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Can ‘60 Minutes’ Afford to Take Lara Logan Back? — Is Lara Logan too toxic to return to 60 Minutes? — Eleven years ago, the 60 Minutes correspondent Lara Logan was sitting in the InterContinental hotel in Amman, Jordan, watching her career flash before her eyes.
TVNewser, ThinkProgress, Talking Points Memo, @allinwithchris, @dvnjr, The Daily Banter, @paiger33, @mikeogling, @azmatzahra, @rosiegray, @scclemons, Los Angeles Times, @thelloydgrove, @daveclark_afp, @mungaro, @mlcalderone, @joshuahersh, @jpodhoretz, @jayrosen_nyu, @sarahw, @blakehounshell, @mlcalderone, @nymag, @hemlockmartinis, @jayrosen_nyu and @richarddeitsch

CBS News Mum on Logan's Status At ‘60 Minutes’ Following Report — CBS News declined to comment on the status of its well-known “60 Minutes” correspondent Lara Logan following the publication of an article in New York magazine that suggested the journalist's return to the program after making …
New York Magazine

Lara Logan's Future At CBS Uncertain Since Discredited Benghazi Report — NEW YORK — On Oct. 28, Sen. Lindsay Graham (R-S.C.) announced that he planned to block all of President Barack Obama's appointees until every survivor of the Sept. 11, 2012, Benghazi attack testified before Congress …
Mediaite, Gawker and @mlcalderone

Time public editor Margaret Sullivan says journalists need to be like sharks … New York Times public editor Margaret Sullivan says journalists today are like sharks. “If you're not moving forward, it's over.” — Sullivan gave a keynote address at the International Journalism Festival in Perugia …
@jayrosen_nyu, @dabeard, @poynter, @mlcalderone, The Buttry Diary, New York Times and International Journalism …

Problem for advertisers: more than half of online video ads go unwatched below the fold, in tiny players, or played simultaneously with other ads — The Great Unwatched — Some of the biggest names in Internet media have been gathering in New York City at the third annual Digital Content NewFronts …

Interview with Tasneem Raja, interactive editor at Mother Jones, on data journalism — Tasneem Raja urges newsrooms to adopt pair programming for better data journalism — New, digitally native media enterprises like Five Thirty Eight have gotten a lot of attention — and some grief — as they've gone online this year.
@jeremybowers, @tasneemraja, @digiphile, @jsb and @macloo

As Netflix Resists, Most Firms Just Try to Befriend Comcast — In the middle of an otherwise routine earnings report last week, Netflix took an unexpected detour into the realm of antitrust enforcement: It opposed Comcast's proposed purchase of Time Warner Cable, it said …

LA Times to relaunch site on Tuesday, with mobile readership in mind — How the L.A. Times is redesigning for the mobile Web — Newspapers lag far behind in the share of time spent on mobile devices. That's a reality the Los Angeles Times is hoping to counter when it relaunches …
@jbenton, @palewire, @digiday and @pottsmark

“Game Change” co-authors Mark Halperin and John Heilemann join Bloomberg to spearhead a new, stand-alone politics site — Bloomberg snags Halperin and Heilemann — “Game Change” co-authors Mark Halperin and John Heilemann have joined Bloomberg News where they will spearhead a new …
New York Times, Bloomberg, @binarybits, @bloombergway and @mlcalderone

Slate doubling down on podcasts, launching two in the next week — Slate Raising Its Investment in Podcasts — The digital magazine Slate will start two new podcasts on Monday: The Gist, with the former NPR reporter Mike Pesca, its first daily podcast intended to deliver news and opinion …
@jaredbkeller, @kgeee, @davidplotz, @fmanjoo, @slategist and @pescami

A Key Player in a Scandal, V. Stiviano Feeds the Media's Appetite — Words are sometimes no match for pictures. So when I suggest that V. Stiviano may understand and avail herself of the current American media culture better than anyone, it is worth taking a look at our subject, below.
@jswatz, @michaelroston, @carr2n, @jonathanmahler and @frankbruni

No Regrets for the Founder of Tumblr After Yahoo Sale — When Yahoo bought Tumblr for $1.1 billion a year ago, it sent a ripple of excitement — and anxiety — through the tech industry. Would Yahoo and its recently arrived chief executive, Marissa Mayer, breathe new life into Tumblr?
Gigaom, @eric_andersen, @nytimesbits, @jennydeluxe, @sfiegerman, @digiphile, Business Insider, ZDNet and The Next Web