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Profile of Politico's founding CEO and new Washington Post publisher Fred Ryan — Post names Frederick J. Ryan Jr. as new publisher — Washington Post owner Jeff Bezos is replacing Publisher Katharine Weymouth with Frederick J. Ryan, Jr., a former Reagan administration official who was part …
Poynter, New York Times, The Huffington Post, Columbia Journalism Review, Capital New York, JIMROMENESKO.COM, AdAge, CNBC, The New York Observer, The Wrap, USA Today, @edmundlee, Washington Post, Talking Points Memo, DCist, @gus_802, @tonyhorwitz, @howardkurtz, @lheron, @acarvin, FishbowlDC, The Newspaper Guild and NPR

Katharine Weymouth announces plans to step down as publisher, Fred Ryan selected as successor — In a note to her Washington Post colleagues of 17 years, Katharine Weymouth today announced the transition to a new Publisher and CEO. She said, “The greatest honor of my life has been serving …
Capital New York, @davidfolkenflik, @davidfolkenflik, Politico, @jamesscott2, @moorehn, @joepompeo, @mikeisaac, New York Magazine and The Awl

ISIL Has Reportedly Beheaded Journalist Steven Sotloff — ISIL has released a second video allegedly showing the beheading of journalist Steven Sotloff, according to SITE Intelligence Group. The terrorist group had previously claimed Sotloff would be killed if the U.S. continued to attack in Iraq in a video released Aug. 19.
Poynter, New York Times, Washington Post, TIME, CNN, Mediaite, Guardian, The Huffington Post, CBS News, The Wrap, @aljazeera, Reuters, @garethoconnor, @pressfreedom, @fraserec4, @mattaikins, @mattaikins, @wesleylowery, @acarvin, @bencnn, @jaketapper, @zeynep, USA Today, New York Magazine, Business Insider, @140elect, @mollycrabapple, @gesfandiari, @davidkenner, @joshuahersh, NPR, @mbaram, @davidbcohen1, @ivanthek, @brown_moses, @sdkstl, @mattzeitlin, @clare_oc, @acarvin, NBC News, @juliaioffe, Mashable, @lrozen, @jenanmoussa, @chanders, @jguynn, @juliemmoos, @natsecheather, @reuters and @iamshanemorris

Bloomberg Politics Hires Slate's Dave Weigel As New Venture Prepares For Launch — NEW YORK — Bloomberg has hired Dave Weigel, a senior political reporter at Slate, for its new politics venture, which is being helmed by Mark Halperin and John Heilemann. — The forthcoming Bloomberg Politics brand …
Politico, JIMROMENESKO.COM, FishbowlNY, Talking Points Memo, Poynter, @erikwemple, @hunterw, Talking Biz News, @bpolitics, @greggjlevine, @joshuatopolsky, @huffpostmedia and @raju

Why I'm Leaving Slate for Bloomberg Politics — This blog does not believe in lede-burying, so here you go: On Sept. 19 I'll be leaving Slate to work for Bloomberg Politics. I'll be covering exactly what I cover now, but at a different address. Slate's politics and policy coverage will fall …
FishbowlDC, @jessicakroy, @daveweigel, @inklesspw, @fmanjoo and New York Magazine

Yet another new site for The Washington Post, this time aimed at aggregation — Thanks in part to the recent Bezosian cash infusion, things have been busy over at The Washington Post. … Today, another new website joins the ranks of these ventures. The Post's The Most will feature links to …
NetNewsCheck Latest, Washington Post, bizjournals and @niemanlab

Craig Silverman joins Tow Center to research how news organizations can debunk misinformation — Researching rumors and debunking for the Tow Center at Columbia University — I'm happy to share that I've been named a fellow with the Tow Center for Digital Journalism at Columbia University.
Poynter, @craigsilverman and @jeffjarvis

Laugh at The Times typewriter noise idea - but slower tech leads to a better news product — The Typewriter - still a technology? — The Times this week began pumping the sound of typewriters into its newsroom, much to the initial bafflement of reporters, who couldn't work out where the sound …

Layoffs At The Providence Journal Include Bob Kerr — Layoffs are taking place Tuesday at the Providence Journal, as part of New Media Investment Group's acquisition of Rhode Island's statewide newspaper. — The layoffs include the paper's longtime metro columnist, Bob Kerr, 69 …
@danbarrynyt, @chatelainedc and @hiltzikm

Hong Kong Newspaper Drops Democracy Advocate's Column — HONG KONG — A Hong Kong hedge fund manager who has rallied support from bankers and brokers for the city's pro-democracy movement said Tuesday that a leading business newspaper had dropped his long-running column.