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How Peter Thiel's covert bankrolling of Hulk Hogan's lawsuit effectively gaslighted Gawker's business and editorial sides — A lie with a billion dollars behind it is stronger than the truth. Peter Thiel has shut down — This is the final act in what Thiel wished to present …
Gawker, @seanmdav, The Awl - Medium, Gawker, Gawker, Pacific Standard, @trevortimm, @gawker, @jyarow, @espiers, @morninggloria, @jamesfallows, @tomscocca, Gawker, @jktrotter, @caseyjohnston, @gawker, @dnvolz, @samfbiddle, @dangillmor and @notaxation

Nick Denton's farewell post, detailing the rise and fall of Gawker, as the site shuts down today — is shutting down today, Monday 22nd August, 2016, some 13 years after it began and two days before the end of my forties. It is the end of an era.
The Wrap, Guardian, @qhardy, @samfbiddle, @goldsbie, @petersterne, @amritsingh, @mattrosoff and @emily_singer

Univision's Isaac Lee on how buying Gawker Media, with brands iconic to millennials, is important to Univision's “young, digital and diverse” future — In many Hispanic homes in the United States, Univision is a constant TV presence and a huge influence.
The Wrap, The Wrap, @gitagovinda, @gerryfsmith, @sulliview, @mlcalderone and TVNewser site metrics, from launch to closure: over 202K posts peaking at over 70 per day in 2008, 7B pageviews, more — As you may have heard, this week marks the end of's operations. If you didn't read it here, you may have read about it in the bushel of eulogies …
Nieman Lab, @tomkludt, Mediaite, Rolling Stone, @oliverdarcy, CNNMoney, Boing Boing, @mfortki, @ryanvailbrown, The Wrap, @pareene, @ashleyfeinberg, @kicklikeagirl1 and Recode

Melania Trump takes legal action against Daily Mail for defamation; Charles Harder, her attorney, represented Hulk Hogan in Gawker case — Melania Trump has started legal action against the Daily Mail and other outlets for what she claims is a defamatory article about her past.
The Inquisitr News, CNNMoney, New York Times,, The Wrap, The Huffington Post, Talking Points Memo, @rmac18, @thrmattbelloni, @kateirby, @mattdrange, @hadas_gold, @politico_media, @alexweprin, @melbournecoal, AOL, @petersterne, @sopandeb, Bipartisan Report, @joeuchill, @kelseymsutton, Fast Company, The Week, Joe.My.God. and iMediaEthics

CNN's Trump commentator Corey Lewandowski is still being paid by the presidential candidate's campaign, received $20K in July while working for the network — New filings with the Federal Elections Commission (FEC) reveal that Corey Lewandowski is still being paid by Republican presidential …

Sean Hannity, with a primetime Fox audience of 2.5M, veers into the role of Trump adviser, says he “never claimed to be a journalist” — During major inflection points in Donald J. Trump's campaign, the advisers, family members and friends who make up his kitchen cabinet burn …
Washington Post, Hot Air, Daily Wire, The Huffington Post, Mediaite, @nytimes, @danrather,, Talking Points Memo, Newser, Media Matters for America, FTVLive, New York Magazine, @ron_fournier, @mattyglesias, The Week, Vanity Fair, @blakehounshell, @gideonresnick, @hadas_gold, @buzzfeedandrew, @mattdpearce, @jonathanmahler, @gabrielsherman, @hadas_gold, @mlcalderone, The Hill, @mikeallen, @jpodhoretz and @enrique_acevedo

The New York Times should pause in its rush to Facebook Live video and reinstitute its traditional standards of quality control — IT'S been just over four months since The New York Times started producing live video for Facebook, but already the scoreboard is flashing. A few earned gold medals.

Profile of Viacom's interim CEO Tom Dooley, seen as an ally of Philippe Dauman who was also close to Sumner Redstone — Interim CEO may ultimately get the top job permanently — 'He's a very capable, well-liked guy. He knows the business' — After decades at Viacom Inc. …
Wall Street Journal, @lucas_shaw and Radio & Television …

Sources: Time Inc. is facing new round of cuts across its US titles, including Don Banks of Sports Illustrated; one source says it's around 40 editorial staff — THE TRUMPINGTON POST CHANNEL? — The drumbeat about whether Donald Trump is planning to start his own media operation after Nov. 8 is getting louder.
Adweek, Adweek, @petersterne, Folio, @joepompeo, MediaPost, @poynter, Media Wire Daily and FishbowlNY

The New York Times has created a newsroom-wide team to cover race, with a biweekly newsletter, forthcoming multimedia projects, more — More than a decade ago, The New York Times won a Pulitzer Prize for “How Race is Lived In America,” a series of stories exploring attitudes toward race across the United States.
@damiencave, @owillis, @jayrosen_nyu, @porter_anderson, @kristenhare, @andreagonram, @asteadwh, @macfound and @sulliview

Facebook cuts off new sign-ups to traffic performance tool Domain Insights, creating a headache for new publishers — On the last day of June, Facebook dammed up a stream of audience data that publishers once used to see how their content performed inside Facebook.

Bustle says its 20-25K daily app users average six minutes per session, above average rates, according to UK study; TV coverage in particular attracts readers — It's a hard time for publisher apps. There was more evidence of that last week when The New York Times announced it would shut down NYT Now …