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Anthony Weiner loses his Daily News column, put on indefinite leave from NY1, in wake of new sexting scandal — Multiple news organizations have moved to sever or suspend their ties with Anthony Weiner on Monday after new reports that the former congressman was involved in another sexting scandal.
New York Times, New York Post, The Daily Beast, Politico, Washington Post, Rolling Stone, USA Today, The Wrap, The Huffington Post, The New York Observer, Mediaite, Hit & Run, AOL, Hot Air, NBC News, Fortune, ABC News, Hollywood Life, Vanity Fair, RT, Mashable, PAPERMAG, Fast Company, NPR, The Daily Caller, Fox News Insider, Washington Monthly, Talking Points Memo, The Week, Refinery29, FishbowlNY, Complex, Mother Jones, The Concourse and iMediaEthics

Facebook's Trending News section features fake story about Megyn Kelly being fired, is shared thousands of times before finally being removed — Facebook has taken a story off its “Trending News” section after it was discovered to be a fake piece about Megyn Kelly being fired from Fox News.
Washington Post, Nieman Lab, Guardian, @kyletblaine, EndingFed News Network, Gizmodo, Digiday, Fortune, The Verge, Daily Mail, Press Gazette, Quartz, CBS News, Variety, Business Insider, @hadas_gold, PCMag Australia, VatorNews, @reformedbroker, Mashable, @tregp, @zeynep, @mattdpearce, Ars Technica, Refinery29, Forbes, @paullewismoney, Boing Boing, @mpoppel, @mattbraga, Talking New Media, @timkarr, Engadget, @mediaite, The Daily Caller and Vanity Fair

Fox News, with an average viewer age of about 70, is relying on a disappearing demographic, and it's unclear if younger audiences will replace them — October 7, 2016, will be the 20th birthday of the Fox News Channel, and at the moment, the network is experiencing the soap-operatic highs …
@mgsiegler, @senatorshoshana, @brucebartlett, @mattyglesias, @petbugs13, @jamessurowiecki, @mimbsy, @theatlantic, @lmoses, @deggans, @gruber, @dkthomp and @dkthomp

Fox News has become the most-watched US cable network for the first time in its history, but its ad sales are still far behind ESPN, according to SNL Kagan — Fox News is top audience draw, while ESPN has higher ad sales — Marketers still favor sports, youth over age, current events
@justin_b_smith, @niemanlab, @mcely and @chrispalmeri

Penguin Random House partners with NYC transit to launch Subway Reads, a temporary service providing subway passengers with free e-books for their commute — Rainier Velardo watched the basketball-player-tall man in the blue shirt who sat down next to him — the man had gotten on at the last subway stop …

As Google and Facebook dominate advertising, the digital media market is likely to shrink and consolidate; strategies up until now have all been untested bets — Not too long ago, a senior figure at BuzzFeed told me at a private lunch that although BuzzFeed was going strong, everybody else in digital media was screwed.
Business Insider, @owengood, @alex, @raju, @mrjohncrowley, @dskok, @ned_newhouse, @phil_rosenthal, @chrisseper, @sarahkendzior, @dkthomp, @simonmarksfsn, @brianstelter and @niemanlab

Sources: Shari Redstone, who has taken control at Viacom, is considering merging with CBS, though CBS hasn't received indication that a deal is imminent — Settled lawsuits free daughter of ailing billionaire to lead — Recombining Viacom with CBS is said to be under consideration
@gerryfsmith, @clay1016, @business and @cgasparino

Russia increases the flow of false news stories spread in EU and US on social media and outlets like Sputnik, sometimes spilling into traditional news media — STOCKHOLM — With a vigorous national debate underway on whether Sweden should enter a military partnership with NATO …

AP Executive Editor Kathleen Carroll defends the news wire's story about meetings Clinton took as secretary of state, says tweet was “sloppy” — Associated Press Executive Editor Kathleen Carroll is defending her organization's controversial investigation into meetings Hillary Clinton took …
Washington Post, ThinkProgress, @brianstelter, New York Times, The Huffington Post, New York Daily News, @apdiplowriter, The New York Observer, @eshap, Media Matters for America, @elanazak, Medium, @denngree, @jayrosen_nyu, @jayrosen_nyu, @raju, @johnmcquaid, @bobbymacreports, @taylorpopielarz, @lauraelizdavis, @johnmcquaid, @jeffjarvis, @mattyglesias, @chanders, @chanders and @jeffjarvis

Fox News seeks to move Andrea Tantaros case to arbitration; in legal papers, Fox says the former host “is not a victim; she is an opportunist” — Attorneys for Fox News Channel Monday sought to have a suit filed by a former correspondent, Andrea Tantaros, against the 21st Century …
Mediaite, The Huffington Post, The Wrap, TVNewser, New York Times, CNNMoney, Mediaite, @emilysteel, Yahoo Sports, @erikwemple, Washington Post, @poynter, Los Angeles Times, @hadas_gold and @variety

How Donald Trump might transform his campaign into an alt-right news network, with hosts including Sean Hannity, Ann Coulter and Milo Yiannopoulos — It's always wise to have a Plan B. And because Plan A — the Oval Office — is looking less and less likely, Donald Trump surely has something else in mind.
NBC News

Q&A with Time Inc. chief content officer Alan Murray on growing digital revenue, building audiences across platforms, and breaking down silos across brands — Alan Murray has been a journalist since he was a 9-year-old kid, publishing his neighborhood newspaper.
@jamcnn, @djbentley, @jeremymbarr, @alexjamesfitz, @byrogeryu, @keithtrivitt, @moreheadcain, @jamcnn, @editorialiste, @mathewi and @frankwords