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Former Fox News host Andrea Tantaros sues Fox, claiming executives punished her for complaining about sexual harassment by Ailes — Andrea Tantaros, a former Fox News host, charged in a lawsuit filed Monday that top executives at the network, including the man who replaced Roger Ailes …
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Women journalists share their stories of sexual harassment in the media industry
The Wrap, @esmcintyre, @newsweek, @lilahass, @rafat, @jentse, @newsweek, @lvzwestcott, @michellemanafy, @sarahw, @sarahboesveld, @lvzwestcott, Talking Points Memo and Mediaite

Wikileaks published sensitive personal data, including the names of two teen rape survivors and the address of a man arrested for being gay in Saudi Arabia — CAIRO (AP) — WikiLeaks' global crusade to expose government secrets is causing collateral damage to the privacy of hundreds of innocent people …
Complex, Forbes, Hot Air, AOL, Fast Company, Engadget, @ingrahamangle, @davidkenner, The Week, The Verge and The Next Web

How Peter Thiel's covert bankrolling of Hulk Hogan's lawsuit effectively gaslighted Gawker's business and editorial sides — A lie with a billion dollars behind it is stronger than the truth. Peter Thiel has shut down — This is the final act in what Thiel wished to present …
BuzzMachine, Rolling Stone, The Awl - Medium, @jayrosen_nyu, Ad Age, Poynter, @howardlindzon, Quartz, Salon, Business Insider, @jessicacoen, @annaleen, @newtonmatthew, @espiers, Newser, @edmundlee, @jason, @globaled718, Gawker, @jkottke, Mediaite, @seanmdav, @alex, @rkylesmith, @michaelwolffnyc, Gawker Data Team, The Wrap, Gawker, @amritsingh, @emily_singer, @mattrosoff, @trevortimm, @martinshkreli, @notaxation, The Huffington Post, @dnvolz, @maureenoco, @petersterne, @oliverdarcy, @mathewi, @gawker, @caseyjohnston, @samfbiddle, @gawker, @espiers, @morninggloria, @jyarow, @jamesfallows, @tomscocca, @jktrotter, The Wrap, CNNMoney, @dangillmor, Gawker and The Week

Melania Trump takes legal action against Daily Mail for defamation; Charles Harder, her attorney, represented Hulk Hogan in Gawker case
Discussion:, Mediaite, The Daily Caller, New York Times, Fortune, Techdirt, FishbowlNY, The Inquisitr News, FTVLive, New York Magazine, Guardian, The Week, Bipartisan Report, The Huffington Post, WCTX-TV, Blog on the Run, The Wrap, Talking Points Memo, AOL, iMediaEthics, @alexweprin, @sopandeb, @rmac18, @thrmattbelloni, @kateirby, @mattdrange, @hadas_gold, @politico_media, @melbournecoal, @petersterne, @joeuchill, @kelseymsutton, Joe.My.God. and Fast Company

Shane Smith says Vice tried to buy The News of the World at the height of the phone-hacking scandal — The family-friendly entertainment conglomerate, worried about reaching young men in an era of cable-cutting, is betting big on the profane gonzo journalism of ex-punk rocker Shane Smith
@srabil, @jackmarshall, @hblodget, @keachhagey, @owlese, @perlberg, @mattgarrahan, @keachhagey and @keachhagey

Instapaper has been acquired by Pinterest and will continue to operate as an independent app — It will continue to operate as an independent app — Instapaper, a pioneering app for saving articles to read later, has been acquired — again. The app, which was created by developer Marco Arment …
Instapaper, TechCrunch, VentureBeat, Engadget, Bloomberg, Wall Street Journal, Recode, @mhbergen, @caseynewton, @kfury, Mashable, @brianroemmele, The Next Web, Fortune, Latest and MacStories

Sources: Google's Daydream service is launching “in the coming weeks” as the company pays YouTube stars for VR content and helps promote some Hulu projects — Company to release Daydream virtual reality service in weeks — Google said to back games, short films with YouTube celebs
TechCrunch, Fast Company, Engadget, The Next Web, The Verge and @bradstone

The New York Times has begun recruiting journalists for newsrooms in Canada, Australia — NYT FOR CANUCKS, AUSSIES — Morning Media has learned that the next two places The New York Times is targeting for expansion are Canada and Australia. The company has already dispatched research teams …
Nieman Lab, @ryanchittum, FishbowlNY and Mediaite

Sources: Amazon hopes to launch unlimited, ad-free, $4-$5/month Echo-only music streaming service in September, has yet to finalize deals with labels — Spotify, Apple Music and everyone else cost $10 a month. Amazon wants to charge half of that. — Amazon wants to launch …
RAIN News, Forbes, Washington Post, @mjassal, @pierce, TechCrunch, TIME, @affinegy, MacRumors, Mashable, Android Police, 9to5Mac, BGR, Consumerist, Engadget, GeekWire, AppleInsider, VentureBeat, Fast Company, The Next Web, ZDNet, Business Insider and Fortune

Sources: hackers believed by US investigators to be working for Russian intel have targeted NYT reporters, other US news outlets, in a series of cyber attacks — Hackers thought to be working for Russian intelligence have carried out a series of cyber breaches targeting reporters …
@leonardpittsjr1, @brianstelter, Joe.My.God., The Week and Poynter

Comcast's streaming app Watchable expands into original programming, with content due later this year from partners including BuzzFeed Motion Pictures — Comcast entered the cord cutting fray last fall with the launch of its online and mobile streaming service Watchable …

Amazon Studios Hires Former Chernin Group Exec Matthew Ball as Head of Strategy — Amazon Studio has hired former Chernin Group and Otter Media executive Matthew L. Ball as its new head of strategy, Variety has learned. In this newly-created role, Ball is going to define the strategy …

CNN Chief Executive Jeff Zucker said BuzzFeed was not a legitimate news outlet even though the network lifted 23 stories from the site without giving credit — CNN's Jeff Zucker said BuzzFeed is not a “legitimate” news organization. BuzzFeed didn't like that
@davidmastio, @lukeoneil47, @joelcifer, @rafat, @shani_o, @niemanreports and @niemanlab