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NBC Wanted to Hire Jon Stewart As Host of Meet the Press — “They were ready to back the Brink's truck up,” one source said — 2.4k — This Sunday marks Chuck Todd's one-month anniversary in the anchor chair at Meet the Press. Despite an opening-week ratings spike from his exclusive sit …
FishbowlDC, USA Today, New York Times, Wall Street Journal, @newspapernovel, The Week,, UPROXX, @tomgara, @randrewcarroll, @alexweprin, @eliapowers, @jjsimonwp, @elizabeth_calo, @ewerickson, @imillhiser, @byronyork, Washington Post, Talking Points Memo, Mediaite, The Daily Caller, Business Insider, Inside TV, Variety and Mother Jones

Could Jon Stewart Have Put Sunday Morning Shows Out of Their Misery? — He reportedly turned down an offer to host Meet the Press. If so, too bad for NBC—but probably best for him — According to New York Magazine, before NBC hired Chuck Todd to take over Meet the Press …
@antderosa, @jayrosen_nyu and The Week

Twitter News Head Vivian Schiller Out in Media Unit Consolidation — Vivian Schiller, the high-profile NBC and NPR exec who Twitter hired to run its news unit, is leaving the company as part of a consolidation. Adam Sharp will now be in charge of both news and politics at the social messaging company .

At Condé Nast Entertainment, marketing digital video costs as much as making it — Every fall, when broadcast and cable networks premiere a new lineup of television shows, they aren't just investing in the production of pilot episodes—they're also spending millions to market …

At National Press Club, the press is shut out — I'd like to tell you what Robert Ford, former U.S. ambassador to Syria, said at the National Press Club on Wednesday about recent developments in the war against the Islamic State. The diplomat, who resigned in protest earlier this year because he found it …
@peterwsinger, @vipalmonga and @mlcalderone

IAC May Buy Korean Video Site DramaFever — DramaFever, a Web video service that specializes in Korean movies and TV shows, is looking to raise money or sell. — One potential buyer: Barry Diller's IAC. — Sources say DramaFever, which has raised a reported $11.5 million in debt and equity …

Ex-News Corp lobbyist Frédéric Michel to work for Sky Italia — Lobbyist's close relationship with culture secretary Jeremy Hunt and his special adviser sparked controversy at Leveson inquiry — Frédéric Michel, the former News Corporation lobbyist whose emails …

Cartoon Network Launches Micro-Network for Smartphones (Exclusive) — Turner's Cartoon Network has debuted CN Anything, a recasting of the network's brand for smartphones stocked with micro-bursts of snackable content — an effort to hang on to its core audience of kids …
@ischafer made loss of £2.1m last year — CBS-owned online music service's revenues slumped more than 20% and staff numbers fell from 61 to 35 — has moved to a collaboration model — CBS-owned online music service made a loss of £2.1m last year …
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Funny or Die Launches News Hub — “You can be entertained while getting your news” — Funny or Die is tackling the news with the Wednesday launch of its newest content vertical. — Funny or Die News will feature daily editorial content about current events from the comedy website.
@dorseyshaw, @funnyordie and Mediaite

The New York Times Keeps Cutting Newsroom Jobs, But Headcount Doesn't Budge — NEW YORK — New York Times executive editor Dean Baquet recently announced plans to eliminate 100 jobs through voluntary buyouts or layoffs, marking another grim occasion for the beleaguered newspaper industry.
Capital New York, @mlcalderone, @sulliview, @stuartathompson and @abeaujon

Co-founder of music discovery tool We Are Hunted builds, a site that streams new releases from SoundCloud — Wonder.FM will tell you what the cool kids are listening to — is a hipster oasis. The new music site streams undiscovered, new releases straight from Soundcloud …