Top News:

NYT interview with Obama: No surveillance questions? — Jackie Calmes and Michael D. Shear's interview with President Obama packed in enough news to fill three New York Times articles and one media story: “It was the paper's first exclusive chat with the president in nearly three years,” The Huffington Post's Jack Mirkinson writes.

A Blow for the Press, and for Democracy
Firedoglake, Kirk LaPointe's … and The Huffington Post

The Israeli Answer to Al Jazeera — Timing could not have been more fortuitous for i24 News. Two weeks ago, as the Israel-based news channel was preparing to launch its first broadcast, reports started trickling in that a chain of people had resigned from Al Jazeera in protest …
@arubenfire, @mjayrosenberg, @fridagcolumns, @tnynewsdesk, @newyorker and @asmaark

Why the time is right for The Washington Post & others to boost video initiatives — The Washington Post will formally launch PostTV today — a big gamble that it can widen audience and win significant advertising revenue by producing digital video programs and distributing the segments to various partners.
Discussion:, Washington Post, @poynter, NetNewsCheck Latest and @abeaujon

Media, left out of the relationship — Note who's missing in Tanzina Vega's New York Times story today about the monster merger of ad agencies Publicis and Omnicom. — Media — TV, radio, magazines, newspapers, online — are nowhere to be seen. This merger, they all say …
Globe and Mail, iMediaConnection Blog, AdAge, @davidapatton, GigaOM, MediaNama and Wall Street Journal

ESPN confirms it will hire bloggers to cover every NFL team — ESPN will hire bloggers to cover every NFL team, Rob King confirmed by phone Monday afternoon. “If you're going to place a bet anywhere, place it on the NFL,” said King, ESPN's senior vice president for content, digital & print media.
eMedia Vitals, @jamiemottram, @brianmfloyd and The Insider

Bradley Manning judge to release verdict on Tuesday in WikiLeaks trial — Army private faces sentence of life in military custody with no chance of parole if convicted on ‘aiding the enemy’ charge — Bradley Manning, the self-confessed source of the massive WikiLeaks trove of US state secrets …
Reason, @xeni, @kgosztola, @xeni, @mgsledge, @kgosztola and

Hearst Poaches Todd Haskell From New York Times to Lead Digital Revenue — And Names Publisher For Still-Untitled Dr. Oz Magazine — Hearst Magazines has hired Todd Haskell away from The New York Times, where he had been group VP-advertising since 2007, to become senior VP and chief revenue officer …
FishbowlNY, Capital New York and Folio

FBI sued for keeping secret their file on journalist Michael Hastings — Two investigative journalists are suing the FBI after the government failed to respond on time to a pair of Freedom of Information Act requests filed for details on the death of reporter Michael Hastings.
Freedom of the Press …, @cethomson, The Daily Caller and @tragedyandhope

Your Poor Couch! Netflix Viewers Don't Cut Back on Regular TV. — Are you watching a ton of Netflix? — Then you had better make sure you're getting fresh air and exercise. Because you're probably not cutting back on your regular TV habit. — That's according to a new study …
Variety, TiVo, VatorNews, WebProNews and Home Media Magazine

How a Terrible Fox News Interview Became a Traffic Bonanza for BuzzFeed — There is much to be said about the interview Reza Aslan did Friday on Fox News' online show “Spirited Debate.” Aslan, a Muslim writer who converted from Christianity (to which he had converted from Islam) …
Columbia Journalism Review, Folio, New York Times, The Week, Books News & Features, Slate, GalleyCat, PolicyMic, The Atlantic Online, Irish Independent, The Independent, Firstpost, Guardian, HyperVocal, American Prospect, The Hollywood Gossip, Wonkette, International Business Times, The Huffington Post, New York Magazine, Mother Jones, The Raw Story, Mediaite and Gawker, Thanks:@ericmarkdo

Why the New York Times is moving on from the Herald Tribune — We are in the run-up to the transformation of the International Herald Tribune into the International New York Times. The grey lady is to become la dame grise. — Romantics, which means those who saw Jean Seberg selling …

NBC News Partnering With GlobalPost For Foreign Coverage — As American TV news outlets continue to cut back on overseas bureaus, each are finding creative ways to deliver international news to viewers. Many partner with broadcasters overseas on content and correspondent sharing agreements …
GlobalPost, Lost Remote and Broadcasting & Cable

CBS and Time Warner Cable extend deal deadline to 5 p.m. — Time Warner Cable and CBS Corp. have called off their game of chicken for a couple of hours. — With a deadline expiring this afternoon, the two companies agreed to an extension of their current distribution deal until 5 p.m. Pacific time.