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Warning to BBC over ‘suffocating local papers’ … The BBC risks suffocating local newspapers by being a “monopoly broadcaster”, the chancellor has said in a warning shot in advance of negotiations on its charter renewal. — The corporation has been criticised for threatening the existence …
@editoryp_yep and HoldTheFrontPage

Londoners quizzed by Press Gazette disagree with Labour on need for tougher press regulation — Most members of the public quizzed by Press Gazette in a vox pop today did not appear to agree with Labour's manifesto plan for tougher press regulation. — The Labour Party's general election …

Chancellor George Osborne Wants BBC to be Regulated by Ofcom
Press Association, BizAsia UK and

Amazon and HarperCollins reach multiyear agreement for both print and digital, allowing HarperCollins to set prices for its ebooks — Amazon, HarperCollins Reach Multiyear Publishing Deal — New agreement expected to go into effect this week — Inc. and HarperCollins Publishers …
New York Times, GeekWire, Digital Book World, Engadget, Publishers Weekly, @raju, The Drum, Business Insider, Bookseller News, VentureBeat and Financial Times

Vox Editor-In-Chief Ezra Klein apologizes to FiveThirtyEight for using graphic without link, blames carelessness, explains aggregation approach to words, images — How Vox aggregates — I started as a blogger in the pre-social web, when the only way to build an audience was to have other sites quote or link to your work.
@palewire, @jackschofield, @natesilver538, CNNMoney, @albertocairo, @natesilver538, @jburnmurdoch, @ahmadmzaghal, @heminator, @burkeo, @aschweig, @ezraklein, Mediaite, @derektmead, @reckless, @maxcroser, @jonathanchait, @sfiegerman, Poynter, @robneyer, @felixsalmon, @ylichterman, @mattboggie, @jessicakroy, @justinnxt, @chadmurphyumw and The Wrap

General Electric Planning Television Series Covering Science and Tech — In an age when viewers increasingly fast-forward past television commercials on their DVRs or bypass most advertisements altogether by streaming the programs, companies are constantly looking for new ways to reach consumers.

What USA Today Sports learned covering the Final Four on Periscope and Snapchat — There's no shortage of ways to reach new audiences — the challenge is figuring out which are worth investing time in and what to do with them. At USA Today Sports, where I work, two platforms we're trying …
Mediashift, TechCrunch, @peard33, @tanyasic, @niemanlab and @dannysullivan

BuzzFeed staffer Arabelle Sicardi resigns after her post critical of advertiser Dove was deleted and then restored after criticism — Arabelle Sicardi, Author of Deleted Dove Post, Resigns From BuzzFeed — Arabelle Sicardi, who wrote a BuzzFeed post criticizing Dove that was later deleted …
@arabellesicardi, @dynamofire, @doriean, Poynter, @henryctaylor, @jayrosen_nyu, The Wrap, @hadas_gold, @jktrotter, @rossneumann and @leahfinnegan

Snapchat Is No Longer Selling Its Original Ad Unit, Brand Stories — Snapchat is making a few tweaks to its six-month-old ad business. — The company has stopped selling Brand Stories, the first type of ad released by the company last fall, according to multiple people familiar with the move.
Reynolds Center, @petersontee and Adweek

Facebook-Times partnership affirmed by magazine editor Jake Silverstein — The New York Times has kept mum about a March 23 report in its pages that suggested that the Times, among other news organizations, was in talks with Facebook about hosting some of its journalism on the social media platform.

Journalism curator Longform picks up an article from fledgling Latterly magazine, giving the founder a moment of journalistic validation — Sometimes the internet cuts indie journalism a break — This morning, a Latterly story was picked by — It's a small thing, I know.
@benwolford, @alexckaufman, @sonyaellenmann and Medium

Reader's Digest signs multi-million dollar deal with Taboola to provide sponsored content — Reader's Digest Signs Multi-Million Dollar Deal with Taboola — Reader's Digest Association (RDA) is going all in on sponsored links. The company has signed a multi-million dollar deal with Taboola …

Republicans Push Fast-Track Bill to Kill Net Neutrality — While some lawmakers look for compromise, Rep. Doug Collins wants an immediate repeal of the FCC's controversial Internet rules. — A group of House Republicans introduced a resolution Monday to block the Federal Communications Commission's net-neutrality regulations.
Multichannel News, The Hill and Wall Street Journal