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Google's Marissa Mayer Becomes Yahoo's Chief — Marissa Mayer, one of the top executives at Google, will be the next C.E.O. of Yahoo, making her one of the most prominent women in Silicon Valley and corporate America. — The appointment of Ms. Mayer, who was employee No. 20 at Google …
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Latest Word on the Trail? I Take It Back — The quotations come back redacted, stripped of colorful metaphors, colloquial language and anything even mildly provocative. Related In Pawlenty, Romney Campaign May Find Down-to-Earth Appeal (July 16, 2012) The Election 2012 App The Election 2012 App …

The Evolution of Reporters Into Stenographers Is Nearly Complete — It's long been standard for politicians to unilaterally insist that briefings be either “on background” or “off the record” (there are subtle distinctions between the two), and it's long been standard for reporters to agree to this.

Times Names Buffalo News Editor as Its New Public Editor — The New York Times announced on Monday that Margaret M. Sullivan, the editor and vice president of the Buffalo News, will become the Times's new public editor. — Ms. Sullivan will be the paper's fifth public editor and the first woman to hold the position.

Major news organizations find they have to lighten up to thrive on YouTube — In 2006, the year after YouTube was founded, comedian Dane Cook had a bit about how every whim of your imagination, anything you could blindly type into a search bar, was already posted to the site.
Discussion:, The Verge, JIMROMENESKO.COM, WNYC News Blog, SocialTimes and Journalism

Study: Viewers Turning to YouTube as News Source
Discussion: and Noted

Microsoft and NBC Complete Web Divorce — On Sunday night, did something that successful Web sites almost never do: it renamed itself. — The site became, signifying the end of a relationship between NBC and Microsoft that dates back to the earliest days of the commercial Web.
Discussion:, TechCrunch, Ad Exchanger, Broadcasting & Cable, TVNewser, Tampa Bay Times,, AdAge, CNN, Adweek, Media Decoder, Multichannel, NetNewsCheck Latest, The Wrap, PC Magazine, Digital Media Wire, Business Insider, New York Magazine, Softpedia News, AllThingsD, Hollywood Reporter, FishbowlDC, Poynter, Chickaboomer, Radio & Television …, ZDNet, Guardian, The Verge, CNET, Variety, paidContent, Beet.TV, Fast Company, The Next Web, GeekWire, Forbes Real Time, Politico, @nbcnews, VentureBeat and Inside Cable News

Gannett print advertising down 8% in 2nd quarter — Gannett's second-quarter earnings report shows that print advertising revenue was down 8 percent compared to the second quarter of 2011, while digital revenue grew 13 percent, according to Gracia Martore, president and CEO.
The Daily Beast, NetNewsCheck Latest, Gannett Blog, Thomson IR and Radio & Television …

Fired WSJ Intern Had Troubling Start at the Yale Daily News, Required Longest Correction in Years — Significant reporting errors at the Yale Daily News foreshadowed the fate of Liane Membis, the Wall Street Journal intern who was dismissed in late June for fabricating quotes.

Brian McAndrews on The New York Times, The Times-Picayune and the Future of News — New Director Sees Strength in Quality Brands, Opportunities in Video — The New York Times Co. last month moved to increase the digital IQ in its boardroom, naming MIT Media Lab Director Joichi Ito …

Apple May Meet Tablet Competition With a Smaller iPad — The tech companies are at it again — trying to catch the blockbuster iPad in a race to win the tablet market. — Google on Friday began shipping its Nexus 7, which is smaller and less expensive than Apple's iPad …
Bits, TechCrunch, ZDNet, The Week, Business Insider, Know Your Mobile, Fortune, Betabeat, App Advice, Noted, Gotta Be Mobile, Pocket-lint, Forbes Real Time, Mashable!, MacRumors, Telegraph, The Verge, CNET, 9to5Mac, GeekWire and VentureBeat

Journatic published hundreds of stories under fake bylines on Houston Chronicle websites — Outsourcing company Journatic used previously undisclosed fake bylines on more than 350 stories published on behalf of the Houston Chronicle, Poynter has learned. — This news comes on the heels …
CJR, Guardian, The Wrap, MediaShift,, The Newspaper Guild, Chicago Tribune and Poynter

TV Channel Blackouts Stall Profits — LOS ANGELES — Channel blackouts such as the one that resulted from the recent spat between Viacom and DirecTV have become far more common over the past three years. Consumers can thank the changing dynamics of the entertainment industry.