist, Liberal Conspiracy, Political Scrapbook,, Adweek, New York Times, Mother Jones and Jon Slattery

Murdoch: the network defeats the hierarchy — Rupert Murdoch has dispensed power, terrorized politicians and shaped politics — The Murdoch empire fractured, a Conservative prime minister attracting bets on his resignation, the Metropolitan Police on the edge of yet another existential crisis …

Life After Rupert's Reign: What Will Happen in a Post-Murdoch World? — With the Closure of the News of the World, the Rule of One of the Most Powerful Media Moguls of All Time Has Officially Begun to Wind Down — With Sunday's closure of News Corp.'s 168-year-old News of the World …

British tabloid tactics are rampant in American journalism, too — It takes some doing to get an entire country up in arms about media misconduct, but News of the World rose to the occasion. — By hacking into the phones of terror victims and a missing 13-year-old girl later found murdered …
The Independent, FishbowlDC, CJR and Kirk LaPointe's …

News Corp. Shareholders in Class Action Over Hacking — Rupert Murdoch standing by embattled News International CEO Rebekah Brooks. Image by AFP/Getty Images via @daylife — As if Rupert Murdoch didn't already have enough of a legal/financial/public relational disaster on his hands …
Multichannel, Guardian,, Future of Journalism, paidContent:UK, New York Magazine and

Charles and Camilla warned over hacking — Palace confirms police recently approached couple to warn them they were likely targets of News of the World private investigator — Police have warned Buckingham Palace that they have found evidence that the Prince of Wales and the Duchess …
BBC, Adweek and The Huffington Post

James Murdoch, Then and Now — James Murdoch, the younger son …
Adweek, Guardian,, Sydney Morning Herald, The Wire and The Wrap

The Twisted Logic of Murdoch's Pivot on BSkyB Deal
News Corporation, Wall Street Journal and On Media's Blog

A Tabloid Shame, Exposed by Earnest Rivals
The Daily Beast, Poynter, Guardian, The Corsair and The Wire

Huffington Post suspends writer, apologizes for over-aggregated post — The Huffington Post has suspended Amy Lee, who wrote a summary of an Ad Age post that Simon Dumenco complained was unethical and brought just 57 page views to Huffington Post Executive Business Editor Peter Goodman apologized …
The Awl, The Wire, LA Observed and Editors Weblog

What It's Like to Get Used and Abused by The Huffington Post — The Blog Queen Defends Her Aggregation Practices by Saying She Drives Traffic. Oh, Really? — One of the great and pressing questions of the post-blog age is: What constitutes unfair — unethical — aggregation?
Gawker, paidContent, Poynter, FishbowlNY, Strange Attractor, WebProNews and eMedia Vitals

Why I quit my job: — Until Thursday, I was CTV's Quebec City Bureau Chief, based at the National Assembly, mostly covering politics. It's a fascinating beat - the most interesting provincial legislature in Canada, and the stories coming out of there lately have been huge.
National Review and THE PLANET GUYS Will Cease to Exist on July 19 — Right now if you go to, you'll see a basic magazine website, updated with content from the print version of the mag and a top navigation bar that directs you to content on its sister site,
Folio, MediaPost and FishbowlNY

Netflix Isn't Kicking Tires at Hulu — The sale of video site Hulu LLC is entering its next phase. — Initial presentations to potential suitors mostly wrapped up last week, according to people familiar with the matter. Next, interested bidders will comb through the business in greater detail …
Fast Company, Adweek, NetNewsCheck Latest, Company Town, PC Magazine, Online Video News, GigaOM and Electronista, more at Techmeme »

New York Post prostitution story gets shakier — The New York Post's “scoop” on Dominique Strauss Kahn's accuser is getting fishier, to the extent that's possible. The paper appears to have had documentation challenging the reliability of its only source in a story alleging that the accuser had worked as a prostitute.
New York Magazine

An iPad App for Cosmo Guys — Cosmopolitan offers the answers to a lot of crucial questions. Should you get back with your ex? How do you make your pony tail sexy? Are those the right sunglasses for summer? — But one area the magazine has not delved into much is giving advice …
Adweek, and eMedia Vitals

AOL's HuffPost Enters Crowded Online Arena With HuffPost Celebrity Site — The Huffington Post Media Group, AOL's fast-moving content unit, is launching a celebrity site called HuffPost Celebrity today, as well as another called HuffPost Culture. — HuffPost Celebrity …

Black News in New Focus — NBC News and Interactive One, a network of Web sites aimed at African-Americans, plan to announce a partnership on Monday that will combine the editorial and sales resources of both properties. The partnership will focus on aligning NBC's African-American news site …

Beginner's guide for journalists who want to understand API documentation — There are three letters that have been floating around the media world for several years now: API. Short for “application programming interface,” an API enables software programs to communicate with one another …
New York Times and