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Former Gawker EIC Max Read reflects on who really caused Gawker's demise, pointing to Nick Denton, A.J. Daulerio, Peter Thiel, himself, and others — Or was it Nick Denton? Hulk Hogan? Peter Thiel? Or the internet? — It feels a bit strange to say this now, but in the spring of 2014 …
Vox, @tommorton, @choire, @romromberts, @grahamdavida, @ggreenwald, @duncanrobinson, @caityweaver, @jayrosen_nyu, @morganmpage, VentureBeat, @jwherrman, @annehelen, @yandal_randal, New York Magazine, NPR, Slate, Associated Press, @bendwilliams, @leahfinnegan, @tedhartii, @loudmouthjulia, @matthaber, @caseynewton, @evelovesluxury, @becket, @max_read and @mlcalderone

Univision exec Isaac Lee addresses Gawker Media staff in New York; Nick Denton gets $16,666/month for two-year non-compete and non-solicitation agreement — Univision executive Isaac Lee was in New York on Friday to address employees at Gawker Media, the digital media company that Univision agreed …
Hollywood Reporter, @sparkyrandles, Awful Announcing, @petersterne and @anthony

Viacom formally announces settlement: Phillippe Dauman ousted, will be non-executive chairman until Sept. 13, Tom Dooley serves as CEO at least through Sept. 30 — It took two days longer than expected, but Shari Redstone's victory finally received a stamp of official approval.

Viacom's future still up in the air after management shake-up: firm must boost key businesses, decide whether to sell a stake in Paramount or recombine with CBS — Turning around ratings and ad momentum at key networks and boosting Paramount's financials are among the items on the to-do list …
New York Times, New York Times, CNNMoney, Wall Street Journal and Fortune

After releasing emails from Turkish political party AKP containing malware, WikiLeaks says it will continue not redacting archives for “accuracy” — It's alarmingly easy to visit WikiLeaks' email database from Turkish political party AKP and come away infected with malicious code.
@stevenlevy, @jamesgibney and @digiphile

New editor of ESPN's The Undefeated Kevin Merida on leading a startup sports news site, video efforts, covering racially charged issues like police violence — Yes, Friday brought extensive Summer Olympics coverage, notably the ad nauseam, 24/7 mini-soap opera of the dissembling U.S swimmers …

Ryan Lochte's Evolving Story Faced Little Resistance From NBC — NBC, the exclusive television home of the Olympics, became the exclusive repository of the Olympic swimmer Ryan Lochte's dubious tale of a gunpoint robbery in Rio de Janeiro last Sunday morning.
CNNMoney, @johnbranchnyt, @jayrosen_nyu, @liamstack, TVNewser and Complex

Two Ailes assistants left Fox News this week, and contract hasn't been renewed for private eye and on-air contributor Bo Dietl — The Fox News housecleaning continues. — Two more executives closely associated with ex-chairman Roger Ailes, Brigette Boyle and Nikole King, left the network this week.
The Daily Beast, @gabrielsherman, @brianstelter, @brianstelter, TVNewser, FTVLive, New York Daily News and Inside Cable News

Sources: Pandora nears licensing deals with major record companies for on-demand streaming; $10 per month would give subscribers unlimited access to tracks — The internet radio service is aiming to start offering new paid tiers as soon as next month — Pandora Media Inc. is aiming …
Fortune, AOL, Android Authority, TechCrunch, Forbes, Engadget, AppleInsider, VatorNews, The Verge, @pkafka, @hannahjkarp, @melanielisa, @donal888, @toddjolmstead and @wsj

Inside the Murdoch family tensions over the future of Fox News, with sons looking to emulate CNN, Rupert looking to preserve Ailes' legacy — Rupert Murdoch is in charge, but his promotion of two network veterans despite a widening harassment probe (and over his sons' doubts) …

Pentagon settles with Navy SEAL who wrote the book “No Easy Day” about the Osama bin Laden raid; author will pay $6.7M — Four years after a former Navy SEAL was threatened with prison for writing about the Osama bin Laden raid, the Pentagon has dropped its claim …
New York Times, NPR, @buzzfeedandrew, The Verge, The Sun, CBS News, Daily Mail and Washington Post

Samsung to Close Milk Music on September 22 — Samsung is finally pulling the plug on its Milk Music streaming service: The company started to notify users of Milk Music Friday that it will shut down the service on September 22. Samsung told existing users to instead switch to Slacker, which has been powering Milk since its launch.
Samsung Newsroom, Android Central, Android Authority, The Verge, Engadget and ZDNet