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Guess Which Buzzfeed Piece Is An Ad — Since I'm going to be discussing forms of new media revenue with Friend of the Dish, Ben Smith, later today, I though it might be worth noting some aspects of Buzzfeed's innovative model, i.e. “sponsored content” or “native advertizing”.
@buzzfeedben, @dkthomp, @dkthomp, @joshpetri, @antderosa, @mathewi and @mathewi

Life After A Newspaper Editor Returns To Newsprint — was launched in 2007 when Tim Armstrong, the man who turned Google into an advertising company, noticed his very wealthy Connecticut bedroom community lacked a local paper with an events calendar.
@yesevamoore and @mathewi

AOL's Grand Human-Heavy Local News Experiment Is Coming To An End
NetNewsCheck Latest big shot Julie Moos to McClatchy — Julie Moos, the director of Poynter Online, is bolting for a position with McClatchy's Washington bureau, where her title will be senior digital editor, according to a Facebook posting: … is a fast-churning journalism-trade site …
@mallarytenore, @fromcarl and @abeaujon

Nielsen Agrees to Expand Definition of TV Viewing — After a meeting in New York Tuesday, the ratings company will roll out a system to measure broadband, Xbox and, in time, iPads, with more changes to come. — The Nielsen Co. is expanding its definition of television and will introduce …
Media Decoder, TVbytheNumbers, GeekWire, Splitsider, The Huffington Post, Mashable!, The Verge, Gizmodo, App Advice and Media Law Prof Blog

Big Music Says Google Isn't Cracking Down on Pirate Sites, After All — Six months ago, in the wake of the SOPA/PIPA debate, Google offered a peace offering to the Big Media companies: It said it would try to make pirate sites harder to find in its search results.
Hillicon Valley, Variety, Music Ally and The Verge

The newsonomics of The Boston Globe's sale — Make more room for the great metro sell-off of 2013. — With the unsurprising news that The New York Times Company is trying, once again, to part with The Boston Globe, we see the start of a wave of likely change in metro newspaper ownership across the United States.

New York Times Co. Said to Put Boston Globe Up for Sale
Boston Globe, Slate, Fast Company, Daily Download, Media Decoder, Media Nation, JIMROMENESKO.COM, Media & Entertainment, New York Magazine, @reuters, @justinnxt, @choire, @mlcalderone, @jackshafer, @tmcgev, @daweiner, Poynter, The Huffington Post, The Boston Globe, paidContent, @jaredbkeller, Capital New York, @jaredbkeller, Politico and Mashable!

BBC Trust chairman says executives misled him over Jimmy Savile scandal — Long-awaited report into handling of Newsnight debacle to be released on Friday — Lord Patten, chairman of the BBC Trust, has voiced his sense of betrayal at the BBC executives who led him to put his faith …
Hollywood Reporter

DMS13: Economist considers audio-only subscription — The Economist's Nick Blunden also said the title has found readers are prepared to pay more for a print and digital bundle than for a print-only subscription or digital-only access — Copyright: Image by TalAtlas on Flickr. Creative commons licence.
TheMediaBriefing, @rajunarisetti, @jeffjarvis and @rajunarisetti

Content economics, part 1: advertising — Back in December, Peter Kafka summed up the most important question with regards to the future of online advertising. Do advertising dollars ultimately end up where people spend their time, he asked, echoing Kleiner Perkins' Mary Meeker says, or …

Independent Booksellers Sue Amazon and Publishers Over E-Books — Three independent brick-and-mortar bookstores have filed a lawsuit against Amazon and the big six publishers, claiming that they have violated antitrust laws by collaborating to keep small sellers out of the e-book market.
Forbes, paidContent,, GeekWire and

Greece's Economic Crisis Reveals Fault Lines In The Media … Three years of spiraling economic crisis in Greece have devastated every sector of the economy. The Greek media are among the hardest hit. Many newspapers and TV outlets have closed or are on the verge, and some 4,000 journalists have lost their jobs.
@vassiouti and @razlan79

With A Revenue Model In Sight, Crowdsourced News Service Blottr Raises $612K For Its Content Syndication Platform NewsPoint — Blottr, the crowd-sourced (or citizen journalism) news service, has raised an additional £400,000 (~$612k) to help scale NewsPoint, its syndication platform …

Steven Brill Calls New Republic Owner Chris Hughes A ‘Liar’ After Falling Out Over Cover Story — NEW YORK — On Thursday, Time magazine published Steven Brill's deeply reported, 24,000-word cover story on America's health care system, the longest article by one writer the magazine has ever published.

Exclusive: Tumblr Gets Into Music Discovery — Blogging site Tumblr is getting into music discovery. At the core of the blogging company's strategy will be a select group of editors that share music, video and pictures with the site's 95 million users. — “This is our destination for users …