Top News:

Media, left out of the relationship — Note who's missing in Tanzina Vega's New York Times story today about the monster merger of ad agencies Publicis and Omnicom. — Media — TV, radio, magazines, newspapers, online — are nowhere to be seen. This merger, they all say …
Globe and Mail, iMediaConnection Blog, GigaOM, MediaNama, @davidapatton, AdAge and Wall Street Journal

ESPN confirms it will hire bloggers to cover every NFL team — ESPN will hire bloggers to cover every NFL team, Rob King confirmed by phone Monday afternoon. “If you're going to place a bet anywhere, place it on the NFL,” said King, ESPN's senior vice president for content, digital & print media.
@richarddeitsch, eMedia Vitals, @jamiemottram, @brianmfloyd and The Insider

CBS and TWC Talks Break Down, But CBS Isn't Going Dark Just Yet (Updated) — CBS to go dark in Los Angeles, New York and Dallas — As it turns out, CBS won't be going dark for Time Warner Cable in Los Angeles, New York and Dallas just yet. — “At the request of CBS, we have halted going dark on their channels.
TVNewser, Los Angeles Times, CNET and Broadcasting & Cable

The Israeli Answer to Al Jazeera — Timing could not have been more fortuitous for i24 News. Two weeks ago, as the Israel-based news channel was preparing to launch its first broadcast, reports started trickling in that a chain of people had resigned from Al Jazeera in protest …
@tnynewsdesk, @mjayrosenberg, @fridagcolumns, @newyorker, @arubenfire and @asmaark

NYT interview with Obama: No surveillance questions? — Jackie Calmes and Michael D. Shear's interview with President Obama packed in enough news to fill three New York Times articles and one media story: “It was the paper's first exclusive chat with the president in nearly three years,” The Huffington Post's Jack Mirkinson writes.
Mediaite, @sarahkendzior, Wonkette, The Daily Caller, @trevortimm, Firedoglake, @dangillmor, The Huffington Post, The Newspaper Guild and New York Times

Thomson Reuters Twitter Account Is Hacked — The main Twitter account of news outlet Thomson Reuters was taken over Monday, apparently by the Syrian Electronic Army group that has hacked other news organizations. — “Earlier today @thomsonreuters was hacked,” a spokesman for the news organization said in an email late Monday.
VentureBeat, @whatthebit, AllThingsD, Mashable, The Huffington Post, The Atlantic Wire and The Verge

CNN to produce Hillary Clinton film — CNN Films has tapped documentary filmmaker Charles H. Ferguson to direct a film about former Sec. of State Hillary Clinton, POLITICO has learned. — “CNN is very pleased to be working with Academy-Award winner Charles Ferguson on the film …
Reuters, Broadcasting & Cable, TVNewser, New York Times, New York Magazine, Associated Press, @jonlovett, The Huffington Post and Variety

Why the time is right for The Washington Post & others to boost video initiatives — The Washington Post will formally launch PostTV today — a big gamble that it can widen audience and win significant advertising revenue by producing digital video programs and distributing the segments to various partners.
Discussion:, Washington Post, @poynter, NetNewsCheck Latest and @abeaujon

Hearst Poaches Todd Haskell From New York Times to Lead Digital Revenue — And Names Publisher For Still-Untitled Dr. Oz Magazine — Hearst Magazines has hired Todd Haskell away from The New York Times, where he had been group VP-advertising since 2007, to become senior VP and chief revenue officer …
WWD Media Headlines, FishbowlNY, Folio and Capital New York

Bradley Manning judge to release verdict on Tuesday in WikiLeaks trial — Army private faces sentence of life in military custody with no chance of parole if convicted on ‘aiding the enemy’ charge — Bradley Manning, the self-confessed source of the massive WikiLeaks trove of US state secrets …
New York Times, Reason, @xeni, @kgosztola, @xeni, @mgsledge, @kgosztola and

Google's New Zagat Is Much More Limited (For Now), but It's Free — Google today put out a gussied-up version of the Zagat website, Android and iOS apps. — Regular users of Zagat's famous local ratings might be disappointed to find that the new site features just nine cities: San Francisco …
Android Police, GeekWire, Engadget, Search Engine Land, ZDNet, CNET and VentureBeat

VCR's Past Is Guiding Television's Future — The last few weeks have been a rugged legal stretch for incumbent television companies. — First, an appeals court declined to rehear a case in which broadcasters sought to close down Aereo, a company that allows users to record and play back broadcast television over the Internet.

Your Poor Couch! Netflix Viewers Don't Cut Back on Regular TV. — Are you watching a ton of Netflix? — Then you had better make sure you're getting fresh air and exercise. Because you're probably not cutting back on your regular TV habit. — That's according to a new study …
Variety, TiVo, Hollywood Reporter, VatorNews, WebProNews and Home Media Magazine