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Former Fox News host Andrea Tantaros sues Fox, claiming executives punished her for complaining about sexual harassment by Ailes — Andrea Tantaros, a former Fox News host, charged in a lawsuit filed Monday that top executives at the network, including the man who replaced Roger Ailes …
Gothamist, Adweek, Newser, Media Matters for America, USA Today, Mediaite, Talking Points Memo, Hollywood Life, CNNMoney, The Huffington Post, Fortune, Politicus USA, @joyannreid, Vanity Fair, Business Insider, @jimdwyernyt, Mashable, AOL, FTVLive, New York Magazine, @chloeangyal, @marknyt, @juddlegum, @rezaaslan, @brucebartlett, @ericboehlert, @davidfolkenflik, @davidfolkenflik, @davidfolkenflik, @davidfolkenflik, @davidfolkenflik, @bluechoochoo, @davidfolkenflik and TVNewser

Women journalists share their stories of sexual harassment in the media industry — Clara Rollins was an 18-year-old photography intern at a newspaper in the southeastern United States when a section editor asked her if she'd ever had sex. — The editor sent Rollins (not her real name) …
The Wrap, @rafat, @esmcintyre, @newsweek, @newsweek, @michellemanafy, @lilahass, @jentse, @lvzwestcott, @sarahw, Talking Points Memo, @sarahboesveld, @lvzwestcott and Mediaite

Tantaros lawsuit alleges Ailes quizzed her about Fox News staffers' sex lives and used racist stereotypes to describe Kimberly Guilfoyle and Harris Faulkner — The hits just keep coming for embattled former Fox News Chairman and CEO Roger Ailes, whose reprehensible conduct is being further detailed in a lawsuit by Andrea Tantaros.
Discussion:, Talking Points Memo and Media Matters for America

Wikileaks published sensitive personal data, including the names of two teen rape survivors and the address of a man arrested for being gay in Saudi Arabia — CAIRO (AP) — WikiLeaks' global crusade to expose government secrets is causing collateral damage to the privacy of hundreds of innocent people …
RT, The Hill, ATTN, PinkNews, The Huffington Post, Complex, @davidkenner, Engadget, AOL, Forbes, The Next Web, @ingrahamangle, The Verge, Fast Company, Hot Air and The Week

Shane Smith says Vice tried to buy The News of the World at the height of the phone-hacking scandal — The family-friendly entertainment conglomerate, worried about reaching young men in an era of cable-cutting, is betting big on the profane gonzo journalism of ex-punk rocker Shane Smith
@keachhagey, @mattgarrahan, @srabil, @keachhagey, @jackmarshall, @owlese, @perlberg, @keachhagey and @hblodget

Instapaper has been acquired by Pinterest and will continue to operate as an independent app — It will continue to operate as an independent app — Instapaper, a pioneering app for saving articles to read later, has been acquired — again. The app, which was created by developer Marco Arment …
Instapaper, SocialTimes, Recode, VentureBeat, TechCrunch, Engadget, Bloomberg, Wall Street Journal, The Next Web, @brianroemmele, @mhbergen, @caseynewton, @kfury, Mashable, Fortune, Latest and MacStories

How Peter Thiel's covert bankrolling of Hulk Hogan's lawsuit effectively gaslighted Gawker's business and editorial sides — A lie with a billion dollars behind it is stronger than the truth. Peter Thiel has shut down — This is the final act in what Thiel wished to present …
Poynter, Boing Boing, The Awl - Medium, @jayrosen_nyu, @howardlindzon, Quartz, Ad Age, Salon, Business Insider, @jessicacoen, @annaleen, @newtonmatthew, @espiers, @globaled718, Mediaite, Gawker Data Team, @rkylesmith, @michaelwolffnyc, The Wrap, @martinshkreli, @notaxation, The Huffington Post, @dnvolz, @maureenoco and @oliverdarcy

Interview with First Amendment Coalition's Peter Scheer: Gawker case could lead to journalists self-censoring in fear of people with huge financial resources
Guardian, @jakebackpack, The Daily Caller, @nbj914, @ted_scheinman, @nberlat and @jason

Nick Denton's farewell post, detailing the rise and fall of Gawker, as the site shuts down today
Medium, Death and Taxes, Rolling Stone, Business Insider, Newser, @edmundlee, @jkottke, @alex, The Wrap, @amritsingh, @emily_singer, @qhardy, @samfbiddle, @goldsbie, @mattrosoff, Mediaite and @petersterne

Melania Trump takes legal action against Daily Mail for defamation; Charles Harder, her attorney, represented Hulk Hogan in Gawker case
Discussion:, Mediaite, Fortune, ValueWalk, The Daily Caller, New York Times, FTVLive, Techdirt, Guardian, New York Magazine, The Week, FishbowlNY, The Huffington Post, WCTX-TV, The Wrap, The Inquisitr News, Bipartisan Report, Blog on the Run, Talking Points Memo, AOL, iMediaEthics, @alexweprin, @sopandeb, Joe.My.God., @rmac18, @thrmattbelloni, @kateirby, @mattdrange, @hadas_gold, @politico_media, @melbournecoal, @petersterne, @joeuchill and @kelseymsutton

Sources: Google's Daydream service is launching “in the coming weeks” as the company pays YouTube stars for VR content and helps promote some Hulu projects — Company to release Daydream virtual reality service in weeks — Google said to back games, short films with YouTube celebs
TechCrunch, Pocket-lint, Fast Company, Engadget, The Next Web, ZDNet, @bradstone and The Verge

The New York Times has begun recruiting journalists for newsrooms in Canada, Australia — NYT FOR CANUCKS, AUSSIES — Morning Media has learned that the next two places The New York Times is targeting for expansion are Canada and Australia. The company has already dispatched research teams …
Nieman Lab, @ryanchittum, @joepompeo, FishbowlNY, @leroy_lynch and @abeaujon

Sources: hackers believed by US investigators to be working for Russian intel have targeted NYT reporters, other US news outlets, in a series of cyber attacks — Hackers thought to be working for Russian intelligence have carried out a series of cyber breaches targeting reporters …
The Wrap, Fast Company, Fortune, @leonardpittsjr1, @brianstelter, Joe.My.God., Business Insider, Talking Points Memo, The Week and Poynter

Google plans to lower search rankings of publishers' mobile pages that use intrusive interstitial ads starting January 10 — Google has announced that it will begin cracking down on “intrusive interstitials” on January 10, 2017, because this type of ad “can be problematic on mobile devices where screens are often smaller.”
Google Webmaster Central Blog, VentureBeat, Fast Company, TechCrunch, New York Magazine, Engadget, Mashable and The Verge

CNN Chief Executive Jeff Zucker said BuzzFeed was not a legitimate news outlet even though the network lifted 23 stories from the site without giving credit — CNN's Jeff Zucker said BuzzFeed is not a “legitimate” news organization. BuzzFeed didn't like that
@lukeoneil47, @davidmastio, @joelcifer, @rafat, @shani_o, @niemanreports and @niemanlab